Adolescent Cannabis Use, Cognition, Brain Health and Educational Outcomes A Review of The Evidence

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European Neuropsychopharmacology (2020) 36, 169–180

Adolescent cannabis use, cognition, brain

health and educational outcomes: A review
of the evidence
Valentina Lorenzetti a, Eva Hoch b, Wayne Hall c,∗

School of Behavioural and Health Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Australian Catholic University,
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Cannabinoid Research and Treatment Group, Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University
Hospital, and Division of Clinical Psychology and Psychological Treatment, Department of Psychology,
Ludwig Maximilian University, Munich, Germany
Centre for Youth Substance Abuse Research, The University of Queensland, St Lucia, Queensland,

Received 3 October 2019; received in revised form 10 February 2020; accepted 13 March 2020

Cannabis; We review the findings of systematic reviews and meta-analyses of case-control studies that
Cognitive effects; examine brain functioning and cognitive correlates of adolescent cannabis use using structural
Adolescence and functional neuroimaging tools and standardised neuropsychological tests. We also exam-
ine prospective epidemiological studies on the possible effects of adolescent and young adult
cannabis use on cognitive performance in adult life and the completion of secondary education.
We summarize the findings of studies in each of these areas that have been published since the
most recent systematic review. Systematic reviews find that adolescent cannabis use is incon-
sistently associated with alterations in the structure of prefrontal and temporal brain regions.
Meta-analyses reveal functional alterations in the parietal cortex and putamen. Differences in
the orbitofrontal cortex predate cannabis use; it is unclear if they are affected by continued
cannabis use and prolonged abstinence. Longitudinal and twin studies report larger declines in
IQ among cannabis users than their non-using peers but it is unclear whether these findings can
be attributed to cannabis use or to genetic, mental health and environmental factors. Several
longitudinal studies and a meta-analysis of cross-sectional studies suggest that there is some
cognitive recovery after abstinence from cannabis. Longitudinal studies and some twin studies

∗ Corresponding
author at: 17 Upland Road, St Lucia QLD 4072 Australia and the National Addiction center, Kings College London, United
E-mail address: (W. Hall).
0924-977X/© 2020 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.
170 V. Lorenzetti, E. Hoch and W. Hall

have found that cannabis users are less likely to complete secondary school than their non-using
controls. This association might reflect an effect of cannabis use and/or the social environment
of cannabis users and their cannabis using peers. Cognitive performance is altered in some do-
mains (e.g. IQ, verbal learning) in young people while they are regularly using cannabis.
There are two important messages to adolescents and young adults: First, cannabis has po-
tentially detrimental effects on cognition, brain and educational outcomes that persist beyond
acute intoxication. Second, impaired cognitive function in cannabis users appears to improve
with sustained abstinence.
© 2020 Elsevier B.V. and ECNP. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction potency (Hall et al., 2019). Legalization does appear to

have increased the frequency of cannabis use among young
We assess the available evidence on whether cannabis use adults over the legal age of 21 years (Hall et al., 2019;
adversely affects learning, attention, and decision-making Hasin et al., 2019). There are conflicting findings to date
in youth, a group whom we define as between the ages of on whether cannabis legalization has increased adolescent
14 and 25 years (Mills et al., 2016). We do so because we use (Hall et al., 2019; Melchior et al., 2019) but it may do
believe this topic ought to be central to debates about how so in the longer term because adolescents under the legal
cannabis is regulated and what young people are told about purchase age will be a target market for illicit sale of legal
the risks of cannabis use under cannabis legalization, a pol- cannabis (Sabet, 2007).
icy that is being adopted by an increasing number of coun- We summarize research on the effects of adolescent
tries. cannabis use on brain structure and function, cognitive per-
Cannabis is the illicit drug most often used in adoles- formance and educational outcomes, as adverse impacts on
cence (Hasin et al., 2013). In 2017 it was used by ap- these domains can affect life chances and choices of occu-
proximately 12.6 million students aged 15–16 worldwide pation, income and social well-being in adult life.
(UNODC, 2019b) and an estimated 11.3 million did so in the
past year (UNODC, 2019b). Past year use of cannabis among
young people aged 15–16 is high in Europe (13.2 percent), 2. Experimental procedures
Oceania (12.4 percent) and the Americas (11.4 percent).
Rates of adolescent cannabis use have declined in Australia Our narrative review summarizes key findings from research pub-
over the past 5–10 years but adolescents who use cannabis lished in the past 10 years on the brain, cognition and educational
today are more likely to be regular consumers and of lower outcomes in cannabis users examined beyond acute intoxication.
Therefore, the emerging findings likely reflect the residual effects
socioeconomic status (Chan et al., 2018). Cannabis use is
from repeated cannabis exposure. We focus on research on ado-
rising among young people in Europe, the Americas, Africa lescent and young adult samples aged between 14 and 25 years in
and Asia (EMCDDA, 2019; Kraus et al., 2018; UNODC, 2019b). accordance with our definition of adolescence as the period corre-
The proportion of adolescents who believe that cannabis sponding to continued brain maturation (Mills et al., 2016). We use
use poses a risk of harm has decreased over the past decade the term “cannabis users” broadly to encompass the varying def-
in the USA and in Europe (Hasin et al., 2013; Miech et al., initions of cannabis use in these studies, such as heavy and light,
2017). In a survey of 13,128 people aged 15–24 from the 28 short-term and long-term, occasional and regular cannabis use.
member States of the European Union in 2014, cannabis was Most often, these studies have defined regular cannabis use in ways
considered the least harmful drug and the easiest to obtain that approximate best to daily or near daily cannabis use. We use
(TNS Political and Social, 2014; UNODC, 2019b). the label “regular” cannabis user to refer to samples of cannabis
users who had engaged in more than occasional cannabis use.
Cannabis use disorders affect one in six adolescent
In the following narrative literature review, the following types
cannabis users (Chandra et al., 2019) and are the most of research evidence were included:
common drug disorders among people treated in specialist
drug treatment services globally (GBD 2016 Alcohol and Drug 1. Reviews of case control studies that compared cannabis users
Use Collaborators, 2018; UNODC, 2019b). Regular cannabis with non-users for brain and cognitive outcomes measured with
use in adolescence is associated with: lower school attain- structural and functional neuroimaging tools and standardized
neuropsychological tests.
ment and early school dropout (Hall, 2015); poorer cog-
2. Prospective epidemiological studies of the effects of cannabis
nitive performance (Scott et al., 2018); altered brain in- use on cognitive performance in representative cohorts of ado-
tegrity (Lorenzetti et al., 2014, 2016b; Yücel et al., 2016, lescents followed into their 20 s and early 30 s (e.g. in Dunedin,
2008); depression, anxiety, psychosis and impulse-control Montreal and Bristol) and studies of cognitive performance in
disorders (Moore et al., 2007; Volkow et al., 2016b); and identical twins discordant for cannabis use.
suicidal ideation (Gobbi et al., 2019). 3. Prospective epidemiological studies of the effects of cannabis
These findings have heightened significance with the le- use on educational attainment in adolescents.
galization of recreational adult cannabis use in 11 states We also included well-designed studies published since the most
in the USA and national cannabis legalization in Canada recent systematic review on each topic. Where there were no re-
and Uruguay (UNODC, 2019a). Legalization has increased cent systematic reviews, such as epidemiological studies of cogni-
adult access to legal cannabis at a lower price and higher tive effects of cannabis use, we critically reviewed recent studies.
Adolescent cannabis use, cognition, brain health and educational outcomes: A review of the evidence 171

3. Results hippocampus, whole brain size) and duration of cannabis

use. These analyses included studies in both adults and ado-
3.1. Structural neuroimaging studies of cannabis lescents.

Most structural neuroimaging studies have compared ado- 3.2. Functional neuroimaging studies of cannabis
lescents who are regular cannabis users and non-users users
on measures of neuroanatomy (e.g. volumes and thick-
ness of specific brain regions). Neuroanatomical alterations Most reviews of functional neuroimaging studies have fo-
are thought to take place gradually over extended peri- cused on the brain function of adolescent cannabis users
ods of time during adulthood, but occur more rapidly dur- during periods of abstinence from cannabis in order to iden-
ing adolescent neurodevelopment (Hedman et al., 2012; tify any residual effects of cannabis use on brain function
Sowell et al., 2003). Neuroanatomical differences between that indicate possible long-term effects. The measures have
regular cannabis users and non-users may reflect neuroad- included levels of brain activity in selected brain regions
aptation to the effects of regular exposure to cannabinoids and connectivity between distinct brain regions.
(Volkow et al., 2017; Zehra et al., 2019). Systematic reviews have found consistent func-
A recent meta-analysis (Lorenzetti et al., 2019) com- tional brain alterations in adolescent cannabis users
pared brain volumes between adolescent and adult regular (Batalla et al., 2013; Blest-Hopley et al., 2018;
cannabis users and non-users. It found smaller volumes in Bloomfield et al., 2019; Chye et al., 2019). These have
adolescent regular cannabis users than controls in brain re- included both higher and lower activity in prefrontal and
gions implicated in learning, memory and stress (i.e., hip- parietal regions during fMRI tasks that assess inhibitory
pocampus), and inhibitory control (e.g. orbitofrontal cor- control (e.g. go-no-go task), reward processing (e.g.
tex). Other brain areas did not consistently differ between monetary incentive delay task), craving and incentive
regular cannabis users and controls (e.g. overall brain size, salience (e.g. cue reactivity task). A recent meta-analysis
cerebellum, amygdala, striatum, total prefrontal and an- of these fMRI studies (Blest-Hopley et al., 2018) found
terior cingulate cortices). A separate review found that that adolescent cannabis users showed larger functional
adolescent cannabis users had smaller volumes in the hip- alterations in brain pathways involved in inhibitory control
pocampus and the prefrontal cortex, and altered struc- (i.e., inferior parietal gyrus) and habitual/compulsive sub-
tural pathways that connect these regions (i.e., arcu- stance use (i.e., putamen) than non-users. Another review
ate fasciculus) than non-using controls (Bloomfield et al., (Lorenzetti et al., 2016a) found consistent alterations in
2019). the activity of frontal-parietal regions in heavier cannabis
In the studies reviewed here, all but one found that ado- users than in occasional cannabis users. Some studies found
lescent cannabis users also showed consistently larger gray that activity within these regions was correlated with using
matter volumes of the cerebellum, one of the brain regions higher cannabis doses, longer duration of use, and more
with the highest concentration of cannabinoid receptors, frequent use.
than non-users. Increased cerebellar volumes were associ-
ated with poorer executive function in adolescent cannabis
users (Batalla et al., 2013; Blithikioti et al., 2019; Moreno-
Rius, 2019). 3.3. Case control studies of cognitive
A recent narrative review by Chye et al. (2019) also found performance
that adolescent (but not adult) cannabis use was associated
with altered volume, thickness and surface area in the in- Systematic reviews and meta-analyses have assessed the
sula, the cerebellum superior, and the enthorinal, parietal residual effects of cannabis on various cognitive domains in
and frontal cortices. adolescent cannabis users (Broyd et al., 2016; Scott et al.,
Jacobus et al. (2019) reviewed two prospective struc- 2018). A meta-analysis (Scott et al., 2018) compared cog-
tural neuroimaging studies. The first followed up 175 ado- nitive performance between cannabis users and non-users
lescent cannabis users after 3 years and the other tested aged up to 26 years. It found impaired performance in the
a separate cohort of adolescents after 6 years. Both sam- same cognitive functions in cannabis users that are also con-
ples had minimal exposure to drugs other than cannabis sistently different from controls in adult cannabis users,
and alcohol and alcohol use was included as a covariate. namely, learning, (delayed) memory, attention and sev-
In one study, continuing cannabis users from 17-to-20 years eral executive functions (abstraction/shifting, inhibition,
had thicker cerebral cortices than non-users and the ef- updating/working memory, speed of information process-
fect varied in a dose-dependent fashion (Jacobus et al., ing). These alterations were more marked in persons who
2015). In the six-year prospective investigations, continu- sought treatment for cannabis use disorders (Scott et al.,
ing cannabis users (compared to non-users) from 17 to 20 2018).
years had thicker cerebral cortices that varied in a dose- Cognitive performance in adolescent cannabis users was
dependent fashion (Infante et al., 2018; Jacobus et al., not significantly associated with age of cannabis use onset
2016). Larger orbitofrontal volume also predated cannabis and depression symptoms (Scott et al., 2018). Importantly,
use and predicted regular cannabis use by age 22 years. cognitive performance in this sample aged up to 26 years
Two meta-regressions of these studies (Lorenzetti et al., was intact in cognitive domains that consistently differ be-
2019; Rocchetti et al., 2013) failed to find significant asso- tween older adult cannabis users and controls, i.e., verbal,
ciations between the volumes of selected brain areas (i.e. visuospatial and motor performance (Broyd et al., 2016).
172 V. Lorenzetti, E. Hoch and W. Hall

3.4. Epidemiological studies of the cognitive cannabis use throughout adolescence and young adulthood.
effects of cannabis use Early and persistent cannabis users showed an eight-point
decline in IQ compared to peers who had not used cannabis
3.4.1. Longitudinal studies of intelligence and cannabis in this way. This relationship persisted after statistically ad-
use justing for alcohol, tobacco and other drug use, schizophre-
Fried et al. (2002) reported an IQ decline in 70 young adults nia and educational level. There was recovery in IQ if users
aged 17–20-years old whose mothers used cannabis during had stopped using cannabis for a year or more by age 38.
their pregnancies. They assessed cannabis use by self-report Friends and family were more likely to report that persis-
and urinalysis. They subtracted each person’s IQ measured tent daily cannabis users had problems in everyday life with
at 9–12 years from their IQ at 17–20 years. They then com- memory and attention than were the friends and family of
pared IQ changes in current heavy cannabis users (at least those who had not used cannabis in this way.
5 joints per week), current light users (less than 5 joints Rogeberg (2013) suggested that Meier et al.’s findings may
per week), former users (who had not smoked regularly not be due to cannabis use if participants of low socioeco-
for at least 3 months) and non-users (who never smoked nomic status (SES) were more likely to start using cannabis
more than once a week and had not used in the past two at an early age and if low SES users had a faster decline
weeks). They reported a decrease of 4.1 points in IQ in cur- in IQ. Additional analyses by Moffitt et al. (2013) did not
rent heavy users and IQ gains in light current users (5.8), support his hypothesis. These showed that the IQ decline
former users (3.5) and non-users (2.6) and no IQ decline was comparable in early and persistent cannabis users from
in heavy users who had quit cannabis. They concluded that middle-class homes and that IQ did not decline between
cannabis use does not have a permanent adverse impact on adolescence and young adulthood in lower SES study par-
intelligence. ticipants.
Fried et al. (2005) reported a further follow up of 113 Mokrysz et al. (2016) investigated associations between
young adults in the same cohort. They assessed overall IQ, adolescent cannabis use and IQ in 2235 teenagers from
memory, processing speed, vocabulary, attention, and ab- the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (AL-
stract reasoning using a variety of cognitive tests. Cannabis SPC, They tested rela-
users were classified by self-report (confirmed by urine tox- tionships between cumulative cannabis use and IQ at the
icology analysis) into three groups: light users (< 5 joints age of 15. They found that regular cannabis users had a
per week), heavy users (greater than or equal to 5 joints lower IQ than their peers and the rate of decline in IQ
per week) and former light and heavy users who had used was associated with higher cumulative cannabis exposure.
cannabis in the past (greater than or equal to 1 joint per These findings did not persist after they adjusted for to-
week) but had not used for at least 3 months. Current heavy bacco smoking and other variables. The authors argued that
users had significantly lower overall IQs than nonusers, after cannabis use did not explain the changes in IQ and con-
accounting for potentially confounding factors and pre-drug cluded that cannabis use by teenagers had less effect on IQ
performance. There were lower scores on overall IQ tests, than the Meier et al. (2012) study suggested. They acknowl-
measured using the full-scale IQ scores of two intelligence edged that their cohort had many fewer years of regular
tests, including the Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS- cannabis use than had the Dunedin cohort.
III, for those aged ≥ 16 years), and the Weschler Intelligence
Scale for Children (WISC-III, for those aged < 16 years). 3.4.2. Longitudinal cohort studies of the effects of
Cannabis users had lower scores in the following IQ in- cannabis use on specific cognitive domains
dices than nonusers: (i) performance IQ, which measures Tait et al. (2011) evaluated relationships between cannabis
overall visuospatial intellectual abilities, and (ii) process- use and specific cognitive domains over 8 years in an Aus-
ing speed, which measures the speed and accuracy of vi- tralian community sample of 2404 adults first studied at
sual processing. Current heavy users had poorer memory age 20–24 years. They assessed premorbid verbal IQ, ver-
than nonusers on two indices of the Weschler Memory Scale bal memory (i.e. immediate and delayed recall), working
(WMS). Specifically, cannabis users had lower scores on the memory, processing speed, visuospatial processing and at-
immediate memory index, which reflects the ability to re- tention. They used self-reported cannabis use over three
call information immediately after presentation of verbal waves of interviews to define six groups of cannabis users:
and visual stimuli; and the general memory index, a mea- ‘never’ (n = 420) ‘remain light’ (n = 71), ‘former light’
sure of delayed memory. Cannabis users performed as well (n = 231), ‘remain heavy’ (n = 60), ‘former heavy’ (n = 60)
as nonusers on vocabulary knowledge (Peabody Picture Vo- and ‘always former’ since the start of study (n = 657).
cabulary Test), sustained attention, which reflects the abil- The cannabis user groups differed at baseline on verbal
ity to focus on an activity or (visual and auditory) stimu- memory (immediate and delayed recall) and a range of ex-
lus over a long period of time (Gordon Vigilance Task), and ecutive functions measured by Digit Symbol, such as as-
abstract reasoning, which reflects the ability to form con- sociative learning, motor speed, attention, and visuoper-
cepts, make non-verbal abstract reasoning and mental flex- ceptual functions, including scanning and the ability to
ibility (Category Test). Former cannabis users did not show write or draw (i.e., basic manual dexterity) (Jaeger, 2018).
any cognitive impairments. Tait et al. (2011) found no difference between cannabis use
Meier et al. (2012) assessed relationships between groups and controls on any of the cognitive domains as-
cannabis use and changes in IQ and specific cognitive abil- sessed. The only significant difference they found was im-
ities in 1037 New Zealanders born in Dunedin in 1972 or proved immediate memory recall in former heavy cannabis
1973. They assessed IQ at 13 (before cannabis was used) users, which persisted after controlling for education and
and again at 38 years. They asked participants about their sex.
Adolescent cannabis use, cognition, brain health and educational outcomes: A review of the evidence 173

McKetin et al. (2016) reported a follow up of 1897 Aus- more likely to produce residual cognitive impairment than
tralians first assessed at 40–46 years of age and followed for use at older ages.
four (94%) and eight years (87%). They assessed the same Morin et al. (2019) found support for a common vulner-
cognitive domains as Tait et al. (2011) above. In addition, ability model for cannabis and alcohol in all cognitive do-
at each wave they also assessed simple and choice reaction mains, i.e. adolescents with poorer baseline cognitive per-
time tasks and self-reported cannabis use in the past year formance were more likely to use alcohol and cannabis.
(no use, less than weekly use, weekly use or more). Partici- Cannabis, but not alcohol use, also produced effects on in-
pants who used cannabis at least weekly had worse immedi- hibitory control and working memory that persisted after
ate verbal recall and a trend toward poorer delayed verbal abstinence. Cannabis users also showed concurrent resid-
recall than non-users after adjusting for confounders includ- ual impairments in delayed memory recall and perceptual
ing premorbid verbal ability. There were no significant asso- reasoning. There was some suggestive evidence for a devel-
ciations between participants’ age and any of the cognitive opmental sensitivity to the cognitive effects of cannabis in
performance measures, after controlling for confounders. that earlier initiators showed larger impairments. The resid-
Auer et al. (2016) studied the effects of lifetime cannabis ual cognitive effects of cannabis use were larger than those
use on cognitive performance in the Coronary Artery Risk of alcohol. They were also independent of the effects of
Development in Young Adults (CARDIA https://www.cardia. alcohol., a prospective cohort study of 3385 adults
followed for 25 years. The cohort was 18–30 years when first 3.4.3. Twin studies of cannabis use and cognitive
assessed on cognitive tests of verbal memory, processing function
speed and selective attention. Nine percent used cannabis Lyons et al. (2004) tested for long-term residual effects
regularly for a substantial part of the follow up. The au- of adolescent cannabis use on cognitive performance us-
thors excluded current cannabis users from analyses to en- ing a twin study design. They used this design to determine
sure that they were not intoxicated when their cognitive whether any cognitive differences between cannabis users
performance was assessed. Those with the greatest cumu- and non-users could be attributed to a genetic vulnerability
lative exposure to cannabis had the poorest performance that predated adolescent cannabis use or to the effects of
on all cognitive domains. Differences in verbal memory per- cannabis use. They studied fifty-four monozygotic male twin
sisted after adjusting for confounders but those in process- pairs from the Vietnam Era Twin Registry (Goldberg et al.,
ing speed and selective attention did not. Because there 2002). These twin pairs were discordant for regular cannabis
was no cognitive assessment before cannabis use began, the use and neither twin regularly used any other illicit drugs.
authors could not exclude the hypothesis that poorer cogni- There was a minimum of 1 year since the cannabis-using
tive performance predated heavier and long-term cannabis twin had last used cannabis and nearly 20 years since they
use. had last used regularly. Twins were assessed on: general
Morin et al. (2019) examined relationships between the IQ; verbal memory, logical memory and visual reproduction;
use of alcohol and cannabis and cognitive performance in and executive functions such as processing speed, selective
young adults in a longitudinal study of 3826 seventh grade attention, attention, and motor skills.
students from 31 schools in the Greater Montreal region. Twins who used cannabis differed significantly from their
They examined relationships between year-to-year changes non-using twins in their overall IQ scores. They had a
in alcohol and cannabis use and cognitive performance as- lower spatial visualization ability and motor skill perfor-
sessed annually for 4 years. The cognitive domains tested mance measured via the Block Design subtest of the WAIS-
included delayed recall (i.e. the ability to recall memo- R (Wechsler, 1981), which measures non-verbal reasoning,
ries from the past), inhibitory control (i.e. inhibition of analysis and synthesis, visual perception and organization,
prepotent responses), perceptual reasoning (i.e. the abil- and visual–motor coordination. The authors concluded that
ity to reason through pictures/visual information), and spa- there were no marked long-term residual effects of adoles-
tial working memory (i.e. retention of spatial information cent cannabis use on cognitive abilities because there was
over a brief period of time). Spatial working memory was as- only one significant difference between cannabis-using and
sessed by the “find the phone” task and the spatial working non-using co-twins on cognitive function.
memory subtest in the Cambridge Neuropsychological Test Jackson et al. (2016) examined associations between
Automated Battery. Delayed recall memory was assessed by cannabis use and IQ in two longitudinal studies of adoles-
a computerized task based on the dot location test of the cent twins: the Risk Factors for Antisocial Behavior (RFAB)
Child Memory Scales. Perceptual reasoning was assessed us- study of 789 twins, and the Southern California and the Min-
ing items from the Cattell’s Culture Fair Intelligence Test. nesota Twin Family Study (MTFS) of 2277 twins. They mea-
Inhibitory control was measured using the passive avoidance sured IQ at ages 9–12 years before cannabis use began and
learning paradigm. again at age 17–20 years and used the twin design to con-
Morin et al. (2019) tested four hypotheses. These were: trol for the effects of familial factors and genetic propen-
(1) that cognitive impairment increases the risk of problem sities. Cannabis users had lower IQ scores than nonusers. In
use of cannabis and alcohol; (2) that there is neuroplas- the period between preadolescence and late adolescence,
ticity, i.e. any residual cognitive effects of cannabis and cannabis users showed a decrease in crystallised IQ, a mea-
alcohol use are reversed by abstinence; (3) that there is sure affected by knowledge acquired through experience
neurotoxicity, i.e. regular cannabis and alcohol use cause (i.e. with the Vocabulary and Information subtests of the
long-term residual cognitive impairment that persists after WAIS). The authors argued, however, that the IQ decline was
abstinence; and (4) that there is developmental sensitivity, not attributable to cannabis use because there was no rela-
i.e. the use of alcohol and cannabis in early adolescence is tionship between frequency of use and change in IQ. They
174 V. Lorenzetti, E. Hoch and W. Hall

concluded that the declines in IQ reflected the effects of predictor of dropping out of school after controlling for
familial factors that predated cannabis use onset and low confounding variables (e.g. age, gender, family structure,
IQ. school-related factors).
Meier et al. (2018) used a longitudinal co-twin control Horwood et al. (2010) assessed the association between
study to test whether poorer cognitive performance pre- age of onset of cannabis use (<15, 15–17, never before
dated cannabis use onset and declined after the onset of age 18) and educational achievement /high school com-
cannabis use. They studied 1989 twins from the Environmen- pletion, university enrolment, and degree attainment in
tal Risk Longitudinal Twin Study (E-Risk, http://eriskstudy. three Australasian cohort studies with over 6000 partici-
com/), a birth cohort of twins born in England and Wales pants (Fergusson and Horwood, 2001; Najman et al., 2005;
from 1994 to 1995. They measured frequency of cannabis Swift et al., 2008). These studies accounted for a broad
use and cannabis dependence at age 18 years (DSM-IV crite- range of confounders, such as family socio-demographic
ria) and assessed IQ at 5, 12 and 18 years. Executive func- background; child cognitive ability and educational achieve-
tions were assessed at age 18 along with attention and work- ment prior to the onset of cannabis use; measures of family
ing memory, vigilance and spatial working memory. functioning and measures of child and early adolescent be-
Adolescents who used cannabis had a lower IQ in child- havioral adjustment.
hood than peers who did not as well as a lower IQ at age 18. Both the individual studies and their pooled results
The frequency of their cannabis use was not associated with showed that the later the age of first cannabis use the
an IQ decline between 12 and 18. Adolescents who were greater an adolescent’s educational achievement. By com-
cannabis dependent at age 12 and age 18 had IQ scores that parison with adolescents who first used cannabis before age
were 5.6 and 7.4 points lower than adolescents who were 15, those who had never used cannabis by age 18 were 2.4–
not dependent. However, those who were cannabis depen- 4.1 times more likely to complete high school. The odds
dent did not show a greater decline in IQ between 12 and of university enrolment were 1.8–2.9 times greater and the
18. odds of degree attainment were 3.0–4.4 times greater. After
Adolescents who used cannabis had poorer executive controlling for the confounders, adolescents who had not
functions at age 18 than adolescents who did not use used cannabis by age 18 were 1.9–2.9 times more likely to
cannabis, but they did not find these associations within have higher educational achievement than those who began
twin pairs. For example, twins who used cannabis more fre- using cannabis before age 15. The authors estimated that
quently than their co-twin did not differ on four of the six the early age of cannabis use onset explained up to 17% of
tests of executive function (all but rapid visual process- the variance in failure to complete high school, enroll in
ing test, total false alarms; and total errors at the spa- university and attain a university degree.
tial working memory). After controlling for IQ at age 12 Friemel (2019) reviewed systematic reviews of studies
years, performance on executive tasks was impaired only of cannabis and educational outcomes (Horwood et al.,
on measures of attention and working memory. Importantly, 2010; Townsend et al., 2007) and other social consequences
twins who used cannabis more frequently than their co- (Macleod et al., 2005, 2004). Like Townsend et al. (2007),
twin performed worse on a working memory test (CANTAB) Friemel found a consistent association between recent
(Sahakian et al., 1988). Meier et al. (2018) concluded that cannabis use and early school dropout (Aloise-Young and
short-term or dependent cannabis use in adolescence does Chavez, 2002; Eggert and Herting, 1993; Gfroerer et al.,
not appear to cause a decline in IQ or impair executive func- 1997; Zimmerman and Maton, 1992).
tions. Instead, family background explained why adolescent
cannabis users perform worse on IQ and executive function 3.4.5. Twin studies of educational outcomes
tests than non-users. Grant et al. (2012) used twin study data to test whether
alcohol, nicotine, and illicit drug (including cannabis) use
3.4.4. Longitudinal studies of educational outcomes and dependence were associated with lifetime educational
and cannabis use attainment after controlling for familial background. Data
Macleod et al. (2004, 2005) reported a systematic review of came from a 1987 questionnaire survey and a 1992 tele-
the effects of adolescent cannabis use that included educa- phone diagnostic interview with 6242 male twins (n = 3121
tional attainment as an outcome. They found that cannabis pairs; mean age = 41.9 years in 1992) who served in the
use was consistently associated with reduced educational U.S. military during the Vietnam era. They examined rates
attainment but argued that the relationship was unlikely of completion of 16 years of education in twin pairs who
to be causal because its magnitude was attenuated after were discordant for early alcohol and cannabis use, daily
controlling for potential confounders (e.g. childhood adver- nicotine use, lifetime cannabis use, and alcohol, nicotine,
sity, and factors that relate to the peer group and family). cannabis, and any illicit drug dependence. Twins who used
They acknowledged that they could not exclude the hypoth- alcohol before age 18, who had a lifetime alcohol depen-
esis that cannabis exposure may have caused poor education dence diagnosis, and who had used nicotine daily for 30 or
outcomes. more days were less likely to complete 16 years of education
Townsend et al. (2007) also reported a synthesis of the than twins who had not. The twin pairs who were discordant
findings of longitudinal studies of associations between the for cannabis initiation, early cannabis use, or cannabis de-
frequency of early cannabis use and dropping out of school pendence did not differ in educational outcomes.
(Brook et al., 1999; Ensminger et al., 1996; Fergusson and Verweij et al. (2013) used data from a large commu-
Horwood, 1997; Fergusson et al., 2003, 1996; Green and En- nity sample of 3337 adult twins to determine whether ge-
sminger, 2006). They found only one study (Ellickson et al., netic and/or environmental influences explained the rela-
1998) in which cannabis use was no longer a significant tionship between adolescent cannabis use before age 18 and
Adolescent cannabis use, cognition, brain health and educational outcomes: A review of the evidence 175

a failure to complete secondary school. They found a sig- were limited by the small sample size of the studies and by
nificant correlation between early-onset cannabis use and the fact that only a minority of studies reported the dura-
early school dropout. Their co-twin control design, however, tion of cannabis use.
could not rule out the hypothesis that the correlation was Functional brain alterations have been most consistently
explained by shared environmental factors. found in the parietal cortex and putamen. There were no al-
terations in adolescent users’ behavioural performance dur-
3.4.6. A cannabis policy experiment in the Netherlands ing the fMRI tasks so their altered brain activity may re-
Marie and Zölitz (2017) reported a natural experiment that flect compensatory strategies used to achieve normal per-
took advantage of a change in the regulation of Dutch cof- formance.
fee shops to assess the effects that cannabis use had on Overall, the systematic reviews and meta-analyses of
students’ performance in economics and business courses. structural and functional neuroimaging case-control stud-
In order to reduce drug tourism the city of Maastricht in ies have found that adolescent cannabis use is associated
the Netherlands decided to restrict the nationality of stu- with alterations in the structure of prefrontal and temporal
dents who could purchase cannabis in coffee shops in the brain regions, and with functional alterations in the parietal
city. Students from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany cortex and putamen. It remains uncertain to what degree
could access coffee shops while students from France and these changes are causes or consequences of cannabis use
Luxembourg could not. Coffee shops enforced the policy by because emerging developmental evidence indicates that
requiring students to show their identification cards before some neuroanatomical alterations predate and predict reg-
they entered. ular cannabis use (Cheetham et al., 2012; Chye et al., 2017;
Marie and Zölitz (2017) used a difference-in-difference Jacobus et al., 2019; Wade et al., 2019).
analysis to examine any changes before and during the cof-
fee shop restrictions in the grades in students from these
different countries who were enrolled in the School of Busi- 4.2. Case control studies of cognitive functioning
ness and Economics at Maastricht University. They found
that the academic performance of students who could no Studies comparing performance on selected cognitive do-
longer legally buy cannabis in coffee shops improved 0.10 mains in cannabis using adolescents and controls have pro-
of a standard deviation and their pass rates improved by duced mixed findings. Participants’ age may moderate the
5%. They found larger improvements in performance (i.e. association between cognitive performance and cannabis
10% increase in pass rates) in younger students, in female use (Gorey et al., 2019; James et al., 2013). Adult cannabis
students and in students who had performed poorly ear- users over the age of 25 years have not been included in
lier in the course. The gains were 3.5 times greater in the most recent meta-analyses and reviews (Gorey et al.,
courses that required numerical/mathematical skills. Stu- 2019; Scott et al., 2018) so it is unclear if participants’
dent course evaluations suggested that these gains reflected age moderates any effects of cannabis use on cognition
an improved understanding of the course material rather (Duperrouzel et al., 2019; Gorey et al., 2019).
than changes in the students’ study habits. The authors ar- Meta-analyses of the cognitive performance of adoles-
gued that their study may have under-estimated the effects cent cannabis users show more consistently impaired per-
of the restricted access to coffee shops if students from formance while adolescents continue to use cannabis. These
France and Luxembourg purchased cannabis illicitly from cross sectional studies have the same limitations as the neu-
other students who were able to purchase cannabis. roimaging studies, namely, difficulty in deciding whether
the differences observed are causes or consequences of
cannabis use. Nonetheless, the fact that regular cannabis
4. Discussion users show cognitive recovery after prolonged abstinence
provides some support for the hypothesis that regular
We briefly review the major findings in each of the research cannabis use in adolescence impairs cognitive performance
domains, draw some provisional conclusions and identify while users are not acutely intoxicated
priorities for future research in each area.

4.3. The epidemiological evidence

4.1. The evidence from neuroimaging studies
Several of the longitudinal studies have found a larger de-
The neuroimaging evidence suggests that adolescent cline in IQ among cannabis users than in their non-using
cannabis use is associated with alterations in the structural peers (Fried et al., 2002; Meier et al., 2012; Mokrysz et al.,
integrity of prefrontal and medial temporal brain regions 2016) while twin studies have found that twins who used
and thicker cortices. Fewer studies of adolescent cannabis cannabis had a lower IQ than the non-using twins. It is
users and controls found smaller volumes in the hippocam- uncertain whether these IQ declines reflect the effects of
pus and orbitofrontal cortex than similar comparisons of cannabis use because these results did not always persist
adult cannabis users and non-using controls. This suggests after controlling for confounders (e.g. SES, tobacco use).
that neuromaturation in adolescence may moderate any ef- In the Mokrysz et al. (2016) study, for example, the IQ dif-
fects of cannabis use on the developing brain. None of the ference was no longer significant after controlling for the
meta-regression found significant associations between du- effects of tobacco smoking. In the Meier et al. (2012) study,
ration of use and brain volumes, including in the adolescent by contrast, the difference persisted after controlling for
samples examined (Rocchetti et al., 2013). These analyses potential confounders. The twin studies suggest that the IQ
176 V. Lorenzetti, E. Hoch and W. Hall

differences could be explained by shared genetic and en- dinal neuroimaging studies also suggest that neuroanatomi-
vironmental risk factors (Jackson et al., 2016; Meier et al., cal differences in the orbitofrontal cortex predate and pre-
2018). Several longitudinal studies have reported a recovery dict early cannabis use. Longitudinal and twin studies sug-
in IQ (and performance on specific cognitive tests) if reg- gest that young people with poorer executive function, in-
ular cannabis users become abstinent (Meier et al., 2018; hibitory control and memory are more likely to become reg-
Tait et al., 2011). This finding is consistent with the findings ular cannabis users than their non-using peers (Morin et al.,
of meta-analyses of studies comparing cannabis users and 2019; Tait et al., 2011).
non-using controls. A second finding is the evidence of cognitive recovery
The interpretation of the epidemiological studies is com- in regular cannabis users after sustained abstinence. Absti-
plicated by the fact that different studies have assessed nence from cannabis appears to improve performance on IQ
different cognitive domains and used different measures and cognitive tests and there is suggestive evidence that the
within these domains. Studies have most often used IQ, ver- degree of improvement increases with the duration of ab-
bal and non-verbal memory, attention, and executive func- stinence. These findings suggest that regular cannabis users
tions. The samples have also varied greatly in the preva- are cognitively impaired while they are using cannabis but
lence of daily cannabis use (the pattern most often asso- their cognitive functioning may recover after they cease
ciated with cognitive impairment in case-control studies). using. There are too few studies with sufficient statistical
They have also differed in the period over which they have power to assess whether smaller, longer-term residual cog-
assessed cognitive performance, from as little as 2 years to nitive effects have gone undetected.
as many as 27 years. The few studies that have examined changes in
A major limitation of the epidemiological cohort stud- brain structure and function among abstinent regu-
ies is that most samples only include a small proportion of lar cannabis users find some suggestion of recovery.
cannabis users who have used regularly for sustained peri- Yücel et al. (2016) observed hippocampal volume alter-
ods. A substantial proportion of daily cannabis users cease ations in current adult cannabis users but not among heavy
using cannabis in their late 20s and there is often a higher former users who had been abstinent for 2.4 years. This sug-
rate of loss to follow up among regular cannabis users that gests that brain integrity in cannabis users may also recover
may bias epidemiological studies against finding any cogni- after sustained abstinence.
tive effects of regular cannabis use.
Twin studies have also included relatively small numbers
of twins who were discordant for cannabis use. Their as- 4.5. How significant is cognitive impairment in
sessments of cognitive performance have often been limited cannabis users?
to minimize respondent burden and the self-report data on
cannabis use has often been retrospective. This may mean It is difficult to decide between a number of interpretations
that twins who were classified as regular cannabis users (on of the associations found between cannabis use in adoles-
the basis of a lifetime history of cannabis use) have often cence and measures of brain integrity, poor cognitive per-
ceased using cannabis when cognitively assessed. This type formance and education attainment.
of misclassification would reduce the ability of twin studies The first possibility is that the association between
to detect cognitive effects of cannabis use. cannabis use in adolescence and poor cognitive perfor-
A more consistent finding in longitudinal studies and twin mance in adulthood is wholly due to selection effects. That
studies is that cannabis users are less likely to complete is, young people with poorer cognitive ability are more
secondary school or to graduate from college than their likely to initiate cannabis use at an early age, become reg-
peers who do not use cannabis. In the majority of studies, ular cannabis users and persist in using cannabis through-
cannabis users were more likely to perform poorly on exam- out adulthood. As noted, there is evidence from longitudi-
inations at the end of secondary school or in university. It nal and neuroimaging studies that young people who initi-
remains uncertain whether this association reflects an ad- ate cannabis use early do perform more poorly in school in
verse effect of cannabis use (e.g. via impaired cognitive late childhood than peers who do not use cannabis. Many of
performance, poor study skills or impaired motivation) or the longitudinal studies also find that the relationship be-
uncontrolled differences between cannabis users and their tween cannabis and poor performance cognitive outcomes
peers that affect their chances of completing school. Con- persists, albeit with attenuation, after statistical adjust-
trolling for potential confounders, such as other drug use ment for differences in baseline cognitive performance. A
(especially tobacco smoking) and conduct disorder in child- plausible hypothesis that needs to be more rigorously tested
hood, has often attenuated but not eliminated the associa- is that regular adolescent cannabis use worsens cognitive
tions. performance in poorly performing students and increases
their likelihood of failing to complete secondary school.
Second, the everyday impact of the residual cognitive
4.4. Some cross cutting findings impairments (assessed beyond acute intoxication) has not
been systematically assessed in most studies. There are
A number of similar findings have emerged from the differ- nonetheless suggestions that these cognitive changes may
ent types of research design that are worth noting. have an adverse effect on the lives of a significant minor-
The first is evidence that poorer neural integrity, cogni- ity of young people. In the study of Meier et al. (2012),
tive performance and educational outcomes predate the on- for example, family and friends noticed deficits in the daily
set of cannabis use and appear to increase the risk of the ini- cognitive performance of regular cannabis users. The study
tiation and regular cannabis use. A small number of longitu- of the AVON cohort also found significant differences in
Adolescent cannabis use, cognition, brain health and educational outcomes: A review of the evidence 177

performance on secondary school examinations between variables (e.g. depression, anxiety and psychotic symptoms)
regular and nonregular users (Mokrysz et al., 2016). that may moderate adverse outcomes in the most vulnera-
Marie and Zölitz (2017) found that university course grades ble young cannabis users.
improved more in students who were not able to purchase
cannabis in coffee shops in Maastricht than in their peers
who could still purchase cannabis. Role of funding source
Third, some authors suggest that the cognitive impair-
ments associated with regular cannabis in adolescence are No funding source played a role in preparing this paper or
of minimal significance because they recover after 4-to-6 deciding whether to publish.
weeks of abstinence (Scott et al., 2018). This assumption
is arguable because many adolescents who become regu-
lar cannabis users find it difficult to quit in adulthood af- Contributors
ter a decade of daily use, possibly because neuroadapta-
tion occurs with heavy regular use (Volkow et al., 2016a; Dr. Valentina Lorenzetti, School of Behavioural and Health
Zehra et al., 2018). Even if these cognitive changes do Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, Australian Catholic
recover with abstinence, daily intoxication during adoles- University, Australia
cence and young adulthood may impair educational attain- Dr Eva Hoch, Cannabinoid Research and Treatment Group,
ment and this may limit a young person’s choice of occupa- Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy, University
tion after leaving school, lower their incomes, and reduce Hospital, and Division of Clinical Psychology and Psycholog-
their chances of forming satisfying long-term personal rela- ical Treatment, Department of Psychology, Ludwig Maximil-
tionships in later life (Fergusson and Boden, 2008). ian University Munich, Germany,
Professor Wayne Hall, center for Youth Substance Abuse
Research, The University of Queensland, Australia
4.6. Advice for adolescents and young adults 17 Upland Road, St Lucia QLD 4072 and the National Ad-
about cannabis use diction center, Kings College London, United Kingdom

The cognitive effects of cannabis require further research

but adolescents should nonetheless be informed that there Conflict of Interest
may be adverse cognitive, neural and educational effects
from daily cannabis use. Adolescents and young adults who None of the authors has any conflict of interest to declare.
use cannabis should also be informed about cognitive recov-
ery after cessation of daily use. This could encourage ces-
sation in regular users who are concerned about the effects Acknowledgment
of cannabis on their cognitive performance. This type of ad-
vice could be given as part of information about other risks We would like to thank Sarah Yeates for her assistance in
of daily cannabis use of potent cannabis products, namely preparing this paper for publication.
cannabis dependence and the possible precipitation and ag-
gravation of psychoses, anxiety and depression (Hall, 2015).
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4.7. Priorities for future research the same: ethnic differences in the relation between reason for
leaving school and adolescent substance use. Psychol. Sch. 39,
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