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C2 第一题:
1. Why does the woman go to see the professor?
A. To ask if she could change the topic of her paper
B. To question a grade she received on a recent assignment
C. To discuss an outline for her memoir assignment
D. To discuss an autobiography she recently read

I am having a lot of troubles with the assignment you gave us. You know to write a short memoir?
I’ve started it like a thousand times, every time I feel like it’s terrible. I am gonna let you in on a
little secret, whenever I give an autobiographical assignment the majority of my students are
totally fine with it and can go on forever in fact. But a few, like yourself, hesitate at the idea of
having to write about themselves. At least I am not alone. So, do you think that maybe I could
write a short biography of someone else instead? No, that won’t work. I’d rather you turn in what
you thought was a poor paper about yourself, than a brilliant one about someone else.
这篇文章开头就提到了整个 conversation 要讲关于什么样的内容. 学生先提到写教授留的作
业有困难.然后学生问老师能不能写别人的传记,但是老师说不行. 所以从这里就可以知道学

错题原因: 当时听听力的时候确实听到了这段对话的内容,但是选选项的时候没有脑子里和

L2 第四题:
4. What does the professor think may be an important use of ocean-acoustics
A. It may help researchers identify mysterious sounds in other environments
B. It many provide new information about climate change
C. It may reveal a relationship between earthquakes and underwater volcanoes
D. It may help biologists track whales’ migration routes

So, Fox hypothesizes that Slowdown is coming from a glacier sliding across a piece of the
Antarctic continent. In fact, he tried to correlate the timing of the Slowdown with the occurrence
of known ice events like a huge chunk breaking off. He didn’t come up with anything. but that
doesn't necessarily mean he’s wrong. And if it is ice rubbing on land. Well, that is important
information even more important than using sound to find underwater volcanoes. It would be
further evidence that the Antarctic ice sheet is breaking up. So, the study of ocean acoustics can
add to our knowledge base of climate change.

错因: 忙着记前面的笔记没有听到最后一句话.

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