Principles of Mathematics 12

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PRUMCIPLIES of MATHEMATICS 2 Authors and Consultants (Cathy Canavan-MeGrath, Hay River, Northwest Tero Serge Desrochers, Calgary, Alberta Hugh MacDonald, Edmonton, Alberts Carolyn Martin, Edmonton, Alberts Michael Pruner, Vancouver, British Columbia Hank Reinbold, Morinville, Alberea Rupi Samra-Gynane, Vancouver British Columbia Carol Shaw, Winnipeg, Manitoba Roger Tesh, Calgary, Alberta Darin Teufya, Edmonton, Alberta First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Cultural Reviewers Joanna Landry, Regina, Saskatchewan Darlene Olson-St. Pierre, Edmonton, Alberta Sarah Wade, Arviat, Nunavue Cultural Reviewer Karen Iversen, Edmonton, Alberta Assessment Reviewer Gerry Varey, Wolf Creek, Alberta LIBRARY ECKVILLE JUNIOR-SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL BOX 360 ECKVILLE, ALBERTA TOM OXO NELSON EDUCATION NELSON Principle of Mathemats 12 epucaTION seat nes sae, BE natn ogres were Sante spun neuer vin cnmnted ese ters fea none Serre seat = pectin uber, Mathematics Pete Papo nae ser comet oun tap Seca cone Managing Eto Devgan id foun ie coranendecn eon Soto cov ont tra tang se 25 ent es ° Copyeditor ‘Asset Coordinate " Frogram Manager Paula Pettitt-Townsend ‘Suzanne Peden me restnoes vtavaon Developmental Sdleoes, ‘Susan McNish ‘Nesbitt Graphics, Inc. gta aes eee eee, ier wae computor Bear na tetotoowe Ne apt or care vata treater retort tse ine wil ‘Sharon Latta Paterson avid Strand cep soe Saree a iene oe outer sete tan ° Te anend ng copveaci © 2012 by eon Education Lid. student Text and POF IsaN-13:978.0-17-4804205 {5aN-20;0-7-650820 Stent Tost (GaN: 97Bo.r7-9527004 ISaN.AG: 0417-652706-8 Printed and bourd ia Canada p23 4 wa For more information contact Nelson Eeuation Lid, 1120 Biehmount Road, Toronto, (Ontario MIK 5 OF you can vst four internet ste at Ipstwrnelson com. {ALL AIGHTS RESERVED. No part of ‘his wark ovared by the copyright hetein except for any reproduce pager included in tis werk, may bereprociced,trorscibed, or {edi any form o by any meses ‘raphe electron er mechoiea Including photocopying. recording, taping, Web dsribution. or Information storage an retrieval systems—ithaut the writen petmision ofthe publisher For permision to use material fom this ext or pred, submit all request online at ‘ovsreengage com/permisions Further questions about permistons can be emailed to ermissonrequert8cengoge com. fey effort hasbeen made to teace cumersip of al copyrighted rateril ond secre parmision {rom copyight holder Inthe event of any question sing 96 Xo the ure of any material, we wl be pleased to make the necessary cerrections In future printgs. Reviewers and Advisory Panel Sean Chorney ‘Mathematics Department Head ‘Magee Secondary Schoo! ‘Vancouver Schoo! District 39. ‘vancouver, BC Serge Desrochers Bishop MeN High Schoo! Calgary Catholic School District Calgery, AB Steven Erickson ‘Mathematics Teacher Sisler High School Winnipeg Schoo! Division Winnipeg, MB Joanna Landry Coordinator, Fist Nations, Inuit, and Métis Education Services| Regina Catholic Schools (#81) Regina, SK George Lin ‘Mathematics Department Head Pinetree Secondary School School District 43 Coquitlam, BC Hugh MacDonatd Principal Austin O’Brien Catholic High School Edmonton Catholic School District Edmonton, AB Carolyn Martin Department Head of Mathematics Archbishop MacDonald High Schoo! Edmonton Catholic School Board Edmonton, AB Hank Reinbold Retired Educator Morinvile, AB Rupi Samra-Gynane Vice-Principal ‘Magee Secondary School Vancowrer Schoo! District 39 Vancouver, BC Carol Shaw Retred Educator Winnipeg, MB Roger Teshima Learning Leader of Mathematics Bowness High School Calgary Board of Education Calgary, AB Sarah Wade Curticolum Developer Nunavut Board of Education Acvat, Nunavut Reviewers and Advisory Panel Table of Contents Features of Nelson Principles of Mathematics 12 Chapter 1: Set Theory jing Started: Real Estate Listings 1.4. Types of Sets and Set Notation 1.2. Exploring Relationships berween Sexs 41.3. Intersection and Union of Two Sets History Connection: Unexpected Infinities Get Mid-Chapter Review 1.4 Applications of Set Theory Math in Action: Relevant Hits Applying Problem-Solving Strategies: Analyzing a Logic Puzzle Chapter Self-Test Chapter Review Chapter Task: Planning a Zoo Project Connection: Creating an Action Plan iv Table of Contents viii Chapter 2: Counting Methods Getting Started: The Tower of Hanoi 2.1. Counting Principles 2.2 Introducing Permutations and Factorial Noration 2.3. Permutations When All Objects Are Distinguishable Matt in Action: Birthday Permutations ‘Mid-Chapter Review 2.4 Permutations When Objects Are Identical Applying Problem-Solving Strategies: Disk Drop 25. Exploring Combinations 2.6 Combinations 2.7. Solving Counting Problems History Connection: Computer Codes Chapter Self-Test Chapter Review Chapter Task: Analyzing a Traditional Game Project Connection: Selecting Your Research Topic 64 76 95 98 108 109 or 121 128 129 130 133 134 EEE Chapter 3: Probability Getting Started: Dice Differences 3.1. Exploring Probability 3.2. Probability and Odds 3.3. Probabilities Using Counting Methods History Connection: Counter intuition Mid-Chapter Review B.A Mutually Exclusive Events ‘Applying Problem-Solvi The Monty Hall Puzzle 3.5. Conditional Probability 3.6 Independent Events ‘Math in Action: Modelling with Probabilities Chapter Self-Test Chapter Review Chapter Task: Games and Probal Project Connection: Creating Your Research Question or Statement Chapters 1-3 Cumulative Review Strategies: lity 136 138 140 142 151 162 163 166 181 182 192 201 202 203 207 208 210 Chapter 4: Rational Expressions and Equations Getting Started: Comparing Internet Plans. 4.1. Equivalent Rational Expressions 4.2 Simplifying Rational Expressions 4.3. Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions Mid-Chapter Review 44 Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions Applying Problem-Solving Strategies: Exploring Rational Expressions tory Connection: The Thin Lens Formula 4.5. Solving Racional Equations Math in Action: The Harmonic Mean Chapter Self-Test Chapter Review Chapter Task: The Rational Expressions Dice Game Project Connection: Carrying Out Your Research Table of Contents 212 214 216 225 232 240 244 251 252 253 261 262 263 287 268 Chapter 5: Polynomial Functions Getting Started: staging a Profitable Production 5.1. Exploring the Graphs of Polynomial Functions 5.2. Characteristics of the Equations of Polynomial Functions Math in Action: Motion Due to Gravity Applying Problem-Solving Strategies: The Poly-Nomial Game Mid-Chapter Review 5.3 Modelling Data with a Line of Best Fit 5.4 Modelling Data with a Curve of Best Fit History Connection: Prime-Generating Quadratic Polynomials Chapter Self-Test Chapter Review Chapter Task: Experimenting with Polynomial Models Project Connection: Analyzing Your Data Chapters 4-5 Cumulative Review vi Table of Contents 270 22 274 278 289 292 293 295 307 317 318 319 323 324 327 Chapter 6; Exponential Functions Getting Started: Origami 6.1 Exploring the Characteristics of Exponential Functions 6.2. Relating the Characteristics of an Exponential Function to Its Equation 6.3. Solving Exponential Equations Mid-Chapter Review 6.4 Modelling Daca Using Exponential Functions History Connecti (1871-1937) Applying Problem-Solving Strategies: Exponential Hit 6.5. Financial Applications Involving Exponential Functions Math in Action: The Rule of 72 « Ernest Rutherford Chapter Self-Test Chapter Review Chapter Task: Caffeine Decay Project Connection: Identifying Controversial Issues 330 332 334 338 352 366 370 384 385 386 399 400 401 405 406 Chapter 7: Logarithmic Functions Getting Started: Fibre-Optic Cables TA. Characteristics of Logarithmic Functions with Base 10 and Base ¢ 7.2 Evaluating Logarichmie Expressions Mid-Chapter Review 7.3 Lawsof Logarichms Math in Action: Making a Slide Rule 7.4. Solving Exponential Equations Using Logarithms History Connection: Euler's Number e 7.5 Modelling Data Using Logarithmic Functions Applying Problem-Solving Strategies: Guess the Number: Binary Search Chapter Self-Test Chapter Review Chapter Task: Leading Digits Project Connection: The Final Product and Presentation 410 4i2 426 439 448 449, 459 an 473 474 a7 478 Chapter 8: Sinusoidal Functions 480 Getting Started: Sine and Cosine Patterns 482 8.1 Understanding Angles 8.2. Exploring Graphs of Periodic Functions History Connection: Not as Easy as =! 8.3 The Graphs of Sinusoidal Functions Mid-Chapter Review 8.4 The Equations of Sinusoidal Functions Math in Action: Biorhythms 8.5 Modelling Daca with Sinusoidal Functions Applying Problem-Solving Strategies: Hidden Waves Chapter Self-Test Chapter Review Chapter Task: Here Comes the Sun Project Connection: Peer Critiquing of Research Projects Chapters 6-8 Cumulative Review Glossary Answers Index Credits Table of Contents 484 491 496 497 513 516 532 533 548 549 550 553 554 556 560 563 621 627 vii Features of Nelson of Mathematics 12 Getting Started Chasters begin with two-page activities designed to activate concepts and skills youhave already learned thet will be Useful in the coming chapter. ‘cbgamt (aah falas Lessons ‘Some lessons help to develop your understanding ‘of mathematics through examples and questions. “Most lessons give you a chance to explore or investigate a problem. Many of the problems are Ina veablife context. What Do You Think? Statements about mathematical concepts are presented and you must decide whether you agree or disagree. Use your existing knowledge and speculations to justify your decisions. At the enc of the chapter, revisit theie statements to decide whether you still agree or disagre. vill Reflecting ‘tosummarize have learned. Features of Nelson Principles of Mathematics 12 ‘These questions give you a chance to reflect (on the lesson so far and ‘what you You Will Need Items you will need to. carry out the lesson, such ‘a8 a calculator or graph paper, willbe listed here, Communication Tips ‘These tips give explanatione for why or when a specific ‘mathematical convention is used, initions 1 terms and ideas are highlighted ve text. In the margin nearby, ‘find a defi Explore Try these at the ‘Communication Notation beginning of each lesson. Mathematical notations that are They may help you think ‘essential to communication are in ways that will be described in these features. useful in the lesson, Your Turn’ These questions appear Examples after each Example. Acomplete solution to the example ‘They may require you to problem i given on the lft. Explanations think about the strategy forstepsin the solution ae included in presented in the examgle, seen boxes on the right. Use the examples orto solve similar ‘to develop your understanding, and for problem reference while practising. Features of Nelson Principles of mathematics 12 Ix In Summary Practising The In Summary box presents the Key ‘These problems and questions give you a chance Ideas forthe lesson, and summarizes other to practise what you have just learned. There are a useful information under Need to Know. variety of types of questions, from simple practice {questions that emphasize skill and knowledge development to problems that require you to make connections, visualize, end reason, Math in Action History Connection Applying Problem- ‘These tasks give you a chance to apply the Find out how mathematics Solving Strategies math concepts you have learned in a real- has been used thoughout ‘These games or puzzles ‘world context. history, and think about develop your problem- some implications. solving skills by allowing | you to create and analyze | strategies. | x Features of Nelson Principles of Mathematics 12 ne Mid-Chapter Review Chapter Self-Test Chapter Task Ste the Mid-Chapter Review for ‘Try the Self-Test at the end ofthe Have you developed a deep Frequently Asked Questions. chapter to discover if you have met _ understanding of the mathematics Try the suggested Practising the learning goals of the chapter. presented in the chapter? Find out ‘questions if you feel you need {you are uncertain about how to. _by trying this performance task. to test your understanding. ‘address any of the questions, look to the FAQs in the Mid-Chapter and Chapter Reviews for support. Chapter Review Project Connection Like the FAQ in the Mid-Chapter Review, the FAQ. You will be working on a project throughout covers the immediately preceding lessons. Practist the year. Project Connections support you covers the whole chapter. There are also three as you decide on a topic, do your research, Cumulative Reviews (not shown), which you can use ‘and develop your presentation. to practise skills and use concepts you've learned in ‘the preceding chapters. wet Features of Nelson Principles of Mathematics 12 xi Casey oicetg Set Theory, LEARNING GOALS Terni Paatiaraclarataysyalmrertontis) eiriniay99 OF Ghispinietiny invtormmesttin iaeaeeten suibicia O Geefahtesiy lsar rey ansiele itera nfs ievaneerpits Geitelamissess Se) Vea Gistienis O Soltis proses Weir iets cael, ina) Vain etapa How does a symphony orchestra sort the musicians on stage? Getting Started Real Estate Listings Chantelle is areal estate agent in Winnipeg, Manicoba. Most of her clients want to buy either a bungalow or a two-storey house. They also want to live in a specific area within the city. © How can Chantelle organize her house listings so her clients can easily check what is available? 4 Chapter 1 Set Theory vee QQ ———— A. Describe how you can organize the listings by style and location, Discuss, in a group, whar other features a client might want in a house, Organize the listings further, using the results of your discussion for part B. D. Do any of your categories overlap? Explain. (Organize your categories in a diagram to show how they relate to one another. WHAT DO You Think? Decide wheher you agree or disagrce with cad statement. Explain your decision, 41. To sor the letters ofthe alphabet, you can only use ewo categories: vowelzand conzonants, vowels consonants 2 You cannot always count how many things are in a category. 3. IF 5 people belong toclub A, 7 people belong to club B, and 8 people belong to club C, then there isa total of 20 people who belong to these dubs. Getting Started i 0 i Types of Sets and Set Notation ‘YoU WILL NEED sonpee Understand sets and set notation. '« What categories can you use INVESTIGATE the Math ‘organize your cothes? Jasmine is studying the provinces and tertitories of Canada. She has tying the pr ae decided to categorize the provinces and territories using (sets). ‘collection of cistinguishable lbjects; for example, the set of whole numbers is W=(0,1,2,3) ‘An object n ast; for example, 3 isan element of D, the set of digits. aniversal set) {A set of al the elements under corsideraton for a particular context (aso called the sample space); for example, the unvensal set of digits is D=(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9), ‘Sara @ How can Jasmine use sets to categorize Canada’s regions? ‘set whose elements all ‘A. Lise the laments) of the “aniversal/set’ of Canadian provinces and belong toanother st: for example, the set of odd digits, = N35. saigty Be ONE HUDEEE] of Cis che sex of Western provinces and rnitois, W. 'sa subsel of D, the set of digi OT Ee nocark In et notation, ths relationships Write W7in set notation, wten as The Venn diagram to the right tettitories, C. ¢ oe represents the universal set, C ¥ complement) The cicle in the Venn diagram Allthe elements ofa universal represents the subsec W. Set that do not belong to 2 as subset of it for example, ‘The complement of Wis O'= (0,2, 4,6, isthe " complement of O = {1, 3,5, 7, 9}, o etc uneuione ) shat W" conn. Geb. he comvlement’s ii) Write 19” in set notation. denote wth apie sgn, O° iil) Explain what 7’ represents in the Venn diagram. 6 Chapter Set Theory nt D, Jasmine wroce the set of Eastern provinces as follows: £= NL, PE, NS, NB, QC, ON} Is E equal co W"? Explain, E. List 7; the set of territories in Canada. Is Ta subset of C? Is ita subset of W, or a subset of 17"? Explain using your Venn diagram. fempiyset Aset with no elements, for F.Explein why you can represent che sec of Canadian provinces south of example, the set of odd Mexico by the empty set’. numbers divisble by 2 is the eranty set G. Consider sets C, W, W", and 7: Lista pair of isjoint) sets. Is there “The empty sets denoted by {) more than one pair of disjoint sets? Or. H. Complete your Venn diageam by listing the elements ofeach subset ing] the appropriate circle. To or more setshavng no . elements commons for Reflecting example, the set of even crn % 1. Why might you use a Venn diagram instead of a map to categorize the oe regions of Canada? Explain with an example. 1. i) What other sets could you use to sort the provinces and territories? ii) Which of these new sets are subsets of the sets you used earlier? iii) Which of these new sets are disjoine Communication | Notation The following is a summary of notation introduced so far. Sets are defined using brackets. For example, to define the universal set of the numbers 1, 2, and 3, list its elements: u={1,2,3} To define the set A that has the numbers 1 and 2 as elements: Ax{t,2} Allelements of A are also elements of U, so A is a subset of U: AcU The set A’, the complement of A, can be defined as: A’ = {3} To define the set 8, 3 subsct of U that contains the number 4; B~{} o B=@ BCU ne. 1.1 Typesof Sets and Set Notation 7 APPLY the Math EXAMPLE T Sorting numbers using set notation and a Venn diagram a) Indicate che multiples of 5 and 10, from 1 to 500, using set notation, Liseany subsets. b) Represent the sets and subsets in a Venn diagram, Ramona‘s Solution I defined 5 as the universal set of all natural numbers from 1 to 500. a) S= {1, 2, 3, 498, 499, 500} were too many numbers to list, so wrote an cthe set. 1 x = 500 means that x nber from 1 to 500. Epreeeco Scere 1 to 500. | greatest element of Fis 500, | wrote the set uttiple of 5 using velues of x from 1 to 100. tof S since al the elements of F are also Tas the set of al multiples of 10 from 1 to 500. element of Tis 500, | wrote it as TCFCS ~--{Tig subset of both Fard s. F'= {non-multiples of 5 from 1 co 500) oy FF", contains all the numbers S=(e[1 Sx 500,x EN} F= 5, 10, 15, .... 490, 495, 500} F=(f | f= 5x 1s x= 100,x EN) 10, 20, 30, 180, 490, 500} [r= 10,15 x5 50,x EN} d the relationships among the sets ina nn diagrem. Since TC F, the circle that represents the suset T de the crcl that represents the subset & Chapter 1 Set Theory we Your Turn Indicate the multiples of 4 and 12, from 1 to 240 inclusive, using set notation. List any subsecs, and show the relationships among the sets and subsets in a Venn diagram. EXAMPLE 2. Determining the number of elements in sets A tiiangular number, such as 1, 3, 6, or 10, can be represented as a triangular array. . ° oe ° ee eee eo ee eo ee oe we 1 3 6 10 a) Determine a pattern you can use to determine any triangular number. ') Determine how many natural numbers from 1 t0 100 are ) even and triangular, ii) odd and triangular, and iii) nor erianguls. ©) How many numbers are triangular? ‘Simon’s Solution a) Texamined the pattern of dots for the triangular numbers 1, 3, 6, and 10 to find a pattern. 1 3 1+2 cere 6 14243 third triangular number is the sum of the first I numbers. 10 1424344 aan ‘The mh triangular number is Toes aaat oe thea ofthe Br aru ‘begining at ore numbers. i 1.1 Types of Sets and Set Notation 9 b) 4) T used a spreadsheet co generate more triangular numbers. U= {natural numbers from 1 to 100} riangular numbers from 1 co 100} {even triangular numbers from 1 to 100} T= E= (6,10, 28, 36, 66, 78) (7) = 13 n(E) = 6 There ate 13 triangular numbers from 1 to 100, and 6 of these numbers are even, O= {ocd triangular numbers from 1 co 100} “There are 7 odd triangular numbers from 1 t0 100. iii) n(U) = 100 nT?) = n(U) ~ nT) n(T') = 100 — 13 n(T") = 87 There are 87 numbers from 1 ro 100 that are not triangular. 10 Chapter 1 Set Theory Communication x B 1 [Natural Numbers [Triangle Numbers 2 1 1 3 2 3 4 3 6 5 4 0 6 3 5 7 é 8 7 9 8 0, ° 7 70 @ v ® 7 ¥ B X= 5 4 +3; 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, 66, 78, 91} | entered the natural numbers in column A. itered the first triangular number, 1, in cell B2. the second triangular number, | entered the = B2 + A3 in cell B3. the formula down untill reached a ‘number greater than 100. I put ll the even triangular numbers in boldface. (Wteren ‘The phrase “from 1 to 5” means “irom 1 to 5 inclusive.” In set notation, the number of elements of the set X is written as n(x). For example, i the set Xis defined as the set of numbers from 1 to 5: {1,2,3,4,5} n= 5 {defined the universal set, U, and subsets Tand E. {listed the elements in T and E (i deterined the numberof elements in each [finite set by counting. Anite set AA set with a countable number of elements; for example, the set of even numbers less than 10, = (2, 4, 6,8), sfinite e ee the set of odd triangular numbers, O. Since triangular numbers are either even or odd, racted the number of even triangular numbers from the total numberof triangular numbers _ [The universal set contains 100 elements. These clements are ether triangular numbers or they arent. I subvacted to determine the number of elements in set T', the set of nomtiangular numbers o ©) Theres an infinice number of natural numbers, so there must be an infinite number of triangular numbers. The set of eriangular numbers is an (impossible to count all of them. anesee Asset with an infinite number cof elements; for example, pattem for triangular numbers continues forever. | Start to count the triangular numbers, but it is the set of natural numbers, N= (1, 2,3,-2, 6 infinite Your Turn Explain why Simon defined O as a separate cubeet, rather than using 2”. ExameLe 3 Describing the relationships between sets ‘Alden and Connie rescue homeless animals and advertise in the local newspaper co find homes for the animals. They are setting up a web page to help them advertise the animals that are available, They currently have dogs, cass rabbits, ferers, parrots, lovebirds, macaws, iguanas, and snakes, a) Design a way to organize the animals on the web page. Represent your organization using a Venn diagram. b) Name any disjoine ses. ©) Show which sets are subsets of one another using set notation. 4) Alden said thac the set of fur-bearing animals could form one subset. ‘Name another set of animals that is equal co this subset, Connie's Solution 2) I defined the universal ser, A. A. = [all the animals that are available} W = {warm-blooded animals} C_ = {cold-blooded animals} | listed the elements in each subset. W = {dogs, cats, rabbits, ferrets, parrots, lovebirds, macaws) iguanas, snakes} I decided to organize the subset of warm-blooded jimals into ewo further subsets: mammals, M, and birds, B, M = (dogs, cats, rabbits, Ferrets} B = (parrots, lovebirds, macaws} na. 1.1 Types of Sets and Set Notation b) The disjoine sets are Wand C, M and C, Band C, and Mand B. oMCW.BCW MCA,BCA,CCA,WCA 4) F = (fur-bearing animals) F = (cats, dogs, ferrets, rabbits} M=F Sec Mis equal to set F, the set of fur-bearing animals. Your Turn rces to represent subsets M (mammals), 1), and C (cold-blooded animals). Subsets M the set W (warm-blooded animals), 501 |zround these two circles. rectangle around ail the shapes to versal set, A (all available animals) for shapes that do not overiap. knew that ese sets do not contain common elements. __---{ Sets Mf and 8 are inside W, so they are subsets of W/ | the sets are subsets of the universal set, A. How else might you categorize the animals into sets and subsets? example 4 Solving a problem using a Venn diagram Bilyana recorded the possible sums thac can occur when Tez tba you roll ewo four-sided dice in an outcome table. T1213] 1% 4) Display the following sets in one Venn diagram: abs tals les + rolls that produce a sum less chan 5 + rolls chat produce a sum greater than 5 ata] s]6]7 1b) Record the number of elements in each set. alslel7ls ©) Dete:mine a formula for the number of ways that a sum less than or greater than 5 ean occur. Verify your formula, Morgan's Solution a) 5 = {all possible sums} ‘L = fall sums less chan 5] e universal set Sand the subsets ¢ and 6. G = {all sums greater than 5} > 12 Chapter 1 Set Theory I represented the relationship between the sums in a Venn diagram. b) n(S) = 16 n(L) = 6 nlG)= 6 ©) The number of ways that these events can happen is the sum of the number of ways that cach even can happen. nL ot G) = n(L) + n(G) w(LorG) = 6 +6 n(L or G) = 12 ‘A sum that is greater than 5 or less than 5 can occur in 12 ways. ‘There ar 4 ways that either sum cannot happen. Since the dice can fall in 16 ways, the sums that ___ ate greater than 5 or less than 5 can happen in 12 ways. Your Turn ‘Two six-sided dice are rolled. 4) Illustrate the following sers in one Venn diagram: + rolls chat produce a sum less than 6 + rolls that produce a sum greater than 6 b) Record the number of elements in each set. 6) Determine a formula for the number of ways thac a sum less than oF greater than 6 can occur. Verify your formula, __ [Events L and G are mutually exclusive. Thisis the sum G enrvaaoumencnee J resutts using my table. There are 4 sums are equal to 5 out of 16 possible sums, [Since it is not possible for a sum to be less than 5 at the same time, the subsets Two oF more events that cannot occur atthe same time; for example, the Sun rising and the Sun setting are mutvaly exclusive evens 1.1 Types of Sets and Set Notation 13 Tastes Key Ideas ‘= You can represent a set of elements by: - Isting the elements; for example, A = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) + using words or a sentence; for example, A-= [all integers greater than 0 and less than 6) ~ using set notation; for example, A = | 0 i fo, a i a a Petra’s Solution a) U= {drawing 2 eard from a deck of 52 cards) $= {drawing a spade 4) H = (drawing a heart ¥} C= {drawing club &) D = (drawing 2 diamond ® | (((descrived the sets. 24 Chapter 1 Set Theory we b) nl) = 52 w(S) = 13 sss Lisl the deck of cards to count the number of elements in each set. ©) SUH = [the set of 13 spades and of 13 hearts} ~~ a(S UH) =26 4) SNH=1) ‘The events described by Sand Hare | 7 murually exclusive events that are described by sets Sand nS A) =0 ( heart and drawing a spade) must be ) Since the events described by sets Sand Hare mutually exclusive, these sets are disjoint. £) (SU HY’ = {the set of cards that are nor hearts or spades, or the set =~ of clubs and diamonds} (sum =(CUD) Your Turn Petra thinks that n(S) + n(H) = n($ UH). Is she correct? Explain. a 1.3 Intersection and Union of Two Sets 25 EXAMPLE 2. Determining the number of elements in a set using a formula “The athletics department at a large high school offers 16 different sports: badminton hockey tennis basketball lacrosse ultimare cross-country running rugby volleyball curling cross-country skiing wrestling football soccer golf softball Determine the number of sports that require the following types of equipment: a) 2 ball and an implement, such asa stick, a lub, or a racquet b) only a ball ©) an implement but nota ball 4) either a ball or an implement ©) neither a ball nor an implement Terry's Solution a) us fspors offered by the athlevss department} = {sports thac use a ball] ia {sports that use an implement} crot-counry running, cross-country sing Number of elements in the intersection’ ABD =4 ‘Therefore, 4 spores use a ball and an implement. 26 Chapter 1 Set Theory wo b) Number of elements in B minus /: n(B\2) = (6) ~ (80.2) n(B\l) =9 —4 n(2\2) = ‘Therefore, 5 sports use only a ball. ©) Number of elements in / minus B: n(Z\B) = n() ~ n(BN1) wAT\B) = 7-4 (QB) = 3 Therefore, 3 sports use an implement — but nor a ball. 5 that use either a ball or an implement are in 4) Number of elements in union of fand B oper crt bare erred crc, (UB) = n(B) + nf?) — n(BN2) nIUB)=9+7-4 n(IUB) = 12 ‘Therefore, 12 sports use either aball or an implement. ©) Number of elements in the union of the complement of Band / (BU J)’) U) — BUD m((BU1)') 6-12 n((BUD') = 4 Therefore, 4 sports use neither a ball nor an implement. The numberof elements inthe union of two setsis equal to the sum ofthe number of elements in each set, less the number ‘of elements in both sets; using set notation, tis s written as, BAU B) = mA) + (6) ~ HA. Your Turn The high school in Example 2 now offers water polo. Organize all the sports ina Venn diagram according to the special headgear and footwear they require, What questions can you answer using your Venn diagram? vet 1.3 Intersection and Union of Two Sets 27 EXAMPLE 3 Determining the number of elements in a set by reasoning Jamaal surveyed 34 people at his gym. He learned that 16 people do weight training three times a week, 21 people do cardio training three times a ‘week, and 6 people train fewer than three times a week. How can Jamaal interpret his results? Jamaal’s Solution Number surveyed = 34 | Since there are more replies than people surveyed, Sum of survey data = 16 + 21 + 6 or 43. =~ knew that some people do both types of exercise = {all the people surveyed at the gym} Cre Rimes EI Weck, W= {people who do weight training} C= {people who do cardio training} Venn diagram. | drew two citcles for people ‘who exercise three times a week. | knew that the 6 people who train fewer than three | times a week are in neither circle ‘ofth the 34 people! surveyed, 6 tran less than three t ime ‘a week. So, 34 - 6 or 28 people exercise three ‘times @ week. Of these people, 16 do weight training and 21 do cardio training. 64 6 I represented the number of people in each region in my Venn diagram. ‘that 16 + 21 oF 37 people do either one or both “types of training So, 37 ~ 28 or 9 people mst do both “types of traning. wrote 9 where the cides intersect. 16 people are in set W, 16 — 9 or 7 people must inset W. \Similary, 21 — 9.0F 12 people are only inset C. {summarized my results 9 people do cardio training three times a week and do weight training three times a week. 7 people do only weight training three times a week, 12 people do only cardio training three times a week. 6 peuple tain fewer than thec times a week. Your Turn Jamaal surveyed 50 other gym members. OF these members, 9 train fewer than three times a week, 11 do cardio training three times a week, and 16 do both cardio and weight training three times a week. Determine how many of these members do weight training three times a week. 28 Chapter 1 Set Theory ret example Correcting errors in Venn diagrams Morgan surveyed the 30 students in her mathematics class about their ‘eating habits. * 18 of these scudents eat breakfast + 5 of the 18 students also eat a healthy lunch, + 3 students do not eat breakfast and do not eat a healthy lunch. How many students eat a healthy lunch? ‘Tyler solved this problem, as shown below, but made an error. ‘What extor did Tyler make? Determine the correct solution. Tyler's Solution Let C represent the universal set, the students in Morgan's mathematics class. Let B represent those who eat breakfast, and let L represent those who eat a healthy lunch, ‘There are 30 students in toral. 1 drew a Venn diagram showing the number of clements in each region. ‘There are 18 students in set B. 1 put the 5 studens who are in sets B and L in the overlap, There are 3 students who do not belong in either circle. This means there ace 30 — 3 oF 27 people in the coloured regions. 1B4+5+x=27 xa4 T determined the total number of elements in set L. lL) = S44 nl) = 9 Therefore, 9 students eat a healthy lunch, we 13 Intersection and Union of Two Sets 29 Vanessa's Solution Tyler erred in ineerpreting the daca and placing ic on the Venn diagram. He assumed that 18 students ate breakfast bue nor a healthy lunch. [the numberof students surveyed. sat of students who do not eat breakfast or a n(C) = 30 ABUL) = nC) ~ (BUD! n(BUL) = 30-3 n(BUL) = 27 n(B) = 18 (BOL) = W(B\L) = n(B)- ABAD n(B\ 1) = 8 5 nf B\L) = BU L) = wa + nfL\B) + (BOD) 2 = 13 + n(L\B) +5 = nlL\B) q iagram that involve sets B and L. : ear the correct numbers of n(L) = n(L\8) + (BNL) — _ n() = 945 -----~{(determined the total in set. n(L) = 14 “Therefore, 14 students eat a healthy lunch. Your Turn Susan surveyed the 34 students in her science class. + 14 students eat breakfast, + 16 students eat a healthy lunch. + 4 of the 30 students above eat breakfast and a healthy lunch, Since 14 + 16 + 4 = 34, Susan concluded chat everyone cats either breakfast oF a healthy lunch, or both. ‘What error did Susan make? How many students do not cat either meal? 30 Chapter 1 Set Theory tet Key Ideas * The union of two or mare sets, for example, A UB, consists ofall the ‘elements that are in atleast one of the sets. itis represented by the entire ‘region of these sets on a Venn diagram. iis indicated by the word “or.” AUB u N @ @ The intersection of two or more sets, for example, AM B, consists of all the elements that are common to these sets. Itis represented by the region of averlap on a Venn diagram. Itis indicated by the word “and.” AUB u Ans u AnB=() MD} CO Need to Know ‘+ F two sets, A and 8, contain common elements, the number of elements in A or B, nf UB), is: KA UB) = fA) + 1B) ~ nfAB) ‘This is called the Principle of inclusion and Exclusion. To calculate 1(A UB), subtract the elements in the intersection so they are not ‘counted twice, once in n(4) and once in n(6). co ** If two sets, A and & are disjoint, they contain no common elements: ANB) = Oand MAUB) = fA) + 116) ‘= Elements that are in set A but not in set 8 ere expressed as A\B. ‘The number of elements in A or 8, n(A U6), can also be determined 2s follows: (A UB) = n(A\ 8) + n{B\.A) + 1A B) i 1.3 Intersection and Union of Two Sets a | { | } CHECK Your Understanding 4. Consider the following Venn diagram: 4 & a) Determine AU B. b) Determine n(AU 2). ¢) Determine AM) B. 4) Determine nM B). 2. Animals that are native to the tundra, the ecosystems of Canada's Far North, include the Arctic fox, caribou, ermine, grizaly bear, muskor, and polar bear. The tag, ecosystems south of the eundra, consis primarily of coniferous forest. Animals chat are native to the taiga include the bald eagle, Car -y wolf, grizaly bear, long-eared owl, and wolver ~ a) Determine the union and intersection of these two sets of animals. b) Draw a Venn diagram of these rwo sess. ‘The Canaan lyne prefers dense ‘ores. 3. Consider the following two sets: + A= {-10, -8, —6, —4, —2, 0, 2, 4,6, 8, 10} + C= {2,4,6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16} a) Determine AU C, (AU C), AM Cand n(4 0 C). b) Drawa Venn diagram to show these two sets. PRACTISING 4, The following Venn diagram shows the types of vehicles at car dealership: a) Determine 7 UC. b) Determine (7 UC). ©) Determine TC. 5, Animals that are native to Africa include the lion, camel, giraffe, hippopotamus, and elephant. Animals that are native to Asia include z the elephant, tiger, takin, and camel. The takin i the national animal a) Draw a Venn diagram to show these two sets of animals. of Bhutan ) Determine the union and intersection of these two sets. 32 Chapter 1 Set Theory se 10, 1. - Consider the following ewo sets: f ES + A=(j|j=2-3 =x =6,xE I} + B= (klk =3x,-45x55,xET} a) Draw a Venn diagram to show these 1wo sets. ee b) Determine AU B, n(4UB),.AM B, and nA B). - Rosie asked 25 people at a mystery convention if they liked Sheilock Holmes or Hercule Poirot. ole did nor like either detective, +! 1G)people liked Sherlock Holmes. Uf people liked Hercule Poirot. fermine how many people liked both detectives, how many liked Sherlock Holmes and Hercule only Sherlock Holmes, and how many liked only Hercule Poirot. Poirot ate fictional characters. . Tashi asked 80 people if they liked vanilla or chocolate icecream. * 9 people did not like either favour, + 11 people liked both vanilla and chocolate. + 20 people liked only vanilla Determine how many people liked only chocolate, John asked 26 people ata gym if they liked to ski or swim. * 5 people did noc like ro do either sport. + 19 people liked to ski + 14 people liked to swim. Determine how many people liked to ski and swim. Tiffany volunteers in an elementary classroom. She is helping students understand multiples of 2 and 3 in mathematics, The students are working with che numbers 1 to 30. How can Tiffany use a Venn diagram to show the students how the multiples relate to one another? Mark surveyed 100 people ata local doughnut shop. *+ 65 people ordered coffee. + 45 people ordered a doughnut. + 10 people ordered something else, Mark wants to determine how many people ordered coffee and a doughnut. a) Model this situation with sets. Identify the universal set, and explain what subsets you will use. b) Draw a Venn diagram to model this situation. Explain what each part of your diagram represents, ©) Determine how many people ordered coffee and a doughnut, 4.3 intersection and Union of Two Sets 33, 4 Chapter 1 Set Theory 12. Ata retirement home, 100 seniors were interviewed. * 16 seniors like to watch television and listen to the radio. * 67 seniors like to watch television. Determine how many seniors prefer to listen to the radio only. 43. In Edmonton, Anita asked 56 people if they had been to the Calgary Stampede or the Pacific National Exhibition (PNE). + 14 people had nor been to eicher. + 30 people had been to the Calgary Stampede. + 22 people had been to the PNE. Devermine how many people had been to both events. 44, Armour is areal estate agent. He asked 54 clients where they live now. + 31 people own their home, + 30 people live in a condominium. + 9 people rent their house. Determine how many people own the condominium in which they live. 415. Jamal asked 32 people what rype of television shows they like. * 13 people like realty shows but not contest shows. + 9 people like contest shows but not reality shows. + 4 people like neither type of show. Devermine how many people like both types of shows. 16. Beyondé solved the following problem: A coral of 48 students were asked how they got 0 school. ‘* 31 students drive a car. #16 students take a bus 12 students do not drive a car or tke a bus. + Some students drive a car or take a bus. Determine how many students do not take a bus to school. Beyondé’s Solution F]_ | The coral ofthe chree numbers is 59. So, I knew that the region for students who take a bus overlaps the region for students who drive a car. 1 drew a Venn diagram with 31 scudents in the ear region and 16 students in the bus region. 2 15 students drive a car but do not take a bus, 12 students do neither. So, 27 students do not take a bus. Is Beyondé correct? Justify your answer. 47. Given: n(A) + n(B) = n(4 UB) and (A) + n(C) > (AUC) a) Which sets do you know are disjoint? b) Which sets do you know intersect? ©) Are there any sets chat could either be disjoint or intersect? IF so, which sets? Explain Closing 18, Which is more like the addicion of two numbers: the union of two sets or the intersection of two sets? Explain. Extending 19. The Arctic Winter Games include alpine skiing, cross-country skiing, eS free-style skiing, badminton, basketball, snowshoe biathlon, ski 2g biathlon, curling, dog mushing, figure skating, gymnastics, hockey, The Arctic Winter Garres give indoor soccer, snowboarding, snowshoeing, speed skating, table tennis, youth who liven the North the volleyball, and wrestling. There arc also nwo categories oF sports that are opperturity to meet esch other. unique to the Arctic, called Arctic Sports and Dene Games. Historically, particpants have a) Determine a way to sort che games into sets and subsets. Sch yom kon, Northwest 'b) Lise each set and subset. Aota Nore Gusee ) Draw 2 Venn diagram to illustrate the sets. ‘Alaska, Greenland, Russia, and 4) Compare your results with your classmates” results. Is there more the Sani peopl of norhemn than one way to sort the games? Europe. Connection Unexpected Infinities ‘Things do not always turn out the way you might expect. For example, most people would expect two infinite sets to be the same “size.” But Georg Cantor, who developed set theory, showed that the set of ratural numbers and the set of real numbers contain a different number of elements. ‘A. Set theory gives rise to other situations that are paradoxical (or counterintuitive (not what you would expect). For example, ‘explore the "barber paradox" on the Intemet. 8. Research other paradoxes and counterintuitive ideas associated with set theory. Georg Cantor (1845-1918) was born in Russia and spent his career teaching and researching at German universities. i 12 Intersection and Union of Two Sets 35 ‘Study | Aid « See Lesson 1.1, Bxample 1 ‘ry Mid-Chapter Review Questions 1 to 3. See Lesson 1.1, Bamples 1, 3, and 4, and Lesson 1.2. ‘Try Mid-Chapter Review ‘Questions 2 to 5. 36 Chapter 1 Set Theory Mid-Ghapter Review FREQUENTLY ASKED Questions Q: How can you represent the elements in a set? ‘Ae Ifthe sets inie, you can do the following: * Describe the set. For example, = {even numbers between 2 and 10}. + Lise che elements in any order. For example, the set of days that begin wich T can be represented as T = (Thursday, Tuesday}. '» Use set notation. For example, the set of positive integers less than 1000 can be represented as follows: P= {x]0 Your Turn Suppose that the firse clue is changed so there are 24 children who have a dog, a cat, ora bird. All the other clues remain the same. Determine the number of children who have all three types of pec and the number of children who have only one type of pet. EXAMPLE 2 Searching on the Internet Hillary and Liam are working on a project for their World Issues class They need to use the Internet to gather information about popular culture, ‘specially social criticism on television. Liam suggests they search for popular culture using a search engine, How can they refine their search co narrow down the number of hits? Hillary’s Solution U = fall sites on the Internet} R= [sives containing the words pepularand culture) [popular culture — “T6000 rei [OOH cor) ‘These are too many results for me to analyze, (1 defined the universal set and the set | that Liam suggested searching. u 42 Chapter 1 Set Theory et 1 got fewer results, but still to0 many to analyze. P= (sites containing the phrase “populer culture") u ‘The second search is 2 subset of the first search. all televisi env )opular culture” and “television shows” "Hist 105000 reads (5 3econ Te's getting bercer. search using quotation ne results included ony sites exact phrase “popular culture.” how the relationship sets. Set Pisa subset 1.4 Applications of Set Theory 43, T = (“television shows" sives} patas Thad about 962 results. I can deal with this number of resuls. I narrowed my search from 186 million hits tw only 962 hits. PO TAS = {popular culeure and social criticism on television shows} n(PN TNS) = 962 Your Turn Tincluded “social criticism” in quotation ‘to narrow down the number of I defined set S and revised my diagram. Set Sintersect the other sets. of my diagram that contains culture," “television shows,” i'd “social cnticism” is the intersection \ of ses PT, ands. ince my final search included all three “+ criteria it consisted of the intersection \ of al three sets Liam knows chat animated television shows often use humour to comment ‘on serious social issues. How would including the word animated in an Internet search affect the number of hits? Explain. 44 Chapter 1 Set Theory EXAMPLE 3 Correcting errors that involve sets Shannon's high school starts 2 campaign to encourage students to use “green” transportation for eavelling co and from school. At the end of the First semester, Shannon’s cass surveys the 750 students in he school to see if the campaign is working, They obtain these results: + 370 suudencs use public ransic. + 100 students cycle and use public transit. * 80 students walk and use public transi. + 35 students walk and cycle. + 20 students walk, cycle, and use public transit. + 445 students cycle oF use public transit + 265 students walk or cycle. How many students use green transportation for travelling ro and from school? Alaina solved this problem as shown below, but she made some errors, ‘What errors did she make? Derermine the correct solution, Alaina’s Solution 445 scudents cycle or use public transi 370 use public cransit. cessed ‘Therefore, 445 — 370 or 75 seudents cycle but do not walk or use public transit ‘knew how many students use jublic transit or cycle and how many Use public transit, s0 I subtracted to determine the number who only cycle (7 knew how many students cycle and 265 walk or cycle. __| how many walk or cycle. f used this 75 students just cycle. information to determine the number ‘Therefore, 265 — 75 or 190 students only walk. ‘students who only walk. 370 students use public transi. [listed the numberof students in each 75 students only cycle. category. 190 students only walk, 100 students cycle and use public transit. 80 students walk and use public transit 35 students walk and cycle. 20 students use all chree methods of green transportation, ‘Therefore, 370 + 75 + 190 + 100 + 80+ 35+ 200r _. £870 students use green transportation, added the numbers in each category ‘knew that my answer is wrong | because there are only 750 students in the school. v et 14 Applications of Set Theory 45 Alberto’s Solution ‘When determining how many students cycle, Alina did not account for the number of students who both cycle and use public transit, ot for the number of students who use all ehrce methods of transportation. She made the same mistake when determining how many students walk. Let U represent the universal set: U = (scudents who attend Shannon’s school} T = {students who use public eransi] W = {scudents who walk] C = [students who cycle} mined Aleina's solution and the errors she made. > (fined the sts inthis stuaton dlagram that showed the number of elements that 20 students use all three methods of or entered 20 where the three circles intersect. ‘The number who walk and use public transit is 80. OF those students, 20 have already been counted (che number who do both of those things and also cycle), That leaves 80 ~ 20 or 60 to go in the other region in the intersection of Tand W. “The number who walk and cycle is 35. OF those students, 20 have already been counted. That leaves 35 ~ 20 or 15 to go in the other region of the intersection of Cand W. “The number who cycle and use public transit is 100. OF those students, 20 have already been counted. That leaves 100 — 20 of 80 to go in the other part of the intersection of Tand C. 46 Chapter Set Theory eu ‘The number of students who use public transic is 370. Of chose, 60 + 20 + 80 or 160 have already been counted. The number who use only public eransitis 370 ~ 160 or 210. ‘The number of students who cycle or use public transit is 445. Of those, 370 use public transit. The number who cycle but don’t use public transit is 445 ~ 370 or 75. Of che 75 students who cycle but don’t use public eransi, 15 have already been counted. The number who only eycle is 75 — 15 0 60. The number of students who walle or eycle is 265. Of those, 60 + 80 + 15 + 20 + 60 or 235 have already been counted. The number who only walk is 265 — 235 0 30. n(T) = 210 + 60 + 20 + 80 n(T) = 370 0 n(C UT) = 60 +15 + 370 CUT) = 445 ¥ n(W UC) = 60 + 20 + 15 + 30 + 80 + 60 WUC) = 265 ¥ Your Turn same reasoning to determine i¢ transit, or walk, or only cycle. means the union of cked my ‘Venn diagram by the number of students who ublic transit, who cycle or use and who walk or cycle, my Venn diagram are How many students use exactly one method of green transportation? 1.4 Applications of Set Theory 47 Winning a game a game chat involves sets, She is using the nine cards shown, which have chree different atcribures: shape, colour, and number of shapes. “There are three shapes (criangle, square, and circle, three colours (red, blue, and green), and three numbers of shapes (one, two, and three). To win, Star must create four sets, using three cards in each set from the nine cards shown. Each card may be used more than once in a set. ‘Whar sets can Star make to win the game? Star's Solution n(B) = 5 n(G) = 2 = [red cards} wlR) = 2 I can make a set of blue cards with different ‘numbers and shapes: 1 blue square, 2 blue eiangles, and 3 blue CE] 4D fess) = {square cards} n(S) = 2 Tecannot make a set where all the shapes on the cards are squares. T= (wsiangle cards) n(T) = 4 T= {I red, 2 blue, 2 green, 3 green} can make a set with the same triangle shape: 1 red triangle, 2 blue triangles, and 3 green triangles. C2} Ge aa) 48 Chapter 1 Set Theory Rules for Creating Sets Sets of three cards must agree with each other or disagree with each other with respect to each attribute. Three cards form a set if ‘= the cards display the same number of figures or each displays a different number of figures, and * the figutes are all the same shape or three different shapes, and «the figures are the same colour or three different colours. For example: Set 1: Set 2: triangles, There are three different { numbers of triangles on these cards. By the all the colours and all the numbers need to be = {circle cards} n(C) = 3 (There are are only two diferent numbers of circles on the C= (2 blue, 2 rec, 3 blue} circle cards, and only two different colours. To make a \s ‘same or all different I cannot make a sot where all the shapes on the Set the colours must be athe erent cards are circles. Teemined the attribute number. Iknew that | could not “| make a set with the 1- }- oF 3-shape cards since | have only two of them. O = {I-shape carcs}_n(O) = 2 W= {2-shape cards} n(W) = 5 = {3-shape carcs} a(H) = a | cannot make a se: where the number of shapes on each card is one or three, i To make a set with the same number, | used three can make a set with che same number, 2: ~--~-| 108 . 2 blue squares, 2 green criangles, and 2 red circles, \tferent shapes and three different colours. GH ea Tcan make a set where all the attributes are —_( Finally, !looked for a set in which all three attributes different. were different, 1 blue square, 2 red circles, and 3 green eriangles. C7 es] Ga) I made four sets of three cards. sett: CE] 2) eee) set2: (2) (aa) aa) set3: (HN) (aa) (ee) seta: (_) (68) aa) Your Turn ‘The following cards can be used for another game. Win this game by creating four sets of three cards, O | [eee} [a using the attributes of shape, number, and shading. the game. My ets are: Sesame colour, ETE A | (@a@ wa 1.4 Applications of Set Theory 49 Key Ideas Set theory is useful for soling many types of problems, including internet searches, database queries, data analyses, games, and puzzles. += To represent thee intersecting sets with a Venn diagram, use three intersecting circles. For example, in the following Venn diagram, - AMBN Cisrepresented by region h, - AD Bis represented by the union of regions e and h, ~ AN) Cis represented by the union of regions g and fh, and = 87 Cis represented by the union of regions h and i. Each region of a Venn diagram contains elements that occur only in that particular region * You can use the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion to determine the number of elements in the union of three sets: 1(4 UB UC) = fA) + n(8) + n(C) - (ANB) ~ ANC ~ NG + ANBNC) Heed to Know * You can use concepts related to sets to search for websites on the Internet: Put an exact phrase in quotation marks. = Connect words or phrases with “and to search for sites that contain both, The word “and represents the intersection of two or more sets = Connect words or phrases with “or” to search for sites that contain ether ‘one or the other, or both. The word “or” represents the union of two ‘or more sets. ‘+ When solving a puzzle or problem, it is often useful to visualize the problem. First identify which sets are defined by the context. Then identify how the sets overlap. Finally, identify regions of the overlaps that are of interest in the puzzle or problem. itis often advisable to consider how much is known about each region, and use the information about the region that is most known to deduce information about regions that are less well known. A systematic approach will result in answers that are easier to verily. 50 Chapter 1 Set Theory CHECK Your Understanding 4. The three circles in the Venn diagram (P, Q, and R) contain the same number of elements, Determine one set of values for p, g, and r. 2. The members ofa book club read fantasy, mystery, and adventure books. The following Venn diagram shows the types of books that the members like: Use che diagram to determine each amount below. a) n((FUM)\A) b) (AU FVM) 9 n((FUA) UF UM) @) n(A\ FVM) PRACTISING 3. Someone left a backpack full of school books on a transit bus. The only identification is the name “David Smith,” so the bus driver takes the backpack to the public school board office. The staff search their database and learn that 56 students have this name. How can the staff narrow their search using search tools ard other items in the backpack? 4, Jennifer isan optician. She is eying co decide whether she should offer ‘a package deal to customers who buy glasses and contact lenses, She hires a survey company to research consumer preferences. A survey of 641 people provides the following information: + 83 wear contact lenses. + 442 wear glasses. + 167 do not use corrective lenses. What percent of Jennifer's customers might use a package deal? Use set notation in your answer. 5. Jacques is planning a winter ski holiday in the Canadian Rockies. Give four words or phrases that Jacques might use to search for information on the Internet. Use set theory to explain how quotation marks and the word “and” could help him refine his search, wo 1.4 Applications of Set Theory 51 2 Chapter 1 Set Theory 6. A tocal of 58 teens artended a sports camp to train in a least one of three sports: swimming, cycling, and running, ‘+ 35 trained in swimming, 32 trained in cycling, and 38 trained in running, + 9 eeained in swimming and cyeling, bue not in running. + 11 wained in cycling and running, buc nor in swimming. + 13 trained in swimming and running, but not in cycling. A triathlon consists of swimming, cycling, and running. How many teens might be eraining for the upcoming triathlon? 7. These nine attribute cards have three different shapes, numbers, and shadings (clear, stiped, oF soli). Determine three sets, with three cards in each set. Each see of three cards must have + the same number or three different numbers, and + the same shape or three different shapes, and * the same shading or three different shadings. All the cards can be used more than once, 8, Travis wants to buy a specific model of car. He goes into a car dealership in Medicine Hat, bur the dealer does not have this model. The dealer searches the database and discovers that a Camrose dealership has four models, a Red Deer dealership has six models, a Sherwood Park dealership has five models, and a Lethbridge dealership has two models. a) What other attributes can the dealer use to narrow down the choices? 'b) How might the dealer prioritize the search? 9, John was asked to solve the following problem: 240 students were surveyed to determine which restaurants they like. + 90 like Chicken and More. * 90 like Fase Pizza. *+ 90 like Gigantic Burger. + 37 like Chicken and More and Fase Pizza, but not Gigancic Burger. * 19 like Chicken and More and Gigantic Burger, but not Fast Pizza. * 11 like Fase Pizza and Gigantic Burger, but not Chicken and More. + 13 like all three restaurants How many students do not like any of these restaurants? John solved the problem as follows: John’s Solution: added up the firs six results ofthe survey and subtracted the number of students who ate at all chree restaurants. Then | subtracted this value from the total number of students surveyed. 90 + 90 + 90 + 37 + 19 + 11 — 13 = 324 240 — 324 = This answer is not possible, so I knew that ! made an error. ‘What error did John make? What is the correct answer? 10, Wilson is searching online for information about local colleges and their athletics programs. He is interested in colleges in Edmonton or Calgary, bur not universities. 1) His first search cerm is colleges. How can he categorize colleges in Edmonton or Calgary? b) Since Wilson is interested in colleges and their athletics programs, should he use “and” or “or” to connect them? ©) Should Wilson use “and” or Yor” co search for one or the other city? 4) To-exclude universities, Wilson used the notation —wniverszy. The minus sign means “not.” What might Wilson's search instructions look like? «) Try searching for the information thar Wilson wants. What is the smallest number of hits you found? §) Represent your results in a Venn diagram, 11, These 12 cards have three different colours, shapes, numbers, and shadings. Determine six sets of cards, with three cards in each set. Each set of three cards must have * thesame number or three different numbers, and + the same shape or three different shapes, and * the same colour or chree different colours, and + the same shading or three different shadings. All the cards can be used more than once. 12. The cards in question 11 are part ofa complete deck of cards. Decermine the following amounts: 3) n(D), the weal number of cards in the deck b) (7), the total number of triangle cards in the deck 9) n(G), the total number of green cards in the deck 4) (5), the total number of cards with shading ©) (TUG) 8) W(GNS) 13. A small web-hosting service special activities. + 35 sites involve boats: 20 of these sites deal with fishing boats and 25 deal with power boats * 21 sitcs involve fishing: these sites include all che sites chat deal wich fishing boats; 3 sites deal with fly fishing. 2) How many sites from this service would appear in a search for fishing boat? Explain, b) Why mighta search for fishing and boats cuen up a different resule than a search for “fishing boats"? ©) If the only search word was fishing, how many results would not involve boats? wee 1.4 Applications of Set Theory 53 in websites involving outdoor 54 Chapter 1 Set Theory Closing 44, James searched for “string bean’ on the Internet with quotation marks. Elinor searched for sering bean without quotation marks. Did they ger the same results? Explain, using set theory and a Venn diagram. Extending 45. a) Four sets, A, B, C, and D, all intersect. Represent this using a Venn diagram, You do not need to limit the shapes to circles, b) Number each area in your Venn diagram. ©) Lise the set combinations for ech set. For example, che area that shows the intersection of only A, B, and Cwould be (A BM C)\D. 16. Explain why the following Venn diagram is nor adequate to show four intersecting sets. Math in Action Relevant Hits Have you noticed that many of the hits in an Intemet search are not relevant to the topic you are searching? Choose a topic that interests you. Decide on keywords to help you narrow your search. Will your search involve the union of these words, the intersection cf these words, or both? Are there any exact phrases you want to use, or do you just want hits that contain the words or variations of the words? ‘+ Try searching with quotation marks, without quotation marks, and with the words “or” or “and.” Adjust your search tools until you are satisfied with your results Record the exact search you used, and explain why it worked. Show your results using @ Venn diagram. For example, suppose that you want to adopt 2 dog. Your search might look tke ths: “golden retriever” or “Labrador retriever” and Alberta Does your browser's Advanced Search feature give you any more ideas on how to narrow your search? (FN ae ener eee Analyzing a Logic Puzzle Logic can often help you solve a puzzle. @ The Puzzle @0 A. Inthis activity, you will use all nine pura shapes and the given clues to * ¥* * form a three-by-three square. (You will need one of each puzale shape in each colour.) The following hints will help y @ yg you understand the clues: # A square with a solid colour means thac the square must contain a shape of this colour, ‘© A hhollow shape in a square means that the squsre must contain this shape. ‘© A solid symbol in a square means that square must contain this symbol. Study Carol's solution to see how she used the clues she was given, Carol's Clues Carol's Solution Bh |B. Use the nine puzzle shapes and the following clucs to form a three-by-three square. | Your Clues Py Fe Be He | The Strategy Describe the strategy you used to solve the puzzle in part B. D. Create your own solution fora puzzle, and develop clues to solve the puzale Give your clues to a partner. Can your partner solve your puzzle? F. How could you adjust your clues to change the level of diffculy of your puzzle? net 1.4 Applications of Set Theory YOU WILL NEED © coloured markers «scissors ‘+ Puzzle Shapes Chapter 1 Set Theory hapter Self-Test 4. ‘These arcsts were winners a the Aboriginal Music Awards List the elements in each set. a) musicians, Mf 9 mns b) singers, $ d) M\S 2. Consider these two sets: + A={-12, -9, ~6, ~3, 0, 3, 6,9, 12} + B= {s|-12=x= 12,xE I} a) Determine AU B, n(A UB), AM B, and nl 8). b) Draw a Venn diagram to show these two ses. 3. Consider these sets: (| x= 24, x € N} B= {x|3x< 24," N} A={x|2es%4,xEN} C= {x|4e5 24x EN} a) Show that CC A using a Venn diagram. b) Determine AU B, n(AU B), AMC, and (4.9 C). ©) Determine AM BY C. d) Determine (AU BUC)’. 4, A survey of students in a school cafeteria had these results: * 50% of the students drink bottled water. + 56% eat fruit. 43% follow a low-fat dict. * 22% drink bortled water and follow a low-fat diet. * 23% follow a low-far dict and cat fruit. * 27% drink bottled water and eat fruit. * 15% drink bottled water, follow a low-fat diet, and eat fruit. ‘What percent of the students do not drink bortled water, do not follow a low-fat diet, and do not eat fruit? WHAT DO You Think Now? Revisit What Do You Think? con page 5. How have your answers and explanations changed? ney eycyeltenareau? Study ee Lesson 1.4, Example 2. = (all search results} C= ("chocolate chip ‘cookie recipe” } 0 = [with oatmeal} P= {with pecan} W = {wich walnur] B= f*brown sugat”] Final search B 1 c } EE Study | Aid 1+ See Lesson 1.4, Examples 1,3, and, + Try Chapter Review Questions 7 and 8. et FREQUENTLY ASKED Questions Q@ > How can an understanding of sets help you conduct Internet searches? Sets that are created by using the words “and”, “or”, of “not” can help you define your search. If you wane the exact wording, use quotes around the word or phrase. To further reduce your hits, enter 2°" (minus sign) immediately before any words or phrases you ‘want to avoid, For example, suppose that you want a chocolate chip cookie recipe like your grandmother used to make. Searching chocolate chip cookie recipe ners 938 000 results. Using quotation marks, “chocolate chip cookie recipe” gets 172 000 results. You remember that your grandmother's recipe contained oatmeal and pecans, so you search “chocolate chip cookie recipe” and oatmeal and ‘pecans. You get 124 000 results. You dislike walnuts, so now you search for “chocolate chip cookie recipe” «and oatmeal and pecans walnut. You get 6270 results. To further narrow your search, you look for the exact phrase “brown sugar’: “chocolate chip cookie recipe” and oatmeal and pecans walnuts «and “brown sugar”. Now you have only 4660 recipes to check. How can you solve a problem that involves three sets? Draw a Venn diagram co represent the three sets. Enter the data you know. Any clement in two or three sets is counted for each set. You may need to solve the problem using equations. For example, suppose that 58 students are involved in one, two, oF three school groups. + 37 students play Ultimate, = 30 dance, + 35 play chess, + 8 students dance and play Ulimace only. + 10 students dance and play chess only. ‘+ 12 students play Ultimate and chess. How many students are in all three groups? Using the Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion, 37 + 30+35- (8+) - (10+) -(124+.9 +2=58 Tax Therefore, 7 students are in all chree groups. Chapter Review 57 PRACTISING Lesson 44 4, a) Organize che following sers into a Venn diagram, + U= [alllecers in the alphabet} + C= {capital lerters} + L= lower-case lercers} + O= {consonants} + V= {vowels} }) Lise the complement of each set. ©) List any disjoint sets. 4) Are there any letters that fir in two categories? 2. The following five Aboriginal writers from across Canada toured Australia. They gave readings and leceures, and they participated in panels and workshops. Categorize chese writers using a Venn diagram. + Louise Half, poet + Armand Ruffo, poet, fiction writer + Lee Maracle, poet, novelist + Richard Van Camp, poet, fiction weiter + Rita Mestokosho, poet tecton 12 3. Atclephone company surveyed 96 people to learn about their telephone use. + 84 people use a cellphone. + 68 people use a land line. How many people use both a celiphone and a fand line? A, There are 28 students on the school track and field eam. + 19 have black hair. + Bhave blue eyes. + not have black hair or blue eyes. a) How many students have black hair and blue eyes? Explain. b) How many students have black hair but not blue eyes? ©) How many students have blue eyes but noc black hair? 58 Chapter 1 Set Theory Lesson 1.3 5. The teenagers at a summer camp are asked to choose an activity. + 28 ceenagers want to go canoeing. + 45 want to go swimming. + 20 want to do both. + 11 do not want to do How many teenagers are at the camp? 6, Nell asked 40 people aca bookstore if they prefer romance novels or horror novels. + 18 people do not like either type. * 10 people like romance novels. + 13 people like horror novels. Determine how many people like both romance novels and horror novels. er. Lesson 14 7. Grade 12.students ata high school were required to take at leas one of physics, chemistry, or biology. * 37 took physics. * 62 cook chemistry. + 68 took biology. + 27 cook physics and chemistry. * 15 took physics and biology. + 33 took chemistry and biology. + 12 students took all chree sciences. How many students were in Grade 12 that year? 8, Create six sts, with chree cards in each set, From the following 12 cards. Each set of three cards must have * the same number or three differenc numbers, and + the same shape or three different shapes, and + the same colour or three different colours. (ene yohtse ue. Planning a Zoo Imagine that you have been hired to plan a new zoo. You must decide what animals will be in the z00 and how they will be organized, x exit” entrance | @ How will you plan the zoo? A. Determine various possible categories for the animals. Will any Is your explanator of your animals fit in more than one category? Is there more than one way (0 choices of sets and subsets ‘organize the animals? for the animals clear? B. Lise the sets of animals for the z00. Indicate any intersections of these sets. ¥ eel ot ee | © Can any sets be split into subsets? Can any sets be combined to visitors? | become subsets of a larger set? Pid you use appropiste mathematica language? D. Draw plan for the 200, indicating the sets that you have determined. = ChapterTask 59 60 Chapter 1 Set Theory Project Connection Creating an Action Plan Deadlines are part of life. Completing projects on time is just as important in the workplace as iis in school. So, how can you avoid having to rush through all the stages of your research project at the last minute? One way is to use a strategy called backward planning: develop a formal action plan, and create a timeline based on this action plan. ‘A tnajor research project must successfully pass through several stages. On the next page is an outline for an action plan, with a lise of these stages. ‘Completing this action plan will help you erganize your time and give you goals and deadlines you can manage. The times that are suggested for each stage are only a guide, with one day equivalent to any regular day in your life. Adjuse che time you will spend on each stage to match the scope of your project. For example, a project based on primary data (data that you collect) will usually requite more time than a project based on secondary data (data that other people have collected and published). You will also need to consider your personal situation—the issues that are affecting you and may interfere with completion of the project. Issues Affecting Project Completion Consider the issues that may interfere with completion of the project in a time-efficient manner. For example: *» part-time job + after-school sports and activities + regular homework + assignments for other courses * tests in other courses * driving school * time you spend with friends * school dances and parties * family commitments + access to research sources and technology ‘What other issues can you add to this list? Your Turn ‘A. Take some time co complete an action plan for your project. Start by deciding on the probable lengeh of time for cach stage. Do not forget to include buffer space in your action plan. Buffer space is not a stage, but i is important. If something goes wrong (For example, if you are unable to gather appropriate data for your topic and must select a new topic), having that buffer space in your action plan may allow you ro finish your project on time, without making extraordinary effors 1. Select the topic you would like to explore. Suggested time: 1 to 3 days Your probable time: Finish dace: 2. Create the research question that you would like to answer. Suggested time: 1 to 3 days Your probable time: Finish date: 3. Collect the data. Suggested time: 5 to 10 days Your probable time: Finish dace: Buffer space Suggested time: 3 t0 7 days Your probable time: Finish date: 4, Analyze the data. Suggested time: 5 ro 10 days Your probable time: Finish date: 5. Create an outline for your presentation. Suggested timer 2 to 4 days Your probable time: Finish date: 6. Prepare a first draft. Suggested time: 3 to 10 days Your probable time: Finish dare: 7. Revise, edit, and proofread. Suggested time: 3 to 5 days Your probable time: Finish date: 8. Prepare and practise your presentation. Suggcsted time: 3 to 5 days Your probable time: Finish dace: Use calendar and your probable times for each stage to work backward from the presentation date to create a schedule you can follow. This will ensure that you willbe able co complete all the stages of your projec the time available. In your schedule, include regular conferences with your reacher (5 t0 10 min) to discuss your progress. Project Connection a =| © In how many different orders can these BMX racers finish first, second, and third? Getting Started The Tower of Hanoi The Tower of Hanoi is a puzzle chat consists of three vertical rods and a number of disks of different sizes, which can be moved and placed onto any rod. The puzzle stares with all the disks arranged in an orderly stack as shown—the smallese atthe top and the largest at che bottom. The goal isto move the entire stack of disks to another rod, following these rules: + Only one disk may be moved at a time, + Each move involves taking the upper disk from one of the rods and placing it onto another rod, on top of any other disks that may already be present on chat rod. + No disk may be placed on top ofa smaller disk “The Tower of Hanoi puzzle is called a counting problem, Counting problems involve situations where you determine all the possibilities. @ How can you determine the minimum number of moves needed to complete the puzzle with a stack of 20 disks, without counting every move? ‘A. Suppose you stared with a stack consisting of 1 disk. How many moves will crake to move the stack to another rod? What if you starred with a stack of 2 disks? B. Try the puzale, starting with stacks of 1, 2, 3, 4, and then 5 disks, Count and record the minimum number of moves in a table like this: Number of DisksinStack_ | 1]2[ 3 [415 Minimum Number of Moves 64 Chapter 2 Counting Methods et Compare your completed table with your classmates’ tables. Discuss how the disks must be moved so che minimum number of moves are used in each case. D. Describe the pattern in your completed table. Use the pattern to predict the minimum number of moves for stacks (of 6 disks ro 10 disks, and extend your table to record your predictions. What type of reasoning did you use ta analyze this puzzle: deductive reasoning or inductive reasoning? How do you know? G. Examine your table from part E. How do the numbers in the ‘Minimum Number of Moves row relate to powers of 22 Write an algebraic expression co represent the minimum number of moves needed for a sack of n disks. H. Use your expression from part G te determine the minimum number of moves fora stack of 20 disks, WHAT DO You Think? Decide whether you agree or disagree with each statement. Explain your decision, 41, The best way to solve a counting prablem is to lis all the possibilities and then count them, For example, to determine all the diferent ways a handful of coins can land when flipped al ac che same time, is every possible combination of heads and tails and count them, 2. Looking for and extending a patter isa useful strategy for solving counting problems. 3. There are chee people in a group: Sam, Ted, and Jil, (Consider these situations: + Three people in * ‘Three people who can wash cars ata fundraiser When counting the number of ways each situation could ‘occur, Jim claims chat the order of che people in the group \ matters in only one of the situations, Getting Started 65 va ‘YOU WILL NEED alculator « standard deck of playing cards > suppze you rasan secs sonar Getnesane fe bebe the sample space for this ‘experiment by fisting all dfteent Posie ucones Hwy Gtessnoncnes ‘hs 66 Chapter 2 Counting Methods Counting Principles Determine the Fundamental Counting Principle and use it ta solve problems. INVESTIGATE the Math Serge lives in Winnipeg. This summer he plans a sight-seeing trip that hhe might visit on the trip, but he knows he will stop in Regina to visit his brother and then in Saskatoon to visit his parents. He has chosen and mapped out three different routes he can take from Winnipeg to Regina and two different routes he can take from Regina to Saskatoon. © How does the number of routes he has chosen between ‘Winnipeg and Regina and between Regina and Saskatoon relate to the total number of routes he could take from ‘Winnipeg to Saskatoon? A. Sketch Serge’s map and label che highlighted routes from Winnipeg to Regina and Regina to Saskatoon A to E. 8. Complete an outcome table to show the sample space for this situation, Countall che possible routes Serge can take from Winnipeg to Saskatoon. © Drawa tree diagram co visualize and counc all che possible routes he ‘can take from Winnipeg to Saskatoon, through Regina. Compare the tesults to your answer in part B. What do you notice? D. Serge is thinking abour adding a Fourth roure from Winnipeg to Regina, through Dauphin and Yorkron, anda third route from Regina to Saskatoon, through Moose Jaw and Swift Current. Make a conjecture about the ‘numberof routes he can now take from Winnipeg to Saskatoon via Regina. E, Testyour conjecture using an organized list, outcome table, or tre diagram. F. Make a conjecture abour how the number of routes between Winnipeg and Regina and berween Regina and Saskatoon relates to the total number of routes he can take from Winnipeg to Saskatoon. G. Leta represent the number of routes between Winnipeg and Regina and 6 represent the number of routes becween Regina and Saskatoon. Create an expression that relates a and 6 to the number of possible routes he can take to go from Winnipeg to Saskatoon. Reflecting H. What ype of reasoning did you use to arrive at your conjecture in part D? Explain how you know. 1. When figuring out the coral number of routes Serge can take from ‘Winnipeg to Saskatoon via Regina, which of the following applies? * You need to consider the number of routes from Winnipeg to Regina AND the number of routes from Regina to Saskatoon. + You need to consider the number of routes from Winnipeg to Regina OR the number of routes from Regina to Saskatoon, ‘What conclusion can you draw? 4. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the three different strategies (ourcome table, tree diagram, and calculating) used to solve this counting problem, ve 2.1 Counting Principles 67 APPLY the Math examete 1 Selecting a strategy to solve a counting problem Hannah plays on her school soccer team. The soccer uniform has: * three different sweaters: red, white, and black, and ‘three different shorts: red, white, and black. How many different vatiations of the soccer uniform can the coach choose from for each game? Hannah's Solution: Using a tree diagram (created a tree diagram, considering the types of Sweaters Shorts ‘sweaters and shor that are possible. Each branch wed 1 of the ciacram represents aciferent variation ofthe red Black 2 soccer uniform white 3 "1, red sweater and red shorts wed 4 2. red sweater and black shorts whhe = black 5, é 3, red sweater and white shorts white 6 4, white sweater and red shorts ed 7 |S. white sweater and black shorts black = black 8 6. white sweater and white shorts white 9 7. black sweater and red shorts | 8. Black sweater and black shorts __9. black sweater and white shorts. Counted the number of branches in my tree ram. sing the Fundamental Counting Principle There are nine different variations of the soccer ‘uniform co choose from. Mandy's Solutio ‘The number of uniform variations, U, is related to (Since the coach can choose the type of sweater the number of sweaters and the number of shorts: | AND the type of shorts, | knew that | could use the = (number of sweaters) + (number of shor:s) “Fundamental Counting Principle. to calculate U=3-30r9 _the number of uniform variations “There are nine different variations of the soccer --------[ was able to determine the number of uniform uniform co choose from. variations without actually counting each one. Your Turn a) Next season, the coach is adding a fourth syle for shores: red/black “Fundamental Counting Principe stripes. Create an organized list, an ourcome table, or a tree diagram Lbirehaabecrucaialieirong to count all the different uniform variations. there ae - bwvaysof patoming both b) Confirm your count using the Fundamental Counting Principle. 68 — Chapter? Counting Methods a examete2 Solving a counting problem by extending the Fundamental Counting Principle ‘A luggage lock opens with the correct three-digie code. Each wheel rocates through the digits 0 co 9. a) How many different three-digit codes are possible? ) Suppose each digit can be used only once in a code. How many different codes are possible when repetition is not allowed? Jake's Solution code, each wheel must be turned to digit. | reasoned that ! could extend the ting Principle to more than two tasks, ‘a number on wheel A/AND selecting a a) The number of different codes, C, is related ro the number of digits from 10 select on each wheel of the lock, D: C= D,-Dy-Ds ee B AND selecting a number on wheel C C= 10-10-10 5 that can be selected on each wheel C= 1000 ein ‘There are 1000 different three-digit codes on this type of lock. b) The number of different codes, NY, is related to the number of digits From which to select on each wheel of the lock, W af selections for wheel C deceases by 2 to for the digits used for wheels & and B. There are only 720 different chree-digic codes when the digits cannot repeat, Your Turn ‘Suppose you buy a bicycle bck thae opens using a five-digit woe set by roraing five wheels through the digits 0 to 9. Which lock would be more secure? *+ Lock A, which allows codes with repeating digits + Lock B, which uses codes that do not allow repeating digits Explain your answer, we 21 Counting Principles 69

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