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1 nutrition its importance

Diet Is what humans animals consume on

daily bases
Balanced diet This includes the perfect amount of
each nutrient
Nutrition The intake of nutrients
by an
for energy production tissur repair other
vital processes
Nutrients Chemical substances taken
by us play
an important physiological functions

fats produce the most energy Two times more than

Carbs proteins

I Kj 1000 Calorie is defined as the energy

I Cal calorie rKcal required to raise the temp of lg of

O calorie H2O to Me at 1 atm
One Calorie 1000 calories

big c small c
Carbohydrates Starch sugars found in fruits veggies

found in potatoes together

Cevealgrains dairy products eg milk honey

Yams beans
Cellular respiration Chemical

Stauch Glucose Process that releases energy

excess glucose 9409 infood by breaking down nutrients

in presence of 02

Plants stove glucose as starch

Fiber Roughage

Type of carb
whole wheat grains are rich in fiber than
refined wheat grains
Decrease bowl diseases eg consipation to
Insoluble fiber cellulose is hard to cancer of large Intestine

digest thus add bulk to poop

Peristalsis repdive contraction relaxation of the smooth

mucks in the alimentary canal
Fats animal origin are usually saturated fats

solid at 2sec have fatty acid chain
that lack double bond with carbon
Iron atoms
they also have

Unsaturated fats liquid at 25 c E have EC

chicken fish avocados andmostoils


Fats are stored under adipose tissues

under the skin Which keeps us warm

Proteins nine essential proteins

You getthem from eggs redmeatete

and beans Peanuts etc

Proteins help in repair growth used to synthesis enzymes

and hormones and other molecules

Excess is converted to carbs Glugose

During deamination proteins Carbs ammonia
for cellular to uvea d
respiration to makeurine lipid
Mineral salts Iron Calcium Inorganic
leafyfood leadsdairy products
if lignd G MEGAMI
Present in
needed for formation blood plasma

of hemoglobin helps
enzymes work

vitamins Complex organic

help in metabolic reactions growth of body

Water soluble fat soluble
Vitamin C ascorbic acid vitamin D calciferol eg egg yolk
liver meat
Systhesis of collagen protein strong bones teeth
found in skin that keeps it healthy

Helps with immune system

Water Solvent 55 654

transport medium waste essential

Its where chemical reactions happen in the cell

Balanced Diet
active move
energy meaning more food
basal metabolic rate energy per unit time
needed to perform the different functions

while at rest Oldppl need less food m du

unbalanced Q
Can cause malnutrition excess or deficit
Obesity being overweight
BMI Weight 18 25 normal
height go or more bad news

This can cause strokes diabites a heart diseases

CAD Coronary artery diseases

CAD Coronary heart diseases thing

Starvation low Intake malnutrition

kwashiorkor lack of proteins in diet you swell

Emaciated very with ribs showing

Marasmus Low Calorie intake

anemia lack of Iron
scurvy lack of vitamins bleeding gums not healing wounds
rickets lack of vitamin D weak bones 47
Constipation Painful bowl movement I evacuation
Ingestion taking in of food through mouth
digestion mouth Intestines breakdownof largemoleculesinto small ones
Absorbtion movementof watersolublemolecules into blood stream then to diff body
asimilation Uptake of nutrients glucose amino acids Parts

egestion converting nutrients into components which the cells

and tissues can take in


are tissues gingiva
Crowne visible part its covered

by an enamel It is sensitive
EE these lines are the
to acids ligaments thatanchorthetooth

Dentine living part contains cytoplasm

02 is providedby the pulpcovity

Contains nerve endings too

Cement hard mineralized tissue

It surrounds the root
Humans have 4 canines
8 Incisors Cusps grinding surface
Adults 12 molars of the tooth
Molars 5 6 Cusps

Plaque Sticky layer Pre Molars two or more

this may cause tooth decay

Abscess collection of pus in the tissues

swelling redness pain

gingavitis Plaque can stick to the gums and cause

Inflammation Swollen bleeding gums
It does not cause pain

Tartar calculus Its hard to remove once formed

Alimentary canal Passage from mouth to anus
digestive tract

Accessory organs
organs that
secrete digestive juices

eg liver gallbladder Pancreas Salivary glands

Mechanical D A Chemical D

Maltase maltose glucose t glucose

Lactase Lactose glucose galactose
sucrase Suero s glucose t fructose

Peptidase Polypeptides into amino acids

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