2019-11-20 Newsletter English

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Brickell Key One ISSUE #18

NOVEMBER 20, 2019

The board approved raising the rent of some storage

2020 Budget Approved units. Now all units will pay the same based on
Partial Reserves voted for by members square footage. There is a 50% discount for storage
that has no air conditioning. This is effective 1/1/20.
For the first time in many years we have an annual
budget approved prior to the beginning of the fiscal There are two storage units that two owners claim to
period. The top line combination of the HOA and have access to in a manner similar to garages and
Condo budgets is $4,000,000. This is essentially the cabanas. That would be a limited common element.
same amount of the 2012 through 2018 budgets, so They have had these for years yet never paid any
you will pay approximately what you paid in 2018. dues on them. Effective 1/1/20 they will pay quarterly
dues on these spaces as they would on a garage or
There were some increases to Cabanas and cabana. The association incurs associated costs on
Garages. There was also a 17.4% increase to the these units that include; electricity, maintenance, air
Brickell Key Two owners in the HOA budget. This conditioning, and insurance. It is not proper that they
increase brings their payments in line with the have exclusive use of these elements while the
contractual conditions set forth in the By-Laws. remainder of the association carries the burden.
The new budget adds two full time shifts to security Eisner Amper was approved to perform the 2019
staff, and a part time position to housekeeping. audits of the HOA and Condo associations.
There will be no staff raises. Instead there will be a
bonus fund. The plan is for two performance bonus New upholstery for chairs in the card room will take
payouts during the year. No / low performance place in January.
equals no / low payout. There will also be a holiday Repairs to an office roof along with mansard repairs
bonus. The budget has $180,000 going to reserves. on the 20th floor were approved.
There are accommodations for the unbudgeted 17%
increase in insurance in 2019 with a similar increase
expected in 2020. Project Management
The members voted for partial reserves by 174 votes The board agreed on a motion to send contracts to
to 2 votes for full reserves. Please see the our law firm to start an engagement with Colliers
commentary on the last page. International to function as project managers.
Why professional project managers you may ask? In
Other Meeting Business the past there was a “Project Management
Committee” that existed of no one who had
Welcome new tenants: A1210, A1519, A2012, O305- professional experience in construction or renovation
307 of any type of building. As such many projects were
Welcome new owners: A514, A1110. left incomplete, a pool was wrongly resurfaced, new
elevators did not and have not yet passed
There were two garage transfers: G-063 and G-076 inspections.
Two architectural modifications approved; A1015 Our project manager will oversee all work to be sure
(New Carpets) and A1207 (Electric, plumbing, paint that we get the best and complete workmanship that
and cabinets). we pay for. They will start with the three roofs. The
problem right now is that the new HVAC system is
Legal: A cease and desist letter to a guest of an
still incomplete. We cannot replace the main tower
owner and initiation of a law suit to remove a guest of
roof until that is done. Had there been one company
another unit.
overseeing that project it would have been completed
years ago.

Brickell Key One Condo Association November 20, 2019 Page | 1

Brickell Key One ISSUE #18
NOVEMBER 20, 2019

Next will be concrete work, pool and surveys to pass There will be a required meeting, followed by the
the forty-year certification. “Organizational Meeting” where the board selects the
officers. There will most likely be a standard
business meeting after that.
Nonpaying Resident in
Jail Employee Holiday Fund
The day after the announcement of this year’s
Okay, that might be click bait! Here is the resident: employee holiday fund we started to receive your
The checks. Thanks to those who made such a quick
racoon response!
was As in 2018, the association will match the holiday
caught. funds received from the owners.
Not so
little. He Contributing to the holiday fund ensures that all our
or she employees receive a bonus. There are 35 employees
weighed thus, for every $100 donation from you each
35 pounds employee receives less than $3.00. Please be as
and loves generous as you can.
pork. Our Our goal is to distribute the funds on December 27th;
own Juan therefore, we ask you to please bring your checks to
Flores the office no later than Friday, December 13th.
moved the
trap after a
added his
Risk Adverse
own lunch Commentary from board president Ken
(Pork) Tannenbaum
inside then we had the critter within an hour.
At the recent board meeting I was asked why was I
He or she is to be examined for signs of rabies, if so risk adverse. I was not given the opportunity to
there are no appearances of the disease it will be answer the question.
turned loose at Brickell Key Two. Of course, that is a
Before I answer the question let’s clarify one thing; as
joke to see if you were paying attention. The critter
Condo Board President I have no more power than
will be freed in a wooded area. any other member of the board. I have one vote of
the total five votes. I have no extra influence or say in

Next Meeting matters. To do otherwise would be a monarchy. We

had that in the past, it did not serve us well.
Our next meeting will be “The Annual Meeting” which
is one of two meetings required by FL condo law. The question then is how can this board be so risk
This is where votes in a board election would be adverse? Shocking to me is why this particular owner
counted. As only five people submitted candidacy would ask the question as she and her husband
forms there will not be an election. almost never miss a meeting.
Here is why (Forgive me for rehashing items
previously discussed): The prior board took out a
Next Board Meeting is $2M HVAC loan without plans on how to pay it back.
They then contracted with more than five companies
Monday December 2nd to purchase and install the HVAC. This should have

Brickell Key One Condo Association November 20, 2019 Page | 2

Brickell Key One ISSUE #18
NOVEMBER 20, 2019

been done with one vendor who did everything that once we begin spending reserves, we have to
(supply equipment and install). As such one vendor replenish the reserves.
who would be held responsible. Had that been the
case we would have a completed and fully functioning While we have started a recovery and have money in
HVAC unit on our roof in six months instead of the the bank, we are still underfunded in reserves based
mess we are dealing with after a five-year odyssey. on FL statues. That is plain bad business. This
Yes; that is correct the system that has been running causes higher insurance rates and longer time to be
for only twenty months is still NOT complete, not fully paid on insurance claims. It exposes us to potential
functioning and requires future spending. emergency special assessments.

The prior board chose to resurface the pool for For someone looking strictly at financials this building
$89,000 without asking the paid engineers if this is will be appealing for the first time in many years.
something that should be done. Had they asked the That will happen after the 2019 audited financials are
question they would have been told not to do it as the released in 2020. No more HVAC loan, no more $1.8
pool needs to be replaced. There is so much more million liability to the HOA, plus decent reserves on
like; a non-competitively bid $67,000 carbon hand. Reduction in liabilities over $3.4M plus
monoxide detector that still has yet to be turned on in increases in assets over $2.5M.
over two years. There are no user manuals.
This board wants to make improvements, we want to
There was no focus on the spending, nor was there a increase the value of our property. As such we would
treasurer on the board. There were over $11,000 in like to embark on a multiyear plan with spending
late penalty fees paid to vendors in a six-month under $400,000 per year to accomplish these goals of
period, let’s not forget the $83,000 in waived late improvements. By doing it this way we can maintain
fees. There was a sweetheart deal given to a reserves, stop spending if there are surprises while
delinquent owner to over pay for the purchase of refreshing the look of the property and adding to the
items for the association. Add in over $800,000 of value of our homes.
bad debt to be written off; this association was
teetering on disaster. Am I risk adverse? You bet! The truth is that we do not know what you the owners
really want. We hear from very few owners at the
Now combine the issues above with the fact that we meetings. To learn about your opinions; in the near
have a forty-year certification to pass in 2022. The future we will be sending out a web-based survey. To
owner who asked the question said we will pass the be clear this is NOT A VOTE. It will be your
certification, without reading any of the opportunity to be heard as to your desires for this
documentation or looking at the list of items needed association and in what priority. Maybe you do not
to be addressed. Keep in mind the motivation for her want to spend our money on a refreshed lobby or
argument is that she wants a new $1,250,000 lobby. updated hallways. Maybe there is something else
It should be noted that her unit is currently for sale. more important to you.
At the meeting she was not in the room when I
detailed the $2,675,000 in planned spending over the This will move us all in the correct direction over the
next two years. This spending is on necessities for next few years carefully and methodically.
the certification and some improvements. That
spending did not include the cost of the required
mechanical and electrical surveys. More importantly
the costs of the repairs found in those studies that will
need to be addressed. The $2.7M does not include
the increased spending on the incomplete HVAC
system or the office complex that needs to be re-
painted as it was painted the WRONG color (under
the watch of the prior board). We have the money for
these projects, with some room to spare. Don’t forget

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