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Nombre: Diana Michelle Díaz de Sandi Almanza Matricula: 3002675

Nombre del curso: Nombre del profesor:

Negocios en el continente americano Gloria Garza Álvarez

Module 1 Assignment 3

Fecha: September 14, 2023

 Title. (s. f.).
 Business practices in Mexico - (s. f.).
MindTools | Home. (s. f.).

1. Do some research on the main characteristics of both Latin and Anglo cultures
and make a mind map based on your findings (differences and similarities). It is
mandatory to at least use two references from 2018 or more recent.

English is the most widely spoken language in Anglo-America, a cultural region of

North America whose folkways and traditions historically were those of northern
Europe. It includes the majority of North America, with the significant exception of
French-speaking Canada. The phrase also refers to a region in North America that is
not Latin, Spanish, or Ibero-America (which includes Middle and South America) but
has strong Hispanic traditions and heritage. The term "Anglo" now refers to a white,
English-speaking North American as opposed to one who is of Latin American
2. Think about your local business environment and look for six typical
situations where these characteristics may play an important role in
business communications.

3. Design a solution strategy or intervention to deal with the cultural conflict in

each of those six situations. You may use Hofsted's cultural dimensions.

Power Distance
It expresses how our society feels about the fact that not all people in civilizations are
formed equally. This dimension deals with the issue of this inequality. "Power distance"
refers to the extent to which members of institutions and organizations within a society
assume and accept that power is distributed unfairly.

IN MEXICO: High reliance is an example because instructions or subordinates anticipate

being informed what you must perform.

STRATEGY SOLUTION: There are more incentives for employees who are productive,
the work is standardized, and there is standard manual labor.

The degree of dependency that a society upholds among its members is the key issue
that this dimension addresses. People are just meant to care for their own family and
themselves in individual cultures. People join "in groups" in collective societies, and in
exchange for their devotion, these groups look out for them.

IN MEXICO: When it comes to a corporation or even school, people tend to be a little

selfish about how the work would get done, each member chooses a task and if someone
needs help or its too much for them, they won’t offer help.

STRATEGY SOLUTION: Develop trust. The key component of teamwork is trust.

encourages a community where everyone feels a feeling of belonging and is aware of
one other's abilities, duties, and responsibilities.
For example, in business, men typically hold top command or hierarchical positions, even
though women possess the same abilities and experience and are self-employed like

STRATEGY SOLUTION: Companies could change their work environments to increase

gender equity as a solution method or intervention.

Uncertainty Avoidance Index

The score on uncertainty avoidance reflects the degree to which the people of a culture
feel threatened by ambiguous or unknown situations and have developed beliefs and
institutions that attempt to avoid these.

IN MEXICO: There is some uncertainty in Mexico, for example, when the dollar increases
against the Mexican peso, Mexicans feel frightened because they do not know whether
fundamental consumer products would be equally accessible because there is no
structure in place to protect these.
STRATEGY SOLUTION: There are strategies that aid in sustaining accessible pricing,
whether it is price rises that have income increases, and serve as a backup mechanism
for social protection.

Long versus Short term Orientation

This dimension explains how different cultures prioritize these two existential aims
differently and how each society must keep some ties to its own past while addressing
the issues of the present and the future. Typical societies. Which, for instance, with poor
scores on this dimension like to uphold long-standing customs and standards while being
wary of society change.

IN MEXICO: Education is not given enough resources to use and support, despite being
a tool to excel in many ways, and this is the most obvious example.

STRATEGY SOLUTION: Enhance teachers, the Mexican educational system, and the
delivery of high-quality services. Encourage their growth at all levels of education.
Indulgence versus Restraint
Based on how they were raised, this dimension is characterized as the degree to which
individuals attempt to regulate their impulses and inclinations. "Indulgence" and
"Restraint" are terms for comparatively strong and poor control, respectively. Therefore,
cultures might be categorized as indulgent or restrained.

IN MEXICO: how bullying has evolved in Mexico into a form of entirely unrestrained
aggressiveness, particularly among children because many of them come from violent
homes where values aren't upheld.

STRATEGY SOLUTION: In order to build a more compassionate society, organizations

should strengthen their values, particularly in families and schools.


People's communication styles and, more significantly, their preferences are influenced
by their cultural background. Businesses are ingrained in the culture of their native
country, and even global corporations leave their own distinct cultural imprint wherever
they open shop.

While still being aware of our own business culture and personal attitudes, it is important
to learn as much as we can about the culture of the country we are targeting before
traveling there. Contrary to what is happening in the US and Canada, Latin America's
middle class is expanding, which may indicate a perfect balance with a robust regional

Latin America underwent a wide range of changes toward an open market economy, while
political disasters may completely reverse that. If the trend continues, there will be more
and more economic prospects for Mexican companies to partner with foreign investors or
invest abroad, and you'll probably be in charge of making that happen.

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