Injury: Peter Augat, Marianne Hollensteiner, Christian Von Rüden

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Injury 52S2 (2021) S78–S83

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The role of mechanical stimulation in the enhancement of bone

Peter Augat a,b,∗, Marianne Hollensteiner a,b, Christian von Rüden b,c
Institute for Biomechanics, Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Murnau, Murnau, Germany
Institute for Biomechanics Paracelsus Medical University Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
Department of Trauma Surgery, Berufsgenossenschaftliche Unfallklinik Murnau, Murnau, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The biomechanical environment plays a dominant role in the process of fracture repair. Mechanical sig-
Accepted 1 October 2020 nals control biological activities at the fracture site, regulate the formation and proliferation of different
cell types, and are responsible for the formation of connective tissues and the consolidation of the frac-
Keywords: tured bone. The mechanobiology at the fracture site can be easily manipulated by the design and configu-
Bone ration of the fracture fixation construct and by the loading of the extremity (weight-bearing prescription).
Fracture Depending on the choice of fracture fixation, the healing response can be directed towards direct heal-
Fracture healing ing or towards indirect healing through callus formation. This manuscript summarizes the evidence from
Fracture repair experimental studies and clinical observations on the effect of mechanical manipulation on the healing
Interfragmentary movement
response. Parameters like fracture gap size, interfragmentary movement, interfragmentary strain, and ax-
Strain, Biomechanics, Stimulation
ial and shear deformation will be explored with respect to their respective effects on fracture repair. Also,
the role of externally applied movement on the potential enhancement on the fracture repair process will
be explored. Factors like fracture gap size, type and amplitude of the mechanical deformation as well as
the loading history and its timing will be discussed.
© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license

Introduction mechanobiological feedback signals [5]. The mechanical stimulus

is experienced by the cells in the healing zone leading to con-
Bone as a living skeletal tissue is capable of adaptation and re- gregation of mesenchymal cells in the early healing phase, forma-
generation [1]; it responds to changing physical demands and trig- tion of callus tissue in the repair phase and the reconstitution of
gers a complex repair process after injury [2]. In particular, the re- the original bone in the final remodelling phase of healing [6].
generation process has an amazing potential to create new bone This manuscript describes how mechanical signals contribute to
tissue and rebuild the original state after a fracture or a bone de- the bone healing process and how the mechanical stimulus can be
fect [3]. Formation of new bone after a fracture is a complex in- employed to manipulate the healing response by ideally promoting
teraction of cellular and molecular processes by which connec- and accelerating the fracture repair process.
tive tissue, cartilage and bone are formed [4]. Constant remod-
elling of these tissues reconstitutes the bone’s anatomy and struc- Mechanobiology of fracture repair
ture [5] and recovers its functional competences (Fig. 1). The most
fundamental aims of the healing process are recovery of load bear- It has been well described that bone homoeostasis is main-
ing capacity and restoration of bone strength. As both aims rep- tained by modelling and remodelling of bone tissue through a
resent mechanical features, it is not surprising that the processes well-orchestrated interaction of bone forming osteoblasts and bone
of tissue differentiation and formation are primarily regulated by resorbing osteoclasts. The regulation of these activities is accom-
panied by suppression, expression or synthesis of a large variety
of cellular and molecular factors, such as hormones and growth
This paper is part of a supplement supported by the Osteosynthesis and Trauma
factors [6]. As early as 1892, Julius Wolff postulated that mechan-
Care Foundation (OTCF) through a research grant from Stryker.

Corresponding author at: Institute for Biomechanics Berufsgenossenschaftliche ical signals are the key regulators of the remodelling process [7].
Unfallklinik Murnau Professor-Küntscher-Str. 8, 82418 Murnau, Germany. Based on the assumption of “Form follows Function”, bone has the
E-mail address: (P. Augat). ability to adapt its form (mass and structure) to its functional de-
0020-1383/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
P. Augat, M. Hollensteiner and C. von Rüden Injury 52S2 (2021) S78–S83

Fig. 1. Process of fracture healing after fracture of the femoral shaft in a 39-year-old patient (a). Anatomical reduction and flexible fixation with locked plating (b). Four
weeks after fracture, advanced periosteal and endosteal callus formation was observed (c) which progressed by week fourteen (d). Almost complete remodelling of the
periosteal callus was observed four years after trauma (e). Residuals of intramedullary callus after metal removal six years after trauma (f).

mands. Osteocytes, which form a dense communication network

within bone tissue, are thought to be responsible for sensing the
mechanical signals and for regulating the survival and activity of
osteoblasts and osteoclasts [8]. Mechanical signals that are induced
in bone tissue during loading include stress, strain, fluid flow and
streaming potentials of which shear stress by interstitial fluid flow
in the lacunar-canalicular network appears to be the most rel-
evant signal for mechanotransduction in intact bone [9]. It has
also been demonstrated that mechanically induced deformation in-
creases oxygen transport, thereby improving the nutrition supply
to cells involved in fracture repair [10].
The process of mechanotransduction is not limited to the pro-
cess of bone remodelling but also regulates the process of bone
healing after fracture. The mechanical deformation of the fracture
at the organ level results in a mechanical response on a tissue, cel-
lular and molecular level. On the tissue level, formation and dif-
ferentiation is known to be controlled by the mechanical environ-
ment leading to “causal histogenesis”. Compressive strain promotes
the formation of cartilaginous tissue, and tensile strains induce the
formation of fibrous connective tissue with collagenous fibers [11].
At the cellular level, the proliferation and differentiation of specific
Fig. 2. Comminuted pilon tibiale fracture after dashboard injury in a 47-year-old
cell types and extracellular matrix production is either promoted professional sports car test driver (a). Anatomical fragment adaptation with lag
or suppressed. At the molecular level, specific pathways involving screw fixation and locked neutralization plating leads to intramembranous bone for-
growth factors, cytokines and morphogens are activated depend- mation and direct fracture healing (b). One year after surgery restitutio ad integrum
ing on the type and magnitude of the mechanical signal [4]. Multi- allowed for complete metal removal (c).
ple experimental studies have provided some understanding about
the effects of mechanical signals on their biological responses on
each individual level in particular on the molecular and cellular formation and direct healing (Fig. 2). In contrast, flexible fixation
level [12]. However, due to the morphological and material hetero- induces an endochondral healing pathway characterized by inter-
geneity of the tissues involved in fracture healing, the biological mittent formation of cartilage and the development of periosteal
response to a physical signal is often difficult to predict and not and endosteal callus (Fig. 3) [3]. Interfragmentary strain has been
necessarily unambiguous [4]. identified as the most characteristic measure of fracture stability,
and Perren and Cordey have formulated a strain theory that pos-
Effect of mechanical signals on fracture healing tulates for bone formation to occur, the interfragmentary strain
needs to be smaller than the failure strain of the bone tissue [13].
The mechanical environment at the site of the fracture has been Accordingly, Perren postulated that for interfragmentary strains
shown to have a dominant influence on the healing response. It that exceed 2%, no direct formation of bone can occur, yet fibro-
has been generally accepted that rigid fixation of a fracture re- cartilage or granulation tissue can form [14]. Strains below 2% that
quires perfect bone adaptation and leads to intramembranous bone allow direct healing can only be achieved by aggressive open re-

P. Augat, M. Hollensteiner and C. von Rüden Injury 52S2 (2021) S78–S83

Fig. 3. Combined tibial shaft spiral fracture (a) and proximal fibula fracture (b) in
a 59-year-old patient after ski accident. Sagittal CT scan demonstrates an articular
fracture line with connection to the upper ankle joint (c). One year after surgery
complete fracture consolidation including periosteal and endosteal callus formation
following reamed intramedullary locked nailing of the tibial shaft (d).

duction and rigid internal fixation and has been advocated by the
early pioneers of osteosynthesis [15]. Their philosophy was based
Fig. 4. Nonunion due to varus axis deviation following cephalomedullary nailing
on the misleading concept that callus is to be considered a patho- with auxiliary cerclage wiring in a 77-year-old patient. Shear forces resulted in im-
logical structure “…that can be readily avoided by osteosynthesis paired bone healing and bowing of the nail as an expression for overloading of the
and interfragmentary compression” [16]. osteosynthesis.
The much more biological form of fracture healing occurs under
flexible fixation which can be achieved by external fixation, locked
plating or intramedullary nailing without interfragmentary com- The size of the interfragmentary gap depends on the effi-
pression [15,17]. However, for flexible fixation to result in a suc- ciency of the bone reduction process during operative surgery.
cessful healing response, an appropriate amount of interfragmen- There is large variability of the quality of reduction depending on
tary strain needs to be present to stimulate the healing process. fracture location, type of fracture and type of osteosynthesis. In
In contrast to direct bone formation, the healing processes through humeral shaft fractures, gap sizes have been reported to be typ-
a secondary healing response are characterized by the formation ically between 0.5 mm and 2 mm [29] but can be up to 4 mm
of a periosteal fracture callus. If the fixation is exceptionally rigid in individual patients [30]. Small gap sizes of around 1 mm ap-
or too flexible, bone formation is perturbed and delayed healing pear to be less sensitive to different interfragmentary strain levels
or non-union can occur (Fig. 4) [18,19]. The most dominant factors than larger gap sizes (> 2 mm), and have shown to tolerate inter-
that influence the amount of interfragmentary strain at the frac- fragmentary strains as large as 30%. In contrast, large gaps toler-
ture site are the stiffness of the osteosynthesis construct, the size ate less interfragmentary strain for a timely healing response and
of the interfragmentary gap and the amount of loading [20]. show delayed healing for strains of 30% compared to strains of
The stiffness of the fixation construct is mainly determined by 7% [18]. However, it is not only the amount of interfragmentary
the design and the material (stainless steel vs. titanium alloy) of movement but also the type of deformation (axial, torsion, shear)
the osteosynthesis implant and also by the osteosynthesis configu- that influences the repair process. Pre-clinical and clinical studies
ration [21] chosen by the surgeon (e.g. implant placement or screw have unmistakably demonstrated that axial compressive interfrag-
configuration). Numerous biomechanical studies measure and com- mentary strain promotes fracture healing by stimulating periosteal
pare the stiffness of osteosynthesis implants, typically assuming callus production and maturation [31-37]. In contrast, shear move-
that a stiffer implant results in a more favourable healing out- ment has shown to inhibit vascularization of the callus and the
come [22]. However, more recent studies have demonstrated that fracture gap from early on [38] and results in a lengthened healing
dynamic fracture fixation of diaphyseal fractures resulting in larger period and a decrease in mechanical stability [32].
axial strains leads to improved healing response compared to stiff Finally, the amount of loading determines the interfragmen-
fracture fixation. Dynamic fixation was either achieved by modi- tary strain at the site of fracture. Loading of the fracture site oc-
fication of the locking screws or by modification of the locking curs during joint movement and weight bearing. It has been gen-
plates. The use of far cortical locking screws [23,24] or dynamic erally accepted that early loading after fracture needs to be limited.
locking screws [25] has shown to induce favourable axial interfrag- This then results in the prescription of reduced weight bearing and
mentary strains which lead to faster and stronger fracture heal- the frequent use of temporary casts for immobilization even af-
ing. Also, the modification of the locking plate itself by inducing a ter surgical fixation of the fracture. Pre-clinical experiments, which
biphasic plate stiffness [26] or enabling limited deformation of the have shown beneficial effects of early weight bearing, have led to
plate around the screws [27,28] has resulted in superior fracture a rethinking of the concept of unloading the fracture [39,40]. Re-
healing. cent clinical findings suggest that early weight-bearing after open

P. Augat, M. Hollensteiner and C. von Rüden Injury 52S2 (2021) S78–S83

during full or partial weight-bearing after internal fracture fixation.

In general, intramedullary implants provide much larger axial sta-
bility compared to extramedullary implants and consequently re-
sult in smaller interfragmentary compressional movement. For dis-
tal tibia fractures, it has been shown that an extramedullary lock-
ing plate (axial stiffness about 450 N/mm) allows up to 1 mm of
axial compression compared to only 0.2 mm compression for inter-
locked nails (axial stiffness about 700 N/mm) under partial weight-
bearing [44]. In contrast, the resulting shear or torsion under phys-
iologic torsional loading has been observed to be similar for in-
tramedullary and extramedullary fixation [44,45]. These findings
would suggest that for distal tibia fractures, intramedullary nail-
ing would provide more stability and would enable earlier weight-
bearing while extramedullary plating would provide more stimula-
tory axial gap movement [46].

External mechanical stimulation

Based on frequent observations of the stimulatory effect of axial

mechanical signals on the repair process of fractures, it has been
attempted to use externally applied mechanical signals to boost
the repair process. The challenge for these externally applied sig-
Fig. 5. The interfragmentary gap (IFgap ) in a long bone fracture which is com-
nals is to find the adequate type, magnitude, frequency and timing
pressed during loading by a certain amount of interfragmentary movement (IFM) of the loading events. The use of externally applied stimulation of
experiences a interfragmentary strain (ε) within the fracture gap. fracture repair has first been advocated by the research group of
John Kenwright and Allen Goodship at the University of Oxford.
They found externally applied intermittent axial cyclical loading
reduction and internal fixation induces the necessary stimulatory that promoted fracture healing in sheep tibiae and resulted in the
strain at the fracture site without compromising the stability of acceleration of callus formation and the increase of fracture stabil-
fracture fixation or increasing the frequency of post-operative com- ity [47,48]. Based on their encouraging findings in the animal ex-
plications [41,42]. Immediate weight bearing and early mobiliza- periment, they have treated a consecutive series of patients with
tion may in fact improve functional outcome and lead to earlier fractures of their tibia by application of daily micromovement and
return to work [43]. found an earlier return to weight-bearing and less frequent healing
delays compared to patients who received no supplementary stim-
Interfragmentary movement ulation [49,50]. They attributed the positive effect specifically to
the application of the axial stimulation in the early healing phase
Stress or load at the fracture sites originates from weight bear- during which patients tend to unload their limbs and lack an ad-
ing activities or from muscle contraction. For a perfectly reduced equate mechanical stimulus. Also, the stimulation was performed
fracture, loading compresses the fracture but there is no initial in a rather rigid frame configuration which might have suppressed
movement at the fracture site. If the fracture is incompletely re- callus formation in the absence of a suitable stimulus through ex-
duced or the trauma created a comminuted fracture situation, ternal stimulation or more aggressive weight-bearing.
loading results in movement of the fracture gap. But even well re- However, if a fracture already experiences a certain amount of
duced fracture gaps may eventually widen through stress-induced interfragmentary strain, for example by partial weight-bearing and
bone resorption at the fragment ends and will permit fracture gap flexible fracture fixation, external mechanical stimulation is unable
movement in the course of the healing process. The initial inter- to further promote the healing process [51,52]. Even if the addi-
fragmentary gap (IFM Gap) is reduced by a certain amount of in- tional mechanical stimulation is capable of promoting callus for-
terfragmentary movement (IFM) and results in the interfragmen- mation, this is not necessarily associated with increased mechani-
tary strain ε (Fig. 5). The amount of interfragmentary movement cal stability or with increased loa-bearing capacity of the fracture.
which can occur during weight bearing has been determined by It has been frequently observed that larger flexibility at the frac-
using instrumented external fixator frames in patients with tib- ture site results in an enhanced callus proliferation [52,53] but
ial shaft fractures [37]. Even in a reduced weight bearing situa- that the larger callus volume is not necessarily associated with
tion, axial compression in the tibial shaft amounted to a range of improved mechanical stability [54-56]. The mechanical stability is
0.5 mm to 1.5 mm with fracture gaps of around 1 mm, and dur- much more related to the tissue quality within the fracture for
ing walking the amount of shear movement was about 0.3 mm. which the local bone density has shown to be an excellent mea-
Most interestingly, the same amount of movement as measured sure [54].
during weight-bearing was obtained by unloaded muscle contrac- In conjunction with the amount of loading, the loading his-
tion causing dorsi flexion and plantar flexion of the foot. As all tory has also shown to influence the repair process. Moderate to
patients in this investigation had fully healed, their interfragmen- high strain rates similar to that obtained during brisk walking have
tary strains between 30% and 100% in the very early healing phase shown to promote healing if applied during the early healing phase
produced some stimulatory effects and did not obstruct the repair [57]. However, if these externally induced strains are applied in
process. the late healing phase they may rather inhibit healing [57]. On the
Obviously, it is much more challenging to obtain measurements other hand, variation of stimulation frequencies from 1 Hz to 10 Hz
of interfragmentary movement after internal fixation with plates did neither enhance callus formation nor improve mechanical sta-
or nails. Biomechanical assessment of fracture fixation construct bility of the fracture compared to flexible fixation without external
stiffness measured under physiologic loading conditions can shed stimulation [51]. However, the response to loading scenarios might
some light on the interfragmentary movements to be expected be different if bone regeneration during distraction osteogenesis is

P. Augat, M. Hollensteiner and C. von Rüden Injury 52S2 (2021) S78–S83

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