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Biomechanics and

Biomaterials in
Orthopedic Surgery
Pa m e l a Be nav i de z , c st

The main objective in any orthopedic procedure is to remediate prob-

lems in the skeletal system due to genetic malformation, injury or aging.
A key component of a successful patient outcome is the intellectual and
technical proficiency of the surgical team. The surgical technologist,
therefore, should become competent in the biological and mechanical
aspects of bone and the skeletal system, the fundamentals of orthopedic
biomaterials and their connection to postoperative implant healing.

Bone is composed of chemical, cellular and structural materials. LEARNING OBJECTIVES
A. Chemical composition.
s Review the chemical, cellular and
1. Organic material. Organic material in bone comprises approxi-
structural composition of bone.
mately 30% of its dry weight.1 The principal organic component
of bone is collagen, which is produced by the bone-forming s Learn about the biomechanics of
cells, osteoblasts. Collagen’s filamentous structure gives this bone and orthopedic implants.
molecule a flexible characteristic. However, when collagen is s Understand the fundamentals of
mineralized in the bone matrix, it provides strength, stiffness, commonly used biomaterials.
and thermal stability. The relative orientation of these collagen s Study the implant-to-bone
fibers within the bone matrix is an important determinant of osteointegration process.
the elastic anisotropic quality of bone.2 s Review the elements needed to
Bone tissue also contains citrate, which works as a bridge enhance bone healing.
between packed mineral platelet layers.3 Bone mineral is linked
to the organic matrix through proteoglycans rich in glycosami-

MARCH 2016 | The Surgical Technologist | 111

noglycans (GAGs), which play an important role in B. Cellular composition.
determining mineral size and crystallinity in bone. 1. Osteoblasts. Osteoblasts are better known as bone-
A family of proteins called bone morphogenic pro- forming cells. They comprise about 4-6% of bone cells.
teins (BMPs) have also been found to reside within These cells are in charge of bone production and min-
the extracellular matrix in the bone. These proteins, eralization through the secretion of polysaccharides,
structurally and functionally related to transform- collagen fibers and other factors for osteoclast differ-
ing growth factors, are responsible for the migra- entiation.6 Osteoblasts differentiate from mesenchy-
tion, proliferation and differentiation of bone-form- mal stem cells (MSCs). Differentiation occurs through
ing cells through signal transduction pathways.4 signal transduction cascades headed by cytokines.7
2. Inorganic material. Inorganic materials, mainly 2. Osteoclasts. Osteoclasts are the bone resorptive cells.
ionic compounds, comprise about 70% of the These cells encompass 1-2% of bone cells and work
bone’s dry weight. Bone functions not only as a by secreting acids and collagenolytic enzymes. Stimu-
structural and support tissue, but also as a reservoir lation by the receptor activator of nuclear factor-kB
for ions such as calcium, phosphorous, sodium and ligand (RANKL) generates a cascade of events in a
magnesium.1 Most of the calcium and phosphate signal transduction pathway that leads to the prolif-
found in bone is in the form of hydroxyapatite eration of bone marrow macrophages (BMMs), which
(Ca10(PO4)6OH2). Hydroxyapatite appears in bone eventually fuse to each other to become multinucle-
as mineral platelets of organized collagen fibers ated mature osteoclasts.8
intercalated by hydroxyapatite crystals. While collagen 3. Osteocytes. Osteocytes, better known as mature osteo-
gives bone soft and ductile properties, the hydroxyapa- blasts, encompass 90-95% of total bone cells. These
tite crystals give it a stiff and brittle character.5 cells are found dispersed in a sea of mineralized matrix
within lacunas connected by dendritic processes that

112 | The Surgical Technologist | MARCH 2016

radiate to the bone’s sur-
face through canaliculi.
Osteocytes are believed to photomicrograph of
function as sensory cells a bone cell osteocyte
by reacting to mechanical from a rat.
strain through the activa-
tion of either bone forma-
tion or bone resorption
pathways. They belong to
the same lineage of osteo-
blast progenitor cells.
However, once osteoblasts
differentiate, some of them
continue to differentiate
into osteocytes.9
C. Structural composition.
1. Periosteum. The perios-
teum is the outer layer
that covers most bones.
D u r i n g d e v e l o p m e nt ,
this layer plays an impor-
tant role in bone growth.
However, in adulthood,
its main function is in
repair and remodeling.
There are many struc-
tu re s a s s o c i at e d w it h
the periosteum that provide a system for nourish- ones and forming new vascular spaces. The angle and
ment and communication, such as blood vessels, distance in which these osteons lay depend on the ori-
sensory and motor nerves, and lymphatic vessels. entation of the collagen fibers that constitute them.11
The periosteum contains two distinctive layers: an 3. C ancellous bone (also known as trabecular or spongy
outer fibrous layer and an inner cambium layer. The bone). The structure of cancellous bone is highly depen-
outer layer contains fibroblasts and collagen fibers that dent on mechanical stress. This is why its structure
can form a continuous association with joint capsules, forms a heterogeneous trabecular network of differ-
tendons, muscle fasciae or epimysium. The inner layer ent shapes and thicknesses whose morphology varies
is rich in blood vessels and mesenchymal cells with by location. Accordingly, the variable structure of tra-
osteogenic, chondrogenic and osteoblastic potential.10 becular bone allows for elastic resistance to any force
2. C ompact (cortical) bone. The main component of applied. Cancellous bone is metabolically more active
the compact bone is the Haversian system or osteon. than compact bone.12 However, the thickness in the tra-
This structure is composed of different elements that, becular network has been found to decline with age,
together, give it a porous character. Mainly composed which is believed to be due to the decrease in nutrients
of collagen and hydroxyapatite, osteons organize in a supplied to the bone.13
geometrical way forming a concentric lamellar struc- 4. Endosteum. Studies have shown that the endosteum lin-
ture. Newly added layers of collagen and hydroxyapa- ing is where hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) are made
tite converge towards a central vascular space. As the and reside. A comparison of HSC from the bone mar-
bone remodels, new osteons form, displacing the old row and the endosteal lining showed that the cells in

MARCH 2016 | The Surgical Technologist | 113

the lining proliferate at a higher rate than those of trauma, anoxia and in utero compression. Some of the
the bone marrow. The study indicates that the end- most prominent congenital disorders requiring surgical
osteum might play a more prominent role on the implants are:
production of blood and stromal cells.14 • Pseudarthrosis
5. Medullary cavity. The medullary cavity is the space • Skeletal dysplasias
created by the honeycomb cancellous bone and the • Rheumatoid arthritis
space within the diaphysis of long bone, where bone • Gout (arthritis urica)
marrow can be found. There are two types of bone
marrow: red marrow (composed of hematopoietic BIOMECHANICS OF BONE
cells) and yellow marrow (composed of adipose tis- In order to study the mechanical properties of bone, the sur-
sue). The ratio of red to yellow marrow varies with gical team must be familiar with the physical principles of
age.15 In adults, only cancellous bone provides a sta- Young’s modulus of elasticity and the anisotropic nature of
ble supply of hematopoietic cells throughout life.16 bone.
A. Young’s modulus of elasticity. Even though it is difficult to
imagine bone as an elastic material. It could be logically
The search for mater ials that inferred that in order to stand the action of a force with-
out permanent damage, a material must be elastic enough
can closely mimic bone’s physical to spread the stress applied in a uniform way. Depend-

and mechanical properties is why ing on the direction of the applied force, three main
types of forces can be applied to a material such a bone.
tissue engineering is an ever-grow- • C ompression. In compression, all the force vectors
point inward perpendicularly to the sample causing a
ing field. reduction in volume.
• Shear stress. Shear stress is when the force vectors are
tangent to the sample’s surface, causing a twist motion
under constant volume.
DETERMINATION OF NEED • Tensile stress. During tensile stress, two forces act at
Many conditions of the musculoskeletal system can be opposite ends of the sample, either pulling it apart or
managed noninvasively. However, cases exist for which pushing it inward.
noninvasive treatments do not provide a remedy to the  Through a series of experiments based on these
condition and even others in which a surgical approach physical principles, the English physicist Robert Hooke
is the only option. In general, treatment failure of longer discovered that, for solid materials, strain (the extent to
than six months, severe pain that affects the performance which an object deforms due to an applied force) and
of daily tasks, and joint instability or abnormal alignment stress (the object’s resistance to an applied force) are cor-
justifies surgical intervention.17 related by a constant that he named Young’s modulus or
A. Orthopedic trauma. Trauma to the bone can be caused elastic modulus. Eventually, Hooke’s principles became
by a shock, a fall or a twist. The fracture generated can a law, which is used today for the study of bone and the
be displaced, non-displaced, open (bone is exposed) development of biomaterials in orthopedics.19
or closed. Many fractures require reduction and main-  Since bone is a heterogeneous and anisotropic struc-
tenance. Often, reduction can only be accomplished ture, its Young’s modulus depends on its micromolecular
through the use of implants such as screws, plates, rods structure, which varies significantly from one point to
and other permanent devices. Immediate intervention another within the same structure. In general, the less
is required in the case of open fractures, dislocation porous and more dense the bone structure, the higher
of major joints and fractures implicating the vascular its Young’s modulus constant (E).20
system.18 B. The anisotropic nature of bone. Anisotropic properties
B. C ongenital and degenerative disorders. These disor- are those that vary in their value when measured in dif-
ders may be due to genetic defects, drugs, infections, ferent directions. Given the anisotropic nature of bone,

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it is not surprising that bone tissue reacts differently at addition, orthopedic implants are highly dependent
different points in response to a force. Although Hooke’s on mechanical functionality; therefore, there is not an
law would predict a linear stress-strain relationship, appropriate animal model that would correctly replicate
experiments have shown the prevalence of a nonlinear human fitting.25
relationship. Throughout the life of an individual, bone Once implants pass through all the required preclini-
remodels its microstructure based on the load applied. cal testing, they follow clinical trials, randomized trials,
Thus, different points in a single bone can show different multicenter studies and implant registry after their market
stress-strain responses.21 release.25


Testing of orthopedic implants prior to market release is The complex structure of bone poses a challenge for frac-
an important process that protects patients from implant ture repairs. Even though fixation devices are sometimes
failure. the only option available in major injuries, these implants
A. C omputer simulation. Orthopedic implant design has cannot be resorbed and remodeled by the body. Risk of
benefitted from the advent of computerized technol- additional fractures and implant failure is also a possibility.
ogy. There are many implant prototyping techniques Implant materials composed of actual bone, such as
including stereolithography, laser sintering, 3D plotting autograft and allograft, may seem a more suitable solution
and 3D printing. These methods make use of comput- due to their osteoconductive, osteoinductive and osteo-
er software, computed tomography (CT) and magnetic genic properties, but also come with disadvantages. In the
resonance imaging (MRI) in a designed virtual environ- case of autograft, the additional procedure required for
ment similar to the one encountered inside the tissue.22 tissue harvesting adds to the possible surgical complica-
Orthopedic implant models are based on CT scans of tions. Allografts present a greater risk due to the increased
Caucasian cadavers.23 Although there is evidence of eth- chance of disease transmission and implant rejection when
nic and gender differences on bone strength and geom- compared to autografts. The search for materials that can
etry, data is limited due to the prohibition of CT scan closely mimic bone’s physical and mechanical properties is
studies on live individuals, which has halted the study why tissue engineering is an ever-growing field.
of other population groups.24 There is a growing move- Common biomaterials for orthopedic implants include
ment toward the experimentation with MRI scanning of synthetic polymers, naturally derived polymers, bioceram-
healthy patients, which has been proven to be less harm- ics and metals.
ful and with similar accuracy to CT scans.24 A.  Synthetic polymers.
B. Physical model testing. The goal of orthopedic implant 1. P roperties. Most synthetic polymers used on the
testing is to ensure the durability of the implant, vali- medical industry are biodegradable in nature. In
date an improvement over existing implants, and reduce orthopedics, these polymers can function as drug
the dependence on animal experimentation.25 Biomedi- delivery devices and skeletal support systems. The
cal simulators are designed to test the mechanical and chemical composition of synthetic polymers can
physiological properties of implants compared to a con- be tailored based on the desired rate of degrada-
trol. Effects of tension, compression, wearing, impact tion and drug delivery. In general, hydrophilic syn-
loading, temperature and fatigue are among some of the thetic polymers degrade faster than hydrophobic (or
variables tested. Simulators allow for the specification of less hydrophilic) ones. In addition, synthetic poly-
motion-generator points as well as weight-bearing points. mers with low molecular weights per unit degrade
Physical properties of the implant materials, such faster than those with high molecular weights.
as hardness, stress and strain, should approximate the Very few polymers are crystalline in nature; how-
parameters of real bone. Physical testing also takes into ever, the more organized the molecular structure of
account handling processes, such as development, steril- the polymer, the less it is prone to hydrolytic degra-
ization, storage and implantation.26 dation. The shape of the implant also affects its rate
C. Animal studies. Animal testing is limited due to the fact of degradation. The higher the surface-to-volume
that animal testing is considered ethically unsound. In ratio, the faster the degradation rate. In addition,

MARCH 2016 | The Surgical Technologist | 115

local conditions such as vascularity, endured stress and movement
also affect the rate of degradation and osteointegration.27
2. C ommonly used synthetic polymers.
• Poly (propylene fumarate)
• Poly (p-dioxane)
• Poly (1 5-dioxipian-2-one)
• Poly (trimethylene carbonate)
The structure of
a polylactide • Poly (lactide-co-glycolide)
bioplastic molecule. • Septacin® (control-release polymer)
3. P ros and cons. Prosthetic devices made of degradable synthetic
polymers offer numerous advantages. One of these advantages is
slow drug delivery. Even more important is the advantage it offers
in bone healing. Contrary to nondegradable implants, degradable
synthetic polymers do not require a second surgical intervention
for removal. Instead, they allow the slow transfer of load stress from
the degrading implant to the healing bone. Synthetic polymers also
offer more variety and less probability of immunologic reactions.28
Among the negative aspects of these implants are foreign body
reactions and fibrous tissue formation, which lessens as the mate-
rial degrades. In addition, some degradable synthetic polymers may
contain acidic components that stimulate inflammation as they are
released. Synthetic implants have lower strength than metals, which
makes them less suitable for patients with known ossification prob-
lems or for cases when the implant is expected to sustain great loads.28
B. Naturally derived polymers.
1. Properties. Naturally derived polymers share some common features
with synthetic polymers, such as its biodegradability and biocompat-
ibility. They also possess a structure that better mimics bone matrix
and often contain properties that aid in cell attachment, proliferation
and differentiation. These polymers have a complex structure that can
better adapt to existing bone tissue.29
2. C ommonly used natural polymers.
• Alginic acid
• Hyaluronic acid (HA)
• Chondroitin sulfate
• Collagen
• Gelatin
• Fibrin
3. Pros and cons. The most significant advantage of naturally derived
polymers is their ability to adapt and mimic the natural matrix. As
with synthetic polymers, the successful integration of these polymers
requires no further surgical interventions. Natural polymers also have
less probabilities of causing toxicity. However, certain molecules and
contaminants in these polymers may elicit an immunologic reaction.
In addition, the processing of naturally derived polymers is more dif-
ficult, and transfer of pathogens to the recipient is more likely. It is also
challenging to determine the outcome of their implantation, since there
is a wide variability among natural polymers of the same class.28

116 | The Surgical Technologist | MARCH 2016

C.  Bioceramics. systems.32 However, metal implants available in the
1. P roperties. Bioceramic materials are polycrystal- market show high resistance to corrosion and great
line inorganic compounds, including glass products, biocompatibility.33 Metallic biomaterials are neither
made out of metallic and non-metallic elements good osteoconductors nor good osteoinductors; nev-
with highly organized crystal arrangements. Metal- ertheless, bioengineering technology has designed
lic oxides, calcium sulfates and nitrites are among metallic porous coatings for metal implants facili-
the most commonly used compounds in the devel- tating their osteointegration.34
opment of ceramic implants. The compatibility of 2. C ommonly used materials.
bioceramics is due to the inertness of the molecules • Titanium-based alloys
that compose them; however, some may have a cer- • Stainless steel
tain degree of reactivity. They can be classified as • Cobalt-chromium alloys
bioactive, if they possess osteoconductive and drug • Titanium
delivery properties; or bioinert, if they do not elicit • Nitinol
a reaction when introduced in biological tissues. • Tantalum
Bioceramics are brittle with low tensile strength and 3. Pros and cons. The most important advantage of
high compressive strength; therefore, are commonly metal implants is their long-term mechanical resis-
used in locations were high compressive strength tance. In addition, metal fixation devices offer the
is required, such as on acetabular cups or femoral most reliable support for the healing fracture. How-
heads.30 Bioceramic materials vary in their porosity ever, one of their drawbacks is poor osteoconduc-
according to their crystal structure. Although dense tion. In addition, because of the tendency of metals
materials are ideal for high mechanical load resistance, to form oxides, metal implants tend to corrode. 33
porous bioceramics allow for osteointegration.31 Inflammatory response around the implant is
2. C ommonly used materials. also a possible complication, which can cause bone
• Calcium Phosphate (hydroxyapatite) resorption and subsequent loosening of the implant.
• Alumina Fracture fixation with metal implants requires addi-
• Zirconia tional surgical interventions for either removal or
• Tricalcium phosphate replacement, which impose additional risks to the
• Barium sulfate (bone cement) patient. Aseptic loosening is an inevitable conse-
3. Pros and cons. Bioceramics are highly biocompatible. quence of wearing that requires substitution for a
Porous types also allow the incorporation of bone larger implant. Although it is not clear how metal
healing enhancers. However, since the research and ions affect osteoclast activity, it has been shown that
their production is costly, fewer options are available metal ions decrease the proliferation of osteoblasts.33
compared to other biomaterials. The brittle charac- Since not one single material can mimic the intricate
teristic of bioceramic materials limits the anatomi- structure of bone tissue, many orthopedic implants are a
cal location where they can be implanted. Those that combination of several biomaterials and other bone heal-
offer good mechanical strength usually show poor ing enhancers, which may better promote vascularization,
osteointegration.32 osteogenesis and tissue repair.35
D.  Metals.
1. P roperties. Metal implants are the most resistant IMPL AN T-BONE OS T EOIN T EGR AT ION
of all biomaterials. Metals are ductile, which allows Implant osteointegration depends on the region of bone
for the spread of stress forces without deforma- in which the implant is located. Epiphyseal and metaphy-
tion. Thus, metal implants are usually used in loca- seal osteointegration occurs faster than diaphyseal osteo-
tions were high mechanical strength is required. integration due to the increased vascularity and therefore
Implants of the same type of metal show a pat- fast remodeling rate at the end of long bones. In addition,
tern of heterogeneity in their characteristics from mechanical strength of the lower extremities is higher
the influence of design on the material properties. than in the upper extremities. Osteointegration can be
Because of the tendency of metals to form ions mechanical, where the bone remodels around the implant
in solution, selection of the type of metal during and a layer of collagen forms between the two surfaces, or
implant design is based on its reaction in biological

MARCH 2016 | The Surgical Technologist | 117

ongrowth, during which implant affinity allows the bone accomplished.37 A well-engineered implant should have
to grow within the implant. the following characteristics:
The size, shape, texture, type of material and physical 1. Osteoconduction. It allows the ingrowth of blood ves-
properties of the implant also influence osteointegration. sels and invasion of osteogenic cells.37
To attain the best integration, implants should be of equal 2. O steoinduction. It stimulates the differentiation of
or higher elasticity than the bone tissue that surrounds stem cells into osteogenic cells.37
them. When rigid material is implanted on a more flexible 3. Proper fit (stability). The size of the implant should
area, additional materials that aid osteointegration, such as be proportional to the size of the bone. Bone-implant
bone cement, ought to be employed. In the case of osteo- contact should be ensured to facilitate osteointegra-
conductive and osteoinductive materials, osteointegra- tion and stress dispersion.37
tion occurs without the development of a collagen layer. 4. D uctility (Elasticity vs. rigidity). This property con-
Indeed, the spread of the stress throughout the implanted fers a certain degree of flexibility in order to allow the
implant to shape into the bone.37
5. Texture. Implants can be polished, smooth blasted or
rough blasted. Smooth surfaces are not osteoconduc-
tive; instead, they induce the formation of a collagen
layer between the implant and the bone. Rough sur-
faces on the other hand facilitate osteointegration.37
6. R esistance to fatigue. Implants are meant to either
endure stress until the healing process has completed
or for the rest of the life of the individual. Implants
with low resistance possess a high risk for fracture on
the same site.37
B. Factors affecting implant-bone osteointegration. Many
times it is not desirable for fixation devices such as
plates, screws, and pins to integrate because of intended
removal. However, for those devices in which healing
depends on osteointegration, it is very important for the
tissue conditions to be optimal. Certain factors can inter-
fere in this process:
1. I nfection. Due to the artificial nature of implant
materials, they are always at risk of exogenous infec-
tions. An infection affecting an implant can start as
Imagine how the
texture of this
a localized point and spread as a biofilm. The rate of
titanium metal hip infection is faster in nonintegrated areas, joints and
implant would aid on implants that integrate by formation of a collagen
osteointegration. layer. If the infection is introduced during the pro-
cedure, integration does not occur. Granulation tis-
sue forms around the infected areas, which stimulates
osteoclastic resorption of bone around the implant.
joint and its bone when a force is applied is greater in Antibiotic therapy and replacement of the infected
ongrowth implants than in mechanically fitted implants.36 implant is often necessary.37
A. Requirements for a well-engineered implant scaffold. 2. A septic loosening. Many times, an inflammatory
Any engineered implant must possess characteristics response occurs without the presence of infection due
common to bone. These characteristics would either to the implant material particles being removed by
allow the implant to last for the life of the individual macrophages. Inflammatory events attract cytokines
or support the fracture until complete healing has been and chemokines to the infected area and stimulate the

118 | The Surgical Technologist | MARCH 2016

proliferation of osteoclasts. Osteoclasts cause loosen- as a therapy option is the certainty with which it can
ing of the implant by resorbing the bone around it.37 be determined that the osteogenic cells involved on the
3. Implant allergies. This is a controversial issue that has healing process are derived from the therapeutic agent
not yet been unanimously supported. Studies have and not from the patient’s bone marrow.43
found a small percentage of patients with implant fail-
ure showing signs of contact dermatitis. Tissue inflam- CONCLUSION
mation around the implant, which causes loosening of The nature of bone, as both a composite and a dynamic
the implant, and skin lesions one year after the surgery living structure, dictates its mechanical properties and its
have been observed. Some researchers agree that there behavior in response to injury. However, many injuries
is a need for presurgical screening for allergies. Oth- and/or conditions require a surgical approach in order to
ers believe that the population of patients manifesting promote correct bone remodeling. The experimental study
allergic reactions to the implant is so small that it does of the structure and composition of bone has led to the
not justify regular screening.38 development of orthopedic implants that allow osteoin-
C. Enhancing bone healing. Implant osteointegration is a tegration to otherwise irreparable injuries. The surgical
process that requires the right conditions in order to technologist should become proficient in the areas of bone
occur. The first few weeks following the surgery is the biology, orthopedic biomechanics and orthopedic bioma-
most critical time; when the implant is most prone to terials in order to identify the appropriate prosthetic mate-
failure as integration is just starting to take place. Stabili- rials and healing enhancers for the surgical patient.
zation highly depends on osteointegration; therefore, the
faster it occurs the lower the chance of implant failure. ABOUT THE AUTHOR
Bone healing enhancers catalyze integration by provid- Pamela Benavidez, CST, was born in
ing the necessary elements needed for bone healing. Venezuela and graduated from ERWIN
1. G rowth factors, hormones and other osteogen- Technical Center in Tampa Bay, Flori-
ic compounds. Growth factors are signal mol- da. She currently works as a CST in the
ecules that stimulate the proliferation, recruit- Tampa Bay area and holds a bachelor’s
ment and differentiation of mesenchymal cells into degree in integrative animal biology from the University
osteogenic cells. 39 Growth factors also stimulate of South Florida (USF). During her bachelor’s studies, she
angiogenesis and granulation tissue formation. 40 joined two research projects, one of which was presented
Parathyroid hormone (PTH) is another protein during the 2014 USF Undergraduate Research Colloqui-
that has been used as a bone healing enhancer. PTH um. Benavidez is also a member of the Corpus Christi
controls calcium homeostasis by regulating the osteo- Medical Mission, where she has had the opportunity to
blast-osteoclast activity in bone. This type of hormone help the underserved community of Dilaire, Haiti. She is
therapy is especially used in osteoporotic patients, currently pursuing her goal of becoming a doctor.
for which fast fracture healing is paramount.41 There
are many other products in the market that promote REFERENCES
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