Blade Runner What It Means To Be Human

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Blade Runner: What It Means to Be Human

The media I chose is a movie named Blade Runner. The 1982 premiere of Ridley Scott's
famous science fiction movie "Blade Runner" marked its debut. The movie "Do Androids Dream
of Electric Sheep?" is based on Philip K. Dick's novel and examines the possible risks
associated with cutting-edge technologies, particularly the development of replicants and
genetic engineering.

The movie takes place in humid rainy climate changed Los Angeles in November 2019 when
artificial human adults called "replicants" come to Earth. As replicants are not allowed on Earth
anymore after some of them had attacked humans, police officers called "Blade Runners" hunt
down and kill them on Earth.

Why the technology here is dangerous:

Due to the development of sentient replicants who blur the distinction between human and
machine, the technology in "Blade Runner" is risky since it raises moral questions about how to
treat and treat them, as well as the possibility of revolt. Indistinguishable from humans, these
beings cast doubt on the idea of humanity while highlighting the unpredictable nature and
ethical ramifications of advanced biotechnology when it escapes human control, leading to a
society where life is valued less and alienation is more common. This story ultimately serves as
a warning about the dangers of using technology to manipulate life and consciousness.

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