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Read the article quickly. Have you changed your mind Look atthe newspaper headlines. In your ‘pinion, which could never happen? Why? a LR ddd Alien life found on planet! omer en hha Pec AC ins yond " 2 about your answers in Exercise 1? Which ones? Read the article again and choose the correct answer, A, B, €or D. In paragraph 2 the witer suegests that ‘Awe ll never fad alien fe on other planes Beis impossible to Send signals to other gases, eS unlikely well near from extaterrestia D intligene cvlsations wil never ty to contact What does they refer toi ine 14 A miles B signals aliens planets In paragraph 3 the writer states that 1 "Hollywood screenwriters ae right about bots, ‘obots wil rule the works one day ere fs disagreement about the danger of bots, computer scientists know how consol bots, y are blackhole called blak? A because ght cannot shine From them because spaces dark because they are Formed from burnt stars because nobody can escape fom them what does the wert tunnels mean in ine £5? A spaceships B sateltes ‘C machines D passages ‘cording tothe wer, scientists ike the ides oF parallel universes because would 1 stop them disagreeing with each ater. 5 give them something to prove. help them solve some problems. make sclence more exiting, Find words and phrases in the article that mein the following. 1 creatures from another word (pra 2) 2 unlely (ara 2 3. an organiam thats soft and wobbly (para 2) 4 stop itoperating (para 3 5 assumptions people make about the future (ara 8) 6 unusual and strange (para 4) 7 a substance or material para 4) 8 becomes smaller and smaler (para 4) 9. aforce tat makes objects alto the ground para 4) 10 you are this when something unpleasant i cetain Tohappen to you (pa ‘moving with a sound lke water: moving very fas (pare) worl that are similar many ways (para 6) Imagine youre preparing co interview one ofthe world’s leading astronomers or physicists. What questions will you ak” Perhaps yout ike. know ifwe'e alone in the Universe whether robots wll one day rule the world orf + time travel wil ever be posible. Be warned? The answers ‘may be strange than fiction Lets scare th aliens, Wil we find them one day? Scientists say some planets may be suitable for fe, so this isjust possible there ae inteligne civilizations in space, they may be yng to contact us, so astronomers are alvays searching the galaxy fr signals. Thachancesas ‘ommunicacing with exrateresrals em very remote shoush,Ousgalapiearoundéoo noo mileswidsssaiby {he time our signal reach their destination, ey wll ave ben traveling for centuries. And even fthereislife out thee i ikelyto be jus primitive jy ‘So what about robots nclgenc machines are going to «ake over the world one day Well according to Holywood screenwriters, they are In The Terminator military leaders develop a war machine with artificial intligence, realise ies too powerful and try co shutit down. But the machine recruits an army of robots. Together they atack their human creators. Could this ell happen? Compucee scientist claim they never develop machines thac are sohard to contro. But at least one scientist believes that by the yar 2200 technologists will have bile machines that areas ever as humans He thinks thes wl replace humans one day ~ and maybe noc peacefully Lets cum from predictions to facts Have you heard of black holes? They're weit Stell-mass black hoes are formed in space when dying star explodes. The suf. or “mater, which remain after the explosion ~ lik bic of star ~ shrinks into a tiny space. The force of gravity around this space is immensely trong, so any objec that comes 25 to0 closes doomed Is just pulled inside. Nothngean escape ~ not even light! And because light cant leave the space the spaces invisible. That why it called a ‘lack hole: Now ust imagine you fall headfirst ino a black hole: Whac wil happen? Well your body will ge stretched 1 longer and longerand longer until youte lke one string of spaghetti And as you fl furthet, youl become a steam ‘of atoms, whooshing to the bottom ofthe hoe! Is chat trifying? We're not fished yet es just an ide, not even a theory, but some scientists wonder if there may 1 betime tunnels — kinds of passages in space. The call ‘them ‘wormholes: Go through a wormhole, hey suggest, and ies just posible you could travel nt the future But ‘wormhole they exis, are probably in. Could fture Scientist in a way to enlarge ther? leseems unl But that wort stop scents trying to inven other methods of ime travel Will humans be traveling in time ‘one day? Who can tell you think char just sc stem to this some physicists ae playing with the idea chat our universe is not alone. Maybe, they suggest there are othe similar universes, floating near oursin space, ike lors of cep bubbles. Events inches parallel universes! may be similar to ours or may have turned out sight eifrenh, Soin 2 parallel universe John Lennon may sllbe lve oll animals could have become extinct! san idea that would help physicists explain some ofthe contradictions their understanding ofhow the universe works. Bue ther no proofit’s tue So what ideas wll ints come upwith exe And who says sciences boring? Sum up Exam Need help with multiple-choice questions? 1 Read the text carefully. Dit look at the ‘questions yet 2 Read the question stem, Don't look at the options 2 ‘Scan the text forthe relevant Information For your question. Highlight I. 4 Now look atthe options and choose the best answer. 5 Lust tv predietons or facts bout the future from the aril. Some scientists think Pe untikely Prat we will = We definitely won't ill Speak up 1 Work with a partner and discus. 1 Wich parts ofthe atce do you id the most amazingor increible? Why? 2. Doyou thinkwellever beable o travel in cimet Why/Why ne a 11 Write the name ofthe person who works in each of these Fields, 1 scence scientist 5 geology 2 chemistry © physics 3 astronomy 7 technology 44 mathematics © il. 1 Listen and write which Feld of science each speaker (1-5) specialises in 3 Atl >.2 Listen again and note down some ofthe topic vocabulary that helped you Find the answers in Exercise 2. Seta ba) Having trouble choosing the right word. eg experience corexperiment Try checking the context. youre in 2 chemistry class, you likely tobe doing an experiment Nex, look fra possible collocation, You do oF cary aut an experiment Experience collocates with efferent verbs, Tke have or enjoy. 4 Choose the correct words. 1 My teacher says tm making/doing progress in biology. 2 They sent the auty technical equipment back to te produeer?manuracturer. 3. Dont you wish you'd patdlspent more attention in scence lasses? 14 Te ab assistant panicked because some chemicals had gone missing/ost 55 You should turn down the heating you want to save/preserve ener. ‘Ourschoot has a brandnew sence laboratorysvorkshop. ‘technician wil be here theo x the equipment soon. don't know how to warkiemploy he scanner ————— a 5 Complete the sentences with the correct form ofthese phrasal verbs, come up with end up shut down 1 Aniqventor has —_ an idea for hw to stop umbrallas blowing inside ou 2 They have the near processing plant because ofa fe 23 Terrorist tied to 3 chemical Factory, but they didnt succeed 4 Some predictions about the Future wil probably tobe rue '5 Sarah wanted to become a doctor, bu she studying astronony. {S Match the words (1-6) with the objects in the photos (A-F) 1 abeater 2 acalulator 3 asetofscales 14 atelescone 5 atest tbe 6 a thermometer Speak up 7 Work with a partner. Talk about a science lesson youve had recently. Did you do any ‘experiments? Ifo, what did you discover? Did youuse any of in Exercise 6? Game on It's easier to remember vocabulary if you list words together according to topic Have a go and challenge a partner! Close your books and write down 35 many words 3s you can in one minute on the top sclence, Then see who has the most words, — SS t GRAMMAR fetes taalnas teeta! “The Future Future simple He thinks perhops machines wil replace humans one doy going to IMochines are going to take over the word one day Present continuous The astronomer i giving tlk on black holes amorrou Present simple The science lecture starts inten minutes. Future continuous Foran actin in progres a future point in ime -arons wil be fiving inspec in fy years from now Future perfect focan ation completed before a particular time inthe fucare| By 2200. technologists wil have built machines Future perfect continuous for a continuous action completed before a particular time inthe Future By the time the signal reach their destination, they wll hhave been traveling for centuries Remember that future time clauses with ater, by the Lime, when, as soon as, until ete. use the present simple or present perfec. Don't use a future tense. 2 the tmeyou arr, Fi have fished my dss 11 Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets 1 A: Mlving you at three olock tomorrows that OK? BB: No.1 (do] my.exam then. Iestarts at wo and Finishes at lf past four Tm having trouble with my chemistry project. ‘Oh dear |___thep] you. if you he: Lets meet at six otdck tonight. OK? Sorry |____ not fins my homework by then What do you want from your parents fr your birthday? Fin not sure. |__ (el) you as soon as deci Have you decided wat todo when you eave schoo” Yes, ve known that forages! 1 (study) computer graphics 6A: According tothe departure board, the fight ro Mexico at 19.00. B: No. that cant be right. My ier says it 2818.0. leave) B choose the correct words. 1 Carswil have evens be avin themselves inten years time 2. Wevnilhave been ciscovering wil ave cdscovered how to bul cies under water by the year 2300, 3. Weil have been using use robotsas ‘servants for years when this century ends 4 I precice that scientist wil have sent/wi nave been sending a manned mission to ‘Mars by 2200, ‘5 My bets thatin 30 years time we wf ave ‘been fying/wl be fying to workin personal Jet packs instead of siting in taf jams {6 5y 2050 thnk doctors wil hove been Jearning/ wi have learnt how to change our DNA so we cane uni wee 2001, ‘3 Make predictions and say which you agree with. Then add your own predictions. 1 some time in the future /robote sods / Fight / wars against human beings 2 by 2026 / computers / replace / teachers 3 inten years time / tigers / become /einct 4 atsome point inthe Fture /eiminals/ ‘wear / invisibly lakes 5 inthe nent quarter ofthe century / ars ly 6 by 2100 / people / sete onthe moon 4 Complete the questions withthe correct Form ofthe verbs in brackets, Then ask and answer with a partner. 1 (you/go) anywhere interesting ‘nigh? 7 (you/sive) in his town in ten years fom now, do you think? 3 Doyouthink (yourteaver Schoo) by this time next year? 4 Doyou think (you/get) maved bythe time youre trey? 5 What (you/do) tis time 6 By the end of his year how long (you/study Engst? Speak up 'S Work with a partner. Make predictions ‘about how you think your partner’ life wi hhave changed by the year 2050. What wi, hne/she be doing? See I he/she agrees. USE OF ENGLISH Vocabulary 11 Would you tke to live tobe 100? What do you think the world wil be lke then? Sete baa) Dependent prepositions [Many vers, nouns and adjectives are usualy fellowed by a paicular prepastion. Sometimes Tes hardto see wy one prepositions used rather than anather So, remember to record and earn ew words withthe prepostions they go with There's been an increase in scence competitions ‘must apologise for being late Im araid ofhoving an accident £2 Complete the questions with these prepositions. Then ask and answer witha partner. at 0 for (2) of 62) 1 Which achievement are you most proud 2. Wich subject are you best. schoo 3 Who in your family are you most similar 4 Bre you esponsibie school o at hme? 5 le ehereanyeing you dd wen you wee young that youre ashamed 6 What wuld you moxie be ames anything at 3 choose the correct answers. 11 Our future heath depends on/o advances in/ ‘on medical scence 2 The palitcan insisted at’on meeting the specialist ofn space research 13 The scence department wil benef from the Increase by government funds, 4 On our schoo tip we had a choice over” between a visio the sence museum anda visio an art galery. opted foto the museum. '5 Mrs Davies has alent anor acting and she rellesfor‘on this when she's demonstrating Sclence experiments! [agree avwith you that teresa lack int good facies around here. 4 Read the article and choose the correct answer, A,B, Corb. = fa >o So, you want to wo, live for ever? Do you fancy living for 400 years? Would you get your body frozen after death util scientists nd a cure 1) whatever killed you? We canal benefit2)__the impravernents that modem mecicine has brought and teday’s young aeople ‘canlve longer anc healthier lve. ut for some people thie isnot enough, They 3) inne They elave hat ving for hundred of years within &) ‘Cosmetic urgary can keep us looking young, but, eventually, our internal orgons vil 5) ike the parts of an old car, How can we keep our insides young? Scientists have 6) To reverse the ageng process in mice so that they lve longer. Uti this becomes ‘a eal for humans, some people a 7), 2 lot of money to cryogenic companies to have thei dead bodies razen. They hope that future scientist willbe able ta bring them back to He, But whet i those companies jus switch ofthe freezing machines” Who's going to complain 8) ? Tact Bho Cat on 2Avih Bey Com Dat 3 Ahope B expec C long D wat 4 Are Baga Chol touch 5 Atreow B rnout C wearout D falout 6 A manages B compesed € Siceeded D found 7A protting B pang C costing B caiuiaing B Aon Biwth about B for Speak up '5 Would you ke to lve for ever? Why/Why not! Grammar tee uaa nested Future in the past for plans mace inthe past that cnt happen Iwas going Phrases for talking about the future be about to: when an action f going to happen in the immediate future Imy dod's about to go Into ospit be due to: when theresa fkea time Doss due to.90 5 June be (unjkey to: when were talking about the probabilty ofan action The research is key 0 help young people ve o 13.3 Read the message and choose the correct answers. Then listen and check your answers. Helen? Hi. i's Dave. m phoning from aur landline because ve lost my mobile phone ~ again! ust 2) duerabout to leave to catch the Bus to school and thought 2) was going to give you a ringiustto say that 'm 3) not aboutunikely tobe able to make the party tonight. ve got a big science test tomortow and | must do some revision tonight, otherwise m4) aboutiely 10 get a big fat zero! 15) Would/was going t do itast night but I needed to get my maths homework one. So, sorry! Anyway, 'd better go because the busi 6) tkely/due to arrive in two minutes. 7) rm going toring you when | find my phone! Have a good time atthe party! 2 Ask and answer with a partner. 1 What due ro happen tomocrow? 2 What ae you tely to watch on TV in the next few days? 3 Whatare you about ro do now? 4 what were you going to do last nighe but de? wy? Awesome science '3 Complete the online survey with one word in each space. reg PES a LiL icy Last week we asked you what your 1) Important possession was and niney-fveperoantof you sid it was your phone. Sclentiss sy that its soon 2, to be possible to implant eectroric devices under our skin so that we 3) tak them with us eveyhere. Apparent, exper wil 4) erecodtne technology within afew yoars and gadgets under he skin wil become the next must-have syle items! Wl 3 able to conl the mini phones just 5) __teuching ‘ur skin nd they vibrato lt us know when we've got call. Understandably there's been a mixed reaction 8) this news. Suppose it goes wrong, could it cause an infection? So, today’s main survey question i ths: 7) your phone so important to yu that you would have it Implanted under your skin? Answer 8) —_—_ ‘question and al he others in our onlin survey. Dnt forget to adda comment - we lve hearing your toughis! Speak up 4 Work with a partner and discuss. 1 Would you have an electronic device ke a mobile phone implanted under your skin? 2. What other devies can you imagine being implantecin te future? ia—"""“*"""""s LISTENING Power up 11 Some people say that we take to0 many medicines today. What do you think? 2 Match the words (1-8) with thelr meanings (2-h) 1 antibiotic 5. antdepressant 2 disease 6 organ transplant 3 mould 7 enmune 4 awe 8 palnkiler fa acrug that makes people feel happier Bb an operation to give semeone a new heart ine, ete ‘make someone better 4 acug that we take when we have a headache, et. facut kil bacteria and stop an infection fF notaffected by something anymore fg adangerous illness Fh Something which grows on 0 food Listen up 3. tl 5.4 You are going to hear a man talking about deveioping new medicines. Look atthe photos. ow do you think these animals can help scleniss? Listen and see if your ideas were correct 445.5 Usten again and complete the sentences vith one or two words In each space, 1 We started to use antibiotics in 2. Alexander Fleming made an important ater a family holiday 2. iesposible that some major diseases might if we don'thave good antbiets. 4 People can pick up dangerous infections tay 5 nthe past anibitics were given regularly outside the medical profession by, 6 Wedepend on wo finance and produce new medidnes, 7 Wehavertthad a new antbiote since the 8 Sdenists have to lookin unusual _ to ind possibie answers to the problem ‘9 The idea of using allgator blood came fron 2 selentist called ‘Merchant. 10 ABs sclentisthas used the of an Insect in his research, Speck up 5 Would you love or hate to do these obs? Why? ‘doctor + researchscientist + scence teacher 5 what medical discovery would you like to see soon? Why? SPEAKING Power up 1 Look atthe photos. What questions ‘could an examiner ask about them? Work with a partner and ask him? her your questions. B il 3.6 Here are some questions about the photos. Listen ro two Students. Which question are they answering? 1 what are the attractions of ‘becoming an astronaut? 2 Doyou think we spend too much on space research? 3 Doyou think people from Earth wi ‘ever colonise another planet? ‘3 Read what the same students sald about one of the other questions In Exercise 2. Which question are they answering now? [Im not sure about this one’s hard to say really |uppose, I Tim nonest | would say yes. fee ‘quite strongly that there are <0 ‘many problems that wee got to eal with here on Earth Surely, Wwe ought to desl with those fs Father than spending bllons of pounds on investigating whether there's water on Mars or how many {galanes there are out therein the Universe. People here are dying From famine and droughts. But we throwaway al this money on trying to reach estant star! You must agree with that B: Wel, partly agree. min cwo minds on tis one. Yeah know we need to help people here =1 couldnt agree more! But also. Space research is all about leaning about who we are and our place 8 the universe, And you know, they ream things from space misions that havea practical use on Earth — Ike In medicine. 1: suppose youre right. There are efintely two sides to the question. Gp Avencme ace 4 Read the conversation in Exercise 3 again and find examples of these Functions 1 gluing reaction othe question asking fran ofinion 2 ving an opinion 5 agreeing 3 Elving an example co supporcan opinion 6 partly agreelg [5 Match these phrases with the functions (1-6) in Exercise 4, > | agree up toa point. Ive never thought about chat before. You'e totaly right. That is very true. Ifyou look at Forinstance,.... believe that... That's really tricky question Tim with you on that, How do you feel about... ? © Work with a partner and discuss the questions, Take turns to be Student A and Student B and follow the steps on the roe cards. Use as many useful phrases From this page as you can. 1 Should teenagers be prevented from having cosmetic surgery tnt they reach a certain age? 2. How can we solve the Earths growing population problem? 3 Should scientists be allowed to use animal parts ia transplan surgery? 4 Are you optimistic or pessimistic about the future? Student A * Give your opinion + Give reasons, + Give an example. + Ask Student B for his/her opinion ‘student 8 1 Agree lsagre or partly agree with Student A. + Give reasons 7 Work with a partner. Turn to page 150. Follow the instructions. te EEE WRITING Power up 1 Read the advert, Would you like to take a trip In space? oo ae ae ier ed pen cn ero far Ln ee pees ee 2 Make alist of the good and bad points of a holiday in space Plan on 3 Read the essay prompt. You have to include three points in your answer. Two points are given and you have to think ofthe third yourself, Whar would you write about for the third point? “We will soon be able to go on holidays in space. Do you think alt of people wil want to do this? Include these points cost + danger + your own dea Wire your essay in 140-190 words 4 Read a student's essay. Is the third point she chose the same as yours? Do you agree with her opinion? Space travel will soon be possible for everyme, not ust astronauts, Even new, snl munbers of people an get a ticket to 20 up in a cocket and spend 9 short ‘ine in an atmosphere with no gravity! So, wil this soem become a popular aternatve to sunbathing on the beach? Somehow, I don't think so! Fiesty ging into space ~ even fer just 2 stort tine is extremely expensive and at the moment aly very rich people can afford it. In my opinion, the costs won't cone down for many years, It wil be a tic person's halday for a very lng Hine. Secondly, gcing into space em be very dangerous, There ‘are dangers when rockets take off and land aed it can ‘so be dangerous for sone peaple’s heath, Astronauts have to be extremely fit and they get 2 lot of tring before they go into space, Firly, T'm not sure that after the frst few hows | 2 trp in space woud be very interesting. Throw the | view of the Earth from space. must be wonderful and experiencing zero gravity would be cool, But what then? Going courd and cound the. Eacth in a closed space eauid be gite claustrophobic for 2 lot of pecrle, On balance, I have to say that athawh it sands 2 _gteat idea, T don't shirk space holidays wil ceplace 2 ‘week in the sun in ay lifetime, 'S Answer the questions about the essay in Exercise 4, Has the student 1 answered the question and used al the points’ 2 dvided the essay inca clear paragraphs thac deal with citferent points? 2. given an interesting Introduction? 4 vena good concusion that finishes the essay Satisfactory? 5 given some examples to support her opinion? 6 -kepeto the word nt? LA * G Here are some ways you can make an Introduction more interesting forthe reader. Put them in the order (1-3) they are used inthe essay in Exercise 4 1a Ackthe reader a direct question " Give your own opinion Inckide some facts, 7 Underline the words the student used to put her paragraphs in order 1B Wirite these words and phrases in the correct column. Another interesting thing i Onthe other hand... Not everyone thinks th Fist ofall... However, ‘Some people think thar. As well as this Inconel in with, * In addition to this... We mustne forget tha : Experts say that eras ing. Referring ‘9 Complete the sentences with your own ideas. 1 Governments spend alot of public money on space research, However 2. Overpopulation s becoming a big problem on arch As well as this, 3 Iewould be great if scientists could invent a way to teleport people. On the other hand, 4 We are quickly using up the natural resources on Earth Experts say that '5 Im not sure that having cosmetic surgery fs good thing T begin with {6 Buiding more nuclear power stations might be very dangerous. We must forge that Write on 110 How important do you think science lessons are for students? Do you enjoy them? Why/Why not? Awesome science eta ested Giving opinions ‘tml believe that. | personaly fee that. Ietequitecleor tot Fesoy that fully agree tht. 11 Work with a partner. Read the essay prompt ‘and discuss what you could write about for the third point ‘Students shouldbe allowed to give up sclence lessons at school when theyre fourteen If they cont enjoy them. Include these points: future career + not motivated + your awn idea Wire your essay in 140-190 words, Exam Dont start suring an essay straightaway. Plan it and ‘make notes frst. Also, remember that there i ne Fight or wrong answer - i's all about your opinion. ‘T2 Plan your essay. Remember to do these things. 1 Give your essay an interesting introduction. 2. Give points both for and against he statement 3. Give your own opinion with reasons. “4 Summarise your ideas In the conclusion. 113. write your essay. Then read it again. Rememoer to-do these things. 41 Check your grammar. 3. Check your punctuation. 2 Check your speling. 4 Checkyourparagraphing, fo SECRETS OF SPACE sci : You are going to watch a clip about back holes. {Guess the answer. Then wateh and check Do the rule of physics help us understane everything there ito knew about bck holes? AA Yes, completely. No, blac noles break ale rules, © Only uptoa certain point 2 Choose the correct answer, A oF B 1 Why do scientists beleve there fsa blackhole Inthe centre of our gala? 1A Because its ust visible through telescopes. B. Because ofthe movement of certain tars. 2 According tothe video, some back holes are ‘Aas small as an atom, B bigger han the stars they come from. 3. Inwhat way do bck holes resemble wateral? ‘A You are cared towards them and ata ‘certain pint you can'tescape. B As you reach the centre, you ae stretched lke a sing of Spaghetti 3 Isitimportant to explore the universe and ‘send rockets to distant planets or does It cost too much? Explain your views. Project ‘4 Workin groups. Give a presentation or make video in which you af tak about the sky at ‘ight. Identify some of the objects you can see and explain what you know about them. Iryou want to see stars eory, you need to ‘On avery clear nigh you shouldbe able to see The tightest star you can see i The goloxy/panet you con see here is called Word List - Science-related words sot) Zocrpeticey Rte Sat eee corn” Bee) Mages eaters | eri remote (adi) cour EG” Sah el emer cae” beat? aber Suet coe ecoe a oe experience r/v) (a), ‘experiment {n/) painkiller (0) transplant (9) Phrasal verbs canyou ——endup takeover ome upwith shutdown tum out Dependent Prepositions advancesin choice betmeenprovdat airaidot dependontelyon agreewitn ——_incrensein——_responsbeor spobgsefor Inston Simi to Shamedot —_lackor Specltstn Benet from oper talenttor estat Other words and Phrases Getecton (n)_perfectthe soap buble(n) Fancy) tecmnology stranger than implanc(av¥) play with the ideation mixed reaction rerul(y) tricky question ‘maul o) shrink weird (2c) (OMe lain) elec) 11 Read the article and choose the correct answer, * AB,CorD. ay lot of changes to our everyday Iifestyles, but ‘one ofthe biggest has got to be haw we read In technology have made 2 books. Since the 2) ___of the e-book, there has been a significant change to our reading habits. Given the choice 3) taking a couple of heavy paperbacks on holiday oF an e-book deviee lke a Kindle, most of us, ‘including our parents and grandparents, would ‘unsurprisinaly opt 4) the Kindle But what would our lives be lke with no books at al? 13. 5) ~ question. Some ‘educational specialists are 6) predictions that in the future wa won't even ‘Bee books in classrooms ~ everything ll be done online! 7)__ofthe idea Of getting rid of books say that there will ‘always be a need for paper-based versions of materials. However, tobe realistic, we have to ‘accept that there is a8) chance that in a decade's time schools and dassrooms wll be book-free! What do you think of tat? 1A Progression B Advances Increases D Successes 2 A discovery B experiment € invention D creativity 3 A between Bio © over D through 4 Aon Boat cof D for 5 A funny B treky naughty D special 6 A doing B putting © taking +B making 7A Enemies B Alternatives © Opponents Contestants BA far B remote distant D long 2 choose the correct answers. {Got to rush now! 5ee/Tm gong to see you ‘after schoo ‘Weil be studying/hove stualed the stars and planets next term, wort be fishinghave fished this report by “Tuesday, tm ara Concentrate! The teacher's obout/éve to gheus ur tes resus ean come round ater because meetin ‘meeting Geo in the Incernet café at 4.30. By the time you gether. be downloading? have downloaded alte information we need for the projec We were gaing/key to do an experiment ouside, but then rained, ‘The schoofs going to replace some of our old computers, Ou thee lkeyunttey replace them al ‘3 Complete the sentences with prepositions. 1 2 3 We carried inscience yesterday. twas rely rage tthe teacher in css ast week ‘andtin ashamed mse Tiny go fora wake out rely depends the wet anyeane ‘th afte or 2 oot 6og al ihe weathers entered forte invention af he Yar compestion pink they sbouis hue athe tude power stators, don you? ‘There are tof development projects in Aca noel Benes the money ised by this char, ‘The Science Muscum ad closed by the time we got tee so we ended ging shopping instead ‘Theexperiment dnt work umes that weld added he wrong chemicals! an lneresting experiment 4 Read the definitions and write the words. ‘being that ves on another plane the force that puls us doin to Earth 'a person ho studies mathematics Something you use to chece ow hot something Is Someone who dsagrees with an ea 8 place where scientists do experiments the study ofthe stars and planets

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