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244 Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2, 244–267 (2010) / DOI 10.1002/lpor.


Abstract Many applications of quantum communication cru-

cially depend on reversible transfer of quantum states between
light and matter. Motivated by rapid recent developments in
theory and experiment, we review research related to quantum
memory based on a photon-echo approach in solid state material
with emphasis on use in a quantum repeater. After introducing
quantum communication, the quantum repeater concept, and
properties of a quantum memory required to be useful in a quan-
tum repeater, we describe the historical development from spin
echoes, discovered in 1950, to photon-echo quantum memory.
We present a simple theoretical description of the ideal pro-
tocol, and comment on the impact of a non-ideal realization
on its quantum nature. We extensively discuss rare-earth-ion
doped crystals and glasses as material candidates, elaborate
on traditional photon-echo experiments as a test-bed for quan-
tum state storage, and describe the current state-of-the-art of
photon-echo quantum memory. Finally, we give a brief outlook
on current research.

The picture shows a Europium doped Y2 SiO5 crystal surrounded

by electrodes in the setup used for the first proof-of-principle
demonstration of the novel, photon-echo based quantum mem-
ory protocol.

© 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

Wolfgang Tittel 1,* , Mikael Afzelius 2 , Thierry Chanelière 3 , Rufus L. Cone 4 , Stefan Kröll 5 , Sergey A. Moiseev 1,6 , and
Matthew Sellars 7
Institute for Quantum Information Science & Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Calgary, Canada
Group of Applied Physics, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Laboratoire Aimé Cotton, CNRS-UPR 3321, Orsay, France
Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, USA
Department of Physics, Lund University, Sweden
Kazan Physical-Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
Laser Physics Centre, Australian National University, Canberra, Australia

Received: 30 September 2008, Revised: 30 January 2009, Accepted: 18 February 2009

Published online: 23 March 2009

Key words: Quantum memory, quantum repeater, quantum communication, photon-echo, rare-earth-ions.

PACS: 01.30.Rr, 03.67.Hk, 42.50.Ex, 78.47.jf, 32.80.Qk, 42.70.Ln

* Corresponding author: e-mail:

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 245

1. Introduction coherence times at cryogenic temperatures, which promise

long storage times. They also exhibit large inhomogeneous
Optical data storage has been an important research topic broadening on their optical transitions, which results in
for many years (see, e.g., [1]). It emerged and grew with fast decay of excited atomic coherence upon absorption of
the development of information and communication tech- broadband light. Motivated by rapid recent developments in
nology, in particular with the demand for fast data access theory and experiment, this review focuses on an approach
and storage capacity. The development of quantum infor- to time-reverse this decay using controlled reversible inho-
mation theory and quantum communication [2, 3], which mogeneous broadening (CRIB) [24–27], thereby allowing
promise unprecedented computational capacities via quan- for reversible light-matter interaction, i.e. quantum mem-
tum computing and unconditional communication security ory. CRIB results from the observation that a pulse of
via quantum cryptography, has recently added additional in- light, absorbed in an inhomogeneously broadened medium
terest to some approaches to optical storage. As is the case with small homogeneous linewidth, can be forced to re-
in classical information processing, quantum information emerge from the medium some time later as an echo (see
processing also requires temporal storage for (quantum) Fig. 3). The so-called photon-echo has been proposed inde-
data. A quantum memory has several potential applications pendently by Kopvil’em et al. [28] and Kurnit et al. [29]
in quantum information sciences. It can turn a heralded (who has also reported the first experimental demonstra-
single-photon source [4] into a deterministic one [5, 6], tion) in 1963 and 1964, respectively, as the optical ana-
and is a crucial requirement for scalable linear optics quan- log to the well-known spin echo, discovered by Hahn in
tum computation [7, 8]. Furthermore, it is key for quantum 1950 [30]. In the late seventies and early eighties, Elyutin
repeaters [9], which promise extending quantum communi- and Mossberg then independently extended this idea and
cation, for instance quantum cryptography, to theoretically proposed a way to use three pulse photon-echoes for stor-
unlimited distances. age of classical data [31, 32]. While impressive results of
In order to store a quantum state, a simple classical optical storage have meanwhile been obtained in rare earth
’measure and write down’ approach is impossible. Indeed, ion doped systems, including storage and recall of a data
the measurement process would change the encoded quan- sequence consisting of 1760 optical pulses [33], traditional
tum information in an irreversible way. This cornerstone of photon-echo based storage generally suffers from strong
quantum information theory is deeply rooted in the founda- limitations when used for storage of single photons, and
tions of quantum theory. It emerges from the well-known can thus not be directly exploited for quantum communica-
Heisenberg uncertainty relation and is generally referred to tion [34]. Yet, it gave rise to quantum state storage based
as the no-cloning theorem (for a recent review see [10]). on CRIB, which is well suited for storage of single photons
The challenge of reversibly transferring quantum infor- carrying quantum information.
mation between photons, i.e. moving carriers suitable for This article is organized in the following way: in Sect. 2
sending quantum information, and atoms, i.e. stationary we will first introduce some basic notions and tools of quan-
carriers for storage, has recently triggered the development tum communication, and then briefly elaborate on the role
of quantum state storage protocols. The first approach, pro- of quantum memory for future long distance quantum com-
posed in 1997 by Cirac et al. [11], exploits the strong cou- munication links as an important part of a quantum repeater.
pling between an optical cavity and a single atom. This pro- Sect. 3 reviews the historical development from photon-
tocol has recently been implemented by Boozer et al. [12] echoes to CRIB-based quantum memory, and gives a sim-
using a single caesium atom trapped inside a high-finesse ple theoretical description of the quantum memory protocol.
cavity. Closely related investigations have been reported This section is followed by a discussion of material prop-
for other physical systems [13]; however, without allowing, erties of rare-earth-ion (RE) doped crystals and glasses in
or actually showing, reversibility. view of CRIB and quantum repeaters. Sect. 5 summarizes
An alternative line of research exploits optically thick recent experiments that study traditional photon-echo based
atomic ensembles to achieve reversible light-matter cou- data storage for its suitability to store and recall amplitude
pling (for a recent review see [14]). To date, experiments and phase information encoded into subsequent pulses of
showing quantum state storage have been performed in ru- light, which is a necessary condition for storage of quantum
bidium and caesium vapor – either at around room temper- information. This section is followed by a short presenta-
ature, or laser-cooled. The first demonstration by Julsgaard tion of experimental demonstrations of the new quantum
et al. in 2004 [15] was based on a QND-Faraday interac- memory protocol for storage of strong pulses (Sect. 6). The
tion of coherent light states with collective atomic caesium article finishes with a conclusion and outlook.
spins. Later, several research groups demonstrated storage
of single photons [16–18], and of squeezed light [19,20] via
electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) [21–23]. 2. Quantum memory for quantum repeater
Another promising material for quantum memory are
solid-state atomic ensembles, specifically rare-earth-ion The possibility to store and recall non-classical light states
doped inorganic crystals or glasses. These materials are on demand, including single photons or photons that belong
of particular interest due to the absence of motion of the to entangled pairs, would significantly benefit many appli-
absorbers, as well as their excellent optical and hyperfine cations of quantum information processing. It would allow © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

246 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

building a triggered single-photon source based on a her- Podolsky and Rosen in 1935 [43], and Bell in 1964 [44]
alded but probabilistic source [5, 6] and would thus remove (for reviews on entanglement see [40, 42]). In addition,
a potential security hole in quantum cryptography based entangled states form the very key ingredient for quantum
on faint laser pulses [35] (this threat can also be removed communication. Of particular interest are the four so-called
by resorting to quantum cryptography protocols employing Bell states
entanglement [36], or decoy states [37–39]). Furthermore,
quantum memory is a key ingredient in linear optics quan- j  i =2 ( 00
1=2 j i  j i 11 )
tum computing (see [8] for a recent review). In this review
article, we are mainly interested in the role of quantum
j i =2 ( 01
1=2 j i  j i 10 )
memories for long distance quantum communication, more where j ij i is a shorthand for the tensor product between
precisely for quantum repeaters. In this section, we will first j i iA and j j iB . Note that these states describe qubit-pairs
very briefly discuss some basic notions of quantum commu- tr( )) = 1
in pure states ( 2 ), but that each individual qubit
nication (more complete presentations on various aspects is in a maximally mixed state (i = tr = 2
j ij 1= ). Here,
can be found in the book by Nielsen and Chuang [2], and i and ij denote single or two-qubit density matrixes, re-
in review articles by Tittel and Weihs [40], Gisin et al. [41], tr
spectively, and is the trace or partial trace operation. The
and Pan et al. [42]), and then discuss quantum memory in four Bell-states form a basis for any two-qubit state. This is
the context a quantum repeater, which was introduced by exploited in quantum teleportation [45] and entanglement
Briegel et al. in 1998 [9]. swapping [46], as discussed in the remainder of this section.
Let us now assume that we have one pair of qubits in a
known Bell-state, and a single qubit in an unknown state.
2.1. Some quantum communication tools We make a joint measurement on the single qubit and one
qubit out of the entangled pair, i.e. we project the joint
Quantum communication relies on exchanging quantum state onto the basis spanned by the four Bell-states. As dis-
information encoded into quantum states between two (or covered by Bennett and co-workers in 1993 [45], each of
more) parties, usually called Alice and Bob. In this arti- the four possible results of the projection measurement is
cle, we will restrict ourselves to the most frequently used associated with a simple, deterministic unitary operation to
approach to quantum communication, which employs quan- be applied to the remaining qubit so that it is transformed
tum bits (or qubits), and we will limit our examples in this into the quantum state initially encoded into the single
section to quantum information encoded into photons. qubit. In other words, the Bell-state measurement allows
A qubit is generally described by teleporting the unknown quantum state from a qubit onto
another qubit. Starting in 1997, teleportation with photonic
j i = j0i + ei j 1 i (1) qubits has been demonstrated repeatedly in various labo-
ratories (see e.g. [47–53]) and recently even outside the
where the orthogonal ket states j i and j i form a basis 1 laboratory [54, 55].
in an abstract, two dimensional Hilbert space, and , and Finally, let us consider the case where the qubit to be
 are real parameters that determine the probability ampli- teleported is entangled with another qubit, i.e. we have
tudes and phase of these superposition states, respectively. initially two maximally entangled pairs. The joint measure-
Often, the qubit basis states are encoded into polarization ment on two qubits from different pairs then leads to entan-
states of photons, for instance right and left circular polar- glement between the two remaining qubits in one of the four
ization states. Superpositions of the form of Eq. (1) with Bell states, determined, as in the case of teleportation, by
equal probability amplitudes and then include horizon- the outcome of the entangling operation. This protocol has
tal, vertical, and diagonal and anti-diagonal polarized pho- been discovered by Żukowski and coworkers in 1993 [46]
tons. Another possibility to realize qubits is to use photonic and is now generally referred to as entanglement swapping
wavepackets, which, at some given time t, are localized or teleportation of entanglement. Experimental demonstra-
at positions x0 and x1 , respectively – so-called time-bin tions with photonic qubits have been reported in [56–60].
qubits. Hence, in this case, 2 and 2 describe the probabil- Entanglement swapping constitutes a key ingredient in the
ities for detecting a photon in the first, or second ‘time-bin’. quantum repeater, as discussed below.
The quantum mechanical superposition principle,
which is at the heart of Eq. (1), can be generalized
to multi-particle systems. For the case of two qubits 2.2. Quantum repeaters
A and B, this leads to states of the form j i =
j a1 iA j b1 iB ei' j a2 iA j b2 iB where the kets de- Most quantum communication protocols rely on close-to-
note orthogonal basis vectors spanning the Hilbert spaces perfect entanglement, that is Alice and Bob each possessing
of A and B. Examples, as before, include polarization one photon out of a nearly maximally entangled pair in a
and time-bin states. Due to their peculiar non-local prop- state given by Eq. (2). For instance, in the case of quantum
erties, entangled states have been subject to numerous cryptography, Alice and Bob could perform single qubit
fundamental theoretical and experimental investigations, measurements on their respective photons and thereby es-
which where triggered by the seminal papers by Einstein, tablish a secret key, as proposed by Ekert in 1991 [36].

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 247

Another use of entanglement, pointed out by Bennett and For use in a quantum repeater, figures of merit for a
coworkers in 1993, is the faithful transfer of an unknown quantum memory include storage time, storage efficiency,
quantum state through quantum teleportation [45]. Unfor- and average fidelity of storage. The storage time affects the
tunately, the distribution of entanglement over long dis- maximum transmission distance, the efficiency determines
tances suffers from photon loss during transmission. For the rate with which entangled states can be generated over
instance, assuming transmission of 1550 nm wavelength long distances, and a high fidelity is essential for preserving
photons through an optical fibre with attenuation coefficient the initial entanglement of the qubit with another qubit or,
a 0.2 dB/km, the probability for successful entanglement more generally, other nodes of the quantum network (see
distribution P = 10 aL=10
yields 0.1, 0.01, and 10 20 for also related work on entanglement percolation [73, 74]).
distances L of 50 km, 100 km, and 1000 km, respectively. Note that the average fidelity may be an overly pessimistic
Furthermore, the purity of the distributed entanglement de- measure to assess how well a quantum memory can pre-
creases exponentially with the length of the quantum chan- serve the initial entanglement between the quantum state
nel, due to detector noise or decoherence. Hence, quantum of light to be stored, and an auxiliary physical system [75].
communication based on direct transmission of entangle- Deriving minimum requirements for these parameters is
ment is limited to distances of the order of 100 km. difficult, as the best quantum repeater protocol (in terms of
A possibility to overcome the problematic exponen- robustness against errors, and scaling of resources and com-
tial scaling of loss and purity with distance is the quan- munication time with distance) is still an active research
tum repeater, which was proposed by Briegel and cowork- topic (see e.g. discussion in [68]). In order to find some
ers in 1998 [9] and then further modified in subsequent benchmarks, let us consider a simplified, yet useful proto-
years [18, 61–68]. The basic idea of a quantum repeater is col that is inspired by [63, 65]. Note that it does not include
to divide the long quantum channel into shorter segments purification, i.e. the maximum distance for quantum cryp-
and to distribute entanglement between end nodes of these tography would be limited, similar to the quantum relay
segments. Then, the noisy entanglement is purified for each discussed in [76]. Yet, it provides better performance than
segment [69, 70], leading to one nearly pure pair per seg- the quantum relay, which does not employ quantum mem-
ment, and extended over adjacent segments by means of ory.
entanglement swapping [46]. The purification procedure is
repeated for the extended segments, and the whole proto- As before, we divide the quantum channel into several
col reiterated until high-purity entanglement is established short sections of length L0 connecting adjacent nodes (see
between the end points of the link. Fig. 1). This time, each node contains 2N sources of entan-
Quantum memories are essential in the repeater pro- gled photon pairs and two multi-mode memories, where
tocol as the initial distribution of entanglement as well as each memory can store the quantum states encoded into N
all purification steps are of probabilistic nature. Quantum photons. (The only exceptions are the first and last node
memories allow to store entanglement, or purified entan- at Alice and Bob, where only N photon pair sources and
glement in one segment until pure entanglement has also one multi-mode memory is required.) One photon from
been established in the adjacent sections. Without quantum each pair is sent into a quantum memory and stored, and
memory, all probabilistic steps would have to succeed at the remaining photons are directed towards the two neigh-
the same time. boring nodes, one on each side. Hence, N photons are
Figures of merit to assess the performance of a quantum distributed in parallel into each direction, and N times two
memory depend on the application, e.g. quantum repeater photons meet half way between nodes, where they are sub-
for quantum cryptography or other quantum communica- jected pairwise to an entanglement connecting operation
tion tasks, or for linear optics quantum computation. In (see Sect. 2.1). This operation results in the establishment of
general, for the memory to be quantum, the fidelity (i.e. heralded entanglement between specific memories modes
the state overlap F = tr( )
in out of the recalled pho- in two adjacent nodes. The number of parallel channels N
tonic quantum state out with the input state in averaged is chosen such that the probability to entangle at least one
over all possible input states) must exceed the maximum pair of quantum memory modes per segment and round is
fidelity that can be achieved using the best classical stor- close to one. Reconverting now the respective atomic exci-
age approach. The latter is given by a measurement of the tations from those memory modes back into photons and
quantum state (possibly after a quantum cloning opera- making Bell state measurements finally allows entangling
tion [10]), storage of the obtained classical information, the memories at Alice’s and Bob’s. To keep the argumenta-
and on-demand optimal reconstruction of the original quan- tion simple, we assume that the last Bell state measurement
tum state. This critical fidelity depends on the way quantum always succeeds, and that the photonic quantum states are
information is encoded into light, or rather the measure- not modified during storage in the memory (i.e. we assume
ment on the recalled state to be performed [14]. In the the storage fidelity to be one). Assuming a segment length
case of continuous variable measurements (i.e. homodyne L0 of at most 150 km for our simplified quantum repeater,
measurements), the classical benchmark has been shown to the minimum requirement for the memory storage time
be Fclass =1 2 = [71], while it is Fclass =2 3 = in the case min thus is
of a discrete variable or qubit measurement (i.e. photon 1
min = L0  1 ms (3)
counting measurement) [72]. c © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

248 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

Figure 1 (online color at: Schematical representation of two adjacent nodes in the simplified version of a

quantum repeater. Each node (light grey circles) contains 2 N sources of entangled photon pairs (denoted by ), and two multi-mode
quantum memories (denoted by red squares). One photon from each pair is stored in the quantum memory, and the other photon is sent
towards one adjacent node a). Photons from different nodes meet half way between sources (provided they were not absorbed during
transmission), where they are pairwise subjected to an entangling operation b). Entanglement is symbolized by the lying “figure of eight”,
the entangling operation (a Bell state measurement) by a dashed circle. The pairwise entanglement between photons and respective
memory modes is thus swapped to entanglement between memories in adjacent nodes c). Note that this extension of entanglement is
heralded, i.e. the knowledge that an entangling operation has been successful announces which modes in the quantum memories are
entangled, thereby overcoming the probabilistic nature of photon transmission. The atomic excitation in those modes are then reconverted
into photons, which are then subjected to another entangling operation that swaps the entanglement to the outside nodes (not shown).
Obviously, in order to benefit from heralding, one photon per pair has to be stored in the quantum memory for the time it takes the other
photon to travel half way towards the adjacent node, and the information about the successful entangling operation to travel back.

where c determines the speed of light in the communica- over 1000 km distance has been evaluated to be between
tion medium. ten seconds and thousands of seconds, depending on the
Entanglement distribution over arbitrarily long dis- implementation (see discussion in [68]). Of particular in-
tances obviously requires entanglement purification and terest for small communication times is the use of time-
thus relies on a fully implemented quantum repeater. The multiplexed multi-mode memories, for instance based on
time required for establishing one pair of entanglement CRIB in rare-earth-ion doped crystals, as proposed in [63].

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 249

Another crucial property in addition to storage time 3. From data storage based on stimulated
is efficiency. Using again the simplified quantum repeater photon-echoes to quantum memory based
scheme, and assuming lossless quantum storage and recall,
two photons at the end points of each segment become
entangled after the first successful entanglement connecting
procedure. However, for memory with limited efficiency  3.1. Historical development
0 1 =
(    ), this probability decreases to P 2 . Without
memory, where the distribution of entanglement would Quantum memories for time-bin based quantum communi-
start from photon pair sources at the center between two cation should be able to store a photonic qubit (see Eq. (1))
nodes, the probability would be limited by transmission loss encoded into a photon in a superposition of being at two
through the quantum channel: P 0 = 10 aL0 =10
. Hence, we different positions, x0 and x1 at some given time t. Mathe-
find quantum memory to be useful if the recall efficiency  matically such a wave-packet can be expressed as
is larger than the transmission from one node to the center
between nodes: (x; t) (5)
 x x0 x x1

min > 10 aL0 =20
(4) = S( t) + ei S ( t) ei(kx !t)
c c
For L0 40 km and 150 km, we find min =04 0 03
: and : , where S(y) describes the shape of a basic wavepacket, k
respectively. To achieve reasonably high rates of entangle- is the wave vector, c is the speed of light and ! is the
ment generation over long distances, however, the detailed wave-packet angular frequency.
calculations in [18, 62, 63] generally assume memory effi- Storage and recall of single photon states of the form
ciencies larger than 90 %. given in Eq. (5) was discussed already 1993 by Kessel
Finally, to maintain entanglement with the remain- and Moiseev [78]. A specific experimental implementa-
ing nodes of the network, i.e. for high entanglement fi- tion was analyzed in 1998 [79] and demonstrated (for a
delity [75], the particular quantum memory approach sequence of equally prepared qubits) in 2003 [80]. Basi-
should be described by a unitary transformation, i.e. noise cally, the approach for storing and recalling single photon
added during the storage process that leads to decoherence time-bin qubit states can be viewed as an outgrowth of
should be minimized. Note that when encoding quantum the storage technique for classical optical data pulses put
information into continuous quantum variables and using forward by Elyutin amd Mossberg in 1979 and 1982, re-
homodyne measurements, the fidelity is upper bounded by spectively [31, 32]. Their idea, in its turn, was inspired by
the recall efficiency. It is independent of the efficiency in efforts for high density data storage that began in the mid-
the case of qubit encoding and photon counting, due to dle of the 70’s, (for a review see e.g. [81]). It was then
post-selection. proposed that the density of optical data storage could be
Before we finish this section, we would like to point increased beyond the diffraction limit by using a material
out that the absorption wavelength of the quantum mem- where individual absorbers (atoms, ions, molecules, etc.) in
ory is not particularly crucial for a quantum repeater. The the material absorb light with slightly different frequencies
only limitation stems from the requirement that sources of (see Fig. 2). In this way a light beam could be directed to
entangled photon pairs with one photon at the wavelength one spatial point in the material and many bits could be
of the photon to be transmitted, and one at the atomic stored at this location by simply changing the light fre-
transition wavelength, must exist. This is likely to restrict quency and in this way address different absorbers. Data
the atomic transition used for absorption to wavelengths
between a few hundred nanometers and a few microme-
ters. Note that the same (relaxed) limitation also holds for
quantum repeater schemes ’à la Briegel’ [9], where qubits
encoded into photons are first transmitted, hence feature a
wavelength that match the transparency windows in air or
optical fibres, before being stored in quantum memories.
Indeed, it is possible to set up a teleportation device pre-
ceding the quantum memory as to herald the arrival of the
photon, and to teleport its quantum state onto a photon with
different wavelength [48], the latter then being suitable for
absorption. As before, the teleportation procedure requires
a source of entangled photon pairs, whose properties impact Figure 2 Illustration of the inhomogeneous linewidth inh for
on the possible atomic transition wavelengths. An alterna- a resonant optical material and the homogeneous linewidth h
tive, non-heralded quantum information transfer between for individual groups of ions. Values of h as small as 50 Hz
photons at different wavelengths that relies on non-linear have been observed while inh typically features values of 0.5
up-conversion has been demonstrated in [77]. to 100 GHz. © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

250 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

Figure 3 (online color at: Illustration of the evolution of the Bloch vectors during the two-pulse photon-echo
process. A first =2 pulse rotates the Bloch vector from the negative w axis along the u direction a). The individual Bloch vectors precess
freely in the uv plane and dephase, due to the inhomogeneous broadening of the transition b). At time t =  , a  pulse rotates all vectors
around the v axis c). The Bloch vectors start rephasing, realign and build up a macroscopic coherence, and a photon-echo is emitted at
time t = 2 d).

bits were stored by promoting the absorbers to some ex- into the sample (see Fig. 4). The data sequence, Pdata , at
cited state different from their ground state. In particular, it a maximum data rate equal to the bandwidth of the pulse
was realized that, in principle, any material with an inhomo- Pwrite , and duration shorter than the homogeneous relax-
geneously broadened absorption profile could be used for ation time of the absorbers, is then sent into the material.
this purpose. By using the frequency dimension to address The input radiation, determined by both write as well as
and store optical data, several thousands of data bits could data pulse, interacts coherently with the absorbers. As a
be stored and addressed at a single spatial location, see result the frequency spectrum (Fourier transform) of the
e.g. [82, 83]. The maximum number of data bits that theo- input data sequence (amplitude as well as phase) becomes
retically could be stored in a single location was then given imprinted as a frequency dependent modulation onto the
by the ratio, R, between the inhomogeneous and homo- sample absorption profile. Since both amplitude and phase
geneous transition line-widths, inh and h , respectively. are stored, the full temporal information of the light pulses
Impressive material development lead to R up to 108 in is contained in the spectral interference patterns engraved in
Er3+ :LiNbO3 , and to an ultra-narrow homogeneous line the sample, and later pulses can interact with these spectral
width of only 50 Hz in Er3+ :Y2 SiO5 (see [84] and contri- gratings to perform temporal signal processing, including
bution by Y. C. Sun in [85]). In principle, it would then be read-out. Mathematically, when the electromagnetic fields
possible to space different frequency channels for data stor- () ()
of the three input pulse sequences (Ewrite t , Edata t and
age by only about 100 Hz. However, plainly based on the ()
Eread t ) are far from saturating the optical transition and
uncertainty relation, addressing atoms at some frequency the time separation between the pulse sequences are smaller
to read out a data bit stored at that frequency, without inter- than the transition relaxation time, the output field, Eecho ,
acting with the ions in the next frequency channel 100 Hz as a function of time, can be expressed as
away, would require optical pulses of several ms duration. Z
The resulting sub-kHz data read and write rate does not Eecho (t) /  (! )Edata (! )Eread (! )ei!t d! (6)
seem very attractive.
Elyutin and Mossberg had, however, shown how to where * stands for complex conjugate. In particular, if the
benefit from the large ratio between the homogeneous () ()
frequency spectra of Ewrite ! and Eread ! are flat across
and inhomogeneous line-widths without being restricted () ()
the Edata ! bandwidth, Eecho t will just be a copy of
to small data read and write rates [31, 32]. The proposed ()
Edata t (for a review see e.g. [86]). More complicated
photon-echo technique is a four-wave mixing technique, () ()
pulses Ewrite ! and Eread ! may be used for performing
with pulses being separated in time. The three input pulses arbitrary operations on the data sequence, e.g., pattern or
(two pulses in the case of the two-pulse echo) manipu- address recognition [87].
late the system, putting the absorbers in the material in Consequently photon-echo techniques could be used
superposition states, which at some given time all oscil- to store and recall a pair of consecutive pulses, including
late in phase creating a macroscopic dipole moment (see amplitudes and the phase relation between the pulses. At
Fig. 3 for a schematical description of a two-pulse echo). least in retro-perspective it could then be a natural exten-
The output pulse (echo) is the radiation emitted from this sion to assume that it would be possible to also store and
temporally created macroscopic dipole moment. Specifi- recall a wave-packet superposition as that in Eq. (5), as ini-
cally, to store a sequence of data, a brief preparation (write) tially suggested by Kessel and Moiseev [78]. However, the
pulse, Pwrite , with a pulse area equal to = and a band- efficiency in a faithful storage and recall process of weak
width equal or larger than the required data rate, is first sent photon states using photon-echoes is in practice strongly

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 251

Figure 5 -type atomic

medium coupled to a quantum
field with coupling constant
g, and to a classical field with
Rabi frequency (t).

quantum state preservation is generally referred to as the

no-cloning theorem [10].
Yet, from a principle point of view, quantum mechanics
states that for a closed quantum system j t1 i at some( )
time t1 , the system at some later time, t2 , will be described
( ) =
by j t2 i ( )
U j t1 i, where U is a unitary operator
describing the evolution of the quantum state. Clearly the
original state can be recreated by applying the inverse trans-
( )
formation U 1 to j t2 i. This inspired ideas of the type
where the recall process is just the time inversion of the
storage process, which further may result in considering
approaches like phase conjugation. For example, degener-
ate four-wave mixing where two counter-propagating pump
beams effectively create a mirror that changes the sign of
the wave vector of an incoming probe beam, causing the
probe beam to return along its input path as if time propa-
Figure 4 (online color at: From two-pulse gated backwards [91].
photon-echo to data storage. a) depicts the two-pulse echo, as In the spirit of this idea, Moiseev and Kröll suggested
explained in Fig. 3. Rephasing, i.e. echo emission can also be in 2001 an approach to time-reverse the photon-echo stor-
triggered by splitting the second  pulse into two =2 pulses age process using atomic vapor as an inhomogeneously
(so-called three-pulse, or stimulated photon-echo, b)). This can
broadened lambda-type system [24] (see Fig. 5 for a level
be understood when taking into account that the excitation pulses
structure). All atoms are prepared in an atomic state 1, e.g.
(pulse one and two) are represented in frequency space by a peri-
odic function with period 2= , where  is the separation between
some hyperfine ground state. Absorption of a single pho-
the two pulses. This leads to a corresponding absorption grating ton wave packet A, for instance of the form described by
in the medium, i.e. a periodic, frequency dependent variation of Eq. (5), and with spectral width large as compared to the
homogeneous line width, which is resonant with the inho-
inversion. The spectrum of the third pulse is affected by this grat-
ing, resulting in two transmitted pulses instead of one, with the 1 2
mogeneously broadened $ transition, will create a
second one being the echo. c) shows the generalization of the nonzero probability amplitude for atoms to be in state 2.
This probability amplitude would typically be distributed
three-pulse echo to data storage: The Fourier transformation of
all input pulses (write pulse plus data pulses) is stored in the form among around 9 individual absorbers. Since the transi-
of a spectral absorption grating. The spectrum of the read pulse is tion is inhomogeneously broadened, these dipole radiators
modified accordingly, giving rise to the emergence of a copy of will rapidly get out of phase, as is the case in the traditional
the data pulses. photon-echo (see Fig. 3b). After some time  , shorter than
1 2
the homogeneous dephasing time of the $ transition, a
second pulse, B, collinear with the first pulse, resonant with
limited. On the one hand, if the absorption is weak, most 3 2
the $ transition, and with a pulse area  now transfers
of the data pulse will just pass through the sample and the probability amplitude in state 2 coherently to state 3. If
the storage efficiency will be low. On the other hand, if 1 2
the inhomogeneous broadening on the $ transition is
the absorption is high the data sequence will be efficiently now reversed, the wave packet A can be recalled by sending
absorbed, but an efficient rephasing sequence using a  in a third pulse, C, counter-propagating with the two first,
pulse will invert the atomic medium and render it ampli- 2 3
resonant with the $ transition, and with pulse area
fying. It is then possible to generate echoes that are more  . Pulse C transfers the probability amplitude in state 3
intense than the data pulse [88–90]. However, the unavoid- coherently back to state 2. Due to reversal of the inhomoge-
able amplified spontaneous emission generated in such a 1 2
neous broadening on transition $ , all dipoles will start
medium would add noise to the output echo field, making rephasing and a time-reversed replica of wave packet A
this approach inappropriate for quantum state storage. As will retrace its own input path in the backward direction at
mentioned before, the incompatibility of amplification and a time  after the transfer of the probability amplitude from © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

252 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

3 to 2. As shown in the original paper, the efficiency of this to Maxwell’s wave equation
storage and recall process in the absence of homogeneous  @2 @21 
dephasing processes can be 100%. The requirement that the E (z; t)
1 2
inhomogeneous broadening on the $ transition should @z 2 c2 @t2
be reversed may appear difficult to fulfil, but actually hap- Z 2
pens automatically for any Doppler-broadened transition, = n}c2 dG() @t@ 2 ge (z; t; ) : (7)
since the Doppler-shift in a gaseous sample has opposite 0
signs for counter-propagating beams!
( )
G  describes the inhomogeneous broadened line shape
Gaseous media are, however, hampered of short storage as a function of detuning  from the light carrier frequency
times, determined by phase randomization of the emitted ra- !0 , and n, }, c and 0 are the atomic density, transition
diation due to atomic movement, velocity change, and loss dipole moment, speed of light and permittivity in vacuum,
of atoms from the interaction region [92]. A first adaption respectively.
of the protocol towards solid state systems was suggested Assuming all atoms to be initially in the ground state,
in 2003 [93] using methods from nuclear magnetic reso-
nance that allow quantum memory for microwave photons.
and the light propagating in the forward ( z ) direction we
can write the electric field and the excited atomic coher-
In 2005 and 2006 three groups then described how the ence as
quantum memory scheme could be extended to solid state
materials and photonic wave packets encoded into the op- E (z; t) = Ef (z; t)ei(!0 t kz ) ;
ge (z; t; ) = f (z; t; )ei(!0 t
tical part of the electromagnetic spectrum [25–27]. This kz ) ;
protocol is now generally referred to as CRIB (see Fig. 6
for an illustration). It relies on spectral hole burning to
where we restrict ourselves to one transverse polarization
create a narrow, isolated absorption line out of a broad,
mode for the electric field and atomic coherence. Assuming
inhomogeneously broadened line, and employs reversible
inhomogeneous broadening through externally controlled
( ) ( )
that Ef z; t and f z; t;  are envelope functions that
vary slowly with z and t, Eq. (7) becomes
dc or ac Stark shifts, or Zeeman shifts.
! Z
As methods for creating an ensemble of absorbers that @ @
c + E (z; t) = i dG()f (z; t; ) : (9)
absorbed only at a specific frequency had already been
developed [94–97], there was now an open path to de-
@z @t f
velop long-lived quantum memories based on photon-echo
where groups several, here irrelevant constants. The as-
techniques. Kraus and coworkers also discussed in a more
sociated change of the atomic coherence is described by
general way what would be needed to perfectly store and
the Bloch equations [98]. Using again the slowly varying
recall quantum states (or classical optical data) in inhomo-
envelope functions (in rotating wave approximation), and
geneously broadened absorbers, including rare-earth ion
assuming that most atoms in the medium remain in the
doped solids, room-temperature and cold atomic vapor,
ground state, these equations reduce to:
nitrogen-vacancy centers, and quantum dots [27]. In par-
 (z; t; ) = if (z; t; ) + i(}=~)Ef (z; t) :
ticular, it was shown that direct spatial manipulation of the
phase and frequency of the absorbers in the ensemble can @t f
cause a re-emission of the input pulse, A, without the need (10)
to use additional optical pulses, B and C. At this time the Note that the latter assumptions is certainly correct for a
field had developed to a point where several groups had macroscopic number of atoms and weak light fields. How-
started work on actual experimental realizations as will be ever, reversible quantum evolution can also be shown for
discussed in forthcoming sections. the more general case where the atomic inversion changes
significantly during absorption of the light field.
We assume that a weak pulse of light characterized by
( )
the (slowly varying) electric field Ef z; t enters the op-
3.2. Quantum memory based on CRIB tically thick atomic medium and is completely absorbed
( )
before time t0 . In other words, its field Ef t0 ; z has been
completely mapped onto collective atomic coherence f .
In the following, we present a simple theoretical descrip- For recall of the light pulse, we are interested in time rever-
tion of the ideal CRIB protocol. It is based on a hidden sal of the absorption process. Hence, we now look at the
symmetry in the equations that describe the absorption and evolution of the backward propagating modes

E (z; t > t0 ) = Eb (z; t)ei(!0 t+kz) ;

retrieval of light, as discovered by Kraus et al. in 2006 [27]
(see also [66]).
The resonant interaction of light with two level atoms ge (z; t > t0 ; ) = b (z; t; )ei(!0 t+kz) ;
has been treated in numerous textbooks (see e.g. [98]). The
evolution of the light electric field during propagation is de- which are initially empty, i.e. Eb z; t( t0= )= (
b z; t =
( )
termined by the atomic coherence ge z; t;  , according t0 ; )=0 . As a first step in the CRIB protocol, we have

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 253

Natural broadening

Prepare narrow absorption line

Optical pumping

Broaden line

Linear Stark shifts using external electric fields

Figure 6 (online color at: Quan-

STEP 3 tum state storage based on CRIB in crystals with opti-
Absorb photon cal centers featuring permanent electric dipole moments.
Starting with an ensemble of atoms or ions with broad,
naturally (inhomogeneously) broadened absorption line, a
narrow line is created through an optical pumping (or spec-
STEP 4 tral hole burning) procedure (step 1). Next, the application
of external electric fields results in a broadened absorp-
Trigger reemission tion line with reduced optical depth (step 2). Note that
this broadening is controlled and reversible, in contrast
to the initial, natural inhomogeneous broadening. Then, a
weak light field is directed into the medium and absorbed

(step 3). Re-emission can be triggered at a later moment

through the application of a 2kz position dependent phase
shift for mode matching, and reversal of the inhomoge-
neous broadening (step 4). This leads to backwards emis-
sion of light in a time-reversed version of the input light
w field. The storage time is limited by the width of the iso-
Mode matching operation and controlled reversible broadening lated absorption line created in step 1, which is limited
by changing the polarity of the electric fields itself by the homogeneous linewidth h (cf. Fig. 2). © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

254 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

to transfer the excited atomic coherence f in a mode- broadened for each position z , i.e. a controlled line shift
matching operation to b , which then becomes a source for is applied transverse to the propagation direction of light.
an electric field propagating backwards. This is done by Longitudinal broadening refers to atomic media where the
introducing a physical, position dependent phase change absorption line for each position z is narrow, but varies
of kz , for instance by transferring the atomic coherences monotonically through the medium:  =
z . This re-
in a  system temporarily from the optical transition to a quires controlled line shifts in longitudinal direction. As
transition between closely spaced atomic ground states (see mentioned before, for sufficiently large optical depth, the
discussion at the end of Sect. 3.1), or by exploiting a line efficiency is unity, regardless the type of broadening.
shift that varies linearly along the propagation direction For the case of transverse broadening and limited opti-
of light [27]. Next, we inverse the atomic detuning for cal depth L, where is the absorption coefficient in cm 1
all atoms  ! , which leads to the following light- (not to be confused with the coefficient a, given in db/cm,
atom equations: used to calculate the transmission through an optical fibre
! in Sect. 2.2) and L the length of the medium in cm, the
Z recall efficiency b in backwards direction has been derived
+ @t@ Eb (z; t) = i dG()b (z; t; ) independently in [66, 100], and is given by:
(12) (bt) = (1 expf Lg)2 : (14)
As shown above, the maximum efficiency for backwards
 (z; t; ) = +ib (z; t; )+ i(}=~)Eb (z; t) : (13) recall is one (assuming large optical depth).
@t b For recall in forward direction, the efficiency is given
Comparing this system of equations with the equations de- by
scribing the absorption of the initial light pulse (Eqs. (9) (ft) = ( ) exp
L 2 f Lg; (15)
and (10)), we find them to be identical provided we reverse as demonstrated in [66]. In this case, the efficiency is lim-
the signs of the temporal derivatives (@=@t ! @=@t) and ited to 54% for an optical depth of L =2 . Regardless
the electric field in the latter two equations. This means the direction of recall and except for the exchange of the
that, after mode-matching and controlled reversal of inho- leading and trailing basis wave packets and deterministic
mogeneous broadening, the atom-light equations describe phase change, the recalled quantum state exactly resembles
a time reversed evolution of the envelope functions com- the input state.
pared to the evolution during absorption. Hence, all atoms For longitudinal broadening where the resonance fre-
will finally be again in the ground state, and the light be quency varies monotonically as a function of position, the
re-emitted without loss into the backwards direction in a efficiencies are given by
time-reversed version (we ignore the global phase change
of  ). In particular, for a time-bin qubit of the form given in (bl) = (fl) = (1 expf 2=g)2 ; (16)
Eq. (1), we thus find that the recalled state is associated with
an exchange of the leading and trailing basis wavepackets. where  groups several atomic parameters, and = 2
Note that the electric field (as defined in Eq. (11)) will ( )
characterizes the effective optical depth L e of the
accumulate a phase shift of  !0  where  is the storage medium, see [101, 102]. Note the equivalence with the
time in the atomic medium. This phase shift becomes ob- efficiency of backwards recall in the transverse broadened
servable in the case of time-bin qubits, where the initially case (Eq. (14)). Hence, we see that even though emission
leading basic wave packet prevails longer in the medium in forwards direction is at odds with perfect time reversal,
compared to the initially trailing basic wave packet, see [99]. the efficiency (for large effective optical depth) can still be
In conclusion, we find that the efficiency and fidelity (af- one! However, the photonic wave packet recalled in for-
ter correction of the deterministic changes of phase and ward direction is associated with a frequency chirp, i.e. the
order of basis wavepackets) of storage via CRIB in the here recalled quantum state does not fully resemble the input
treated, ideal case must be one. state, even after having compensated for the exchange of
For the non-ideal case where re-emission is not a time wavepacket ordering and storage time related phase [101].
reversed version of storage any more, it is obvious that To finish this section, let us briefly elaborate on the
symmetry arguments cannot suffice to assess these figures achievable fidelity of the recalled quantum state with the
of merit, but that the evolution of the atom-light system has initial state. We recall that the fidelity is directly related to
to be calculated in detail. Of particular interest are the cases the quantum nature of the memory, as discussed in Sect. 2.2.
where the photon is not always absorbed, and where light is First, we note that classical noise, e.g. additional photons
recalled in forward direction, i.e. where the mode matching due to amplified spontaneous emission from the optically
operation is not implemented. Interestingly, efficiency and excited atomic state are no issue in CRIB, in opposition
fidelity depend on the type of inhomogeneous broadening to storage of weak pulses of light using a standard photon-
in the atomic medium, where we distinguish between trans- echo approach [34]. Also, as the re-emission of the stored
verse, and longitudinal broadening. In transverse broaden- quantum state happens at a unique time, flooding of de-
ing, the atomic absorption line is equally inhomogeneously tectors with scattered light from simultaneously present

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 255

laser control beams can easily be avoided. Hence, the (post- in these systems [26, 111, 112]. In the following, we will
selected) fidelity for storage of discrete quantum variables therefore give an extensive review of RE doped solids, with
and photon counting measurements is close to one, regard- particular emphasis on requirements for CRIB.
less the recall efficiency, as further discussed in Sect. 5.
Second, we note that CRIB based quantum memory
with non-unity efficiency, regardless wether its origin is Rare-earth-ion doped solids
limited optical depth or atomic phase relaxation, can be
modeled as a perfect delay line followed by a lossy beam
RE solids have been studied for more than half a century,
splitter [103]. The added quantum noise, which impacts on
in particular due to their interest for solid state lasers (see
the fidelity in the case of continuous variable storage and ho-
e.g. [113]) and fibre optics amplifiers [114, 115], but more
modyne measurements, is thus equivalent to the noise added
recently also for laser stabilization to programmable fre-
by a lossy beam splitter without delay line [104]. Note that
quency standards [116–122], and radio frequency analyz-
similar results have been found for quantum memory based
ers [123–125]. These studies, together with extensive fun-
on electromagnetically induced transparency [105–109]. In
order to overcome the classical benchmark of Fclass =1 2 = , damental investigations (see [84, 126] and contributions
by G. Liu and Y. C. Sun in [85]), have resulted in broad
the optical depth in the case of backwards recall or for-
understanding of interactions in RE solids. Even though the
wards recall with longitudinal broadening (Eqs. (14) and
(16)) should thus exceed L  : , and it should be close
properties required for quantum state storage differ from
those required for other applications, one can hope that this
to two in the case of forwards recall with transverse broad-
knowledge, paired with an almost uncountable number of
ening (Eq. (15)).
possible RE solids, will eventually lead to novel materials
that remove shortcomings in those currently investigated.
Rare earth metals doped or implanted into inorganic
4. Material considerations solid state hosts (both crystals and glasses) generally form
trivalent (triply charged) ions. They are set apart from other
The development of quantum memory depends on the avail-
transition-metal ion materials, since their optically active
4fN electrons are tightly-bound and shielded by outer 5s2
ability of an atomic medium with appropriate properties,
regardless the specific protocol pursued. Fortunately, as
5p6 closed shells, giving rise to atomic-like character for
the 4fN levels even in a crystalline solid at doping densities
briefly addressed in Sect. 2.2, the absorption wavelength is
not particularly crucial in the case of a quantum repeater,
as great as 1018 /cm3 . Transition wavelengths range from
which makes many different atomic media potentially suit-
the infrared to the ultraviolet. Currently, many investiga-
tions focus on Thulium, Erbium, Europium, Neodymium,
Material requirements for CRIB-based quantum mem-
or Praseodymium doped crystals, often Y2 SiO5 or LiNbO3 ,
ory (see Fig. 6) include the possibility to inhomogeneously
and on transition wavelengths (which are largely deter-
broaden an optical transition in a controlled way. The in-
mined by the specific rare-earth-ion transition, not the host)
duced broadening needs to be large compared to the inher-
around 795 nm, 1532 nm, 580 nm, 880 nm and 606 nm, re-
ent broadening of the transition, and it should be possible to
reverse it in a time which is short compared to the inverse
Work over several years by the Cone group has shown
of the inherent broadening. Extended requirements to allow
that sample-to-sample variations in crystal properties can
building of a useful quantum repeater include a long storage
be significant, affecting both static and dynamic properties.
time, which is limited by the homogeneous linewidth of the
optical transition (the 1$2 transition in Fig. 5) or the tran-
One must be cautious in drawing conclusions based on a
sition used to store the quantum state (the 1$3 transition),
single sample or single doping concentration.
and spectral diffusion within the ensemble. In addition, the
spacing to neighboring ground or excited state levels (e.g.
other hyperfine levels) should be large compared to the 4.1. Energy levels
spectral width of the photons to be stored, so that the light
interacts only with two-level systems comprised of one The ’free ion’ levels of a rare earth ion are modified by
ground and one excited state. Finally, for efficient storage, a weak interaction with the host crystal lattice. Electro-
atomic ensembles with large optical depth are required. static interactions, covalency, and overlap with neighbor-
While the first quantum-memory protocol based on ing ligands and other host ions are typically well under-
photon-echoes was proposed for Doppler-broadened atomic stood and are usually described by single particle opera-
vapors ( [24], see also 3.1), this approach was soon gener- tors called the ’crystal field’, see [127–131] and contribu-
alized to rare-earth-ion doped crystals or glasses in view tion by G. Liu in [85]. The degeneracy of J-multiplets is
of their promising properties [25–27]. And indeed, experi- raised, consistent with the local RE site symmetry, giving
mental research into CRIB-based quantum state storage is rise to ’crystal field manifolds’ of levels typically spread
currently mostly dedicated to RE doped solids as material over a few hundred cm 1 . Depending on the number of
candidates (a notable exception is [110]), and first proof- remaining 4f electrons, even or odd, RE ions form so-
of-principle demonstrations have recently been reported called non-Kramers, or Kramers ions, respectively. For © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

256 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

non-Kramer ions, the J-degeneracy can be and usually is cussed in terms of a lifetime T1 [140], but metastable levels,
completely lifted, while a two-fold degeneracy or greater can have T1 values up to 1–10 ms, giving lifetime-limited
remains in the case of Kramer ions. Additional structure values as small as h = 10–150 Hz. For excited levels
arises from magnetic and electric hyperfine interactions within a manifold, on the other hand, non-radiative de-
= + [(
Hhfs AJ I  J P IZ2 I I ( + 1) 3) + (
=  IX2 IY2 = , ) 3] cay times can be in the nanosecond to picosecond range.
where AJ is a familiar atomic constant and P and  de- Nuclear and electronic spin fluctuations make especially
scribe the nuclear electric quadrupole interaction (when material-dependent contributions to h . Unlike ions with
pseudo-spin representations are used, as is typically the even numbers of electrons, those with odd numbers are
case, these interactions and Zeeman interactions can look required by Kramer’s Theorem [129] to have degenerate
different as a result of anisotropy imposed by the nature electronic levels in the absence of a magnetic field. All
of the electronic states). Level spacing between hyperfine those ions are paramagnetic and thus sensitive to fluctuating
levels ranges from a few tens of MHz in the case of Eu- local fields and to applied magnetic fields. Magnetic con-
ropium and Praseodymium to the GHz scale for Terbium tributions to dephasing can be avoided in part by choice of
and Holmium doped crystals [126, 129, 130, 132]. In some crystal composition, ion dilution, or applied magnetic field.
systems the f electrons also interact with nuclei of sur- Indeed, induced Zeeman splittings both small and large can
rounding ligands; this superhyperfine or transferred hy- dramatically affect spin dynamics and reduce spin contri-
perfine interaction [126] is a factor in both level structure butions to decoherence; the resonance required for nuclear
and spin dynamics. The hyperfine and superhyperfine level spin flip-flops can be disrupted by small magnetic fields,
structure can differ quite dramatically from one system to and in paramagnetic materials containing Er3+ or Nd3+
another, and these splittings and structure may impose a ions, large applied magnetic fields can be used to freeze
limit on the spectral bandwidth of the photons to be stored. out electronic spin fluctuations [84, 121, 141–143]. Further-
more, when RE ions are optically excited their interactions
with neighbors change, introducing frequency shifts result-
4.2. Homogeneous linewidth ing in instantaneous spectral diffusion; the term excitation-
induced frequency shifts is also applied [136, 144–153].
The shielding of the 4f electrons reduces electron orbit- This line broadening mechanism is not familiar from other
lattice interaction as compared to other solids, thereby min- areas of optical physics.
imizing the effect of dynamic perturbations by phonons. An additional important dynamical process is tradi-
This results in transition intensity concentrated in narrow tional spectral diffusion, which results from time-dependent
zero-phonon lines, often with no obvious intensity appear- perturbations of each ion’s transition frequency due to the
ing in phonon sidebands. The sharpest optical transitions dynamic nature of the ion’s environment. The accumulat-
between the f N states arise from the ground level of the ing frequency shifts cause each ion to undergo a limited
lowest manifold to the lowest level in an excited manifold. random walk in frequency, or to diffuse, through the opti-
Transitions to higher levels in each manifold are typically cal spectrum, leading to an apparent line broadening with
broadened by non-radiative cascade decay to lower levels time, hence a progressive increase in the rate of phase
within the manifold, or in some cases to lower manifolds decoherence. For RE materials at low temperatures, an im-
nominally lying within a few phonon energies. The homo- portant mechanism for spectral diffusion is the magnetic
geneous linewidth h of RE solids is temperature depen- dipole-dipole interaction of each optically active ion with
dent, with thermal broadening arising from coupling to the other electronic and nuclear spins in the host mate-
phonons, spins, and, in the case of glasses, a broad distri- rial. As discussed above, this can be particularly important
bution of low-frequency tunneling modes (two-level sys- for Kramers ions such as Erbium [121, 142]. Macfarlane
tems or TLS) [133–135]. Below  4 K contributions from and Shelby [126] reviewed many results showing that for
phonon absorption and emission, and phonon Raman scat- even-electron systems, nuclear spin dynamics in the host
tering are usually negligible, except in cases where the crys- material, especially flip-flop transitions, are the dominant
tal field splitting to the first level of the manifold is small, mechanism for spectral diffusion; for even-electron systems
on the order of a few times kT . For crystalline hosts, this magnetism is far weaker but not absent.
results in linewidths of typically around a few kHz, but val- The development and characterization of materials
ues as small as 50 Hz have been observed in Eu3+ :Y2 SiO5 with narrow optical lines suitable for quantum informa-
and Er3+ :Y2 SiO5 , corresponding to less than one part in tion device concepts has been a continuation of the exten-
10 12 of the transition frequency [121, 136]. Linewidths in sive studies reviewed by Macfarlane and Shelby [126],
glasses or optical fibres are generally larger, due to coupling Macfarlane [154, 155], and Sun [84, 85]. It was real-
between the RE-ion and TLS; yet, widths below 1 MHz ized that to reduce decoherence one should reduce in-
have been observed in Er3+ doped fibers and glasses at very teractions of an ion with its crystal surroundings. Ex-
low temperature and high magnetic fields [137–139]. tremely long optical coherence times, up to 4 ms, have
In addition to coupling to phonons and two-level sys- been achieved by choosing constituent elements of the
tems, there is a variety of other mechanisms that can in- host material to have small nuclear magnetic moments
crease the homogeneous linewidth. Radiative and non- or small natural abundance of magnetic isotopes. Initial
radiative decay make a familiar contribution usually dis- attention focused heavily on the non-Kramer ions Eu3+ ,

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 257

Pr3+ , and Tm3+ where an even number of electrons can In order to form narrow, isolated absorption lines
give singlet electronic crystal field levels that to first (spikes), the inhomogeneously broadened line must be
order have no electronic magnetic moment, though nu- manipulated through so-called spectral hole burning tech-
clear magnetic moments are still present. Using this strat- niques (SHB) [126]. This allows optical pumping or coher-
egy, kilohertz homogeneous linewidths were reported for ent transfer of individual subgroups of ions with resonance
Eu3+ :Y2 SiO5 [156, 157], and later linewidths approaching frequencies near the desired spike to other atomic levels
100 Hz were measured in Eu3+ :Y2 SiO5 [136,141,158,159]. that do not participate in the procedure for quantum state
Kilohertz widths were also achieved in Pr3+ :Y2 SiO5 [160] storage [26, 94–97, 112, 143, 177, 178]. This technique has
and Er3+ :Y2 SiO5 [141, 142, 161–163], where the narrowest allowed creating isolated lines of a few tens of kHz, which
currently reported homogeneous linewidth in any material then limit the storage time to a few hundred µsec [66].
of 50 Hz was observed.
From these studies, one can conclude that millisecond
storage times may be achievable in RE crystals, which 4.4. Stark shifts
would already be interesting for the simplified quantum
repeater discussed in Sect. 2.2. However, second-long stor-
The ion energy levels can be manipulated using the Zee-
age times, as probably required for the full quantum re-
man and Stark effects through the Hamiltonian H =
peater and quantum communication over distances exceed-
ing 1000 kilometers, seem currently difficult to realize for
[ ( + )]
 B L gs S  B n B ( + )
p  E, where B L gs S and
p are the static magnetic and electric dipole moments of
optical transitions. Longer coherence times can be expected
for hyperfine ground state superpositions when applying
the f N electrons, B and E are applied magnetic and elec-
tric fields, and n is the nuclear magnetic moment of the
magnetic fields suitable to remove the sensitivity of the
optically active ion. Of particular interest for CRIB is the
transition to magnetic fields to first order [164]. Using this
linear Stark effect, which can be observed for RE impuri-
approach, coherence times of 82 ms have been reported
ties in low symmetry sites. Provided the permanent electric
for Pr3+ :Y2 SiO5 [165]. This value has been further im-
dipole moments of the states coupled by the optical field
proved to more than 30 sec using dynamic decoherence
are different, it leads to a shift in resonance frequency (see a
control [166].
recent review by Macfarlane [155]), which can be exploited
Three-level lambda systems may not always be acces-
for controlled reversible inhomogeneous broadening of the
sible, however, depending on selection rules, even if an
associated transition.
otherwise suitable level structure exist. The possibility to
The magnitude of the Stark shift depends on the par-
improve branching ratios towards a second ground state
has been investigated theoretically for Pr3+ :LiYF4 [167]
ticular transition, the crystal host, and the orientation of
and Tm3+ :Y2 O3 [168]. Furthermore, extensive calculations
the electric field with respect to the permanent dipole mo-
ment difference. The largest Stark shifts are of the order
and measurements were carried out to demonstrate that
of 100 kHz/Vcm 1 [155]. In RE doped crystals, where the
Nd3+ :YVO4 [169] and Tm3+ :YAG [170, 171] can form
application of a dc electric field leads to a shift or discrete
suitable lambda systems, and measurements of branching
splitting of an absorption line, controlled inhomogeneous
ratios and nuclear spin coherence lifetimes have been re-
broadening of the order of several hundred MHz can po-
ported recently for the latter RE crystal [172, 173].
tentially be induced by applying an electric field gradient
It is interesting to note that the use of lambda systems
with field strength varying between 1000 Vcm 1 and
not only promises increasing the storage time. In addition,
transferring the atomic coherence between different levels
+ 1000 Vcm 1 . In RE doped glasses, where the orienta-
tion and magnitude of dipole moments varies randomly, a
using counter-propagating  -pulses also allows realizing
the kz mode-matching operation required for CRIB, see
constant electric field suffices for broadening.
Of particular interest in the context of Stark broadening
e.g. [25, 27, 100].
are waveguiding structures, which, due to the possibility to
space electrodes closely, allow broadening of hundreds of
MHz with voltages of only a few tens of volts [179]. Fur-
4.3. Inhomogeneous broadening thermore, the use of LiNbO3 waveguides (which are used
in the telecommunication industry for phase and intensity
Currently the major obstacle for RE solids to be used for
modulators operating at more than 10 Gbps) allows tailor-
CRIB is the inhomogeneous broadening of the narrow
ing electrodes on demand, and switching electric fields of
optical transitions. Typically inhomogeneous broadening
inh  0.5–100 GHz arises due to local strains and defects
several hundred Vcm 1 in a fraction of a nanosecond.
in the crystal structure, see Fig. 2. This broadening is sim-
ilar to Doppler broadening in gases. For infrequent cases,
inhomogeneous widths in crystals of inh  10 MHz are 4.5. Absorption
possible [174–176], which would, however, still limit the
storage time to few tens of nanoseconds if one were to 4 4
The f N $ f N optical transitions are ’forced’ electric
perform CRIB without preparation steps. Efforts are under dipole transitions that arise due to small admixtures of
way to achieve much narrower distributions [176]. 4
excited configurations into the f N states by odd parity © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

258 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

terms in the crystal field, see [180–182] and contribution by Storage and recall of multi-photon data pulses via stim-
M. F. Reid in [85]. Selection rules are S =0
, L  , 6 ulated photon-echoes has been studied for decades (see
and J  , though intermediate coupling in most excited Sect. 3.1), with emphasis on unperturbed recall of time
states usually means that S and L are not especially good varying optical power (which defines the data pulses). How-
quantum numbers. In cases where the selection rule J  ever, coherence properties have primarily received atten-
1 is satisfied, allowed magnetic dipole transitions are also tion only in connection with erasure of data [190–193], as
observed. Those transitions are in the infrared and have phase coherent storage is of no concern in classical com-
become accessible with diode lasers over the past ten years. munication. Investigation in view of the requirements of
Magnetic dipole transitions are particularly important for quantum communication have started only very recently.
Er3+ materials including Er3+ :Y2 SiO5 or Er3+ :LiNbO3 , The experiments we will review here, reported in [188,189],
see Y. C. Sun in [85], and [121, 183]. General symmetry were based on photon-echoes in the classical pulse regime.
considerations for optimizing the Rabi oscillation in solids Hence bright coherent states of light were stored and re-
of any symmetry have been published by Sun et al. [184]. trieved from RE solids using either ordinary (two-pulse) or
The forced electric dipole transitions between the nom- stimulated (three-pulse) photon-echoes. As we will show,
inally f N states have oscillator strengths f with typ- this allows drawing important conclusions about the phase
ical values ranging from 10 10
6 to 8 . Larger oscilla- coherence of quantum memories based on RE solids.
tor strengths at the upper end of this range have been
found for Nd3+ :YVO4 (f = 8 10
 6 ) [84], Er3+ :LiNbO3
(f = 1 10
 6 ) [84, 185, 186] and Y. C. Sun in [85], and
Tm3+ :LiNbO3 (f = 3 10
 6 ) [125,185,186] and Y. C. Sun 5.1. Interference of two subsequent wave-packets
recalled from one crystal
in [85]. While these numbers are still small, the ultra-narrow
linewidths and high number densities readily allow opti-
cal depths of 1–10 in mm scale samples [143, 187]. Note The experiment reported in [188] demonstrated that infor-
that the optical depth before controlled broadening has to mation encoded in the amplitudes and phases of two subse-
be very large to ensure sufficient absorption after broaden- quent coherent pulses can be stored in and retrieved from a
ing. It can be further increased by using long waveguiding %
single RE solid with close to 100 fidelity. This way of en-
structures, or multi-pass configuration. coding information is common in quantum key distribution
systems where time-bin qubits are used (see e.g. [40]). In
a time-bin qubit the photon is in a coherent superposition
5. Stimulated photon-echo as a test-bed for of being in an early and late time bin. This superposition
quantum memory can be created by sending a single photon through an un-
balanced Mach-Zehnder (MZ) interferometer. The time-bin
The implementation of CRIB is currently still challeng- qubit has the advantage of being robust with respect to de-
ing. Interestingly, it is possible to examine many fea- polarization effects in optical fibers and can be sent over
tures of CRIB using much simpler traditional photon- long distances without any need for active polarization con-
echoes [188, 189], as both approaches to storage are based trol of the fiber link. The analysis of the time-bin qubit is
on re- and dephasing of coherences in an inhomogeneously normally done by projection measurements using another
broadened medium. MZ interferometer. In this experiment, the two coherent
The performance of a quantum memory can be qual- pulses, or time-bin pulses, can be considered a classical
ified by measures such as memory time, efficiency, and equivalence to a time-bin qubit.
fidelity (see discussion in Sect. 2.2). The efficiency is gen- The time-bin pulses were created by tailoring a contin-
erally defined as the total probability of absorbing a photon uous wave laser at 1.53 µm wavelength with large coher-
and later re-emitting it (on demand) in the chosen tempo- ence length using a combined telecommunication intensity
ral and spatial mode. We define the memory fidelity F as and phase modulator. The pulses were then stored and re-
the overlap between the state of the photon before storage trieved from a solid-state memory consisting of Erbium
(input) j in i and the state of the photon after storage (out- ions doped into a LiNbO3 crystal with a single-mode chan-
put), which is generally mixed and denoted by a density nel waveguide on its surface, where the Erbium ions have
: =
matrix out F h in jout j in i. In the case of quantum a transition at 1.5 µm in the telecommunications window
information applications using single-photon states such (more details about the crystals can be found in [188]). The
as qubits (Eq. (1)), one can post-select the cases when a memory process was based on stimulated photon-echoes
photon was actually re-emitted from the memory, in which (SPE), see Figs. 3 and 4. In the most simple optical storage
case the normalized (or post-selected) fidelity is indepen- experiments using SPE the pulse sequence consists of a
dent of the efficiency of the memory. In this section we will strong write pulse, a weak data pulse and a strong read
consider post-selected fidelities. The fidelity of the memory pulse, see Fig. 7a. The write/read pulses are ideally = 2
will then be lowered by processes that destroy the phase co- pulses while the data pulse should be sufficiently weak
0 1
herence of the two qubit basis state j i and j i, or modify 2
( = ) such that the echo is a linear transformation of
the probability amplitudes and in a non-deterministic the data pulse. If the data pulse consists of the two time-bin
(i.e. non-reversible) way. pulses as discussed above, the SPE process will generate

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 259

Figure 7 (online color at:

Pulse sequence for interfering time-bin pulses
stored in a solid-state memory based on a Erbium-
doped LiNbO3 crystal. A strong write pulse W pre-
pares the medium for storing the time-bin pulses D1
and D2. Two strong read pulses R1 and R2 result
in photon-echo emissions which lead to an inter-
ference in the central time-bin. Interference fringes
could by produced by varying one of the phases 2
to 5 (cf. Fig. 8).

an echo consisting also of two coherent pulses, as shown

in Fig. 7a. By sending in two strong read pulses, one can
trigger two partial retrievals of the stored time-bin pulses,
separated by the time difference between the read pulses.
If this time difference is equivalent to the separation be-
tween the two time-bin pulses, the second time-bin pulse
retrieved by the first read pulse will overlap with the first
time-bin pulse retrieved by the second read pulse and inter-
fere, see Fig. 7c. The interference depends on the phases
2 3
of the stored time-bin pulses ( and ) and the two read
4 5
pulses ( and ). A complete interference fringe can be
obtained by scanning one of the phases, which is shown in
Fig. 8. For the four input states with different phases , 3
the observed visibility V was always close to 100 , corre-
sponding to a fidelity F = (1+ ) 2 %
V = close to 100 . These Figure 8 (online color at: Four classical
results demonstrate that the relative phase and amplitude
states ( 2; 3) = (0; 0); (0; =2); (0;  ); (0; 3=2), analogous
ratio of time-bin pulses can be preserved during storage in to the quantum states used in the BB84 quantum cryptography
the optical memory, with close to perfect fidelity1 . protocol [41, 194], are stored, retrieved and analyzed (by scanning
the phase 5) with close to 100% fidelity. This is possible even
though the probability of retrieval from the memory is only a few
5.2. Interference of wave-packets recalled from percent, limited by the efficiency of the photon-echo process and
two crystals by decoherence processes in the storage material.

The second experiment [189] that we will review here

that are based on interference of quantum states of light
aimed at demonstrating phase coherent storage of opti-
retrieved from different quantum memories (see discussion
cal pulses in two independent and spatially separated solid
in [68]). The experiment reported in [189] was designed
state memories. This property is important when storing the
0 1
two basis qubit states j i and j i in different memories,
with these two aspects of quantum repeaters in mind.
The experimental set-up is shown in Fig. 9a. The two
and is also a requirement for quantum repeater protocols
solid-state memories were two Erbium-doped LiNbO3 crys-
In principle, one could create the time-bin pulses using a tals, both with single-mode channel waveguides, that were
MZ interferometer, store them in a RE solid using SPE, and then placed in a fiber-based equilibrated MZ interferometer. A
analyze the retrieved time-bin pulses using another MZ interfer- bright optical pulse is sent into the interferometer and is
ometer. The main difficulty using that approach would have been partly absorbed in the memories. The absorbed photons
the stabilization of the MZ interferometers with about 12 m path are then stored as a coherent superposition of atomic ex-
length difference, as the time-bin pulses were separated by 60 ns. citations in the two memories. After some time, a second © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

260 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

Figure 9 (online color at: Two Er3+ :LiNbO3 wave-

guides cooled to below 4 K are placed in the arms of a fiber-optic interferometer.
The excitation light pulses are sent through the interferometer and the generated
echoes interfere at the second coupler. In order to project the polarizations onto
one axis we used a polarization controller (PC), a polarizer (P) and a photo
detector (PD). (b) An interference fringe as a function of the phase difference
in the interferometer. The storage time was set to 1.6 µsec. For this particular
fringe, a visibility of V=91.5% is reached, limited by phase noise caused by
vibrations in the cooling system.

bright pulse is sent into the interferometer. It serves as a

read (i.e. rephasing) pulse in the photon-echo experiment.
The retrieved pulse (photon-echoes) will then interfere at
the output of the interferometer, on the condition that the
storage in the two spatially and independent memories is
phase coherent. To observe interference fringes at the out-
put, the path length difference of the interferometer was
tuned by applying a variable voltage to a piezo element that
slightly pulled the fiber in one of the arms. As shown in
Fig. 9b, high-visibility interference fringes were observed
while scanning the phase. These results clearly demonstrate
that optical pulses can be stored as a coherent superposition
in two independent solid state memories using photon-echo
Figure 10 (online color at: Interference
type processes. fringe visibility (filled circles) is shown as a function of the mem-
An important aspect of both experiments reviewed ory storage time. Atomic decoherence strongly acts on the ampli-
above is the robustness of the phase coherence of the op- tude of the echo signal, as shown here for one of the waveguides
tical storage with respect to the atomic decoherence pro- (open circles), but leaves the visibility unaffected. The dotted line
cesses, for instance magnetic spin interactions between shows the average visibility of 90.5%.
the RE ions (see Sect. 4). The loss of atomic coherence
is generally characterized by the atomic coherence time
T2 . Intuitively, one might expect that the phase coherence hancement effect where the photon-echo emission is given
of optical pulses retrieved from the memories would be by the sum of emission amplitudes from atoms that have
reduced if the storage time was of the order of or longer retained their coherence. We separate the total number of
than T2 . In both experiments, however, the interference atoms N into an incoherent sub-ensemble of atoms Ninc
visibility turned out to be independent of the storage time. that have interacted with the environment and a coherent
In the second experiment [189], the visibility of the inter- sub-ensemble of atoms Ncoh that are still phase coherent.
ference was explicitly investigated as a function of storage As time evolves, the size of the coherent sub-ensemble
time, see Fig. 10. Although the efficiency of the storage will decrease, while the size of incoherent sub-ensemble
was significantly reduced when the storage time was of the will increase with a time constant of T2 . The sum express-
order of T2 , the visibility remained at constant value of ing the coherent emission probability in the spatial mode
 . This property can be attributed to a collective en- of the photon-echo runs over all atoms that are in phase

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Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 261

Ncoh and it therefore scales as (Ncoh )2 . Emission from Some early proposals for CRIB based memories have
the incoherent atoms into the same spatial mode, however, the required controlled inhomogeneous broadening induced
scales as Ninc , such that the signal-to-noise ratio is pro- on a material level, i.e. utilize a microscopic variation in
2 =N , which, for solid state ensembles
portional to Ncoh inc how the ions respond to the applied electric field. An ex-
of RE ions is typically very large (N > 6 ). The collec- ample how the latter could be achieved was suggested by
tive enhancement effect thus ensures that the echo mainly Hastings et al. [179], and exploits specific (lack of) sym-
stems from the still coherent sub-ensemble of atoms, i.e. metry in RE glasses, leading to transverse inhomogeneous
atoms that have undergone no or little phase perturbations. broadening under application of a constant electric field
Collective enhancement is an underlying principle in most (see Sect. 4). An alternative approach to induce the con-
quantum memory proposals implemented in large ensem- trolled broadening is to apply a field gradient across a crys-
bles of atoms, which is also the case for CRIB memories in tal, as proposed in [25, 27]. Depending on the direction of
RE doped solids. The independence of qubit fidelity with the gradient, transverse as well as longitudinal broadening
respect to atomic phase relaxation has also been derived can be achieved. All demonstrations of CRIB performed
using the Schrödinger equation, see [99]. to date have relied on the latter method, i.e. longitudinal
broadening has been induced through the application of a
macroscopic field gradient. A practical difference between
6. Experimental realizations of CRIB transverse and longitudinal broadening is that for the former
efficient echoes can only be obtained for echoes propagat-
The main issues to be addressed when considering demon- ing in the backwards direction whereas for the later efficient
strating a CRIB based optical memory is how to induce a echoes can be obtained in the forwards direction as long
controlled and reversible inhomogeneous broadening on an as the electric field varies monotonically across the sample
optical transition, and that the broadened transition must (see Eqs. (14), (15), and (16)). This specific realization of
have sufficient optical depth to absorb a significant compo- CRIB is often referred to as gradient echo memory (GEM).
nent of the input pulse. In this section we review how these Fig. 11 shows the experimental setup used by Hedges
conditions have been met using the linear Stark effect in and co-workers [187] to demonstrate a gradient echo mem-
RE doped crystals. ory with forward recall efficiencies up to 45% in 0.05
Currently available samples of rare-earth-ion doped at% 141 Pr3+ :Y2 SiO5 . The optical transition 3 H4 $1 D2 at
crystals that have a large linear Stark shift suitable for CRIB 605.977 nm was excited with linearly polarized light propa-
also have inhomogeneous linewidths of the order of a GHz gating along the C2 axis of the crystal, with the polarization
(or more). The mechanisms contributing to this broadening chosen to maximize the absorption, which was 140 dB/cm
have been discussed in Sect. 4. Given that this linewidth at the centre of the natural, inhomogeneous line. The length
is comparable to the maximum Stark induced broadening of the crystal in the direction of propagation was 4 mm.
possible, and would also necessitate the switching of the The crystal was cooled to below 4 K in a liquid helium bath
electric field gradient on a sub-nanosecond time scale, it cryostat. The frequency and intensity of the light incident
has not been possible to demonstrate CRIB without first on the sample was controlled with two acousto-optic mod-
modifying the inhomogeneous line profile of the transition ulators (AOMs) in series. A Mach-Zehnder interferometer
to create a narrow spectral feature through optical pump- arrangement with the AOMs and the sample in one arm
ing [26, 94–97, 112, 143, 177, 178]. Until samples become was employed to enable phase detection of the coherent
available with much narrower inhomogeneous linewidths emission from the sample, when required. A linear elec-
it is likely that demonstrations of CRIB in solid state sys- tric field gradient in the light propagation direction was
tems will be restricted to transitions that exhibit efficient applied to the sample using four 12 mm long, 1.7 mm di-
and long lived spectral holeburning. To date CRIB based ameter rods in a quadrupolar arrangement, as shown in
memories have been reported in two solid state systems: Fig. 12. A narrow spectral feature was produced using an
on the 7 F0 $ 5 D0 transition in Eu3+ :Y2 SiO5 [26, 111], and optical pumping procedure that consisted of burning a rela-
on the 3 H4 $1 D2 in Pr3+ :Y2 SiO5 [112]. For both these tively wide ( 4 MHz) spectral hole in the absorption line
transitions the holeburning mechanism involves optically by scanning the laser frequency. A 200 kHz wide antihole
pumping population into long lived ground state hyperfine was placed in the middle of this region by applying optical
levels. A consequence of using this spectral holeburning excitation at frequency offsets at 10.2 MHz, 27.5 MHz
mechanism, to create the required narrow feature, is that and 17.3 MHz, corresponding to the groundstate hype-
the operation of the memory is limited to a bandwidth less fine splittings.
than the hyperfine splittings, which for both crystals is of Shown in Fig. 13 is a two-level gradient echo. A 1.1 µs
the order of 10 MHz. The use of Tm3+ :Y2 O3 , where the optical input pulse excited a 200 kHz feature that had been
holeburning involves a metastable electronic state, has been broadened to 1 MHz through the application of 35 V to
proposed to avoid this problem [172]. Another alternative the electrodes. The polarity of the electrodes was reversed
would be to use the Zeeman level structure of odd-electron after a delay. The optical depth of the broadened transition
RE ions such as Neodymium [143, 169] and Erbium [195], was 0.8. The decay of the echo with increasing delay re-
where level spacings larger than 1 GHz can be obtained by flects the residual 200 kHz linewidth of the feature in zero
applying moderate magnetic fields. electric field. © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

262 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems


$p"!$c "!$r Sample


Polariser AOM3
5:95 B/S Rotator
Laser B/S
AOM1 Figure 11 (online color at:
Experimental set-up for the demonstration of two-
Mirror Double level gradient Stark echoes. Beam splitters are la-
pass AOM Local beled as B/S and acousto-optic modulators are la-
Oscillator beled as AOM.


12mm Light
Sample Propagation


Figure 12 (online color at: Experimental

set-up of the electrodes and the sample. This arrangement of the
electrodes produced a quadrupolar electric field across the sample
with an electric field gradient of 225 Vcm 2 when 35 V was 
applied to the electrodes. Figure 13 (online color at: Transmitted
and retrieved pulses stored in identically prepared atomic ensem-
bles with increasing delay times: 1.5 µsec, 2.5 µsec, 3 µsec and
7. Conclusion and outlook 4 µsec. The time axis for the traces are adjusted so that the input
pulse occurs at 0. Also shown is the unabsorbed pulse passing
through an empty spectral region of the crystal. The maximum
The development of quantum memory for quantum re- efficiency is 45%.
peaters requires experimental and theoretical skills that
stretch across a variety of intellectual and technical borders,
including quantum communication, quantum optics, and A photon-echo quantum memory represents an inter-
materials science, making it a very interesting and challeng- esting alternative to a single atomic system approach [11].
ing field to work in. The photon-echo quantum memory, Obviously, using quantum state transfer between a photon
or CRIB, employs an atomic ensemble with controlled re- and an ensemble of inhomogeneously broadened atomic
versible inhomogeneous broadening. It is thus naturally in absorbers increases the complexity of the system, and has
the direct lineage of traditional photon-echo and coherent required, and will continue to require, the development of
transient experiments that have been performed for decades, new theoretical approaches and novel experimental tools.
yet, without the added feature of controlled reversibility. This article reviews the historical development from simple
The possibility to build on this heritage greatly benefits the photon-echoes to the latest CRIB based storage of classical
development of CRIB, in particular for early tests or in the optical pulses, and puts photon-echo quantum memory into
quest to tailor, find, or create, the appropriate solid state the context of quantum repeaters. Clearly, the complexity
material, possibly rare-earth-ion doped crystals. of the system can be turned into richness in order to be

© 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

Laser & Photon. Rev. 4, No. 2 (2010) 263

controlled and used for storage or quantum state processing

purposes. Indeed, the manipulation of the inhomogeneous Mikael Afzelius, born in 1976, stud-
broadening during the photon absorption and re-emission ied Physics at Lund University. He
stage is only limited by our imagination and our ability achieved his Ph. D. on the devel-
to control the medium. Protocols that go beyond simple opment of coherent anti-Stokes Ra-
time reversal of the absorption process [99, 188, 196, 197], man spectroscopy as a measurement
combining controlled reversible inhomogeneous broaden- tool in combustion research. He
ing with other storage approaches [110, 198], and making joined the Group of Applied Physics
better use of the available atomic density for storage of (GAP) at Geneva University in 2004
multi-mode optical fields [199] are currently being devel- with a post-doc fellowship from the
oped. It is foreseeable that the high degree of quantum con- Swedish Research Council. His research activities
trol over the atom-light evolution and the high efficiency within GAP are focused on development of quantum
of these new protocols may not only allow future quantum memories and he currently holds a position of Maitre As-
information processing, but may also benefit classical data sistant.
storage and manipulation.
Thierry Chanelière, born in 1976,
Note added in Proof: One of us has recently demon- studied Physics at the Ecole Poly-
strated the possibility to store and recall time-bin qubit technique in Palaiseau, France. He
states using a photon-echo memory approach [200]. achieved his Ph. D. on Atomic
Physics at the University of Nice-
Sophia-Antipolis on laser cooling of
Acknowledgements The idea to write this review article in an atomic strontium. He worked at the
international collaboration featuring researchers from seven dif- Georgia Institute of Technology (At-
ferent groups and countries, and representing many aspects of
lanta, USA) as postdoctoral fellow.
photon-echo quantum memory, arose during a workshop in Boze-
He is now holding a position of Senior Researcher at the
man, Montana, USA in January 2008. The article is meant to
represent the entire research groups, and the authors gratefully
Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in
acknowledge the support of all colleagues without whom this France and is currently working at the Laboratoire Aimé
article would never have been possible. Cotton (Orsay, France) where is studying rare-earth ion
The authors gratefully acknowledge financial support by the
doped crystals for quantum storage application.
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
(NSERC), General Dynamics Canada, Alberta’s Informatics Cir- Rufus Cone, honored as a Fellow
cle of Research Excellence (iCORE), the Swiss NCCR Quan- of the American Physical Society
tum Photonics, the European Commission through the integrated for contributions to rare earth mate-
project QAP, the U. S. Air Force Research Laboratory (US Air rial Physics, received his Ph. D. from
Force Office of Scientific Research), the U. S. Army Research Yale University and his B. S. from
Office, the Montana Board of Research and Commercialization Georgia Tech. A Distinguished Pro-
Technology, the Royal Swedish Academy of Science, the Swedish fessor of Letters and Science at Mon-
Research Council, and the Russian Foundation for Basic Research tana State University, he is a co-
(grant no. 06021682). founder of MSU Spectrum Lab and
has been on the faculty since 1974. Cone’s group has
developed materials for spectral hole burning, spatial-
Wolfgang Tittel, born in 1970, stud- spectral holography, solid-state lasers, and quantum
ied Physics at the Johann Wolf- memory devices, characterized mechanisms of opti-
gang Goethe-University in Frankfurt cal decoherence and spectral diffusion, and frequency-
am Main (Germany). He received stabilized lasers to ultranarrow spectral holes to preci-
his Ph. D. on experimental quantum sion of a part in 1013 over ms.
communication in 2000 from the Uni-
versity of Geneva (Switzerland). Af-
ter research positions at the Universi- Stefan Kröll, born in 1956, studied
ties of Geneva, Aarhus (Denmark), Engineering Physics at Lund Uni-
and again Geneva, he joined the University of Cal- versity. He achieved his Ph. D. on
gary (Canada) as Associate Professor in 2006, where Doppler-free and time-resolved spec-
he currently holds the NSERC/GDC/iCORE Industrial troscopy for hyperfine structure and
Research Chair in Quantum Cryptography and Com- lifetime determinations of excited
munication. Dr. Tittel is also a member of the Univer- atomic states and is presently full pro-
sity’s Centre for Information Security and Cryptog- fessor of Atomic Physics at the De-
raphy, and has been Visiting Professor at the Univer- partment of Physics, Lund University.
sité Paris-Sud XI. Dr. Kröll has worked with the theory of non-linear optics © 2010 by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim

264 W. Tittel, M. Afzelius, et al.: Photon-echo quantum memory in solid state systems

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