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Contemporary Theories

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Contemporary Theories

The carelessness of society has been prevalent since the beginning of human history. Whether it

is a result of our actions or the actions of others, society's carelessness affects us all. In our class

readings this semester, we have discussed the contemporary theories of dramaturgy, symbolic

interaction, and impression management as contemporary theories of everyday life. In this essay,

I will discuss the ideas of dramaturgy, impression management, and social interaction, linking

them to the reading of McKnight in his book: The Careless Society, Community, and its

Counterfeit. I will also discuss how McKnight's book The Careless Society, Community and Its

Counterfeit can be used to understand these concepts.

The concept of dramaturgy is defined as a view of social life as a series of dramatic

performances akin to those performed in the theatre (Chapter 6: Contemporary Theories of

Everyday Life). This concept is often used in the media to make events seem more exciting than

they are. For example, the media may make a drama out of a car accident by showing the

accident in slow motion and adding sound effects. This makes the event seem more exciting and

can make people more likely to watch the news.

Symbolic interaction focuses on everyday life, especially interaction between people and the

symbols deeply implicated in interaction. Symbolic interaction is a process we use daily in our

interactions with others (Chapter 6: Contemporary Theories of Everyday Life). For example,

when we meet someone for the first time, we may shake their hand. This symbolic gesture shows

that we are friendly and want to interact with them. Symbolic interaction is also a process we use

when communicating with others. For example, we may use body language to express our

thoughts and feelings when talking to someone. Symbolic interaction is a process we use daily in

our interactions with others.

Additionally, symbolic Interaction theory can be used to understand how people interact with

each other and how they create meaning in their lives. The theory suggests that people use

symbols to communicate with each other and that these symbols have meaning because they are

interpreted by each individual (Chapter 6: Contemporary Theories of Everyday Life). This

theory can be used to understand how people interact in the book. For example, (McKnight

1995) discusses how people use symbols to communicate with each other in the book. He notes

that people use characters to express their feelings, thoughts, and desires. People also use

symbols to create meaning in their lives. For example, McKnight discusses how people use

symbols to create meaning in their lives by using them to express their identity. People use

symbols to express their individuality by wearing certain clothes, using certain words, and doing

certain things.

The theory of impression management explains people's techniques to maintain impressions

when faced with challenges and the methods people use to cope with problems. According to

(McKnight 1995), Impression management is a process we use daily in our interactions with

others. For example, when we meet someone for the first time, we may dress in a certain way to

make a good impression. We may also try to act a certain way to make a good impression.

Impression management is a process that we use every day in our interactions with others.

In conclusion, the contemporary theories of dramaturgy, symbolic interaction, and impression

management focus on people's daily interactions and the factors like affect social interactions.

Such factors include the need to maintain a public image, look strong, and preserve the

impression of people towards one another. The concept of dramaturgy is often used to make an

event seem more exciting or important than it is. Symbolic interaction focuses on everyday life,

especially interaction between people and the symbols deeply implicated in interaction. The
theory of impression management explains people's techniques to maintain impressions when

faced with challenges and the methods people use to cope with problems. According to

McKnight, society's carelessness results from experts' efforts to revitalize communities that end

up destroying them.


Chapter Six: Contemporary Theories of Everyday Life.

McKnight J (1995). The Careless Society: Community and its Counterfeit.

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