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RDAR/2KVN/ET – 15309

B. E. Sixth Semester ( Computer Technology ) / BECT _ 18-19 _

Rev _ SOE _ CT - 201 Examination

Course Code : CT 2369 Course Name : PE - II : Customer

Relationship Management

Time : 3 Hours ] [ Max. Marks : 40

Instructions to Candidates :—
(1) All questions are compulsory.
(2) All questions carry marks as indicated.
(3) Due credit will be given to neatness and adequate dimensions.
(4) Assume suitable data wherever necessary.
(5) Retain the construction Lines.
(6) Illustrate your answers wherever necessary with the help of neat sketches.

1. Solve :
(A) What is SLA ? Discuss the various steps involved in the development of
an effective SLA's. 5 (CO 1)
(B) Discuss the three popular cloud platforms used frequently by industries.
2 (CO 3)

2. Solve :
(A) Compare the sandboxes provided by sales force. 5 (CO 1)
(B) Write about an object in sales force. What are the different types of objects
provided by sales force ? 2 (CO 1)

3. Solve :
(A) Define workflows. What are different steps involved in creation of workflow ?
Illustrate your answer with suitable example. 4 (CO 2)
(B) Differentiate between workflow and trigger. 3 (CO 2)

RDAR/2KVN/ET – 15309 Contd.

4. Solve :
(A) What are the Sharing Rules in Sales force ? How to Create Sharing Rules
in Sales force ? 3 (CO 3)
(B) Write shot notes on OWD. 3 (CO 1)

5. Solve :
(A) Discuss Apex Trigger and its types in Sales force. Write an Apex trigger
for an object after event ?
(Use suitable object API's) 4 (CO 1)
(B) List and explain various DML Operations used by Apex trigger.
3 (CO 1)

6. Solve :
(A) How can we call child component controller method from the parent component
controller method ? Illustrate you answer with suitable example.
3 (CO 2)
(B) When component events and application events should be used ?
3 (CO 2)

RDAR/2KVN/ET – 15309 2 70

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