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Origin and history of our initials

 Hello! Let us introduce ourselves. Our names are Ryzhkova Anna

and Kaut Anna and today we would like to share with you a
fascinating history of the origin of our name and surnames.

 The name Anna is of Hebrew origin and has a long history. It is a
variant of the name Hannah, which appears in the Old Testament of
the Bible. In Hebrew, Hannah means "grace" or "favor," and Anna
shares a similar meaning. The ancient Romans also used Anna as a
name meaning “the year’s cycle.”
 Anna has cultural significance in various countries. It has been
borne by royalty, saints, and historical figures. This name has been
celebrated in literature, music, and art as well.
 Overall, the name Anna is rich in history and symbolism, and its
simple elegance has made it a beloved choice for girls' names in
many cultures.

 The surname Ryzhkova is a Russian surname, formed from
Ryzhko/Ryzhyk - nickname red-haired. Known since the XVII
century as a noble surname of the Kursk province. The surname of
Ryzhkova can reflect not only external features, but also some traits
of character, such as passion or energy.
 Also, this name has an ancient origin and is associated with
crafts. Some researchers claim that the Ryzhkov were mainly
leather craftsmen who specialized in dyeing it red. That is why
they began to bear the surname Ryzhkova, which symbolizes the
corresponding craft.
 Kaut is a German surname that comes from the word "Kauter" or
"Kautz". The surname Kauth became common in the 16th and 17th
centuries in southern Germany. Kauter means “raisin seller”, and
Kautz means “owl”. Some sources claim that this surname arose
due to a nickname. For example, a person who was cunning and
thought a lot might get the nickname "owl".

To conclude our presentation, we would like to emphasize that each

name has its own unique history and significance. They connect us to
the past and can influence our future. Thank you for attention!

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