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Nowadays, English language is one of the skills that needed. In Indonesia, English is one of
the fundamental subjects for students, which means they need to be familiar with the English
language in order to communicate widely global. Based on the Indonesian curriculum,
English language is learned starting from primary to high level. In fact, the student ability to
speak English has become an individual competition among students which proposed the
organization held English competitions to increase students' interest and enthusiasm in
learning English (Sri Handayani and Salija, 2022). But, the stereotype of English is difficult
influence the students’ motivation in learning English. Because of their motivation is low, the
parents of students decide to send their children to academy or English camp to support them.
This issue is affecting the parents’ perspective about the capability of English teachers in
schools. So, the teachers need to design interactive learning to gain students’ motivation in
learning English.

In Learning English, the students need to be familiar or know the language components such
as four skills (listening, reading, writing, and speaking) and grammar to support the skills.
Grammar is one aspect of language taught to every language learner. It is important because
if the knowledge of grammar is good, this influences the students’ confidential in using
English to speak or to write. Ur (1988) says that there is no doubt that knowledge implicit or
explicit of grammatical rule is essential for the mastery of a language; you cannot use the
words unless you know how they should be put together.

This courseware focuses for learning tenses, especially Past Tense by adopting ASSURE
model of instructional design model learning. This model was developed by Robert Heinich
and Michael Molenda in 1999. This model well known instructional design guide that used
the constructivist perspective, which integrates multimedia and technology to enhance the
learning environment. In other words, teachers or trainers can design and develop the most
appropriate learning environment for their students. This model has a six-step process that
demonstrates how to select, use, and evaluate technology and instructional resources as
important parts of a design process. ASSURE stand for:


1. Analyze Learner Characteristics
The courseware is designing for 12 years old to 15 years old students in a
private course academy which comprises a small class with 5 up to 10 students in one
class. This courseware will present for BTS Class in Aishaa Learning Center. The
members of the class are eight students with six female students and male male
students in the class. Those eight students are junior high school students with
different grades, three of them is first grade students, four of them is third grade
students and one second grade student.
The cognitive level of all the students is average, 3 of them have a higher level
than the others. They tend to do fun activities such as games section and pairing
activities. The majority of the students in the class are visual learners. They are more
interested in visual instructional materials especially, in projected materials like slide
presentations or videos. Basically, all of the students are able to operate gadgets such
as smartphones, tablets, and computers.
2. State Objectives
After the analysis of the learner attributes, the teacher must state the standards and
objectives for the learning module. This statement consists of a specification of what
the learners will be able to do as a result of the instruction. This lesson is covering
speaking, writing, listening and reading activity. The lesson is designed for 45 minutes
period. After the lesson end, the students expected to be able to:
 Understand about Simple Past Tense.
 Use Simple Past Tense.
 Write using Simple Past Tense
 Speak confidently in front of the class.
3. Select Methods, Media, and Materials
The second “s” in the acronym stands for select strategies, technology, media, and
materials. In this stage it focuses on giving what the learning objectives are, it’s
necessary to pick instructional strategies, technology, and media that will bring about
the results that teachers want.
 Strategies: the lesson will combine teachers-centered and students-centered
strategies in order to create an interactive approach way of teaching and
learning activities.
 Technology: the teacher will send a google drive link for students to access the
material. And the teacher will set the classroom with a projector to present the
materials. Students will be able to see the material presented by teachers using
 Media: Baamboozle, video, worksheet, and visual-audio.
 Material: Report Text: Holiday
4. Utilize Media and Materials
This stage is the process concerns making a plan as to how the teachers will utilize the
technology, media, and materials that have been selected. As with all of the
instructional steps, the teachers must make sure the plans contribute towards
producing the objectives that teachers have laid down.
 Prepare the technology, media, and material: the teacher will be checked for
the material prepared for the lesson, including media and the tools that are
needed during the lesson period. Before the lesson starts teacher prepares all
the components of the lesson are ready to minimize the missing concept
during the lesson process.
 Prepare the environment: the teacher will set the class environment. The
teacher needs to prepare the projector to work effectively and also set the other
tools such as a computer and speaker. The teacher arranges the set of students’
chairs so the students can see and hear the lesson.
 Prepare the learners: teacher will present the objectives of the lesson when the
lesson started. After that teacher will explain how the lesson will be conducted
and what activities they will do for 45 minutes.
 Prepare the learning experience: the lesson is designed to experience fun
activities during the lesson. The lesson activities include gamification using
Baamboozle to remain the previous lesson, improving English skills by
providing audio and video content, and gaining students’ interest. The teacher
provided a pairing activity for students to practice the lesson in a role-play
5. Require Learner Participation
This step belongs to the earlier steps. It requires that you make plans as to how the
teacher is going to actively engage the students in the material that the teachers are
teaching. This needs to be figured out both at the class level and the individual level.

Graph.1. Autoplay plot

This lesson is designed using autoplay as the slide presentation based on the
ASSURE model. The teacher set several activities divide into four.

1. Introduction: this step covers the stage of utilizing the technology, media,
and materials. The teacher will prepare the students by explaining the
lesson, learning objectives, and the rules, including an explanation of how
the lesson is conducted during 45 minutes period.
2. Material: there are two types of material such as video and audio-visual.
This video contains the material for giving directions such as public place
names, prepositions, and direction vocabularies, in this step, the teacher
will guide the students. Meanwhile, audiovisual material is containing a
video explanation with audio to improve the listening skills of the students.
3. Pair activity: practice activities divide into two activities, the first is the
teacher will play game-based learning by using Baamboozle. So, the
students need to pair in two so they can play the game. The second is the
teacher will play a role-play activity to let the students have a simulation of
real conditions, this activity to improve their speaking skills.
4. Evaluation: teacher will set tests by using hot potato application and live

6. Evaluation
The teacher personally, evaluate the overall class based on the feedback from the
students, and also will address any discrepancy that the teacher sees lacking and need
improvement. However, it is hoped that in a way, this courseware has helped the
students in any way to make them understand the Simple Past Tense.

This courseware adopted ASSURE Model design. ASSURE model has six stages, to make
sure the media and technology that chosen by the teacher is suitable for the students. The
courseware aims to gain students’ motivation in learning English by using interactive learning
and instructional model learning. The courseware created by utilizing Autoplay as the tools in
showing the material.

Sri Handayani, U., & Salija, K. (n.d.). The Difficulties of High School Students in Learning
Tenses in Bone District Pinisi Journal Of Art, Humanity And Social Studies (Vol. 2,
Issue 1).
Ur, Penny. (1988). Grammar Practice Activities: A Practical Guide for Teacher. United
Kingdom: Cambridge University Press.

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