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Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

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Water in the history of Mars: An assessment

H. Rickman a, b, M.I. Błęcka a, J. Gurgurewicz a, *, U.G. Jørgensen c, E. Słaby d, S. Szutowicz a,
N. Zalewska a
Space Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Bartycka 18A, PL-00716, Warsaw, Poland
Dept. of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, SE-75120, Uppsala, Sweden
Centre for Star and Planet Formation, Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen, Øster Voldgade 5, DK-1350, Copenhagen, Denmark
Institute of Geological Sciences, Polish Academy of Sciences, Research Centre in Warsaw, Twarda 51/55, PL-00818, Warsaw, Poland


Keywords: This paper presents a review of recent literature concerning issues related to the origin of water in planet Mars
Mars and its role in the geologic evolution of that planet. The baseline case of our discussion is the Grand Tack model of
Planet formation planetary migration in the solar nebula and an early planetary orbital instability according to the Nice Model. This
Martian meteorites discussion also benefits from a comparison with the Earth's accretional history. Recent observations are used to
D/H ratios check the results of planetary accretion models, leading to a new picture of the early history of water on planet
Martian ocean
Mars. The embryo forming the basis of the planet is found to have been very deficient in water. During the
Impact craters
following period, predating the formation of the Earth's Moon, the accreted water may have been as high as
~5 km Global Equivalent Layer (GEL) while the amount accreted at later times may have been as low as ~10 m
GEL according to recent studies. In particular, the trans-planetary source was insignificant, at whatever time it
was active. The proposed resurfacing event creating the Borealis basin could have been important for the loss of a
significant part of the early Martian water inventory.

1. Introduction excellent papers have been published containing reviews of topics close
to the current one (e.g., Lammer et al., 2013; Brasser, 2013). However, so
This review will deal with the role of water in the history of Mars. In much progress has been achieved since then that we believe a new review
most regards, this will mean the time up to and including the Noachian. is called for.
Our main emphasis will be placed on the issue of how and when the Let us start from the study of Dauphas and Pourmand (2011), which,
planet acquired its H2O inventory. Since impacts play a major role in this by means of Hf-W dating using Martian meteorites, settled the issue of
discussion (up to and including the Late Heavy Bombardment), we will the accretion time scale of Mars by showing this to have been only a few
pay special attention to the main impact features on Mars and their Myr. This is consistent with the planet being a stranded embryo and thus
relation to the evolution of Martian near-surface water. We will use the different from Earth and Venus, which resulted from a series of giant
Introduction to briefly set the stage by highlighting the different ideas impacts lasting for more than 50 Myr (Raymond et al., 2009; Jacobson
and models of relevance. In the following sections, we will discuss the et al., 2014). One possible consequence of such a rapid accretion is 26Al
geochemistry and isotopic signatures of Mars, the evolution of the induced global melting (Dauphas and Pourmand, 2011), leading to a
Martian atmosphere and hydrosphere including impact-related pro- magma ocean that might have taken a considerable time to cool and
cesses, and geomorphologic and mineralogical evidence for water on the solidify. Whether or not such an evolutionary stage took place, as well as
Martian surface including the origin and distribution of phyllosilicates. In its duration, will influence to what degree the infant planet could have
the Conclusions, we will come back to the fundamental issue of the origin picked up volatiles from impacting, water-rich planetesimals.
of the Martian water, summarizing the implications of recent findings In any case, the embryo that is here identified as the new-born planet
and identifying open issues. We note here that, not very long ago, Mars – at a time a few Myr after CAI1 formation – was made of locally

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J. Gurgurewicz).
CAI stands for Calcium-Aluminum rich Inclusions, which are abundant in many chondritic meteorites. These are formed by extremely refractory minerals.
Together with the first chondrules, they mark the oldest radiometric age determined in any solar system material, 4.567 Gyr (Connelly et al., 2012), and is therefore
interpreted as the time when the first solid materials condensed in the protosolar disk, often referred to as the age of the solar system.
Received 9 April 2018; Received in revised form 27 July 2018; Accepted 13 August 2018
Available online 15 August 2018
0032-0633/© 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

accreted building blocks (see Morbidelli et al., 2012a), and these are Meanwhile, the narrow annulus picture resulting from the Grand
usually inferred to have been extremely deficient in water because of the Tack model is not the only proposed solution to the small Mars problem.
expected, high temperatures in the innermost part of the solar nebula and Levison et al. (2015) applied a model introduced by Lambrechts and
the existence of anhydrous chondrites apparently originating in the inner Johansen (2012) for the growth of planetary embryos by accretion of
parts of the asteroid belt. Mars might thus have formed dry or, at most, pebbles remaining after planetesimal formation – the so-called Viscously
with a very small water content. But it would not take long, until Stirred Pebble Accretion (VSPA) model  to study the ensuing system of
water-rich projectiles started to invade its surroundings. The nature of terrestrial planets. As a result, the small mass of Mars relative to the Earth
these projectiles will be discussed below. or Venus comes out as a natural consequence.
There are several scenarios of relevance in this regard. The classical In the framework of the VSPA model, the Grand Tack is not needed as
model envisages a situation, where Jupiter stays far away from the ac- a way to solve the small Mars problem. Mars could have been formed by
cretion zone of the terrestrial planets. Here the most important phe- local accretion at its current distance from the Sun, and the classical
nomenon is the dispersal of the solar nebula and the ensuing model might still apply. Moreover, the classical model is very flexible as
gravitational perturbations causing resonant pumping of orbital eccen- regards the preferred heliocentric distance for the early formation of
tricities in all regions of the asteroid belt as well as, to a lesser degree, in planetesimals. According to recent models of planetesimal formation
the regions closer to the Sun (Morbidelli et al., 2012a). This triggers the involving the streaming instability (Johansen et al., 2014), an enhance-
giant impact phase of planet formation and brings water-rich material ment of the local dust density in the disk is necessary, and this was shown
from the outer part of the asteroid belt into the terrestrial planet zone. via dust evolution models by Drą_zkowska et al. (2016) to have prefer-
The time at which the dispersal happened is not firmly established but is entially occurred in a narrow annulus at 1 AU in the solar system. This
generally believed to be a few Myr after CAI formation – thus more or less scenario, which does not rely on pebble accretion, also circumvents the
coeval with or slightly postdating the formation of Mars. small Mars problem. However, the Grand Tack is much more than just a
Within this picture, Mars would have been bombarded by all kinds of solution to the small Mars problem. It is a likely scenario for giant planet
planetesimals, both water-poor and water-rich, but avoided being hit by migration in the solar nebula whether or not it is needed to explain the
other embryos. The amount of water that Mars would thus have accreted mass of Mars, and it has frequently been used in recent papers on the
during the giant impact phase is not well determined, but if the common formation of Mars. We shall therefore treat it as a baseline case in the
view that the Earth acquired its water mainly from CI- or CM-type, distal following discussions.
embryos (Morbidelli et al., 2000; Raymond et al., 2009) is correct, the The Nice Model (Tsiganis et al., 2005) is also of crucial importance.
absence of this source in the case of Mars may imply that it left its infancy This forms the basic framework, within which the Grand Tack model was
with less water than the Earth or Venus would have at their later time of developed. Its salient feature is the concept that the giant planets formed
formation. Lunine et al. (2003) made an estimate of about 0.01–0.06% within the solar nebula in a much tighter configuration than the present
for the relative mass of the water accreted by Mars, based on dynamical one, and that this configuration broke down at some later time, leading to
simulations. the scattering of icy planetesimals around the whole solar system.
However, this classical model suffers from a problem to explain the The Nice Model does not prescribe the timing of the planetary
survival of Mars as a stranded embryo – the so-called “small Mars instability. This has often been assumed to connect to the Late Heavy
problem”. Most simulations (e.g., Chambers, 2001; Kokubo et al., 2006; Bombardment (LHB), i.e., the intense lunar cratering that occurred almost
Raymond et al., 2006) have produced a full-grown planet – less massive 4 Gyr ago (Tera et al., 1974). Evidence suggesting an episodic peak in the
than Earth or Venus but much more massive than Mars – near the place of lunar cratering rate at that time was interpreted to mean that the insta-
Mars' orbit. As summarized by Brasser (2013), alternative scenarios that bility occurred at that time (Gomes et al., 2005). Meanwhile, Kaib and
succeed better have tended to assume a narrow annulus of embryos at Chambers (2016) preferred a very early instability that occurred before
about 0.7–1 AU (Hansen, 2009) instead of the extended disk-like distri- the terrestrial planets were formed.
bution of the classical model. Walsh et al. (2011) provided an explana- Morbidelli et al. (2018) have recently revisited the case for a late peak
tion for such a structure in the so-called Grand Tack model of planet in the cratering rate as based on highly siderophile element (HSE)
formation. abundances in the lunar mantle. These authors found it likely that the
Here something dramatic happens before the dispersal of the solar HSEs brought by impacting bodies of chondritic composition were not
nebula. The growth of Jupiter to near its final mass triggered a sunward, retained in the lunar mantle until a time more than 100 Myr later than
Type II migration that would bring the planet all the way to 1.5 AU from that of the Earth. This would explain the relative dearth of HSEs in the
the Sun during a two-planet migration caused by a resonant locking with lunar mantle without the need to assume a low chondritic impact rate.
Saturn (Masset and Snellgrove, 2001), before the two gas giants “tacked” We note that another way to achieve this may be to assume a slightly
and migrated outward together. This would have compressed the higher value for the impactor velocity than that used by Morbidelli et al.
terrestrial planet embryo population into a narrow annulus, as hypoth- (2018). Thus, there are new arguments supporting the interpretation of
esized above, and also brought a large population of planetesimals, both the LHB as a late accretion tail (Hartmann, 1975) rather than as an
rich and poor in water, into high-eccentricity orbits penetrating this episodic peak, which brings new fuel to this long-standing debate. If the
region. LHB was not an impact peak but an impact tail, then the instability could
Brasser et al. (2016a) revisited the Grand Tack modeling of terrestrial indeed have occurred very early – long before the Earth and Moon were
planet formation, aiming to improve the realism of the model, with the formed. We shall take such an early instability as the baseline case for our
result that the best fit to the masses of these planets is obtained for a discussion but keep in mind that the issue is not settled and thus consider
tacking distance of 2 AU instead of 1.5 AU. It is not likely that this change also the alternative of a late instability.
would significantly reduce the amount of water-bearing planetesimals As argued above, in both the Grand Tack, classical and pebble ac-
holding the potential to be accreted by the Earth or Mars. cretion scenarios, the bulk of Mars likely formed quite dry, and the
The chronology of the Grand Tack scenario is worth a comment. acquisition of water was due to later arriving planetesimals. Some in-
Before the migration can start, Jupiter's core of about 10 Earth masses or dications come from results on the Earth's accretion of water. Morbidelli
more (Wahl et al., 2017) must be formed. The growth of terrestrial planet et al. (2012a) state that at least 50% of the Earth's water was accreted
embryos should be finished within a comparable time and for Mars the after our planet had reached 60–70% of its final mass, according to
default estimate by Dauphas and Pourmand (2011) is about 2 Myr. This simulations within both the classical and Grand Tack scenarios. Among
supports the above conjecture that the growth of Mars started from relevant geochemical evidence, we note that the oxidation state of the
material that predated the Grand Tack migration and thus contained little Earth increased while the planet was growing so that the first 60–70% of
if any water. its mass should have been highly reduced (Wood et al., 2008; Rubie et al.,

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

2011). water content in the parental magma of SNC meteorites (Gross et al.,
From the point of view of dynamics, it can be argued that the time 2013; Slaby et al. 2016; Weis et al., 2017), it has been concluded that the
scale for water-bearing objects to hit the Earth should be the same, Martian mantle of recent times may be similar to or somewhat dryer than
whether these are big embryos or small planetesimals. The same should the Earth's Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts (MORB).
in principle hold for Mars, although in reality, no embryo collided with In addition, the morphologic evidence for liquid surface water during
Mars. But the late arrival of water onto the Earth seems to imply that at the Noachian, especially the outflow channels, indicates a near-surface
least one big embryo arriving late in the accretion process brought a large reservoir of water at that time, amounting to about 500 m GEL (Carr,
part of our planet's water (see below for further evidence), so the absence 1987). Furthermore, the water content of the northern palaeo-ocean on
of such a collision for Mars might imply a lesser total amount of accreted Mars, based on estimates of shoreline elevations, may imply a GEL of
volatiles relative to the mass of the planet. 130–1500 m (Carr and Head, 2003), while estimates based on the
Brasser (2013) mentioned some preliminary results about the accre- development of the D/H ratio up to the present time point at the lower
tion of water by Mars in the Grand Tack model, based on simulations by end of this range (Villanueva et al., 2015). Further evidence will be
Walsh et al. (2011) and O’Brien et al. (2010). Indeed, he found the planet discussed below.
to be made of one embryo and lots of accreted planetesimals – the latter
contributing about 20% of the mass. Since several percent of the total 2. Geochemistry of volatiles in terrestrial planets
would originate beyond the snow line and thus be water bearing, he
could estimate the amount of accreted water. Using a H2O content of 5% We find it convenient to discuss the issues of Martian water by
(Morbidelli et al., 2000) for the icy objects, Brasser estimated that Mars comparing with the evidence gathered for the case of the Earth. Let us
could have incorporated 0.1–0.2% water, i.e., comparable to the Earth's thus start by discussing the Earth's water contents. How much water does
fractional water content if the latter is assumed to be dominated by our planet contain now, and how much did it receive during its accre-
mantle water. However, this estimate naturally comes with a large error tion? The answer to the first question is surprisingly uncertain in itself,
bar, and Brasser explicitly regarded it as a likely upper limit. since the amount of mantle water cannot be estimated accurately. We
O’Brien et al. (2014) again addressed the issue of the water delivery will use a standard estimate of 0.1% of the Earth's mass for the total,
to the Earth within the Grand Tack model in a detailed modeling study of supported by the finding that the transition layer in the Earth's mantle
several aspects of planet formation. These authors argued that Earth's contains about three ocean masses of water dissolved in wadsleyite and
fractional water content resulting from accretion (not counting associ- ringwoodite (Pearson et al., 2014; Schmandt et al., 2014). In absolute
ated or subsequent loss processes) is expected to be ~0.1%, assuming terms, this means about 6  1021 kg.
that planetesimals formed beyond Jupiter's initial orbit contained on the The answer to the second question also suffers from an important
average 10% water by mass. According to the predictions of the Grand uncertainty. It is often thought that the water accreted by the Earth
Tack model, these correspond to the C-type asteroids populating the during its formation dominates over all later sources (Morbidelli et al.,
outer part of the main belt, from which the carbonaceous chondrites are 2012a). However, the end of the Earth's formation is marked by the
thought to originate. Moon-forming impact, which has recently been dated to about 60–130
However, the actual amount of this water content is currently a major, Myr after CAI formation by Jacobson et al. (2014) and to 140–150 Myr by
unresolved issue. The value used by O’Brien et al. (2014) was based on Connelly and Bizzarro (2016). One crucial question is how much water
the average for water-rich carbonaceous chondrites (mainly, the CI and was lost due to both this extremely violent event and the preceding ones
CM classes). But those meteorites might come from parent bodies with a that were likely very violent too.
higher water content (Raymond and Morbidelli, 2014) as suggested by Before coming to this discussion, let us outline the major issues
the icy surface of (24) Themis (Rivkin and Emery, 2010; Campins et al., around the accretion of volatiles by the Earth and Mars. We separate two
2010) or the low-density, likely icy mantle of (1) Ceres (Park et al., phases of such accretion, which occurred in chronological order. First,
2016). On the other hand, Rosetta observations of coma grains in comet there was the interval, during which the planets formed. This would
67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko have led to an estimated ratio of about 6 leave behind what we call formation water. For the Earth, the phase ended
between the average dust and gas production rates (Fulle et al., 2016), with the Moon-forming impact and its direct aftermaths, after which our
indicating that the bulk composition of this comet may be dominated by planet was ready to receive additional water. For Mars we include, first,
refractories instead of ice. The planetesimals considered in the Grand the time of formation of the planet, and then a brief era, during which
Tack model were formed closer to the Sun and would hence be even more only a limited amount of water could be retained because of atmospheric
depleted in water. erosion by hydrodynamic escape (Lammer et al., 2013). As mentioned,
The fractional water content (fw) can be translated into the thickness this time span for Mars was much shorter than the corresponding interval
(hw) of a global equivalent water layer (GEL) by the relation: for the Earth.
hw ¼ fwRpρp/3ρw, where Rp is the planetary radius, and ρp and ρw are the Second, there was a period extending over several hundred Myr,
mean density of the planet and the density of water, respectively. For the when both planets were able to accrete water via impacts by water-
case of Mars this yields: hw ¼ fw  4.42  103 km. The lower end of the bearing projectiles. The latter would have included both comets and C-
above interval thus corresponds to 4 km GEL of water, so we may regard type asteroids containing chondritic material of water-rich composition.
several km GEL as a rough upper limit to the total initial inventory, of This will be referred to as the late veneer. It was characterized by an
which some fraction currently exists as near-surface water. This may be impact flux, which was initially very high and tapered off with a time
compared with estimates of the amount of water existing in Mars at later constant of about one hundred Myr (Brasser et al., 2016a) until the time
times during its history. The presently known polar ice Martian H2O of the Late Heavy Bombardment. There might be a subsequent, third
deposits hold a total of 20–30 m GEL (Christensen, 2006; see also contribution by icy projectiles coming from the trans-planetary zone,
Chassefiere et al., 2013). In addition, up to 1 km GEL of water may be corresponding to the LHB in the hypothetical case of a late planetary
trapped in the cryosphere and underlying groundwater (Clifford et al., instability. Even if this is not our baseline case, we will consider the
2010). Observational verification of this comes from the MARSIS radar possibility. The water currently present in the Earth and Mars may in
sounding of Mars on board the ESA Mars Express mission (Mouginot each case be a combination of formation water, late veneer water and
et al., 2012). A low dielectric constant found in the Vastitas Borealis LHB water.
region was shown to indicate low-density sedimentary deposits and/or
massive deposits of ground ice. Recently, Dundas et al. (2018) investi- 2.1. Formation water
gated erosional scarps in the Martian mid-latitudes and found exposed
deposits of water ice up to more than 100 m thick. From studies of the Let us first summarize the current knowledge about this source for the

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

case of the Earth, based on a recent paper by Schlichting and Mukho- search for such evidence, one may look for water in the oldest Martian
padhyay (2018). These authors discuss in particular the non-radiogenic meteorites. Unfortunately, this method remained elusive for a long time.
isotope ratio 20Ne/22Ne in mid-ocean ridge basalts versus deep mantle The oldest specimen on record was ALH 84001, which is known to
plume rocks  the latter clustering around a value close to that of the contain the water-bearing mineral apatite in the form of chlorapatite and
solar nebula. They interpreted this to mean that our planet may still merrillite (Cooney et al., 1999). Lapen et al. (2010) determined the age of
retain nebular volatiles in its deep interior. They conclude that some of this meteorite as 4.091  0.030 Gyr. Chlorapatite is considered an
the Earth's embryos did accrete such volatiles without losing all of them alteration product of primary fluorapatite due to aqueous activity (Bel-
during the following collisional evolution. Partial loss is, however, sug- lucci et al., 2017). Merrillite may have originally been Hþ-bearing
gested by the fact that the deep plume source has a ratio lower than the whitlockite, which changes our view on water-limited late-stage Martian
nebular value and is thus affected by an admixture of chondritic volatiles melts (Adcock et al., 2017). Indeed, during melt differentiation, the
within the embryos. incorporation of volatiles into minerals is delayed because most of them
The loss of volatiles from the Earth's embryos seems related to the do not need volatiles. Only at the end of the differentiation, the volatile
giant impacts (Schlichting and Mukhopadhyay, 2018). According to concentration is sufficient for crystallization of volatile-bearing phases.
dynamical simulations, these started to occur right after Jupiter's inward Mafic melts are not considered very rich in volatile components. How-
Grand Tack migration (Morbidelli, pers. comm.). Basically, the mecha- ever, Adcock et al. (2017) indicated that these can be much richer than
nism would be the creation of magma oceans by the giant impacts, which previously thought, rich enough to crystallize not only one, but several
tended to drive the volatiles into the atmospheres, after which the volatile-bearing phases.
bombardment by smaller planetesimals eroded these atmospheres away. The situation also recently changed due to the retrieval of Northwest
It is not clear, to what extent the most effective, km-sized projectiles Africa meteorites NWA 7034 and NWA 7533. These are regolith breccias
existed as a function of time, because recent models of planetesimal containing clasts, which contain zircons with crystallization ages of about
formation (Johansen et al., 2014) predict initial sizes in excess of 100 km 4.4 Gyr (Humayun et al., 2013; Yin et al., 2014; Bouvier et al., 2018). The
(see below), so that the km-sized projectiles would have to result from a detection of Δ17O with respect to the Mars fractionation line shows
collisional cascade. The time scale of this process still needs to be fractional crystallization from water- or volatile-rich magma as well as
established. hydrous alteration to have occurred by that time (Ziegler et al., 2013;
Further evidence for the loss of early volatiles comes from several Nemchin et al., 2014). Thus, we can now state with certainty that there
elemental abundance ratios characterizing the Earth. According to Hal- was water in the early, mafic crustal rocks of Mars and hence the early
liday (2013), the low C/H and N/H ratios of the Earth relative to chon- Martian mantle was wet (Balta and McSween, 2013). Wade et al. (2017)
drites are best explained, if both water and more volatile species were found evidence that Martian lavas hold more structurally bound water
mainly accreted before the Moon-forming impact, and the C- and and can retain it to greater depths than corresponding terrestrial basalts,
N-bearing volatiles were largely lost through the early impacts while and thus can have contributed to a considerable removal of water from
water was more easily retained. Thus, from our perspective, the the early surface of Mars into the mantle. Such silicate-mantle hydration
conclusion is that the early impacts including the one that formed the reactions could also form a natural explanation of the presence of for
Moon may not have completely driven off the oceanic or mantle water. example the oxidized magnetite identified in NWA 7034. We also have
The circumstances around the Moon's formation are plagued by large evidence of very early aqueous activity on the Martian surface and in the
uncertainties (Asphaug 2014) as evidenced by the “isotopic crisis” Martian crust. This water would likely represent the oldest part of the
(Melosh, 2009), i.e., the difficulty of explaining the similarity of Earth Martian late veneer.
and Moon in isotope ratios of many elements. While the Moon accreted There is an extensive literature dealing with interpretations of both
an important quantity of water (Hauri et al., 2011; Hui et al., 2013), there Earth and Mars as two-component mixtures of different chondrite types
is a deficit of heavy halogens in the Earth that is best explained by their (Ringwood, 1979). W€anke (1981) applied this modeling to Mars, finding
affinity for aqueous solutions and a loss of water during the Earth's ac- a best fit for 60% highly reduced material like enstatite chondrites and
cretion (Sharp and Draper, 2013). From modeling of the Earth's early Pb 40% oxidized and volatile-bearing CI material. According to this homo-
inventory, Connelly and Bizzarro (2016) found that the Moon-forming geneous accretion model, Mars would thus have formed with a sub-
impact should have left the Earth practically devoid of water. At one stantial amount of formation water. Brasser et al. (2017) summarized
end of the scale recent studies therefore conclude that major amounts of recent work in this field. Based on variations in the abundances of several
formation water survived the Moon forming impact, while at the other isotopes (for instance, isotopes of O, Ti, Ni and Mo), a good fit for the
end of the scale other recent studies find that all the Earth's water was lost Earth was found to be 90% enstatite, 7% ordinary and 2% carbonaceous
during the Moon formation. chondrites (Dauphas et al., 2014), while for Mars the result was 45%
The case of Mars may have been similar. The proposed early forma- enstatite and 55% ordinary chondrites (Tang and Dauphas, 2014).
tion of the Borelis basin (see Section 4.2.1) by a major impact would have Brasser et al. (2017) pointed out that this hints at different formation
been an event that in relative terms was comparable in size to the Moon- sites for the two planets, the latter being farther from the Sun. Hence,
forming impact. As we shall argue in Section 4.2.1, a considerable loss of Mars should not be considered as an embryo scattered out from the
water is to be expected, but there is no reason to a priori suppose this to narrow annulus of the Grand Tack model but rather as one that formed
have brought the planet close to desiccation. Defining the formation far outside this annulus. They showed by extensive simulations that this
water as we did for Mars, we find that its amount must have been very is dynamically viable while not a priori likely. Clearly, this would mean
small. On the other hand, the late veneer started very early and – as some difference in the amount of formation water picked up by Earth and
mentioned above  could possibly have brought ~0.1% of the planet's Mars. However, putting this in quantitative terms is difficult, since large
mass in the form of H2O (Brasser, 2013; O’Brien et al. 2014). As variations of water content are found among different types of ordinary
mentioned, this water may have been partially lost as a consequence of as well as carbonaceous chondrites – L-type ordinary chondrites and
the Borealis-forming impact. CI/CM-type carbonaceous chondrites carrying most of the water within
Note that all the early impacts under consideration would also be each class.
potential sources of water and other volatiles. There was hence interplay In summary, the low statistical likelihood of a scenario where Mars
between gains and losses, and the gains were due to accretion of ice- or was formed far outside its present location makes us focus on a formation
water-bearing planetesimals (for the Earth, also embryos). The rate of site close to the Sun. This means a very small amount of water acquired
such impacts was higher than at any later time in solar system history. during the rapid growth of the planet. However, there is evidence for wet
In view of the uncertainties around the early accretion of water by rocks in the Martian crust and mantle soon thereafter, possibly corre-
Mars, any observational evidence would be extremely valuable. In the sponding to a global inventory of several km GEL as predicted by

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

dynamical models. This arrival marked the earliest part of the Martian equilibration early in the planet's history (Righter et al., 2015) and
late veneer, largely predating the formation of the Moon. thus does not require any substantial accretion post-dating the formation
of the Moon. Brasser et al. indeed found that the preferred way to satisfy
2.2. The late veneer both the constraint of a high Earth/Moon HSE ratio and that of avoiding
the re-melting of the Earth's crust by late, big impacts was to have only
We now focus on core formation and the accretion of volatiles by one very big object providing the Earth's late veneer, while the plane-
impacts after this event. Core formation means the basic differentiation, tesimal population swept up by the Moon and Mars had a relatively low
whereby reduced iron and siderophile elements settled into the inner- mass. As a result, Mars would have accreted at most about 0.1 wt%.
most regions of a planetary object, and this should have happened to all We may estimate the corresponding amount of water by assuming a
embryos due to the short time scale involved. The reason is both the certain composition and water abundance of the stray planetesimals. If
kinetic energy of impacting planetesimals and the heating by decay of we use the average composition of the meteorites falling on the Earth
radionuclides. However, when embryos merged during the giant impact today, we can estimate about 6% of the objects being of CI chondrite type
phase, the cores should also merge, and it appears likely that material of and containing on the average 5% water. As a result, we obtain 0.3% of
chondritic composition, which had been accreted previously, was molten the late veneer, or 0.0015% of the Earth's mass as late veneer water. This
and differentiated too. is orders of magnitude below the Earth's water content and thus appears
It is therefore natural to consider core formation as an ongoing pro- negligible.
cess that started very early and went on until the planet formation phase There is reason to think that the stray planetesimal bombardment had
was over. For the Earth it is thus tempting to regard the Moon-forming an average chondritic composition similar to today's meteorite influx to
event as the end of core formation, and the corresponding epoch for the Earth, but since we do not know this, we can also imagine an extreme
Mars may be the end of the rapid formation of the embryo as dated by case, where all the planetesimals have a CI chondrite composition instead
Dauphas and Pourmand (2011). of just 6%. The above exercise would then result in 0.024% of the Earth's
The projectiles that hit the planets during the late veneer may be mass – still insufficient to deliver all the water in the Earth. On the other
called stray planetesimals. By this we mean all those planetesimals that hand, such a composition of the late veneer is in conflict with observa-
were still orbiting the Sun during the time in question. Clearly, since tions and thus has to be rejected.
planet formation was largely finished much earlier for Mars than for the Drake and Righter (2002) show the distribution of 187Os/188Os ratios
Earth, the stray planetesimal source must have been much richer for in chondrites compared to the average for the Earth's primitive upper
Mars. However, there is a caveat. Classically, planetesimals are thought mantle. Since osmium is a HSE, and the HSE elemental abundance
of as km-sized objects, but this may not be accurate. There has been a pattern relative to the chondritic HSE composition is flat, this element
recent paradigm shift concerning planetesimal formation, and at least for can be used as a tracer of the material accreted by the Earth after core
the inner planetary region the classical picture of hierarchical accretion formation. The best isotopic agreement is found for ordinary chondrites.
has been challenged by one of gas-grain instabilities in the solar nebula Using the result of Brasser et al. (2016b), we may conclude that the very
(Johansen et al., 2014). big object delivering the Earth's mantle HSEs had a composition consis-
In the latter case, giant swarms of “pebbles” are subject to gravita- tent with ordinary chondrites. Since it was thus very poor in water, the
tional collapse and may form objects 100–1000 km in size (Johansen conclusion of a negligible amount of late veneer water in the Earth seems
et al., 2007). Moreover, as argued by Morbidelli et al. (2009), the main verified.
belt asteroids may derive from an initial population characterized by Fischer-G€ odde and Kleine (2017) found independent support for this
sizes in excess of 100 km, consistent with being such large planetesimals. conclusion by studying Ru isotope anomalies in the different chondrite
Within this scenario, the stray planetesimals that hit the Earth and Mars classes and comparing these with the ruthenium of the Earth's mantle –
early on were also very big. This begs the question to what extent their the latter probing the late veneer. The result was that, in terms of Ru
impacts onto the planets would have tended to mix their reduced iron to isotopes, the Earth's late veneer stands out from all the chondrites. In
large depths, even contributing to the planetary cores. particular, the Ru isotopic signature of the water-bearing chondrites of
The usual assumption is that, after core formation, the impinging the formation water is not seen in the mantle, indicating that this
planetesimals would dump their highly siderophile elements (HSE) into ruthenium was partitioned into the Earth's core during the differentiation
the mantle, so that by measuring the amount of HSE currently residing in of our planet. By contrast, the late veneer did not originate in the outer
the mantle, one can deduce the total mass of the late veneer contribution solar system and could not have been the primary source of water and
from the HSE cosmic abundances, assuming the projectiles to be chon- volatiles in the Earth.
dritic. This has led to an estimate of about 0.5% of the Earth's mass from For Mars it seems relevant to assume, like we did above for the Earth,
the late veneer (Walker, 2009). that the late veneer contained 0.3% water. Combined with the estimated
For the Moon the corresponding estimate is about 0.03 wt% (Day and maximum of 0.1 wt% for the Martian planetesimal accretion after Moon
Walker, 2015; Kruijer et al., 2015). Such a low value caused concern, formation (Brasser et al., 2016b), we find a corresponding GEL of at most
because the ratio between the late veneer amounts of HSE in the Earth about 15 m. However, as indicated above, the preceding period that
and the Moon is then much larger than the ratio of the collisional cross postdated the formation epoch would likely have brought a much larger
sections of the two bodies. Bottke et al. (2010) suggested that the reason quantity of water to Mars.
could be connected to the mass distribution of the large planetesimals. If There is an interesting issue dealing with the amount of CO2 that Mars
this were shallow enough, the total mass would be mostly bound up in might have accreted along with the early water. Suppose that the icy
the largest objects. Since the Earth would accrete larger objects than the projectiles had a CO2/H2O mass ratio ~0.2, similar to some observed
Moon, a very large mass ratio could ensue (Sleep et al., 1989). However, comets. With an accreted amount of H2O of ~0.1% of the planetary mass,
as mentioned above, Morbidelli et al. (2018) prefer a different explana- an efficient outgassing of CO2 would create a surface partial pressure of
tion for the large ratio of the mantle HSE abundances, relying on a sig- ~30 bar. According to Amerstorfer et al. (2017), the loss of this amount
nificant delay in the Moon's ability to retain the accreted HSE in the of gas by thermal escape (see Erkaev et al., 2014) would be very prob-
mantle. lematic, and as discussed in Section 3, a much more moderate loss by
Brasser et al. (2016b) performed Monte Carlo simulations of the late sputtering was estimated by Jakosky et al. (2017) based on MAVEN data.
accretion of planetesimals by the Moon and all the terrestrial planets Then, why does Mars not show any trace of the remainders? The simplest
considering the time after 4.5 Ga, which they took as the time of the answer is that the early projectiles hitting Mars had a considerably lower
Moon-forming impact. The HSE concentration in the Martian mantle, CO2/H2O ratio than typical comets. A’Hearn et al. (2012) summarized
derived from Martian meteorites, may be explained by metal-silicate observational results on CO and CO2 abundances in comets and

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

concluded that their origin is likely found between the CO2 and CO snow In our baseline case, this delivery occurred long before the Earth was
lines. By contrast, the icy planetesimals considered in the Grand Tack formed. Moreover, the Oort Cloud was formed early according to the
model originated much closer to the Sun and should thus have contained scenario proposed by Brasser and Morbidelli (2013). Let us now discuss
much less CO2. how these phenomena might have influenced the accretion of water by
In summary, the amount of water acquired by Mars significantly after the Earth and Mars.
the formation of the Moon is estimated to have been only ~1% of the Let us suppose the timing of the planetary instability to have been 10
earlier inventory. We find that the water-bearing projectiles both before Myr after CAI formation, just to fix the ideas. According to the Grand
and after Moon formation likely carried a much lower CO2/H2O mass Tack model, the embryos of the terrestrial planets were then confined
ratio than typical comets, having originated closer to the Sun. Thereby, mostly within a narrow annulus located around the Earth's present orbit
these impacts would not have created an excessively massive CO2 (Walsh et al., 2011). One of these embryos was planet Mars before it had
atmosphere. accreted most of its supplement of planetesimals. Several of the others
were building blocks of the Earth.
2.3. The trans-planetary water For a rough estimate, we may scale the above estimates of the
amounts of projectiles colliding with the planets to the amounts colliding
According to Morbidelli et al. (2012b), the LHB was an episodic peak with the corresponding numbers of embryos. The total collisional area of
in the lunar bombardment rate that started abruptly about 4.1 Gyr ago the embryos is larger than that of the current planets, but the ratio is
and decayed during the following several hundred Myr. It would thus reduced for the Earth because most of the gravitational focusing by the
account for the mare basins on the Moon due to the large end of the full-size planet is lost when considering the much smaller embryos. At the
projectile size distribution but also for the plethora of smaller craters that same time, the lower gravity prevents the efficient retention of water, so
cover the lunar highlands due to the small impacting objects. In the Nice we tentatively conclude that this source of trans-planetary formation
Model scenario of Gomes et al. (2005), this would partly come from a water cannot have been important for the Earth. For Mars, the case re-
massive disk of icy planetesimals beyond the giant planet orbits and their mains the same as already discussed, because Mars was roughly the same
surroundings, which had been cleaned of stray planetesimals during the 10 Myr after CAI formation as during the LHB.
growth of the giants. A sudden instability within the multi-resonant Oort Cloud comets may provide an additional source of water-bearing
system of giant planets would eject the icy giants into this disk, where objects colliding with the Earth or Mars. The most interesting issue
their orbits got circularized by dynamical friction and migrated outward concerning an early formation of the Oort Cloud is about the Sun's birth
into their current locations (Morbidelli et al., 2010; Levison et al., 2011). cluster. It seems very unlikely that the Sun was born in isolation, and both
While the episodic peak of the impact rate has been taken as a fact in Lada and Lada (2003) and Adams (2010) discussed the probability dis-
much of the recent literature, there has also been a debate around this tribution of cluster size. According to Nordlander et al. (2017), it is likely
issue, including the point of view that the saw-tooth shape of the cra- that the Sun resided in its birth cluster for an extended period of time.
tering curve claimed by Morbidelli et al. (2012b) is not securely estab- They hence investigated the consequences of this for the survival of
lished owing to saturation of the highland surface. As mentioned above, comets in a primordial Oort Cloud.
from the work of Morbidelli et al. (2018) the LHB should rather be One result of this study is that about 1% of the Oort Cloud comets may
interpreted as the tail end of planetesimal bombardment than as an be driven into the inner solar system by the cluster tides, somewhat
episodic peak. This is why we take a very early instability of the planet dependent on the size of the birth cluster and the time the Sun was
orbits in the Nice Model as a possibility in our baseline case and consider ejected from it. This represents a very meager source of projectiles, and
the late instability only as a possible alternative. In each case, the its water supply would hardly be noticeable compared to the likely
trans-planetary disk would have been dispersed by the migration of the amount of formation water.
ice giants in essentially the same manner with the same consequences for Considering the possibility of a late, Nice Model instability explaining
the delivery of water to the inner solar system by trans-planetary the LHB, we note that this implies an additional source of water-bearing
planetesimals. projectiles before the LHB, i.e., during the late veneer. According to
The main issue is about the amount of water that this could bring to Levison et al. (2011), viscous stirring within the planetesimal disk would
the Earth or Mars rather than the time at which the delivery occurred. Let have delivered ordinary members from the innermost part into orbits
us first seek a rough estimate. The mass of the trans-planetary disk has approaching the outermost ice giant. These would then have been flung
been inferred by dynamical arguments to be of order 30–50 Earth masses around due to a series of close encounters with the giants, until some of
(Gomes et al., 2005). Gravitational scattering is expected to transfer them became terrestrial planet crossers and impacted upon the planets.
about 10 Earth masses into orbits crossing the inner solar system, and if The process just outlined would have started just after the dissipation
these perform on average 103 Earth-crossing orbits with an impact of the solar nebula, but in case it went on  as generally imagined – for
probability ~108 per orbit (Rickman et al., 2014), the mass accreted by several hundred Myr until the start of the LHB, it still was quite gentle.
the Earth would be ~104 Earth masses or 6  1020 kg. This indicates The integrated amount of impacts was small compared to that of the LHB.
that the trans-planetary source should have been quite inefficient in Thus, even if the projectiles were rich in volatiles, this bombardment is
supplying the Earth's water. not likely to have been important for the water budget of the terrestrial
However, to make the case clear, we need a comprehensive analysis. planets.
Rickman et al. (2017) recently performed this, considering the likely size In summary, based on detailed calculations, we find the probability of
distribution of the projectiles, their individual impact probabilities with a significant contribution by trans-planetary water to be very low in both
respect to the individual targets, the physical lifetimes of the projectiles, the Earth and Mars, independent of whether the Nice Model planetary
and the probability distribution of the number of actual impacts in the instability occurred early or late.
size range where the expectancy is small. When considering different
masses of the primordial planetesimal disk and different transfer effi- 2.4. The origin of water
ciencies into the inner solar system, the conclusion was that the Earth
would likely have swept up, at the most, about 2  1020 kg of It therefore seems difficult to argue for a truly cometary origin of the
trans-planetary projectiles. This is only about 3% of the Earth's water, water on the Earth as well as on Mars. When we combine the conclusions
and allowing for a current estimate of about 20% water in comet nuclei of the last three subsections, there is only one source that can reasonably
(Rotundi et al., 2015), the estimate is below 1%. For Mars, the corre- have provided the bulk of the Earth's water. This is what we called for-
sponding estimate was about 10 m GEL, which is way below the mation water, i.e., the water contained in both embryos and planetesi-
above-mentioned estimates of the Martian water inventory. mals that were accreted during the giant impact phase. The associated

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

amount of losses is hard to quantify accurately, but it likely was not

The most energetic impacts suffered by Mars were likely smaller than
those of the Earth, so that Mars may have avoided some of the Earth's
losses. Nonetheless, impact erosion associated with the most outstanding
collisional events in Martian history has likely influenced the water
budget on that planet too. Concerning impacts of more normal size, nu-
merical and analytical modeling results indicate LHB erosion to be quite
inefficient (Lammer et al., 2013), but it is likely that much larger impacts
occurred in the early, pre-Noachian era (see Section 4.2.1).
The dating of the Moon forming impact is not yet very accurate. In
principle, pushing the formation of the Moon to earlier times would allow
a major increase of the amount of water that the Earth accreted after-
wards (Jacobson et al., 2014). However, their timing of the
Moon-forming impact is precisely due to a limit to the mentioned amount
set by the HSE abundances in the Earth's mantle. Walker (2009) found
that the Earth's primitive upper mantle (PUM) contains between 3.1 and
3.9 ppb iridium, which is to be compared with the chondritic Ir abun-
dance of 400–800 ppb. Assuming that the HSEs in the primitive upper
mantle derive from a chondritic late veneer, these ranges translate into a
0.4–1.0% contribution of this type to the PUM.
If we assume no mixing between the PUM and the lower mantle, we
find that the chondritic late veneer contributed 0.1–0.2% of the total
mass of the Earth. On the other hand, assuming full mixing, this range
changes into 0.3–0.7%, which brackets the value of 0.5% used by Fig. 1. Siderophile-element abundances measured in the North African, Martian
Jacobson et al. (2014) and Connelly and Bizzarro (2016). Hence, the meteorite NWA 7533. Panel a shows nickel and panel b shows iridium, both
formal uncertainty of that value is not dramatic, and the above conclu- against the magnesium abundance. The symbols refer to different samples as
sion stands in that the Earth's entire supply of water cannot have an explained in the legend to the right. Domains occupied by lunar breccias and
origin in the late veneer – the absolute maximum would be about one SNC meteorites are identified. Reprinted by permission from Springer Nature:
ocean mass, assuming 100% of the chondrites to be of CI type. However, Nature, Origin and age of the earliest Martian crust from meteorite NWA 7533,
as mentioned above, the osmium isotope ratio of the PUM shows that this Humayun et al. (2013).
was not the case, and the ruthenium isotopes tell the same story.
As to the LHB, the first question is if indeed there was an episode 3. The Martian atmosphere
involving icy projectiles. However, even if the answer would be yes, we
have found that such a source was by far insufficient to deliver the As part of the accretion of terrestrial planets, the embryos that built
necessary water to either Earth or Mars. While the asteroid E-belt has up Venus and the Earth, and the one that may have survived as planet
been proposed to deliver many more projectiles (Bottke et al., 2012), Mars, were certainly formed within the solar nebula. Even though the
these would be practically devoid of water and hence would not solve the lifetime of the latter is not accurately known, it is clear that the ~10 Earth
problem. mass cores of Jupiter and Saturn were able to form before the gas disk
The amount of iridium measured in the ISUA sediments by Jørgensen dissipated, and thus, one has to conclude that the terrestrial planet em-
et al. (2009) sets an upper limit to the amount of chondritic LHB pro- bryos – with a shorter accretion time scale – also formed in a gas-rich
jectiles, especially if these impacted onto the Earth at low speeds, typical environment. This is supported by the short time-scale for the forma-
of asteroids. This might constrain the total amount of E-belt bombard- tion of Mars as well as theoretical planetary accretion models (Brasser,
ment. However, enough water could only have been brought by a very 2013).
rich source of comets. There is no such source known to exist, which One consequence of this is the formation of massive, primordial at-
would have been able to provide an episodic surge of bombardment in mospheres due to the gravitational capture of nebula gas (see Rafikov,
the inner solar system about 4 Gyr ago. In fact, the richest source of 2006). Based on the estimates by Hayashi et al. (1979), Mars could then
comets that has ever existed – i.e., the trans-planetary planetesimal disk have been surrounded by a gas envelope of mass ~1022 kg, whereof the
of the young solar system – has been shown to be insufficient to deliver expected H2O mass from cosmic abundances would be ~1020 kg. There
the Earth's water. would also have been noble gases including non-radiogenic argon in
Since the history of the Earth's water accretion is somewhat uncertain, accordance with their solar abundances.
it would seem preposterous to claim a detailed knowledge of the source Clearly, this primary atmosphere did not survive. Lammer et al.
for water on Mars. Empirical evidence relevant to Mars exists in the (2013) have reviewed this topic. From observations of its present-day
above-mentioned Northwest Africa meteorites. In particular, NWA 7533 counterparts (young G stars), the early Sun is expected to have bathed
is enhanced in nickel and HSE with respect to the igneous rocks of usual the newly born terrestrial planets in very large fluxes of X-rays and EUV
SNC meteorites at a level corresponding to about 5% admixture of photons. These caused hydrodynamic escape of the dominant hydrogen
chondritic input into the early Martian crust (Humayun et al., 2013) – see gas as well as photo-dissociation of molecular species like H2O within
Fig. 1. If the crustal depth of Mars is about 50 km (Zuber et al., 2000), ~10 Myr or less (Lammer et al., 2013). Moreover, the noble gas abun-
then 5% of the crustal mass corresponds to 1  1021 kg or 0.15% of the dances in the current terrestrial planet atmospheres (Fig. 2) are several
planetary mass, corresponding to about 6 km GEL. This might be a lower orders of magnitude below those of rock-forming elements, this depletion
limit to the late veneer accretion of water to Mars during the giant impact decreases with atomic mass, and the different planets differ markedly
phase (predating the formation of the Moon), since water deriving from from each other with Mars being the most depleted (Pepin, 1991).
chondritic planetesimals would also have been present in the mantle. We may thus consider the short-lived, primary Martian atmosphere a
However, if correct, it is in rough agreement with the predictions by closed chapter with very small implications for the planet's current,
dynamical accretion models. secondary atmosphere. According to the evidence for retention of some
fraction of the primordial volatiles in the Earth (Schlichting and

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

objects would have caused an important loss of these gases indepen-

dent of atomic mass. A quantitative estimate will be mentioned below.
Due to the recent measurements of the non-radiogenic isotope ratio
Ar/38Ar using the SAM-QMS instrument on board the NASA Curiosity
rover (Mahaffy et al., 2013; Atreya et al., 2013), Mars' atmospheric argon
has come into focus. The mentioned ratio was found to be 4.2  0.1
(Atreya et al., 2013), consistent with the range thought to characterize
SNC meteorites (Bogard, 1997) but lower than all other values measured
in the solar system, which are near 5.4. This means a fractionation in
favor of the heavier isotope, which is explained by a preferential loss of
the lighter one into space. In the present case, the mechanism relies on
solar wind induced pickup-ion sputtering causing escape of Ar from near
the exobase, where the lighter isotope is overrepresented due to diffusive
separation above the homopause (Luhmann et al., 1992; Jakosky et al.,
The total amount of the loss of atmospheric argon on Mars estimated
by Atreya et al. (2013) is at least 50%, and possibly as large as 85–95%,
during the last 4 Gyr. This time interval comes from modeling of the
escape processes acting at earlier times (e.g., Pepin, 1994), which in-
dicates the remaining abundance of atmospheric argon ~4 Gyr ago on
Mars to have been well below the current argon abundance. Thus, the
current isotope ratio can be modeled as a result of a balance between Ar
outgassing with a ratio near 5.4 and the above-described mass-dependent
loss during the last 4 Gyr. The mentioned Ar loss fractions were estimated
from such models.
Even more recently, Jakosky et al. (2017) reported measurements by
Fig. 2. Measured abundances of non-radiogenic isotopes of noble gases in the the NASA MAVEN (Mars Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) spacecraft,
atmospheres of Venus, Earth and Mars, and in CI chondrites (the latter being pertaining to the same isotope ratio and related atmospheric modeling.
considered as the most primitive type). The quantity plotted is the number of According to these authors, about 66% of the argon in the Martian at-
isotopes per million Si atoms in the respective planet, divided by the corre- mosphere has been eroded away by solar wind sputtering during the
sponding ratio in the solar atmosphere. The xenon isotopic abundance in the
same time interval. This would imply the loss of a major fraction of the
Venus atmosphere is only an upper limit. Reprinted by permission from Springer
entire atmosphere. In particular, Jakosky et al. (2017) estimated the
Nature: Space Science Reviews, Outgassing history and escape of the Martian
atmosphere and water inventory, Lammer et al. (2013). sputtering loss of CO2 using their results for argon. In this case the
sputtering is preceded by photodissociation of CO2 into atomic carbon
and oxygen, which are present near the exobase. According to their
Mukhopadhyay, 2018), it is reasonable to expect the same for Mars.
model, as much as ~0.5 bar of CO2 may thus have been lost over time.
However, its volatiles were mainly brought by planetesimals and later
Kurokawa et al. (2018) modeled the evolution of the Martian atmo-
projectiles, as sketched in Section 2. This accretion, along with volcanic
sphere, including most of the gain and loss processes thought to be of
outgassing of the volatiles and a variety of loss processes, has thus pro-
relevance. They found that the rate of isotopic fractionation of nitrogen
duced the current Martian atmosphere. There are close links between the
and argon (15N/14N and 38Ar/36Ar ratios) due to solar wind sputtering
Martian water and the secondary atmosphere. For instance, the atmo-
decreases with the thickness of the atmosphere, i.e., the surface pressure.
spheric gases stem from the same projectiles that also brought the water
To be consistent with the relatively small amounts of fractionation
to the planet. They also provide the surface pressure that may stabilize
measured in the 4.1 Gyr old Martian meteorite ALH 84001 (Mathew and
liquid water, which in turn sculpts the surface and leaves its imprints on
Marti, 2001), they concluded that a surface pressure of at least 0.5 bar is
the mineralogy of the surface rocks. Moreover, the presence of H2O in the
needed at the time, when this meteorite was formed.
Martian atmosphere leads to a deuterium enrichment that can be used to
Such a pressure would likely have prevented the collapse of the at-
trace the history of water on Mars. This motivates the following discus-
mosphere by freezing out of the CO2 at the poles according to the climate
sion of the Martian atmospheric evolution.
modeling of Forget et al. (2013). It would also have allowed atmospheric
In order to trace the atmospheric losses, the noble gases are consid-
circulation, such that H2O could be transported to topographic highs,
ered important in view of their chemically inert nature. Marty et al.
thus creating fluvial terrains by episodic ice melting (Kurokawa et al.
(2016) discussed the origin of the atmospheric noble gases for the case of
the Earth. Their conclusion, based on the argon abundance in the coma of
In fact, there is a ~4–5% enrichment of 13C in Martian atmospheric
comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Balsiger et al., 2015), was that,
CO2 (Webster et al., 2013; Mahaffy et al., 2013), which is likely due to a
while comets of this type were likely unimportant for the Earth's accre-
significant loss of CO2 into space during the same time. Note, however,
tion of volatiles at large, they would have been a natural source for the
that in addition to the atmospheric loss mechanisms that cause isotope
noble gases. They mentioned in particular a cometary late veneer or the
fractionation, there are other losses that leave the isotope ratios unaf-
trans-Neptunian part of the LHB in order to limit the giant-impact driven
fected. Hence, the global loss rates could have been even larger than the
losses. In our baseline case of an early planetary instability, to have this
ones just mentioned.
episode occur after the majority of the giant impacts is not unlikely given
Atmospheric impact erosion would not cause appreciable fraction-
that such impacts tended to occur very early (O’Brien et al. 2014).
ation, in case the impacting projectiles are large enough to remove an
However, it is not yet clear, if a sufficient amount of noble gases could
atmospheric cap tangent to the surface at the point of impact (Melosh and
still be retained.
Vickery, 1989), or at least cause ejection of an atmospheric mass domi-
For Mars, an early shower of trans-Neptunian projectiles would have
nated by the homosphere. In most models of atmospheric erosion and
brought a large part of their noble gases directly into the atmosphere.
replenishment (de Niem et al., 2012; Pham et al., 2011), the projectiles
Hence, judging from the results of Schlichting and Mukhopadhyay
are assumed to contain a non-zero fraction of volatiles, so that each
(2018), it is likely that atmospheric erosion due to impacts by km-sized
eroding impact is accompanied by some fresh supply of atmospheric

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

gases. However, it is not clear if this was always the case. Even with a late exospheric loss process and an estimate of the global amount of
planetary instability, as mentioned above, Bottke et al. (2012) argued exchangeable surface water, one may derive the cumulative amount of
that the LHB projectiles mainly originated in the E-belt and were hence surface water that has been lost from Mars (Kurokawa et al., 2014).
very poor in water or other volatiles. The question when this loss took place can be tackled using D/H
Among loss mechanisms for atmospheric CO2, impacts and sputtering measurements in Martian meteorites of various ages and in clay minerals
have to be supplemented by surface reactions involving carbonate for- deposited on the Martian surface very long ago. While the interpretation
mation. These were suggested long ago (e.g., O’Connor 1968) but of the latter is relatively straightforward (Mahaffy et al., 2015), the
appeared somewhat doubtful in the light of the failure to detect resulting meteorites require special attention, since these may contain both ele-
carbonates by the Mars Express OMEGA instrument (Bibring et al., ments of parental magma including mantle water and assimilated crustal
2005). Bristow et al. (2017) also reported on a non-detection of car- rocks including the exchangeable water of the time of crystallization.
bonate phases by the Curiosity rover at Gale crater. However, carbonates By means of the Sample Analysis at Mars (SAM) experiment on the
do exist on the Martian surface in Noachian outcrops often associated NASA Curiosity rover, Mahaffy et al. (2015) were able to determine D/H
with phyllosilicates, as found from Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter CRISM in the clay mineral smectite found in the Gale crater, dating from the
spectra (Wray et al., 2016). This indicates that some CO2 was indeed lost Hesperian era. The value measured was close to 3, which indicates that
from the atmosphere by carbonate formation. the Martian atmosphere about 3 Gyr ago had already undergone an
The extent of this loss remains difficult to specify. Thus, it is not clear important loss of water, while much more was still to occur.
how the total loss was partitioned between sputtering, impact plumes The oldest Martian meteoritic specimens for which D/H has been
and carbonate formation or how this balance may have shifted with time. measured are mantle melt inclusions in Yamato 980459. The age of these
In any case, the Mars Express ASPERA-3 observations (Barabash et al., has been estimated as 4.5 Gyr, and their D/H is found to be 1.275 or
2007) placed significant upper limits to the past, cumulative loss of CO2 smaller (Usui et al., 2012). This means a very small D enrichment (if any)
by solar wind caused COþ 2 escape. While this does not conflict with the with respect to the water picked up by Mars through planetesimal
removal of large quantities of CO2 by the above-mentioned sputtering, accretion.
we note that Jakosky et al. (2017) considered 0.5 bar as an upper limit to Next comes the orthopyroxenite meteorite ALH 84001 whose age is
the CO2 loss by sputtering, while Kurokawa et al. (2018) found 0.5 bar to 4.1 Gyr as mentioned above. Its D/H was measured using the same
be a lower limit to the surface pressure 4.1 Gyr ago. This indicates that chlorapatite grain by Boctor et al. (2003) and Greenwood et al. (2008)
impact erosion and, possibly, carbonate formation have been important with very different results. While the first investigation found D/H  2.2,
been important. the second found D/H  4. It thus seems that, by the time Mars was 0.5
The main source of atmospheric gases, acting at all times though Gyr old, a fair amount of loss of surface water had already occurred. This
principally when the planet was young and active, was large-scale led to the picture of a two-stage loss process for Martian water – an early,
volcanism (seen, for example, in the Tharsis uplift). Lammer et al. very efficient one preceding ALH 84001 and a slower one operating later
(2013) provided an in-depth discussion of Martian volcanism and its on until the present.
associated volatile outgassing. In their model, the growth of a volcani- This concept is illustrated in Fig. 3, which is copied from Villanueva
cally formed, secondary atmosphere may have started 4.3–4.0 Gyr ago, et al. (2015). These authors measured the D/H of the Martian polar ice
after the input rate started to exceed the loss rate caused by solar EUV caps by telescopic observations, finding D/H  8. The two-stage history is
(Tian et al., 2009). clearly exhibited with most of the water loss having occurred during the
Thus, given that Martian volcanism extended to times beyond the earliest phase and most of the current deuterium enrichment deriving
LHB, a substantial atmosphere seems a likely outcome during the late from the extensive period that followed. As to the absolute amount of lost
Noachian. The actual sequence of events that occurred during this time in surface water, Villanueva et al. (2015) used 21 m GEL for the ice in the
Martian history remains an unsettled problem of utmost importance. In polar layered deposits (PLDs) in agreement with the above-mentioned
addition to explaining the intriguing traces seen on the surface of Mars, to estimate of 20–30 m, to derive an initial amount of at least 137 m GEL
be discussed in Section 4, it couples to the already discussed issue of the about 4.5 Gyr ago. However, the early losses of water likely involved
origin of Martian volatiles. processes that did not lead to any isotopic fractionation, and so the initial
amount could have been much higher. In addition, by correcting for
3.1. The D/H ratio other cryospheric ice reservoirs near the Martian surface (Carr and Head,
2014), there is obviously room for further increase.
The history of surface water in Mars is reflected in the current at- Thus, the isotopic data seems consistent with a large amount of water
mospheric deuterium/hydrogen ratio (D/H) as well as those found in lost from the surface layers of Mars during its entire history plus an
Martian meteorites and in ground deposits of clay minerals. For conve- additional large amount still residing below the surface and at larger
nience, let us express D/H in units of the VSMOW (Vienna Standard Mean depths. The loss would have been very intense during the first 0.5 Gyr
Ocean Water) ratio, which equals 1.56  104. This atomic D/H abun- and then settled at a lower pace. This would be compatible with a planet
dance ratio characterizes the Earth's oceanic water. that was geologically much more active during its youth than at later
Photodissociation of H2O and HDO in the Martian atmosphere pro- times. The model of mantle dehydration by Balta and McSween (2013)
duces H and D atoms, of which some fraction is lost by exospheric escape. and Balta et al. (2013) involves a wet mantle and a strong magma out-
This fraction is larger for the lighter H atoms. Hence, the surviving atomic gassing during the early history of Mars. In this model, the upper mantle
hydrogen gets enriched in deuterium, and the atmospheric water vapor would have suffered progressive dehydration and isolated hydrous
gets enriched in its deuterated variant. Water on and immediately below mantle upwelling during the Hesperian, causing a dehydrated upper
the planetary surface is subject to continuous exchange with the atmo- mantle in the Amazonian. The progressive dehydration of the Martian
sphere and thus tends to adapt to the atmospheric D/H ratio, while the mantle has also been discussed by McCubbin et al. (2012) and Slaby et al.
Martian mantle water keeps its original value. From planetary formation (2016).
models, this value is expected to be not far from that of the Earth. Lunine Usui et al. (2015) measured D/H in glassy inclusions of the shergot-
et al. (2003) estimated D/H  1.2–1.6 referred to VSMOW. tites Yamato 980459, Elephant Moraine 79001 and Larkman Nunatak
The Martian atmosphere has a general D/H of about 5–6 (Owen et al., 06319. The resulting values ranged from near 1 to near 3. The authors
1988; Leshin et al., 1996). Local variations, caused by isotopic fraction- thus found evidence for a distinct water/ice reservoir with D/H ~ 2–3
ation during ice sublimation and condensation (Montmessin et al., 2005), (see Fig. 4) that has existed throughout the period of formation of the
have been detected spectroscopically (Novak et al., 2011). Using an shergottites, which means several hundred Myr. This could possibly
empirical value for the isotopic fractionation efficiency related to the represent the exchangeable water reservoir of the Hesperian era, but its

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

Fig. 3. Plotted versus time before present are the D/H ratios measured in different samples of Martian water, representing the surface water reservoir at the respective
occasions (red curve with axis to the right) and the calculated quantity of water in this reservoir compared to the present (blue curve with axis to the left) using a
model for fractionation by thermal escape. To the left of the diagram, an estimate is made for an early Mars ocean based on a current reservoir of 21 m GEL as derived
for the polar layered deposits. Reprinted by permission from The American Association for the Advancement of Science: Science, Strong water isotopic anomalies in
the martian atmosphere: Probing current and ancient reservoirs, Villanueva et al. (2015). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader
is referred to the Web version of this article.)

their average value, based on the limited statistics of comet measure-

ments, seems higher than the initial D/H ratios of Earth's and Mars'
accreted water. The LHB contribution of water to the terrestrial planets
should have had the same range of D/H. However, as argued above, this
is likely to have been too small to significantly influence the VSMOW

4. Evidence from geomorphology and mineralogy

There is a common agreement that about 3.8 Gyr ago, when Mars had
a denser atmosphere, and higher temperatures prevailed, liquid water
flowed on the surface of the planet. Several findings suggest the previous
existence of water under and on the surface of Mars. Remote sensing
images of the Martian surface, show the presence of interesting
geomorphic features such as channels, probably carved through erosion
by water running across the surface (e.g. Malin and Edgett, 2000; Bond,
2012), old river valleys, basins of ancient lakes, dry stream beds (Howard
et al., 2005; Plaut et al., 2009) and eroded craters. It is also possible that a
large ocean existed on Mars at that time (Baker et al., 1991; Carr and
Fig. 4. Deuterium enrichments of water with respect to VSMOW in solar system Head, 2003; Fairen et al., 2003; Di Achille and Hynek, 2010; Bond,
small bodies and Martian reservoirs are shown in this cartoon. Arrows indicate 2012). The regions that are most covered by valley networks are situated
possible exchanges of water between the different Martian reservoirs. Reprinted between the equator and the mid-southern latitudes. Studies of the polar
by permission from Elsevier: Earth and Planetary Science Letters, Meteoritic caps, ground ice and numerous channel networks suggest that liquid
evidence for a previously unrecognized hydrogen reservoir on Mars, Usui water may have been present in the Noachian, but favorable conditions
et al. (2015). for the presence of water may have recurred during the Hesperian era.
The observational evidence concerning the past presence of water on the
origin remains to be established. surface of Mars will be discussed in the next sections.
The LHB impacts by comet-like projectiles would have delivered Compositional measurements from orbiter observations indicate that
water with a comet-like D/H, but it is not clear what that means. Jupiter an important fraction of the water is stored in minerals. Multiple in-
family comets are preferred as a model, as discussed in the previous struments orbiting Mars, operating in the near- and mid-infrared spectral
Section. If the observations by Hartogh et al. (2011) of comet range, have been able to identify and characterize most of the surface
103P/Hartley 2, using the Herschel satellite, would be indicative of constituents. Hydrated silicates, particularly phyllosilicates, were iden-
Jupiter family comets at large, then one would expect D/H  1. However, tified by the spectrometers OMEGA of Mars Express (MEx; e.g., Bibring
Rosetta observations of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko (Altwegg et al., 2006, Bibring, 2011) and CRISM of Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter
et al., 2015) showed D/H  3 in this Jupiter Family comet. The same (MRO; e.g., Murchie et al., 2009), as well as TES onboard Mars Global
broad range is also shared by Oort cloud comets, which show a signifi- Surveyor (MGS) and THEMIS onboard Mars Odyssey (MO; e.g., Chris-
cant scatter in D/H including values near 2 (Altwegg et al., 2015). tensen et al., 2004).
In the picture of Oort cloud formation developed by Brasser and
Morbidelli (2013), both this cloud and the scattered disk that is the 4.1. Valley networks, outflow channels, and northern hemisphere ocean
source population for the Jupiter family derive from the same initial
comet population, which was formed beyond the giant planet region. Numerous landforms observed on the Martian surface provide evi-
This explains why they are mutually similar in their D/H values, while dence of extensive past, hydrous activity. The morphology of valley

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

networks and outflow channels indicate that liquid water is responsible and Head, 2011). Water–rock interactions that formed clays may have
for formation of these features. The mode, timing and long-term cycling mostly ended by the time of the Isidis impact in Nili Fossae (e.g., Mustard
of water in surficial processes are phenomena to be considered when et al., 2007). In this case, the phyllosilicates may be older than the Late
interpreting the various signs of activity (Baker, 2001). Noachian to Early Hesperian valley systems where clay-bearing sedi-
The valley networks are integrated channel systems, with individual ments were transported and deposited, such as in Eberswalde, Holden,
channels up to a few kilometers wide and lengths up to a few hundreds of and Jezero craters (e.g., Ehlmann et al., 2008; Milliken and Bish, 2010).
kilometers (Baker, 1982, 2001). These are primarily found on Noachian The outflow channels are much larger than valley networks, with
units, although some are seen on the flanks of younger volcanoes and in channel widths up to several tens of kilometers and lengths of thousands
Valles Marineris. Several studies have attempted to estimate, when the of kilometers (Baker, 1982, 2001). The sizes of Martian outflow channels
most extensive period of valley network formation occurred, using imply immense discharges of water, exceeding any known flood flows on
stratigraphic and crater counting analysis to date the termination of Earth. The outflow channels are Hesperian to Amazonian in age and
valley network activity (Fassett and Head, 2011). These suggest that originate from large depressions, often filled with jumbled material
regional to global scale valley formation persisted until approximately called chaotic terrain. Such channels form by the sudden melting of
the Noachian/Hesperian boundary or into the Early Hesperian at the ground ice due to volcanic or impact processes (e.g., Rodriguez et al.,
latest (e.g., Fassett and Head, 2008; Hoke and Hynek, 2009; Barnhart 2015). The water floods across the surrounding terrain, producing the
et al., 2009). channel and associated morphological features. The surface material
Rosenberg and Head (2015) using a methodology in which fluid/- overlying the outburst area collapses into the voided region, producing
sediment flux ratios are based on empirical data, found the chaotic terrain.
(0.4–14)  1015 m3 of water (corresponding to a GEL of 3–100 m) to be At their largest scale, the outflow channels are broadly anastomosing
the most probable cumulative volume that passed through the valley and split by residual uplands of pre-flood-modified terrain. The channels
networks. Luo et al. (2017) employed a mathematical morphology have low sinuosity and high width-depth ratios. Pronounced flow ex-
method to estimate the volume of valley network cavity and the amount pansions and constrictions occur, as do prominent divide crossings,
of water needed to create the cavity on a whole planet. The minimum hanging valleys and structural control of erosion. At a finer scale,
cumulative volume of water required is ~5–6 km of GEL, i.e., streamlining of the residual uplands is very well developed, as are lon-
(700–800)  1015 m3, suggesting a relatively high rate of water recycling gitudinal grooves, inner channels, cataract complexes, scabland and bar
involved in valley network excavation and consistent with a large open complexes (Baker, 2001). The whole assemblage of these landforms is
water body (Luo et al., 2017). best explained by cataclysmic flood processes.
Morphological variations between channels provide insights into the The largest outflow channels delivered their immense discharges to
local topography and surface characteristics (e.g., Hynek et al., 2010). the northern plains of Mars. Parker et al. (1989) considered the grada-
The dendritic appearance of many Martian valley networks indicates tional nature of the dichotomy boundary in western Deuteronilus Mensae
gentle slopes with water moving down small channels to merge with as evidence of sedimentary deposition that occurred in a sea produced
larger river networks. Steeper slopes produce channels where the tribu- during outflow channel flooding of the northern plains. Identification of
taries are almost parallel to the main river channel. Regions with strong the surface features that ring the plains for thousands of kilometers,
tectonic control (faults, fractures, or joints) produce channels with sharp interpreted as a series of paleo-shorelines of different age, led to the
angles rather than gentle meanders. Regions where channels form cir- proposal of one or more oceans forming in this area during Hesperian to
cular patterns indicate either domes or basins, depending on the direc- Amazonian (Parker et al., 1993).
tion of flow. Many valley networks have orientations consistent with the Clifford and Parker (2001) concluded that the nature of the Late
effects of surface deformation by extensive volcanic loading in the Hesperian outflow channels requires that in the Noachian at least one
Tharsis region, inferred to have occurred by late Noachian time (Phillips third of the surface have been covered by standing bodies of water and
et al., 2001). These networks occur in heavily cratered terrains that show ice, including specifically, an ice-covered ocean in the northern lowlands.
evidence of extensive erosion during the Noachian (Craddock and The great predominance of valley networks in Noachian terrains
Maxwell, 1993; Hynek and Phillips, 2001). certainly indicates a more active hydrological cycle during this period.
The proposed origins of the Noachian-aged valley networks include The same high level of surface activity has also resulted in very high
widespread precipitation (Craddock and Howard, 2002; Howard et al., surface degradation rates during the Noachian (e.g., Golombek and
2005), groundwater sapping (Carr, 1995; Malin and Carr, 1999; Gold- Bridges, 2000). Analysis by Carr and Head (2003) shows that erosion and
spiel and Squyres, 2000; Harrison and Grimm, 2005) and subglacial post-emplacement geologic events and processes conspire to modify and
water circulation (Fairen et al., 2009; Fairen, 2010). A rainfall origin is obscure any evidence for such subtle features as contacts and shorelines.
supported by the highly integrated nature of the valley networks and They found that the most compelling evidence for former standing bodies
drainage areas (Grant and Parker, 2002; Irwin and Howard, 2002) and of water lies in the deposits themselves, not in the marginal relations of
presence of interior channels, which tend to form by precipitation but not these deposits. On the basis of their assessment of the Hesperian-aged
by sapping. Estimated discharge rates of valley network systems are deposits, Carr and Head (2003) predicted that testing of the Clifford
similar to terrestrial floods produced by rainfall (Irwin et al., 2005). and Parker (2001) hypothesis (namely, that a Noachian-aged ocean
However, not all valley networks display the features indicative of covered up to one third of the surface of Mars) will be made very difficult
rainfall, and geomorphic analysis suggests that both precipitation and by the enhanced degradation rates in the Noachian and subsequent
sapping contributed to valley network formation. Groundwater-driven geological events in the northern lowlands.
valley erosion alone seems inconsistent with many valley characteris- Perron et al. (2007) demonstrated that the long-wavelength topog-
tics, particularly the dendritic, high-order tributaries that extend to raphy of the shorelines is consistent with deformation caused by polar
drainage divides (Hynek et al., 2010). The characteristics of valley net- wander – a change in the orientation of a planet with respect to its
works thus seem to require, at a minimum, time periods when precipi- rotation pole – and that the inferred pole path has the geometry expected
tation on the surface was possible, water was cycled through the early for a true polar wander event that postdated the formation of the massive
atmosphere of Mars, and water was stable or metastable at the Martian Tharsis volcanic rise.
surface (Craddock and Howard, 2002; Hynek et al., 2010). Di Achille and Hynek (2010) used global databases of known deltaic
The period of phyllosilicates formation that indicates pervasive deposits, thousands of valley networks, and present-day Martian topog-
aqueous alteration on Mars, is not readily connected to the period of raphy to test for the occurrence of an ocean on early Mars. The distri-
valley network formation  many of the observed alteration products are bution of ancient Martian deltas delineates a planet-wide equipotential
likely to be older than at least the last period of valley formation (Fassett surface within and along the margins of the northern lowlands. Di Achille

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

and Hynek (2010) suggest that the level reconstructed from the analysis appeared as equipotential curves. This means a dating of the Martian
of the deltaic deposits may represent the contact of a vast ocean covering paleo-ocean further back in time than has usually been assumed.
the northern hemisphere of Mars around 3.5 Gyr ago. This boundary is
broadly consistent with paleo-shorelines suggested by previous geo- 4.2. Large impact basins
morphologic, thermophysical and topographic analyses, and with the
global distribution and age of ancient valley networks. We shall treat four of these because of the indications they provide
Over the past two decades, the existence of an ancient ocean on Mars about the history of water on the young planet Mars. The first is Borealis,
has been repeatedly proposed and challenged (e.g., Carr and Head, 2003; which is believed to be extremely old, and the others (Hellas, Isidis and
Ghatan and Zimbelman, 2006; Perron et al., 2007; Di Achille and Hynek, Argyre) were certainly formed later. The impact origin is most clearly
2010). Numerical modeling of an impact-induced tsunami on a hypoth- established for the latter three, while Borealis does not immediately
esized northern plains paleo-ocean of Mars by Iijima et al. (2014) indi- stand out as an impact structure, and other explanations have also been
cated the approximate tsunami wave height and velocity. Rodriguez et al. put forward. The large impact basins pre-date by several hundred million
(2016), based on geomorphic and thermal image mapping in the years the end of valley network formation. Independent crater counts on
circum-Chryse and northwestern Arabia Terra regions of the northern the best preserved rim regions of Hellas, Isidis, Argyre, e.g., by Schultz
plains, in combination with numerical analyses, disclosed evidence for and Rogers (1984), Werner (2008), suggest that the sequence of the
two enormous tsunami events. The results presented by Iijima et al. impact basins was: Hellas, Isidis, then Argyre (Fassett and Head, 2011).
(2014) and Rodriguez et al. (2016) thereby shed new light on the past Hellas is at the base of Noachian, and Isidis and Argyre are Early to
existence of an ocean on Mars. A recent paper by Citron et al. (2018) dealt Mid-Noachian (Fig. 5). All basins have been incised by valley networks
with a problem facing the interpretation of Martian surface features as on their interior or immediate exterior, implying that substantial fluvial
ancient shorelines, namely, that these shorelines deviate from the in- activity took place after their formation. This is consistent with crater
tersections with an equipotential surface (e.g., Malin and Edgett, 1999). counting evidence that valley networks continued to be active until at
According to Citron et al. (2018), these deviations can be explained by a least the end of the Late Noachian or possibly into the Early Hesperian
proposed scenario, where the Tharsis uplift caused a deformation of the (Fassett and Head, 2008). The inferred sequence of basins is also sup-
surface such that previously or concurrently formed shorelines no longer ported by the preservation state of the basins (Fassett and Head, 2011).

Fig. 5. Geological cross-sections at selected points of three largest Martian craters: Hellas, Isidis and Argyre, on the basis of THEMIS, TES, OMEGA and CRISM data.
Red dot indicates the location of cross-section. Comparison of three geological cross-sections is not scaled in altitude. Based on: Bandfield et al. (2013), Bishop et al.
(2013), Buczkowski et al. (2010), Fassett and Head (2011), Moore and Wilhelms (2007), and Werner (2008). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this
figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

Generally speaking, Mars has two impact crater populations: one Some issues remain to be clarified concerning this relatively late
represents the period up to and including the LHB, while the other has dating of Borealis. However, one interesting consequence would be a
accumulated on younger surfaces since the end of the heavy bombard- specific scenario for the important loss of water that occurred early in
ment. The craters are not uniformly distributed on the Martian surface. Martian history (Villanueva et al., 2015). The dating of NWA 7533, from
There are a few areas with significant numbers of very large craters or which we estimated several km GEL of water in the crustal rocks, is about
basins (exceeding 300 km in diameter), while all of the northern low- 4.4 Ga, so Borealis may have formed shortly after this regolith breccia
lands have very few and rather smaller craters (e.g., Soderblom et al., was formed. As a consequence, a vast magma ocean would arise, through
1974; Snyder, 1979). Concerning the large craters, the heat produced by which much of the early water would make its way into the atmosphere.
the collision caused melting of the soil – a mixture of rock, dust and water The ensuing impact erosion (Schlichting and Mukhopadhyay, 2018)
ice hidden beneath the surface. As a result, the surrounding environment would remove most of this atmosphere, and in the meantime the loss of
was flooded. Before drying up, this muddy fluid carved a complex pattern large amounts of H2O by photodissociation and hydrogen escape is likely.
of blankets surrounding the crater (Carr et al., 1977; Komatsu et al.,
2007). 4.2.2. Hellas
The first data from the Hellas basin originated from the NASA Viking
4.2.1. Borealis orbiter. Based on these data, it was possible to distinguish areas that
The bulk of the Northern hemisphere of Mars is on average 4–5 km differ in morphology: the rim unit covered by sediments from late
below the southern highlands (Watters et al., 2007). This hemispheric Noachian, the sediments of the interior of the basin from early Hesperian,
dichotomy can have arisen from convective motions in the mantle and the rim unit covered by sediments from late Hesperian and early
(Zhong and Zuber, 2001), but it can also be understood as a huge impact Amazonian (Fig. 5; Tanaka and Leonard, 1995). Later maps, based on
basin, named Borealis and covering 40% of Mars' surface area. It is MOLA/MGS and MOC/MGS data, provided more morphological details
usually believed to have formed very early in Martian history, perhaps on the shaping of the crater by water erosion during the Noachian period.
contemporary with the Moon-forming impact on Earth. Moore and Wilhelms (2007) emphasize that Hellas must have been
Large craters and small basins almost always become circular, inde- formed in Noachian and filled with water. The oldest units have been
pendent of the impact angles, because the impact energy is deposited as a exposed and transformed by the glacier that was present there during
sub-surface explosion in a flat landscape. If the impactor is sufficiently Hesperian, as indicated by geomorphological traits of the crater (Moore
large relative to the target object, effects of the target curvature will and Wilhelms, 2001, 2007). Channels on the east side of Hellas may have
however cause the crater to become elliptic even for modest impact been water flows at some point in the history of Mars (Kostama et al.,
obliquity. If one disregards the Tharsis region, then the Borealis basin can 2010). Significant erosion of the interior and north side of Hellas, where
be described as an ellipse of 10 650 km x 8520 km (Andrews-Hanna et al., accumulation of clay minerals and hydrated silica are observed, may
2008), which is almost identical in shape to the Hellas basin (both of have been caused by huge flows of water (Crown et al., 2009).
ellipticity 1.25). Mineralogical analysis of the northwest rim of the basin has been
The fact that there is no annular thickening (“crater wall”) around made, based on CRISM/MRO data. Products of Noachian basaltic rock
Borealis, no global melt cover and no pronounced antipodal crustal transformation, such as prehnite, chlorite, illite, muscovite, and saponite
disruption, was used by Marinova et al. (2008, 2011) in spherical hy- have been observed in the ejecta. Prehnite is a product of low-
drodynamic calculations to constrain the impact energy, velocity, and temperature hydrothermal metamorphic processes, which probably
obliquity to around 5  1029 J, 8 km/s, and 45 , respectively, consistent occurred due to impact. On the northwest wall of the crater, Fe/Mg
with an impactor with a diameter 2000 km impacting with a velocity phyllosilicates have been observed (Noe Dobrea et al., 2014a). Based on
only slightly above the Mars escape velocity of 5 km/s. This puts the CRISM data in conjunction with HiRISE/MRO and CTX/MRO data, large
impactor in the same class as the Moon-forming impact on Earth (1031 J quantities of Fe/Mg smectites, Al phyllosillicates (including kaolin-group
according to Canup and Asphaug 2001), and may even have been the minerals), polyhydrated sulphates, chlorites, a smectite/chlorite layer,
cause for the Martian moon formation (Citron et al., 2015). and prehnite are amassed in pitted terrain in recesses formed through
In the numerical simulations, the impactor removes all of the crust sedimentation (Noe Dobrea et al., 2014b). Hydrothermal alteration
within the basin area, and penetrates into the mantle. The result is the products, such as prehnite, chlorite, and illite assemblages, are associated
formation of a thin new crust in the melt area (the basin) and a thickening with Hilly Unit and interpreted as uplifted crustal material and ejecta
of the crust with a factor around two in the southern hemisphere (Mar- from the Hellas impact and post-impact structural and erosional modi-
inova et al., 2008). The southern hemisphere thus represents the fications. Subsequent erosion of Noachian plains material resulted in
composition of the solidified, original magma ocean, while the northern dissection and redeposition to form smooth embaying plains and
lowland is dominated by a shock melted deep and previously depleted intra-crater units 200–400 m in thickness (Noe Dobrea et al., 2014a).
mantle composition (Nimmo et al., 2008). Bandfield et al. (2013) indicate the occurrence of hydrated silica in
The isostatic balance with the mantle causes the observed dichotomy the northwestern part of the Hellas interior. Hydrated amorphous silica
between inside and outside of the Borealis basin (i.e., between the (opal) has been identified on the basis of measurements by the in-
northern and southern hemispheres). The thick southern crust may have struments TES/MGS, THEMIS/MO, and CRISM/MRO. Opal was also
made it difficult for the magma to form volcanoes, resulting in slow identified inside the Tereby crater located on the north rim of Hellas
plume migration from the southern hemisphere (presumably from a re- (Carter et al., 2011). Bandfield et al. (2013) indicate that the hydrated
gion near the south pole) toward the dichotomy boundary, resulting in silicates on the surface of Hellas have been converted by a glacier. Before
the build-up of the 300 million km3 Tharsis volcanic region around 3.8 glaciation, the Hellas crater was filled with water for a long period of
Gyr ago (Hynek et al., 2011). time, as long as climate conditions allowed. The hypothesis of the pres-
In their discussion of Mars, Morbidelli et al. (2018) proposed the ence of a lake in the Noachian is confirmed by a survey using spectra from
formation of Borealis as a solution to an apparent problem with the CRISM/MRO and OMEGA/MEx from the western rim of the Hellas basin,
interpretation of the LHB as the tail end of a long-lasting stray plane- where large clusters of clay minerals were identified (Carter et al., 2011).
tesimal bombardment. The problem is that, in that case, the Martian Multiple channels and deltas, which were probably water flows in the
surface should feature more large craters than we see due to the direction of the crater in the Noachian era, can be observed on the rim of
bombardment that started 4.55 Gyr ago, when the planet was formed. Hellas.
The suggestion was that a major resurfacing event took place about 4.4 Clay minerals have been identified on the basis of the OMEGA spectra
Gyr ago, and it was speculated that this could have been the formation of in the central part of the crater and in the surrounding channels Dao
Borealis. Vallis (Zalewska, 2013). These clay minerals were formed mainly in the

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

Noachian era, when Hellas could have been filled with water. The local impacts. On the eastern part of Nili Fossae, the presence of minerals
appearance of clay minerals in areas from Hesperian and Amazonian such as kaolinite and magnesium carbonate, which is associated with
suggests reworking of the material by the glacier (Bandfield et al., 2013). weathering caused by surface water flows, dates back to the
Runoff water appeared not only in the Noachian but also in the late mid-Noachian. Kaolinite is formed by the transformation of rocks such as
Hesperian and early Amazonian, from the melting of a subsurface ice feldspar or in the process of recrystallization of smectites, as confirmed
layer and/or lingering ice caps due to episodes of late volcanism, when by subsequent genesis of kaolinite at Nili Fossae (Ehlmann et al., 2009).
the Dao, Harmakhis and Niger Vallis channels were formed (Levy et al. Magnesite is a product of serpentinization of olivine with the contribu-
2017). tion of water and CO2. The occurrence of prehnite is explained by hy-
One might expect clay minerals in the Dao, Harmakhis and Niger drothermal processes within Nili Fossae, another explanation being an
Vallis channels based on their geomorphological features, indicating that excitation of hydrothermal processes by impacts (Ehlmann et al., 2009).
huge flows of water were provided to Hellas, but the origin of these Mustard et al. (2007) explain the occurrence of olivines in the outskirts of
channels and their age are understood differently. The age of the lake Isidis by extraction of large amounts of olivine during the impact that
accumulation and runoff channel features from Dao, Harmakhis and formed the Isidis basin and then the emergence of volcanism, which
Niger Vallis is estimated at Late Hesperian and Early Amazonian. transported this olivine. Only some of this was transformed into clay
Possibly, the channels were carved by underground water, which formed minerals, whose age is not fully clarified (Mustard et al., 2007).
a frozen layer and was melted during late volcanic activity in the area. Studies of the rim of Isidis, Libya Montes, on the basis of the spectra
These flows are defined as catastrophic. Channels show features like from THEMIS/MO, TES/MGS, OMEGA/MEx, and CRISM/MRO have
sinkholes or sudden ground collapse. Embedded volcanic material ap- distinguished three layers of different origin (Bishop et al., 2013). The
pears on these surfaces. The outflow hypothesis still has several un- oldest basalt that originated before the formation of the basin contains
certainties. Another, more likely process is ice cap melting, since these layers of Fe/Mg smectite mixed with carbonate and/or other Fe/Mg-rich
channels exhibit characteristics of melting forms, presumably due to the phyllosilicates, and Al smectite. Above this layer there is a unit with ol-
melting of residual ice on the surface under the influence of late episodes ivines that developed by the ejection of volcanic material from the Syrtis
of volcanism (Kostama et al., 2010). These examples demonstrate the Major area or the influence of basaltic lava rich in olivines. The cover
appearance of water not only during the Noachian. layer is the youngest volcanic ash, which is probably derived from the
adjacent land of Syrtis Major. A layer of clay minerals is present in many
4.2.3. Isidis places on Libya Montes, especially in its central part (Bishop et al., 2013).
Isidis is another impact crater from the Late Heavy Bombardment
period, followed by an episode dominated by volcanic and fluvial/glacial 4.2.4. Argyre
activities (~3.8–2.8 Ga). Glaciers and/or ice sheets probably resulted in a The Argyre basin is another large, well-preserved impact basin in the
massive glaciation of the rim and the floor of the Isidis basin (Ivanov southern highlands of Mars, with seven associated ring structures (Hie-
et al., 2012). The oldest materials inside the crater and its rim from singer and Head, 2002). The geologic units associated with the basin and
Noachian (Fig. 5) were formed mostly by impact reworking and the surrounding plateau plain span the Noachian and Hesperian eras
mass-wasting (Ivanov et al., 2012). There are two rings forming around (Fig. 5; Scott and Tanaka, 1986). The geologic history of the Argyre basin
the crater hills, which arose in this way and are eroded by subsequent proposed by Hiesinger and Head (2002) is consistent with the model
erosion activity (Mustard et al., 2007). Many volcanic forms were proposed for the Hellas basin (Moore and Wilhelms, 2001). Glacial and
covered later by eolian and alluvial sediments. The thickness of the fluvial or lacustrine processes in conjunction with eolian modification
deposited interior material is 40–60 m (Ivanov et al., 2012). were most important in the evolution of the interior of the Argyre basin
The clay minerals inside Isidis date from the period when a network (e.g., Hiesinger and Head, 2002; Dohm et al., 2015).
of river channels was already developed (from 3.45 to 3.98 Ga). The There is a certain amount of geomorphic evidence for the past pres-
formation of river systems in these areas occurred only during the ence of water and ice in Argyre (Buczkowski et al., 2010). Geomorphic
Noachian and early Hesperian periods. Parts of the river valleys are now features consistent with glacial flow have been identified in the basin
heavily eroded or filled with volcanic material. The formation of clay (e.g., Hodges, 1980; Kargel and Strom, 1992; Hiesinger and Head, 2002;
minerals was caused by weathering of older layers of basalt, when hy- Banks et al., 2008; Dohm et al., 2015). Local alpine glacial sculpture in
drous activity appeared. Bishop et al. (2013) emphasized that the for- the Charítum Montes, south of Argyre, includes cirques, horns, aretes,
mation of mountains and hence clay minerals could have begun as early grooves and V-shaped valley troughs. Many of the cirques and troughs
as around 4 Ga shortly after the formation of the Isidis crater. The earlier seem to be occupied by extant or relict rock glaciers or debris-covered
formation of clay minerals before the creation of Isidis also needs to be glaciers. The adjacent floor of Argyre Planitia has landforms that can
taken into consideration, especially when it comes to minerals such as Al be interpreted as moraines, drumlins, esker-like ridges, kettles, outwash
smectite and beidellites, which also formed through hydrothermal pro- plains and glacio-lacustrine plains (Kargel and Strom, 1992). Three val-
cesses or burial diagenesis (Bishop et al., 2013). ley systems, generally interpreted as fluvial in nature, feed into Argyre
Mustard et al. (2009) presented a geological hypothesis on the from the south: Surius, Dzigai, and Palacopas Valles. A fourth valley
“pre-crateredˮ appearance of phyllosilicates. On basalt breccia in the system, Uzboi Valles, is frequently interpreted as an outflow channel
northwest part of the crater rim near Nili Fossae, Fe/Mg phyllosilicates from Argyre (e.g., Parker, 1989). The primary Argyre basin contained a
estimated at Noachian have been identified. Underneath there are layers large water body, sufficient in size to have sourced Uzboi Valles (Dohm
of smectites from earlier Noachian, and lava that flowed through the Nili et al., 2015).
Fossae troughs from Syrtis Major during the Hesperian forms basaltic Parker et al. (2000) and Clifford and Parker (2001) present a case for
covers (Mustard et al., 2009). overland flow of water from the south polar region to the northern
In the Noachian terrain west of the Isidis basin, on the border of Isidis lowlands, with water draining into and filling the Argyre basin, over-
and Nili Fossae, alteration minerals were identified by CRISM/MRO, topping it to the north, and flowing down the Chryse Planitia trough into
including nontronite, magnesium smectites, chlorite, prehnite, serpen- the northern lowlands. However, the continuity of features in this system,
tine, kaolinite, K-mica, analcime, hydrated silica, and magnesium car- their contemporaneity, and their ancient age have been questioned by
bonate (Ehlmann et al., 2009). The Fe/Mg smectites occur on bedrock Hiesinger and Head (2002), who find that several of the elements of the
through 100 000 km2. Such a wide spread suggests leaching of rocks proposed system are independent features of differing ages (Carr and
through transformation caused by hydrothermal activity due to cooling Head, 2003).
of the crust. This suggests the existence of long-term exposure of rocks to According to Hiesinger and Head (2002) the evidence for water in the
interaction with water in the early Noachian and then exhumation by Argyre basin is the formation of channels which can be traced to the basin

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

floor, the morphologies at their mouths which suggest a fluvial origin, particular that a large majority of the water was acquired more than 4.5
and the availability of large amounts of water. The source of this water is Gyr ago, preceding the Moon-forming impact. The harbingers of this
melt-back of a formerly more extensive south polar ice cap (Head and water were ice-rich planetesimals (and also embryos in the case of the
Pratt, 2001). Water that ponded in the Argyre basin would have sub- Earth) originating near and beyond the snow line of the solar nebula. We
limed, evaporated or migrated into the substrate rather than flowing caution against identifying these with present-day comets and asteroids,
through the outflow channel of Uzboi Vallis. The body of water in the because comets were likely formed at larger distances, and the asteroid
Argyre basin very likely froze over. Subsequent retreat of the ice is main belt is mostly inhabited by objects that arose closer to the Sun. In
indicated by the formation of esker-like ridges, and eolian modification terms of D/H ratio, an average value close to that of carbonaceous
of the basin floor is seen in numerous images from the MOC/MGS camera chondrites (i.e., close to VSMOW) is reasonable to expect.
(Hiesinger and Head, 2002). Since our review explicitly deals with water, we prefer not to high-
MOC/MGS images of the Argyre Planitia sinuous ridges revealed light the issues concerning other volatiles. However, we need to stress
sedimentary layers, boulders and discontinuous ridges, with heights of that the water picked up by Mars probably was not accompanied by an
10–100 m, and widths of 200–2000 m. Together with the associated excessive amount of CO2 (which might be hard to dispose of), since the
glacial landforms, the esker interpretation seems to provide a consistent swept-up planetesimals would have formed inside the CO2 snow line.
hypothesis explaining all relevant observations (Baker, 2001). Studies by Recent studies of volatile loss due to impacts up to and including the
Banks et al. (2008) confirmed that Argyre's ridges are most likely eskers formation of the Moon (Schlichting and Mukhopadhyay, 2018) indicate
formed by glacio-fluvial processes. Their occurrence among layered de- that the loss of water from the Earth may not have been dramatic.
posits allows for the possibility that lacustrine processes were involved. Meanwhile, other studies of the same problem have come to the opposite
The nature of some eroding beds suggests induration of ridge sediments. conclusion (Connelly and Bizzarro, 2016).
Alternating patterns of layers may also reflect the influence of cyclic Explaining the global amount of water contained in our planet may or
fluctuations in melt-water and sediment availability (Banks et al., 2008). may not present a problem, though most recent studies (Schlichting and
The northwest Argyre ring grabens are similar in orientation, loca- Mukhopadhyay, 2018; Morbidelli et al., 2018) point at a very early ac-
tion, and presumed formation to the Nili Fossae, where one of the most cretion. Coming to Mars, recent results have shown that it differs from
complex deposits of hydrated silicates on Mars was found (Ehlmann the Earth by being essentially just one embryo plus lots of accreted
et al., 2009). Argyre is thus potentially an ideal probe of the composi- planetesimals. This clearly means some difference in the way that water
tional layering of ancient highland rocks. Examination of CRISM/MRO was accreted. In our terminology, the formation of Mars was completed
spectroscopic data by Buczkowski et al. (2010) indicates the presence of within just about 10% of the time it took for the Earth to grow and the
Fe/Mg-rich phyllosilicates in several outcrops in northwest Argyre. In the Earth-Moon system to arise (Dauphas and Pourmand, 2011). As a
Argyre ring structure itself, the phyllosilicate-bearing units are most consequence, the following late veneer should be relatively more
consistent with Fe/Mg smectite and Mg-chlorite. However, the two knob important in the case of Mars – in fact, for Mars this should be dominant,
outcrops imply variability in the formation environments of the phyllo- while for the Earth it has recently been estimated to be of minor
silicates. The more southern knob shows only Mg-chlorite, while at the importance (Fischer-G€ odde and Kleine, 2017).
more northern knob also prehnite was found, which is consistent with Concerning the total amount of water accreted and retained by Mars,
elevated formation temperatures (Buczkowski et al., 2010). we still have only preliminary estimates pointing to roughly a few km
The stratigraphic units in northwest Argyre display an inverted flap of GEL. In terms of mass relative to the planet, this is comparable to the
pre-Argyre materials; thus the phyllosilicates observed in the northwest estimate for the Earth, i.e., about 0.1 wt%. Some support for this comes
ring graben were not formed because of impact-driven hydrothermal from the recently found Northwest Africa Martian meteorites. However,
activity, but rather represent preexisting materials (Buczkowski et al., there is room for more work on refining the theoretical estimate. One
2010). Although iron/magnesium bearing phyllosilicates are exposed may speculate that the Martian proto-planetary embryo may have carried
within and by the Argyre basin structure, less mineralogical diversity is more water than most of the Earth's embryos on the basis of chondritic
present than in a comparable setting at Isidis. Buczkowski et al. (2010) analogues due to the higher abundance of ordinary chondrites (Tang and
interpret the alteration minerals of Argyre as primarily pre-dating the Dauphas, 2014), depending on the unknown fraction of L-type,
basin-forming event, which exposed pre-existing alteration products in water-bearing material. On the other hand, Mars would have been missed
the Noachian crust. In the Nili Fossae area associated with Isidis the by the type of water-bearing embryos that brought an important
greater diversity of alteration products is observed which requires mul- contribution to the Earth during some of its giant impacts.
tiple alteration events in distinct weathering environments (Ehlmann Another issue worth pursuing is the role of episodic magma oceans
et al., 2009). This distinction is consistent with Argyre being younger during the time, when Mars acquired its water, due to large impacts.
than Isidis and with a hypothesized global decline in neutral-pH, high While full-scale embryos apparently were not involved, the planetesimal
water/rock ratio aqueous alteration as a function of time (Fassett and population may well have included some fraction of objects large enough
Head, 2011). to melt the Martian surface. Such impacts would have driven some of the
water and much of the other volatiles into temporary atmospheres, from
5. Conclusions which gases could be eroded away.
Concerning the arrival of trans-planetary water as expected from the
We have reviewed both theoretical and observational evidence Nice Model, both planets should have acquired water from cometary
regarding the role of water in the evolution of Mars from its formation projectiles, whose average D/H ratio was likely twice as large as
until the Amazonian era. Concerning theory, we discussed recent models VSMOW. This could have occurred either in the very beginning (our
of terrestrial planet formation with emphasis on the generally accepted baseline case) or very late, connected with the LHB. However, the
framework of the Nice Model with the Grand Tack scenario. However, we contribution has been shown to be very small (Rickman et al., 2017). For
caution that this is still just a dynamical model, upon which numerical Mars, the estimate is only about 10 m GEL.
simulations have been built. It includes crucial input assumptions, Coming now to observational constraints, the D/H ratios of the
influencing amongst others the timing of the instability. The outcome Martian atmosphere, surface rocks from the Hesperian, and Mars mete-
depends strongly on these, and can only be trusted to the extent that it orites with a wide range of ages indicate a certain history of water loss
accounts for all the observational evidence. from the surface layer. In the beginning, the loss rate was very high,
Meanwhile, we are led to tentatively assume that the baseline while at about 4 Ga it settled at a lower pace. The total amount of water
dynamical model is adequate for understanding the origin of water on thus lost is estimated to be at least of order 100 m GEL, and it may be
both the Earth and Mars. Following many recent papers, this means in substantially larger. In particular, impact erosion by water-deficient

H. Rickman et al. Planetary and Space Science 166 (2019) 70–89

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