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Guide Questions:

1. Why did the narrator say that it was painful to part ways with his elementary school
He grew close with his elementary school classmates because they shared the same
background and could relate to his problems. They were the people the narrator bonded deeply
2. How different was his high school experience from the one he had in elementary school?
It was extremely different because he couldn’t immediately relate to his classmates who
came from a middle-class backgrounds. He was also pressured to maintain his scholarship.
3. What challenges did the narrator face in high school and college? How did he cope?
The narrator had to face financial problems and the other problems that subsequently
occurred because of it. In order to cope, he took on odd jobs and found ways to save up on
4. What do you think does the writer by the last paragraph? How did the career e chose restore
his sense of self-worth?
He considered teaching as a fulfilling job, which helped restore his sense of self-worth. It
also supported him financially which likely helped him ease the burdens of his family.

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