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Concept map

Linear position (s) Linear velocity (v) Tangential acceleration (at)

analogy analogy analogy

Angular position (θ) Angular velocity (ω) Angular acceleration (α)

consists of quantities

Rotational kinematics motion

Balance and Consists of
Rotational Motion

Rotational dynamics motion

consists of quantities

Torque ( ) Moment of inertia (I) Angular momentum (L)

Σ =0
analogy analogy analogy
ΣF = 0
Mass (m) Linear momentum (p)
Force (F)
balance conditions for,
Rigid body Center of mass point Center of gravity
characterized by also called

A. Rotational Kinematics Motion

Kinematics, branch of physics and a subdivision of classical mechanics
concerned with the geometrically possible motion of a body or system of bodies
without consideration of the forces involved.
The kinematics of rotational motion describes the relationships between the
angle of rotation, angular velocity, angular acceleration, and time. It only
describes motion, it does not include any forces or masses that may affect rotation
(these are part of dynamics).
1. Angular position

In order for a point on the edge of a

wheel to move from position (1) to
position (2), the wheel must rotate by
ϴ. R 1
ϴ = s/R

one revolution = circumference of

circle (2πR)

ϴ = s/R
ϴ = 2πR /R
ϴ = 2π rad π = 3,14

2. Angular velocity
Angular velocity is the rate of time at which an object rotates or rotates
about an axis. Angular velocity is represented by the Greek letter omega
(ω). It is measured in the SI unit for angular velocity which is radians per
Angular velocity is the rate of change of an object's angular position with
respect to time,
so ω = ϴ/t
ω = Δϴ / Δt
where ω = angular velocity, theta = angular position, and t = time.
3. Angular acceleration (α)
Angular acceleration (α) is defined as the rate of change of angular
velocity. In equation form, angular acceleration is expressed as follows:


where Δω is the change in angular velocity and Δt is the change in time.

B. Rotational dynamics motion

Rotational dynamics is the study of rotational (spinning) motion by pay
attention to the aspect of its cause, namely the moment of force.
Style moment or which is better known as this torque will cause acceleration
angular. An object is said to perform rotational motion (spinning) if all parts object
moves around an axis or axis of rotation. The object's axis of rotation is located on
one part of the thing.
Rigid objects are objects that do not change shape due to the influence of forces,
so that in carrying out the movement, the object does not change the shape and
volume of the object. Rigid bodies can perform translational and rotational motion

1. Moment of Force/Torque (τ)

What is Moment of Force/Torque? To see an object at rest become in
translational (straight) motion, you need to apply a force to it.
The moment of force or torque (τ) is a vector quantity that causes an object to
rotate or spinning.

Based on the picture above, people apply force to the key so that the key
can rotate the bolt. The bolt serves as the axis of rotation, while the extension
of the line of force is called the line of action of the force. If the force (F) exerted
by the hand (line of action) is perpendicular to the lock arm, then this lock arm
functions as the force arm. However, if the applied force is not perpendicular
to the lock arm, then the force arm is the distance perpendicular to the axis of
rotation from the line of action of the force (r).

𝝉=𝒓×F or 𝝉 = 𝑟 𝐹 𝑠𝑖𝑛 ϴ

τ = Moment of Force (Nm)

F = working force (N)
r = Moment Arm (m)
θ = the angle formed between the line of action of the force F to the moment
arm r

2. Moment of inertia
The moment of inertia (I) is a quantity that state measure the tendency of an
object to remain in its state (inertia). In rotational motion, the moment of inertia
can also state a measure of an object's ability to maintain its rotational angular

𝐼 = 𝑚. 𝑟2

I = Moment of inertia (kgm2)

m = particle mass (kg)
r = distance of the particle from the center of rotation (m)

3. Moment of Force (τ), Moment of Inertia (I) and Angular Acceleration (α)

𝜏=𝐼.F or ∑τ = 𝐼 . F

τ = Moment of Force (N.m)

I = Moment of Inertia (kg.m2)
α = Angular Acceleration (rad/s2)

4. Rotational Kinetic Energy

An object rotating on its axis has a form of energy called rotational kinetic

Ek rot = ½ Iω

Ekrot = Energi Kinetik Rotasi (Joule)

I = Momen inersia benda (kg.m2)
ω = Kecepatan sudut benda (rad/s)

5. Angular Momentum
Angular momentum (L) is defined as the cross product between the object's
linear momentum vector (p) and the position vector (r).

𝑳 = 𝐼. ω
L : Angular momentum (kg. m2/s)
I : Moment of inertia of the object (kg.m2)
ω : Angular speed (rad/s)

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