07 24 13 01 EIFS TG Final Reced 053117 From H Roche

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Technical Guide for “Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS)

Class PB”

MasterFormat: 07 24 13.01

Prepared by:

Canadian Construction Materials Centre

N.B. This Technical Guide was prepared under contract by CCMC for the evaluation of “Exterior
Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) Class PB.” The technical requirements and performance
criteria it contains are not valid for the evaluation of other products unless verified by CCMC
under separate contract.

Original Author: Fadi Nabhan

Current Author: Fadi Nabhan

Issue Date: 1995-05-19 © National Research Council Canada

Technical Update: 2016-12-24 Ottawa, World Rights Reserved
Administrative Update: 2016-12-24
Version (No): 06
Table of Contents
1.0 Purpose ........................................................................................................................... 1
2.0 Scope .............................................................................................................................. 1
2.1 Conditions and Limitations ................................................................................. 2
3.0 Code Compliance ............................................................................................................ 5
3.1 National Building Code 2015 Compliance .........................................................5
3.2 Other Codes Compliance (if applicable) ............................................................ 6
4.0 Referenced Documents .................................................................................................. 6
4.1 ASTM International (ASTM) ............................................................................... 6
4.2 Canadian Standards Association (CSA) ............................................................ 7
4.3 Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment ..................................................7
4.4 European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA) ..................................7
4.5 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) .........................................7
4.6 Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC) ....................................................7
5.0 Definitions and Terminology ........................................................................................... 8
6.0 Sampling, Testing and Reporting .................................................................................... 9
6.1 Sampling Procedure........................................................................................... 9
6.2 Testing ............................................................................................................... 9
6.3 Reporting ............................................................................................................ 10
6.3.1 Test Report(s) ....................................................................................... 10
6.3.2 Engineering Report(s), Analysis, etc. (if applicable) .............................10
7.0 Required Documentation ................................................................................................ 11
7.1 General .............................................................................................................. 11
7.2 Installation Manual ............................................................................................. 12
7.2.1 Purpose ................................................................................................. 12
7.2.2 Content .................................................................................................. 12
8.0 Technical Requirements ................................................................................................. 12
8.1 NBC 2015 Compliance Requirements ............................................................... 12
8.1.1 Product Identification Tests ................................................................... 12
8.1.2 Material Requirements .......................................................................... 13
8.1.3 Suitability of the Complete System .......................................................23
8.1.4 Fire Protection Requirements ............................................................... 24
8.2 Provincial and Territorial and other Code Compliance Requirements (if
applicable) .......................................................................................................... 24
8.3 Additional Health and Safety Requirements (if applicable) ...............................25
8.4 Optional Requirements (if applicable) ................................................................ 25
Appendix A − Codes and Standards Referenced Herein May be Purchased .............................26
Appendix B − Testing Agencies ................................................................................................... 28
Appendix C − Quality Assurance Program .................................................................................. 31
Appendix D − Installation Manual ................................................................................................ 32
Appendix E − Joint Disruption Resistance Test of WRB ............................................................. 33
Appendix F − Resistance of WRB to Relaxation under Environmental Cycling Condition Test
(Wood Substrates) .......................................................................................................... 36

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Appendix G − Water Transmission Resistance Test ................................................................... 40
Appendix H − Water Absorption Coefficient WRB ....................................................................... 42
Appendix I − Nail Popping Resistance Test ................................................................................. 46
Appendix J − Adhesion Strength Test Method ............................................................................ 49
Appendix K − Glass Fibre Reinforcement (Test Parameters)......................................................54
Appendix L − Durability of EIFS Cladding under Cyclic Environmental Conditions ....................59
Appendix M − Drainage Capacity ................................................................................................ 72
Appendix N − Wind Load Resistance Test .................................................................................. 80

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1.0 Purpose

The proponent sought the CCMC opinion to determine if “Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems
(EIFS) Class PB” (“the product”) will achieve at least the minimum level of performance
required by Division B of the National Building Code (NBC) of Canada 2015 in the areas defined
by the objectives and functional statements attributed to the applicable acceptable cladding

A successful evaluation conforming to this Technical Guide will result in a published CCMC
Evaluation Report for the evaluated product. The evaluation will only be applicable to products
bearing the proper identification of the CCMC evaluation number (see Appendix B.2).

2.0 Scope

This Technical Guide describes the technical requirements and performance criteria for the
assessment of “Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) Class PB,” cladding, consisting of
prefabricated panels or panels constructed on-site for use as cladding systems.

“Exterior Insulation and Finish Systems (EIFS) Class PB,” falling under the scope of the present
Guide, includes a second plane of protection consisting of a drained air space capillary break that
is provided through a geometrically defined and/or notch troweled drainage medium, and a water
resistive barrier (WPB) applied over the acceptable substrates.

The evaluation to this CCMC Technical Guide covers in scope applications in coastal and non-
coastal areas. Coastal areas are defined in the NBC 2015 as areas where:

• The number of degree-days is less than 3 400 and the moisture index is greater than 0.90;
• The number of degree-days is 3 400 or more, and the moisture index is greater than 1.0.

The product is a non-loadbearing exterior wall cladding intended to be used on specific

substrates1 with a weather resistive barrier (WRB) and drainage that is achieved through
geometrically defined and/or notch troweled drainage mediums.2

The EIFS consists of the following components:

• trowel, roll or spray applied WPB;3

• rigid EPS insulation board;4
• adhesive5 for the attachment of the insulation board to the substrate;
• woven glass fabric reinforcement mesh;
• polymer base coat embedding the reinforcing mesh; and
• textured finish coat.

Note 1: The substrate can be brick, masonry, monolithic concrete walls, and/or cementitious
panels, glass mat surfaced gypsum boards, plywood or oriented strandboard (OSB)
installed over wood or steel framing. The acceptable substrates need to have a cohesive
strength greater or equal to 0.25 MPa.

Note 2: The drainage capacity of the system depends on the intended and incidental gaps that
exist behind the exterior foam insulation. The ability of the system to drain moisture
implies that there must be provisions for flashing and weep holes (or gaps) to lead rain
or condensed water to the exterior.

Note 3: The water resistive barrier must be installed in a two-coat application.

Note 4: The insulation could also be mineral fibre that is adhered to the water resistive barrier
and has a cohesive strength greater or equal to 0.08 MPa. A proponent wishing to
evaluate adhered mineral wool insulation within a particular system may do so subject to
pre-notification and approval by CCMC.

Note 5: Mechanically attached EIFS are subject to additional specific requirements that are
outside the scope of the present Guide. A proponent wishing to evaluate such systems
may do so subject to pre-notification to CCMC and to requirements that would be
stipulated outside the scope of the present Guide.

2.1 Conditions and Limitations

The following list of conditions and limitations applies to the evaluation of the EIFS. The list is
not exhaustive, additional conditions and limitations may be considered by CCMC during the
evaluation of the product:

• The product is intended to be used as an exterior insulation and finish wall system
applied directly to vertical walls of brick, masonry, monolithic concrete walls, and/or
cementitious, glass mat surfaced gypsum, plywood or OSB sheathing boards installed
over wood or steel framing.
• Gaps between the sheathing boards of framed walls must not exceed 3.2 mm.
• The product is acceptable for use on new and existing exterior, vertical walls. The system
is not acceptable for use on horizontal surfaces. (Note: The present limitation doesn’t
include protected soffit applications.)
• When the product is part of a prefabricated panel system that incorporates structural
components, the prefabricated panel system must be designed by a professional engineer
or architect in accordance with the manufacturer’s criteria and the requirements of the
NBC 2015.
• When the product is part of a prefabricated panel system that incorporates structural
components, the prefabricated panel system must be designed by a professional engineer
or architect in accordance with the manufacturer’s criteria and the requirements of the
NBC 2015.
• The product is not suitable for use as a structural sheathing for bracing purposes.
• The product is not intended for use as a below-grade insulation and should terminate at
least 200 mm above grade level.
• When used in coastal areas for residential occupancies for buildings falling under the
scope of Part 9 of Division B of the NBC 2015, the product must be installed in
conjunction with a capillary break conforming to Clause and Sentence

TG 07 24 13.01
-3-, Minimum Protection from Precipitation Ingress, of Division B of the NBC

2015. Coastal areas are defined in the NBC 2015 in Sentence
• When used in non-coastal areas for residential occupancies for buildings falling under the
scope of Part 9 of Division B of the NBC 2015, the product must be installed in
accordance with Article, Application, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
• The WRB coating must be installed in a two-coat application in which each coat must
have sufficient time to cure before the second coat is applied.
• The use of the product is limited to geographical areas where the Q 50 wind design value
is less than the maximum pressure at which the system has been tested.
• The possibility of moisture accumulation within the wall construction can occur if the
wall assembly is not able to deflect water entry, the physical properties of the cladding
being installed and its impact on the thermal, and air leakage and vapour diffusion
characteristics of the existing wall. The potential of moisture accumulation as a result of
the addition of materials is very specific to the existing wall construction being
retrofitted. Therefore, it must be in accordance with Appendix Note A-,
Application (Environmental Separation), of Division B of the NBC 2015.
• When the product is used in new construction, the design of the inboard/outboard
insulation of the systems must be in accordance with the requirements of Article, Position of Low Permeance Materials, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
• When the product is used in retrofit construction, the addition of thermal insulation onto
existing exterior walls will increase the thermal efficiency and airtightness of the wall.
Deficiencies in flashing and other elements in the building assembly, including
mechanical systems, may result in detrimental effects of moisture accumulation as
highlighted in Appendix Note A-, Loose-Fill Insulation in Existing Wood-
Frame Walls, of Division B of the NBC 2015. As a result, existing exterior walls that are
intended to be retrofitted with EIFS must meet the requirements of the NBC 2015 for
heat transfer, air leakage and condensation control.
• The product can provide additional thermal insulation to the wall assembly in retrofit
construction with no detrimental effects if properly designed and installed with
knowledge of the existing wall configuration and performance.
• The product alone may not provide the full amount of the required wall insulation. The
thermal resistance of the wall system must conform to the energy requirements of the
applicable building code. The wall system may have to conform to the National Energy
Code of Canada for Buildings 2011.
• When used in combustible and noncombustible construction, the polystyrene insulation
must be protected from the inside of the building in accordance with Clauses, Protection of Foamed Plastics, and, Protection of Foamed
Plastics, and Sentence, Combustible Insulation, of Division B of the NBC
• The product should be kept at least 50 mm, or as required in building regulations and
safety codes, from heat-emitting devices, such as recessed light fixtures and chimneys.
• The requirements of the NBC 2015 regarding fire stops must be implemented.
• The polystyrene thermal insulation boards must be in conformance with the requirements
of CAN/ULC S 701-11.

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• The polystyrene thermal insulation boards must be cut from moulded blocks
manufactured using 100% virgin raw materials.
• The polystyrene thermal insulation boards must be in conformance with the dimensional
tolerances specified in Section B2.2 of CAN/ULC S 701.1-17, formerly CAN/ULC S
• The polystyrene thermal insulation blocks, before cutting into insulation boards that
would be used in EIFS applications, must be aged in conformance with Section B2.2 of
CAN/ULC S 701.1-17, formerly CAN/ULC S 701.
• The polystyrene thermal insulation boards must have a flame-spread rating of not more
than 500 when tested in accordance with the requirements of CAN/ULC-S102.2-10,
“Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Coverings, and
Miscellaneous Materials and Assemblies.”
• Expansion joints are required to be carried through the cladding to accommodate
expansion and contraction of building materials due to thermal changes, moisture, wind,
gravity, vibration and seismic activity. Expansion joints in the cladding must be used in
the following situations:
◦ at joints that occur in the substrate;
◦ at any abutment of the system with other materials;
◦ where changes in substrate may create deflection or movement;
◦ where significant structural movement occurs;
◦ where deflections in excess of L/240 are expected; and
◦ at the floor line in wood-frame construction, which may not be required where fully
engineered framing and floor systems are used.
• Closed cell backer rods should be used at expansion joints so that the low modulus
sealant may be installed as per the sealant manufacturer’s instructions.
• The product must be installed according to the manufacturer’s installation manual, by a
trained applicator possessing a valid manufacturer’s certificate for the system that is
being installed.
• Wet materials must be applied at temperatures above 4°C and maintained above 4°C for a
period not less than 24 hours. The substrate must be maintained above 4°C for a period
not less than 24 hours. Cool and humid climatic conditions may extend drying time
beyond 24 hours. Temporary protection and heat must be provided during colder
conditions. Materials must be stored at temperatures between 5°C and 32°C. Previously
frozen materials must not be used.
• Wet finished surfaces must be protected from rain and wind-driven moisture until the
materials have set and hardened.
• The product must be installed with suitable flashing to drain any incidental water from
the drainage cavity to the exterior and to protect the exposed top edge of the cladding.
Cap flashing must be installed immediately after completion of the finish coat or
temporary protection must be provided.
• Glass mat gypsum sheathing must be in compliance with the requirements of ASTM
C1177-08/C1177M-13, “Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing,” or have
been evaluated by the CCMC.
• Specification of surface sealers must be provided by the manufacturer.

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• OSB sheathing boards used in conjunction with the systems must comply with the
requirements of CSA 0437 SERIES-93 (R2011), “OSB and Waferboard”; Plywood
sheathing boards, CSA O121-08 “Douglas Fir Plywood”; CSA O151-M1978, “Canadian
Softwood Plywood”; CSA O153-M1980 (R2008), “Poplar Plywood” or CSA O325.0-07,
“Construction Sheathing.” The OSB and/or plywood sheathing boards must have a
minimum thickness of 11.1 mm and 12.7 mm, respectively. The boards must have their
principal strength direction across the studs, must be continuously supported by framing
and must be gapped at least 2 mm and not more than 3 mm.
• OSB and/or plywood sheathing boards used in conjunction with the product must be
fastened to the framing in conformance with Article, Fasteners for Sheathing or
Subflooring, of Division B of the NBC 2015.
• The product that is intended for use over wood must have the moisture content of lumber
and/or wood sheathing not greater than 19% at the time of the application of the water
resistive barrier.
• The drained air space (geometrically defined and/or by notched trowel) must remain
unobstructed so as to form a clear drainage cavity behind the insulation boards.
Additionally, it must terminate in such a way as not to obstruct the dissipation of
incidental rainwater to the exterior.

3.0 Code Compliance

3.1 National Building Code 2015 Compliance

The requirements and criteria referenced herein were developed to evaluate the
performance of the product with respect to its compliance with the NBC 2015:

• Clause, Division A, as an acceptable solution from Division B*:

◦ Subsection 5.9.4., Exterior Insulation Finish Systems**
◦ Clause, Insulation Materials (Thermal Insulation, Polystyrene,
Boards and Pipe Covering)
◦ Clause, Insulation Materials (Mineral Fibre Thermal Insulation for
◦ Sentence, General (Cladding, Application)
◦ Article, Minimizing and Preventing Ingress and Damage
◦ Clause, Minimum Protection from Precipitation Ingress
◦ Sentence, First and Second Plane of Protection
◦ Article, Elements of the Second Plane of Protection
◦ Subsection 9.27.13., Exterior Insulation Finish Systems

* Compliance to the fire requirement of the NBC 2015 would be reflected in the related
CCMC’s evaluation report based on substantiation of evidence of meeting the related

** Conformance to Subsection 5.9.4. is limited to systems meeting, as a minimum, the

requirements of Clause, and Article, Materials, of the NBC 2015.

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3.2 Other Codes Compliance (if applicable)

At this time, CCMC has not been requested to evaluate the product against codes other
than NBC.

4.0 Referenced Documents

4.1 ASTM International (ASTM)

ASTM B117-16 Standard Practice for Operating Salt Spray (Fog)

ASTM C1177/C1177M-04e1 Standard Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum
Substrate for Use as Sheathing
ASTM C1338-14 Standard Test Method for Determining Fungi
Resistance of Insulation Materials and Facings
ASTM D1623-09 Standard Test Method for Tensile and Tensile
Adhesion Properties of Rigid Cellular Plastics
ASTM D5034-09(2013) Standard Test Method for Breaking Strength and
Elongation of Textile Fabrics (Grab Test)
ASTM D5035-11(2015) Standard Test Method for Breaking Force and
Elongation of Textile Fabrics (Strip Method)
ASTM D5420-16 Standard Test Method for Impact Resistance of Flat,
Rigid Plastic Specimen by Means of a Striker
Impacted by a Falling Weight (Gardner Impact)
ASTM D5651-13 Standard Test Method for Surface Bond Strength of
Wood-Based Fibre and Particle Panel Materials
ASTM E74-13a Standard Practice of Calibration of Force-Measuring
Instruments for Verifying the Force Indication of
Testing Machines
ASTM E96/E96M-16 Standard Test Methods for Water Vapour
Transmission of Materials
ASTM E330/E330M-14 Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of
Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and Curtain
Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
ASTM E331-00(2016) Standard Test Method for Water Penetration of
Exterior Windows, Skylights, Doors, and Curtain
Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference
ASTM E1131-08(2014) Standard Test Method for Compositional Analysis by
ASTM E1252-98(2013)e1 Standard Practice for General Techniques for
Obtaining Infrared Spectra for Qualitative Analysis
ASTM G155-13 Standard Practice for Operating Xenon Arc Light
Apparatus for Exposure of Non-Metallic Materials

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4.2 Canadian Standards Association (CSA)

CAN/CSA-O121-M1978 Douglas Fir Plywood

CAN/CSA-O151-M1978 Canadian Softwood Plywood
CAN/CSA-O153-M1980(R2008) Poplar Plywood
CAN/CSA-O325.0-92 Construction Sheathing
CAN/CSA-437.0-93 OSB and Waferboard

4.3 Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment

CSTBat RT 24/01 Certificat CSTBat (Treillis Textiles Pour Enduits De


4.4 European Organisation for Technical Approvals (EOTA)

ETAG 004 European Organisation for Technical Approvals,

Edition March 2000

4.5 International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

ISO 9001:2000 Quality management – Requirements

ISO 15148:2002 Hygrothermal performance of building materials and
products – Determination of water absorption
coefficient by partial immersion

4.6 Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada (ULC)

CAN/ULC-S101-07 Standard Methods of Fire Endurance Tests of

Building Construction and Materials
CAN/ULC-S102.2-10 Method of Test for Surface Burning Characteristics
of Flooring, Floor Coverings, and Miscellaneous
Materials and Assemblies
CAN/ULC-S114-05 Standard Method of Test for Determination of Non-
Combustibility in Building Materials
CAN/ULC-S134-13 Standard Method for Fire Test of Exterior Wall
CAN/ULC-S701-11 Standard for Thermal Insulation Polystyrene, Boards
and Pipe Covering
CAN/ULC-S702-09 Standard for Thermal Insulation Mineral Fibre for
CAN/ULC-742-11 Standard for Air Barrier Assemblies − Specification

For a list of where to purchase these documents, see Appendix A.

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5.0 Definitions and Terminology

Adhesive – a product for adhering the insulation board to the substrate. (Note: As the water
resistive barrier is presently required as part of the system, the definition of adhesive includes the
product adhering to that barrier.)

Adhered system – an EIF system where the connection to the substrate is achieved by adhesion.

Base coat (Class PB) – a 1.6 mm to 2.5 mm coating applied directly to the insulation board. This
coating must fully embed the mesh so that the mesh has no contact with the insulation at the
bottom and the finish coat at the top. (It is the primary barrier to water penetration.)

Cladding – an external non-loadbearing vertical covering to the building’s exterior and installed
over a substrate material.

Exterior Insulation and Finish System (EIFS) – a non-loadbearing wall cladding system
comprised of a water resistive barrier (WRB), an adhesive for attachment of the thermal
insulation board to the WRB, rigid thermal insulation board, a glass fibre reinforcing mesh
embedded in a base coat on the face of the thermal insulation board and a finish coat.

Finish coat – the outermost and final coat applied over the base coat. (This coat gives the wall its
colour and texture, exclusive of sealers and paints.)

Installation manual – a document governing all aspects of application, installation and


Lamina – the EIFS composite layer consisting of the base coat, reinforcing mesh and finish coat.

Mechanical fasteners – means to fasten insulation board to the building structure, as offered by
certain manufacturers.

Mechanically fixed system – an EIFS where the connection to the substrate is provided by
mechanical fixings. Such systems may or may not include supplementary bonding by an
adhesive. (This type of system is outside of the scope of this Technical Guide.)

Performance requirements – the actual requirements that a product must meet, which closely
simulates the pattern of exposure and/or load behaviours in the course of its intended use service

Prescriptive requirements – requirements of physical properties characterizing specific elements,

components or individual materials.

Proponent – the manufacturer of a system or its sole Canadian distributor.

Recognized laboratory – a laboratory complying with the CCMC Laboratory Recognition


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Reinforcement mesh – a woven glass fabric properly treated for compatibility with the coating
system in which it is embedded to improve its mechanical strength.

Substrate – existing material to which components of the EIFS are adhered or mechanically

Water absorption coefficient – the mass of water absorbed by a test specimen per unit area and
per square root of time.

Water resistive barrier (WRB) – a troweled, rolled or spray-applied membrane having a low
liquid-water absorption coefficient, that is applied over the substrate to prevent water penetration
into the wall assembly, and which forms, in conjunction with the appropriate flashing and
drainage, the second plane of protection.

6.0 Sampling, Testing and Reporting

6.1 Sampling Procedure

The proponent must arrange for an independent third-party organization acceptable to

CCMC to obtain a random selection of samples from the production line or main storage
facility as indicated in the covering letter.

The organization performing the product sampling must clearly identify the samples and
produce a report providing detailed information on the material sampling (sampling date,
method of sampling, sites where sampling was performed and sample reference
number/identification). The identified samples must be forwarded directly to the testing
laboratory by the proponent or the sampling organization.

If sampling is to be performed at more than one storage facility, additional material will
need to be sampled for fingerprint testing to confirm that it is the same product that has
been sampled at the different storage facilities. The proponent must obtain information
from CCMC on the required fingerprint testing that needs to be carried out by the testing

If several plants manufacture this product, samples from each facility are required. The
proponent must cover the costs of the material sampling and authorize the sampling
organization to forward the original sampling report directly to CCMC. The submitted
report is retained by CCMC.

The proponent must also authorize the sampling organization to forward a copy of the
sampling report directly to the testing laboratory so that the identification of the samples
it received can be verified and reported in the test report.

6.2 Testing

Testing must be performed at a recognized laboratory as indicated in the covering letter.

When CCMC protects a technical guide for a proponent, the proponent is also advised to
control the Guide’s dissemination. The proponent must provide copies of the complete

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Technical Guide, including appendices, to each testing laboratory to obtain information

regarding fees and the number of samples required for testing in accordance with the

The proponent must cover the costs of testing and authorize the testing organization to
forward the original test report for each sample directly to CCMC. The submitted test
reports are retained by CCMC.

Information on the CCMC policy on Laboratory Recognition is available at


6.3 Reporting

6.3.1 Test Report(s)

The following information must be provided by testing laboratories in report(s) intended

for CCMC evaluation purposes:

• detailed information on material sampling identification, including the date the

samples were received;
• the start and end date(s) of test(s);
• detailed specimen preparation methods (if other than specified in the test method,
standard or Technical Guide);
• test procedure identification, including:
◦ any deviations from the referenced test procedure,
◦ reasons for the deviations,
◦ additional instrumentation requirements, and
◦ photos;
• all information mentioned in the reporting section of the referenced standards or
standard test methods;
• test results (table format, if appropriate), including:
◦ written explanations to account for any discrepancies;
• a concluding statement on the product’s performance with respect to the testing
performed and the results obtained;
• the test report should contain detailed observations, including photographs if
applicable, describing the performance of the product and any comments the testing
laboratory wishes to include. In the case of a revised test report, the document should
contain a clear description of why the report was revised and what the revisions
entailed; and
• the report should include the statement: “Tested for CCMC Evaluation Purposes.”

6.3.2 Engineering Report(s), Analysis, etc. (if applicable) Worst-case Scenario Report

In an attempt to reduce the number of test iterations that would be required to include a
series of products/systems having similarities in composition application, etc., under one
Evaluation Report, particularly to reduce the number of full-scale tests, such as the

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durability of the EIFS cladding under cyclic environmental conditions test, wind load
resistance test, etc., an analysis of the manufacturer’s EIFS systems and components
could be carried out by CCMC in an attempt to determine potential worst-case scenarios,
and the related worst-case test protocols. This analysis needs to be based on a full
understanding of the differences and similarities between the different systems’

Based on the requirements of the present CCMC Technical Guide, the performance
aspects which could be requested (but not limited to) to determine the worst-case
scenarios are as follows:

• product identification tests (ash content and infrared analysis);

• coefficient of water absorption;
• water absorption;
• water impermeability of the base coat;
• water vapour permeance;
• adhesion/cohesion performance; and
• other tests as deemed necessary by CCMC.

7.0 Required Documentation

7.1 General

The following must be submitted to CCMC:

• a certificate stating that the manufacturing facility is under the control of a registered
quality assurance agency or a copy of the QCM prepared as outlined in Appendix B;
• a copy of the installation manual provided to installers, as outlined in Section 7.2;
• detailed descriptions of the product;
• the original test reports; and
• information demonstrating how reference will be made to the CCMC evaluation
number on the product (see Appendix B2).

Note 5: Lack of information will delay the evaluation and may result in an unsuccessful

All submitted information should be shipped prepaid, including clearance through

Canada Customs, if applicable, to:

Canadian Construction Materials Centre Telephone: 613-993-6189

National Research Council Canada Fax: 613-952-0268
1200 Montreal Road, Building M-24
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6 Canada

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7.2 Installation Manual

7.2.1 Purpose

The proponent must provide a well-defined and detailed installation manual that does not
contravene the National Building Code 2015 and (other codes if applicable) and that can
be used as educational material for installers and users of the product. The manual must
be identified with a reference number or an issue date.

7.2.2 Content

The installation manual must address the following listed items:

• detailed instructions on all the steps involved in the installation of the system;
• a description of the tools and equipment required to install the system;
• detailed description and drawings of the system and all the accessories;
• storage and handling procedures, including all precautions;
• on-site quality control; on-site protection for application and for freshly finished
• safety for workers; and
• other information the proponent deems pertinent to the installation.

8.0 Technical Requirements

This section sets out the technical evidence required by CCMC to enable it to evaluate a product
and/or a system as an acceptable or alternative solution in compliance with the National Building
Code of Canada 2015.

8.1 NBC 2015 Compliance Requirements

8.1.1 Product Identification Tests Ash Content

The ash content of the water resistive barrier, adhesive, base coat and finish coat
materials must be determined in accordance with ASTM E1131. The ash content for the
glass fibre reinforcement mesh must be determined in accordance with Section
of this Technical Guide. The results must be expressed as a percentage of the initial
weight of the dry sample. Infrared Analysis

When tested in accordance with ASTM E1252, the absorption spectrum of the organic
fraction of the binder used in the formulation of the water resistive barrier, adhesive, base
coat and finish coat must be recorded.

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Note 6: This test is intended to determine the nature of the organic fraction of the
binder used in the different coatings (WRB, adhesive, base coat, finish). To this
end, an infrared spectroscopic analysis is obtained from the extracted organic
fraction of the binder.

Note 7: For solvent-based base coat and finish coat, the binder is extracted from the
wet paste using a suitable organic solvent such as trichlorocthane, and
centrifuging. For an emulsion-type base coat and finish coat, the binder is
extracted from the dry paste with an organic solvent in a Soxhlet apparatus.
(The testing organization must specify the solvent composition used in the

Note 8: For coatings (renderings) using catalyst in the formulation of the organic
fraction of the binder, the infrared spectroscopic analysis must be conducted
on a sample of the organic fraction of the binder as provided by the

8.1.2 Material Requirements

When tested in accordance with the related standards identified in this Technical Guide,
the following components of the cladding system must meet the following requirements. Substrates Concrete/Cementitious Boards

Concrete substrates on which the product is intended to be used must conform to

Sentence, General, of Division B of the NBC 2015. Cementitious boards must
have been evaluated by CCMC. Fibre Cements

Fibre cement substrates on which the product is intended to be used must have been
evaluated by CCMC. Glass Mat Gypsum

The glass mat gypsum sheathing that is to be used in conjunction with the product must
be in compliance with the requirements of ASTM C1177/C1177M-04e1, “Standard
Specification for Glass Mat Gypsum Substrate for Use as Sheathing,” or have been
evaluated by CCMC. Wood

OSB and/or plywood sheathing boards used in conjunction with the product must comply
with the requirements of CSA O437.0-93, “OSB and Waferboard” (in the case of OSB),
CSA O121-M1978, “Douglas Fir Plywood,” CSA O151-M1978, “Canadian Softwood
Plywood,” CSA O153-M1980, “Poplar Plywood” or CSA O325.0-92, “Construction
Sheathing” (in the case of plywood). The OSB and/or plywood sheathing boards must

TG 07 24 13.01
- 14 -

have a minimum thickness of 11.1 mm and 12.7 mm, respectively. The boards must have
their principal strength direction across the studs, must be continuously supported by
framing and must be gapped by at least 2 mm and not more than 3 mm. Insulation

The rigid board insulation must meet the requirements of:

• CAN/ULC-S701-11 (for polystyrene); and

• CAN/ULC-S702-09 (for mineral fibre). Insulation having GDDC design

Rigid board insulation having a geometrically defined drainage cavity (GDDC) design
must have the drainage cavity not less than 10 mm deep with the sum of the grooves’
width representing not less than 13% of the total width of the insulation board. Water Resistive Barrier (WRB)

Note 9: The criteria and requirements in this section are applicable to EIFS using a
trowel, roller or spray-applied water resistive barrier as a means to provide a
second plane of protection. The WRB designation is meant to include
cementitious and/or polymeric coatings that may be trowel, roller, or spray

Note 10: The use of WRB that consists of self-adhered polymer modified membranes is
subject to a series of tests and performance assessments that need to be
established by CCMC and subject to a separate contract.

Note 11: The WRB functions as a second plane of protection against wetting of the wall
due to water getting past the cladding and its interfaces with wall components
(e.g., window, doors) and penetrations (e.g., pipes, ducts, electrical outlet
boxes). To do so, the WRB must be continuous throughout the field of the wall
and at interfaces with windows, doors and other penetrations.

The interfaces of the WRB with wall components and penetrations must be designed to
capture and manage any water getting past the first line of defense at these locations. For
example, the continuity and details of the WRB and flashing at wall/window interfaces
must be capable of capturing and managing water that may accidentally leak through the
assembly or elements of windows.

The manufacturer must provide installation details and accessories such as mesh, tapes,
etc. to be used in conjunction with the water resistive barrier over joints at floor levels
and around corners and edges. These details must address differential movements at
joints and floor levers, as well as the effect of concentrated stresses at edges and corners.

Note 12: The WRB is not expected to perform where wetting of the inside of wall cavities
is caused by serious faulty wall/window connections, penetrations and
improper installation of materials or installations not in conformance to Code

TG 07 24 13.01
- 15 -

requirements. Water from outside sources may not be permitted to circumvent

the combined WRB system of protection.

Note 13: The water resistive barrier must be installed in a two-coat application in which
each coat must have sufficient time to cure before the second coat is applied.

The EIFS having a water resistive barrier as a second plane of protection must assess its
adhesion/cohesion characteristics in accordance with the criteria and requirements in this
section. The adhesion characteristics of the WRB must be validated on each and every
substrate on which it is to be applied. Adhesion Strength WRB (a) Adhesion Strength WRB (Wood Substrates Application)

When tested according to Appendix J of this Technical Guide, the WRB must have, at the
three moisture conditions of application, a mean value bonding strength of:

• 0.25 MPa at as-received moisture conditions (essentially dry);

• 0.25 MPa when applied to a wood-based substrate that has been soaked for one hour;
• 0.25 MPa when applied to a wood-based substrate that has been soaked for 24 hours. (b) Adhesion Strength “WRB” (Non-wood Substrates Application)

When tested according to Appendix J of this Technical Guide, the WRB must have, at the
three conditions of application, a mean value bonding strength of:

• 0.25 MPa at as-received moisture conditions (dry);

• 0.08 MPa 2 hours after removal from water; and
• 0.25 MPa after drying for 7 days.

Note 14: The adhesion characteristics of the WRB must be validated on each and every
substrate on which it is to be applied. However, WRB adhesion over wood
substrates need only be tested to (a).

Note 15: The WRB in Sections (a) and (b) must be tested dry as well as after
the minimum curing time as recommended by the manufacturer. Water Absorption Coefficient/Water Transmission Resistance WRB (a) Water Absorption Coefficient (Non-wood Substrate Applications)

Water resistive barriers intended for non-wood substrates application, when tested in accordance
with the requirements of ISO 15148, must have a water absorption coefficient less or equal to
0.004 (kg/(m2•s1/2) or 4 (g/(m2•s1/2).

TG 07 24 13.01
- 16 -

Note 16: Water resistive barriers that could be trowel, roll or spray applied need to have
their water absorption coefficient, and water transmission resistance testing
conducted on test specimens on which the water resistive barriers would have
been spray applied. Water resistive barrier whose methods of application is
limited to trowel or roll applications could have the water absorption
coefficient and the water transmission resistance testing conducted on test
specimens on which the water resistive barriers would have been trowel or roll
applied. (b) Water Transmission Resistance (WTR) (Wood Substrate Applications)

Water resistive barriers intended for wood substrates application, when tested in
accordance with the requirements of Appendix G, must have a water transmission
resistance less or equal to 2 × 10-7 (kg/(m2•s1/2). Five specimens must be tested.

Note 17: The WTR test is a material characteristic test. This material characteristic
needs to be retained subsequent to exposure to mechanical and environmental
cycling conditions. Manufacturers passing the mechanical and environmental
cycling tests need not re-conduct this test to validate the water transmission
resistance of their WRB. This is conditional on the fact that the WRB would
have been applied on its own during the mechanical and environmental cycling
tests. Joint Disruption Resistance WRB (Wood and Non-wood Substrates Application)

When tested in accordance with Appendix E, the WRB must be able to withstand tension
stress in a transverse joint produced by bending of the wall. The extent of transverse
bending of the wall is to an assembly deflection of L/180, where L is the span of the wall
assembly. The WRB must show no cracking, delamination or any other deleterious
effects at the joints. A minimum of two assemblies must to be tested.

Note 18: The joint disruption resistance test needs to be conducted on wood and non-
wood substrates. WRB designed for wood and non-wood substrate applications
needs to validate conformance to this section based on testing only over wood
substrate. Resistance of WRB to Relaxation under Environmental Cycling Conditions (Wood

Substrates Application)

When tested in accordance with Appendix F, the WRB, after being subjected to 15 cycles
of hot and cold condition as indicated in Table, must have a water
transmission resistance of no greater than 2 × 10-7 (kg/(m2•s1/2). Testing must be done as
described in Appendix H. Five specimens must be tested.

Note 19: The present section addresses the assessment of adhered systems, if mechanical
fasteners are intended to be used for the attachment of the EIFS to the wall. An
additional water transmission test must be performed on the WRB that includes
penetration of the coating by one mechanical fastener.

TG 07 24 13.01
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Table Environmental Cycling Conditions

Hot Cycle Cold Cycle
Total Cycles Total Time
Conditions Time Conditions Time
65 ± 2°C
18 h (*) -10 ± 3°C 5h 15 360 h
90 ± 5% RH

*A transition period of one hour is to be applied between high and low temperature exposures.
Test specimens are exposed to room conditions (25°C ± 5°C and 45 ± 10% RH) during this
transition to prevent thermal shock. Water Vapour Transmission Resistance WRB

When tested in accordance with ASTM E96 (desiccant method), the value of the water
vapour transmission of the WRB used in combination with the OSB/plywood at the
maximum recommended thickness and the OSB/plywood alone, must be reported. Three
(3) specimens of (uncoated) OSB/plywood and three specimens of WRB-coated OSB
must be tested.

Note 20: The water vapour permeance of the WRB applied over OSB/plywood substrates
must be based on the difference of the water vapour permeance of the substrate
(OSB/plywood) and the (OSB/plywood/coating composite). The water vapour
permeance of the WRB calculated based on simply producing a film of that
coating is not sufficient.

Note 21: The thickness of the OSB/plywood used must be 11.1 mm (7/16 in.).

Note 22: When used over substrates other than wood, the water vapour transmission
resistance of the WRB could be tested in combination with a glass mat gypsum
board where the WRB must be based on the difference of the water vapour
permeance of the substrate (glass mat gypsum) and the glass mat
gypsum/coating composite. Accelerated Weathering Resistance WRB

When tested according to ASTM G155, for a total light exposure of at least 250 hours
(333 total hours), the WRB applied over OSB or glass mat gypsum specimen must show
no cracking, delamination, flaking or deleterious effects. The exposure cycle consists of
102 minutes of light exposure with no water spray (black panel temperature at 63 ± 2°C
and 50% RH) followed by 18 minutes of light exposure with water spray (water at 16 ±
3°C). This cycle is repeated for 18 hours (9 cycles) followed by 6 hours of darkness and
no water spray with black panel temperature of 24 ± 2°C with 95% RH. At least six
specimens must be tested.

Note 23: Based on the lab detailed description of the cracks (type, width, depth, etc.)
obtained as a result of the accelerated weathering resistance testing, CCMC
will establish an opinion on whether the type of crack constitute a failure or a

TG 07 24 13.01
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pass. A crack is a through fracture of the WRB where a clearly visible opening
has developed on the surface of the WRB and penetrates the underlying
substrate. Nail Popping Resistance WRB (Wood Substrates Application)

When tested in accordance with Appendix I of this Technical Guide, the WRB must be
capable of resisting the nail popping effect that is caused by the drying of the wood
frame. The WRB must be capable of resisting a 1.0 mm nail head protrusion from the
original position of the nail head that is preset 1.0 mm below the surface of the wood
substrate. There must be no cracking or delamination of the WRB around the nail head. Adhesive Adhesion Strength

When tested in accordance with Appendix J of this Technical Guide, the adhesive must
show no detachment at the WRB/adhesive and adhesive/insulation interfaces. The
adhesive must have the three conditions of applications, a mean value bonding strength

• 0.25 MPa at as-received moisture conditions (dry);

• 0.08 MPa 2 hours after removal from water; and
• 0.25 MPa after drying for 7 days. Aggregate Coating (Lamina) Adhesion Strength

When tested according to Section, at the three conditions of applications, the
bonding strength of the base coat to insulation and base coat to finish coat must have a
mean value bonding strength of:

• 0.08 MPa at as-received moisture conditions (dry);

• 0.08 MPa 2 hours after removal from water; and
• 0.08 MPa after drying for 7 days.

Note 23: The insulation boards need to have a cohesive strength in excess of the
stipulated bonding strength specified in this section. A cohesive failure of the
insulation at strength levels to the stipulated ones would be considered as
failure and would necessitate the repetition of the test. Adhesion Test (Base Coat/Finish Coat)

The coating (base coat/finish coat) adhesion test must be conducted according to ETAG
004 in Appendix J or per ASTM D1623.

TG 07 24 13.01
- 19 -

The tests are carried out in a dry and wet state on two test samples of insulation specified
for the system: one set of samples is faced with the reinforced base coat, the other faced
with the reinforced base coat and finish coat.

For the set of samples consisting of just the reinforced base coat, the base coat must be
spread on the insulation to the dry thickness specified by the manufacturer. While the set
of samples consists of the reinforced base coat and finish coat, the finish coat must be
applied onto the reinforced base coat to the dry thickness specified by the manufacturer.
After allowing the coating to cure at 23 ± 50% RH and to harden for the time specified by
the manufacturer, 15 squares measuring 50 mm x 50 mm for EPS insulation and 200 mm
x 200 mm for mineral wool insulation are cut through the base coat and just into the
insulation layer. Metal plates measuring 50 mm x 50 mm for the EPS specimens and
200 mm x 200 mm for the mineral wool insulation are bonded to the squares (5 pieces
per test) using a suitable ad hoc adhesive.

The bond strength test is carried out on the five metal plates in each series after the
assembly has been allowed to dry as specified and the pieces of metal have been bonded
to it.

The traction speed must be 2.5 mm per minute. The average bond strength must be
recorded at the following application conditions:

• dry condition, after the minimum curing time as recommended by the manufacturer;
• after immersion in water for 2 days and 2 hours drying at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH; and
• after immersion in water for 2 days and 7 days drying at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH. Water Vapour Transmission Resistance “Lamina”

When tested in accordance with ASTM E96/E96-16M (desiccant method), the lamina
applied at the maximum recommended thickness must have its water vapour transmission

The water vapour permeance (WVP) of the lamina must be measured on the subject base
coat applied at the measured thickness for specimens as prepared for other tests (e.g.,
impact resistance) and is to include a finish. Samples are to be prepared over an unrasped
EPS board that must be removed from the dried lamina by cutting. The remnant EPS on
the back of the lamina is to be removed by gentle sanding with an 80 grit sandpaper or
finer until specimen is free from EPS. Lamina can be affixed to test trays without
additional support across their span.

Note 25: The related WVT results of the lamina must be established based on the
difference of the water vapour permeance of the insulation on which it is tested
(EPS) and the EPS/lamina composite. The WVT of the coating is based on the
difference between the WVT of the composite and the WVT of the insulation
must be calculated by substitution. The water vapour transmission of the
lamina based on producing a film of that coating could be acceptable based on
proper description and preparation of the specimen, as well as the nature of
the results obtained.

TG 07 24 13.01
- 20 - Impermeability to Water “Base Coat”

When tested according to Section of this Technical Guide, the time taken for
more than 90% of the entire surface of the base coat to be damp must not be less than 2
hours. (Dampness is considered as bringing a coloured indicator through the test
specimen.) Testing for Impermeability of Coating to Water

Six test specimens, measuring 200 mm x 200 mm must be cut, three with the reinforced
base coat and three with the complete lamina for control tests. The edges of each
specimen must be sealed. The insulation must be removed from the center of the two
specimens (one for each type). The area to be removed by scraping down the back
coating measures 100 mm x 100 mm. All six specimens with the coating facing
downward must be clamped in the test assembly in such a way that the surface coating of
each specimen is exposed to a 5 mm water head.

The time at which the first passage of moisture is observed and the time at which the
entire surface appears damp must be recorded. (A colour indicator such as methal violet
2B powder applied to the dry side of the test specimen indicates the presence of water
when wetted.) Water Absorption “Base Coat”

When tested according to Section of this Technical Guide, the water
absorption of the base coat must not be more than 20% of the dry weight of the material
tested. Testing for Water Absorption

Four 100 mm x 100 mm test pieces, two with the complete coating system (for reference
purposes) and two with just the reinforced base coat must be cut from the system and the
insulation must be detached from each of them.

The specimen must be dried in a well-ventilated oven for 24 hours at a temperature of

105 ± 2°C and the dry weight of the specimens obtained. Samples may be cooled at room
temperature for 15 minutes before weighing. The dry weight must be reported to the
nearest 0.01 g.

After weight measurement, each test piece must be immersed flat, 50 mm below the
surface of distilled (20 ± 5°C) water. The moisture content at saturation point (48 hours)
of each of the samples must be determined.

TG 07 24 13.01
- 21 - Mildew and Fungus Resistance “Finish Coat”

When tested in accordance with Section of this Technical Guide and the
procedures outlined in MIL.STD.810E and/or ASTM C1338, the finish coat must not
support growth of mildew and fungus. Mildew and Fungus Resistance Tests

The test must be conducted according to MIL.STD.810E or ASTM C1338. The sample
must be the finish coat only on clean 50 mm x 50 mm (2 in. x 2 in.) glass slides. The
finish coat must be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions. The specimen
must be incubated for a minimum of 28 days. Salt Spray Resistance “Lamina”

When tested in accordance to ASTM B117 for 300 hours, the lamina of a test specimen
of a 25 mm (1 in.) exterior insulation system that is mounted on gypsum board and is
12.5 mm (0.5 in.) thick and cured for a minimum of 28 days, must show no cracking,
flaking or deleterious effects. Accelerated Weathering Resistance “Lamina”

When tested according to Section of this Technical Guide and ASTM G155,
for a total light exposure of at least 2000 hours (2666 total hours), the lamina on an EIFS
specimen must show no cracking, flaking or deleterious effects. Accelerated Weathering Resistance Test

The test specimen must be suitable for the testing equipment, consisting of a 25 mm (1
in.) thick exterior insulation system that is mounted on gypsum/cementitious board and is
12.5 mm (0.5 in.) thick and cured for 28 days.

The Xenon arc device must be used with a borosilicate inner filter and a borosilicate
outer filter. The parameters of testing must be as follows:

• 102 minutes of light exposure with no water spray (black panel temperature at 63 ±
2°C and 50% RH) followed by 18 minutes of light exposure with water spray (water
at 16 ± 3°C).
• This cycle is repeated for 18 hours (9 cycles) followed by 6 hours of darkness and no
water spray with a black panel temperature of 24 ± 2°C with 95% RH. This provides
a total of 24 hours (1 day) exposure.
• The test is repeated for a total light exposure of at least 2000 hours (2666 total hours). Glass Fibre Reinforced Mesh

When tested following the procedure described in Appendix K of the Technical Guide,
the glass fibre reinforced mesh of the EIFS must meet the requirements outlined below in
Sections through

TG 07 24 13.01
- 22 - Ash Content

When tested according to Appendix K, Section K.1.4 of the Technical Guide, the ash
content for each grade of the reinforced mesh specified to be used in conjunction with the
EIFS must be reported. Mass Per Unit Area (Surface Density)

When tested according to Appendix K, Section K.1.3 of this Technical Guide, the mass
per unit area expressed in g/m2 for each grade of the reinforced mesh specified to be used
in conjunction with the EIFS must be reported. Mesh Dimensions

When tested according to Appendix K, Section K.1.2 of this Technical Guide, the mesh
size for each grade of mesh specified to be used in conjunction with the EIFS must be
reported and must not be greater than 10.0 mm. Weight of Glass

When tested according to Appendix K, Section K.1.4 of this Technical Guide, the weight
of glass per square meter (m2) of each grade of reinforced mesh specified for the EIFS
must be reported. Elongation

When tested in accordance with Appendix K, Section K.1.5 of this Technical Guide, the
elongation for lightest grade of the reinforced mesh specified to be used in conjunction
with the system must be reported. Tensile Strength

When tested in accordance with Appendix K, Section K.1.17 of this Technical Guide, the
lightest grade mesh specified to be used in conjunction with the EIFS must have a
minimum initial breaking strength of 35 N/mm. Alkali Resistance

When tested in accordance with Appendix K, Section K.1.18 of this Technical Guide, the
loss in ultimate tensile strength for the lightest grade of mesh specified to be used in
conjunction with the EIFS must not exceed:

• 60%, while the residual strength must be at least 15 N/mm in the case of the 90-day
immersion test; and
• 50%, while the residual strength must be at least 20 N/mm in the case of the tri-ion
immersion test.

TG 07 24 13.01
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Note 26: Only the lightest grade of the reinforced mesh needs to be selected for testing
and its elongation, tensile and alkali resistance recorded.

Note 27: EIFS manufacturers are required to provide CCMC a complete testing to the
requirements of section of this Technical Guide at each 3 year re-
evaluation cycle.

The applicable procedures for sampling of glass fibre reinforced meshes need to be
developed on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with CCMC. Sealants/Joints

All material components used in joints must meet the appropriate specification and
performance standards. The selection of appropriate sealants and the principle of design
of expansion joints are required to be covered by the installation manual.

8.1.3 Suitability of the Complete System Durability under Environmental Cyclic Conditions

When subjected to the environmental cyclic conditions outlined in Appendix L of this

Technical Guide, the base coat of the tested system must show no cracking, blistering or
sagging. The finish coat must show no detachment or crazing. In addition, the
adhesion/cohesion strength of the lamina on six cored samples must meet the related
requirements of the aggregate coating (lamina) adhesion strength. Impact

When tested according to ASTM D5420, at least six of the 10 freefall drops must pass the
following energy levels:

• 10 joules produced by a steel ball, weighing 1 kg (diameter 62.5 mm) falling from a
height of 1.02 m. The passing samples must show no perforation (broken mesh); and
• 3 joules produced with a steel ball, weighing 0.5 kg (diameter 50.8 mm) falling from
a height of 0.61 m. The passing samples must show no cracks through which the
mesh could be seen.

Note 28: A crack is meant to be an opening that extends to the mesh. A perforation is
meant to be a broken or damaged mesh. No deterioration is meant to be a
surface with no visible cracks, fissures, excessive indentation or other

Note 29: It must be noted that enhanced impact resistance performance could be
attained by the use of higher grade mesh and/or multiple layers of mesh.

TG 07 24 13.01
- 24 - Drainage Capacity

When tested in accordance with Appendix M, three EIFS wall specimens must meet the
following requirements:

• The minimum drainage capacity must not be less than 98% of the water mass
delivered into the EIFS wall specimen; and
• The mean retention of the water mass must not be greater than 40 g/m2 for any single
test specimen. Wind Load Resistance (Negative Pressure)

When tested according to Appendix N of this Technical Guide, the cladding system must
be capable of resisting and transmitting to its points of support the positive and negative
forces generated by the design wind loads without any fracture or permanent
deterioration of the surfaces resulting from such design loads.

Wind load testing must be conducted on the EIFS product with a system configuration
having the greatest percentage clearance behind the insulation or the least adhesive
contact area bonding the insulation to the substrate. Confirmation of the exact system to
be tested for wind load resistance must be determined in consultation with CCMC.

Manufacturers opting to test for higher designated loads could do so subject to

establishing the applicable design wind loads in collaboration with CCMC.

8.1.4 Fire Protection Requirements

Where a combustible system is intended for use on buildings required to be of noncombustible

construction, the wall assembly must be tested in accordance with the appropriate requirements of
Part 3 of Division B of the NBC 2015.

The polystyrene thermal insulation must have a flame-spread rating of not more than 500
when tested in accordance with the requirements of CAN/ULC-S102.2-10, “Method of
Test for Surface Burning Characteristics of Flooring, Floor Coverings, and Miscellaneous
Materials and Assemblies.”

Note 30: The purpose of the fire tests in the CCMC Technical Guide is to recognize the
conditions under which EIFS must comply with the fire protection
requirements of Part 3 of Division B of the NBC 2015.

8.2 Provincial and Territorial and other Code Compliance Requirements (if

At this time, the provinces and territories and other stakeholders have not requested that
CCMC verify any additional code compliance requirements.

Note 31: These mandatory requirements refer to provincial/territorial and/or other Code
requirements not covered in the NBC.

TG 07 24 13.01
- 25 -

8.3 Additional Health and Safety Requirements (if applicable)

At this time, there has not been any additional health and safety data identified by third

Note 32: The additional requirements refer to health and safety issues that cannot be tied
back to the NBC 2015 and that are of immediate serious concerns.

8.4 Optional Requirements (if applicable)

At this time, the proponent has not requested that CCMC verify any additional data.

Note 33: These optional requirements refer to assessing client specific performance

TG 07 24 13.01
- 26 -

Appendix A − Codes and Standards Referenced Herein May be Purchased

A.1 Code(s) Referenced Herein May Be Purchased

ABC Learning Resources Centre

12360 142 Street NW
Edmonton, Alberta T5L 4X9
Tel.: (780) 427-2767
Fax: (780) 422-9750
Web site: www.municipalaffairs.gov.ab.ca

BCBC Queen’s Printer

563 Superior Street
Victoria, British Columbia V8W 9V7
Tel.: (250) 387-6409
(800) 663-6105
Fax: (250) 387-1120
Web site: www.bccodes.ca

NBC Client Services, Construction

National Research Council of Canada
1200 Montreal Road, Building M-20
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
Tel.: (613) 993-2463
Fax: (613) 952-7673
Web site: www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

OBC Publications Ontario

College Park Building
777 Bay Street
Toronto, Ontario M5G 2C8
Tel.: (416) 326-5300
(800) 668-9938
Fax: (416) 325-3407
Web site: www.obc.mah.gov.on.ca

A.2 Standards Referenced Herein May Be Purchased

ASTM ASTM International

100 Barr Harbor Drive
West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania 19428-2959
Tel.: (610) 832-9585
Fax: (610) 832-9555
Web site: www.astm.org

TG 07 24 13.01
- 27 -

CSA Canadian Standards Association

5060 Spectrum Way, Suite 100
Mississauga, Ontario L4W 5N6
Tel.: (416) 747-4000
(800) 463-6727
Fax: (416) 747-2473
Web site: www.csa.ca

ULC Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada

7 Underwriters Road
Toronto, Ontario M1R 3B4
Tel.: (416) 757-3611
(866) 937-3852
Fax: (416) 757-8727
Web site: www.ul.com/canada

A.3 NBC May Be Purchased

NRC Client Services

National Research Council Canada
1200 Montreal Road, Building M-20
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0R6
Tel.: (613) 993-2463
Fax: (613) 952-7673
Web site: www.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca

TG 07 24 13.01
- 28 -

Appendix B − Testing Agencies

Testing may be conducted by the following recognized laboratories:

B.1 Base Material Requirements

• Air-Ins Inc.
Varennes, Québec
Tel.: (450) 652-0838
Fax: (450) 652-7588

Brampton, Ontario
Contact: Mr. Elie Elkhoury
Tel.: (905) 840-2014
Fax: (514) 840-2847

• Exova
Mississauga, Ontario
Contact: Andrew Cameron
Tel.: (905) 822-4111 ext. 307
Fax: (905) 823-1446

• Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd.

Mississauga, Ontario
Tel.: (905) 678-7820
Fax: (905) 678-7131

• ITS Services d’essais Intertek AN ltée

Lachine, Québec
Tel.: (514) 631-3100
Fax: (514) 631-1133

• Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd.

Coquitlam, BC
Tel.: (604) 520-3321
Fax: (604) 524-9186

• QAI Laboratories
Coquitlam, BC
Tel.: (604) 527-8378
1-877 461-8378
Fax: (604) 527-8368

TG 07 24 13.01
- 29 -

B.2 System Requirements (Durability under Climatic Condition, Wind Load and
Impact Tests)

• Air-Ins Inc.
Varennes, Québec
Tel.: (450) 652-0838
Fax: (450) 652-7588

Brampton, Ontario
Tel.: (905) 840-2014
Fax: (514) 840-2847

• Exova
Mississauga, Ontario
Tel.: (905) 822-4111 ext. 307
Fax: (905) 823-1446

• Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd.

Mississauga, Ontario
Tel.: (905) 678-7820
Fax: (905) 678-7131

• ITS Services d’essais Intertek AN ltée

Lachine, Québec
Tel.: (514) 631-3100
Fax: (514) 631-1133

• Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd.

Coquitlam, BC
Tel.: (604) 520-3321
Fax: (604) 524-9186

B.3 Fire Protection Requirements

• Intertek Testing Services NA Ltd.

Coquitlam, BC
Tel.: (604) 520-3321
Fax: (604) 524-9186

• Underwriters’ Laboratories of Canada

Scarborough, Ontario
Tel.: (416) 757-3611
Fax: (416) 757-9540

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• QAI Laboratories
Coquitlam, BC
Tel.: (604) 527-8378
Fax: (604) 527-8368

B.4 Glass Fibre Mesh Testing

Brampton, Ontario
Tel.: (905) 840-2014
Fax: (514) 840-2847

B.5 Drainage Test

Brampton, Ontario
Tel.: (905) 840-2014
Fax: (514) 840-2847

Note: All testing related to the glass fibre mesh testing and drainage are limited to the indicated
testing organization. Contact CCMC for approval of alternative laboratories. Approval process
will be done on a case-by-case basis.

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Appendix C − Quality Assurance Program

The proponent must demonstrate that the production process is governed by a quality assurance
program, which ensures consistent quality at least to the level represented by the sample being
tested and evaluated. CCMC requests that quality control procedures be applied to incoming
materials, processes and finished products.

C.1 Requirements

Quality assurance may be demonstrated either through ISO or a quality control manual (QCM).

C.1.1 ISO 9001:2000, “Quality management systems - Requirements”

The production process must conform to ISO 9001:2000, “Quality management systems -
Requirements” through registration by an accredited quality assurance agency. The proponent can
demonstrate quality assurance by submitting documentation attesting that the production process
has been registered as conforming to ISO 9001:2000 by an accredited quality assurance agency.
The proponent may contact the Standards Council of Canada at (613) 238-3222 to inquire about
accredited agencies.

C.1.2 Quality Control Manual Directly to CCMC

The QCM must contain the following information:

• the company’s quality control policies;

• provisions for keeping the manual current, e.g., updates and revisions;
• a production flowchart indicating points of quality control, with an explanation of the control
at each point, the frequency of controls, and a summary of the production methods;
• production specifications and process tolerances;
• a clear delineation of what constitutes major and minor defects;
• corrective measures for major and minor defects;
• a list of main production equipment;
• a list of manufacturer’s specifications and quality control arrangements for raw materials and
• measuring equipment: type, model, range, accuracy, frequency of calibration and calibration
agency; and
• a statement by the proponent that CCMC will be notified in writing when major deviations
have been discovered.

C.2 Identification

Quality control procedures for finished products must include details on how the product will be
identified with the CCMC evaluation number, in the form of “CCMC XXXXX-R,” which must
be both visible and legible. Where permanently identifying a product is not possible, other forms
and methods of identification may be allowed pending review and approval by a CCMC
evaluation officer.

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Appendix D − Installation Manual

D.1 Purpose

The proponent must provide a well-defined and detailed installation manual that does not
contravene the National Construction Codes and that can be used as educational material for
installers and users of the product. The manual must be identified with a reference number or an
issue date.

D.2 Content

The installation manual must address the following areas:

• a description of the EIFS components, including their properties and composition;

• detailed drawings of the system, terminations and all the accessories;
• preparation requirements for the various substrates to which the product is to be applied;
• principles, installation details and accessories of the drained air space cavity;
• installation details and accessories such as mesh, tapes, etc., to be used in conjunction with
the water resistive barrier over joints, at floor levels and around corners and edges. The
principles and details must address differential movements at joints and floor levels, as well
as the effect of concentrated stresses at edges and corners;
• minimum thickness at which each of the water resistive barrier, adhesive coat, base coat and
finish coat is to be applied;
• methods of application of the system;
• sequence of operations;
• time of curing;
• measures to be taken in case of interruptions in application of the system;
• temperature and humidity limits for use;
• on-site quality control;
• storage and handling procedures;
• identification of the adhesives, mechanical fixing devices, and reinforcing that are to be used
in the system;
• principles of acceptable design for expansion joints; and
• other points the manufacturer deems pertinent to the installation must also be included.

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Appendix E − Joint Disruption Resistance Test of WRB

E.1 Test Description

The test configuration is provided in Figure E.1.

Figure E.1 Bending test on panel to produce tension stress on joints

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Table E.1.1 Specifications for Bending Test

Assembly size 1220 mm x 2440 mm

Number of test assemblies 2

Framing materials 2 x 4 S-P-F wall studs @ 400 mm spacing. S-DRY stamped
Test span 2286 mm
11.1 mm OSB, dry as received, panel direction applied
Thickness of wood sheathing
perpendicular to the studs
Each panel must be coated with WRB to the minimum
Coating thickness
thickness specified by the manufacturer.
Nominal nailing at 300 mm in the field of the panel and
Nailing schedule
50 mm to the wall plates1
Nail type 60 mm standard nails, hand or auto-nailed
4 mm for one assembly and 2 mm gap for the second
Gap between half panels
Concentrated line load at mid-span distributed uniformly
along the full width of the panel. Maximum width of the
Applied load contact point must be no more than 5 mm greater than the
gap between the panels, placed along the full width of the
Continuously tabulated at L/720, L/360, L/180 to a
Monitored deflection
maximum deflection of 13.5 mm
4 mm per minute to achieve maximum deflection, then hold
Rate of loading
for 4 minutes
Examine visually for crack development in the joint at mid-
Observations span, record deflection when first appearance of crack

Notes to Table E.1.1:

1. The extra nailing to the wall plates is intended to provide greater anchorage of each sheet
near the ends of the assembly to maximize the separation that will occur at the mid-span gap.
Two extra nails per stud should also be added to attach the sheathing to them at the support.
2. A line load is a concentrated load which appears as a point load in the 2D view, but
represents a linear (line) load when considering the out-of-plane dimension.

The WRB and mesh reinforcement at joints must be applied in accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.

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E.2 Test Procedure

The load testing of the specimens must be undertaken by applying a transverse bending load
(using central line loading, as shown in Figure E.1). The load must be applied at a uniform rate of
displacement (4 mm/min) until a maximum deflection of 13.5 mm is reached. The load and
deflections must be recorded continuously and the load must be reported at mean deflections of
L/720, L/360, L/180 and at the maximum deflection. Two deflections transducers must be used,
one at each edge of the assembly, and averaged in the event that the loading or deflection was not
uniformly centered. The transducers must be of the linear variable differential transformer type
(LVDT). The average deflection plots must be reported for each specimen. The deflection
transducers must be mounted to the face of the edge studs rather than directly under the panel
assembly. Observations on the integrity of the WRB bond in the joint must be reported
throughout the test.

The separation (stretching) at the joint between the two half panels must be measured on the
inside face of the sheathing near each edge at the maximum mean deflection of 13.5 mm. This is
best done using two additional LVDTs, which allow a continuous plot to be provided throughout
the test. However, calipers may also be used to measure this separation relative to small nails set
perpendicular into the face of the sheathing some arbitrary distance apart on either side of the

Both test assemblies must then be loaded to failure while reporting the loads and deformations.

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Appendix F − Resistance of WRB to Relaxation under Environmental Cycling Condition

Test (Wood Substrates)

F.1 Test Frame Construction

The test frame intended to hold and stress the specimens for this test is shown in Figures F.1 (a),
(b), (c) and (d). The intent of the frame is to provide sufficient rigidity to permit the test
specimens to be installed and tensioned to a predetermined extension after which they would
undergo cyclic environmental testing.

It is recommended that the frame and spacing bolts be made of corrosion resistant materials.

Figure F.1 (a) Cross section of test frame

Figure F.1 (b) Plan view of the top channel

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F.2 Specimen Preparation

The individual specimens, each of which includes a joint at mid-length, are to be 150 mm x
175 mm. These are to be produced by the construction of a minor wood-framed wall of sufficient
size to allow the application of the trowel-on coating and reinforcing of joints in a manner
consistent with an application on a typical wall.

The gap dimension between strips of OSB sheathing are to be 3.2 mm (1/8 in.), which is a typical
industry recommendation for gapping between panels to accommodate expansion of sheathing to
prevent buckling when panels expand on moisture pickup. The NBC minimum specifies 2.0 mm

From this minor wall, specimens must be cut to meet the requirements of this test, as well as any
others that may be required for any of the tests that are also to be carried out at the facility where
these tests will be done.

After curing, specimens are to be cut from this minor wall. Individual specimens are then to be
prepared for testing by the installation of 4 anchors, two on each edge, as shown in Figure F.1 (c).
The anchors are to consist of 8.0 mm threaded rods, having sufficient length to penetrate 40 mm
into the test specimen, which are set into holes of sufficient diameter predrilled into the edge of
the specimen as shown in the Figure, and anchored with epoxy. The environmental conditions
during this operation need not be controlled; they may be typical room conditions.

Figure F.1 (c) Aluminum frame with specimen mounted for testing

F.3 Specimen Installation in Test Frame

The five test specimens are to be installed in the test frame with the anchors set into predrilled
holes in the channel. The spacing bolts for the test frame are then set and the nuts tightened to
provide a rigid frame. The individual specimens must be centered in their positions with

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corrosion resistant nuts and washers in a snug position, until all specimens have been so arranged.
At this point, with all specimens in a snug position, the nuts on the specimen anchors will be
tightened from one edge to achieve the required extension of the specimens. Care should be taken
during tightening that excessive torque not be transmitted to the anchorage of the anchors into the
edge of the individual specimens. Tensioning should be done evenly to each anchor to achieve a
uniform extension for each joint. The degree of extension should be measured using calipers, by
measuring the extension from the end of the anchor to the top of the nut by means of which
tension is applied. To achieve greater accuracy in setting this extension, the ends of the specimen
anchors should be shaped to present a single point of reference at that end of the anchor. Figure
F.1 (d) shows the test frame with all 5 specimens installed.

Figure F.1 (d) Side view of test frame

The extension applied to the joint in each specimen must be 1.3 mm, which represents
approximately 40% extension. It will be assumed that the extension as measured by the change in
the distance from the tip of the anchor to the top of the tightening bolt represents the extension at
the joint, ignoring compensating strains in the test frame, in the epoxy anchored tightening
anchors, and in the body of the specimens. When all specimens have been tightened, a final check
on the tightening measurement must be made before environmental cycling is begun.

F.4 Environmental Cycling

Table F.4.1 shows the environmental cycling conditions to be used.

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Table F.4.1 Environmental Cycling Conditions

Hot Cycle Cold Cycle Total Time
Conditions Time Conditions Time
65 ± 2oC
18 h -10 + 3oC 5h 15 360 h
90 ± 5%RH

Note F1: A transition period of one hour is to be applied between high and low temperature
exposures. Test specimens are exposed to room conditions (25°C + 5°C, and 45 + 10%
RH) during this transition to prevent thermal shock.

These conditions will proceed without interruption. At the conclusion of the cycling, the
specimens are to be removed from the test frame and examined. Photos of all specimens must be
taken before and after the environmental cycling. Any obvious damage to the integrity of any
joint involving separation that would allow water to penetrate in the middle 100 mm of the
specimen joint length will constitute failure.

If all specimens survive obvious failure, their integrity must be confirmed by means of the water
transmission test (Section A.4.4.4). These specimens must be reconditioned initially under room
conditions to weight stabilization. If variability of room conditions is found to affect the time to
reach stable conditions, the specimens may be oven dried at 65ºC to achieve weight stabilization
more rapidly prior to testing. The maximum calculated moisture transmission rate must be 2.0 E-
07 kg/m2•s.

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Appendix G − Water Transmission Resistance Test

The moisture transmission test must be conducted using a hollow plastic cylinder having an
inside diameter of 100 mm that is sealed to the 150 mm x 150 mm specimen using wax and
paraffin mixture. The remaining area of the bottom surface and four edges of the test specimen
must be waxed to prevent any interaction with the ambient environment. A 25 mm water head
must be introduced on the top surface of the test specimen into the plastic cylinder. The assembly
must be clamped to an equally sized cup containing a suitably dried desiccant.

Figure G.1 Diagramatic representation of the water transmission test

The mass of moisture gained by the desiccant and the increase of mass absorbed by the OSB must
be measured. The readings must be taken at least eight times during a 10 day test period,
including the first weight measurements. The increase in the mass of water absorbed by the OSB
and the desiccant together, in relation to the test area of the specimen and the time intervals, must
be expressed as the rate of moisture transmission through the WRB in kg/m2•s.

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Note G1: The mass of the assembly with the plastic cylinder is weighed at the beginning with and
without the desiccant container. At each stage of the test, the water is emptied and all
wetted surfaces are to be dried with paper towels just before re-weighing to allow the
change in mass gained by the OSB to be determined. The desiccant in the cup must be
weighed and either replaced or another cup with regenerated desiccant must be used
when necessary. Note that the change in weight of the desiccant is needed at each
stage. When the assembly is separated for weighing, the same glass cover must be
placed over the desiccant cup and weighed with it to prevent pickup of additional
moisture by the desiccant.

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Appendix H − Water Absorption Coefficient WRB

This test method is intended to identify the water resistance characteristics of the cementitious or
polymeric water resistive barrier coatings to be used for providing a second line of defense in
conjunction with EIFS. The water resistance of the water resistive barrier is assessed by
measuring the absorption due to water-film formation at the surface and/or to standing water on
the surface of the barrier.

This test must be conducted in accordance with ISO 15148 standard “Hygrothermal performance
of building materials and products – Determination of water absorption coefficient by partial

H.1 Principle

The water absorption characteristics of the water resistive barrier is determined by partial
immersion of the coated surface, with no temperature gradient, and measuring the changes in
mass over time, for a period of at least 24 hours (72 hours is recommended).

H.2 Preparation of Test Specimens

The size of the test specimens must be in accordance with ETAG 004. The substrate on which the
coating is applied must be representative of the substrate on which the coating is intended to be
used on-site. The water resistive barrier is applied at one of the sides of the substrate blocks (See
Figure H.1). The total thickness of the water resistive barrier measured in the direction of water
penetration must be the specified thickness, as recommended by the manufacturer for normal
applications. At least 10 test specimens must be prepared.

Note H1: The coefficient of water absorption of the OSB must be conducted and the results
reported to ensure that it falls within the prescribed limits of CSA O325, “Construction

Note H2: For applications on wood substrates, the water resistive barrier must be applied to a
plywood or OSB substrate. For application other than wood substrates, the water
resistive barrier could be applied to the substrate at which it is intended to be applied
to in normal on-site conditions, and successful test results would be accepted.

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Figure H.1 Test apparatus

H.3 Test Procedure

The test specimens must be conditioned at 23°C ± 5°C, and 50% ± 5% RH until the mass of each
test specimen has stabilized to within 0.1% of its total weight when measured over a 24 hour

The test specimen must be weighed to 0.1% of its weight to determine the initial mass, Mi, after
conditioning. The specimens must then be clamped in the test assembly in such a way that the
surface of each specimen is exposed to (5 ± 2) mm water head. Care must be taken to ensure that
the specimens are kept clear from the bottom of the tank and that the air bubbles are not trapped
below the specimen. The water level must be kept constant during the test at 5 ± 2 mm above the
tested surface of the specimen.

After 5 minutes of exposure to the water head, remove the specimen from the tank, dry the
surfaces completely with a paper towel, and weigh the specimen to the nearest 0.1% of its mass.
Repeat this at increasing time intervals such as 20 minutes, 1, 2, 4, and 8 hours after immersion
and then at times, including 24, 48 and 72 hours to obtain a series of masses Mt at times t.

The method of calculating the result depends on the shape of the resulting curve, and the accuracy
of the results depends almost entirely on the handling, drying, etc. of the specimens. Thus, the
calculations and plots should be done immediately after the weighing. It will then be possible to
assess whether further weighing is needed to achieve the required accuracy.

If the observed increase in mass is very small after 24 hours, the test may be extended over
further days to give a more precise result.

H.4 Calculation and Expression of Results

Calculate the area (A) of the base of the specimen in m2. Calculate the difference between the
mass at each weighing and the starting mass per unit area, (m t ) and plot this against the square
root of the weighing times (√t).

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mt = (Mt – Mi)/A in (kg/m2)

The resulting graph will fall into one of two types: Type A or Type B (see Figures H.2 and H.3).
In both type of graphs, Aw, 72 must be used in determining the water absorption coefficient.

Type A

After a short initial period of stabilization, a straight line can be drawn through the values of mt
against √t. Extend this line back to time Zero where it cuts the vertical axis at m’o. The water
absorption coefficient is then calculated from:

Aw = (m’tf – m’ º )/√tf in (kg/(m2•s1/2)

Where (m’tf ) is the value of (m) on the straight line at time (tf), and (tf ) is the time in seconds, at
end of the test (1 day for water uptake at 24 hours, 2 days for water uptake at 48 hours and 3 days
for water uptake at 72 hours).

Type B

If the graph of mt against √t does not give a straight line but a curve of some form, the value of
mt 24 hours, 48 hours and 72 hours after the start should be taken as mtf and Aw must be
calculated from:

Aw, (24, 48, 72) = mtf /√t f in (kg/(m2•s1/2)

If the specimen becomes saturated before 24 hours and the test cannot be repeated with a thicker
specimen, the time of saturation should be quoted in the test report and no Aw reported.

Figure H.2 Water absorption coefficient graph Type A

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Figure H.3 Water absorption coefficient graph Type B

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Appendix I − Nail Popping Resistance Test

I.1 Test Method A

Six specimens that are 11-mm-thick (7/16 in.) OSB panels and measure 100 mm x 100 mm (4 in.
x 4 in.) must be cut. A nailing base consisting of a 100 mm x 100 mm x 100 mm (4 in. x 4 in. x 4
in.) wood block, having a 25 mm (1 in.) diameter hole drilled in its center to a depth exceeding
65 mm (2½ in.) must be used for nailing 64 mm (2½ in.) power set nails into the centers of the six
OSB specimens. The nail head must be set at a maximum depth of 1.0 mm below the OSB

The WRB must be applied over the OSB specimens at the minimum thickness recommended by
the manufacturer. The WRB must be applied and cured in strict accordance with the
manufacturer’s instructions.

A vise with positive movement must be used. The vise must be equipped with an adjustable stop
that could allow for any minor difference in sample dimensions due to nail length, sitting, etc.
The gapping of the adjustable stop must be achieved using calibration keys accurate to 0.001 mm.
The stop must be adjusted to provide a 1.0 mm compression gap between the specimen and the
vise, thus allowing the nail to be pushed back the required 1.0 mm through the test specimen. The
vise must then be closed until the adjustable stop pressed the fixed end of the vise and further
advance is stopped. Refer to Figures I.1 (a), I.1 (b), I.1 (c) and I.1 (d).

At the end of the test, the specimens must be removed and checked for any cracking of the WRB
around the nail head.

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Figure I.1 (a) Specimen preparation

Figure I.1 (b) Specimen preparation

Figure I.1 (c) Specimen set up in vise

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Figure I.1 (d) Photo of vise

I.1.2 Test Method B

This alternate test method, depicted diagrammatically in Figure I.1 (e), involves a push-out test
using a testing machine. This method allows control for the rate and extent of motion needed to
push the nail out to the required displacement. Construction of the specimens and the number
required is the same as for Test Method A.

At the end of the test, the specimens must be removed and checked for any cracking of the WRB
around the nail head.

Figure I.1 (e) Diagrammatic view of Test Method B

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Appendix J − Adhesion Strength Test Method

J.1 Adhesion Test

The adhesion bond test must be conducted according to ETAG 004, Section or ASTM
D1623, “Standard Test Method for Tensile and Tensile Adhesion Properties for Rigid Cellular
Plastics,” or ASTM D5651, “Standard Test Method for Surface Bond Strength of Wood-Based
Fibre and Particle Panel Materials,” and/or as specified herein, at the different specified moisture

J.1.1 Adhesion Strength to Substrates/Insulation

J.1.1.1 Adhesion Strength to Wood Substrates (WRB to Substrate)

J.1.1.1 (a) Substrate Used

The adhesion strength test must be performed on OSB having a minimum thickness of 11.1 mm
and be drawn from material that has been grade stamped as conforming to Construction
Sheathing Standard CSA O325 Series. The material used must not have been pre-wetted. Two
450 mm x 450 mm (preferred dimensions to minimize effect of edge water absorption on
measured strength) samples must be provided for each of three test conditions specified. The tests
must be conducted in accordance with ASTM D5651, except as defined in the following section.

J.1.1.1 (b) Sample Preparation and Conditioning

Two 450 mm x 450 mm samples must be preconditioned to the following of three conditions:

• the dry state (as-received moisture content);

• 1 h soaking in water, submerged to a depth of 25 mm, with the smooth face (good side in the
case of plywood) down in a horizontal position, then wiped before the WRB coating is
applied; and
• 24 hours soaking in water submerged to a depth of 25 mm with the smooth face down in a
horizontal position, then wiped before the WRB coating is applied.

In all cases involving submerged soaking, the water temperature must be initially cold (as
received from the water mains). On removal from soaking and being wiped with paper towels, the
samples must be allowed to dry, in the horizontal position, for 5 minutes before applying the
WRB on the smooth face of the samples. The soaking regime must be sequenced so that all
samples may be coated at the same time.

The WRB must be spread on the substrate to the minimum thickness specified by the
manufacturer and allowed to cure for 14 days at room conditions. The rate of application of the
coating must be checked by weighing the samples, before and after application of the coating.
Each sample must then be cut as noted below to supply a total of 10 samples for testing.

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J.1.1.1 (c) Size and Number of Test Specimens

Each 450 mm x 450 mm sample, on being conditioned, coated and cured as outlined above must
be cut to provide nine 150 mm x 150 mm specimens. Five must be selected for testing as shown
in Figure J.1 from each sample for each condition of application.

150 m 1 4
150 m 2 450 mm
5 3

450 mm

Figure J.1 Cutting pattern for adhesion test samples (preferred dimensions)

J.1.1.1 (d) Specimen Preparation for Test

The specimens must be prepared for testing in accordance with ETAG 004, ASTM D1623 or
ASTM D5651. The tensile test is then to be carried out on each specimen at an applied
displacement rate of 2.5 mm/min.

J.1.1.1 (e) Test Results

Report the individual results and the mean value for the bonding strength of the WRB to the
substrate. Also report the failure locations as “within the substrate (substrate failure),” “within the
bonding plane (cohesive failure),” “between the coating and the substrate (adhesion failure),” or
“between the metal plate and the coating” (test jig failure, not acceptable, require testing more

J.1.1.2 Adhesion Strength (WRB to Substrates Other than Wood)

J.1.1.2 (a) Substrate Used

The adhesion strength test must be performed on each type of substrate specified for the EIFS.
The substrate must conform to the requirements of its related standard as specified in Section of this Technical Guide. The tests must be conducted in accordance with ETAG 004,
Section, ASTM D1623 or ASTM D5651.

Note J1: The choice on using ETAG 004, Section, ASTM D1623 or ASTM D5651 would
depend on the type of substrate on which the coating is applied. ETAG 004 has been

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proven adequate for testing to concrete and cementitious substrates, while ASTM
D5651 may be preferable for testing to gypsum sheathings.

Note J2: When testing on substrates other than concrete or fibre cement, it is preferable to have
a reference test conducted on a concrete slab. The concrete slab must be smooth and
having a thickness of at least 40 mm, and has a minimum tensile strength of 1.5 N/mm
and a maximum moisture content of 3% of the total weight.

Note J3: In the case of cement-free adhesives, the adhesive bond test must be performed on a
substrate consisting of an autoclaved, compressed fibre cement and/or on the most
absorbent substrate of those specified by the manufacturer.

J.1.1.2 (b) Sample Preparation and Conditioning

The samples must be prepared according to ETAG 004, Section, ASTM D1623 or ASTM
D5651. The average bond strength must be recorded at the following application conditions:

• dry condition, after the minimum curing time as recommended by the manufacturer;
• after immersion in water for 2 days and 2 hours drying at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH; and
• after immersion in water for 2 days and 7 days drying at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH.

J.1.1.2 (c) Size and Number of Test Specimens

The size of the samples must be in accordance with ETAG 004, Section, ASTM D1623 or
ASTM D5651. Five coated samples must be selected for each testing condition.

Note J4: For gypsum-based sheathing specimens, ASTM D5651 should be used.

J.1.1.2 (d) Specimen Preparation for Test

The WRB must be spread on the substrate to the manufacturer’s specified thickness, and if
required by the manufacturer, covered with an insulation board to prevent the WRB from
becoming too dehydrated. After allowing the WRB to cure at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH and to
harden,* the insulation must be removed and 15 squares, 25 cm2 in area each, are cut from the
substrate, or in the case of testing over concrete, scoring through the WRB and no less than 5 mm
into the concrete is adequate. Metal plates 50 mm x 50 mm are bonded to the squares (5 pieces
per test) using a suitable adhesive.

When preparing the WRB samples to be applied to a sheathing substrate, individual samples
should be prepared as per ASTM D1623 or ASTM D5651 and must have their edges sealed with
a paraffin and microcrystalline mix or other impermeable barrier. Sealing may not extend more
that 2 mm onto the horizontal test surfaces.

The bond strength test is carried out on the five metal plates in each series after the assembly has
been allowed to dry as specified and the pieces of metal have been bonded to it.

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Note J5: The specimen, specimen preparations and the metal plate measurements may differ
between the three accepted test methods: ETAG 004, ASTM D1623 or ASTM D5651.
Proponents and testing laboratories are advised to consult with CCMC.

The traction speed must be 2.5 mm per minute (for consistency of test results, crosshead speed
should be fixed).

J.1.1.2 (e) Test Results

Report the individual results and the mean value for the bonding strength of the WRB to the
substrate. Also report the failure locations as “within the substrate,” “within the bonding plane,”
“between the coating and the substrate,” or “between the metal plate and the coating.”

J.1.2 Adhesion Strength (Adhesive to WRB)

The adhesion test must be carried out in the dry state and wet state as follows:

The adhesive must be spread on the substrate that would have been coated with the WRB to a
thickness of 3 mm to 5 mm, then covered with an insulation board to prevent the adhesive from
becoming too dehydrated. After allowing the adhesive to cure at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH and to
harden, the insulation must be removed and 15 squares 25 cm2 in area are cut through the
adhesive and just into the substrate. Metal plates 50 mm x 50 mm are bonded to the squares (5
pieces per test) using a suitable adhesive.

Note J6: Concrete substrates are recommended for such testing. However, other solid substrates
with high cohesive strength are allowed to be used as well.

The bond strength test is carried out on the five metal plates in each series after the assembly has
been allowed to dry as specified and the pieces of metal have been bonded to it.

The traction speed must be 2.5 mm per minute.

The average bond strength must be recorded at the following application conditions:

• dry condition, after the minimum curing time as recommended by the manufacturer;
• after immersion in water for 2 days and 2 hours drying at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH; and
• after immersion in water for 2 days and 7 days drying at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH.

The individual and average bond strength values are recorded, and the results are expressed in
MPa. The mean bond strength must be based on the results of five tests.

Note J7: For ribbon adhesives, the test plate dimensions may need to be a function of the ribbon
spacing, and in the case of geometrically defined insulation, a function of the specific
design of the EPS drainage characteristics.

Note J8: The adhesive must be allowed to cure for the time specified by the manufacturer. In the
absence of specific curing time, the adhesive must be cured for 28 days at the indicated
temperature and relative humidity.

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J.1.3 Adhesion Strength (Adhesive to Insulation)

The adhesion test must be performed on the insulation specified for the system. The bond tests
must be carried out in the dry state and wet state as follows:

The adhesive must be spread on the insulation to a thickness of 3 mm to 5 mm, 15 minutes after
mixing. After allowing the adhesive to cure at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH and to harden,* 15 squares
50 mm x 50 mm for EPS insulation and 200 mm x 200 mm for mineral wool insulation are cut
through the adhesive and just into the insulation layer. Metal plates 50 mm x 50 mm for EPS
specimens and 200 mm x 200 mm for the mineral wool insulation are bonded to the squares (5
pieces per test) using a suitable ad hoc adhesive.

The bond strength test is carried out on the five metal plates in each series after the assembly has
been allowed to dry as specified and the pieces of metal have been bonded to it.

The traction speed must be 1 to 10 mm per minute.

The average bond strength must be recorded at the following application conditions:

• dry condition after the minimum curing time as recommended by the manufacturer;
• after immersion in water for 2 days and 2 hours drying at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH; and
• after immersion in water for 2 days and 7 days drying at 23 ± 2°C and 50% RH.

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Appendix K − Glass Fibre Reinforcement (Test Parameters)

K.1.0 Sampling

Sampling must be conducted at random and from the production line of each manufacturing
facility and from the primary warehouse:

a) Select one roll at random from each production lot.

b) Cut and discard an approximate initial length of 3 m (10 ft.).
c) Samples must be taken 150 mm from the edges of the roll.
d) Samples must be taken in such a way so that different samples don’t have the same weft
and/or warp threads.
e) For the tensile strength and elongation before and after alkaline immersion, cut the
required number of specimens and condition prior to testing. Eighty (80) test pieces must
be prepared: 40 in direction of weft and 40 in direction of warp. (Additional specimens
should be provided to replace those that would result in localized failure at the jaws of the
clams.) A total of 60 specimens in each direction should be sufficient.

K.1.1 Conditioning

All test specimens must be conditioned for 7 days at 23°C, 50% RH and/or dry prior to testing.

K.1.2 Mesh Dimensions

The individual mesh dimensions of the glass fibre reinforcement fabric must be conducted in
accordance with CSTB at RT 24/01. The mesh dimensions must be determined in both the weft
(cross direction) and in the warp (machine direction). The measurements must be based on a
sample 1 000 mm long x width of the roll.

Measure the distance (D) between 41 adjacent threads (this would correspond to 40 meshes).
Determine the thickness (e) of at least 10 threads, chosen in the same direction, with the
measurement taken at the middle of one mesh.

Calculate the average thickness of one thread. The dimension of the mesh must be calculated
according to the following equation:

K.1.3 Surface Density

The surface density must be determined by weighing 1 linear metre of the reinforcement fabric
having a width equal to the width of the roll. The results must be expressed in g/m2 (oz/sq. yd.).

K1.4 Ash Content

The ash content of the glass fibre reinforcement fabric must be conducted in accordance with
CSTB at RT 24/01. The ash content must be conducted on three square samples 100 mm, cut

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parallel to the yarn and at least 100 mm apart, 100 mm from the side of the roll and to a constant
weight. The samples must be placed in containers that would have been dried and cooled using

Each of the containers are measured empty and their original weight M 0 is recorded. The 3
samples are each placed in a container and the weight M 1 is recorded. Subsequently, the
containers are placed in an oven at an ambient temperature. The temperature of the oven is raised
to (625 ± 20) ±C and maintained at the said temperature for 5 hours. Before weighing, the
containers are placed in desiccators for a period of 2 hours then weighed. The weight M 2 is

The ash content must be expressed as a percentage (%) of the initial weight of the three samples
as follows:

K.1.5 Tensile Strength and Elongation Before and After Alkali Exposure

The tensile strength and elongation must be tested before and after alkali exposure in accordance
with ASTM D5034 – 09, while satisfying the test parameters indicated in this section. The
original tensile strength must be conducted on specimens that would have been conditioned for 7
days at 23°C, 50% RH and/or dry prior to testing. The tensile strength after alkali exposure must
be conducted on the test specimen that would have been conditioned as indicated in this

Observe mode of specimen failure at the maximum applied tensile force. Breakage of specimen
threads may occur in one of the three modes: simultaneously, cascade pattern (where breakage
occurs sequentially, one thread after another) or a combination of these two modes. Discard all
tests that either fail locally or exhibit partial or complete slippage of the jaws.

K.1.6 Results

The results of the tensile strength expressed in (N/mm) as well as the elongation at failure in (%)
must be based on the average of the values obtained on each series of specimens. The residual
tensile strength must be calculated as a percentage (%) of the initial value to the final one, as

Where (R t ) represents the tensile strength after immersion, and (R i ) represents

the initial tensile strength.

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K.1.7 Elimination of Skewed Results

For each series of 10 specimens the average tensile strength , as well as the standard deviation
(σ) must be calculated. Every individual value not satisfying the following equation must be

K.1.8 Sample Dimensions

For the tensile strength and elongation, before and after alkaline immersion, the size of test
specimens must be 100 mm wide by at least 300 mm long with the long dimension parallel to the
direction of testing and force application. Each specimen must contain a minimum of 5 threads
within its width.

K.1.9 Specimen Net Width

The specimen net width must be 50 mm. Cut slits on the sides of the specimen at mid-point as
required in ASTM D5035.

K.1.10 Number of Samples

Eighty (80) test pieces must be prepared: 40 in direction of weft and 40 in direction of warp.
(Additional specimens should be provided to replace those that would result in localized failure at
the jaws of the clams.) A total of 60 specimens in each direction should be sufficient.

K.1.11 Clamping Arrangement

The clamps used in the testing machine must not cause slippage of the sample nor localized
failure at the jaws. The clamps must be sufficiently rigid to resist any deformation during the test
and must be covered with a suitable rubber surface and be capable of holding the whole width of
the specimen.

K.1.12 Distance Between Clamps

The length of the specimen between the clamps (specimen gauge length) must be 200 mm.

K.1.13 Testing Conditions

Testing must be conducted in the as-delivered stat (dry state) and after immersion in alkaline
solutions (aging state).

K.1.14 Tensile Testing Machine

The tensile testing machine must be a constant rate of elongation (CRE) type of equipment
providing calibrated load and crosshead displacement readings. If the equipment is not fitted with
a 200 mm gauge extensometer, a dial gauge arrangement and a recording of load extension chart
may be used to determine the percentage of elongation at break.

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K.1.15 Crosshead Speed

The crosshead speed must be 100 ± 5 mm/min.

K.1.16 Elongation

The elongation in percentage must be determined by one of the following methods:

• measured – using 200 mm gauge extensometer if available; or

• calculated – from load versus crosshead displacement chart = extension at maximum break
load divided by gauge length (200 mm).

Care must be taken to detect one specimen slippage at the clamping jaws in order to be excluded
from the total crosshead displacement in calculating the net specimen elongation.

K.1.17 Tensile Strength

The tensile strength must be expressed as the mean value for 10 test specimens in (N/mm) in both
directions of the reinforcement fabric. For each series of 10 specimens, the average tensile
strength as well as the standard deviations must be calculated.

Note K1: Any tensile strength value X i that does not meet the following relation must be

X avg – X i ≤ 2.5~

K.1.18 Alkaline Exposure

K.1.18.1 Alkaline Solution

The alkaline solution could be prepared as per one of the following methods:

1. a tri-alkali solution composed of 1 g NaOH, 4 g KOH, and 0.5 g Ca (OH) 2 added to

one litre of distilled water (4 litres of such solution will be required);
2. a solution to be made alkaline by the addition of 25% by weight of white cement; or
3. the solution needs to attain and maintain constantly a 12.5 pH level throughout the
testing period. The level of the pH must be measured and reported on a weekly basis.

Note K2: The characteristics of the three ions must be as follows: NaOH must have a minimum
purity of 97%, the KOH must have a minimum purity of 85% and the Ca (OH) 2 must
have a minimum purity of 96%.

Each alkaline solution prepared must be destined for the immersion of one set of testing. The
solutions must be prepared in recipients that would allow the specimens to be fully covered by the
alkaline solutions and which would have covers to avoid evaporation. After the initial ultimate
tensile strength characteristics have been determined on 10 test pieces taken in the direction of the
weft and on 10 taken in the direction of the warp; the other test pieces of glass fabric must be
immersed in one of the alkaline solutions described above.

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K.1.18.2 Tri-alkali Solution Testing

One set of testing could include 2 series of 10 specimens where one series in the weft direction
and one series in the warp direction. The specimens must be immersed, flat, not overlapping each
other, in the 4 litre solution for 28 consecutive days.

K.1.18.3 Cement Solution Testing

The cement solution must be prepared one day prior to the start of the testing and the immersion
of the specimens. The pH value of the cement solution must be 12.5 and must remain constant
throughout the 90 days of soaking.

A stainless steel grid must be placed at the bottom of the container having the cement solution.
Six (6) series of 10 specimens, three (3) that would have been cut in the weft direction and three
that would have been cut in the warp direction must be immersed, flat in the cement solution.
Two (2) series of 10 specimens (one series consisting of specimens cut in the weft direction and
the second series consisting of specimen cut in the warp direction) are immersed in the cement
solution for each of the time periods of 30, 60 and 90 days.

At the end of each of the three consecutive 30-day periods, 10 samples must be taken in the
direction of the warp and 10 in the direction of the weft.

K.1.18.4 Conditioning Post-Alkaline Immersion

Subsequent to the alkaline immersion, the test specimens must be removed and must undergo the
following conditioning:

1. The specimen must be immersed in a neutralizing acid solution consisting of 5 ml of

hydrochloric acid diluted in 4 litres of water.
2. The specimen must be rinsed in 3 consecutive water baths, each bath consisting of
4 litres of water, and for 5 minutes duration in each bath.
3. The specimens are then allowed to dry at 23°C, 50% RH conditions for 7 days (in the
case of the 30, 60 and 90 day cement immersion) and 2 days (in the case of the tri-
alkali immersion).

The results must be expressed as the mean value obtained from 10 tests relating to the failing
stresses in both directions of the reinforcement and expressed in N/mm-1.

The following must be recorded:

• the individual values of the tensile strength calculated based on the force at failure;
• the individual values of elongation calculated based on the change of length at failure;
• the average values of tensile strength and elongation; and
• the residual value calculated based on average tensile strength after aging with respect to
original average tensile strength.

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Appendix L − Durability of EIFS Cladding under Cyclic Environmental Conditions

L.1 Scope

This test method provides a standard laboratory procedure for assessing the durability of EIFS
cladding under specified cyclic environmental conditions.

EIFS cladding is a non-loadbearing exterior cladding system consisting of:

• an insulation board that is adhered or mechanically fastened, or a combination of the two,

to a substrate;
• a base coat (Class PB) applied on the exterior face of the insulation board;
• reinforcing mesh; and
• a finish coat.

The EIFS cladding is installed in combination with a drained air space and a continuous water
resistive barrier to comply with the CCMC strategy for cladding. The effects of
design/construction details are assessed by incorporating into the test specimen design and
construction details that can affect the long-term performance of the cladding.

The drained air space is provided by either notch troweled adhesive, ribbon and/or by the
geometrically defined grooves or designs in the EPS insulation.

The effect of incidental water in the cladding is assessed by introducing a metered quantity of
water into the cladding in a preconditioning stage.

The effect of hygrothermal stresses are assessed by subjecting the specimen to cyclic temperature,
air pressure difference and water spray that are applied for a representative number of cycles.

The effect of mechanical stress is assessed by constructing a flexible specimen that will deflect
under the imposed air pressure difference.

This procedure gives an indication of the expected performance of the cladding over time, but
does not produce an estimate of the service life of the cladding.

L.2 Summary of Test Method

The test method consists of three stages (preconditioning, environmental cycling and assessment).
In the preconditioning stage, a full-scale test specimen is preconditioned by adding water behind
the cladding. In the environmental cycling stage, the exterior of the full-scale test specimen is
subjected to cyclic environmental conditions (temperature, pressure and water spray) for 15 days
while constant conditions are maintained on the interior. In the assessment stage, the durability of
the cladding is assessed by observing changes in appearance (cracking, delaminating, etc.) and
measuring cohesive/adhesive strength.

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L.3 Significance and Use

This test procedure sets a standard approach for assessing the durability of EIFS cladding under
laboratory conditions. Deterioration can be accelerated by improper design details, inferior
construction practices and aging of materials, all of which can expose the building envelope
materials to a microclimate that accelerates deterioration.

Note L1: Durability is not an intrinsic property of a material, but rather a function of the
material and its environment. To this end, the procedure accelerates aging of the
materials in the assembly by subjecting a specially designed test specimen to extreme
simulated cyclic environmental conditions.

A full-scale test specimen, representing an EIFS clad wall assembly, is constructed according to
the manufacturer’s instructions on a steel framing assembly that is designed to be flexible under
the applied test pressure difference. Design/Construction elements that are deemed critical to
long-term performance, namely, expansion joints, a window opening and typical service
penetrations, are included in the specimen in order to assess the effect of these details.

Note L2: A full-scale test specimen, which is designed to be flexible and includes expansion
joints and penetrations, is used to assess the effect of stresses introduced by
environmental changes at the interface with other wall components.
As water retained in the cladding system can have an adverse effect on the long-term
performance, the present test method includes a preconditioning stage in which a metered
quantity of water is introduced into the cladding. The water is allowed to drain at designed
drainage locations such as at the base of the specimen (or at any other specific location specified
by the manufacturer) but any that is retained within the assembly is left in place for the
environmental cycling stage.

After the preconditioning stage, the test specimen is subjected to cyclic environmental conditions.
The conditions are selected based on experience with European EIFS evaluation, durability of
building envelope subsystems (e.g., fenestration systems) as per ASTM test methods, the physical
limits of test facilities, and the range of Canadian climatic conditions. The environmental loads
(e.g., range of air temperature, intensity of water spray) may be too severe for some applications
and not severe enough for others. Nevertheless, this procedure provides standardized test
conditions and evaluation criteria for an assessment of the durability of EIFS cladding.

L.4 Test Apparatus

The description of the test apparatus is general in nature and any arrangement of equipment
capable of performing the test procedure within the allowable tolerances is permitted.

The test apparatus for the environmental cycling stage consists of a room environmental chamber
and a weather environmental chamber.

The room chamber must be capable of maintaining static environmental conditions with an air
temperature of 24 ± 2°C and a relative humidity of 50 ± 5%.

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The weather chamber must be capable of maintaining a static air pressure difference of ± 1200 Pa
across the test specimen. The weather chamber must also be capable of maintaining the air
temperature between -20 ± 1°C and 66 ± 1°C, and of ramping the temperature between these
extremes at a rate of 60 ± 2°C/h.

Note L3: Water must be supplied and maintained at a temperature of 20 ± 3°C.

For the environmental cycling stage, the specimen must be mounted in such a manner that the
exterior face is exposed to the weather chamber and the base of the specimen will not be exposed
to standing water. This must be achieved by mounting the specimen in a separate frame to be
inserted between the chambers or by mounting the specimen directly into the opening of one of
the chambers. In either case, the specimen must be fastened on all four sides against the load that
will be imposed by the applied air pressure difference.

The facility must be capable of measuring the liquid water balance with a precision of 10 mL
during the preconditioning stage. Temperatures must be controlled to within 1°C, and measured
with a precision of 0.5°C. Pressure difference must be controlled to within 10 Pa, and measured
with a precision of 5 Pa. Water spray must meet the requirements of ASTM E 331.

L.5 Test Specimen

The test specimen is an EIFS clad wall assembly with minimum overall dimensions of 3 m x 3 m
(10 ft. x 10 ft.). It must be constructed using lightweight steel framing and incorporating the

• one vertical and one horizontal expansion joint;

• a 450 mm x 600 mm window frame; and
• representative service penetrations; namely, 100 mm square or round galvanized duct,
38 mm diameter PVC pipe; and hexagonal or square electrical junction box.

Assemble a lightweight steel frame according to the installation techniques presented in CSSBI
Residential Steel Framing – Installation Manual using 41 mm x 92 mm x 1.12 mm (18 regular
gauge). Finish the frame at top and bottom with steel tracks. Locate a rough opening for the
window frame 300 mm from the top and 200 mm from the side. Do not install a lintel above the
window opening. Install horizontal flat strap bridging at the third points on the interior and
exterior faces of the frame, and terminate the bridging at each side with blocking installed
between the two end studs. See CSSBI Residential Steel Framing – Installation Manual Figure
3.2.4, and 6.3.2a, and Figure L.1 of this Technical Guide.

Note L4: The structural frame is designed to an acceptable standard for wind loading in
accordance with the CSSBI Residential Steel Framing – Installation Manual. The
frame includes wall bracing and appropriate details around window openings and
service penetrations.

Note L5: 18 gauge steel stud is not expected to cause fastening failure (unzipping of fasteners) of
sheathing during the repeated pressure cycling. Unzipping could be caused by other
factors such as too few fasteners, inappropriate fasteners, etc.

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Install sheathing specified by the manufacturer according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Note L6: The CCMC evaluation officer must select the sheathing if the manufacturer has more
than one acceptable sheathing. The selection will be based on criteria that include
moisture sensitivity and structural performance.

Install the elements (drained air space and water resistive barrier) in accordance with
manufacturer’s installation manual cladding strategy. If the material used as the adhesive will also
be used as the water resistive barrier, install a coat of the material sufficient to perform as the
water resistive barrier and allow it to cure, before applying the adhesive coat. The adhesive coat
must be applied independently of the WRB coat.

Note L7: The manufacturer may opt to conduct the test wall specimen with 1 coat (worst-case

Install the EIFS cladding according to the manufacturer’s instructions and using 50-mm-thick
insulation. Locate the horizontal expansion joint 300 mm from the bottom edge of the specimen,
and the vertical expansion joint at the side of the window opening nearest the edge of the
specimen. Back wrap the sides of the specimen and finish the top and bottom of the specimen
according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Construct the rough window opening in accordance with the minimum requirements of the
CSSBI Residential Steel Framing – Installation Manual. Finish the rough window opening
according to the EIFS manufacturer’s instructions. Install an aluminum fixed window frame in
the opening and execute the flashing details around the window according to cladding
manufacturer’s recommendations, best practice and to ensure an adequate seal around opening.

Note L8: The window frame serves to include a standard wall-window interface in the test

Locate the service penetrations vertically centered on a line 500 mm from the top of the specimen
and horizontally 300 mm from the edge of the specimen and at least 300 mm apart. Install them
according to the requirements of each penetration including structural integrity, and seal them
against air and water passage through them.

Note L9: The service penetrations serve to include standard penetrations in the test specimen.
However, air and water passage through the service item itself (e.g., through the
ductwork) should not be a factor in the durability test, and they should be sealed
appropriately to eliminate it.

The sheathing and EPS insulation boards installation are shown in Figures L.2 and L.3 of this
Technical Guide.

Render the finish onto the specimen according to the manufacturer’s installation instructions,
except only apply the finish coat to the (upper diagonal half) 50% of the face of the specimen as
shown in Figure L.4. Apply sealant to the perimeter of the window, service penetrations and

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expansion joints according to the manufacturer’s instructions (EIFS and sealant manufacturers,

Note L10: The performance of the base coat is examined directly by leaving the lower diagonal
half of the specimen unfinished (base coat only).

Details of specimen components and construction must be presented in a tabular form as

suggested in Table L.1.

L.6 Test Procedure

Note L11: A one-day period is allowed for installation and anchoring in the apparatus and one
week for the installation sealant to cure.

The test procedure has three stages – preconditioning, environmental cycling and assessment.

Preconditioning − Must be carried out following installation and sealing of the test specimen, and
immediately prior to the environmental cycling.

The test specimen must be mounted vertically between the room and weather chamber with the
EIFS cladding facing the weather chamber in such a manner that the test specimen can be
observed on all sides during the preconditioning stage.

Note L12: Preconditioning and cycling must be carried out on the same apparatus in order to
avoid manufacturing the wall after preconditioning, and in order to commence
cycling immediately following preconditioning.

The test specimen must be fastened in place through the lightweight steel frame with fasteners at
600 mm o.c. and sealed at the test specimen perimeter. Weather seals must be watertight and
must be capable of maintaining their integrity under the imposed load and deflection of the test

Note L13: Drainage at the bottom of the test specimen need not be sealed prior to cycling.

A water supply tank must be installed above the test specimen and filled with a quantity of water
that represents at least 1.5 L for each square meter to test specimen area. The full area of the test
specimen must be used to determine the quantity of water. The supply tank must be located such
that the water can drain to a supply header that will distribute the water uniformly over the entire
width of the test specimen.

Water must be distributed uniformly at the top of the test specimen from the supply header at a
rate such that no more than a 10 mm head builds up at the top of the supply holes, but faster than
15 l/h per metre of test specimen width. The supply of water must be stopped after 120 minutes.

Environmental Cycling – Fasten the specimen in place through the lightweight steel frame with
fasteners at 600 mm (24 in.) o.c. Fasten and face seal the specimen’s perimeter to the test
chamber. Weather seals must be watertight and must be capable of maintaining their integrity

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under the imposed loads and deflection of the test specimen. Configure the designed drainage
outlet at the bottom of the specimen to drain to the weather chamber.

Control the environmental conditions in the room chamber at 24 ± 2°C and 50 ± 5% relative

Control the environmental conditions in the weather chamber (temperature, pressure difference
and water spray) according to the cycles shown in Figure A 2.6 for 60 cycles.

Note L14: Manufacturers who are not sure of the performance of their product relative to the
full-scale test are encouraged to conduct a unidirectional freeze-thaw screening test
on smaller samples of their product prior to conducting the present full-scale test.
(Guidance on the size of the small panels and/or the conditions of testing could be
provided by a testing organization having extensive experience with the present test.)

Note L15: The environmental cycling has a period of six hours and four cycles are applied per
day. The total elapsed time for the cycling is 15 days.

Assessment – Terminate the test after 60 environmental cycles, or earlier if the test specimen is
observed to have failed. After the environmental cycling is terminated, examine the specimen for
deterioration. The finish coat must remain adhered to the base coat with no detachment, crazing
or blistering. There must be no cracking, blistering or sagging of the base coat, nor must the base
coat exhibit any separation from the insulation. There must be no changes in colour or texture of
the finish coat or base coat. All sealant should remain adhered to the base coat and the finish coat.
If water is observed to penetrate beyond the elements forming the CCMC cladding strategy or to
drain from locations other than designed drainage outlets, it must be documented.

After the visual examination, cut six cores from the test specimen to a depth, and in sufficient
dimensions, to undergo the adhesive bond test (Section and the coating bond test (Section of the Technical Guide. Three cores must be cut from the base coat only area, and three
cut from the finish coat area. The cores must be separated by at least 600 mm and 600 mm from
the edge of the specimen or any penetration. Do not subject the cores to the water immersion step
of the bond test. Measure the adhesion/cohesion strength of each core and calculate the average of
the measurements. The strength determined for the adhesive, lamina and finish coat must meet
the requirements set out in the Technical Guide.

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Figure L.1 Steel frame assembly

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Figure L.2 Details of sheathing installation

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Figure L.3 Details of installation of insulation boards

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Figure L.4 Test specimen for assessing durability of EIFS cladding under cyclic
environmental conditions

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Figure L.5 Details of one wet cycle of the environmental conditions to be imposed
in the weather chamber

TG 07 24 13.01
Table L.1
Type/Materials/ Application/ Product
Item Quantity Size (WxHxD)
Description Location Identification
Fastening No. of fasteners Length of fasteners
Base coat No. of coats Thickness
Reinforcing mesh Grade of mesh Thickness
Finish coat No. of coats
Thickness of
Adhesive No. of coats Thickness
No. of coats Thickness
Framing Type of studs Gauge Size
Sheathing Type of sheathing Product ID
Type of
Joint Tape
mesh/grade, if any
Expansion joint
Horizontal Details of joints Width Product ID
Vertical Details of joints Width Product ID
Drainage Location
- 71 -
Fixed aluminum
Water pipe

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Appendix M − Drainage Capacity

M.1.0 General

This test method is intended to determine the water retention ratio of an EIFS wall when
subjected to controlled and metered water intrusion at the interface between the insulation and the
water resistive barrier system.

The test method provides information on the preparation of the wall test specimens and describes
the test apparatus and procedure to be used to assess the water retention ratio of the drained EIFS

M.2.0 Summary of Test Method

This test method consists of directing a known rate and amount of water into an opening at the
top of a drainage cavity that is formed at the interface between the insulation and water resistive
barrier and determining the amount of water retained by the assembly after directing water to the
drainage cavity over a 60-minute period.

M.3.0 Significance and Use

This test method provides a standard procedure for determining the water retention ratio of a
drainage cavity incorporated in an EIFS cladding.

The effectiveness of a drainage cavity behind any cladding directly affects the moisture migration
and retention in the wall assembly, and as such, affects the long-term performance of the wall
assembly. Water that intrudes behind any cladding and remains in the interstitial spaces within
the drainage system may induce problems with moisture sensitive components in the wall
assembly if sufficient water is present for extended periods of time.

The information provided from this test method allows obtaining an accurate wetting and drying
history of a wetting event, and determining the degree to which water is retained in the test

M.4.0 Test Apparatus

The apparatus must consist of the following main elements:

• test specimen support and weighing system;
• water dispensing system; and
• water collection system.

M.5.0 Test Specimen Support and Weighing System

The test specimen support and weighing system must consist of a beam attached to the test
specimen and to a set of counterweights to reduce the weight actually needed to be measured. The
counterweights must be placed on a plate attached to one end of the beam, whereas the test
specimen must be attached at the other end of the beam through a series of adjustable metal ties

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(turnbuckles) that must ensure that the test specimen is nominally plumb. The beam must be
maintained in a level position, which can be ascertained by the use of a carpenter’s level placed
on the beam above the pivot. A restraint (such as adjustable tensioned rope slings) must be
installed at the bottom of the wall to prevent the test specimen from swaying. The restraint must
be constructed of a lightweight material that is not affected by humidity.

Calibrated load cells having a minimum accuracy of 1.0 g must be used to continuously measure
the weight of the wall specimen. The calibrated load cells must be verified in accordance with
ASTM E74-13a, “Standard Practice of Calibration of Force-Measuring Instruments for Verifying
the Force Indication of Testing Machines.” The load cell can be mounted either directly above the
attachment point of the test wall or offset from the attachment point. Load cell calibration must be
required at the beginning and the end of the testing for each test specimen to address any possible
changes in the positioning of the counterbalancing forces from one test to another. Calibration
must be made by linear regression using a minimum of 5 increments of the applied load to
establish the calibration curve.

Figure M.1 Weight balancing system

M.6.0 Water Dispensing System

The water dispensing system must uniformly dispense water across the width of the opening at
the top of the test specimen and into the drainage cavity using a perforated metal tube and a
trickle wand at a rate of 8.0 l/hr. Water must be transferred to the tube by action of a rotating fluid
metering pump having a minimum capacity of 8000 g/hr. The pump must extract water from a

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holding tank located adjacent to the test apparatus in which water is maintained at a constant
temperature of 23 ± 2°C. The pump rotation rate must be adjustable to permit varying the rate of
water delivery to the drainage cavity. Water must trickle from evenly spaced openings in a metal
tube, comprising 16 holes of 0.2 mm diameter, spaced 38 mm apart, onto a serrated synthetic
fabric mesh that directs water onto the surface of the WRB. The water dispensing system must be
independent of the wall to avoid imposing any force on the free-hanging test specimen.

Figure M.2 Trickle wand with serrated fabric edge

The flow rate must be calibrated by activating the pump for a period of 15 minutes and
dispensing the water into a container whose weight can be monitored continuously. Following
this period, the time and weight must be recorded and the rate calculated in terms of the weight of
water dispensed over the calibration period. This procedure must be repeated a minimum of three
times and the average flow rate of flow must be determined on the basis of the three test results.
In the event the range in variation among any of the individual results exceeds 2%, the calibration
tests must be repeated to ensure repeatability in the flow rate of less than 2%.

The water collection system must be located at the base of the test specimen and must consist of
an inclined gutter having a minimum slope of 2% along the width of the specimen, and a
container located adjacent to the gutter. Water drainage from the drainage cavity and exiting at
the base of the test specimen must be directed to the gutter and then away from the test specimen.

M.7.0 Test Specimen

The EIFS wall test specimen must be a minimum of 2440 mm high x 1220 mm wide. The test
specimen must consist of the same material, components and details specified by the
manufacturer, and be prepared by the same methods as used in the actual steel stud or wood-
frame construction, unless otherwise noted. Installation of any of the components of the wall
should follow acceptable construction practices.

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The test specimen must be fabricated of steel or wood stud framing consisting of 38 mm x 89 mm
studs places at 400 mm o.c., thus making three studs spaces. Wood framing and sheathing must
be dried and equilibrated to the test environment. The moisture content of the sheathing and/or
framing must not exceed the limits allowed in the NBC.

The test specimen frame must have a single bottom sill plate and double top plates.

The sheathing panels must consist of OSB conforming to the requirements of CSA O325, having
a thickness of 11.1 mm with the water resistive barrier coating installed on the non-stamped grade
face (rough face). The wood sheathing must have a horizontal joint, at mid-height that must
extend across the full width of the wall and will be 3.2 mm wide. The joint must be treated in
accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications for joint details.

Note M2: The preferable method is to have the joint in the sheathing at the time of the
installation of the specimen. An acceptable alternate method must consist of a braced
shingle sheathing panel to which the EIFS wall must be constructed and to which a
joint, 3.2 mm wide, at mid-height of the sheathing is made, using a saw cut that extends
to ¾ of the width of the specimen. The joint must be treated in accordance with the
manufacturer’s specifications for joint details. Additional blocking when using the
alternate test method is allowed.

The height of the EPS applied must be 2130 mm. The EPS must be applied in a staggered
configuration as represented in Figure M.3.

Figure M.3 Joint pattern in the EPS insulation

The WRB must be in compliance with the applicable requirements of the Technical Guide and must be
installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation instructions.

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The drainage capacity must be created using ribbons of adhesives or must be created by
geometrically defined profiles in the EPS insulation or both.

Note: An EIFS whose drainage capacity relies on notched trowel technique (ribbons) would have
the drainage test results limited to the specific WRB used in this test and to the techniques with
which it would have been applied. EIFS whose drainage capacity relies on geometrically defined
design (geometrical profiles in the EPS) could have the drainage test results applicable to other
WRB whose moisture characteristics are considered to be of higher performance than the tested
one, and whose application techniques would not alter the drainage path that would be created by
the geometrically defined profile and the adhesive used.

The top of the test specimen must be constructed to omit a 200 mm high x 1220 mm wide portion
of the EIFS to permit the installation of the water delivery system and to permit the delivery of
water to the drainage cavity. Water must be delivered to the drainage cavity on the surface of the
WPB. The position of the insulation must expose 150 mm of the substrate at the bottom of the
test specimen.

The WRB must be applied around the side edges of the OSB to seal and overlap the framing.
Backwrapping of the EPS foam by the glass fibre mesh is not required at these locations. The
base coat and mesh must be applied in the field of the wall and wrapped around the edges of the
EPS and overlap the WRB on the side framing or sheathing. Attention must be made so that the
sides of the test specimen must be made watertight to prevent exiting the test specimen over the
course of the test sequence. The application of a finish coat is not required.

Note M3: The EIFS drainage must be tested on the basis of 2 coats of WRB such as the mandated
2 coats in real applications.

The EIFS test specimen must be tested without the starter track, unless specified otherwise by the

A special wedge-shaped drip edge may be installed by the manufacturer that will be integral to
the WRB to facilitate the clear drainage of water. Otherwise, the testing agency must use details
that would accomplish this end.

Note M4: Preconditioning of the drainage cavity prior to the start of the testing sequence is

This is particularly appropriate for test specimens constructed using a site mixed adhesive for
applying vertical adhesive ribbons. However, this option is also available for any adhesive
product used for this purpose. In the event of preconditioning, a minimum 7 day period drying is
required prior to conducting the drainage test. The preconditioning may be conducted using a
water hose with spray head to direct water into the drainage cavity at any convenient rate to
thoroughly wet the drainage cavity over the width of the wall specimen though which water will
subsequently be imposed during the drainage test. Wetting of the exterior face of the wall must be
strictly avoided and a special trough may have to be provided to achieve this end. The duration of
thorough wetting may be done over a period of up to 30 minutes. No dye must be used in the
water for either the preconditioning phase or for the test phase. If it is desired to examine the

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pathways taken by water after the formal drainage test has been completed, a dye may be used at
that time.

Note M5: A weight record is not required to be taken during the preconditioning phase.
Note M6: A self-adhered modified bituminous membrane may be applied to the interior surface
of the exterior vertical framing studs to render the test specimen watertight.

The test specimen must be cured for 14 days or according to the manufacturer’s installation
instructions, whichever is longer, prior to testing at 23 ± 2°C and 50 ± 5% RH.

A pair of fixtures must be installed at the top plate of the test specimen to permit securely
fastening it to the test assembly.

M.8.0 Test Procedure

The test must be conducted under continuously stable laboratory climatic conditions (23 ± 2°C
and 50 ± 5% RH). The temperature and relative humidity must be continuously monitored prior
to and during the test sequence. The test specimen must be allowed to acclimatize to the
laboratory conditions for a period of at least 24 hours before conducting the test.

The test specimen must be mounted in the test apparatus and the vertical turnbuckles and other
attachment fixtures must be adjusted to ensure that the test specimen is plumb across its length,
width and depth.

The weight used to counterbalance the wall must be adjusted so that sufficient preload is applied
to the load cell, and thereafter, to tare the weight of the test specimen. (This is intended to keep
the test specimen steady against any disturbance and in contact with the load cell during the test

The calibrated load cell must be functional. The pre-test sequence must be initiated by ensuring
that the data acquisition for continuous measurements of weight, temperature and relative
humidity is functional, as well as the water delivery system (water pumps, opening in the metal
tube to deliver water to the drainage space are cleared of any blockage).

The test sequence must be initiated by recording the time, starting the pump, and thereafter,
recording the weight of the test specimen.

The weight increases of the wall specimen must be recorded continuously every 30 seconds using
a data acquisition system or at a 2 minute interval (30 times during the first 60 minutes of the test)
to the nearest 1.0 grams.

The water supply must be terminated after 60 minutes by stopping the water delivery pump. The
weight of the wall must be recorded to the nearest 1.0 grams, 60 minutes after the water has

The water retention ratio must be calculated as the total weight of water retained divided by the
projected area of the wet wall. The projected area of the wall must be calculated as the full height
of the wall below the serrated glass fibre mesh fabric multiplied by the width of the serrated mesh

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fabric. Each distance must be measured to an accuracy of 1.0 mm. The water retention ratio of the
wall specimen must be reported in (g/m2).

M.9.0 Reporting

The following information must be reported:

• detailed drawings of the test specimens that include evaluation and sectional drawings with
dimensions and any other pertinent details of the fabrication and assembly of the test
• table providing information on all the components used in the test specimens: studs,
sheathing, WRB, adhesive, base coat, finish coat;
• results of the calibration of the water flow rate;
• graph showing the weight of the wall at each 2 minute interval for the first 2 hours. If
continuous monitoring using a data acquisition system was used, provide the information
according to the prescribed rate of the data acquisition;
• calculate the total weight of water retained in the wall after 120 minutes, which would
represent the difference in weight of the test specimen in the nominally dry condition prior to
the introduction of water and after completion of the test procedure; and
• reporting must be as indicated in Table M.9.1.

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Table M.9.1 Drainage Capacity Reporting

Property Result
Requirements Retained Water
1 hr
Panel 1 Total (g)
The unit retained water
(based on the projected
drainage area) following
one hour, and 48 hours of Per unit area
drainage period must not (g/m2)
be greater than 40 g/m2
for any single test Pass/No
specimen. pass
The drainage capacity
must not be less than 98%
Drainage capacity
Drainage capacity of the water mass zz.00
delivered into the EIFS
wall specimen.
Panel 2 Total (g)
Per unit area
(g/m2) Pass/No
Drainage capacity pass
Panel 3 Total (g)
Per unit area
(g/m2) Pass/No
Drainage capacity pass

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Appendix N − Wind Load Resistance Test

N.1.0 Summary of Test Method

The wind load resistance test must be conducted in accordance with ASTM E330/E330M − 14,
“Standard Test Method for Structural Performance of Exterior Windows, Doors, Skylights and
Curtain Walls by Uniform Static Air Pressure Difference,” Procedure B, applying the positive
and negative test loads and modes of wind pressure application – sustained, cyclic and gust loads
specified in CAN/ULC-S742-11 “Standard for Air Barrier Assemblies – Specification.”

N.2.0 Test Specimen

The cladding system must be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s installation
procedures and using materials representative of those that are on-site.

The height of the wall test specimen must not be less than one-storey high, while its width must
not be less than 3.0 m.

The size and spacing of the studs should represent the worst-case scenario of the minimum
requirements of Table of Division B of NBC 2015.

Note N1: The wind load resistance testing conducted on the hygrothermal test specimens could
have the gauge of the used stud (18 gauge regular) rather than the required (18 gauge

The sheathing board must have the minimum thickness allowed in the NBC 2015, and as allowed
in the manufacturer’s installation manual for the cladding system. The sheathing board must be
installed in accordance with Figure N.1.

The specimen must comprise the number of components necessary to accurately represent the
supporting structure, the anchorage and all the devices in current use for fixing the elements onto
the structure and onto adjacent components.

The framing, sheathing pattern and deflection location points of the test specimen must be
constructed according to the specifications provided in this section of the Guide.

N.3.0 Deflection Gauges

The minimum number and location of deflection gauges for the wind load resistance must be as
indicated in Figure N.2. The deflections must be measured along the horizontal and vertical
centre line at the indicated locations.

Note N2: The deflection must be measured at mid-span of intermediate studs relative to their
ends and at mid-span of the sheathing relative to the intermediate studs. Measurements
for the displacement of the studs and the sheathing must be taken at all measuring

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N.4.0 Test Procedure

The sample must be subjected to full-scale positive and negative test loads as described in
CAN/ULC-S742, “Facades made of components − Tests for resistance to positive and negative
static pressure generated by wind.”

Note N3: Under dynamic wind loading conditions, and depending on degree of cavity pressure
equalization, the wind pressure is exerted momentarily on the rainscreen cladding.
Under static pressure test conditions, air cavity pressure is equalized with the exterior,
so the test pressure bypasses the cladding and is exerted on the structure. Therefore, in
order to evaluate the structural adequacy of the cladding and anchoring elements, it
would be necessary in the case of rainscreen cladding systems to exert the test pressure
on the cladding element itself, and the test pressure must be transmitted to the structure
through the cladding. The testing organization must ensure that the applied pressures
are transmitted to the structural elements through the cladding and not be transmitted
directly to the sheathing. Proper sealing of the test specimen is important as some
claddings may allow air flow through the specimen that is in excess of the blower
equipment capacity. The means to stop air leakage must not restrict any relative
movement between specimen components.

N.5.0 Wind Pressure Applications

The CAN/ULC-S742 test protocol specifies three maximum pressure levels for three different
modes of wind pressure application: sustained, cyclic and gust loads.

i) Deformation test (sustained pressure)

The cladding is submitted to increasing pressure in increasing stages for a minimum period
of 10 seconds at each stage, up to the maximum pressure (P 1 ) required for the test. (See
Figure N.1.) P 1 must be taken as the reference velocity pressure for the design of the
cladding as per Sentence of Division B of the NBC 2015. This reference
velocity pressure is based on a probability of being exceeded in any one year of 1 in 50
(Q 50 ) and is based on climatic data in conformance with Appendix C of Division B of the
NBC 2015.

The reference pressure (P 1 ) and the cyclic (P 2 ) and gust pressures (P 3 ) indicated in Table
N.1 cover applications on non-post-disaster buildings that are three storeys high (12 m) or
less, falling under the scope of Part 9 of the NBC 2015.

Proponents wishing to evaluate their cladding systems to wind pressure loads (P 1 , P 2 and
P 3 ) that are different (smaller or greater) than the ones indicated in Table N.1 must notify
CCMC for approval.

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ii) Repeated positive and negative pressure test (cyclic pressure)

The cladding must be submitted to the required number of positive pressure impulses between 0
and the value of P 2 indicated in Table N.1. The value of P 2 must be at least 0.67 times the value
of P 3 indicated in Table N.1.

iii) Safety test (gust wind)

The cladding must be submitted to the maximum required gust pressure (P 3 ) indicated in Table
N.1. P 3 must be reached as quickly as possible, but not in less than 1 s, and held for 3 s. The
value of P 3 must be at least 2.18 times the design value of P 1 . For post-disaster applications, the
values of P 3 must be at least 1.4375 times (i.e., 1.15/0.08) the gust pressure (P 3 ) values indicated
in Table N.1.

The sample must be subjected to the maximum positive and negative test loads contained in
Table N.1 and according to the loading schedule outlined in Figure N.1.

Table N.1 Maximum Positive and Negative Pressures for Sustained, Cyclic and Gust Loads
for Non-Post-Disaster Buildings
For Geographical
P 1 , P 1 ′1 P 2 , P 2 ′1 P 3 , P 3 ′1
Areas where Wind 2
Sustained for 1 hr 2000 Cycles Gust Wind
Design Value is:
(Pa) (Pa) (Pa)
Q 50 (kPa)
Q 50 < 0.45 450 660 980
Q 50 < 0.55 550 800 1 200
Q 50 < 0.60 650 950 1 410
Q 50 < 0.75 750 1 090 1 630
Q 50 < 0.85 850 1 240 1 850
Q 50 < 0.80 1 000 1 460 2 180

Notes to Table N.1:

1. See Figure N.1 for references to P 1 , P 1 ′, P 2 , P 2 ′, P 3 , P 3 ′.

2. The 2 000 cyclic loads can be applied in four stages of 500 cycles or two stages of 1 000
cycles reversing from positive to negative pressures.

N.6.0 Deflection Measurements

At the end of the wind loading, deflection measurements must be taken according to the following

Maximum deflections must be recorded at 2.18* times the 1 in 50 hourly wind pressure (Q 50 ), (i.e.,
gust wind, P 3 ) as outlined in Table N.2, for both positive and negative pressures. The measurements

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must be taken subsequent to the sustained, cyclic and gust wind pressure loading program in Figure

Note N4: It should be noted that this generalized case for low-rise buildings is applicable to
buildings that have a height from grade to the uppermost roof of 12 m or less, and is
located within a build-up area, no less than 120 m away from the boundary between
this area and open terrain, including bodies of water upwind of the building. The panel
height is 10.8 m (12 m – 1.2 m), and the panel is considered to be 2.44 m x 2.44 m at
the vertical edge of the building.

Table N.2 Maximum Wind Pressures for Deflection Measurements for

Non-Post-Disaster Buildings
For Geographical Areas where Record Maximum Deflection(s) after
Wind Design Value is Q 50 Completion of Wind Pressure
(kPa) Loading at following Load1
Q 50 < 0.45 D 0.45 @ 980 Pa
Q 50 < 0.55 D 0.55 @ 1200 Pa
Q 50 < 0.65 D 0.65 @ 1410 Pa
Q 50 < 0.75 D 0.75 @ 1630 Pa
Q 50 < 0.85 D 0.85 @ 1850 Pa
Q 50 < 1.00 D 1.00 @ 2180 Pa

Note to Table N.2:

1. The wind pressure loading must be maintained for a minimum of 10 seconds and the
maximum deflection, at any point on the specimen, from the supporting member of the
cladding system must be determined for both positive and negative pressures.

Note N5: The proponent of the system may request that the testing agency measure the deflection
of the system at various stages during the wind loading. This additional information
may assist the proponent in understanding the system performance during the
sustained, cyclic and gust loadings.

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Figure N.1 Structural (wind) loading schedule

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Figure N.2 Wind load test panel (sheathing pattern and deflection location points)

Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 refer to the location of the interior side gauges.

Gauges No. 1, 2, 3 and 5 are on steel studs, while gauge No. 4 is on sheathing.

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