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ESSA - 2023

Warm up:
Choose the alternative that best completes the following dialogue:
Bob: Do always get good marks on examinations?
James: Yes, I do. I guess it's because I do homework assignments and study a little every
Bob: How about Maria? Are grades good too?
James: Yes. She's very bright and enjoys studying very much.
a) You - yours – my – his

b) You - you – my – hers

c) Your - Your - your – me – your
d) You - your – mine – yours
e) You - your – my – her
Pronouns – Subject x Object
Pronouns – Possessive Adj. x
Posses. Pronous.
Practice time:
Choose the alternative that best completes the following dialogue:
Bob: Do always get good marks on examinations?
James: Yes, I do. I guess it's because I do homework assignments and study a little every
Bob: How about Maria? Are grades good too?
James: Yes. She's very bright and enjoys studying very much.
a) You - yours – my – his
b) You - you – my – hers
c) Your - Your - your – me – your
d) You - your – mine – yours
e) You - your – my – her
Pronouns – Reflexive.
Practice time:
Choose the incorrect alternative:
a) The hunter shot itself with his own gun.
b) She wants to buy herself a new coat.
c) Most girls like to look at themselves in the mirror.
d) I locked myself out of the house.
Pronouns – Interrogative.
Practice time:
Fill out the gaps below with one the following words: that / where / which / who.
1. That’s the store _ they buy their shoes.
2. The book, _ we’ve been reading at school, was written long ago.
3. These are the directors and movies I like.
4. Marie Curie is the woman _ discovered radium.
Mark the alternative that fills out, correctly and respectively, the gaps in the sentences above.
a) where – which – that – who
b) which – that – where – who
where – which – who – that
that – where – who – which
who – which – that – where
Pronouns – Indefinite.
Practice time:
Choose the CORRECT answer.
A friend: “How was your holiday?
Me: “Well, it was boring. I traveled .”
a) anybody
b) anything
c) anywhere

d) nothing
Pronouns – Demonstrative.
Practice time:
A New Buzz In Teaching And Learning: ChatGPT
We live in a world constructed by data and content. With thea vailability of AI chatbots, we can
generate tons of them, with just a few taps on our keyboards. Undeniably, ChatGPT is a powerful
and versatile language model, with the potential to revolutionize how we learn and interact with
machines. As the Chinese idiom says, "Water can carry a boat but can also overturn it." This
expression is a reminder that everything has its pros and cons, and it's therefore important to remain
aware of potential risks and take the necessary precautions. With this in mind, it’s of the utmost
importance to use this tool in a responsible and ethical manner, to ensure that the output aligns with
the desired use cases.
Practice time:
The pronoun in “its pros and cons” refers to the word
a) everything.
b) expression.
c) reminder.
d) water.
e) boat.
Practice time:
Assinale a alternativa correta quanto ao uso dos possessivos:
a) Take off your shoes and sit here by my side.
b) Angela is a good friend of my.

c) This is Peter’s house. It is him.

d) A tree drops it’s leaves in the autumn.
Practice time:
Complete the sentence with the CORRECT alternative:
- Whose are these shoes?
- They are shoes. They belong to . They are .
a) their – them – theirs
b) yours – you – your
c) his – he – him
d) our – us – ourself
e) hers – she – hers
Practice time:
Considering the demonstrative pronouns, check C for Correct and I for Incorrect alternatives. After
that, check the alternative that presents the CORRECT sequence:
(_) Look at those hawks in the sky.
(_) These are my books.
(_) Is these hotel nice?
C - C - I.
b) I - C - I.
c) C - I - I.
d) I - C - C.
Practice time:
Which type of pronoun used in the sentence "It’s a protective mechanism designed to keep wild
animals safe from predators and able to catch prey if the opportunity arises."?
a) Possessive pronoun.
b) Demonstrative pronoun.
c) Relative pronoun.
d) Indefinite pronoun.
e) Personal pronoun.
Practice time:
Mark the option that contains the appropriate pronouns to complete the sentences below:
Animals' teeth are changing composition.
That animal had teeth in perfect conditions.
He brushes teeth whenever he eats something.
If the patient dies, we call relatives.
The bacteria found way to the stomach.
a) (I) their, (II) its, (III) his, (IV) his, (V) their
b) (I) its, (II) their, (III) its, (IV) his, (V) its
c) (I) their, (II) its, (III) her, (IV) her, (V) his
d) (I) his, (II) their, (III) his, (IV) her, (V) their
e) (I) their, (II) his, (III) their, (IV) its, (V) her
Plural of Nouns – General rule


Plural of Nouns – s – ss – ch – sh – o – z – x



Plural of Nouns – y



Plural of Nouns – f – fe


Plural of Nouns – irregular
Man –
Woman –
Tooth –
Goose –
Foot –
Child –
Mouse –
Louse –
Ox –
Person –
Fish –
Practice time:
The word that DOESN’T have an irregular plural form like tooth – teeth is:
ox. foot.
c) cloth.
d) goose.
e) mouse.
Practice time:
Give the correct plural form of the words below:

Buffalo – Eskimo – Concerto – Person – Manservant – Thesis – Sister-In-Law – Die

a) Buffalos/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Personas/ Menservants/ Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice

b) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Persons/ Menservants/ Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice
c) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertoes/ Persons/ Manservants/ Theses/ Sisters-in-law/ Dice
d) Buffaloes/ Eskimos/ Concertos/ Persons/ Menservants/ Theses/ Sister-in-laws/ Deaths
e) Buffalos/ Eskimoes/ Concertoes/ Personas/ Manservants/ Thesis/ Sister-in-laws/ Deaths
Practice time:
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

Boys have big _ and girls have small _.

a) foots – ones
b) feet – ones
c) feet – one
d) feets – ones
e) foot – one
Practice time:
Assinale a alternativa que preenche corretamente as lacunas:

Boys have big _ and girls have small _.

a) foots – ones
b) feet – ones
c) feet – one
d) feets – ones
e) foot – one
Practice time:
Each one of the nouns below follow a different spelling rule when in its plural form:
1. car > cars 2. witch > witches 3. city > cities
Which combination of words below follow the same rules, in the same order?
a) notes – pens – glasses
b) cans – pennies – bowls
c) matches – patches – papers
d) dogs – watches – dictionaries

e) countries – tabs – babies

Practice time:
The plural form of “That kid is a good student” is
“These kids are goods students”.
“Those kids are a good students”.

c) “Those kids are goods students”.

d) “Those kids are goods studentes”.

Practice time:
A wrongly pluralised English uncountable noun can be found in alternative:
a) If advices were a good thing, they would never be offered for free!
b) “Bad news travels quickly” is a saying we all have plenty of experience about!
c) The whole country would be in complete chaos if there were any diminution of suburban
d) Exceptions to the rule are to be accepted provided strong argumentation is presented by the
e) Statistics has often been portrayed as a “terror” to students with difficulty in Maths.
Practice time:
According plural of nouns mark (V) for true and (F) for false and check the correct alternative.
( ) Singular: The police arrested the thief. Plural: The police arrested the
( ) Singular: I broke my foot. Plural: I broke my feet.
( ) Singular: I wear glasses. Plural: We wear glasses.

( ) Singular: My parents have a baby. Plural: My parents have two babies.

a) V, V, F, V.
b) F, V, V, F.
c) V, F, F, V.
d) F, V, V, V.
Practice time:
The word “children” (l. 10) is the plural of “child”. Mark the INCORRECT combination of singular +
plural form of the nouns.
a) Hero – Heroes.
b) Man – Men.
c) Half – Halves.
d) Woman – Women.
e) Tooth – Toothes.
Practice time:
The word “millennia”, in the first sentence of the text, is the irregular plural form for the Latin-origin
word “millenium”. Mark the alternative containing an English singular word followed by its correct
irregular plural form.
a) child – childrens.
b) date – data.
c) chief – chieves.
d) phenomenon – phenomena.
e) base – basis.
Have a great Saturday!

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