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Gayle Genesis Laccay


Module 5
1. Plan viable sport-related leisure activities for the following tour groups. Have at least three sport-
related activities for each of the following groups and briefly discuss each activity.
(1) elementary pupils
 Dancing – most of the elementary pupils loves to dance.
 Hula hoop – exercise and fun to do.
 Football – for group of pupils that know and want to experience hard activity but enjoy to do.
(2) adventurous teens
 Paragliding - Our very own way of flying around like a bird and enjoying the beauty of nature
from the air.
 Rock climbing - Put your muscles to test with this amazing adventurous sport that will take you
to heights.
 Swimming – individual or team racing sport that requires the use of one's entire body to move
through water.
(3) newly-wed couples
 Badminton - Emotional bond gets even stronger.
 Running/Jogging – running or jogging together.
 Climbing - It will improve your flexibility and muscle tone.
(4) faculty on a team building trip
 Tug-of war - activity for team bonding, the tug-of-war is a staple activity for teams wishing to
strengthen their solidarity.
 Volleyball - is a team sport in which two teams of six players are separated by a net.
 Basketball - is a game played between two teams of five players each on a rectangular court,
usually indoors.
(5) retirees
 Golf - It’s a great way to get out and enjoy the sunshine while exercising your mind and body.
 Yoga - is one of these sports that is great for retirees or seniors. It helps improve flexibility,
balance, and strength, which are all important, not only for your physical but for your mental
health as you age.
 Nordic Walking - It’s a great way to stay in shape, burn calories, and get some fresh air.

Answer the following questions.
1. In your own words, discuss the interrelationship of recreation, leisure and physical activity.
- In my own understanding, they’re all the same activities, but recreation is for groups and hard
activities, while leisure is a soft activity and all about your own wants and needs. Then physical activity is
all about your mental and emotional health. It refers to all movement, including during recreational and
leisure time.
Module 6


A. POSTTEST. Identify what is asked or described in the following statements:
1. These are those features in a setting that define a person’s experience, such as the natural and
cultural resources, special values attached to an area, facilities, infrastructure, personnel, and
management regulations and actions.
- Recreation Resources
2. It is the prescribed number, or supply, of available visitor opportunities that will be accommodated
in a specific location and specific time.
- Visitor Capacity
3. Because not all people can be accommodated in all places, recreation planning helps to focus on the
special values and resources of a setting and to define the special niche within the larger spectrum of
recreation opportunities.
- Recreation Niche
4. It is the meaningful engagement and exchange with the public throughout the planning process which
results in a clearer definition of public values, more creative alternatives, more reasoned and reasonable
decisions, and a constituency that becomes better informed and committed to the plan and its
- Collaboration
5. Because there is no “average” recreationist, it is important to plan for and maintain a spectrum of
diverse recreation opportunities.
- Recreation Diversity
6. Recreation planning should proactively consider ways to minimize and mitigate potential social and
environmental impacts.
- Reduction of Impact
7. Good recreation planning is based upon the important judicial principles of being principled,
reasoned, reasonable, sufficient, full, fair, and preponderance of the information.
- Judicial Doctrine
8. Recreation resource planning helps to ensure that all people have an opportunity to enjoy our great
outdoors without prejudice of race, ethnicity, age, wealth, gender, beliefs, or abilities.
- Recreation Justice
9. Recreation resource planning must try to engage and hear from all the diverse publics who value the
recreation resource.
- Recreation Resource Publics
10. Some recreation uses are not compatible with other uses, and recreation planners have the
responsibility to determine what, if any, uses should be permitted, and where those activities should be
- Recreation Compatibility
11. -20. Enumerate the ten stages in leisure planning process
1. Determine council policies, goals and objectives.
2. Evaluatecurrentleisureprovisionandservices.
3. Consult widely.
4. Assess known and potential demand.
5. Determine deficiencies and surpluses.
6. Identify and assess resources available.
7. Select management approaches.
8. Produce or revise the authority’s Cultural Strategy and local leisure plan.
9. Action plan.
10. Monitor and evaluate.

1. Read the Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture Business Plan 2007 of Alberta Canada on the link
provided below (the article will be uploaded in the google classroom/ group chats). Based on your
reading and understanding, discuss the role and involvement of culture and government in planning for
recreation and leisure.

Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture Business Plan 2007 of Alberta Canada bf9cab098783/resource/76946e2d-ab8a-
484a-9fe4-0074e33c5b23/download/tprc-2007- 10.pdf

Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture

Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture provides a diverse range of programs that support a high quality
of life for Albertans, and makes Alberta an attractive tourism destination.

Based on my own reading and understanding, tourism, parks, recreation and culture business plan 2007
of Alberta Canada have core business, goals, strategies and performance measures like Provincial parks
and protected areas preserve Alberta's natural heritage and provide opportunities for outdoor
recreation and tourism, Albertans participate in sport and recreation and lead active lifestyles, Increased
growth and expansion of marketable tourism products, Increased tourism visitation in targeted
domestic and international markets, and promotion of film and television production, Cultural,
community and voluntary activities are supported, Alberta's rich heritage is valued and the province's
historical resources are preserved to enhance learning, research and tourism and Albertans participate
in the social, economic and cultural life of the province without discrimination.

I’ve learned that the 4 Core Business are Manage Alberta's provincial parks and protected areas and
promote recreational and sport opportunities, Facilitate tourism marketing, development and film
investment, Promote Alberta's rich culture, including its arts and heritage and Protect human rights,
promote diversity, fairness and access, and support the inclusion of all Albertans.

All of these is very important especially to our culture. Because of this, they can promote at maintain our
Tourism, Parks, Recreation and Culture very well.
Module 7


According to Sam Hamrick, the following are the top 3 challenges in the leisure industry. Individually
discuss why each are considered challenges and discuss how the industry can cope with these.
1. Adopting E-Commerce
- I think adopting e-commerce is a challenge in the leisure industry because most of us
have different kinds of expectations. Targeting the right customers is hard, especially
when you have not satisfied your guests or customers. Adopting e-commerce is easy
and hard at the same time, easy because the use of e-commerce right now is online, but
hard also because the advantage of this is competition and a lack of customer loyalty.
2. Developing Customer Relationship
- In my own opinion, developing customer relationships is very important though it’s
challenging because it's not easy to get along with other people or customers especially
if you don't know them well. A lot can happen if you don't understand them or if you
don't extend your patience. In a business industry, whether your job is low or high, we
all must know how to respect, understand, and accept whatever or whoever they are
because we are all equal. It's up to us if we get along well with them, because if you're
good to them, they'll be good to you.
3. Securing Investment and Funding
- For the leisure industry, securing investment and funding is important because this is
the key to ensuring success and growth. This is a challenge because when money is
being discussed, you need to be smart, ready, and alert. Aside from these, we need to
be strong-willed so that we are not afraid to take risks because we will not be successful
if we do not face the problems that come our way.

Answer the following.
1. Based on what you observe on social media or in your environment, what new/old recreation and
leisure activities have emerged/re-emerged during the covid-19 pandemic (you may identify as many as
you can)? Provide your insights as to whether these activities are considered safe, and how these can
contribute to the development of the recreation and leisure industry.
- In our generation right now, a lot of new recreation and leisure activities have emerged
like sports, games, the fine arts, painting, watching concerts, traveling, and shopping.
But at the height of COVID-19, many things were changed and plans did not go ahead. In
the past, when there was no COVID-19, even if you walked or jogged on the road or
outside your house, it was okay. Even if the children play, it's okay. But because of the
pandemic, there are many changes and many protocols that need to be followed, so
temporarily it's not possible to play outside, go to school or work, and go for a walk so
that we don't get sick or get infected with the virus. That's why the only recreational and
leisure activities that we do inside our homes are watching television, cleaning, reading,
painting, using social media, singing, dancing, etc. Now that it's normal again, you can
watch movies and concerts outside, unwind anywhere, have a picnic, and go to different
Module 8



Answer the following.
1. How important is guest activity programming? What considerations shall you take when planning for
a guest activity program?
- For me, guest activity programming is very important because it gives fun, experiences,
and memories to guests or customers. Because of these, our physical, emotional, and
mental health can be helped to be productive, happy, and forget the pains and
problems that come into our lives. The consideration that I have for a guest activity
program is that anyone can participate, even senior citizens and PWD, so that they can
be even stronger, and even if they are old and disabled, they will still enjoy it.

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