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Consumer Education Blended syllabus

Bachelor of Secondary Education (Mindanao State University)

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CHED Center of Excellence for Teacher
Bachelor of Technology and Livelihood Education (BTLEd) major
in Home Economics (HE)

HEE104 – Consumer Education

Course Syllabus, _____ Semester, A.Y. _____________

A world-class institution of higher learning renowned for its excellence in Science and Technology and for its commitment to the holistic development of the
individual and society.

To provide quality education for the industrial and socio-economic development of Mindanao with its diverse cultures through relevant programs in
instruction, research, extension, and community involvement.

CED Goals
Integral to the attainment of its mission, the College commits itself to:
1. To produce highly competent teachers who will provide leadership in various disciplines through quality instruction, research and extension
2. To enable them to meet the demands of their social environment and its diverse cultures, thus making them productive agents of change in response to the country’s quest for global


a. To keep abreast of latest developments in the specific field of practice;
b. Effectively communicate using English and Filipino, orally and in writing;
c. Work effectively and independently in multi-disciplinary and multi-cultural teams;
d. Exemplify professional, social, ethical, and environmental responsibility;
e. Preserve and promote “Filipino historical and cultural heritage” (based on RA 7722); and
f. Advocate for peace in multi-cultural settings.
a. Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.
b. Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting.
c. Practice professional and ethical teaching standards to respond to the demands of the community.
d. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.
e. Undertakes effective integration of technology through ICT enhanced-instructions.

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a. Demonstrate broad, meaningful and coherent knowledge and skills in Home Economics and Industrial Arts in technology and livelihood education.
b. Apply with minimal supervision specialized knowledge and skills in Home Economics and Industrial Arts technology and livelihood education;
c. Demonstrate higher level literacy, communication, numeracy, critical thinking, learning skills needed for higher learning.
d. Ability to generate new knowledge or developmental project to address the local/national/international conferences.
e. Apply varied skills, knowledge, and attitude in various industrial trades and related discipline.
f. Exercise varied skills, knowledge, and attitude pertaining to family and home management

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Delivery Mode RTL (Asynchronous)

Course Description This course aims to offer effective consumer participation through wise selection, use and divestment of goods and services. This course includes
consumer rights and responsibilities as well as consumer-related laws.

By the end of this course, the student will conduct an online survey to parents and person their level of awareness of their rights as consumers.
Course Outcomes Then they will create a promotional video to educate everyone on wise selection use of investment of goods and services and their rights as

Prerequisite None Co-requisite None

Course Requirements Inforgraphic, promotional video, complaint letter, survey research

Grading System

Name:Kayce Maye Michelle A. Dapanas

Teacher Office Location: DTTE
 Define the terms Product Assessment
Email Facebook Group chat Watch:
Week 1 “consumer” and a. Ice Breaker: Self-Introduction ConsumerPH:
Students will  Introduction: What “consumer Tools: Rubric - The teacher will introduce himself, Suggested Retail showcase a is Consumer education” and contact
PLAN and the teaching Price Product Education explain their learning modality.
Assessment LEARNING
importance; - All students must join for Course com/watch?

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different brands by consumers  List the problems overview, orientation on the teaching v=8xNz62bPBMg&list comparing the  Advantages and faced by consumers
modality, grading system and classroom =PL2RIfdEtkrpmTNfvalue added Disadvantages of and suggest rules and policies while enrolled in the
components to different modes of possible solutions course. Students will sign the Zy4hEPzVWddlECf3L& consumers of buying (e.g. for these problems LEARNING
CONTRACT. index=2 WAIS tips! online, catalogue,  Compare products Online (MOLE) Read:
retail) in terms of quality, a. Prior Knowledge: Students will answer a
quantity, price, pre-test to assess their prior knowledge on Consumer Education
packaging and the topics http://visionpointnios feature to make the b. Brainstorming: The teacher will post a best purchase question on the mentimeter app and 1-E-Lesson-17.pdf
• Discuss the students are expected to answer the advantages and question
disadvantages of c. Discussion: Teacher will discuss the content

different modes of d. Product Assessment: Students will select a

buying (e.g. online, product they would like to purchase online.
catalogue, retail) Students will compare three different brands
of the same item from different e-commerce
websites like lazada and shopee, and then
decide which product they would buy.

Offline Modality

a. Students will participate in the FB group

b. Students will answer a pre-test to assess
their prior knowledge on the topic
c. Open Module 1 learning guide from your
learning packets and perform the learning
d. Product comparison: Using magazines,
newspaper and/or catalog, students will
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compare three the same products from

e. They will submit their Product Assessment

to the submission bin in MOLE

Week 2 Students will  Consumer Rights  Specify rights and Role play, Online (MOLE) Watch:
and conduct a role play and responsibilities of communication on ConsumerPH:
Week 3 of a complainant Responsibilities the consumer letter, conversation a. Students will follow the task in MOLE. Consumer Rights and and defendant  Explain consumer
recording, action b. Paired-Activity: Each pair of students will Responsibilities scenario rights and from assessment of select one of the four ways of registering a responsibilities complaint complaint ---letter, email, telephone, video om/watch?
• Discuss a course of chat. One student in each pair will serve as v=RjehAclCkcQ&list= action when seeking
Tools: Rubric and the dissatisfied customer, the other as the PL2RIfdEtkrpmTNf-
redress and making Checklist customer service employee. Zy4hEPzVWddlECf3L an
exchange, c. Students will record their call conversation &index=20 getting refunds for with their
partner, each pair will describes a damaged/ product or service he/she purchased and ConsumerPH:
unsatisfactory was dissatisfied with. The pairs will evaluate Complaints goods and services each other on how
successful they addressed their complaints. om/watch?
d. Students (Complainant) will make a v=4uEHWTqosno&list
complaint letter to the Department of Trade =PL2RIfdEtkrpmTNfand
Industry Chairman (Partner-respondent) Zy4hEPzVWddlECf3L
e. The Department of Trade and Industry &index=26 Chairman
(Partner-defendant) will make an Read:
appropriate action through a letter after an Consumer Education
evaluation and assessment of the http://visionpointnios.c
customer’s complaint

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Offline Modality types and

a. The teacher will have a weekly https://www.omniconv
distribution/instruction of task
b. Students will follow the learning guide. r-behavior-in-
c. Enrichment Activities: Students will collect marketing-
patternsadvertisement from a newspaper/magazine typesfor an
electrical item or an advertisements segmentation.html
from television. Then, students will list the
information given on the advertisements.
They will check whether they give all the
information they need to make a purchase.
Also check how many of them give correct
d. They will submit their analysis checklist to the submission bin in

Students will  Consumer Infographic of Online and Offline

Week 6- design an Protection laws consumer protection Watch:
9 infographic on the  Trace the history of laws Week 6: Infographics ConsumerPH: No
different consumer DTI. Return, No Exchange protection laws to  Explained the Online survey of a. Students will follow the task in MOLE and inform the public DTI history and importance of DTI to students families and learning packets. om/watch? on this laws  functions the consumers
peers’ knowledge of b. Collaborative: Students will design an v=zCdNqHkPfbo&list=

Students will  RA 7392RA 10642 Discussedprimary mandates of thetheirconsumers rights

asinfographic on the different consumerprotection laws learned in the lesson, thenPL2RIfdEtkrpmTNf-Zy4hEPzVWddlECf3L

conduct a research  RA 10909 DTI they will publish their final output to their &index=14 survey on the level  RA 10962  Discuss the different Facebook profile to

inform the public on this Legal Matters:

of awareness of RA 10623 chapters and laws Consumer Act of the

public on their  articles in different Tool: Philippines
rights as RA related to Rubric Week 7-9: Online Survey
consumers consumer problems om/watch?

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Offline (Learning Packet) E-Lesson-17.pdf
a. The teacher will have a weekly

distribution/instruction of task Awareness,
b. Students will follow the learning guide. Consumer Rights and
c. Pair-Share: Students assigned in pairs work Responsibilities
• Interpret the content c. Math-to-Life-Connection: Students will work v=8TzxmyUFNIA&t=4 in different RA as pair and will
in writing a complaint letter to a company.
conduct an online survey 0s related to consumer The withsituation
their families and peers’ knowledge
or problem may be real or of problems their rights as
consumers. Each students Read: fictitious and may involve the purchase of studies/consumer-
either a product or a service and they will protection/consumer-
• Design an info will prepare a note card of list of the Consumer Action graphic on the consumer rights. Then each
submit at the submission bin provided by
student survey Handbook different consumer and video 10 peers and/or families to ask www.consumeraction.
the teacher
protection laws d. Students
them, onewillby
record their call
one, “What conversation
is meant by the gov
with their partner, each pair will describes a
• Apply survey and statements ‘You have a right as aproduct
consumer Click: he/she
or service data collection
purchased skills
andto be safe’” and “‘You have a
was dissatisfied with. The pairs will evaluate
right as a Consumer Act of the to assess peers and consumer to be informed?’” and so on. At Philippines families’
each other on how successful they
overall the end of their video, each students will https://www.officialgaz
addressed their complaints.
e. Students (complainant) will make a
complaint letter to the Department of Trade
and Industry Chairman (Partner-respondent)
f. The Department of Trade and Industry
Chairman (Partner-defendant) will make an
appropriate action through a letter after an
evaluation and assessment of the
customer’s complaint
g. They will submit their output to the
Facebook group

Week 4 Students will make  Smart shopping  Identify the various Analysis Checklist of Online (MOLE) Watch:
and an analysis Consumer Buying types of advertising information in making ConsumerPH:
Week 5 checklist by Behavior and its effect on a purchase a. Join the GC. The teacher will have a weekly Suggested Retail
evaluating the consumer decisions distribution/instruction of the task. Price (SRP)
information  Discuss the factors b. Students will follow the task in MOLE.
described in the influencing Tools: Rubric c. Enrichment Activities: Students will collect om/watch?
advertisement for consumer buying advertisement from a newspaper/magazine v=8xNz62bPBMg&list
consumers to  Recognize for an electrical item or an advertisements =PL2RIfdEtkrpmTNf -
make wise decision promotional from television. Then, students will list the Zy4hEPzVWddlECf3L
in buying a strategies used to information given on the advertisements. &index=2
product.item. influence choices They will check whether they give all the Read:
 Assess the reliability information they need to make a purchase. Consume Education
of advertisement Also check how many of them give correct http://visionpointnios.c
claims information.
d. They will submit their analysis checklist to E-Lesson-17.pdf
the submission bin in MOLE Click:
Consumer behavior in
marketing patterns,

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understanding of report the number and percentage of

their rights as respondents who offer a correct response 3/republic-act-no-
consumers for each right. Students will then include 7394-s-1992/
their conclusion and recommendation on the Rules and regulations
findings. for consumer
d. On day 1 for week 7, students will make a protection
survey questionnaire
e. Day 2 – students will start to gather their docs/lexdocs/laws/en/
data collected ph/ph157en.pdf
f. Day 3 to 7- formulation and writing of
g. After formulating the conclusion. Students
will post their output to the Facebook group
and/or Youtube.

1. Economic Education for Consumers, Miller & Stafford(2006)
2. Klein, D. (2008).The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics: Consumer Protection. Retrieved April 2017, from
3. Rights to consumer Education. Retrieved date April 2017 from
4. Maedke, W. Consumer Education (1979)
5. How to Interview people. Retrieved date April 2017 from
6. Harris, Michael (May 2002). "Facing the facts of risk and money management" (PDF). Trading Strategies. Active trader. p. 33. Archived from the original (PDF) on
2006-10-17. Retrieved date April 2017

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7. Save and Invest. Retrieved date April 2017 from
8. Gomez, Steve; Lindloff, Andy (2011). Change is the only Constant. IN: Lindzon, Howard; Pearlman, Philip; Ivanhoff, Ivaylo. The StockTwits Edge: 40 Actionable Trade
Set-Ups from Real Market Pros. Wiley Trading.
9. The Replacement Cost Claim (3005). Adjusters International. Adjusting Today. 2011.
10. Doyle, A. How to write a job application letter (2016). Retrieved April 2017 from

Grading System
Graded Task Possible Points
Unit 1 Outcome 50
Unit 2 Outcome 100
Unit 3 Outcome 50
Grade Equivalent
The final scale will be used to obtain the final grade
Points Grade Points Grade Points Grade Points Grade
Unit 4 Outcome 50
Culminating Outcome 100 350 1.00
1.75 175
75 WNG
325 1.25
2.00 150
<74 5.0
300 1.5 200 2.25 100 3.0

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: Approved by:

Instructor DTTE, Chairperson CED, Dean

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