1-2-3, 123 Christian, 基督徒 - Discipleship 門徒訓練- Sermons (Hope Church-Taiwan)

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The steps = A person’s journey - not reaching to

heaven for salvation or good works without Christ.

Being a “1-2-3” Christian

1 = One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism
One Body of Christ (Ephesians 4:5-6) (I Cor. 12:12-27)

2 = Two Natures - (Galatians 5:17-18)

> the natural /sinful nature
> new nature in Christ

3 = Three Spiritual Struggles (I John 2:16)

> The Lust of the Eyes (looks good )
> The Lust of the Flesh ( feels good )
> The Pride of Life (good for me )

#1-基督徒有一個主要目標:遵 行 神 旨 意
同一位主耶穌基督 - 救世主
每一個信主(基督徒)成為 基督的 “同一身體”

#2- 兩個世界中

(這個世界 是 “屬世” 和
神的國度- “屬靈” 世界)
情 慾 和 聖 靈 < 加 拉 太 書 Galatians 5: 17-18 >

們 不 能 作 所 願 意 作 的 。但 你 們 若 被

約 翰 一 書 1 John 2:16
1.肉 體 的 情 慾 (感覺很好)
2. 眼 目 的 情 慾 ( 看起來不錯)
3. 今 生 的 驕 傲 ( 對我有好處 )


A Christian prayed for God to get rid of his

enemy with a plague of locusts. God answered
his prayer. (The Christian is his own enemy).

Discipleship Training : to lead people “to Christ” + In Christ

Biblical Counseling: to help people “to Christ” + In Christ
“ 系統神學” 是“指南/模式”
( 聖經論, 神論, .基督論, 聖靈論, 天使論, .
人論和罪論, .救贖論, .教會論, 末世論 )

理解 “系統神學” 會少用 “人的話” 來解釋聖經

上帝的方式和 人的方式解釋在兩者中

1)門徒訓練 ; 2) 聖經輔導。

Discipleship = Biblical Counseling 門徒訓練 = 聖經輔導

Biblical Counseling = Discipleship 聖經輔導 =門徒訓練
Discipleship Series - (in English / Chinese )
門徒訓練 - 研討會 :

For every christian, small group leader,

church officer, minister (pastor)

徹底翻轉的門徒訓練 (Radical Discipleship Conference )

#1 進入神的聖潔會所
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=68ee7dnHc6A <<< click

#2 活出同釘十字架的生命
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7f3I3LJkGY <<< click

#3 營造專注門訓的教會
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8PfuLIwUaM4 <<< click

#4 收割豐盈的普世莊稼
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xosHqJyEvWA <<< click

門徒訓練 - Discipleship Training - English/Chinese

(了不起的口譯員之一) amazing interpreter (Ada Wang)

True Discipleship Series (from the Biblical View).

從經得力(1) 失落的講道藝術
(How to read the Words of God ? )
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kUOviqxtO6Y <<< click
從經得力(2) 以全新眼光看撒種比喻
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JINJCh2JTeg <<< click

從經得力(3) 以神的道為中心的門訓
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqzEWIS8jKg <<click

從經得力(4) 實際進入神的話語
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8EPV84wtpLs <<click

從經得力(5) 看重神話語的門徒
https://2www.youtube.com/watch?v=jrpUBq5vySE << click

More on Ada Wang - interpreting sermons

Marriage is not Magic (English / Chinese )
https://youtu.be/I1AzvItbK4E?t=286 << click

The Secrets of a Confident Woman

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWi4DKbXSeQ << click
(the pastor handed the interpreter
- Ada a tissue)
@ 19:00 -20:20
https://youtu.be/AWi4DKbXSeQ?t=1144 << click

當生命充滿了不公平 When Life is Unfair |萬力豪牧師

(English / Chinese )
https://youtu.be/kDpbBkMxaYE?t=627 << click

Strategy for a Special Season 非常時期的非常戰略|

STRONG #2|萬力豪牧師【Bilingual 雙語】
NMV2VkyFvyK7aKKfWz6&index=4 << click

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