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Draft Resolution “The Birth of Venus”

Committee: Commission on the Status of Women

Signatories: The Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, the Commonwealth of
Australia, the Commonwealth of Bahamas, the Republic of Cuba, French
Republic, State of Israel, the Republic of Italy, United Mexican States, the
Kingdom of Norway, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Republic of
Singapore, the Republic of Sudan, United States of America
Sponsors: The Commonwealth of Australia, United Mexican States, Kingdom
of Norway, the Republic of Singapore

The General Assembly,

Acknowledging the past actions made by the French Republic but working with them in order to
liberate them and make them less restrictive and more holistic putting in priority the integrity of

Bearing in mind that religion is not the only problem and we have constant harassment around the
globe such as disparities in sports, workplaces, pageants and even prisons,

Believing in fighting for women to choose what to wear depending on their necessities and their
decision-making for them to become the leaders of their life,

Aiming for inclusivity in diverse aspects of clothing, such as fashion events, sport uniforms, dress
code, beauty contests, among others,

1. Proposes the “Hadid” plan, that will have as a main objective to normalize and destigmatize
clothing option in women to repel discrimination against them, it will consist on a
collaboration with the most influential clothing brands in order to produce and promote these
types of clothing in mediatic stages of our present society with spokespersons, by:
a. Negotiating with these enterprises with specialized agents in international relations
and showing the reality of this situation is worrying,
i. The types of clothing will be promoted in formal and sports attire,
ii. We will enhance ties with the enterprises and give them adequate measures to
proceed and enhance marketing,
iii. Also promoting beliefs and religion and showing that is way apart from
cultural appropriation and it is cultural appreciation,
b. Working with relations with the multinational corporations dedicated on clothing
proposing this voluntary initiative of inclusion between religious attire by knowledge
sharing and capacity building to facilitate the process including a stakeholder
engagement to better address and understand this issue, this engagement can help in
developing inclusive policies and practices that promote diversity, respect and
understanding concluding on more representation on this attire,
i. We will work with enterprises such as Nike, Uniqlo, H&M, among others,
which have demonstrated to take a step forward in religious and cultural
inclusion by featuring clothing and models from diverse backgrounds,
ii. To implement this on conservative countries we will develop a compelling
case that highlights the benefits of these clothing inclusions, as well as
emphasizing the mutual market and consumer basis,
c. Implementing diverse designers and the previous clothing made in media works such
as the Met Gala, Miss Universe and The Oscars for them to demonstrate the variety of
culture and clothing that there is, these designers will include a wider range of models
that will carry out their masterpieces, this will have the scope of normalizing and not
only implementing these types of clothing that are seen as prejudices,
i. Studies will be applied to determine the convincement of the designers and of
course, credits will be given to them for their career to boost up,
ii. We will ask for permission for the delegates in order for them to wear this
clothing and encourage them by showing them what their micro efforts can
turn into,
iii. In collaboration with social media, we will provide the social media we got in
order to boost the content of our effects,
d. Incentivizing the creation of a runway embracing women’s beauty and showing them
the variety of looks that they can have, specific locations will be provided where
integrity is preserved, it will be guided by specialized agents in fashion and event
planning and will be organized by Fashion Takes Action;

2. Suggests the “Clothes by Choice” plan that focuses on two main goals:
a. Possibility to choice,
i. In cooperation with the International Olympic Committee and other
international federations of different sports to include and allow female
athletes to be able to wear different presentations of sports uniforms
depending on their necessities, these new uniforms must include the option to
wear, head-coverings, long sleeves, long pants, and shorts,
ii. As well as dress codes in workplaces and schools, must take into
consideration a person’s religion, disabilities, medical condition,
iii. Hence, it should not prohibit head coverings or clothes used to cover
women’s skin or body shape, forced accessor that might aggravate any
medical condition, for example, high heels can possibly aggravate a foot
iv. This plan was created with the intention to respect every religion, without
imposing it or forbidden it,
v. As well as allowing women to have new alternative of clothing in order for
them to be more comfortable,
vi. Show its discomfort towards the sexualization of women clothing, which in
some cases are unnecessary short or thigh,
b. Raising awareness by creating campaigns that will be broadcast on government
channels and social media,
i. Promoting respect and tolerance between religion,
ii. Teaching children that, religion must be respected even though you disagree
with their beliefs, no one should imposed a religion on you if you don’t want
to and no one should forced you to wear clothes that make you
c. This will be funded by,
i. Different organization of the UN, such as the Australia’s Human Right
ii. NGOs that seek for gender equality, such as Women’s Sport Foundation,
Young Women’s Christian Organisation (YWCA), among others;

3. Encourages the “Safe Workplace” communication seminars, financed and supervised by the
French state, whose primary goal is to ensure a safe workspace whose dress code policies can
adjust to everyone’s needs, by focussing on organizing campaigns and courses to:
a. Provide companies and employers who allow and adapts different religious and
medical accommodations for their employers,
b. Educate others on the issue, especially employees, to speak up about inequality and
mistreatment in the company regarding their clothes and health so these can be
c. This organization will initially be regional, but it could also expand worldwide;

4. Recommends the “N°5” project as a complements the French burqa ban and has two main
pillars which focuses on protecting muslim women and ensuring they are accepted in society,
as well as normalizing and destigmatizing due to the past actions, by:
a. Educating people about cultural and religious attire, as well as the misconception that
all Muslmim Women are oppressed and eradicating the prejudice religious
communities have on women’s clothes,
b. Suggesting regulations and legislations that,
i. Limit what goes against someone’s physical or psychological integrity and
should not be permitted, such as microaggressions and harassment because of
their clothes,
ii. This way, people can practice their beliefs and express themselves safely, and
the problem of discrimination and persecution will be cut at its root and not
just avoided;

5. Calls upon the implementation of the “OSLO” initiative which aims to have a progressive
change in policy and laws regarding clothing restrictions by region-specific, expert-carried
bi-annual workshops towards government officials,
a. Through the use of triangular cooperation, between each nations women’s ministries,
the CSW and NGOs,
b. Content of each workshop will differ in each region, in order to softly tackle the issue
by introducing policies in a non-invasive way, always respecting their culture and
religious ideologies,
c. Experts on gender studies will be responsible to outline the content for the
workshops, previously supervised by the CSW;

6. Reminds the implementation of the “Free to Compete” plan that aims to meet with the
organizers of the sports competition to address the issue of sexist and culturally exclusive
sportswear through:
a. Recruiting two women athletes from every region to recollect data on the complaints
and alternative proposals of change within the uniform restrictions,
b. Proposing inclusive guidelines to promote commodity of athletes within the
competition, and lower levels of harassment within the event,
c. Engage in multi-stakeholder collaboration with private sportswear entities to create
alternative uniforms to be proposed within the dialogue;

7. Considers the implementation of “Fashion Freedom Foundation” plan, a foundation made

to encourage different nations government to allow their citizens to dress freely by:
a. Getting the support of other organizations like UN WOMEN,
b. Implementing education by making campaigns like the DHUW (Dress How You
c. Get involved with feminists and specialists on the topic to help us educate and be
more educated ourselves;

8. Highly Encourages the “Isla Mujeres” campaign, which promotes awareness regarding
victim blaming through three main phases:
a. Understanding: explains why the clothing women wear does not matter when it
comes to investigating a sexual abuse case by sharing stories of victims who were
affected by this,
b. Eradicating Stereotypes: promotes a positive effect of social networks when it comes
to how society views clothing for men or women,
c. New Mentality: does further research on how the pandemic has affected the way of
thinking of the countries and provides recommendations if there have been any
adverse effects;

9. Presents the plan “Gender Equality” campaign to promote education and the 5th Global
sustainable development:
a. Encouraging to make uniforms optional, let the children show their identity from
know, so knew generations would start having a more open mind,
b. Class sessions to parents, so they understand the meaning of the “gender equality”, in
this way parents would help their children social education,
c. This phases would be applied slowly, because the pressure would not help the
changing if the countries want to change for good forever there is need to make the
process slowly, 6 years totally, 3 years to applied the phases and 3 other years to help
the progress;

10. Further invites the implementation of the Clothes Are For Everyone (CAFE) plan which
seeks to foster a society that respects individual autonomy and promotes gender equality by
following two main pillars:
a. Review and reformation of existing laws, ensuring that the legal framework upholds
gender equality and respects individuals' rights to make autonomous decisions
regarding their clothing choices,
b. Emotional support, through safe spaces, counseling services and legal assistance to
women who face discrimination or restrictions due to their attire;

11. Decides to remain seized on the matter.

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