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Stiles: The Son of War and Wisdom

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Mature
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/M, Multi, M/M
Fandom: Teen Wolf (TV), The Heroes of Olympus - Rick Riordan, Percy Jackson
and the Olympians - Rick Riordan
Relationship: Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski, Annabeth Chase/Percy Jackson, Ambiguous
or Implied Relationship(s)
Character: Stiles Stilinski, Derek Hale, Percy Jackson, Jason Grace, Annabeth
Chase, Peter Hale, Scott McCall, Luke Castellan, Liam Dunbar, Leo
Valdez, Piper McLean, Hazel Levesque, Frank Zhang, Kira Yukimura,
Malia Tate, Lydia Martin, Buford (Heroes of Olympus)
Additional Tags: Male Slash, Demigod Stiles Stilinski, Established Relationship, Magic,
Camp Half-Blood, Camp Jupiter, BAMF Stiles, Stiles and Annabeth are
siblings, Stiles spent his summers at Camp Half-Blood, Stiles's demigod
background is in notes, Stiles is the Child of Athena, Sexual Content,
Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, I Wrote This
Instead of Sleeping, Stiles shows off his hot werewolf boyfriend at
Camp, Past Relationship(s)
Language: English
Collections: Stars*
Stats: Published: 2015-10-16 Updated: 2023-05-26 Words: 20,354 Chapters:

Stiles: The Son of War and Wisdom

by Alazan


"That...that's a flying ship." Peter pointed out, dumbfounded. Stiles would have been really
smug any other time to have all the supernatural creatures shocked like that. But that would
have to wait. Leo had parked the Argo II over Derek's loft and Percy and Jason were

He hasn't seen his friends or his sister since they defeated Gaea and they all started high
school. Stiles sees his friend's eyes flash and the claws extend as Percy and Jason come
closer. Stiles quickly steps forward and raises his hands toward the pack, "Whoa guys! I
know them!"

"You KNOW them?" Liam asked skeptically.

"Yeah, it's a long-"

Stiles doesn't get to finish because Percy's hugging the hell out of him.

"Let him breathe, Jackson, or this trip would have been for naught." Jason said with a
"Hey, you can't blame me. I haven't seen my best friend in years!" Percy exclaimed and
Stiles totally heard Scott's and Derek's growls. Yup...he had some 'splainin to do...

"Hey Stiles."

But that would have to wait. Because that was Luke's voice and he should be dead. Percy
stands between them and glares at Luke and turns apologetically to Stiles. "Yeah...we have
things to talk about."


Stiles lost his mother(Claudia) when he was eight. His distraught emotions made his scent
stronger and attracted more monsters to Beacon. One day, he was attacked by a monster,
only to be saved by an old Satyr named Hedge. He brings Stiles to Camp Half-Blood after a
rather brief conversation with the Sheriff. As much as he loved his son, he was grieving
Claudia's death and Stiles could be a bit high maintenance. And even if it was a camp
where Stiles would learn to fight monsters, it was still camp. Something the Sheriff
wouldn't be able to normally afford considering the medical bills that were piling up.

So Stiles goes to Camp, he meets his half brothers and sisters, but mostly bonds with
Annabeth. Together the two become a real family, inside and outside the camp. She even
comes to stay with Stiles and the Sheriff a few times during the holidays since Stiles is only
at Camp during the summer, while Annabeth is there year round. Being close to Annabeth
meant being close to Luke, who takes Stiles under his wing along with his sister and he
seems to fill the hole that Thalia left. Not completely, but enough to make the pain of losing
her easier. Soon, it's as if Stiles has always been part of their group. Stiles crushing on Luke
as much as Annabeth had.

Come their 12th birthday and Percy arrived and rocks up the camp. Stiles is there to help
retrieve Zeus's bolt. He helps Percy find a way to find Grover even if he's not the one
chosen for the quest. When Annabeth falls off the cliff, Stiles disobey's Chiron's orders to
stay at Camp and actually beats Percy to Annabeth's place and takes the weight of the
world off her shoulders. The Athena siblings switch every so often, but it's left it's mark.
For his father's sake though, Stiles dyes his hair on a weekly bases(the white hairs turn up
almost magically very fast. It's why he normally has a buzz cut. It would just look like a
bald spot).

He nearly convinced Nico not to leave, but failed anyway. He was there in New York when
the war raged on against Kronos, helping get civilians to safety, and leading monsters away
from buildings full of unconscious people, and stood side by side with Percy as they faced
down a possessed Luke. (More of that to be explained in the story. There's a bit of

He helped Annabeth search for Percy using his dad's police connections. He went to New
Rome to find Percy, he helped Annabeth with her quest as children of Athena after the
Mark. He was there to defend Camp Half-Blood against the monsters and the Romans and
fight against Gaea. He was there through it all.

The summer barely ended, he was still coping with the loss of his friends and the actions of
war...barely getting used to the fact that he promised Annabeth he would try for a normal
teenage experience and would remain safe...and then Scott gets bitten.
Chapter 1

"That...that's a flying ship." Peter pointed out, dumbfounded. Stiles would have been really smug
any other time to have all the supernatural creatures stumped, shocked, and awed like that. But that
would have to wait. Leo had parked the Argo II over Derek's loft and Percy and Jason were
descending...picking him up.

He hasn't seen his demigod friends or his sister since they defeated Gaea and they all started high
school. Stiles sees his Beacon friend's eyes flash and the claws extend as Percy and Jason come
closer. The child of Athena knew that demigods gave off power and a challenging aura to
creatures. It's part of the reason Stiles was sure he was often at odds and ends with all his friends.
Werewolf, Banshee, WereCoyote...Stiles was sure if Kira was capable of not being adorable, he'd
be at odds with her from time to time too. It totally happened from the get-go with Derek. Stiles
quickly steps forward and raises his hands toward the pack, "Whoa guys! I know them!"

"You KNOW them?" Liam asked skeptically.

"Yeah, it's a long-" Stiles doesn't get to finish because Percy's hugging the hell out of him.

"Let him breathe, Jackson, or this trip would have been for naught," Jason said with a smile as he
walked up to them. Once Percy let him go, Jason pulled him into a tight embrace as well.

Though it was sudden and out of the blue, Stiles really had missed them. So he enjoyed their
embrace. Really, he blamed werewolf tendencies for the constant need for touch.

"Hey, you can't blame me. I haven't seen my best friend in years!" Percy exclaimed and Stiles
totally heard Scott's and Derek's growls. Yup...he had some 'splainin' to do...

"Hey, Stiles." But that would have to wait. Because that was Luke's voice and he should be dead.

Percy stands between them and glares at Luke and turns apologetically to Stiles. "Yeah...we have
things to talk about."

Stiles stiffens and his face goes slack. Turning to Percy he demanded, "Where's Annabeth?"

"She's fine," Percy reassured and Stiles let out a sigh of relief. "She's at Camp. But needs your help.
We all do. There's...there's something going on and you're the only one we can trust."

He was still and quiet for a moment before he steels his resolve. With a nod, he said, "Let me get
my things."

Stiles turned and headed towards his Jeep. He heard footsteps behind him but he ignored them. In
those steps, he transformed from the gangling, awkward teen who tripped over his own two feet
and was the comic relief when things got stressful and became the strong, graceful, confident
warrior Chiron trained alongside Annabeth for eight years. He opened the truck of his Jeep and
pushed things aside to reveal a secret compartment where he pulled out a duffel bag.

" have a go-bag all ready and packed for a moment's notice?" Derek's question cut through
like steel.

Luke's presence was still very much throwing him off. All the memories of training and quests and
saving the world came back in full force and it was hard to be the Stiles the pack knew. Before it
was easy. It was something he practiced and perfected for his dad. His dad didn't really like
thinking Stiles was in danger at Camp since Chiron promised him it was the safest place on heaven
or earth for a Demigod. At camp, Stiles would be the strong and mighty hero he was trained to be,
but at home, he embraced his mortal side. He lived two lives, and before, they stayed separate. To
be honest, with everything that's happened in Beacon, he kind of forgot about his Demigod side.

So when he turned to face Derek, he saw a bit of bewildering shock in his eyes.

"It's...a long story." Stiles supplied.

But Derek was still looking at him with wide eyes.

While Percy dragged Luke back towards the Argo II, Jason waited patiently where he'd been. The
pack however had followed Stiles to his Jeep. Stiles was suddenly wishing he'd skipped this week's
pack meeting. But Scott wanted everyone present to discuss the aftermath of the Deadpool. Even if
Peter should be in Eichen House, they allowed him some freedom to get updated on Kate. He was
under magical house arrest and couldn't leave the perimeter of Derek's loft.

"Stiles! Your hair!" Scott cried as he pointed to Stiles's hair.

Stiles shut the trunk after slinging the bag's strap over his shoulder and looked at his reflection.
The white strand of hair was back and he sighed. He smiled at the pack without happiness or
humor in it and said, "Part of that long story."

"Why not take a moment and share? I have a feeling it's gonna be good." Peter suggested.


from the ship's tallest mast.

Stiles looked up at the curly-haired mechanic and smiled softly. He missed Leo.

"I gotta go," he told the pack.

Scott, Lydia, and Malia blocked his path and Derek grabbed his arm.

"You really think we're just going to let you go? What the hell is going on?" Derek demanded.

"Look, I need you guys to just trust me, okay? I'll be fine. I'll just...I'll be gone a few days." Stiles
said as he pulled his arm free from Derek's hold. But even if he managed that, he didn't get
anywhere from the blockade.

"What about your dad?" Lydia asked, eyebrow raised in a demanding manner.

"Tell him Annabeth needs me. He'll understand perfectly." Stiles replied without missing a beat.

"Who the hell is Annabeth?" Derek demanded, jealousy coming through openly. Stiles didn't even
have to be a wolf to sense it.

"She's....she's my sister. My half-sister." Stiles finally answered.

"You don't have a sister. You're an only child." Malia said bluntly. Then she looked confused and
looked around, "Right?"

"He doesn't have any siblings," Derek said and Scott nodded.

"Actually...I have a summer cabin full of half-siblings." Stiles replied dryly.

"I'm confused," Malia admitted. Behind her Kira and Liam nodded in agreement.

Stiles sighed and rubbed his face tiredly. "'s a long story, but the short version? I'm a
Demigod. A child of Athena. There's a whole camp for us in New York. There's also a camp in
California, but that's for Roman demigods. There's a whole new political system going on, but I'm
not going to go into detail cos then I'll be here all night. I've fought some crazy things, I've been to
insane places, and I actually saved the world twice with my friends. So you're welcome. And now
something else is going on and I have to go, so please...I'll be back. I promise!"

"..." was everyone's response.

"Prove it," Peter said.

"What?" Stiles asked.

"Prove you're a demigod," Peter said casually with a shrug.

"I'm a child of Athena, Goddess of War and Wisdom. What do you want me to do? Think at you?
I'm sorry, I didn't get any of the cool powers like water manipulation or storm-making abilities!"
Stiles cried.

"But I did," Jason said as he stepped up. He raised his hand in the air and tugged. Instead of
nothing, a dark grey storm cloud descended, and then it spun into a sphere that sparked lightning
every so often. Then Jason dispelled it and it was gone. He smiled at Stiles and said, "If that'll
move it along. I'm a child of Jupiter, Zeus's Roman counterpart, and Stiles's friend. What he says is
true. I know this is shocking and a lot to take in, but we are in dire need of his help. And we need
to get going. Stiles is right, he'll be back in a few days. A week at most."

"A week?" Lydia demanded.

"Gives us an hour...we can have things ready by then," Scott said and others shared nods, and or
questioning confused looks.

" can't come," Jason said apologetically.

"Why not?" Malia demanded as she crossed her arms over her chest and glared.

"Um...demigod business." When Lydia scoffed, unimpressed, Jason added, "Not that it's's guys literally can't go where we're going. I'm not even sure you can
see what we can fully see."

"What do you mean?" Kira asked.

"He means that as children of the gods, we can see through ancient magic placed on things and
places and objects that mortals can't see." Stiles supplied.

"And by mortals do you mean humans? Because I'd like to remind you that none of us are human.
Or do you mean mortals regarding life spans?" Peter asked.

"This will have to wait for when I come back," Stiles said as he gave Jason a pointed look. Jason
gave a discreet nod and Stiles was glad that they learned to silently communicate during their
adventures. "Now if you'll excuse me..."

Stiles didn't even finish the sentence when he was wrapped in a whirlwind of air. He heard the
pack scream his name, but it didn't matter. He and Jason were airborne and heading toward the
Argo II.

"You're safe then?" Annabeth asked through the Iris Message. He was in his own cabin/bunk on
the Argo II. Since it was just Leo, Jason, Percy, and Luke(for whatever reason he didn't care to
find out right now) who picked him up, he had his own cabin.

Stiles nodded and smiled, "I was going to ask you the same thing."

She smiled back. It was a tired smile, one she and the others shared after their trials to stop Gaea.
"It's really good to see you."

"You too. And soon we'll have the band back together it seems..." Stiles lost his smile and said, "
Even an old, thought to be retired, band member."

"It's a long story. One I want to tell you face to face. I hope you understand?"

"For you Anny...I'll try. And Percy's keeping him as far away from me as possible, so there's that."
Stiles supplied.

"I'll have to buy him a blue cupcake then."

"Annabeth, Chiron's looking for you." Though Stiles couldn't see them, it sounded like one of the
Stoll brothers.

"I'll be right there..." She turned back to Stiles and smiled apologetically. "I gotta go. Get some
rest. I'll see you soon." She swiped her hand through the image and it dispersed.

Stiles stared at where his sister had been, and then in a .5-second spin, threw a celestial bronze
knife that Percy had given him when he boarded. Derek barely managed to dodge it.

"Does that long story of yours explain those reflexes?" Derek demanded as he pulled the knife out
of the wood, astonished.

Stiles's eyes widened, "Derek? What are you doing here?" he hissed.

"Did you really think I was going to let you face the mythological unknown without me?" Derek
asked with a raised eyebrow as he inspected the dagger. When he touched the blade he hissed and
dropped it.

"Celestial bronze. Godly metal. Harmless against humans...lethal for monsters." Stiles explained as
he picked it up and sheathed it.

They were close now, so much so that Derek pulled Stiles closer by his belt loops. He rested his
forehead against his boyfriend's and sighed, "You could have mentioned it..."

" never came up," Stiles said a bit pathetically.

"I should probably be mad at you..." Derek said lightly as he began to kiss Stiles's jawline and then
down his neck. Stiles moaned lightly and let his hands travel down Derek's back.

"Can't have that..." Stiles said breathlessly. He then ran his hands in front of Derek's chest until
they landed on the opening of his jeans. Unbuttoning his pants, Stiles dug his hand in and began to
stroke Derek, "I could make it up to you..."
"Yeah?" Derek asked distractedly, thrusting into Stiles's fist.

"Mmm...I could help you join the Mile High Club."

Derek smirked, "Well...if we are going all the way to New York, I guess we have some time to
kill." and began to pull Stiles towards the bed.

"Wait..." Stiles stops and pulls away for a bit. Derek's confused for a second, but then sees Stiles
lock the door. "Don't want anyone walking in."

"So...child of war and wisdom, huh? That actually makes sense." Derek said as he pulled Stiles
closer to him until Stiles was half resting on top of him.

Stiles snuggled into Derek's hold. They were shining in their post-coitus glow. They were naked,
with the sheet hanging very low on their hips, sharing idle kisses from time to time. Derek trying to
be subtle about wanting to ask Stiles more serious questions.

"Have you ever noticed how...irrationally hostile you were to me? Or wanted to be with me and
sometimes you maybe stopped yourself and questioned it? Like...yeah, I could be annoying, but it
wasn't that bad? Not enough for you to be that irritated?" Stiles asked.

"Yeah..." Derek admitted.

"Well, that's actually natural. See, from the beginning of time, monsters have had this need. This
urge to fight the gods. But once the gods went to Olympus the monsters couldn't challenge them
anymore. But they could challenge their children. Creatures and monsters with heightened senses
can...sense that urge still."

"So you're saying we're natural enemies?" Derek asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Not saying that exactly. Though we could have fooled anyone in the beginning." Stiles smiled
and kissed Derek. Resting his head on Derek's shoulder he continued, "I'm kind of glad you're here,
but at the same time..."

"What?" Derek pressed.

"They'll see you like hunters see you..." Stiles said.

"As a monster," Derek said with a frown.

Stiles kissed him again, deeply and passionately. "Not gonna let anyone hurt you."

Derek smiled softly and kissed Stiles back.

They lay there in silence, idly caressing each other and making out. Then Derek asked,
"So...Annabeth's your sister. Who's Luke?"

Stiles stiffened and pulled away from Derek, frown deep in place, "Don't. Don't ask me that."

"Then what can I ask?" Derek demanded, letting some of the paranoid anger finally show through.

Stiles stared at him for a moment before turning and getting up from the bed. He walked towards
the window and stared angrily outside while he hugged himself. Derek got up from the bed too and
stood behind Stiles.

"I thought I knew you. But it turns out I don't know you at all! I have no idea what you've really
done or where you've been or who means what to you and I'm jealous, okay? I'm jealous and
paranoid and really unsure right now. I saw the way he looked at you. I smelled it! Is there
something I need to worry-"

"No!" Stiles turned around and shook his head in response.

"Okay! So then answer me, who is Luke?" Derek demanded.

"I'll answer any other question, but don't ask me about him." Stiles closed his eyes and pleaded.


"BECAUSE!" Stiles yelled. He was panting and glaring at Derek. But it left him when he saw the
hurt in Derek's eyes. He looked down ashamed before he answered. "Because...Luke...Luke is my
Kate. So please...please don't ask me..."

Hearing the name of the woman who ruined his life, Derek looked away in shame himself. He
shouldn't have pushed. And if it was something as serious as Kate-Likeness, he wouldn't. He pulled
Stiles tightly against him and whispered, "I'm sorry..."

"I know...I know there's a lot I have to tell you, but...for the next week can you just...roll with
things. For me?" Stiles begged.

"Okay..." Derek agreed.

"PUT SOME PANTS ON!" was heard with a crash against their door.

"Buford..." Stiles deadpanned.

"Wha...who?" Derek asked, confused and a bit alarmed. He and Stiles weren't wearing pants.

"He's a magical three-legged table. He's like...a chaperon." Stiles supplied.

"I...uh...what?" Derek asked, really confused.

Stiles nodded, "Like I said...just roll with everything, okay babe?"

Derek could only nod.

There was another knock on the door, "Dude? Is someone else in there?"

"Yes, and neither of us is wearing pants, so...leave us be, Valdez," Stiles called out as he dragged
Derek back to bed. "We'll be sleeping. Wake us up for dinner."

"Okay," Leo said from the other side. Then he was heard walking away, Buford hot on his trail,
the mini Coach Hedge Hologram yelling, "CUT THAT OUT!"
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

"Oye Cabron, dinner will be ready in ten. Get decent!" Leo's voice came from the other side of the

"Thanks, Repair Boy. We'll be there." Stiles called out as he stretched in bed.

Derek was already standing and putting on his pants. Stiles just leaned back and enjoyed the view
of Derek bending over to pick up his shirt. The werewolf turned to Stiles with a silent questioning
look, to which Stiles just smirked. Derek was different when in private with Stiles than he was with
the rest of the pack in public. For example, Derek wouldn't so easily flex for Stiles in public. But
now in the privacy of their room, shirtless, and pants unbuttoned...yeah, he gave Stiles a lil tease.

"So...Repair Boy?" Derek asked once they were both fully dressed.

Stiles wrapped his arms around Derek's neck and kissed him. "Mmm. That's Leo. He's the son of
Hephaestus. Smith God...and fire. He may spontaneously combust, don't freak out if that happens.
He's fireproof."

Derek's hands rested on Stiles's hips and he pulled back to stare blankly at his boyfriend.

Stiles shrugged, "It gets weirder..."

"Okay...Who else is here?" Derek asked.

"Percy, the dark-haired one who hugged me-"

"Your best friend?" Derek asked with a slight smirk. "Scott's probably going to give you the
biggest tantrum ever."

Stiles groaned, "Don't remind me..." then he shook his head. "Okay, so Percy! He's the son of
Poseidon. He's got different nicknames. Leo calls him Water Boy or Aquaman. He hates both.
Annabeth calls him Seaweed Brain and it's cute. Kind of how I call you Sourwolf." he said with a
smile and kissed Derek again. Derek's lips twitched upwards a bit, secretly loving his
nickname...when Stiles used it. "I personally call him Captain Nemo."

"Does he know who Captain Nemo is?" Derek asked.

"Nope. He thinks I'm talking about the fish." Stiles replied with a chuckle.

"And the blond who whisked you away?" Derek asked with a bit of a pout, and Stiles totally heard
the bit of jealousy in there.

"Jason. As he introduced himself, he's the son of Jupiter. He was born and raised Roman, but he
acts more's a thing. All well explained much later, promise." Stiles swore.

"Among another billion things." Derek deadpanned.

"Right." Stiles agreed as he began to pull Derek towards the door. "Anyway, Jason, like Percy has
different names. It all depends. Sparky, Eagle One, Thunderbird..."
"And you?" Derek asked.

"Wise Boy is popular. Even though Athena is the Goddess of War too, a lot of people mostly
associate that aspect with Ares. And was a tag team nickname. Me and my sister
Annabeth were inseparable as kids. Being know-it-alls, spurting facts when people asked
questions...whether they were serious or rhetorical. We were Annabeth and Stiles...Wise Boy and
Wise Girl." Stiles said with a real, soft, gentle smile.

"You really care about her..." Derek said once they were out in the hallway.

Stiles nodded. "Yeah...I...I first came to camp when I was eight. My mom just died, monsters were
really real and...I was scared and alone. Annabeth made things easier. She loved to learn but it's
lonely, being that curious. I had not just the 'tolerance' and 'patience' for her curiosity, but I interact
in ways that no one else did. And I understood her in ways no one else did too."

"Like finding pack..."

"Yeah." Stiles agreed.

Derek reached for Stiles's hand and interlocked their fingers, and gave Stiles's hand a squeeze.

They walk hand-in-hand through the ship. Stiles explained Festus to Derek as best as he could, as
well as Leo's other little gadgets. For the most part, Derek took it in stride. He did kind of wolf out
a bit when he saw Buford.

Magic like that usually didn't bode well for him. But Stiles was there and it was...manageable.

When they arrived to the mess hall it was to find Leo in deep conversation with Percy, Jason
adding in his own tidbit every so often, and Luke seated farthest away. The conversation stopped
when they entered and everyone looked at them. Leo grinned mischievously at Stiles and gave him
an overdramatic wink and thumbs up. Percy raised an eyebrow at Derek but then just shrugged and
smiled and waved at Stiles. Jason nodded with a small smile.

Luke all but glared at Derek.

Stiles did his absolute best to ignore Luke and Derek was kind of amazed by it. Stiles normally
would be very vocal and expressive about his anger or indignation.

The table was long and rectangular. Luke was on the side end near the entrance. Derek didn't miss
how Stiles stalked in like a war leader into a war room. He followed Stiles to the other end of the
table. Percy and Jason were sitting on either side end of the other edge across from each other. Leo
is seated next to Jason, on his left. That was until Jason stood and sat on Leo's left. Derek raised a
slight eyebrow in question but it was soon answered. Stiles took the seat at the head of the table,
and Jason's now empty seat was for him.

Derek took it and silently questioned Stiles and the situation. If demigods worked in a hierarchy
like wolves did, the Head of the table was reserved for someone in charge, someone in power. If
they were going by Godly parents, wouldn't the son of Jupiter(Zeus) have more merit than the son
of Athena?

Before he could ask anything, Buford the Table came running in with a platter full of burgers, hot
dogs, and fries. There were metallic cups, plastic plates, condiments, and those plastic sporks,
knives, and spoon packets with a napkin. The table was stopped by Leo who put everything on the
table. Jason and Percy grabbed their own things and began to serve themselves. Stiles grabbed
things for him and for Derek. Luke stood up, making an overly dramatic movement with his chair,
grabbed his food, and went to sit back down.

The tension was getting kind of tense and awkward, but when he looked at Stiles he received a
reassuring smile.

"Want a burger or hot dog?" Stiles asked.

"Burger," he replied quietly.

Stiles nodded and grabbed his burger for him while he grabbed some ketchup. He grabbed his
glass and looked at it and then around.

"It's magic, dude," Leo said.

Derek looked at him with a silent questioning gaze.

Leo pointed to the cup and explained, "It's magic. It'll fill itself up. Just ask it for whatever you
want. No alcohol though...though you look old enough to legally drink, so there may be a chance
it'll give you some. But no guarantee."

Derek didn't look convinced. He was always paranoid, and he was the new and odd one out. Was
this just some gag on the new guy?

"Like this. 'Coke'." Leo spoke and the cup filled itself up with coke.

Derek's eyes widened in surprise.

"Don't let Mr. D hear you," Percy said with a grin. Then he grinned wider at Stiles and they both
said, "Diet Pepsi guy." at the same time and then laughed. Derek felt a bit lost at the inside joke
and was still unsure. Would he even be able to use the cup?

Thankfully, he had Stiles with him. Stiles grabbed both of their glasses and said, "Coke." The cups
filled up and he passed Derek his. The wolf smiled gratefully at his boyfriend. Though when he
grabbed his glass, he looked at it astonished. This was all very...Harry Potterish.

"So,'s the whole 'Building a temple and/or shrine to every god, minor god, and deity in
both camps' going?" Stiles asked as he fixed his plate.

"It's...going," Jason replied with a chuckle.

"Yeah. Though it's been a total bonding opportunity for me, Jay, and Annabeth." Leo supplied.

"Yeah?" Stiles prompted.

"Yup! She designs it, I build it, and Jason and Percy are my lap dogs who have to do what
Annabeth and I say." Leo said happily.

Jason and Percy groaned in unison.

"They're evil when they're bossy," Jason said.

Stiles chuckled. "How's Pipes?"

"Great," Jason replied with a dreamy smile.

"When I'm not wanted by the building trio," Percy said that part with a pout, but then perked up,
"Piper and I head out to sea and surf. Thanks to yours truly we always have choice waves."

"Oh, man! That reminds me! Stiles, you totally missed what happened at the Aphrodite Cabin!"
Leo exclaimed and then barked out a laugh. Percy and Jason snickering too.

Stiles raised an eyebrow, "What happened?"

"Okay, so the Stoll brothers threw a golden spray-painted mango into the cabin with 'For The
Hottest' written on it."

"No!" Stiles gasped in disbelief, covering his mouth, and then laughed.

"Yes!" All three others yelled and laughed too.

"I've never seen glitter used so violently." Leo managed out while wiping his eyes from a tear, he
was laughing so hard.

"How the hell did that end?" Stiles inquired.

"Oh man, it was horrible. The girls were ripping each other's clothes and throwing lipstick, jewelry,
and Gucci shoes out the windows. Eventually, the cabin found out who was behind it and
put Permanent Makeup on Travis' face as payback. He looked like a clown for a month." Jason

"Yikes...never mess with an Aphrodite kid," Leo said. Then he playfully punched Jason in the
shoulder, "But we already know that. Since their counselor is our BFF."

"What about Hazel and Frank? How are they doing?" Stiles asked.

"Frank's doing really great as Praetor," Percy said proudly.

"Yeah, he and Reyna are working really well together to blend the old with the new. Keeping
traditions strong, but bringing in some modern justice...and fixing up anything and everything
Octavian corrupted." Jason explained, practically spitting out Octavian's name.

"Yup, the residents of New Rome and their plushies can rest easy now that ole Octy is pushing up
daisies." Leo snickered.

"Hey, don't joke about that. I miss Perry..." Percy sighed forlornly. And as a side remark he added,
"And I'm pretty sure Persephone wouldn't let that idiot anywhere near her daisies."

"Perry?" Leo questioned.

"My panda pillow pet. I had him on the way to New Rome. He was totally cool and kept my head
soft while I camped...then Octavian just...killed him, man. It was horrible." Percy angrily dunked
his fry into his ketchup.

"So...your name is Percy and you had a Panda Pillow Pet named Perry?" Leo stated rather than


"...You're alright, Jackson." Leo nodded in approval.

Stiles shook his head fondly. "And Hazel?"

"Oh, she's good too! She's practically mastered Shadow Travel so she can visit each camp easily
enough. She and Lou Ellen get along great and she's making real progress in her magic." Percy
replied, once more, really proudly. It reminded Stiles of his dad when he made first line and
actually got to play.

"Speaking of Shadow Travel. What about Neeks?" Stiles asked, taking a bite of his hot dog.

"Percy's still not his type," Leo replied cheekily. Percy threw a fry at him.

"He's okay too. Still...Nico, though, ya know? He and Will are close to getting together, I just know
it!" Jason said confidently.

"And here I thought Piper was the child of Love," Percy muttered.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever." Jason rolled his eyes.

Everyone took a moment to just eat. Luke's staring was really obvious but no one mentioned
anything and he didn't say a word either. Derek was usually one in favor of silence, awkward or not
since he would have no problem with it. But he wasn't in familiar territory or around familiar
people. The silence was getting to him and making his wolf angsty.

Leo cleared his throat and turned to Derek and Stiles, " you two crazy kids meet? It's
Stiles, so I expect something crazy."

"I accused him to my dad, who is the Sheriff mind you, of being a murderer," Stiles replied with an
amused grin. He and Derek shared a smile, a secret smile one shares with their loved one. Derek
felt unusually happy as liquid warmth coursed through him. He had a secret memory with Stiles
that no one else in the room could share in. It was great.

Leo slammed his fist on the table a few times as he laughed, "Oh man! Seriously?"

"Yeah, turns out I was just a werewolf." Derek finished.

"A werewolf? Seriously?" Luke finally spoke out. His glare toward Derek was colder now. Though
it probably shouldn't have, it made Derek squirm and feel insecure.

"Yes, really," Stiles replied calmly and just as cold as Luke's glare.

"Huh, so like...what's the real deal with werewolves? I mean, we talking Remus Lupin or Jacob
Black?" Percy asked, bringing attention away from the hostilities.

"Um...neither?" Derek replied awkwardly.

"He's an evolved werewolf. He's got heightened senses. Hearing, seeing, smelling. Rapid reflexes.
He's a walking, talking lying detector. He's got fast healing, super speed, and super strength." Stiles
boasted about Derek so proudly, Derek himself was blushing. And Stiles wasn't even done yet.
"He's also got razor-sharp claws and fangs...and can shift into an actual wolf whenever he wants."

"Really? Oh, that's so cool!" Leo exclaimed.

"Totally. So like...would he be more Lupa's charge or Lycaon's?" Percy asked casually.

"Neither, but if there had to be a choice, Lupa," Stiles replied. Derek raised a questioning eyebrow
and so Stiles elaborated, "Lycaon is the first Greek werewolf. And kind of known as the Werewolf
God/ruler to other werewolves."

"Yeah, Nico, Reyna, and Coach Hedge had to fight him and his pack. He's a total dick." Percy

"Think...Peter when he was an Alpha." Stiles gave Derek a visualization.

"If someone like that is a Werewolf God then I choose to be an atheist." Derek deadpanned.

The boys, minus Luke, chuckled.

"And Lupa is?" Derek asked, not wanting the awkward silence to come back.

"Roman Wolf Goddess. She trains new Roman Demigods and Legacies with her pack before they
come to New Rome. All wolves basically answer to her." Jason explained.

"Alpha of all wolves in a way. But more a strict, Roman, military way." Stiles added.

"She's pretty cool. Tough as Hades." Percy added.

"He means Hell. You'll hear a lot of references like that. 'What the Hades?', 'For the love of Zeus!'
He's the head honcho and is used a lot, but demigods may choose to use their own parent too. And
for the record, Hades and Hell are not equivalent. Hades is the Underworld. The fields of
Punishment and Tartarus are more Hell-like."

"Just like Pluto isn't the god of Death. He's the Ruler of the underworld. Thanatos is the God of
Death." Jason supplied.

"Jason's a Roman, so he has the habit of using the Roman versions. We're heading to Camp Half-
Blood and that's the Greek camp. Camp Jupiter is the Roman one, and that's in San Fran." Leo

Derek's head was spinning a bit. Sure he knew the basic myths from both Greek and Roman
mythology, but before they were just stories. Now knowing that they were true...well, that hadn't
really sunk in yet. Not fully anyway. Having to keep up with everything? He grabbed his head. He
was getting a headache.

Stiles reached out and placed a hand over his. "'s okay. There is a lot. Trust took all of
us time to get a handle on things."

"Yeah, dude. Heck, I've been at camp for a few years now and I still don't know every single myth
and story or minor god or monster. Hell, sometimes I need refreshers on the bigger gods. But!
That's what friends and siblings are for! If I don't know something, someone else does." Leo said

"Teamwork is a very important aspect we've come to learn. Not the easiest subject to learn, but
important." Jason said.

That sounded about right, Derek thought. But it also in a way.

Naturally, Stiles knew his boyfriend really well and explained, "All of our stories are different. Not
all of them are tragic but...demigods don't have the best beginnings. It makes us...not the easiest of
team players."

"My mom and I love each other a lot. She always knew what I was and did her best to protect
me...and put up with the extras that came with me being a demigod. Me always getting in trouble
and fighting. Getting kicked out of school after school. It was just the two of us for a while and we
didn't make that much money...and then she married this horrible guy for my sake." Percy
grumbled at the thought of his ex-stepfather. At Derek's really confused face, Percy explained.
"Demigods have a unique scent that attracts monsters. Our scents become stronger and more
profound when we know what we are. My mom did her best to keep me from knowing. And
people's personality impacts their scent. My stepdad was the grosses human piece of crap you
could imagine. A drinker, smoker...dead beat. Living with him was hell. He disrespected my
mother, treated her like a servant...and she put up with it...because it kept me safe from monsters."

"My mom was awesome too. But I lost control of my powers. Or really, I didn't have any control. I
started the fire in her garage. She died and it was my fault, I mean sure Hera had a big part in it, but
it was my powers, ya know? My family blamed me and no one took me in. I was placed in the
system. Ran away lots of times. Then I met Pipes and Jason. There was this weird mix-up with
fake memories, but we got it solved." Leo said with a casual tone, but Derek saw the real pain and
sorrow in his eyes. Having lost his family in a fire that in a way was his fault too, he could
relate a lot.

"My mother was a celebrity almost. I can't really remember that part. But she had a lot of
arrogance...she got high off of power and pride. She manages to attract Zeus twice. My sister was
born first. And she's the daughter of Zeus. And then me, his Roman side...and he had to leave
again and this time didn't come drove her to deep alcoholism, and then she...abandoned me
in the Wolf House. I was two years old. There Lupa took me, trained me, and when I was ready I
went to Camp Jupiter. I became Praetor for some time." Jason told his own story.

"The Gods don't really think the way mortals do. To them children...aren't expensive. They
aren't..." Stiles searched for the right words, "Gods can't be as maternal as mortals. It would be too
human. And the Gods can't be human...Some parents, like Sally, accept the responsibility and are
the true essence of awesomeness, and have the luck to more or less have a successful life. I mean,
it wasn't easy but Percy and her are both still alive and thriving. Some parents die protecting their
children." he said glancing at Leo. "Some are driven into way..." Stiles cast a glance
towards Jason and then to Luke, "Or another." Luke had been looking at them as they spoke. When
Stiles looked at him, he looked down at his plate. Stiles cleared his throat a bit, "Some
parents...may not care. Or lose interest. I mean, the Gods can pick from common civilians who are
librarians. stars. Sometimes the Gods don't let the mortal they have sex with know what
they were and the baby is just a surprise. Then...then there's me and my siblings."

"What do you mean?" Derek asked.

"Well...we're born like our mother," Stiles said.

Derek took a moment to recall what he knew of Athena. Now that he thought about it he could
have sworn she was one of the Maiden Goddesses along with Artemis and Hestia. How was she
born again? Right, Zeus had a headache and he cracked open his skull...and out came a full
armored and armed...Goddess.

"You were made out of a thought?" Derek finally asked.

Stiles smiled sheepishly at him but nodded. "When mother likes someone's mind and way of
thinking...I am literally a brainchild. I even descended from the heavens in a golden crib."

"Wow..." Derek said in wonder.

" parents were thinking about children at the time, but my mom's health made things
hard. I was a real, actual, literal blessing for them. But not all are like that. I mean, one day you
could be a single, smart dude who hasn't had sex in a couple of months, and then bam! Baby!"

There were some engine noises that were overly loud and didn't seem to be right. Derek
immediately panicked and feared the ship was going down.

"Whoa, hey...calm down. We're just nearing Camp Half-Blood." Stiles said.

When Derek looked at Stiles he saw Stiles looking at his hands. Derek looked too and his claws
had extended. He closed his hands into fists and willed the claws away.

Everyone got up, so Derek followed suit. Stiles interlocked their fingers and everyone filed out of
the mess hall and up towards the deck. Derek had to was one hell of a sensation.

The wind against his skin and through his hair, the sight of the setting sun on the New York
skyline, being there with Stiles on this new adventure, learning about Stiles's real was
kind of epic.

Derek tried not to be uncomfortable.

He tried to be aloof and uncaring and the personification of cool as he waited for Stiles.

They arrived after dinner, not just for them but for the whole camp as well apparently. Their arrival
at the camp was treated pretty similar to the ship's arrival over Derek's loft. Though there were a lot
of people who just continued with what they were doing as if a giant, floating, armed ship wasn't
hovering over the sky, a lot of people gathered around to see what was going on.

A blonde girl in an orange shirt, green shorts, and blue jacket ran into Stiles's arms and he swung
her around as they embraced tightly. It reminded him so much of when he and Cora reunited. Any
remaining jealousy he had towards this Annabeth person, disappeared as he saw for himself how
strongly a sibling bond they had. Derek was more surprised that Stiles had kept her a secret.

It was the first time Derek has ever seen a centaur. It was...surprising. Especially since he knew of
Chiron. To finally see someone of legend in the flesh, it was...quite the experience.

When the legendary old centaur embraced Stiles like a father welcoming a son home from
was a heartwarming thing to see. But it also gnawed on Derek's curiosity about the sort of things
Stiles has done to warrant such emotions of relief to see Stiles in one piece.

That was about an hour ago.

Stiles was led to an old house apparently called 'The Big House' by Annabeth and Chiron. Percy,
Jason, and Leo followed a bit after. Leo stopped at the doorway and told Derek that the head of
cabins was to meet and discuss matters.

Derek was asked to wait outside and he watched as more kids came up and walked inside.
Everyone who passed by eyed him. Some with curiosity, some with lust or a blush. He ignored
them all. Then he tried to zero in on Stiles's voice and heartbeat, but couldn't locate either. He
couldn't hear anything inside the house and cursed as he realized it was warded.

After the head of cabins had gone inside, a lot of the crowd who had formed when the ship arrived
disbanded. But some remained. There was a group of girls whispering across the house and every
so often they would look at him and then huddle back together and giggle. Derek didn't even
bother to tune in to see what they were saying. With a quiet sigh, he leaned against the banister
with his arms crossed and hoped the meeting wouldn't take much longer.

When one of the girls began to walk his way, those thoughts intensified. The girl was about a yard
away, smiling 'charmingly' at him and getting ready to speak, when the door slammed open. Stiles
burst through and lunged himself at Derek. The werewolf's reflexes acted and caught Stiles mid-
jump. He barely had time to register what was happening but suddenly Stiles was kissing him and
it was not PG rated. It was deep and passionate and needy. Derek acted on his instincts and
returned the kiss, and when Stiles rubbed his groin against Derek's, Derek returned the action and
let out a throaty moan. His cock hardened immediately and he had nothing else on his mind other
than mating with his boyfriend.


Derek pulled back, feeling dazed, and stared at Stiles's face. Stiles's eyes were dilated and glazed,
there was a blush on his cheeks, and his lips were glossy and swollen. He looked ravishing.

But sadly around them were gawking people. Leo and Percy were in the background snickering
and high-fiving. Jason was whispering into the ear of a tanned girl with a feathered braid, who was
smirking devilishly and giving Stiles a thumbs up. Annabeth was shaking her head fondly. Chiron
was blushing and trying to look strict but seemed uncomfortable. The girl who had been advancing
towards him looked livid and Derek could easily smell the jealousy from where he was.

"Mr. Stilinski, please show some restraint." Chiron chided.

"What? Just stating my claim, Chiron. Gotta let anyone and everyone know that this fine ass is
mine," Stiles smirked and groped Derek's ass in emphasis. That actually made the wolf blush. But
it also made him kind of happy.

Stiles and he still had to be careful with their relationship. The pack knew and understood, but their
age and species being different was still a bit of an issue around the rest of Beacon. Here
though...Derek couldn't explain it, but it was different. And he was...happy, that Stiles wasn't
ashamed of him. That possessive behavior Stiles showed towards him was also Very
wolfish. Derek and his wolf approved and felt the same way.

Despite the strict stare, they were getting from Chiron, Derek pulled Stiles's back to his chest and
held him protectively. Feeling the radiance of happiness from Stiles only lifted Derek's

Chiron cleared his throat again, "Right...well, it's been a long day. Revelations have been made, but
there is no immediate danger as of now. We can all head to bed." Chiron said loudly, informing

"Right. Come on, Der, I'll show you Cabin Six." Stiles said as he began to walk away.

"No," Chiron said strictly.

"Where else is Derek supposed to stay? The ship? No way!" Stiles cried.

"Of course, he won't stay on the ship. You welcomed him, so he is welcomed. But you two are not
staying in the same cabin." Chiron ordered.

"Why not?" Stiles demanded.

"Because it's inappropriate!"

"The rules state that a boy and a girl can't be alone in a cabin together. Derek and I are both guys."
Stiles tried with a technicality.

"But as you've just proven to everyone present, you're in a relationship, and therefore it is
inappropriate for you to be in the same cabin," Chiron explained.

Stiles cursed. "Damn...jumped the gun on that one."

"Well, I love you bro, but I still don't need to wake up to...that." Annabeth hinted towards sex.

"He can stay with us." the girl who had been coming to flirt with him said in an overly sweet voice.

"Yeah, he can stay in our cabin. He can take Drew's bed while she sleeps...oh, I don't know, will
the nymphs let her sleep in the strawberry fields?" the girl with the feathered braid said. The girl,
Drew, glared at her before huffing and turning away with a flip of her hair.

Stiles smiled at her and said, "Love ya, Pipes."

'Ah, so that's Piper.' Derek's mind supplied.

"Things have changed, but traditionally I supposed he would stay in Cabin Eleven," Chiron said

Derek didn't know what cabin that was, but he saw Stiles frown.

"He can stay with me." Percy stepped up with his offer.

"I'm not sure-" Chiron began but Percy stopped him.

"Tyson's not at camp at the moment, I got the cabin to myself. More than enough room. And I'm
inviting Derek to stay with me during his stay." Percy said.

"It's not really traditional...." Chiron muttered.

"Yeah, cos Percy's totally not the trouble-making kid who throws caution to the wind and does
what his heart thinks is right." Leo scoffed. "And besides, it totally makes sense." When everyone
looked at Leo for an explanation, he smirked, "Cabin Three's gone from being the Cabin of
Poseidon to Cabin of Athena's children's boyfriends."

"Thanks for letting me crash Cabin Eleven bad or something?" Derek asked as he claimed
one of the empty bunks.

"No, not bad," Percy said as he shook his head. He sat down on his own bunk and then explained.
"That's just Hermes's cabin. It was formerly used as a home for all unclaimed demigods, as well as
the children of the minor gods. Hermes' Cabin is the largest cabin and is packed at all times, even

"What's that mean?" Derek asked. He thinks it may be easier to get information from Percy than it
would be from Stiles. Or he hoped at least. He thought he knew Stiles pretty well. This bomb-
shelling secret has really thrown Derek for a loop and part of him still hasn't fully registered that
Stiles wasn't fully human.
"Well, when I first arrived at camp there were only twelve cabins. In honor and representation of
the twelve gods and goddesses who ruled Olympus. There was a cabin for Zeus, Hera, Poseidon,
Demeter, Ares, Athena, Apollo, Artemis, Hephaestus, Aphrodite, Hermes, and Dionysus." Percy
said reciting each cabin in order. "Sometimes kids were claimed quickly. Sometimes it took
time...Gods didn't take it as a priority since time is different for them. But basically, there were
only cabins for the twelve. Anyone else, even if claimed by a parent, would have to stay in Cabin
Eleven. Even if Hera's and Artemis's remained empty...mostly. Hera's is mostly in honor because
we can't have her pissed off..." he said with an eye roll. "Artemis is a maiden goddess, yes, but she
has her hunters. They visit from time to time and stay there.

"After the war with Kronos, I made the gods promise to claim their kids by the age 13 and each
god and goddess gets a cabin. We're up to twenty now." Percy comments.

"Wow...and you, made that happen?" Derek asked, astonished. It seemed like a big feat.

Percy shrugged, "Saved the world from my evil grandfather. Had some perks."

Derek looked at him weirdly and Percy laughed awkwardly, "Yeah...our Greek family jokes kind
of grow on you."

"Yeah, about that...would it be rude if I ask about..."

"Incest?" Percy guessed. Derek looked away with a blush but nodded. "It's a common question.
And understandable. But it''s very human thinking. Gods are...celestial beings. Yes, they have
genders but they can will themselves to be anything. They don't have DNA, per se so..." Percy
shakes his head. "I'm horrible at explaining this stuff. All I know is that so long as you're not from
the same cabin, it's not weird. But...tell anyone outside of camp my father's Poseidon and I'm
dating a child of Athena and people will tell me I'm kind of dating my, it''s a

"Right..." Derek said. Then he looked like he wanted to ask something else, but bit his tongue.

"Ask me, dude. Go ahead. Can't get any more awkward than incest, right?" Percy asked with a

"You have the same white streak as Stiles." Derek blurted out.

Percy ran a hand through his hair and he smiled sadly. "Do you know the tale of Atlas?"

"He holds up the sky, right?" Derek asked.

Percy nodded. "It was when we were fourteen. We were rescuing two demigods. It should have
been kind of standard. We'd just recovered a friend we once thought was lost. It was their first
mission out after so long...but things got bad. We were fighting a monster and Annabeth fell off a
cliff with it. Long story short, Annabeth was tricked or forced to take the weight of the world. That
was a job for an immortal...we're only half god, with mortal life spans." Percy paused from his
explanation and Derek saw the clear fear and sadness in his eyes as he recalled the memory.
"When Stiles found out he was...pissed. Hell, he was more than that. It was so easy to mistake him
for an Ares kid." Percy said with a scoff.

Derek smiled, not fully understanding, and yet it sounded right.

"We weren't allowed to go on the rescue mission. But Stiles and I wouldn't wait around. But we
didn't think of helping each other, not after the strict lecture and warning Chiron gave us. But we
both went anyway. Stiles though...he's far more clever than me. So he got to Annabeth way before
I did. He kept Annabeth safe from her kidnappers. He also took on the weight of the world from
her shoulders and bared it until Artemis got there...and really, I'm not sure how long that was."
Percy explained.

Derek's back was stiff and his mouth was thinned out into a straight line as he listened.

"We had to fight Atlas, but only a real, full-fledged god could beat him. So I took the burden from
Artemis until she dealt with Atlas. Since then...Annabeth, Stiles, and I have shared the weight of
the world...and it came with a permanent present. The reason Stiles used to have a buzz cut was
that it was easier to hide it. Better than dying it every other week." Percy said.

"He's a hero..." Derek said after a pause.

Percy smiled. "Yeah. He's been to the Underworld, he's fought monsters and gods and demigods.
He's sailed through the Bermuda Triangle... he and Annabeth are pillars in our camp. Whenever
anything goes wrong, they're included because they always have a plan, and it's usually one that's
courageous, hopefully, and possible. The loves of our lives are kick-ass, man."

Derek smiled at that. It was true.

But there was one more thing that he had to ask.

"One more question."


"Who the hell is Luke?"

Percy's face darkened a bit. "It's...a complicated story."

"I'm not sleepy," Derek said with a determined face.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be either. Okay, it's like this..."

Chapter End Notes

I'm kind of enjoying writing Derek and Stiles in this. I like that Stiles gets to show off
his boyfriend and I want Derek to get the chance to show off...we'll be seeing lots of

I hope I'm capturing everyone's personalities correctly. I thank all of those who
comment, and I ask if you have time and really like what I'm doing, to take a moment
and comment....? Pretty please?
Chapter 3
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Last time on Stiles: TSoWaW

"The loves of our lives are kick-ass, man."

Derek smiled at that. It was true.

But there was one more thing that he had to ask.

"One more question."


"Who the hell is Luke?"

Percy's face darkened a bit. "It's...a complicated story."

"I'm not sleepy," Derek said with a determined face.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be either. Okay, it's like this..."

"His name is Luke Castellan. He's the son of Hermes and...he died a hero." Percy's voice was that
of a professional spokesman who repeated the same thing over and over each and every day. When
Derek gave him a raised eyebrow look, Percy sighed. "When I first arrived at camp it was after
being chased by a monster. She was turned into this golden shimmering statue...she was all I had. I
was lost and thrown into this whole new world where monsters were real and wanted to kill me.
People here were looking at me like an experiment...watching with anticipation as to who my
parent was. Since there were more male god cabins than female and they knew I had a mortal
mother, there were bets and all of that...Luke reached out like an actual person in the midst of all
that chaos."

Percy paused for a bit, getting lost in his thoughts. Derek saw practically see the memories
swooshing through Percy's mind. When the demigod finally remembered he had a story to tell he
shook his head and cleared his throat. "Luke was a cool dude. He had this chill vibe about him. He
was also older and carried himself like he was in charge. Being one of the oldest living demigods at
the time...well, he was someone people looked up to for obvious reasons."

Derek frowned at that. "What does that mean?"

He felt a bit stupid...okay, really stupid. He kept asking basic questions at just about every other
comment someone else said. Even if he didn't ask it out loud, he thought it. He was worried he'll
get annoying fast. Or that they won't get to the topic at hand and how Luke knew Stiles.
Percy had that look of being about to tell Derek something but catching himself in time to consider
if he should.

"Please!" Derek begged. He needed to know. Everything!

Percy sighed, "Demigods...Greek ones anyway, don't have the best track records for living long."

Derek sat up straighter and he immediately looked towards the door. His ears and nose
immediately tried to find Stiles, but there was too much between them. He stood up and was about
to leave and just...find Stiles when Percy shot out of bed and stopped by him grabbing his shoulder.

"I wouldn't do that."

"Why not?" Derek demanded as he defiantly pulled his shoulder away.

"Werewolf or not, I don't think you'll get far if the harpies catch you." Percy deadpanned.

"Harpies? Seriously?" Derek asked incredulously. That kind of made him want to go after Stiles

"Yup," Percy answered with a smirk. "There are three 'cleaning harpies' named Aello, Celaeno, and
Ocypete. These harpies that come to eat demigods that sneak out of their cabins at night. They
always refer to themselves in the third person. They're crossbred with the dodo birds, and
like Cyclops, they are immune to lava and fire, as they wash the camp's dishes with lava."

Derek just blinked at him. Then when a long pause passed he settled with, "You have your dishes
washed by harpies in lava?"

"It should kill 99.9% of all germs," Percy answered cheekily. Then he pushed Derek back to the
bunk he was using. "Do you want me to continue?"

Derek just nodded with a frown.

Percy flopped back onto his bed and ran a hand through his hair. "Okay so... demigods give off a
powerful scent. The stronger your parent, the more potent the scent. Me and Jason give off a more
powerful scent because our fathers are two of the Big Three. But that doesn't mean others can't
become stronger...ours are just more potent because...well, uh..."

As Percy searched for the right words to use Derek could easily see a resemblance to Scott. Well,
in that respect anyway. Stiles has always been the one who was good with words. Scott fumbled as
he tried to use the words he's heard from others. Derek assumes Percy was racking his brain for
previous speeches about this topic he might have heard from Stiles or any of the other demigods.

Taking into consideration what Derek just heard it did register in his mind the different scents he
smelled on the ship. He smelled the ocean while they were flying over the middle of the United
States. While smelling ozone and also the scent of...soot and grease. At first, he took it all to the
ship being a ship, in the sky, and full of weapons. But after remembering Stiles's explanation of
who all the guys were and who their parents were Derek realized it was those at the table he was
with that were giving off those scents. The son of the sea god, the son of the sky god, and the son
of the god of fire and forges.

"You can hide your long as you don't know you're a demigod. Once you know, your scent
reaches its peak and it's like a neon sign with huge bright lights signaling monsters to you. If you're
lucky, a satyr will have brought you to camp before a monster finds you..." Percy explained.
"And if one doesn't?" Derek asked.

Percy looked out the window and was seeing something far away that Derek couldn't see. "That'll bring us back to Luke." Derek frowned and Percy shrugged and looked way too tired for
someone his age. Derek has been through a lot and is older than Percy, but Percy at the moment
looked more tired than he's ever been.

"Camp Half-Blood is supposed to be the safest place for a demigod. And it is. We're safe
here...we're trained, we're educated. We're...given a place to feel like we belong. But not all of us
make it here. And some of us who do end up dying too. It''s rare that Greek demigods live past
sixteen." Percy lowered his head and looked at his feet. "Scares me, ya know? I mean, me and my
group of friends have personally nearly died so many times in horrifying ways...and we're still
looking over our shoulder when we have to leave Camp Half-Blood or Jupiter. Knowing that on
any day, at any hour...any one of us can die and it would be...normal." Percy scoffed at the word.
He stood up and went to sit at the edge of the fountain. He swirled his finger in the water, making
odd and random patterns. "We're heroes...and the good die young." His voice was distant and
again with the far-away stare.

He shook his head and turned his body so he was facing Derek. He sat on the floor and had his
back leaning against the fountain. "'s just. It sucks. We've lost a lot of good people. A lot
of them didn't even make it to high school..."

"Anyway..." Percy cleared his throat and continued. "Luke. He was another pillar. Actually, before
Stiles and Annabeth, he was the pillar aside from Chiron. Everyone trusted him and liked him and
looked up to him...

"He hated how we were treated. He wasn't the only one but the hatred he had was apparently worse
than anyone could have ever expected. Before when there were only twelve cabins, Luke used to
be the councilor for Cabin Eleven. He saw how people came and went. Some were his siblings,
others were unclaimed. Or if they knew who their parent was but they weren't one of the twelve,
then they were stuck there. Feeling as unwanted as Luke felt. He hated how the gods called upon
us and demanded we give them our unquestionable loyalty and love and honor...and when we
needed them they would have to consider. While they lived up in their palaces, we would be in
danger or starving or in a horrible place...and did nothing about it."

Derek was beginning to guess where this was going.

"Luke went dark side..." Percy cracked a non-humorous smile and Derek could guess it was to do
with Stiles's love of Star Wars and that comment.

"What happened?" Derek asked.

"He got visions from Kronos. God of Time. He wanted to dethrone the Olympians but needed help.
He got into Luke's mind. Making promises that seemed so good. He could finally have the power
to reunite his family..." Percy kind of spat, which made Derek raise an eyebrow at him again. Percy
sighed and explained. "He was in love with Annabeth, but first he was in love with Thalia for a
while. They were closer in age...but then through the course of it all he also fell in love with

"What?" Derek demanded.

Percy shook his head before snapping, "Look! If I explain every single detail we're gonna need
more than a night."
Derek raised his hands in defense and Percy nodded and continued.

"Okay so...Luke was seduced into the darkness and he stayed at camp and had some others go dark
side too. He was outed but some of his agents remained. And the only reason he was outed was
because he tried to kill me but failed...barely." Percy got that far-away look again and his hand
immediately went to cover an invisible wound, or scar that Derek couldn't see. "It hit a lot of
people hard. His brothers and sisters, but also Annabeth and Stiles. It was actually why Stiles and I
didn't really work together when Annabeth fell off that cliff."

Derek cocked his head to the side, silently demanding further explanation.

"Stiles...he cared a lot about Luke. I uh..." Percy looked down.

'Because he's my Kate!' Stiles had yelled at him.

"He thought he loved him..." Derek said it for Percy.

Percy looked up, eying Derek carefully, reading him. After analyzing him, he nodded.

"It wasn't just some...crush. Not cos he was good-looking. Stiles...admired him. Looked up to him.
Like me, Luke taught him how to fight. How to not be helpless. How to survive. I saw it as clear as
day during my first few days at camp. When Luke spoke, Stiles would drink it all in. It
was...devotion. It was loyalty. It was...believing everything good in the world. He believed in
heroes back then. So easily."

Derek thought about the Stiles he first met. Careful, calculating, defensive, and cautious.
Questioning everything and everyone's motive. Luke had done that. Luke had taken Stiles's ability
to trust easily.

In a twisted way, Derek was thankful. After all they've faced in Beacon, Stiles's cynical skepticism
kept a lot of them alive. But it didn't have to be like that. Derek could almost easily imagine that
other Stiles has seen echoing flashes of him. Excited and filled with wonder. Another part of
Derek, a jealous part, wanted to hurt Luke for killing that innocent wonder in his boyfriend.

"Stiles didn't want to believe." Percy's voice brought Derek out of his thoughts. But it only made
him flash back to his own experiences as a teenager. Finding out his family was dead and who was
behind the attack. He remembered the denial that he clung to until it was impossible to continue
doing so. The shattering agony that rocked him when he accepted the betrayal as truth hurt too
much. To think Stiles went through something like that made him ache.

"I didn't know Luke as long...and something in me, this arrogant side I have, made me hate him for
having all he had, ya know? The influence, the power, the love...he made it look so easy. It wasn't.
So it was easy for me to believe it. And I mean," he motioned to himself, and Derek assumed it was
the intended fatal wound Percy was referring to. "But Stiles refused to believe it...we crossed hairs.
Annabeth made him accept it eventually. And though Luke had been dark side for a while, it
wasn't revealed until I came along so Stiles blamed me for a while...when we ran into Luke on our
trip to the sea of monsters, that's when Stiles and Annabeth saw Luke's true was a bad
day all around. Stiles had seen that I was right, but that didn't make it better. Or easier."

"His world was turned upside down. The person he believed to always be there for him, to be his
anchor to a constantly shifting world let go...he...he was untethered and ungrounded and
that's...that's frightening." Derek said aloud, but mostly to himself.

Percy nodded, "He was accepting things, slowly but surely. He and I were also learning to work
together...for Annabeth. She was sure I was part of the big prophecy and since she was one of the
campers whose been here the longest, she wanted to be a part of it. She wasn't leaving my side and
Stiles had to accept that. We shared a common...thing." When Derek looked at him curiously,
Percy replied, "Thalia Grace...she's the daughter of Zeus, I mentioned her before. She...she traveled
with Luke and Annabeth to get here. She...she was fatally wounded on their way to camp. In
mercy, Zeus turned her into a tree to keep her from dying. Then a powerful force field was formed
from her tree. Thalia wanted to protect campers...and so that's what she did. But then her tree was
poisoned and she was dying...the shield with it. When we recovered the Golden Fleece to cure the
tree...well, it worked too well. It brought her back to us. Cured. She walked around like she owned
the place, all Rocker Chick and Rebel like..." Percy spared Derek a look. "You two may have a
similar fashion sense."

"Anyway, she was family in a way that seemingly not even Stiles could match. And that said a lot!
Stiles and I bonded over that a bit. The jealousy of having Annabeth's attention taken away like
that. But it wasn't until after that, that Stiles and I become closer...he was my demigod best friend.
When Grover got his horns and had more important Satyr things to do, it was me and Stiles up to
no good." he said with a slight smirk.

"So...Luke was bad and he kept tempting others who felt the same as he did to join the bad guys.
We were facing 'end of the world' times and the oldest of us wasn't even sixteen yet...There is a lot
that happened, but the final showdown was in New York. All the mortals were put under a sleeping
spell, demigods and monsters fought, and the gods were trying to defeat this titan while Kronos
took over Luke's body..."

Derek frowned as the story about Luke seemed to be coming to a close. He knew that they defeated
Kronos, and he supposed that was how Luke died in the first place. He understood the feeling of
betrayal Stiles must have felt but it still feels like there was a missing element to the story.

"To win this war I bathed in the River Styx. I got the curse/gift of Achilles. So did Luke. It was
how he was able to sustain being Kronos's vessel." Percy paused and Derek recognized it as a habit
he had to gather his thoughts. Find the best way to explain what he wanted to explain. "The River
Styx is the river of the dead. You have to meet the criteria to gain the blessings of your immortal
parent and think of something to tie you to the world of the living. For me...I thought of Annabeth."
Percy paused and avoided looking at Derek for a long moment before sighing, "Stiles convinced
Luke that the way he was going about things was wrong. In the end, begged him to be the hero he
always believed him to be. Luke...he did. He's known as a hero here because he took Annabeth's
knife and stabbed himself in his Achilles heel. Killing himself, and making it impossible for
Kronos to rise to power. Before he died though...well, when we learned what was needed to gain
Achilles Curse, we all assumed at that point that Annabeth had been Luke's anchor to the world of
the living. But it wasn't."

Derek held his breath as he listened intently.

"Luke saw clearly each year that passed how much love and faith he had lost with Annabeth. And
according to others, our love was clear, even back then. He must have seen it too. When it was time
for him to bathe in the Styx...he thought about Stiles. The boy who loved him, who denied Luke's
darkness when presented with it, the boy who argued and tried to persuade Luke to come back to
us...the boy who he nearly convinced to join him...."

Derek's eyes flashed gold and he growled a bit, "Stiles is not a traitor!"

Percy raised his hands in the surrender position, "I'm not saying that! I'm saying that...for a
moment, a moment which only Luke, Stiles, and I know about...Stiles accepted the offer Luke gave
him." Derek growled again and shook his head, not wanting to believe that. "But Annabeth and
Grover were in trouble and Stiles rushed to their aid. Luke had to disappear and left Stiles behind.
Stiles seemed to realize the mistake he almost made and refused to leave camp for a while after
that...even going as far as not going home." Percy's face darkened a bit. "His father thought he'd
died when he didn't come home after summer break that year..."

"They loved each other..." Derek summarized.

Percy made a face, "Luke...loved the idea of Stiles. Maybe even did, wasn't good. Wasn't
healthy. Stiles grew out of it. I mean, he might have also loved Luke the same way Annabeth did.
Like a brother. But the point is...Luke had two children of Athena who loved him and he chose
power and hatred over them. And he lost his chance."

"What does it mean now that he's back?" Derek asked.

Percy got up and stretched, making his way back to his bed and laying down. "Honestly? I don't
know. First and foremost, we're checking to make sure this is the only instance. See if we can
contact Hades and see if Thanatos isn't locked away again."

"Again?" Derek echoed, eyes widened in shock.

"'s happened twice already. Once a seriously long time ago. Another time a few years
ago." Percy replied.

"And if it's just Luke?"

"Well...his means of rising will be investigated. If any laws are broken then he will be escorted
back into Hades and Hades and Persephone and the others in charge down there will deal with him
and his soul. If..." Percy shook his head and shrugged, "If it turned out to be something completely
different and he's allowed to stay, then I have no idea what'll happen." he replied honestly.

"We should get some sleep. Gods know what tomorrow will bring." Percy said as he adjusted

Derek followed suit and got comfortable in this bed. He wished he could sleep next to Stiles, even
if they were on the ship, but he closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep.

The next morning after a quick shower and declining Percy's offer of a pair of shorts and an orange
Camp Half-Blood shirt, they made it up to the Dining Pavilion. Derek sees a lot of campers
wearing the orange shirt with the same logo and he wonders briefly if he made the right choice in
rejecting it. If his age didn't attract attention, then being the only one without an orange shirt might.
When he finally locates Stiles, Derek sees that he too is wearing one. He wants to rush over to him
but Percy holds him back and shakes his head. Derek stands back and watches as different groups
pile in at different times.

"You're my guest, so...stick with me, okay?" Percy said.

Derek searched for Stiles once more and as if having heard what Percy said, Stiles nodded to
Derek in encouragement. So Derek did as he was told while taking a look around him. While they
piled in and waited for seemingly everyone at camp to join, Percy explained what this was and
how it worked.
The Dining Pavilion is an area of Camp Half-Blood where the demigods, satyrs, and camp
directors eat their meals. The pavilion is framed in Greek columns on a hill that overlooks the sea.
There are no walls or roofs that cover the mess hall. Torches blaze from the columns and a central
fire burns inside a bronze brazier the size of a bathtub. Each table has a white cloth with purple

Derek sees the same goblets that they used on the ship and Percy goes into explaining those too.
As Derek listened, there were a lot of words he was sure Percy wouldn't normally use in his regular
vocabulary. So the wolf assumed there was a rehearsed speech written down somewhere. The
pavilion's goblets are enchanted, and, on voice command, will be filled with whatever drink you
desire (non-alcoholic, except Mr. D who is forced to drink Diet Coke). Another quality of the
goblets is that they never empty. The type of food in the Pavilion includes BBQ, grapes, apples,
strawberries, cheese, and fresh bread, that the wood nymphs serve. Percy states proudly that the
food at Camp Half-Blood is healthy.

The tables in the Pavilion are arranged so that there is a table for each god, similar to the cabins.
Therefore, children of Hermes sit at the Hermes table, children of Aphrodite at the Aphrodite table,
etc. Although children of the Big Three often have to sit on their own anyways, it is expressly
forbidden to sit at another god's table.

Derek frowned deeply, "Then is it alright if I sit with you?"

"Yeah, don't worry about it. It only applies to demigods. See, other non-demigods have other rules.
Like Hunters who sit at the Artemis table when visiting. And then the satyrs and nymphs can sit at
any table they please but generally sit at the table that Dionysus sits at, which is table 12. Since
you're not a demigod, none of the Greek Gods currently right now have rule over werewolves, you
can sit here. I did invite you and...okay, it may be that I'm taking the liberty of being a savior of the
world. But it's cool, dude." Percy said with a smirk.

Derek watched as the demigods got their food and then threw a portion of it into the fire. At his
confused face, Percy grinned and chuckled, "Sacrifices are still part of our culture...but just not as
savagely anymore. We serve ourselves, and a portion of it goes to our parents as an 'offering'. The
gods like the smell of the burnt food. And Hestia takes a small part of each tribute. She's the
goddess of the hearth."

Derek did his best to keep up. He knew a lot of the basic myths and customs of mythology, but in
times like these, he just nodded and went along with everything. He got his food and stood next to
Percy. He didn't want to seem ungrateful and decided that...well, it couldn't hurt, right?

Throwing a portion of his food into the fire he sent a prayer into the heavens, unsure if anyone was

'Please accept my offerings, Athena. And know that Stiles is my top priority and anchor.'

He and Stiles sat at angles that allowed them to stare at each other.

Breakfast seemed to take forever. At the very least it felt like an eternity before he was allowed to
get up and finally meet up with Stiles. But it happened. As he made his way to his boyfriend who
was waiting for him back at the edge of where the cabins were, he saw plenty of people looking his
way. He wasn't completely sure what sparked in him, but his wolf scratched under the surface and
practically forced Derek to strut. Holding his head up high, subtly flexing his muscles, he made his
way to Stiles with a spring in his step and a devilishly seducing smirk on his face.

When he finally did reach Stiles, he pulled him for a passionate kiss. Not as hot and heavy as the
one Stiles did to claim him in front of everyone else, but still a show of claim to those around.

"Hey there, Sourwolf." Stiles greeted him as he wrapped his arms around Derek's neck.

Derek in turn pulled Stiles closer to him by his waist. "Hey."

"Yo, lover boy, you gonna be okay?" Leo asked.

Derek looked away from Stiles and noticed who he'd been with. Leo, Jason, and Piper stood in a
group of three. Percy stood next to Annabeth and behind them, he saw another group, about ten or
so heading back up to the Big House. Derek felt a bit of dread that Stiles would have to leave him
again to deal with more Demigod business.

"Yeah. I'm gonna give Derek a tour of the place. By the time we're done, you guys should be done
too." Stiles replied as he interlocked his fingers with Derek's. Instant relief filled the wolf.

"Alright, but just to be on the safe side, be back here in an hour," Annabeth said strictly.

Stiles rolled his eyes a bit but nodded. They watched them go until all of them disappeared into the
Big House. Stiles then pulled him along and Derek went. Campers passed them by and Derek's
werewolf hearing caught plenty of awes and oohs. He expected some if not a lot of people making
snide comments about homosexuality or Stiles. Sadly they've encountered instances before...Stiles
was beautiful and attractive. But in a different way than Derek. He was surprised how a lot of the
things he heard were...complimentary.

'Stilinski's got game...dayum!'

'I wanna know the strategy Stiles used to find that hottie.'

'Oh...Em...Gee! Hot gay sex! Hehehehehe!'

Stiles led him passed the Arena and Armory and towards the Strawberry fields. That was
something that pegged Derek's curiosity. "It's warm here..."

"The camp's border does more than keep out mortals and monsters, Der. It also keeps out bad
weather. And these fields are enchanted. They're bloomed all year round...have to be considering
we use them to pay for the camp's expenses." Stiles explained.

"How?" Derek asked, very curiously. In a place ruled by Gods and weapons made of Celestial
Bronze, Derek assumed...well, that money wasn't an issue.

"It's called Delphi Strawberry Service and it is the cover name for Camp Half-Blood. The camp
grows strawberries to pay for our expenses. The campers help pick and grow the strawberries, and
the satyrs play magical tunes on their reed pipes to make the strawberries 'grow like crazy'. Mr. D,
um, Dionysus, the dude with the leopard shirt, and his children use their powers to grow the
strawberries as well. It's printed on the vans that are used for transportation in quests, or strawberry
deliveries. There is a sign that says: Pick Your Own Strawberries Please. Mortals see Camp Half-
Blood as a strawberry field. We grow strawberries for export to restaurants in New York
and Mount Olympus. Mr. D can make fruit-bearing plants grow with no effort, although it works
best for wine grapes, but Mr. D is forbidden to drink wine or grow grapes."

"How come?" Derek asked.

"He flirted with this nymph or something that Zeus had his eye on. Zeus didn't take it kindly and as
punishment sent him to babysit us campers for 100 years. Oh, and he can't have liquor. But
because he was a great help during the war, Zeus took off like 50 years I think. Anyway, did you
sleep well?"

"I wish I could have slept with you, but yeah. I did." Derek replied.

Stiles grinned, "I wish I could have slept with you too, but...rules are rules. And though I can get
away with breaking some, this one is something Chiron is adamant about. But at least you and
Percy didn't kill each other."

"He's okay..." Derek said. And he meant it. It wasn't an insult either, though he knew some may
take it like that. But considering his wolf sees the people Stiles is close with here at Camp as
threats of stealing Stiles away, 'okay' is a great compliment. "Why aren't you with them now?" he
couldn't help but ask.

"Huh? Oh, it's a councilor meeting. Only the Heads of the cabins are allowed to attend." Stiles

Derek frowned, "Aren't you one?"

Stiles shook his head. "No. Annabeth is the head of Cabin Six. I was only allowed in the meeting
yesterday because they think I can be a part of something. Or at the very least I can have some
ideas about what happened."

"And the others? They're all Head Councilors?"

Stiles nodded. "In some cases, like with Percy and Jason, who are the only cabin members of their
cabin, it's by default. Other than that what normally happens is that the oldest member of the cabin
becomes Councilor. There are exceptions of course. A counselor can step down and allow
someone else to take charge. Or a younger member can challenge the current head if they have
completed more quests. They duel it out and whoever wins becomes or stays councilor."

"Very... wolfy," Derek comments. "I guess this is why you always seem so...adaptable to our

Stiles smiled. He was about to say something when a shadow of a tree expanded and tree and two
figures stepped out of it. Derek immediately pushed Stiles behind him and flashed his eyes in

"Whoa! Derek, it's okay...I know them." Stiles said but Derek kept him behind him in protection.
Stiles huffed and pushed himself forward.


Stiles smiled as he walked up and hugged Nico. The younger teen returned the hug, a blush on his
face and he looked at Stiles as if he were a wonder from another world. Or at least that's how
Derek saw it. He growled lightly as he walked up to Stiles and pulled him to his side.

Stiles shook his head lightly, then introduced them. "Derek, this is Nico DiAngelo, Son of Hades.
His sister Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto. Nico, Hazel, this is my boyfriend Derek Hale."

"B-boyfriend?" Nico asked, eyes widened, and the blush on his face darkened. Hazel was blushing
too, and looking away. But Derek didn't smell disgust but...they were just flustered.

Stiles smiled at the boy and nodded, "Yeah...we've been together a while now. And he's finally
learned about my secret life here at camp." Stiles lost his smile then as he asked the two, "Are you
two here because of Luke?"

"Yes," Hazel replied. "There was an instance similar in Camp Jupiter just before the war with
Gaea. Reyna and Frank are very concerned about the possibilities of what it could mean. As a child
of the Underworld, they sent me as a Roman representative to see what I can find out."

Stiles nodded and his posture changed as Hazel spoke. Derek recognized it as the same aura Stiles
had as he took over the head of the table on the ship. The war part, in Stiles taking over. Derek
wanted to ask more and learn about this war with Gaea, but Derek didn't have the chance to ask.


All of them turned and saw Luke standing there. Derek once more pushed Stiles behind him and
Nico did the same as he stared down at Luke.

"You're under investigation for questionable circumstances of avoiding and tricking death,
Castellan. You shouldn't be wandering around by yourself where you can make a run for it." Nico
said. Gone was the blushing kid who looked at Stiles with awe. Now stood a frightening-looking
teen who smelled like fresh dirt and sulfur and had Derek's wolf on edge and ready to pounce in the

Luke didn't look impressed and scoffed. "I have no intention to leave. I don't know anything more
about my situation than anyone else. All I want right now is to have a civilized conversation with
Stiles....please." he bit out the last word with a wince, but he held his ground.

"My boyfriend doesn't want to speak to you," Derek growled.

"You don't speak for him, mutt." Luke spat out as he glared at Derek.

"But I can speak for myself and I don't want to speak with you," Stiles said as he took a step
forward and stepped in front of both Nico and Derek.

Luke's face soften and he begged Stiles, "Please Mieczysław!"

Stiles's face contorted into one of rage as he stormed up to Luke and punched him. "You don't have
the right to use my real name, you bastard!"

Luke took the opportunity to grab Stiles and pulled him close but Stiles struggled to free himself
but Luke held on. "Stiles, please just talk to me!"

"Let me go!" Stiles demanded.

Derek marched up, wolfing out and roaring in Luke's face as he pulled Stiles back and then lunged
at Luke. The blond demigod tumbled, rolled back onto his feet, got into a fighting stance, and then
lunged at Derek. They wrestled for a moment before hooves were heard pounding the pavement
and Chiron appeared with the rest of the Head Councilors at his heels.

"What is going on?!" Chiron bellowed.

Percy ran and pulled Luke away while Jason and Leo pulled Derek. The werewolf and the blond
still tried to fight each other. It wasn't until Piper stepped on and used her Charm Speak. "Stop

Like magic, both of them stopped. They glared at each other but didn't feel the compulsion to
continue their fight.
Stiles stepped in front of Derek and cupped his face and kissed him. "Der? Babe? Calm
down...control yourself."

Derek looked down and noticed his claws were out and he felt his fangs protruding. He closed his
eyes and tried to calm down. Being close to Stiles and his scent helped him. Once he was back to a
man he pulled Stiles close and glared at Luke with all his might.

Chiron cleared his throat. "Annabeth, why don't you take your brother and his guest back to the Big
House while I have a chat with Mr. Castellan? Ms. Levesque and Piper, why don't you two go

The girls nodded and soon they were on their way with Stiles and Derek back towards the Big

"I didn't think this would be how I would officially meet you," Annabeth said as they stopped in
front of the house. She was facing Derek and held out her hand.

Derek shook it, feeling the remains of whatever compulsion he had a moment before leaving
completely. "I...I didn't want to make a bad impression." That was all Derek could say. Then he
frowned as he realized what his actions could mean. If this was anything like werewolf packs, and
he attacked another member from a visiting pack on the unfamiliar territory...He just got himself,
and possibly Stiles, in a heap of trouble.

But then he remembered what that bastard had called Stiles. His real name. It made his blood boil
because even he couldn't pronounce his real name! And that bastard spoke it so smoothly.

"It's a complicated situation. And he was defending Stiles, Annabeth." Hazel said as she smiled
sheepishly at Derek.

Derek grinned gratefully. He didn't know much about her other than her name and godly parent
and that Stiles saved the world with her and their friends. But it was a relief to have someone
backing him up. Even if he wasn't technically under attack.

"Still, I shouldn't have lost control like that," Derek grumbled.

"I found it kinda sexy," Stiles said and winked at his boyfriend.

Annabeth and Piper giggled.

Piper then offered her own hand to shake, "I'm Piper McLean, daughter of Aphrodite. Sorry about
that back there,'s the best way to keep things from getting out of hand."

"What was that?" Derek asked, curious.

"It's called Charm's Speak. It's...a form of hypnotism. I can compel people to do what I want."

"That's a powerful weapon," Derek commented.

Piper winked at him, "Be sure to stay on my good side." then she turned to Hazel, "Hey Hazel.
How's Frank?"

"He's good! Kind of worried though. What can you guys tell me?" She asked, her happy demeanor
quickly changing into a professional one. Everyone else matches it. Derek was kind of amazed by
the quick change.
"It doesn't seem to be a plot of his own. He was just caught in the gravitational pull of
something...weird." Annabeth said with a slight frown.

"Weird how?" Stiles asked.

"Weird as in...weird and not Greek. Or Roman." Annabeth supplied.

Everyone there, Derek included, shared vast looks of confusion.

Chapter End Notes

From the reviews I've gotten I'm really pleased that I'm either tempting people to
reread the Percy Jackson series, or tempting people to want to read. :) That really
makes me happy and makes me feel like I'm telling a compelling enough of a story.
And for those who aren't really aware of the PJO world, I hope I'm explaining it well
enough through Derek's experience that you can follow along too. If you have any
questions you want answered, feel free to ask!

In the series it's canon that Nico has a crush on Percy Jackson and it's heavily hinted
that he and Will Solace get together at the end. I want to make it so that Nico has a bit
of a crush on Stiles. Not...overly in love crush, but like...Stiles would be someone Nico
would trust and confide in and when he learns that Stiles has a boyfriend, he'll help
Nico embrace his own that's the friendship I want to expand on.'ll give us hints of jealous Derek >u>

^Going on that, with Stiles being Nico's sexuality guru this Stiles is like...17
bordering 18 because it's around the end of season 4 in TW. So Nico in this story
would be entering his 16 years in physical age and would now be more interested in
dating than he was before in the series.

The name Luke calls Stiles one knows for sure what Stiles's name it. In the
fandom Genim is a popular name. Also various names that begin with an S but as the
latest season has shown, his first name starts with an M. I'm not Polish so I can't even
begin to tell you names in Polish that begin with M. So I merely took another popular
name in the fandom "Miguel". Miguel is the Spanish version of Michael, so in Greek,
that word is Michael, NOT Stiles's real name, cos no one knows for sure what it is, I
just wanted something to be said there that'll drive Derek mad with jealousy.

Anyway, I hope you guys like it, and if you have the time, please comment with your
thoughts? Pretty please!
Chapter 4

"You mean to tell me that something that's happening here is happening without some god or
goddess, titan, or monster based on our origin going on?" Stiles asked highly

Annabeth shared a look with all of them but locked stares with Stiles longer before nodding. Her
arms were crossed and some of her ADHD was coming through as she shifted from foot to foot. "I
don't like it."

"You didn't believe it...still don't." Piper chimed in.

"The chances of that are-"

"Very, highly, insanely improbable. We heard you the first time." Piper said as she patted
Annabeth's shoulder. The blonde looked stressed and worn out.

The other girls and Derek may not fully understand her state but Stiles did. Not only did this break
logic and pattern, but it also involved Luke. Someone who she trusted with her life, someone she
loved and fell in love with. Someone she wanted to live her life with, dreamed of a very specific
life with like he had once done with Lydia...and all of that changed in some of the worst ways

"Then you're in luck."

The girls plus Stiles turned with surprised expressions to Derek. Stiles didn't think he'd comment
anymore and just stand there and listen like he had most of the time there when around others.

"How so?" Hazel asked.

"Back in Beacon Hills, Stiles and I, along with our pack have dealt with different types of monsters
and threats. All from different parts of the world and mythologies. Sometimes it did look hopeless,
but we pulled through. Mostly because of Stiles's research and planning." Derek said as he smiled
at his boyfriend for a second. Then he was serious once more. "Whatever this is, I know Stiles
won't go home until it's resolved. I'm staying here as long as I can and I'll help. To be completely
honest I know I'm the odd one out, but I can help. I can fight. My senses and powers can come in

"This isn't your battle," Annabeth said lightly. She actually would appreciate a fresh pair of eyes,
but at the same time, her pride told her that they didn't need outside help. The seven who saved the
world could surely solve whatever this was, right? With the help of Chiron and Stiles, there
couldn't be anything that stopped them.

"But it's Stiles's. Which means he's in danger. Which means it's my battle now too. I love him and
I'm not letting him fight this alone." Derek stood his ground and made his intentions known.

His proclamation gained him a kiss on the lips from Stiles.

They decided to take a break.

Derek wasn't sure where the others went after they parted. He never went to summer camp himself
but from what he got from movies there was a lot to do. Camp Half-Blood also wasn't the typical
summer camp. The soft warm breeze felt nice against his skin. The day was slightly cloudy but the
sun was very much behind those clouds so it was bright. There was bustling from all over.
Demigods and other creatures came and went and it really was a sight to see.

Some carried weapons and were wearing armor like full-fledged Greek soldiers from the 300
movie. Others carried around fishing poles and baskets for strawberry picking. There was a kid in
swimming trunks and a snorkel heading to the lake with his friends behind him. There were satyrs
with musical instruments coming out of a cabin and heading to the amphitheater. Kids switched
posts at the camp store that sold things from beads and other arts and crafts things to bright orange
T-shirts with the camp logos.

It was a weird feeling he couldn't describe.

There was a rhythm in this place. Despite people coming and going at different speeds to different
places, it felt like one giant heart beating to a proper rhythm.

As he walked hand in hand with Stiles he couldn't help but stare at his boyfriend. It wasn't an odd
habit anymore, it was one of his favorites actually. But taking in all around them and then looking
more carefully at Stiles he frowned as he was hit with so many realizations at once.

The way Stiles held himself was different than back at home. The Stiles that lived in Beacon Hills
were someone who had to suppress a powerful and dangerous side of themselves. Derek's surprise
came more at the fact that he hadn't noticed it. Stiles had the ambition and intelligence to get far in
life, and yet he held back. Now understanding a bit more of the dangers that demigods faced,
Derek understood why Stiles tried to make himself seem unimportant.

That in itself took a lot of work. With the monsters and enemies they faced, Stiles gave it his all so
his friends and family didn't die. All while keeping up the human ruse and keeping a so-so level in
their hierarchy. He wasn't an omega that was easily dismissed, but he didn't command the attention
an alpha did. Though many times he broke that front, his human guise was so set and the part so
well played, they all easily forgot about it after the moment passed.

Thinking back on everything they easily had Stiles marched into battle without a
second glance? How easily had he been ready to follow Scott into death and pain? How had they
failed to notice how much Stiles understood sacrifice and loyalty better than any of them?

All they knew was that he was the sheriff's only child, the best friend of Scott McCall. That was
the basis of Stiles Stilinski's life when anyone met him.

Now looking at him in a new light, Derek was almost thrown back at how powerful his boyfriend
was. Maybe he couldn't summon storms or combust into flames, but it was clear he demanded
respect and had power.

"Derek? You okay?" Stiles's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

They were face to face, and in a way, it was as if Derek was staring at Stiles's version of his
'shifted' self. The side that the humans didn't understand and he had to hide.

"I...I just want to take you on a date. Listen to you talk for hours. I want to know you. All of you."

Stiles smiled at him. "I'd love that. And we will. Right now how about a walk?"

"Where to?" Derek asked as he followed Stiles who hooked their arms together as they walked in
typical couple fashion.

"The Athena Parthenos."

"No one coming or going from New York has ever seen this?" Derek asked as he stared up at the
forty-foot-tall statue.

Stiles had to smirk in amusement. "Come on, Der. You've lived in New York before. Even if the
statue wasn't masked by magic, I doubt New Yorkers would make much of a fuss about it. New
York is littered with godly symbols and statues...and not just Greek and Romans from what I hear."

That made Derek pause. "Annabeth seems to be solely..."

"Sure that the Greeks are the only ones causing trouble? I know. But for a long time, we were led
to believe that. And with all the problems we faced, saving New York and then kinda the
world...thinking there were other pantheons that were really real and causing as many problems as
the Greeks? It's a hard pill to swallow. When I realized your sort of werewolf wasn't anything like
the kinds I've fought before...I had a panic attack. Suddenly the world that was already pretty
freaking huge just got bigger...and me?" He shrugged as he looked up at the Athena statue. His
face had a far-away look. "I was just a spazz stuck in the middle of all this, trying my best to
survive and keep my friends alive along the way. Against monsters and gods...and my power?
Thinking. And over-thinking...which can be good...or bad. Mostly just unhelpful...:"

He spoke with calmness but his chemo signals betrayed the bravado. Derek could smell the fear
and guilt and regret. Thinking about all those they've lost, how many times they nearly died
themselves, how much they had to hurt to gain the strengths they had now.

He pulled Stiles into a tight embrace, which Stiles returned with equal strength.

They stayed embraced in silence, staring up at the Athena statue. Derek couldn't fathom what must
be going on through Stiles's mind. Hell, he didn't know what to think himself. It was different
knowing about the supernatural and knowing about gods. "Have you ever met her?"

"In my dreams. When quests were rather difficult. She'd offer advice but...she wasn't like Claudia."
Stiles answered quietly, not taking his eyes away from the goddess. "People often forget the war
part of her. The Ares kids will tell you he's strict...but so is she. She...and well many of the other
gods aren't...well they're gods. Not human...they...they sometimes don't know how to be..." he
scrunched up his nose in the cute way he does when he isn't sure how to explain something. And
maybe there wasn't a way to explain it. There are certain werewolf things he goes through that he
can't explain to Stiles, but Scott understands.

"Should we try and contact your father? He must be worried. The pack too." Derek told him.

Stiles smiled and gave his hand a squeeze. "I sent him a letter last night. He knows where I am,
and that you're here too. I can't say he's overly pleased but he'll know to let everyone know we're
safe for the time being."

"A letter? Like...snail mail?" Derek furrowed his brows. He wasn't sure that was the best way to
reach anyone.

"Don't fret. I used the Hermes Express. The Stoll brothers owe me favors." Stiles reassured him.
"They could be helpful you know," Derek mentioned.

"And I will bring that up to Annabeth. If there's a source of information needed, they won't be blind
to it just because it comes in the form of non-Greek supernatural beings. But that's for later.
Annabeth and I can't really be at 100% when Luke's out and about." Stiles said with a frown.

"Actually, he's been put under house arrest at the Big House." Nico's said as he approached.

Stiles and Derek turned to face him as they climbed down the steps of the Panthenos.

"For everyone's sanity and security measures, he's been secured. I've added some of my zombies as
an added precaution."

"Zombies?" Derek's echoed, his face paling a bit.

"Hades kid...kinda my thing. That a problem?"

"Easy Neeks. Derek's a good guy." Stiles offered with a kind grin.

"He's a werewolf." Nico pointed out to Stiles as if Derek wasn't right there.

"And we're demigods. Trust me, it's a weird world. Anything new on the whole 'He's back from the
dead but not because of the Doors of Death' thing?"

"No...and there's a patch of withered flowers near the forest that got acorns thrust at me. It's not
like Hazel and I have many other people to consult with on matters of the dead."

"What about a Banshee?" Derek asked, forcing focus on him.

"You know one we can trust?" Nico asked with a raised eyebrow, more curious than skeptical.

"We do. She's a friend. mortal side of friends are varying supernatural creatures. We were
thinking of bringing them in. We're used to fighting different monsters and beasts from different
places and origins. They can help. But it's not my place alone to invite them." Stiles said.

"We'll bring it up at lunch. Which is why I came, to fetch you guys." Nico said but his cheeks
tinted a shade of pink. Because he was so pale it was very obvious.

"We'll be right there," Stiles promised.

Nico nodded before making his way back to the camp. Once he was gone, Stiles and Derek were
still staring in his direction.

"His father is the god of death?" Derek asked.

"Hades is the ruler of the Underworld, god of the dead and riches. The god of Death is Thanatos."
Stiles corrected.

"But he can...connect to those who have died?" Derek asked quietly.

Stiles got an idea of why he was asking. He was careful with his next words. "Nico has grown
stronger, yes. Summoning spirits is within his power but it's best...not. Derek...look, if there's
anything I've learned is to let the dead rest. We can't live in the past and we can't bring it
back...we're in the now, and we have to focus and worry about that. Nico can only summon those
who haven't yet passed. Those left with unfinished business."
Derek was quiet for a bit before he asked, "And what if he can summon my family? Does that
mean they're stuck with unfinished business? How does that affect them?"

Stiles knew the answer but he knew Derek won't like it. Ghosts with unfinished business who spent
far too much time after death without finding peace(should they not be a bad person who deserves
to be in the field of punishment) weren't the Casper types...they were usually restless spirits that
haunted places and caused trouble.

"Let's stay focused, yeah? We have to figure out this thing with Luke. When we're done...I promise
we'll speak with Nico and Hazel about your family if you're still sure you want to ask."

Derek nodded. It sounded fair. And Stiles wasn't one to go back on his promises.

"Let's go before Chiron sends out a chaperoned search party because he thinks we're off having
forest sex."
Chapter 5

"You lost?"

Derek spun around and spotted Nico. He gave him a critical look, trying to analyze him without the
kid being influenced by Stiles' presence. Despite knowing Stiles loved him and was faithful, he
couldn't help the jealousy he felt toward anyone who looked at Stiles the way Nico had done.

"No. I mean, I don't know the area well, but well enough to know how to get back to the cabins.
Plus, I have my sense of smell." Derek replied.

"Why are you all the way out here?" Nico asked as he joined Derek as they overlooked the
strawberry fields. From where they stood they could see campers and nymphs alike working hard
to gather the strawberries.

"Stiles had some business to tend to with his cabin. Percy was busy with a lesson. I didn't really
wanna be quacked at, so I came here. It's a good view." Derek defended himself. He wasn't on
trial, but the kid made him feel like it. With how thin and gaunt the kid looked, it unnerved Derek
that he could hold that feeling over him.

"Stiles is one of the bravest heroes I've ever seen. One of the strongest demigods I know." Nico

"I know." Derek said in a way that really said, 'Go on.'

"He's risked his life many times over and has been heartbroken more than once and if I can help it,
it won't happen again," Nico told him with a glare.

That made him blink. "Are you...are you giving me..."

"The shovel talk? Kinda poetic, I know. But I am. Stiles' whole career here at camp has been
looking out for others. Even if they hate each other, even if their parents hate each other and the
rivalry goes back eons. Stiles takes care of us and it sometimes seems like only Chase is looking
after him...but he's not alone. He has me in his corner too! So if you want any peace once you kick
the bucket, you better damn well make sure you're nice to him and keep him happy."

Derek stared at him for a full quiet moment before he smiled. "You don't have to worry about it.
Stiles is the love of my life. He's the best thing that happened to my life. And I'm doing my best to
do right by him."

It was Nico's turn to study Derek and decide if he could take him for his word. After a moment, he
nodded. "Okay then."

"There you are. For a moment I was afraid the Aphrodite cabin took you hostage," Percy said with
a smirk.

Derek sat up from his bed when Percy came back into the cabin. "I was out earlier but I got bored.
Where's Stiles?"
"He's still in the Big House with Annabeth and Chiron. They're going to take a while. Trying to
make the right calls when communications aren't the best is...hard. And Stiles is one of the
smartest people here."

"I get it, trust me. It's just weird being away from him for so long. More so because I'm here...I
don't know exactly what it is about this place..."

"Probably all of us," Percy replied with a casual shrug. He went to his secret stash and pulled out
two candy bars. He offered one to Derek.

The wolf accepted it. "What does that mean?"

"I thought Stiles explained it to you," Percy said.

Derek thought back to his and Stiles' talk on the ship. Stiles mentioned something about the
instincts between demigods and monsters. Before he could see if that's what Percy meant, the sea
demigod answered him.

"Monsters have this primal urge to fight. The higher in rank, the higher the need. Monsters were
sort of created and born to fight the gods for the claim of the planet way back when. Time has
passed, monsters come back from the pits of Tartarus and that instinct remains. Monsters have
evolved, obviously. You're not really Greek in origin, so maybe your instinct to kill us isn't as
strong as say....a cyclops or gorgon. But you fall into the category of a monster. By technicality. So
there's an instinct in you that's telling you we're dangerous...that you need to be careful. Attack first
before you're attacked." Percy peeled back the wrapper and took a bite before explaining more.
"Back home you were surrounded by other creatures. Stiles's presence wasn't more than a random
blip every so often. But now you're in a camp full of us. We're probably literally giving you a

"Heh. You're not wrong. I mean, it's not that bad but it's there." Derek agreed.

Percy smiled. Being told he's not wrong is almost the same as being told he's right. A rare
occurrence he'll accept in any form.

"I was with Nico earlier. Can you tell me if there was anything between him and Stiles?

Percy's demeanor changed. From friendly and chill to tense and...guilty?

"Nico and he are friends. Nico took his whole demigod destiny thing harder than others. But his
situation is really complicated. It involves time travel sort of. Well, more like a Captain America
scenario. He's from another time, he was kept safe in a hotel where time goes very slowly. Hades
hid him to protect him from Zeus. Unlike me, Nico's technically a legal demigod."

"Legal? How?"

"You remember how we explained how it was said that the Big Three weren't allowed to have
mortal demigods after WWII?" Percy asked.

Derek thought back to that conversation and nodded.

"Well, Nico and his sister were born before the law. Or around the time it was made and decided
that demigods of the Big Three were too dangerous. Zeus destroyed the entire building Nico's
family was in and Hades only managed to save the kids...Nico's mom died that day. Nico was a kid
and time in that hotel is slow and very weird. Being brought back into the modern-day...well it
didn't phase him at first. He had his sister...but it all went to hell." Percy said, since saying Hades
might make things confusing.

"Alright...I'll try to keep up. But how do he and Stiles fit in again?" Derek asked as he tried to rub
away a headache.

"Stiles was better with words than I'll ever be. He could reach Nico better. Also, Nico came from a
different time. A time when things about being gay were stricter. He was...very afraid to be even
more different. Stiles helped him ease into accepting that part of himself. Or at least knowing he'd
still have a friend no matter what. For a while, I think he had a crush on Stiles. But the friendship
was too good to risk. And in the end, Nico latched on to Stiles the way he would have to Bianca,
his sister. Nico was angry at Stiles once because he fit in so well in Bianca's role and Nico was
scared he was forgetting her. Which made Stiles try harder to reach out. So when Nico caught
wind that Luke was planning on taking Stiles away...that's when he accepted Stiles as someone
important in his life that he needed to protect."

"Wait, what?"

"Right...well, Luke knew Annabeth and Stiles well. When he failed to convince Annabeth to join
him, he knew if he wanted to try with Stiles he would need more than just a better argument. From
what I heard, he planned to take Stiles, whether he wanted to or not. Protect him from what was
about to happen to the a prize or something."

Derek sank back into the bed he was using. He fiddled with the candy bar in his hand before he
looked up at the other, "Any progress on the whole situation?"

Percy shook his head. "No. It's all weird. It's all quiet. It's seriously unnerving."

"I can help...I can figure out what Luke remembers." Derek offered quietly.

"You can?" Percy asked, perking up a bit. But then his eyes narrowed. "How?"

Derek raised his hand and extended his claws. "Werewolves, my kind anyway, have this trick. We
can dig our claws into the back of people's necks and tap into their memories. I can see what he's
seen...even if he can't remember."

"That's...useful," Percy stated.

"And dangerous. People can die."

"...he was already dead," Percy said in a low and even tone.

"Stiles wouldn't approve."

"Neither would Chiron or Annabeth," Percy added.

"But it's the fastest way to get answers."

"To what question, exactly?" Percy asked, but it wasn't as judgmental as Derek thought it was
going to be.

"My uncle's cheated death. He used our friends and he's used me...we have a complicated
relationship and a twisted sort of love. Stiles's loves are passionate and intense but clean and clear.
I see how much he loves his much he loves Scott...and how much he loves Annabeth.
And I know he loves me too. And I know what he's willing to do for those he loves."
"You think Luke's manipulating it all? That he doesn't love Stiles just claiming he does and using
old feelings to get a second shot at the world of the living?" Percy asked.

"Do you put it past him?" Derek asked in turn.

Percy paused. He had the chance to make Luke out to be a villain. He had willingly become a
vessel to help support Kronus but repented in the end. It had been Percy who made Luke a hero.

"No. No, I don't."

"Will you tell me where he is?"

"I'm known for many things, Derek. Responsible decision making is not one of those things. Sure
thing. We'll sneak out tonight, after curfew."
Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“Look. It’s terrifying, I know that Annie. We thought we knew the rules and perimeters of what we
had to work with. And then we got the rug pulled out from under us with something as similar to
the Roman version of everything we knew. Scarier still…it’s only the beginning,” Stiles spoke to
Annabeth but was telling everyone present.

Annabeth still looked uncomfortable about what this meant. Stiles didn’t blame her at all. They did
their best work when they knew the rules well. So well that they could use the rules to their
advantage. New rules…or worse, no rules, made the game much more difficult. And dangerous.

“Both Nico and Hazel have examined Luke and haven’t the slightest of idea of how or why he’s
back,” Stiles said.

“Do you have an idea of what we can do?” Chiron asked him.

He nodded and wished he could have had time to tell his sister about his latest adventures
privately, but no time like the present. “I’ve thought about it. Derek being in camp was asking a
lot. Even if he’s an ally, I know he’s making some of the others angsty. I don’t blame them. So…
I’d like to request taking Luke back to Beacon Hills if possible.”

Chiron immediately frowned at that, as did the others. “I’d rather not risk losing him.”

“Well, it’s either you sanction it or you allow some of my friends to come into Camp to see if their
powers can help any.”

“What friends?” Annabeth questioned.

“Well…my father’s deputy turned out to be a HellHound. Different from Mrs. O’Leary. Or
Cerberus. He’s not Greek. Only has one head. Well, if you don’t get vulgar about the semantics
anyway. And he’s got defined abs.”

Stiles interrupted, “Not even the weirdest one. Or arguably the most dangerous one. Lydia might
be slightly more helpful. Maybe. She’s a Banshee. She’s more prone to have psychic visions to
maybe help. Sometimes. She’s training.”

“Anyone else?” Chiron asked.

“Well, there’s Derek’s uncle. He’s cheated death before. Most likely using dark magic. Which I
can’t help but assume is what brought Luke back if Nico nor Hazel can sense anything natural
about it. He might have an idea. Or maybe be able to point us in the right direction.”

“And these are the people you’re spending your non-camp time with?” Annabeth asked.

“You know how it goes. One day you’re trying to keep your human best friend from finding out
what’s really out there and then you hear over the cop radio you tapped into that a dead body was
found, or half of one, with some weird continuities and it turns out to have been a werewolf. From
there…shit just spiraled. But is it really too weird for a demigod to have stumbled into?”

“Let me discuss this with Mr. D. We’ll have a councilors meeting later in the evening just dinner,”
Chiron concluded.

Annabeth accompanied Stiles to the Poseidon Cabin to see if their boyfriends were there. But they

“Do you know where Percy might be? Derek will either be with him or maybe looking for Nico.”

“Nico?” Annabeth echoed with a raised eyebrow.

“I took Derek to visit Mom’s statue. While there we ran into Nico there. After some banter and
more sinking in about what demigod abilities can be…Nico’s were of interest to Derek. A lot. And
I can’t blame him.”
“Why would a son of Hades interest a werewolf? Wouldn’t his heightened senses be bothered by
Nico’s scent?”

“Probably. Y’know, never thought too much about my demigod scent in actual scent terms. I’ll
have to ask Derek what I smell like as a child of Athena. Do you think we smell like knowledge?”

“Stiles. Focus. Derek’s interest in Nico? Or rather his powers?” Stiles offered a sad smile. It didn’t
take too long for Annabeth to put the pieces together. “Who does he want to see?”

Stiles let out a humorless laugh, “There’s no shortage of possibilities. There are a few…but mostly
his pack. All of which were killed in a fire.” There was a long pause before he added more
information, “This horrid bastard sent his daughter to seduce him to get the location of his pack…
and burned them all alive. Werewolf. Human. Didn’t matter…”

Annabeth didn’t say anything but Stiles knew her better than almost anyone else. Maybe rivaling
Percy. He also knew what they grew up thinking.

“I know it’s hard. To feel sympathy for monsters…”

“Of course, it’s not. Not as hard as it used to be. Even before the realization that other pantheons
might also be as real as ours…with Tyson and Ella…Bob…not all monsters are…”

“Monsterous,” He smiled a bit, and Lydia came back to mind. One of the more human-like beings
despite her status, would be one to remind any of the were-creatures whenever they had a bad

“I thought I knew you pretty well. But in a few short years, you’ve gained such a different life,

“Same could be said about you. About all of us…” Stiles said, letting another pause settle in, this
one heavier than the previous, “We never expected to get this far. At least I didn’t.”

“It’s true. With every other summer seeming like the end of the world would happen within the
first or second week after arriving to camp. Having to let friends and kids younger than you meet a
cruel destiny and not being able to help? Being nothing more than a kid of Athena !”

“We are just as good as any of them!” Annabeth said fiercely.

Stiles smiled at her in a proud way but it still held a lot of the weight they’ve carried. A weight full
of grief and helplessness and panic and depression. “We were the ones with the plan. So what
happens when the plans aren’t good enough?”

“We craft. Because that’s part of our gifts. We’re crafters. Talented in various aspects, not just of
the mind…”


Annabeth and Stiles looked over to see Derek and Percy heading their way.

When Derek came up to him, he grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze, asking with a silent look
if he was okay.

Stiles nodded, returning the squeeze. “I’ve talked to Chiron about bringing Lydia and Parish, and
maybe even Peter to Camp to consult. But if that can’t happen, and I understand why, maybe
they’ll sanction an official quest to have some of us take Luke to them. Figure it all out.”

Derek frowned, “I think Peter should be saved as a last resort.”

“Agreed. But it can’t be denied if something nefarious is going on, Peter might know where to

“I suppose.”

“What about Derek’s plan?” Percy spoke up, looking between Derek and Stiles.
Annabeth raised an eyebrow, “You have a plan?”

“Since when do you have a plan?” Stiles echoed.

“I was going to take matters into my own hands. Literally. But he was indeed being guarded by
zombies. But I thought maybe we can get answers from Luke himself.”

“How? He claims not to know how he got topside himself,” Annabeth said.

“You want to claw him?” Stiles demanded, piecing it together. “You were going to claw him?
Without me being there?”

“I’d have been there,” Percy spoke up. “He told me what he could do. He told me the risks. I tried
to go with him.”

“I’m the only one who doesn’t know what’s going on and I really hate when that happens.
Someone fill me in,” Annabeth said.

“Werewolves have the ability to tap into memories. Even the ones that have been blocked away,”
Stiles answered.

Derek raised his hands and let his claw extend, “I’d dig my claws in the back of someone’s neck.
I’d be able to find out what he’s forgotten.”

“With the chance of killing him,” Stiles added.

“He was already dead. And Derek’s said he’s done this before,” Percy added.

“You can’t actually be considering this as an actual option,” Annabeth told Stiles.

“It is an option. And if Lydia and Parrish fail, it’ll be one of the things Peter suggests,” Stiles
replied with certainty.
“And you think this is a good idea?” Annabeth demanded of Percy.

“It’s not very Greek, no. But it’s Roman. And sometimes…we have to adapt. If no other answers
are provided, it may be something we may have to resort to,” Percy answered.

“Nothing gets done without it being discussed. We’re a democracy, after all. We’ll bring it up at
the next meeting,” Stiles said, then looked at his clock, “Which isn’t too far off but I think we can
wrangle all the cabin heads to the big house and have this discussed.”

Chapter End Notes

So. The world has gone to hell in a handbasket, one way or another. Life's weird and
odd and I'm gayer than ever but only ever overly dramatic in fanfic. I'm halfway
through reading The Sun and the Star and I just feel like I owe it to you guys to
continue this story. This is one of my WIPs that I am determined to finish this year. I
can't guarantee a consistent posting schedule but...this story will be written!

Thank you to anyone reading this! <3

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