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Assalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh

Dear fellow countrymen, First, let us offer adoration and praise to the Presence of Allah SWT. for the
grace and guidance that has been poured out on all of us, so that this sunny morning we can gather to
commemorate National Education Day.

Hopefully our meeting at this time will always bring good in this world and in the hereafter. Ladies and
gentlemen Today, on May 2 2014, the entire nation of Indonesia commemorates National Education
Day. In commemorating this historic day, of course we will remember a national education figure,
namely Ki Hajar Dewantara

He is the pioneer of Indonesian education, the breaker of Indonesian stupidity and the era of ignorance
leading to the age of intelligence. Fellow countrymen, and countrymen who are blessed by God.
Education for the Indonesian nation has a very important meaning, because the progress of the
Indonesian nation cannot be separated from the education that has been achieved.

If the people of a country are educated, then the country will progress, conversely, if the Indonesian
nation does not pay attention to education, it is impossible for the Indonesian nation to progress like
this. Happy ladies and gentlemen. In this case, of course, it has a very good impact, if education is really
applied in this life. So it is not the same between knowledgeable people and people who are not

In relation to the problem, God has emphasized in

his words. Fellow countrymen who are blessed by God.

Know that seeking knowledge for a Muslim is

obligations that must be carried out, in this case as

explained the prophet SAW.

Fellow countrymen, beloved homeland. Thus our short speech in commemoration of National Education
Day, May 2, hopefully we will meet this morning

always get the pleasure of Allah SWT. For us more or less apologize

Billahi taufiq wal hidayat Wassalamualaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakaatuh

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