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M e d i c a l P hy s i c s a n d I n f o r m a t i c s • O r i g i n a l R e s e a r c h

Solomon et al.
Noise and Image Quality Indicators in CT Using Tube Current

Medical Physics and Informatics

Original Research
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Relating Noise to Image Quality

Indicators in CT Examinations
With Tube Current Modulation
Justin B. Solomon1 OBJECTIVE. Modern CT systems use surrogates of noise—noise index (NI) and quality
Xiang Li reference effective tube current-time product (Q)—to infer the quality of images acquired us-
Ehsan Samei ing tube current modulation. This study aimed to determine the relationship between actual
noise and these surrogates for two CT scanners from two different manufacturers.
Solomon JB, Li X, Samei E MATERIALS AND METHODS. Two phantoms (adult and 1-year-old child) were im-
aged on two CT scanners (64 and 128 MDCT) using a clinical range of NI (6–22) and Q (30–300
mA). Each scan was performed twice, and noise was measured in the mediastinum, lung, and ab-
domen using an image subtraction technique. The effect on noise from changing other imaging
parameters, such as beam collimation, pitch, peak kilovoltage, slice thickness, FOV, reconstruc-
tion kernel or algorithm, and patient age category (adult or pediatric), was investigated.
RESULTS. On the 64-MDCT scanner, noise increased linearly along with NI, with the
slope affected by changing the anatomy of interest, peak kilovoltage, reconstruction algo-
rithm, and convolution kernel. The noise–NI relationship was independent of phantom size,
slice thickness, pitch, FOV, and beam width. On the 128-MDCT scanner, noise decreased
nonlinearly along with increasing Q, slice thickness, and peak tube voltage. The noise-Q rela-
tionship also depended on anatomy of interest, phantom size, age selection, and reconstruction
algorithm but was independent of pitch, FOV, and detector configuration.
CONCLUSION. We established how noise changes with changing image quality indi-
cators across a clinically relevant range of imaging parameters. This work can aid in optimiz-
ing protocols by targeting specific noise levels for different types of CT examinations.

dvances in x-ray CT technology noise according to the selected image quality
and realization of its unprecedent- indicator. Therefore, an image quality indica-
ed clinical utility have resulted in tor can be thought of as a surrogate for expect-
an increase in the number of CT ed noise. The ATCM system eliminates the
examinations performed in the United States. need for a technologist to manually adjust the
This has resulted in a large increase in radiation tube current for different patients while at the
Keywords: CT, noise, noise index, reference tube
dose received by patients as a result of CT ex- same time automatically adjusting the tube
current, tube current modulation aminations [1, 2]. Automatic tube current mod- current to accommodate differing attenuation
ulation (ATCM) techniques were developed, properties within a patient habitus.
DOI:10.2214/AJR.12.8580 in part, in an effort to reduce dose and main- When designing and optimizing CT proto-
tain image quality for patients of different siz- cols, one is required to balance the need for
Received January 17, 2012; accepted after revision
June 4, 2012. es and shapes [3–6]. In CT examinations using acceptable image quality with the mandate to
ATCM, a level of image quality is targeted by keep radiation exposure “as low as reason-
All authors: Carl E. Ravin Advanced Imaging Laborato- setting an image quality indicator. The ATCM ably achievable.” This is especially important
ries and Clinical Imaging Physics Group, Department of systems then use patient size and attenuation for clinical tasks, such as pediatric lung nod-
Radiology, Medical Physics Graduate Program, Duke
properties to modulate the x-ray tube current ule detection, that are particularly sensitive to
University Medical Center, Hock Plaza, 2424 Erwin Rd,
Ste 302, Durham, NC 27705. Address correspondence to (i.e., photon fluence) to create images of the image quality. Li et al. [8] have shown that it
J. B. Solomon ( desired quality [7]. Generally, modulating the is possible to establish a relationship between
tube current according to patient size and shape measureable image quality and radiologist per-
AJR 2013; 200:592–600
is sought to control the photon fluence at the formance in pediatric lung nodule detection.
0361–803X/13/2003–592 detectors. Because image noise is inversely ATCM makes it possible to design protocols
proportional to the square root of fluence, these that will produce images of similar quality for
© American Roentgen Ray Society systems are attempting to control quantum patients of different shapes and sizes [9], but

592 AJR:200, March 2013

Noise and Image Quality Indicators in CT Using Tube Current Modulation

what measureable noise levels can be expect- according to the Q and individual patient size ferent patient categories was further explored on
ed for a given quality reference indicator? In and attenuation properties [9]. The Siemens the Somatom Definition Flash.
other words, if we know what noise level is Healthcare ATCM algorithm does not alter the Because of scan time restraints and the num-
acceptable to achieve a certain level of di- tube current according to any reconstruction ber of parameters investigated, data were not col-
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agnostic performance, how can we choose a parameters, nor does it attempt to achieve con- lected for every combination of the parameters
quality reference indicator to produce imag- stant noise levels across patients of different listed. Also, system limitations on tube output
es with the desired noise level? Complicating sizes. Given such a design and known physics made some acquisitions unachievable. For exam-
this answer is the fact that different manufac- of CT, one would expect actual image noise ple, at 80 kVp, the Discovery CT 750 HD cannot
turers apply ATCM differently and use dif- to be inversely related to the Q and be depen- achieve a tube current sufficient to image an adult
ferent quality reference indicators. dent on reconstruction parameters and patient patient at an NI of 6. In general, data were collect-
The purpose of this study was to quantita- size. The purpose of the study was to investi- ed by first choosing a reference protocol accord-
tively assess the relationship between actual gate how the actual noise in a patient image ing to clinical settings. The phantom was imaged
quantum noise and image quality indicators varies as a function of NI and Q across a range using this reference protocol at various values of
across imaging parameters in the context of of imaging parameters. the system’s image quality indicator. The refer-
two specific commercial CT platforms man- ence protocol was then changed one parameter
ufactured by GE Healthcare and Siemens Materials and Methods at a time, each time imaging with several image
Healthcare. Both platforms use simultaneous A 64-MDCT scanner (Discovery CT 750 HD, quality indicator values. This made it possible to
longitudinal (z-axis) and angular (x–y) mod- GE Healthcare) and a 128-MDCT scanner (So- systematically explore how each parameter af-
ulation, which has been shown to decrease matom Definition Flash, Siemens Healthcare) fects the relationship between noise and the im-
dose compared with systems that use only an- were chosen for this study. We investigated the age quality indicator in question. Reference pa-
gular modulation or no modulation [10]. On ATCM algorithm SmartmA (GE Healthcare) on rameters are indicated with footnotes in Table 1.
the GE Healthcare scanner, one selects a noise the Discovery CT 750 HD scanner and the ATCM Note that, on the Discovery CT 750 HD, the mini-
index (NI) and specifies minimum and maxi- algorithm CARE Dose 4D (Siemens Healthcare) mum and maximum tube current were set to their
mum tube current levels. NI is expected to re- on the Somatom Definition Flash scanner. Two lowest and highest available values to ensure that
flect the noise in the central region of a uni- anthropomorphic phantoms, representing an adult the required tube current (as determined by the
form phantom. The GE Healthcare ATCM male (73 kg) and a 1-year-old child (10 kg) (ATOM SmartmA algorithm) was not clipped during the
algorithm will attempt to produce images with models 701 and 704, Computerized Imaging Ref- scan. The phantoms were scanned from the top of
noise consistent with the selected NI, indepen- erence Systems), were imaged on the two systems. the lungs through the abdomen to include a range
dent of peak kilovoltage, patient size, and pro- A clinical range of imaging parameters was of anatomic and attenuation variations. Each scan
spectively chosen reconstructed slice thick- chosen to investigate the relationship between im- was repeated yielding duplicate series. Duplicates
ness [7]; therefore, one would expect actual age quality indicators and measured noise. The were then subtracted from each other to remove
image noise to correlate positively with NI parameters of interest were beam collimation, he- anatomy (i.e., signal) (Fig. 1).
and be independent of peak kilovoltage, pa- lical pitch factor, peak tube voltage, slice thick- For each series, three square regions of interest
tient size, and prospective slice thickness. On ness, reconstructed FOV, reconstruction algo- (ROIs) were defined: one in the mediastinum, one in
a Siemens Healthcare scanner, one selects an rithm, and the convolution kernel (reconstruction the lung, and one in the abdomen. Noise magnitude
image quality reference effective tube current- filter) (Table 1). Because Siemens Healthcare’s (pixel SD) in the subtracted images was measured
time product (Q). The Q represents the mean CARE Dose 4D modulation uses different atten- over multiple slices and averaged. These noise mea-
effective tube current used on a reference pa- uation curves for different patient age categories surements were divided by the square root of 2 to ac-
tient. The system then adapts the tube current (e.g., adult or pediatric), the effect of selecting dif- count for the noise added as a result of the subtraction

TABLE 1: Imaging Parameters Used to Acquire Data

Scanner Model and Manufacturer, Parameter Value
Parameter Discovery CT 750 HD, GE Healthcare Somatom Definition Flash, Siemens Healthcare
Phantom Adult malea and 1-year-old child Adult malea and 1-year-old child
Image quality indicator Noise index: 6, 9, 11.57, 16, 19, and 22 Quality reference effective tube current-time product (mAs): 30,
60, 75, 120, 150, 200, and 300
Beam collimation (mm) 40 (64 × 0.625)a and 20 (32 × 0.625) 38.4 (128 × 0.6)a,b and 38.4 (32 × 1.2)
Pitch factor 0.969, 0.984, and 1.375a 0.8a and 1.4
Tube voltage (kVp) 80, 100, 120,a and 140 80, 100, 120,a and 140
Slice thickness (mm) 0.625, 1.25, 2.5, and 5.0a 0.6, 1.0, 3.0, and 5.0a
Reconstructed FOV (mm) 150 and 340a 150, 340,a and 400
Reconstruction algorithm FBPa and 30% adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction FBPa and iterative reconstruction in image space
Convolution kernel Standard,a bone, soft, and detail B31fa and I31f
Note—FBP = filtered back projection.
aReference protocol against which other protocols were compared.
bThe actual number of detector rows is 64, but the use of a flying focal spot allows double sampling, resulting in 128 data channels.

AJR:200, March 2013 593

Solomon et al.

en NI, the noise-NI relationship was indepen-

dent of phantom size (< 7% difference), slice
thickness (< 5% difference), pitch (< 4% dif-
ference), FOV (< 7% difference), and beam
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width (< 4% difference) (Fig. 3). However,

anatomy of interest, peak kilovoltage, con-
volution kernel, and the reconstruction algo-
rithm all yielded a significant effect on the
relationship according the criteria described
in Materials and Methods (Figs. 3 and 4). On
average, for a given image series, lung noise
was 31% lower and abdomen noise was 25%
higher compared with mediastinum noise
measured in the same image series. This is
illustrated by the plots in Figure 4.
Given the design of the SmartmA algo-
Fig. 1—Example image of adult phantom (left) with subtracted image (right) showing location of lung and rithm [7] and the results already presented,
mediastinum regions of interest (squares). the noise-NI relationship is best described by
Equation 1:
process (i.e., error propagation). Also, the SD and co- ity indicator relationship were incorporated into
σ = σref · A = 0.936 · NI · A (1),
efficient of variation of noise across slices were re- the models. To determine whether a parameter
corded. The number of slices measured in each series had a significant effect on the noise–quality indi- where σ is the noise under conditions of in-
depended on the slice thickness, because a constant cator relationship, for parameters from which only terest, σref is the noise under reference condi-
axial length of approximately 6 cm was considered a few comparable noise values were available, ei- tions, A is an adjustment factor to account for
for each volume ROI. The in-slice size of the ROI de- ther the percentage difference or coefficient of deviations from reference conditions, and NI
pended on the phantom and the FOV of the particular variation was used. If the percentage difference or is the NI. The adjustment factor was found
series. ROI size varied between 1 and 4 cm2, which coefficient of variation was greater than the aver- by taking ratios of noise under conditions of
corresponded to about 360–1000 pixels per ROI. age percentage error of the measurements, the pa- interest to noise under reference conditions
The measured noise data were analyzed to de- rameter was deemed to have a significant effect. and describes the dependency of the noise-
termine the effect of scan and reconstruction pa- For parameters with many comparable noise mea- NI relationship on peak kilovoltage, anato-
rameters on the noise–image quality indicator re- surements, a paired Student t test (JMP Pro ver- my of interest, convolution kernel, and re-
lationship. For each system, noise was examined sion 9, SAS Institute) was used. If the p value was construction algorithm. Adjustment factors
as a function of its image quality indicator using less than 0.05, the parameter was deemed to have were calculated for each affecting parameter
a least-squares fit technique (Matlab 2010, Math- a significant impact on the relationship. so that an overall adjustment factor could be
works). Also, other parameters that were found to a multiplication of the parameter-based ad-
have a significant effect on the noise–image qual- Results justment factors, as shown in Equation 2:
Because each vendor implements ATCM
A = A Anatomy · AkVp · AKernel · A Algorithm (2).
in a different way, the results for each scan-
22 ner will be reported separately. However, These adjustment factors are tabulated in Ta-
20 there were consistent findings about the un- ble 2.
certainty associated with each noise measure- The model described by Equations 1 and
ment that should be mentioned initially. First, 2 maintains a close fit to measured data. Us-
Noise (HU)

changing the ROI size or location within the ing this model, the average residual magnitude
14 was found to be 0.46 HU (5% error) with a
anatomic structure of interest was found to
12 have little effect on the noise measurement. maximum at 2.5 HU (18% error). The root-
10 Overall, the variations due to ROI size (from mean square of residuals was 0.7 HU. In gen-
8 400 to 1600 pixels) and location (variable eral, residual magnitude was larger for noisier
6 within the anatomic region) were 3% and images, whereas the less noisy images resulted
8%, respectively. Second, the SD associat- in a higher percentage error. Please note that
4 9 14 19 ed with each noise measurement increased as the adjustment factors listed in Table 2 pertain
Noise Index the average noise increased. The average SD only to the range of values studied for a given
was 0.6 HU, and the maximum was 2.6 HU. parameter. The factors may not be directly ex-
Fig. 2—Plot of noise in mediastinum against noise
index for adult phantom under reference conditions
The average coefficient of variation was 9%, trapolated to other parameter values.
(120 kVp, pitch of 1.375, 40-mm beam collimation, and the maximum was 19%. On the Somatom Definition Flash, for every
slice thickness of 5 mm, and reconstruction with On the Discovery CT 750 HD, for every set of scan parameters, noise decreased with in-
34-cm FOV using filtered back projection and set of scan parameters, noise increased lin- creasing image Q. An example is given in Fig-
standard filter). Dashed line is added as reference to
show where noise index is equal to noise. Error bars early with NI. An example is illustrated in ure 5 for the reference protocol. The noise-Q
represent 1 SD. Figure 2 for the reference protocol. At a giv- relationship had little dependence on helical

594 AJR:200, March 2013

Noise and Image Quality Indicators in CT Using Tube Current Modulation

25 Coefficient of 14 Coefficient of 12 Difference = 3%
variation = 3% variation = 7%
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20 10
Coefficient of 8
Noise (HU)

Noise (HU)

Noise (HU)
Coefficient of
15 variation = 3% 8
variation = 8% Difference = 2%
10 6
5 2

0 0 0
11.57 22.00 6.0 11.57 6.0 11.57
Noise Index Noise Index Noise Index
Slice thickness = 0.625 mm Slice thickness = 1.25 mm kVp = 80 kVp = 100 Pitch = 0.984 Pitch = 1.375
Slice thickness = 5.00 mm kVp = 120 kVp = 140

12 Difference = 6% 14 12 Difference = 6%
Difference = 4%

10 12 10
8 Difference = 1% 8
Noise (HU)

Noise (HU)

Noise (HU)
8 Difference = 3%
Difference = 4%
6 6
4 4
2 2 2

0 0 0
6.0 11.57 6.0 11.57 6.0 11.57
Noise Index Noise Index Noise Index
FOV = 34 cm FOV = 40 cm Beam width = 40 mm Beam width = 20 mm Adult One-Year-Old

35 Coefficient of 14 Difference = 21%
variation = 64%
30 10
Coefficient of 8
Noise (HU)

Noise (HU)

20 variation = 64% Difference = 19%

6 Fig. 3—Noise in mediastinum compared with noise
15 index.
4 A–H, Bar graphs show effect of slice thickness
(a), peak kilovoltage (b), pitch (c), FOV (d), beam
5 2 collimation (e), phantom size (f), convolution
kernel (g), and reconstruction algorithm (H) on
0 0 relationship between noise and noise index. Each
6.0 11.57 6.0 11.57
plot represents alteration with respect to reference
Noise Index Noise Index
technique by one parameter. Reference parameters
Standard Bone Soft Detail Filtered back projection are underlined in legend of each plot. Error bars
Adaptive statistical iterativere reconstruction 30% represent 1 SD.

pitch factor (< 6% difference), FOV (< 5% dif- age, for a given image series, lung noise was where σ, σref, and A are the same as in Equation
ference), or detector configuration (< 8% dif- 27% lower and abdomen noise was 24% higher 1; e is Euler’s number, α, β, and γ are fitting
ference) (Fig. 6). However, the relationship was compared with mediastinum noise measured in parameters; Q is the quality reference effective
dependent on slice thickness, peak kilovoltage, the same image series. This is illustrated by the tube current; t is the slice thickness in millime-
phantom size, patient age selection, anatomy plots in Figure 7. ters; and kVp is the peak kilovoltage of the x-
of interest, and reconstruction algorithm (Figs. Given the design of the CARE Dose4D al- ray tube. The fitting parameters α, β, and γ
6 and 7). The significant impact on the noise- gorithm [11], and the results already present- were found using a linear least-squares fit to
Q relationship due to slice thickness, peak ki- ed, the noise-Q relationship is best described the natural log of noise. The adjustment fac-
lovoltage, phantom size, age selection, anato- by Equation 3: tor, A, was found by taking ratios of noise un-
my of interest, or reconstruction algorithm was eα der conditions of interest to noise under refer-
found to be significant according to the criteria σ = A • σref = A • (3), ence conditions and describes the dependency
(Q • t)β • kVpγ
described in Materials and Methods. On aver- of the noise-Q relationship on the anatomy of

AJR:200, March 2013 595

Solomon et al.

40 y = 0.694x 30 y = 1.254x for the same phantom and scan settings, ex-
R2 = 0.99143 R2 = 0.99602 pected noise may be different depending on
25 the selection of an adult or pediatric patient.

Abdomen Noise (HU)

30 The model described by Equation 3 fits
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Lung Noise (HU)

20 closely to measured data. The average residu-

al magnitude was 0.7 HU (9% error), and the
20 15
maximum was 5.7 HU (53% error). As with
15 the Discovery CT 750 HD, residual magni-
10 tude was larger for noisier images, whereas
5 the less noisy images resulted in a higher per-
centage error. Again, it should be noted that
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 the adjustment factors listed in Table 3 per-
A Mediastinum Noise (HU) B Mediastinum Noise (HU) tain only to the range of values studied for a
given parameter. The factors may not be di-
Fig. 4—Mediastinum noise compared with anatomic noise for all acquisitions on Discovery CT 750 HD scanner rectly extrapolated beyond those ranges.
(GE Healthcare).
A and B, Plots show lung (A) and abdomen (b) noise. Each data point represents different image series, but for
given data point, noise values being compared were measured from same image series. Plots provide way to Discussion
translate mediastinum noise to lung and abdomen noise. We have shown how noise changes as a
function of NI and Q across many imaging pa-
interest, phantom size, patient age selection, 3 is different from that of Equation 1 because rameters for two common brands of CT scan-
and reconstruction algorithm. Adjustment of the difference in the design of each manu- ners. To our knowledge, similar evaluations
factors were calculated for each affecting pa- facturer’s ATCM algorithm. have not been reported before. This work has
rameter so that an overall adjustment factor An explanation of the age adjustment fac- the potential to aid in protocol optimization.
could be a multiplication of the parameter- tor is warranted. On the Somatom Definition For example, observer studies can quantita-
based adjustment factors, as shown in Equa- Flash, when entering patient information, the tively show how radiologist performance for
tion 4: technologist selects the relative age of the pa- specific tasks is related to physical metrics of
tient (e.g., adult or pediatric). That selection image quality such as noise [8]. Equations 1–4
A = A Anatomy · APhantom · A Age · A Algorithm (4).
changes the attenuation curves used by the relate noise to image quality indicators and
These adjustment factors found are tabulated system to modulate tube current and there- other image acquisition settings. Therefore,
in Table 3 along with the values of the fitting fore affects noise. This effect is reflected by using Equations 1–4 in conjunction with the
parameters α, β, and γ. The form of Equation the age adjustment factor. This means that, results of observer studies helps one predict
radiologist performance for a given set of im-
TABLE 2: Adjustment Factors Used to Estimate Noise on Discovery CT 750 age acquisition settings. Translating image ac-
HD Scanner (GE Healthcare) for a Given Protocol Governed by quisition settings to radiologist performance
Equations 1 and 3 is necessary to optimize protocols. Further-
Protocol Adjustment Factor more, this work can help in achieving con-
sistent image quality for institutions that use
Tube voltage
80 kVp 1.08
100 kVp 1.02
120 kVp 1.00
140 kVp 0.94
Noise (HU)

Anatomic area of interest

Mediastinum 1.00 8

Lung 0.69 6

Abdomen 1.25 4

Convolution kernel 2
Standard 1.00 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350
Bone 2.62
Q (mAs)
Soft 0.81
Fig. 5—Plot of noise in mediastinum against image
Detail 1.05 quality reference effective tube current-time product
Reconstruction algorithm (Q) for adult phantom under reference conditions
(120 kVp, pitch of 0.8, 32.8-mm beam collimation
Filtered back projection 1.00 with flying focal spot, 5-mm slice thickness, and
reconstruction with 34-cm FOV using filtered back
30% adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction 0.84
projection and B31f filter). Error bars represent 1 SD.

596 AJR:200, March 2013

Noise and Image Quality Indicators in CT Using Tube Current Modulation

60 35 Coefficient 18
Coefficient of Coefficient Difference = 5%
of variation = 40% of
variation = 55%
30 variation = 49% 16
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Coefficient 14
of 25 Difference = 1%
40 variation = 55% 12
Noise (HU)

Noise (HU)

Noise (HU)
of 20 10
30 variation = 55% Coefficient
15 of
variation = 53%
20 6
10 5
0 0 0
75 150 300 75 150 300 75 150
Q (mAs) Q (mAs) Q (mAs)
Slice thickness = 0.6 mm Slice thickness = 1.0 mm kVp = 80 kVp = 100 Pitch = 0.8 Pitch = 1.4

Slice thickness = 3.0 mm Slice thickness = 5.0 mm kVp = 120 kVp = 140

18 7 Difference = 7% 16 Difference = 59%
Difference < 1%
16 6 14
14 Difference < 1% 12 Difference = 57%
Difference = 2%
Noise (HU)*
Noise (HU)

Noise (HU)
10 4 Difference = 2% Difference = 58%
Difference = 4% 8
8 3
4 4
2 1 2
0 0 0
75 150 300 30 60 120 75 150 300
Q (mAs) Q (mAs) Q (mAs)
FOV = 34 cm FOV = 40 cm 128 × 0.6 32 × 1.2 Adult One-Year-Old

8 18
Difference = 37% Difference = 35%
7 16

6 14
12 Difference = 36%
Noise (HU)*

Difference = 33%
Noise (HU)

10 Fig. 6—Noise in mediastinum against image quality
Difference = 36%
4 Difference = 30% reference effective tube current-time product (Q).
8 A–H, Bar graphs show effect of slice thickness (a),
6 peak kilovoltage (b), pitch (c), FOV (d), detector
2 4 configuration (e), phantom size (f), patient age
1 selection (g), and reconstruction algorithm (H)
on relationship between noise and Q. Each plot
0 0 represents alteration with respect to reference
75 150 300 75 150 300
technique by one parameter. Reference parameters
Q (mAs) Q (mAs)
are underlined in key of each plot. Asterisks indicate
Adult selected Pediatric selected Filtered back projection that these noise values were measured on 1-year-old
Iterative reconstruction in image space phantom. Error bars represent 1 SD.

scanners from multiple manufacturers. Us- age dependence of the noise-NI relationship physics principles (i.e., the noise is roughly in-
ing Equations 1–4, protocols could be written is not consistent with the design of SmartmA versely proportional to the square root of slice
to achieve similar noise levels from different and will be discussed further later in this arti- thickness) [12].
scanners for patients who are similar in size to cle. Measurable noise in different ROIs can be As mentioned already, on the Discovery
the phantoms used in this study. predicted from the selection of NI. One caveat CT 750 HD, changing the peak kilovoltage
Results on the Discovery CT 750 HD are is that the SmartmA algorithm will modulate did affect the noise-NI relationship, but as
mostly consistent with the design of SmartmA the tube current according to the prospective- Table 2 suggests, that effect was small com-
modulation [7]—that is, the system was able ly chosen reconstructed slice thickness. This pared with other factors. One must keep in
to modulate the tube current to achieve im- implies that changing the slice thickness pro- mind that noise magnitude is only one of sev-
ages of similar noise for different slice thick- spectively could have a large effect on patient eral metrics of image quality. This means that
nesses, pitches, and phantom sizes. Changing exposure. A retrospective reconstruction for a two images with identical noise magnitude
peak kilovoltage, however, did slightly affect different slice thickness will result in a change acquired at different peak kilovoltages do not
the noise-NI relationship. The peak kilovolt- in noise magnitude as predicted by known necessarily have the same image quality. For

AJR:200, March 2013 597

Solomon et al.

40 y = 0.7322x 70 y = 1.2362x
noise-Q relationship. For this reason, Equation
R2 = 0.99296 R2 = 0.99508 1 (representing SmartmA) has no dependence
35 60 on slice thickness, whereas Equation 3 (rep-

Abdomen Noise (HU)

30 resenting CARE Dose4D) does. The effect of
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Lung Noise (HU)

25 changing slice thickness and peak kilovoltage

40 is accounted for in Equation 2.
30 Our study shows that, for the same beam
15 width, double sampling (made possible by
20 use of a z-axis flying focal spot) had little ef-

5 10 fect on the noise-Q relationship (Fig. 6E).

Double sampling is analogous to halving the
0 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 0 10 20 30 40 50 width of each detector row. This means that
A Mediastinum Noise (HU) B Mediastinum Noise (HU) each projection measurement is noisier be-
cause there is half as much total x-ray fluence
Fig. 7—Mediastinum noise compared with anatomic noise for all acquisitions on Somatom Definition Flash per projection, but, because there are twice as
scanner (Siemens Healthcare).
A and B, Plots show lung (A) and abdomen (B) noise. Each data point represents different image series, but for
many projections in a fixed length along the
given data point, noise values being compared were measured from same image series. Plots provide way to z-axis, the noisiness of each projection can be
translate mediastinum noise to lung and abdomen noise. averaged out with slices that are thicker than
the detectors’ widths.
example, lowering the peak kilovoltage can across various convolution kernels does not Our study also shows that, on the Somatom
increase contrast [13] but can also introduce guarantee constant image quality. This is also Definition Flash, images of the 1-year-old
streak artifact. true in comparing images across vendors be- phantom had less noise compared with images
The results show that decreasing the beam cause each vendor uses different convolution of the adult phantom acquired with identical
collimation width has little effect on the kernels. Current work is being done to quanti- scan settings (Fig. 6F). Thus, the noise-Q re-
noise-NI relationship. However, changing the tatively compare noise texture across scanners lationship is patient size dependent. Also, our
beam width has other implications on image from different manufacturers; however, such a results show that, if one scans the same phan-
quality. Total scan time must be longer for a comparison is beyond the scope of this study. tom but changes the selected patient age from
narrower beam to achieve the same scan cov- Iterative reconstruction algorithms, such adult to pediatric, the modulation algorithm
erage. This has the potential to increase mo- as adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction will produce images with less noise (Fig. 6G).
tion artifacts. Also, a narrower beam is gener- and iterative reconstruction in image space, Thus, the noise-Q relationship is also depen-
ally associated with lower dose efficiency as have been shown to reduce noise for the same dent on which relative patient age (adult or
a result of increased overbeaming and over- dose compared with filtered back projection pediatric) is selected by the technologist. The
scanning [14–16]. The use of a wider beam [19–22]. The results of this study (Figs. 3H size and patient age dependencies of the noise-
will result in shorter scan times but will also and 6H) are consistent with those of other Q relationship were expected, given the design
introduce more x-ray scatter. Increased scat- studies. This result was expected given that of CARE Dose 4D, and highlight an impor-
ter generally degrades image quality [17]. neither SmartmA nor CARE Dose4D alters the tant distinction between SmartmA and CARE
It is important to note that neither the tube current according to use of iterative re- Dose 4D. As described already, SmartmA at-
SmartmA nor CARE Dose4D algorithm al- construction. It should be noted that the adap- tempts to produce images with the same noise
tered the tube current according to the pro- tive statistical iterative reconstruction images levels irrespective of patient size or shape,
spectively chosen convolution kernel. There- analyzed were 30% blended images (i.e., 30% whereas CARE Dose 4D attempts to maintain
fore, the choice of convolution kernel had a adaptive statistical iterative reconstruction and constant diagnostic image quality across pa-
large impact on noise (Fig. 3G). On the Dis- 70% filtered back projection). Further noise re- tient sizes. Here, diagnostic image quality is
covery CT 750 HD, the bone kernel had the duction would be expected for a higher percent- based on clinical assessment. As noted by oth-
largest impact. The convolution kernel not age, but a recent observer study by Miéville et ers, this system operates on the principle that
only affects the noise magnitude but also af- al. [19] suggests that, if adaptive statistical it- different-sized patients require different levels
fects noise texture as described by the noise erative reconstruction is used above 50%, sub- of noise to maintain adequate image quality
power spectrum (NPS). The NPS encapsulates jective image quality can actually decrease. [23]. The result of such an approach is that, for
both the variance and the spatial frequency The results from the Somatom Definition identical Q, the system will produce images
content of noise. Boedeker and McNitt-Gray Flash are consistent with the design of CARE with less noise for smaller patients and more
[18] have shown that images with the same Dose4D modulation [11], and Equation 2 is noise for larger patients. This is the reason that
noise magnitude but different NPSs appear consistent with known physics of CT—name- a phantom size adjustment factor was needed
to have a different noise texture. Noise power ly, noise should decrease with increasing tube in Equation 2. Such an approach to ATCM
concentrated at low frequencies is representa- current and peak kilovoltage. In contrast to could be justified because images of pediat-
tive of images with coarse graininess, whereas the SmartmA algorithm, CARE Dose4D does ric patients are more prone to breathing arti-
that at high frequencies implies a finer graini- not alter the tube current modulation profile fact and often lack soft-tissue contrast. Thus,
ness. The texture of the CT image may affect according to the prospective reconstructed less noise can be tolerated in pediatric images.
detectability of certain pathologic abnormali- slice thickness. As such, changing slice thick- The difference in noise between the medi-
ties. Thus, maintaining noise magnitude levels ness affects expected noise and, therefore, the astinum, lung, and abdomen that was observed

598 AJR:200, March 2013

Noise and Image Quality Indicators in CT Using Tube Current Modulation

TABLE 3: Fitting Constants and Adjustment Factors Needed to Calculate voltage. This function can be further adjust-
Expected Noise for a Given Protocol Using Equations 2 and 4 ed to account for differing anatomy, phantom
Protocol Adjustment Factor size, patient age selection, and reconstruc-
tion algorithm. This function is independent
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Anatomic area of interest

of pitch, FOV, and detector configuration set-
Mediastinum 1.00 tings. This work has potential to aid in op-
Lung 0.73 timizing protocols that employ ATCM and
Abdomen 1.24 to aid in achieving consistent image quality
across different scanners.
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