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3, 2017





Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure

Adam R. Wende, PHD,a Manoja K. Brahma, PHD,a Graham R. McGinnis, PHD,b Martin E. Young, DPHILb


For more than half a century, metabolic perturbations have been explored in the failing myocardium, highlighting a
reversion to a more fetal-like metabolic profile (characterized by depressed fatty acid oxidation and concomitant
increased reliance on use of glucose). More recently, alterations in ketone body and amino acid/protein metabolism
have been described during heart failure, as well as mitochondrial dysfunction and perturbed metabolic signaling
(e.g., acetylation, O-GlcNAcylation). Although numerous mechanisms are likely involved, the current review provides
recent advances regarding the metabolic origins of heart failure, and their potential contribution toward contractile
dysfunction of the heart. (J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science 2017;2:297–310) © 2017 The Authors. Published by
Elsevier on behalf of the American College of Cardiology Foundation. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

I n order to meet the exceptionally high metabolic

demands of continuous contractility, the heart
catabolizes an array of substrates. Indeed, the
heart has been termed a “metabolic omnivore,”
predictable shifts in metabolism, associated with
impaired signaling (e.g., Ca2þ, reactive oxygen spe-
cies [ROS]), energy insufficiency, and contractile
dysfunction. This review highlights recent insights
capable of consuming fatty acids (FAs), glucose, ke- regarding the metabolic basis of HF; for the contribu-
tone bodies, and amino acids (AA) for the replenish- tion of perturbed Ca 2þ homeostasis and ROS
ment of ATP. Central to achievement of this goal is signaling, the reader is directed to the papers by
metabolic flexibility, wherein the heart shifts reliance Brown and Griendling (1) and Bers (2).
from one substrate to another, in response to acute
perturbations in workload and/or substrate availabil- CONTRIBUTIONS OF
ity (including feeding-fasting and sleep-wake cycles, INDIVIDUAL SUBSTRATES
which occur on a daily basis). The importance of
metabolic flexibility is underscored by appreciation FATTY ACID METABOLISM. Fatty acid oxidation
for the fact that various substrates are more than (FAO) represents a significant fuel source for the
just a fuel for the heart, serving also as building myocardium, providing an estimated 50% to 70% of
blocks for numerous cellular components (e.g., mem- the ATP consumed during contraction (3). In com-
branes, proteins), cofactors, and signaling molecules. parison with carbohydrate use, rates of cardiac FAO
During various disease states, particularly heart fail- are relatively unaffected by acute changes in work-
ure (HF), cardiac metabolism is perturbed in a chronic load or energy demand (4,5). Cardiac FAO typically
manner, resulting in metabolic inflexibility. Thus, exhibits greater flexibility following changes in
HF is characterized by relatively permanent and substrate availability (6). Such observations could

From the aDepartment of Pathology, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama; and the bDepartment of
Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, Birmingham, Alabama. This work was supported by the U.S. National Institutes
of Health grants HL106199, HL074259, HL123574, and HL122974 to Dr. Young and HL111322 and HL133011 to Dr. Wende and
American Heart Association grant 16POST270100009 to Dr. McGinnis. All other authors have reported that they have no
relationships relevant to the contents of this paper to disclose.
All authors attest they are in compliance with human studies committees and animal welfare regulations of the authors’
institutions and Food and Drug Administration guidelines, including patient consent where appropriate. For more information,
visit the JACC: Basic to Translational Science author instructions page.

Manuscript received August 9, 2016; revised manuscript received November 11, 2016, accepted November 15, 2016.

Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure JUNE 2017:297–310

ABBREVIATIONS indicate that FAO maintains baseline energy cardiomyopathic phenotype (20). Importantly,
AND ACRONYMS needs of the heart while matching rates of FA cardiac-restricted VLCAD deletion also results in
uptake with oxidation. If true, then cardiac contractile dysfunction, illustrating the importance of
AA = amino acid
FAO deficits could potentially precipitate normal cardiac FA metabolism (21). Similarly, genetic
BCAA = branched-chain amino
contractile dysfunction through energy deletion of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) (liberates FAs
impairment and/or diversion of excess FAs from circulating lipoproteins), long chain acyl-CoA
FA = fatty acid
into signaling and/or “lipotoxic” pathways. synthetase-1 (ACSL1) (activates long-chain FAs for
FAO = fatty acid oxidation
This section reviews evidence supporting metabolism), and adipose triglyceride lipase (ATGL)
GCN2 = general control
these concepts. (liberates FAs from intracellular triglyceride stores)
nonderepressible 2
One of the most consistent metabolic per- result in concomitant decreases in cardiac FAO and
GLOX = glucose oxidation
turbations during HF is decreased use of FA, contractile function (22–24). It is noteworthy, how-
HBP = hexosamine
biosynthesis pathway
which has been observed in both animal and ever, that genetic mutations resulting in decreased
human studies (7–11). In doing so, the failing cardiac FAO do not always result in contractile
HF = heart failure
heart reverts to a fetal-like metabolic pro- dysfunction. For example, knockout of CD36 (FA
IR = insulin resistance
gram, reflected by a repression of various transporter) or PPAR-a /PGC-1a (transcription factors
LV = left ventricle
genes encoding core FAO pathway proteins promoting FAO/mitochondrial metabolism) results in
MI = myocardial infarction
(e.g., medium chain acyl-coenzyme A [CoA] decreased FAO without effects on basal contractility
PTM = post-translational
dehydrogenase, beta-hydroxyacyl-CoA dehy- (25–27). Possible explanations for the latter discrep-
drogenase) and their upstream regulators ancies are that FAO is only modestly impaired; suffi-
ROS = reactive oxygen species
(e.g., PPAR- a , RXR-a , PGC-1 a ) (12,13). It has cient compensation from alternative substrate use
TauT = taurine transporter
been proposed that, acutely, this metabolic occurs; diversion of FAs species into lipotoxic path-
perturbation serves as an adaptation by promoting ways is limited; and/or a secondary stress is required
increased reliance on more energy-efficient fuels (in to elicit dysfunction (e.g., pressure overload, high-fat
terms of ATP per oxygen molecule consumed), which diet, and so forth).
may be particularly important in the setting of If acquired deficiencies in cardiac FAO were to
ischemic heart disease (14). Consistent with this contribute significantly to contractile dysfunction of
concept, attenuation of FAO is observed prior to the the failing myocardium, then normalization of the
onset of contractile dysfunction (e.g., induced by FAO deficit would be predicted to improve contrac-
pressure overload) (15). However, this metabolic tility. Both genetic and dietary strategies have been
reprogramming causes chronic dyssynchrony between used to address this concept. An important example
energy demand (which is increased), substrate avail- includes the study by Kolwicz et al. (28), wherein
ability (circulating FAs are typically increased), and selective deletion of acetyl-CoA carboxylase 2, an
use (i.e., FAO is decreased) during HF. In other words, enzyme that generates malonyl-CoA (a potent inhib-
a decrease in FAO rates could reduce ATP availability itor of b-oxidation), prevents pressure overload-
for contraction (if below the capacity of alternative induced depression of FAO and concomitantly main-
compensating pathways) concomitant with increased tains contractile function. Interestingly, feeding ro-
diversion of FA species into signaling/lipotoxic path- dents calorie-dense high-fat diets has been shown to
ways, culminating in impairment of contractility. Ev- preserve and even improve contractility in distinct
idence in support of this concept includes reports of models of HF (including pressure overload, myocar-
modest perturbations in markers of energy status in dial infarction, and hypertension), although not all
the failing myocardium, as well as accumulation of studies report this benefit (perhaps due to differences
lipotoxic markers (16–18). The latter, when elevated, in dietary composition, duration of feeding, and other
can contribute to cell death and cardiac remodeling. factors) (29–33). Observations such as these raise the
Energy deficiency versus l i p o t o x i c i t y . Both question of whether cardiac FAO impairment pri-
genetic and pharmacologic approaches have been marily leads to energy deficiency as opposed to lip-
used to address causal relationships between FAO otoxicity and signaling imbalance. However,
impairment and HF. Genetic studies revealed that strategies designed to cause a mismatch between FA
inborne errors of FAO, such as inherited deficiencies uptake and FAO (e.g., overexpression of FATP-1 or
in acyl-CoA dehydrogenases, can be associated with ACSL-1) invariably result in cardiomyopathy associ-
cardiomyopathy in humans; similar pathologies are ated with markers of lipotoxicity (34,35). In addition,
often recapitulated through targeted genetic manip- the failing heart is considered to be in a pro-lipotoxic
ulation in mouse models (19). One example includes environment (36). Furthermore, haploinsufficiency of
very-long-chain acyl-CoA dehydrogenase (VLCAD); mCPT1 increases susceptibility to pressure overload-
germline deletion results in energy impairment and a induced cardiac dysfunction through lipotoxic
JUNE 2017:297–310 Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure

pathways (37). Similarly, germline VLCAD deletion GLUCOSE METABOLISM. Use of cardiac glucose (i.e.,
increases cardiac lipotoxicity during high-fat feeding glycolysis and glucose oxidation [GLOX]), is impor-
(38). Collectively, these studies suggest that impaired tant for the developing (fetal) heart, during which
cardiac FAO could lead to cardiac dysfunction not time glucose delivery is high, and oxygen availability
only through energy deficiency but also through is relatively low (45). Soon after birth, use of glucose
lipotoxicity. decreases concomitant with increased dietary FA and
M e d i a t o r s o f d e p r e s s e d F A O d u r i n g H F . Various oxygen delivery. However, the healthy adult heart
mechanisms have been proposed as mediators of car- has the capacity to increase reliance on use of glucose
diac FAO impairment during HF. These include in response to both physiologic (e.g., exercise) and
transcription-based mechanisms, post-translational pathologic (e.g., ischemia) stresses. During HF,
modifications (PTMs), mitochondrial dysfunction, metabolic flexibility is lost, which may be due in part
cofactor availability, and substrate competition. With to cardiac insulin resistance (IR); complex alterations
regard to transcription-based mechanisms, particular in insulin signaling within cardiomyocytes during HF
attention has been given to multiple PPAR isoforms have been reviewed recently (46). It has been sug-
(particularly PPAR-a ); upon complex formation with gested that, under some conditions (e.g., hemody-
RXR-a , FAs (ligand), and coactivators (e.g., PGC-1 a ), namic stress), IR may actually protect the heart by
PPAR-a induces a number of genes encoding known FA reducing fuel toxicity (47). However, as HF pro-
transporters and core b-oxidation enzymes (13). gresses, an uncoupling between glycolysis and GLOX
Importantly, during HF, cardiac levels of PPAR-a , RXR- ensues, potentially contributing to cellular dysfunc-
a, and PGC-1a have been shown to decrease, to varying tion (48). Interestingly, circulating glucose levels
degrees, associated with decreased expression of tend to be elevated during both acute and chronic HF.
target genes (8,12). Furthermore, PPAR-a activity may For example, elevated serum glucose levels at the
be repressed even more through PTMs (39). The time of hospital admission for acute HF syndromes,
enzymes involved in FA metabolism also undergo independent of diabetes status, are associated with
PTMs during HF, such as acetylation; this PTM poten- higher mortality (49,50). Chronically, HF is also
tially promotes FAO in the heart both directly (i.e., associated with peripheral IR. Whether these pertur-
acetylation and activation of b -oxidation enzymes) bations in cardiac and/or whole-body glucose ho-
and indirectly (i.e., acetylation and inhibition of meostasis contribute to the pathogenesis of HF is still
pyruvate dehydrogenase, and therefore impairment of under debate (46). The purpose of this subsection
glucose oxidation) (40,41). It is noteworthy that car- (Figure 1) is to review current knowledge regarding
diac FAO capacity is extremely high, such that the use of glucose during HF; we will focus primarily
enzymes involved in b -oxidation must be inhibited on this independent of diabetes status, as the latter
markedly in order to impact FAO flux. This is exem- has been reviewed extensively elsewhere (51–53).
plified by VLCAD and CPT1b heterozygous knockout Whether perturbations in use of cardiac glucose are
mouse hearts, which exhibit no baseline phenotype adaptive or maladaptive during HF appears to depend
despite a 50% loss in enzymatic activity (21,37); on the underlying stress (i.e., ischemic versus non-
homozygous cardiomyocyte-specific knockout of ischemic), as well as duration (i.e., acute versus
VLCAD also has no significant effects on cardiac FAO chronic). In the context of hypertension-induced
rates, likely due to compensation by other acyl-CoA dilated cardiomyopathy, glucose use is increased,
dehydrogenase isoforms (e.g., LCAD) (21). In contrast, with a predominate augmentation of glucose uptake
cardiac FAO is affected by cofactor availability (e.g., and glycolysis, and a concomitant uncoupling of
carnitine, CoA) and/or mitochondrial function, which glycolytic flux from GLOX (48,54). There is mounting
is decreased in the failing myocardium (42–44); evidence that the remodeling of glucose metabolism
decreased carnitine would attenuate mitochondrial FA is one of the initial changes driving the heart to hy-
uptake, and decreased CoA would attenuate b-oxida- pertrophy and could act as an early marker of disease
tion, whereas limited mitochondrial electron transfer progression (55). Acutely enhancing glucose meta-
would attenuate dehydrogenases in the b -oxidation bolism in the setting of ischemic injury and ventric-
spiral. Furthermore, increased reliance on alternative ular fibrillation may be protective (56,57).
substrates (e.g., glucose and ketone bodies, as dis- Glucose transport during H F . Regulation of
cussed below) during HF would attenuate FAO through glucose uptake into the cardiomyocyte is regulated by
established allosteric and cofactor limitation mecha- members of the solute carrier family 2A (SLC2A),
nisms. In the failing myocardium, all the above- which encode the GLUT proteins (54,58). Of the 12
referenced mechanisms likely contribute to attenu- SLC2A genes expressed in human and rodent cardiac
ated FAO. tissue, three are predominantly expressed in the

Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure JUNE 2017:297–310

F I G U R E 1 Glucose Contributions to Myocardial Dysfunction During Heart Failure

Increased glucose uptake channels carbon into the polyol, PPP, and HBP pathways; this likely contributes to mitochondrial dysfunction,
genetic reprogramming, and impaired calcium handling during heart failure. HBP ¼ hexosamine biosynthesis; PPP ¼ pentose phosphate
pathway; ROS ¼ reactive oxygen species.

myocardium: GLUT1, GLUT4, and GLUT8 (59). Of Conversely, cardiomyocyte-specific GLUT4 ablation
these, GLUT1 and GLUT4 have received extensive decreased functional recovery in response to
attention, in part due to observations that both pro- ischemic injury (66). Although loss of GLUT8 has been
teins are decreased in failing human hearts (60). Such explored in the context of diet-induced obesity (67), a
observations are consistent with repressed insulin- direct role during HF remains to be explored. Studies
mediated glucose uptake (primarily through GLUT4) of these transporters, as well as those of the other
during HF, potentially secondary to chronic activa- cardiac-enriched GLUTs (GLUT3, GLUT10, and
tion of GRK2 and IR (61). However, during HF, basal GLUT12) will continue to provide crucial insight into
rates of glucose uptake and glycolysis are elevated the contribution of glucose uptake and metabolism
(and even exceed rates of glucose oxidation) (62). One during the progression of HF.
possible explanation for this apparent disconnect is An emerging area has focused on non–GLUT-
increased GLUT translocation or activity in an insulin- mediated glucose transport through the sodium-
independent manner. A number of cardiomyocyte- glucose cotransporters (SGLT), especially given that
specific gain- and loss-of-function models have been empagliflozin (an SGLT2 inhibitor) decreased HF inci-
used in an attempt to address this question, as well as dence in diabetic patients (68). The mechanism of this
the importance of glucose use during HF. protection is likely multifaceted, including lowering of
A number of studies have interrogated the impor- both glucose and sodium, as well as influences on
tance of various GLUT isoforms in the maintenance of glomerular filtration and the cardiorenal axis (69).
cardiac function. Lifelong GLUT1 overexpression Interestingly, SGLT1 is induced in the heart during
protects against pressure overload-induced contrac- both diabetic and ischemic cardiomyopathy (70), and
tile dysfunction (63), whereas acute GLUT1 augmen- phlorizin (another SGLT inhibitor) decreased cardiac
tation partially rescues disease progression (64), glucose uptake and directly affected tolerance of the
suggesting that enhanced glucose uptake is protec- heart to ischemia (71). Future studies will undoubtedly
tive in this setting. However, cardiomyocyte-specific reveal important insights regarding the effects of SGLT
ablation of GLUT1 did not exacerbate pressure- inhibitors on cardiac metabolism and protection.
overload-induced dysfunction (perhaps due to suffi- P o l y o l p a t h w a y . Augmented glucose uptake and
cient glucose uptake by other GLUT isoforms) (65). glycolytic flux, particularly when in excess of GLOX,
JUNE 2017:297–310 Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure

enhances diverting of glucose moieties into signaling genetic (90) manipulation studies suggest that per-
pathways. This includes the polyol pathway. turbations in the use of ketone bodies can play a role
Although primarily implicated in diabetic complica- in cardiac health and disease. The heart readily uses
tions, overexpression of aldose reductase, the first ketone bodies such that their oxidation is typically
step in this pathway, results in an age-related decline increased in proportion to their delivery (91). Ace-
in heart function and exacerbated ischemic injury toacetate (AcAc) and b -hydroxybutyrate (OHB) are
(72). Further studies are warranted in order to eluci- the primary ketone bodies that can be metabolized,
date fully the importance of the polyol pathway in the which are synthesized by the liver during periods of
pathogenesis of HF. elevated FA availability, including fasting, prolonged
P e n t o s e p h o s p h a t e p a t h w a y . The pentose phos- exercise, ketogenic diets, uncontrolled type 1 dia-
phate pathway (PPP) is important for NADPH and betes, and HF (92). In the last case, multiple studies
ribose-5-phosphate generation. In a canine model of have consistently shown that HF patients with no
congestive HF, post-prandial glycemic levels were history of diabetes present with elevated levels of
sufficient to increase PPP flux. When this was pre- systemic ketone bodies (93,94). During HF, elevated
vented, cardiac GLOX and stroke work were normal- norepinephrine levels secondary to increased sym-
ized (73). Furthermore, in a genetic mouse model of pathetic outflow likely promote ketogenesis by
dilated cardiomyopathy that progressed to HF, non- increasing FA supply through lipolysis in adipose
oxidative glucose pathways such as the PPP and tissue (95). The strength of these associations is such
glycogen synthesis were increased (74). The PPP af- that exhaled acetone (indication of ketoacidosis) is a
fects ROS balance not only through NADPH but also predictive biomarker for severity of HF (96–98). It is
through regulation by pyridine nucleotides (75). noteworthy, however, that a recent study reported
Interestingly, glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase reduced circulating ketone body levels in HF patients
(G6PD) (first enzyme of the PPP) deficiency is associ- with reduced ejection fraction relative to that in HF
ated with cardiac disease progression; however, mice patients with preserved ejection fraction and non-HF
with G6PD deletion have shown both protective and controls (99). Severity of HF and other comorbidities
deleterious effects on cardiac function (76), suggest- associated with the patients recruited in these studies
ing the need for further study. could potentially account for these discrepancies.
Whether altered myocardial ketone body meta-
H e x o s a m i n e b i o s y n t h e s i s p a t h w a y . The hexos-
bolism contributes to the pathogenesis of HF was
amine biosynthesis pathway (HBP) requires input from
recently investigated in rodents and humans
glucose, AAs, FAs, and nucleotides, resulting in the
(100,101). These studies reported increased expres-
end product uridine diphosphate N-acetylglucos-
sion of ketone body metabolism enzymes (D-
amine (UDP-GlcNAc). This molecule in turn is used to
b-hydroxybutyrate dehydrogenase (BDH1) and succi-
regulate nearly all aspects of cell physiology through
nyl-CoA:3-oxoacid CoA transferase (SCOT), reduced
the PTM of serine and threonine residues by the addi-
intermediary metabolites of ketone body catabolism,
tion of an O-linked N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc)
as well as increased ketone body oxidation (stable
(77).This O-GlcNAc modification is elevated in both
isotope measurements) in the failing heart. An
hypertrophy and HF (78) and has both adaptive and
important question relates to whether increased use of
maladaptive contributions to cardiac function (79,80).
ketone body during HF is adaptive or maladaptive. In
Specifically, increased O-GlcNAc is protective
support of an adaptive role, cardiomyocyte-specific
following acute ischemic injury; whereas, during HF,
deletion of SCOT led to adverse cardiac remodeling
elevated O-GlcNAc may contribute to contractile and
following pressure overload (90). However, these
mitochondrial dysfunction. O-GlcNAc likely impacts a
studies do not address whether normalization of
number of cardiac processes, including transcription,
ketone body use, particularly in the setting of HF, is
epigenetics, metabolism, and Ca 2þ handling. In the last
beneficial or detrimental (as opposed to ablation
case, O-GlcNAc can regulate SERC2A, CaMKII, and
during compensated hypertrophy). Interestingly,
STIM1 (81–84), either increasing or decreasing calcium
elevated ketone body availability would be antici-
sensitivity, depending on the duration and disease
pated to repress both FAO and GLOX in the heart
state (e.g., ischemic or nonischemic).
through substrate competition, thus resulting in a
KETONE BODY METABOLISM. Compared with FA and metabolic signature reminiscent of advanced HF.
glucose metabolism, current knowledge of the role of Furthermore, ketone bodies serve as signaling
altered ketone body metabolism during HF is rela- molecules, acting through both extracellular
tively limited. However, a growing body of evidence receptors (e.g., GPR41) and intracellular inhibitors of
from pharmacological (85,86), dietary (86–89), and histone deacetylases (HDACs) (85,102), which in turn

Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure JUNE 2017:297–310

F I G U R E 2 Myocardial Ketone Body Metabolism in the Failing Heart

Elevated levels of b-OHB during heart failure provide excess acetyl-CoA for acetylation reactions and inhibit deacetylation at the same time.
Increased ketone bodies also likely compete for the oxidation of fatty acids and glucose and potentially activate cell surface receptors.
CoA ¼ coenzyme A.

could influence cardiac processes (Figure 2). yielded novel insights. This subsection (Figure 3)
The mechanisms by which ketone body uses enzymes highlights the contribution that AA metabolism per-
are induced during HF also remain unanswered. turbations potentially play in the cause of HF.
Future studies interrogating these questions are A m i n o a c i d s d u r i n g H F . Both AA availability and use
warranted, which will aid in understanding the are influenced by HF. For example, profiling plasma
role of ketone body metabolism in the pathogenesis of AAs (and their derivatives) from HF patients using
HF. high-performance liquid chromatography revealed
AMINO ACID METABOLISM. Compared with FAs and that the circulating levels of almost one-half of the
glucose, AAs quantitatively contribute to a lesser de- species assessed (17 of 41) were altered in HF, the ma-
gree to ATP generation in the heart. However, AAs play jority of which were increased (15 of 17) (103).
essential roles in myocardial function that extend Furthermore, a subset of these AAs, including gluta-
beyond energy, such as synthesis of protein, meta- mate and monoethanolamine (a serine derivative),
bolic and signaling intermediates, and cofactors. In negatively correlated with ejection fraction in HF
the last case, notable AA derivatives include L -carni- patients (with trends for phenylalanine and tyrosine as
tine (from lysine and methionine), CoQ10 (from tyro- well), suggesting higher circulating AAs were indica-
sine and mevalonate), and taurine (from methionine tive of worsening cardiac function. This is likely due to
or cysteine), which play important roles in cardiac accelerated protein breakdown in skeletal muscle,
processes (e.g., metabolism, redox biology, and which serves as an AA reservoir during HF (104).
calcium homeostasis). Furthermore, it has been esti- Despite increased demand for AAs in the heart, there is
mated that the mammalian heart renews all cellular evidence of AA accumulation in the failing myocar-
components within a 30-day period (50), illustrating a dium, as shown by metabolomic analysis of failing
significant demand on AA availability for protein and mouse myocardium accumulation of AAs, consistent
cofactor synthesis. Moreover, protein turnover is with the notion that AA catabolism was compromised
accelerated in the heart during periods of remodeling, (105). Transcriptomic analysis in mice shows that
such as hypertrophic growth. Significant efforts genes associated with AA catabolism are down-
have been made to increase our understanding of regulated during compensated hypertrophy and overt
AA metabolism perturbations during HF and have failure (105).
JUNE 2017:297–310 Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure

F I G U R E 3 Perturbations in Amino Acid Metabolism During Heart Failure

During heart failure, intracardiac branched chain amino acids are increased while taurine levels are decreased, leading to impairments in
autophagy, mitochondrial function, and calcium homeostasis. BCAA ¼ branched-chain amino acids; BCKA ¼ branched chain alpha-keto acids;
LAT ¼ large neutral amino acid transporter; mTOR ¼ mammalian target of rapamycin; TauT ¼ taurine transporter; TCA ¼ tricarboxylic acid.

Considerable interest has been placed on branched- cofactors are often found to be depleted, including
chain AA (BCAA; leucine, isoleucine, valine) meta- taurine. The importance of taurine in the heart is
bolism during HF. Branched chain alpha-keto acids supported by studies using taurine-deficient mice
(BCKA; product after initial step of BCAA catabolism) (induced by genetic ablation of the taurine transporter
are elevated within the myocardium in HF patients [TauT]) and rats (TauT inhibition with b-alanine),
(106). Furthermore, subunits of the branched chain resulting in cardiomyopathy (107). Taurine deficiency
alpha-keto acid dehydrogenase (BCKD) complex, is characterized by reduced glucose and FAO in iso-
which is responsible for subsequent catabolism of lated perfused rat hearts (108), reduced mitochondrial
BCKAs, are transcriptionally repressed. These findings complex I and III activity, and increased ROS pro-
have been replicated in mice during transaortic duction in cardiomyocytes (109). Taurine deficiency is
constriction-induced HF, where pharmacologic acti- also associated with aberrant Ca2þ homeostasis and
vation of BCKD normalized BCAA catabolism, pre- signaling, involving alterations in phospholamban
vented BCKA accumulation, and protected against and SERCA2 (110). Taurine supplementation has been
cardiac dysfunction (106). These findings suggest that shown to be efficacious during HF, eliciting improve-
an imbalance between BCAA availability and use dur- ments in left ventricular (LV) function (111) and exer-
ing HF may contribute to contractile dysfunction and cise capacity (112).
that normalization of this balance may be a novel, Various studies suggest that AA supplementation
efficacious therapeutic strategy. increases functional capacity and quality of life in pa-
Consistent with impairment of appropriate AA use tients with chronic, stable HF (113). For example,
and metabolism by the failing myocardium, various mixed AA supplementation increased functional

Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure JUNE 2017:297–310

exercise capacity (V O2 peak, exercise time during and organelles and, therefore, myocardial quality
exercise test, 6-min walk test) in humans with chronic control. While target-specific forms of autophagy
HF (114,115). Similarly, BCAA supplementation pre- exist, including mitophagy (mitochondria), glyco-
served cardiac function during high-salt-induced HF phagy (glycogen), and lipophagy (lipids), this sub-
in Dahl salt-sensitive rats (a physiological model of section focuses on macroautophagy (hereafter
hypertension leading to HF) (116). These somewhat referred to as autophagy).
counterintuitive observations (i.e., beneficial effects Observational evidence (e.g., electron microscopy)
of AA supplementation during HF, when AA avail- in humans with ischemic and dilated cardiomyopa-
ability appears to exceed capacity of the myocardium thy, as well as congestive HF, suggests that auto-
to metabolize them) may be explained by extracardiac phagy might be induced in the stressed myocardium
effects. For instance, BCAA supplementation represses (123,124). Paired sampling of cardiac tissue during
skeletal muscle cachexia (i.e., muscle wasting), and LV assist device (LVAD) implantation or explantation
previous studies suggest that the degree of cachexia is indicates autophagy markers are increased during HF
a strong independent risk factor for mortality during and are reduced following mechanical unloading
HF and significantly reduces survival (117). (125). However, difficulties with measuring autopha-
Amino acids regulate signaling during HF. Various gic flux in static samples can hinder interpretation of
AAs (and their derivatives) function as signaling observational results in clinical human studies,
molecules. This is particularly true for BCAAs, which necessitating the use of animal models. Experimental
activate the mammalian target of rapamycin evidence in mice subjected to pressure overload
(mTOR), a modulator of various anabolic (i.e., protein indicated transient activation of autophagy, which is
synthesis) and catabolic (i.e., autophagy [discussed elevated within hours of transaortic constriction in
in the next section]) pathways. Aberrant mTOR mice, returning to subbasal levels within days
signaling has been implicated in the progression of (126,127). Interestingly, diminishing myocardial
HF (118,119). In mice, mTOR is activated by pressure autophagy in cardiomyocyte-specific Beclin-1 þ/ mice
overload and pharmacologic inhibition (with rapa- partially rescued myocardial function following
mycin) improves contractile function of the decom- pressure overload. Conversely, inducing autophagy
pensated myocardium (120). However, ablation of in cardiomyocytes (through overexpression of
mTOR complex-1 signaling (through genetic deletion Beclin-1) significantly increased mortality and cardiac
of Raptor) prevents compensated hypertrophy remodeling following pressure overload (126), sug-
following pressure overload (121), resulting in a rapid gesting autophagy is maladaptive during cardiac
transition to HF and increased mortality. These stress. However, genetic disruption of myocardial
findings suggest mTOR activation may be adaptive autophagy through cardiomyocyte-specific deletion
during the initial compensated phase but maladap- of the autophagy-related gene-5 (ATG5) exacerbated
tive during overt failure. It is noteworthy that hypertrophy and remodeling during pressure over-
BCAAs also appear to affect cellular processes in an load (128). One possible explanation for these seem-
mTOR-independent manner, potentially through ingly opposing observations is related to the manner
eukaryotic initiation factor-2-alpha (eIF2- a ) kinase in which autophagy is disrupted: if inhibited later in
general control nonderepressible-2 (GCN2). GCN2 is the process (as opposed to initiated), autophago-
activated by noncharged tRNA during AA starvation somes will accumulate within the myocardium, thus
(particularly BCAA depletion), which leads to eIF2 a impairing cellular function. Consistent with this
phosphorylation and repression of translation. Inter- concept, doxorubicin-induced cardiomyopathy is
estingly, when exposed to pressure overload, GCN2 characterized by an imbalance in autophagy initiation
null mice are protected against contractile dysfunc- versus completion, resulting in accumulation of
tion (122), raising the possibility that BCAA supple- autophagasomes and dysfunction of cardiomyocytes
mentation may afford some protection during HF (129).
through GCN2 inhibition. The ubiquitin proteasome system also plays a
Autophagy and the ubiquitin proteasome critical role in protein turnover. Accumulation of
s y s t e m d u r i n g H F . Turnover of cellular components ubiquitinated proteins has been consistently
(such as proteins) is essential for maintenance of observed across studies investigating human HF
function, especially in terminally differentiated cells samples (123,125,130,131). This accumulation could
with limited capacity for renewal, such as car- result from an imbalance between the activity of
diomyocytes. Several cellular processes, including ubiquitin ligases, de-ubiquitinating enzymes, and the
autophagy and the ubiquitin proteasome system, are proteasome. In the last case, studies assessing pro-
critical for the turnover or degradation of proteins teasome activity have produced inconsistent results.
JUNE 2017:297–310 Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure

C ENTR AL I LL U STRA T I O N Hypothetical Model for the Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure

Wende, A.R. et al. J Am Coll Cardiol Basic Trans Science. 2017;2(3):297–310.

ADP ¼ adenosine diphosphate; AMP ¼ adenosine monophosphate; AMPK ¼ adenosine monophosphate kinase; ATP ¼ adenosine triphos-
phate; BCAA ¼ branched-chain amino acids; BCKA ¼ branched chain keto acid; BCKDH ¼ branched chain keto acid dehydrogenase;
CoA ¼ coenzyme A; FA ¼ fatty acid; FAO ¼ fatty acid oxidation; KB ¼ ketone body; mTOR ¼ mammalian target of rapamycin.

For example, Birks et al. (131) reported increased 20S METABOLIC DYS-SYNCHRONY DURING HF:
proteasome chymotrypsin-like activity, whereas Day AN ENGINE FLOODED WITH FUEL?
et al. (132) showed chymotrypsin-like and caspase-
like proteasome activities were reduced. Interest- Previous sections have outlined macronutrient
ingly, proteasome activity increases in patients metabolic perturbations during HF, the potential
after LVAD implantation (130). Additional studies mechanisms leading to their occurrence, and their
are required to elucidate fully the contribution of potential contribution to contractile dysfunction of
perturbed ubiquitin proteasome system function in the heart. Here, we propose a unifying hypothesis
the cause of HF. for the metabolic origins of HF, based on the concept

Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure JUNE 2017:297–310

F I G U R E 4 Increased Circulating Levels of Various Substrates During Heart Failure

ANP ¼ atrial natriuretic peptide; BNP ¼ brain natriuretic peptide; FA ¼ fatty acid; FAO ¼ fatty acid oxidation; GLOX ¼ glucose oxidation; KB ¼
ketone body; other abbreviation as in Figure 2.

that the failing heart is oversupplied with macronu- Collectively, the failing myocardium is in an envi-
trients, leading to an imbalance in fuel availability ronment rich in fuels (Figure 4).
and use and subsequent accumulation of key meta- The myocardium has a high capacity and preference
bolic intermediates that worsen contractile function for use of ketone body, which attenuates use of other
of the heart (Central Illustration). The rationale for substrates; elevated use of ketone body concomitant
this model will be discussed. with decreased total CoA in the failing myocardium
During HF, the myocardium is undoubtedly in a (42) will limit mitochondria-free CoA for FAO, pyru-
state of dys-synchrony with regard to energy demand vate oxidation, and BCAA metabolism. One strategy to
and ATP generation. Accordingly, compensatory liberate CoA for continued oxidative metabolism in-
mechanisms attempt to regain synchrony through volves exchanging the CoA with carnitine, and sub-
decreasing workload and increasing metabolism. sequent generation of acetyl-carnitine (as observed
For example, increased atrial natriuretic peptide/ during HF) (100,101,136). However, diminished
brain natriuretic peptide secretions promote natri- carnitine levels in the failing heart (137) will attenuate
uresis, thus reducing workload (133). Elevation of FAO capacity further. Impairment of FAO in the face of
these cardiokines, as well as various cytokines (e.g., elevated circulating FAs would promote diversion of
tumor necrosis factor [TNF]- a ) and sympathetic tone, FA species into signaling and lipotoxic pathways.
also serve to signal fuel mobilization during HF, Elevated use of ketone body would also limit the ac-
enhancing adipocyte lipolysis (releasing FAs), hepatic tivity status of pyruvate dehydrogenase; in the face of
gluconeogenesis (releasing glucose), and skeletal elevated glucose uptake, an uncoupling between
muscle proteolysis (releasing AAs, including BCAAs) glycolysis and glucose oxidation ensues. Similarly,
(104,134,135). These fuels become available not only impairment of the BCKD due to cofactor perturbations
to the heart (for ATP generation) but also to extrac- and/or PTM, coupled with increased circulating
ardiac tissues, including the liver; increased FA BCAAs, will lead to accumulation of BCKA and mito-
availability promotes ketogenesis, thereby elevating chondrial dysfunction. The latter amplifies metabolic
circulating ketone bodies in HF subjects (95–98). dyssynchrony further due to activation of
JUNE 2017:297–310 Metabolic Origins of Heart Failure

mechanisms designed to promote cardiomyocyte example, nicotinic acid, an antilipolytic agent, has
substrate uptake in the face of energy deficit (e.g., been proposed to be beneficial during ischemic heart
AMPK activation promoting GLUT1/4 and CD36 disease (138); attenuation of lipolysis would reduce
translocation for glucose and FA uptake, respec- FAs available for ketogenesis and lipotoxicity. Simi-
tively). Importantly, during diabetes, dyssynchrony larly, inhibition of hepatic FAO would attenuate
between fuel availability and use will be amplified ketogenesis; this may contribute to the benefit of
further, due to greater levels of circulating FAs, ke- FAO inhibitors, such as trimetazidine, in the setting
tone bodies, glucose, and BCAAs. In other words, the of HF (139–141). However, some FAO inhibitors, such
failing myocardium can be considered an engine as etomoxir, appear to have detrimental effects due
flooded with fuel. to hepatic toxicity (142). According to our model,
limited availability of specific cofactors (e.g., carni-
CONCLUSIONS tine and CoA) during HF would exacerbate metabolic
dyssynchrony Interestingly, several studies suggest
According to the model described above (Central that carnitine supplementation has benefits during
Illustration), strategies designed to regain synchrony HF (143); whether pantothenate (precursor for CoA
among energy demand, substrate availability, and biosynthesis) supplementation has benefit during HF
substrate use would be beneficial during HF. Estab- is currently unknown. Promotion of oxidation of in-
lished and emerging HF therapeutics include dividual substrates, such as pyruvate and BCKA, also
b-blockers and valsartan-sacubitril. Both treatments appears to be beneficial in animal models (106);
focus primarily on reduction of workload, which in whether this translates to the clinical setting is
turn would help regain synchrony due to attenuation currently unknown. However, caution should be
of energy demand. In addition, b -blockers help regain taken to promote the use of a single substrate in the
synchrony further through inhibition of lipolysis, presence of excess FA availability, as this in turn
thus decreasing substrate supply (FAs, and likely could result in further inhibition of FAO, and poten-
ketone bodies). In contrast, through promotion of tially lipotoxicity.
lipolysis, valsartan-saculcitril therapy has the poten-
tial to negatively affect metabolic synchrony, aug- ADDRESS FOR CORRESPONDENCE: Dr. Martin E.
menting substrate supply further. Although no Young, Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Department of
pharmacological strategy has been taken to specif- Medicine, University of Alabama at Birmingham, 703 19th
ically attenuate ketogenesis in the setting of HF, Street South, ZRB 308, Birmingham, Alabama 35294.
some strategies may influence this indirectly. For E-mail:


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