Mix of Docs Might Be Useful For Some.

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1. What is a geostationary satellite? (placed at

35,800km over equator, revolves in the same
direction earth rotates- West to East. Revolving
speed is 11,300 km/h)

a) A satellite that has a two poles of the flies

b) A satellite that flies along the equator
c) A satellite, which is always the same point on the earth's surface is
d) A satellite, which stands firmly on the ground

2. In a cup of coffee with a spoon circular stirred. This creates in a central hollow. What forces leave the hob arise? (Tea
leaves migrate to the center of the cup when stirring it with a spoon)

a) centripetal & gravity

b) centripetal & Pressure
c) centrifugal & Pressure
d) gravity & Adhesion

3. A smooth cut without wavy edge knife (such as a so-called butcher knife) cuts better if it pulls through the Schnittgut
rather than to press. What is the main reason for this?

a) tiny bumps in the surface of the blade form a "Saw '

b) the development of heat
c) the reduction of cutting angle
d) to reduce the adhesion between the knife and Schnittgut

4. The farther you from a sound source is removed, the more quiet you can hear them. What is the basic reason?

a) the soundproofing of the air

b) the humidity
c) Increase the size of the ball sound waves
d) to reduce the wavelength of the sound waves

5. A circle on the ground with a diameter d, with 1 kg plasticine covered. Which Arithmetic is correct to extend a ring
around this circle around to calculate 3 kg of plasticine the same thickness is covered?

6. But how can kerosene (jet fuel) are most likely compare? (karosene is distilled from oil!)

a) super gasoline
b) Normal gasoline
c) oil
d) methanol

7. Lisa is a flat landscape into a dragon to rise. The dragon caught in a tree treetop. How high is the tree where the
dragon cord is 54 m long and Angle between kite string and the ground is 30 degrees?

a) 54 m
b) 30 m
c) 27 m
d) 36 m

8. Car A and car B have the same mass. Car A crashed elastic with 60 km / h on the B. What are the cars happened?
(Elastic is important! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ko3qy9vgLQ)

a) Car B stops, A car runs with the same speed

b) A car stops, car B runs with 60km / h further
c) Car A and B car ride with 30km / h further
d) Car A and Car B will remain available
9. From a rowboat out a pebble thrown into a lake. What happens to the water?

a) the water is not changed, because the stone sinks to the bottom
b) the water level rises, because the volume of the stone add
c) the water level drops, because the stone without the boat no longer floats
d) the water level is not changing, because the stone was previously in the boot

10. Why is the sky blue?

a) short (blue) light is more scattered than long (red) Light

b) red light is absorbed more than blue light
c) short light is absorbed more than longwave light
d) the dark background appears under blue light illumination

11. How is a rainbow up (from inside to outside)? (roygbcv Top to Bottom)

a) blue, green, yellow, red

b) red, yellow, green, blue
c) green, blue, red, yellow
d) red, blue, green, yellow

12. What do you call the movement of aircraft around the longitudinal axis? (Longitudinal>Roll, Vertical>Yaw,

a) Turn
b) Rolls
c) Tilt
d) nod

13. From whom were the three laws on the movement of the planets? (1. Supports Helicentric system, 2. All planets
move with non-constant speed on their own orbit, 3. Formula)

a) Copernicus
b) Galilei
c) Keppler
d) Newton

14. Where is the magnetic South Pole? (magnetic North pole is near siberia, Antartica could be the answer)

a) the geographic South Pole

b) almost at the geographic South Pole
c) in Antarctica
d) near the geographic North Pole

15. In a tube filled with oil, a ball is dropped. What happened?

a) the ball rebounds on the surface

b) the ball after the entry into the oil is always slower
c) the ball after the entry into the oil faster and faster
d) the ball is slowed down and then falls with constant speed

16. Which combination of lenses has the Galileische telescope?

a) multiple lenses and lens into the eyepiece

b) collecting lens of the eyepiece and scatter lens in the lens
c) scattering in the ocular lens and lens collection in the lens (Ocular lens=eyepiece)
d) scattering in ocular lenses and lens

17. What do you call the disolving of electrons out of a metal surface by light?

a) luminescence
b) fluorescence
c) oxidation
d) photoelectric effect
18. How to behave climb time and fall time when Senkrechtwurf?

a) the gate time and fall time are the same size
b) the climb is larger than the case of time
c) the climb time is less than the time the case
d) the climb is much larger than the case of time

19. Which lenses are looking at an astronomical telescope in the eyepiece and lens? (Kepler Telescope)

a) convex lenses and lens into the eyepiece

b) convex lens in the eyepiece and concave lens in the lens
c) concave lens in the eyepiece and convex lens in the lens
d) concave lenses and lens into the eyepiece

20. Three identical, each with 3 ohms resistances are combined. What was the total opposition are possible?
a) 12 ohms 6 ohms
b) 9 ohms, 5 ohms
c) 9 ohms, 4.5 ohm
d) 1 ohm, 6 ohms

21. Which switch must remain open so that the brightest light on bulb?

a) switch 1
b) Switch 2
c) Switch 3
d) Switch 4

22. Which switches must be closed so that both lights burn?

a) switches 1, 2, 3
b) switches 2, 3, 4
c) switches 1, 2, 4
d) switches 1, 3, 4

23. Which switch must remain open so that the brightest light on fire?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
24. Which side is coming to the scales, when both arms are of equal length and
the weights on both sides are equal?

a) right
b) to the left
c) the balance will not move

F1*M1=F2*M2 F and M must be in perpendicular. Vertical side of right side is

smaller than left side. Therefore system goes to the left side. İf more weight is
added to right side, system will remain on balance.

25. In what position the wheel is in balance?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

26. On a scale large hang two different, but equally severe with Helium-filled containers. In both reservoirs is the same
pressure. After
whichever side is coming to the scales? (RULE!!! Object of equal volume experience equal buoyancy force!! In this
questions, at the same pressure, right side has more volume. Therefore, right side experience more buoyancy force than
the left side. So, system moves to the left.

a) right
b) to the left
c) the balance will not move

27. Which fixture is to stabilize the garden gate useful?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
28. An emphasis will be on two inter-related roles hanged. What happened?

a) the small wheel and the big wheel turning left

b) the wheels block
c) the small wheel to the left, the big wheel to the right
d) the small wheel to the right, and the big wheel to the left

System automaticly moves left side due to rope connection. Ropes tension are the same.

29. Three identical picture frames. What nail of the suspension, the largest Force? (Asking applied force to nails. This is
not about ropes. If rope tension was asked, answer A would have been correct.)

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) all equal
30. What possible cross-section is stable for the institution? ?????????????????????

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

31. Which shows the equilibrium position? Angles must be the same

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
32. What must be in balance for the two angles 1 and 2 and for the Weights G1 and G3 apply? Angles must be the same

a) G1 > G3; 1 < 2

b) G1 = G3; 1 > 2
c) G1 = G3; 1 = 2
d) G1 < G3; 1 = 2

33. On a scale hanging two equally heavy tanks, with different helium Pressure are filled. After coming to which side the

a) right
b) to the left
c) the balance will not move

RULE!!! Buoyancy force is related to volume. In this question, volumes

are identical. Objects of equal volume, exprerience equal buoyancy
force. At the same volume, right side has more pressure. This means it
has more molecules inside. So, system moves to the right.

34. The power meter in A, B and C, the same ad. In what is the bucket most water?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) In all much the same

35. What condition must be fulfilled so that the arrangement is in balance?

a) G1 ≤ G2 + G3
b) G2 + G3 ≥ G1
c) ≥ G2 (G1 + G3) / 2
d) G2 ≤ G1 or G3

36. A flute made of metal and a guitar from the cold in a warm room, and thus heat. How do their pitch of tone change?

a) the guitar is higher, the deeper(lover) flute

b) the guitar and flute are deeper(lover)
c) the guitar and flute are higher
d) the guitar is deeper(lover), the flute higher
37. A is a ball is dropped. Ball B is the same height with High-speed weggeschossen horizontally. How to behave two
balls? They started dropping above same height. Gravitiy makes them accelerate the same!

a) A ball comes much earlier than on the ground ball B

b) A ball flies in a straight, horizontal track
c) B ball flies in an upward arc until then to the ground
d) A ball and ball B, come on the ground at the same time

38. A candle stands 1 meter away from a book. The spacing of the candle will be reduced to 50 cm. What happened?

a) the script remains the same bright

b) the writ is twice as bright
c) the writ is four times as bright
d) the writ is eight times as bright

39. What are seasons?

a) by the inclination of the orbit to earth axis

b) by different distances to the sun
c) different train speeds through the earth
d) by the fluctuation of the earth axis

40. What causes Winglet?

a) extended the main wings

b) improves the buoyancy in the curve
c) Improves the stability of the main wings
d) reduces the air at the external wing

41. Which path of a light beam on a glass plate is correct?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

42. A ball made out of frozen kerosene is put into a container with liquid Kerosene. How does the ball move?

a) the ball floats on the surface (floats)

b) the ball drops on the floor (descends)
c) the ball floats into the liquid kerosene (hovers)
d) the ball falls and rises again (first descends and then ascends)

43. The human ear can distinguish tones, with a time lag of at least 0.1 seconds have. How far must a wall be removed,
so you just still can hear an echo? (echo is 17 m. Total 34 m.)
a) 51 m
b) 34 m
c) 17 m
d) 68 m
44. What was the total capacity of the circuit, if each of the three equal Capacitors are a capacity of 6 Farat has?

a) 18 Farat For series connection> R1+R2+R3….

b) 6 Farat For parallel conneciton> 1/R+1/R+1/R….
d) 9 Farat

45. How big is the weight of a mass on the Zugspitze in comparison with the Weight of the same mass at the beach in
the North Sea?

a) slightly larger
b) no difference
c) slightly smaller
d) much smaller

46. An object is before a focus lens. At what point is the picture?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

47. An object is between focus and lens. At what point is the picture?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

48. A white light beam is split into a prism and the color green will be filtered out. What color is the light, when the rest of
colors back to a beam of light will be united?

a) violet
b) orange
c) red
d) yellow

1. How can the oscillation period of a pendulum renew?

a) extend shuttle
b) shorten pendulum
c) The oscillation period is always the same
d) weight increase

2. How photocells work? They also produce DC energy

a) You put infrared rays into electrical energy to

b) You use only UV rays into electrical energy to
c) They convert electrical energy into light energy
d) They convert light energy into electrical energy to

3. How will the Mach'sche figure? M=u/c u=Velocity of moving aircraft, c=speed of sound at the given altitude

a) speed in km / h divided by a factor of 1000 in MSL

b) speed of sound / airspeed
c) flight speed / speed of sound
d) velocity / speed flight

4. After the flash lasts publication are 13 seconds until thunder. How far away is the lightning? To calculate in meters,
divided by 3; in miles, divided by 5! In this questions, thunder is 13/3=4.3 km away. OR 13/5=2.6 miles away!.

a) 400m
b) 40km
c) 4km
d) 9km

5. In what medium is the speed of sound most?

a) gaseous state Sound propagates 1500m/s in water

b) a liquid substance 4000-6000 m/s in solid
c) solid 331 m/s in air (0 C)
d) the same everywhere 322 m/s (20 C)

6. Which nozzle sprays a liquid highest?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) all equal Due to constant pressure, all equal
7. Which of these is a convex mirror? Mirror A is plano-convex, Mirror B is plano-concav

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) depending on the angle

8. What is momentum? P=M*V P=momentum (kgm/s) M= mass (kg) V= velocity (m/s)

a) mass times velocity

b) mass times acceleration
c) mass times Wirkwiderstand
d) mass times acceleration minus Wirkwiderstand

9. Which shows the pressure measuring device? P=F/A, IF diameter was given instead of area > P=F/R2

a) 50KN/cm2
b) 40KN/cm2
c) 20KN/cm2
d) 10KN/cm2

10. What value has half the temperature of 19 ° Celsius? RULE!! Convert to Kelvin! (K=C+273) İn this question, 19C
equal to 292 K. So, half of 19 C is (292/2) 146 K

a) 9,50C IF Fahrenait result needs F=(9/5*C)+32

b) –190 C
c) 144,5 K
d) 146 K

11. What is the speed of sound in air influenced? Speed of sound inceare with temperature.

a) temperature
b) Humidity
c) Height
d) supersonic bang

12. When sound waves occurs in the Doppler effect? Doppler effect is the change in wavelengt and frequency
caused by moving of an observer relative to the source.

a) If the sound source and observers differ wavwlength

b) If the sound source and each observer to move
c) a and b
d) In the supersonic area
13. Where is the most tractive force?

a) B
b) over the same
c) A and B
d) C and A

14. Which comes first ball at the bottom?

A: Iron B: Styrofoam

a) A
b) B
c) both equally
d) Depending on the surface friction

15. At the bottom of the pool will be a smooth board and pressed released, what happens?

a) There is increasing due to the low density of the water

b) It remains "stuck" because no hydrostatic pressure comes from below
c) It remains "stuck" because the water from above is too strong
d) It rises, because it must breathe

16. Where is located at the venturi liquid?

a) A and B in the same amount

b) A higher than at B
c) When B is higher than at A
d) Depending on the temperature at A and B higher

17. How many revolutions does a drivingshaft of an eight-cylinder four-stroke engine perform, until every cylinder has
ignited once?

a) 1 times
b) 2 times
c) 4 times
d) 8 times
18. Which comes first in ball point on P1? The more acceleration an object has, the first arrive it will. In this question,
object C has highest acceleration.

a) All the same

b) A
c) B
d) C

19. Which ball at the point P1 has the greatest speed? ALL start moving at the same vertical distance and reach at the
same point. (Velocity doesn't related to mass-Even if masses was specified-)

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) All the same

20. Which of the four weights has the largest density?

Objects A, B and C are in the same weight (3) and D is 4. Volume

of A and D is higher than B and C. According to equality of
M=D.V, the more volume an object has, the lower density it has at
the same mass. Therefore, density of A and D is lower than B and
C. Object C is eliminated, because C is pure 3m weight. However,
object B is 3m weight with buoyancy force. If that force is
cancelled, weight of B will be more than 3. Thefore, at the same
volume, density of object B absolutely higher than object C in
accordance with equality.

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

21. Where there is instability, indifference, stability?

Rope tension is lower at the figure A. System stable. At the

figure B, ropes tension get more higher. So, system is indifferent. At the
figure C, highest stress is seen. Ropes are about to tear.

a) A stable, indifferent B, C fragile

b) A fragile, stable B, C indifferent
c) A indifferent, stable B, C fragile
d) A stable, unstable B, C indifferent
22. Which experimental setup is the right circumstance? Objects of equal volume, experience equal buoyancy force.
Volume m1 is higher than m2. M1 expriences more buoyancy force.

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) A and B

23. How big is the resistance R1? R1 and R2 is parallel connection; R3 is serial to them
Rtop=4 Ohm

a) 1 Ohm
b) 2 ohms
c) 4 ohm
d) 6 ohms

24. In which of the four vessels with different base and equal Wasserfüllhöhe would be the largest hydraulic prevail?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) the same everywhere İdentical height!

25. What do the two manometer, when the container half is filled with water?

Air pressure is exponentialy increase if compressed.

So, manometer shows above 2 bar.
Every 10 meter depth in water, pressure increase by 1
bar. In this questios, there is an also air pressure
accurs above water. So, manometer shows below 3

a) above 2 bar; below 2 bar

b) above 1 bar; below 2 bar
c) above 1 bar; below 3 bar
d) above 2 bar; below 3 bar
26. With which of the four hammers can with the least effort a nail to be pulled out?

a) A
b) B
c) C Because it is closest to momentum point
d) D

27. Which of the following true values for the secondary part of the Transformer to?

Remember the formula! V2/V1 = N2/N1

IF ampere was given instead of voltage I2/I1 = N1/N2

In this question, V2/100 = 10/100 >>> V2=10 Volt

a) 100 A
b) 10 V
c) 10 W
d) 10 Ah

28. Provided the V lossless working voltmeter represents shows the same in the above circuit a voltage ...

Remember the formula! V=I*R, 15=Itotal*30, Itotal=0.5 Ampere

V=I*R, V=0.5*10, V=5 volts

a) 10 volts
b) 7 volts
c) 5 volts
d) 3 volts

29. What is the impetus for an airplane wing?

a) exploit the momentum by steering currents in the wing underside

b) pressure differential resulting from the change of speed Anströmluft
c) a result of compaction pressure on the wing underside
d) density change in the air around

30. Which creates a jet engine thrust?

a) a significant increase in the exit speed of the gas flow through

b) A substantial increase pressure on the Austrittsdüse
c) a significant mass magnification by the injected Fuel
d) The acceleration of the air flow through the means of mass Turbine
31. The Mach is The formula is M=U/C >> U=velocity of aircraft, C=Speed of sound at the given altitude

a) a temperature-dependent speed of sound

b) a relationship between air speed to the speed of sound
c) an amount dependent airspeed
d) a relationship between the speed of sound to flight speed

32. After a stone's throw into deep water formed on the surface ring waves. The amount of these waves increases with
increasing distance from turning point. What is the reason?

a) The water dampens the waves more and more

b) The wave front with larger diameter is always straight
c) The ring shaft diameter is always greater (for the same wave volume)
d) The wave will spread through the influence of soil texture inhibited

33. A device to convert alternating current into direct current is

a) Transformer Converts AC voltage from low to high

b) Relay Is an electrically operated switch
c) generator Converts mechanical energy to electrical energy
d) Rectifier Converts AC to DC

34. Resonance arises

a) If two-wave collide
b) If the excitation oscillation around half a wavelength greater than as the natural oscillation is
c) If oscillation between two circles there is no feedback
d) If the excitation frequency equal to the natural frequency is

35. How much kg are needed at the right lever, so the bar horizontally stands?

a) 4 kg
b) 5 kg
c) 3 kg
d) 2 kg

36. Photo cells are devices for ...

a) conversion of electrical energy into light

b) a light beam interference
c) conversion of light energy into electrical energy
d) Visible notice of light rays on film

37. When pressure increases the pointer turns of the spring-meter pipe ...


a) did not, because the design is wrong

b) left around
c) right around
38. The highest number of vibrations per second have

a) Ultra-violet waves
b) infrared waves
c) X-rays
d) ultra-short waves

39. The highest number of order widest possible field of vision to get used to Vehicles as a rearview mirror

a) Konvexspiegel
b) Konkavspiegel
c) flat oblong mirror
d) round, flat mirror

40. The speed of sound

a) at sea level is 400m / s

b) is greater with increasing altitude
c) depends on the temperature
d) is independent of temperature

41. Arrangement in which all three forces have 1, 2 and 3 equal, so the drawbar poles just to stay?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

42. In one of these circuits resistance is the total resistance 2 ohms. For which makes the circuit to?

6 ohm

2 ohm

4 ohm

6 ohm

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
43. Which wheel turns the fastest?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

44. The figure represents a design draft blower The dar. X is powered wing and turns in the direction of the arrow.
Between X and Y
There is an invisible cogwheel connection. The wings rotate in the level of the leaf. Which statement true?

a) The Y wing rotates clockwise

b) The Y wing rotates counter-clockwise
c) Both wings promote the air by the middle between two wings waves round

45. Winds at which you need the slightest force to support the weight of 50 kg hochzuziehen?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

46. In the left drawing is a pressure of 1 bar measured. On the right side, the volume halved. How does the pressure?

a) 1 bar
b) 4 bar
c) 8 bar
d) 2 bar
47. The speed of sound is generally the largest in ...

a) gaseous media
b) liquid media
c) is dependent on medium
d) solid media

48. The cross section shown a cylinder shows a ...

Glow plug is available in diesel engine

Spark plug is available in petrol engine

a) Two-stroke petrol engine

b) four-stroke petrol engine
c) Two-stroke diesel engine
d) four-stroke diesel engine

1. In a 2 meter long, luftleeren and vertical tube will be two equal balls of 5 cm in diameter simultaneously dropped. One
ball is made of balsa wood and other aluminum products. How to behave The case of the two balls to each other?

a) The case of time depends on the diameter

b) The case is identical in both spheres
c) The case of time depends on the specific weight
d) The case of Balsakugel time is longer than the aluminum ball

2. What is a lead filled?

a) water
b) hydrochloric acid
c) dilute sulfuric acid
d) lye

3. A tether may be within 3 points A, B or C, with different angles in bottom anchored. At what is the anchor rope in
tensile most?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) no difference

4. What are the advantages of a V-engine from one series engine? V-engine has two rows of cylinders at usually
ninety degree angle to each other. Its advantages are its short lenght, the great rigidity of block and its heavy crankshaft.

a) greater smoothness
b) shorter construction
c) a better torque
d) more favorable production

5. In a Kettenkarussell sit a child and an adult person. Which of the two will continue beyond worn?

a) depends on the speed of rotation

b) the child
c) the adults
d) both equal

6. Behave like the wheelchair?

a) remain the same

b) the right rolls downhill
c) roll down the left
d) the rope and there after rolling down
7. As the electrons move in DC in the wires? Electrons move – to + in DC with 80cm/h

a) with a few cm / s from negative to positive

b) with the speed of light from positive to negative
c) the speed of light from negative to positive
d) only marginally by the same body

8. Which of the spectrum of light has the greatest wavelength? ROYGBC(i)V

a) violet
b) green
c) red
d) blue

9. The corrosion of a metal caused by a surface touching plea, is

a) only possible if the attack is a liquid funds

b) safe, because in any case, a Oxydhaut forms, further prevent corrosion
c) a process by which an electron exchange takes place
d) impossible, unless additional oxygen directly to the attack point will be fed

10. Three same pendulum will vary widely and simultaneously ausgelenkt released. Which leads most pendulum
oscillations per minute from?

a) all have the same spherical vibration number

b) the shuttle with the smallest displacement
c) the shuttle with the largest displacement
d) the shuttle with the middle deflection

11. Polarization is ...

a) radiation of a Northern Light

b) frequency equality
c) limiting
d) producing waves of a vibration level

12. On each side of the spring scales are 500 N. What is the indicator on the spring balance?

a) 1000 N
b) 750 N
c) 500 N
d) 0 N
13. In the above chart are the relay in hibernation drawn with excitement and draw contact in the direction of the coil. The
check K burns when

It is: D = pressure switch

K = check
T1 = closed thermostat below 20 degrees C
T2 = closed thermostat above 10 degrees C

a) D closed and the temperature is 25 degrees Celsius

b) D opened and the temperature is 17 degrees Celsius
c) D opened and the temperature is 8 degrees Celsius
d) D closed and the temperature is 12 degrees Celsius

14. The apparent difference in frequency of a sound source at rapprochement or away from the observer states ...

a) Interference
b) modulation
c) Doppler effect
d) Peltier effect

15. To the director presented a voltage to generate

a) is a movement not required

b) it must, in a move toward
c) it must, in the direction of B be moved
d) plays the direction of the movement no role

16. On the flat bottom of a waterbath will be a final proof timber boards pressed. What happens when the boards are

a) the wood boards do not lie

b) the wooden boards remains subject because it is hard enough
c) the wooden boards remains lie, because on the bottom hydrostatic pressure effect
d) the wooden boards remains lie, because on the bottom there is no hydrostatic pressure

17. Which statement about the air density d and temperature t derAtmosphäre is correct?

a) t and d take linearly with the amount from

b) d and t take exponentially with altitude from
c) d decreases with height exponentially and linearly from t
d) d decreases with height linear and exponential from t

18. What value has half the temperature of 19 degrees Celsius? Look at test 2, question 10

a) minus 19 degrees Celsius

b) plus 9.5 degrees Celsius
c) 146 Kelvin
d) 144.5 Kelvin
19. When air flows through the tube, is

a) A rise in liquid
b) the liquid at B rise
c) the fluid is compressed, thus decreasing at A and B
d) of liquid remain unchanged

20. What pressure is the pressure gauge on the hydraulic system represented? Look at test 2, question 9.

a) 50 N/cm2
b) 40 N/cm2
c) 30 N/cm2
d) 10 N/cm2

21. The potential and kinetic energy are measured in TOTALLY WRONG ANSWERS. Units of PE and KE are
kgm2/s2=1Joule >> 1 J=1 Nm

a) both in N (Newton)
b) e pot in Nm and E kin (kg x m) / s
c) (kg x m) / s
d) kp x m or in Nm

22. A light and a heavy pendulum have the same length. What pendulum swings further out? Period of pendulum doesnt
related to mass of sphere

a) It Serious
b) The Light
c) Both equal

23. A circuit consists of

a) and condenser coil

b) resistor and capacitor
c) diode, battery and coil
d) resistance and transistor

24. When light is polarized?

a) If the light between two mirrors back and forth thrown

b) If the light waves with the same length swing phase
c) If the light waves are dotted
d) If the light in one plane swing
25. At what point should the weight of 6kp be made so that the Libra is in balance?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

26. The effect of a gyro compass is based on

a) electromagnetism
b) Geomagnetism
c) Cosmic Radiation
d) the inertia of moving masses

27. Which depends, among other things, an inductance coil from?

a) From the nature of the coils Kerns

b) From the material Wicklungsdrahtes
c) From the frequency of the alternating voltage adjacent
d) From the winding wire resistance

28. In which position is the speed of the moving piston in the cylinder most?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

29. Water in a rain barrel decline in air temperature begins to freze

a) simultaneously at all points of the water volume

b) on the ground
c) at the contact area with the sheet metal wall
d) on the surface

30. A water pipe has three differently sized holes. The pressure is constant. Which goes higher jet? Constant pressure

a) the smaller the hole

b) of the larger hole
c) the middle of the hole
d) all equal
31. How big the pressure on the right side?

a) 12 kp
b) 120 kp
c) 0,12 kp
d) 12000 kp

32. You hear 13 seconds after a lightning strike the thunder. How far is the thunder away from you?

a) 120 km
b) 4 km
c) 1600 km
d) 9 km

33. What radiation has the highest frequency?

a) X-rays and radio

b) exchange flows and X-rays
c) X-ray and laser
d) ultraviolet rays and laser

34. Like many revolutions, the crankshaft of an 8-cylinder engine (4-stroke engine) until each cylinder has once

a) 2
b) 6
c) 8
d) 4

35. If the same heavy piston X and Y with equal weights will be charged, the resulting pressure cause

a) piston Y rises and Pistons X falls

b) pistons X rises and piston Y falls
c) in accordance Koben both down
d) both pistons in the top position remain

36. What are the compilation of chemical substances according to the size of their specific weights properly sorted (from
left to right being bigger)?

a) oil, water, sulfuric acid, mercury Density of: oli and water is 1g/cm3
b) sulfuric acid, oil, water, mercury Sulfiric acid is 1.84 g/cm3
c) oil, water, mercury, sulfuric acid Mercury is 13.5 g/cm3
d) mercury, oil, sulfuric acid, water (Alcohol is 0.789 g/cm3)

37. Air consists mainly of Atmospheric composition of Earth is %78 of Nitrogen

%21 of Oxygen
a) hydrogen %0.038 of Carbon Dioxide
b) Nitrogen %0.9 of Argon
c) Oxygen
d) carbon
38. Viscosity is a measure of

a) starch content
b) Verdampfbarkeit (Volatility)
c) lubricity
d) Toughness

39. What principle is at a turning pointer used?

a) Air
b) precession
c) electric drive
d) Under Pressure

40. How much weight must kp G, so that the burden of L 10kp to keep? For one scales is 5, for other one is 5.
Total 10

a) 10 kp
b) 5 kp
c) 15 kp
d) 20 kp

41. A man and a child driving Kettenkarussell

a) The flight height depends solely on weight

b) The child flies higher, because it is easier
c) The man flies higher, because its centrifugal force is greater
d) Both fly as high

42. Through which the above elements may not Einschaltvorgang apart from the DC flowing?

a) induction coil L
b) bulb G
c) resistance R
d) capacitor C
43. What do you measure a force at A? (8cm small role, big role 16cm)

a) 20 N
b) 10 N
c) 5 N
d) 2.5 N

44. Which one hears in a passing car at the highest sound?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

45. In what is the composition of metals, depending on the size of their specific weights properly sorted (from left to right
being bigger)?

a) aluminum, steel, titanium, copper

b) copper, titanium, aluminum, steel
c) aluminum, titanium, steel, copper
d) aluminum, copper, steel, titanium

46. In what is the composition of metals in accordance with the unaccelerated horizontal flight (A = buoyancy, G = G-
forces, W = resistance, S = Shear)

a) A always something greater than G, because otherwise the plane drops

b) S always something larger than W, so that the speed kept can be
c) S and W = A = G's
d) S = W = G and A's

47. With a rotary capacitor, the capacity by turning the panels increases. What happens?

a) the resistance will not change

b) the alternating current resistance of the capacitor gets bigger
c) the alternating current resistance of the capacitor is smaller
d) the DC resistance of the capacitor gets bigger

48. How many valves has a normal 4-cylinder 4-stroke engine?

a) 6
b) 8
c) 4
d) 2
49. Which statement is true for an 8-cylinder V-engine?

a) It has a shorter length than a series of engine cylinders with the same number
b) It developes more power than a series of engine cylinders with the same number
c) It has a quieter running as a series of engine cylinders with the same number
d) It has no significant advantage over a number of engine cylinders with the same number

50. Which metal is best suited for the manufacture of lightning conductors?

a) brass
b) copper
c) iron
d) Aluminum

51. An impulse is Change in momentum. J=F*t, (kgm/s=Ns)

a) mass times acceleration >>> This is for F=m*a

b) the term for mass
c) a Geschwindigkeitsmaß (velocity)
d) mass times velocity >>> This is for momentum P=M*V, (kgm/s)

52. When the receptacles are the soil surface and the liquid F H is height. In what vessel is the largest ground pressure?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) all receptacles equal At the same height. PE=mgh for them

53. What is the main cause for the formation of fog? Fog is occured by cooling down the air below the dew point
(atmospheric moisture)

a) temperature decrease
b) Pressure Reduction
c) temperature increase
d) Increasing Pressure

54. It pushes the plunger of a pump before the extent that the volume halved (pump valve is admitted holding), then

a) halved the pressure

b) doubles the pressure
c) increases the pressure on the square
d) is the sum of pressure and volume as large as in the original position
55. A transformer provides the following values: Up = 10V; Js = 10A; Ns = 10 WDG; Np = 100Wdg. What value is this

Remember the formula= V2/V1=N2/N1=I1/I2

The answer is 10/100 = I1/10 >> I1=Jp= 1 A

a) Us = 100 V
b) Us = 10 V
c) Jp = 1 A
d) R = 10 ohms

56. In a 2 bar under constant pressure water pipe located on the top three different nozzles with large diameters. From
which the nozzle sprays water at its highest? Look at Test 2, question 6

a) From the small nozzle

b) From the middle nozzle
c) For all the water sprays jets of the same magnitude
d) From the large and medium-sized jet


1. An ice cube in a glass filled with water kept under water. What happens to the water when the ice melts?

a) nothing
b) the water level drops
c) the water level rises

2. What is the relationship between exposure time and focal length of a camera?

a) Exposure time is proportional to the square of the focal

b) exposure time is inversely proportional to the square of the focal
c) Exposure time is proportional to the root of the focal
d) Exposure time is inversely proportional to the root of the focal

3. A Geiger counter is from 2 sources of radioactive radiation equally far away. What changes the value displayed rays
when the spacing of the gauge to Radiation Sources doubled? I1*D12 = I2*D22

a) the display value doubles

b) the display value remains the same
c) the display value is halved
d) the display value is verviertelt

4. What is the frequency range of visible light? 430-770THz

a) 750 - 3500 Mhz
b) 200 - 750 Mhz
c) 400 - 700 THz
d) 3-7 THz
5. Water is 25 ° C to 2 ° C cooled. What happened?

a) the density is lower, then higher (first decrease then increase)

b) the density is low
c) the density is greater
d) the density is higher, then lower (first increase then decrease)

6. Under a glass bowl is a bowl with water. What happens when the air under the glass suction bell?

a) the water begins to boil / temperature rises

b) the water freezes / temperature rises
c) the freezing water temperature drops
d) the water begins to boil / temperature drops

7. After whom are the black lines in the light spectrum of sunlight named?
a) Einstein
b) Planck
c) Frauenhofer

8. How does a man on the track the trajectory of a passing train perpendicular hochgeworfenen Balls?

a) A
b) B
c) C Trajectory means orbit. C looks like orbit
d) D

9. What keeps the load profile best from?

a) A profile
b) Profile B
c) Profile C

10. The pressure is same everywhere. Which Picture is true?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
11. . Which Picture is true?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

12. Which lamp burns?

a) L1 and L2 burn Electron moves specified way.

b) burns L1, L2 not burn
c) L2 burns, burns no L1
d) no lamp burns

13. By what Wagenheber you highlight the car most easily? (All jacks should have the same thread pitch)

a) A
b) B
c) C

14. Two ice volume from the same subject at a very delicate balance, the left is melting, what happens?

a) the balance remains horizontally

b) the balance leans to the left, because water is heavier than ice
c) the balance leans to the right, because water is lighter than ice cream
d) the balance leans to the left, because the lift is smaller

15. In winter hike up the stones, why?

a) conduct heat better stones, so the frozen ground beneath them faster
b) the glacier reflects the oblique incident sun rays stronger, so the ice melts
c) in the winter the ice temperature is low, so is the temperature difference of ice and rock larger than in summer, the ice
d) in the winter migrates faster than the glacier in summer, so the stones are more pressed to the surface
16. 10 kg lead with the temperature 30 ° C in 1 liter of water (10 ° C) thrown. How is the water?

a) the water temperature does not change

b) the water is nearly as warm as the lead
c) the lead will be nearly as cold as the water
d) the water is colder

17. Frozen ice and kerosene are used in liquid kerosene thrown. What happened?

a) the ice floats, the kerosene goes under Density of liquid karosene is less than both ice and karosene
b) the kerosene swims, goes under the ice
c) both swims
d) both go under

18. The temperature of a gas is 273K to 275K and the pressure increases are kept constant. How to change the volume?
Wrong units was given!
a) no
b) it is viertelt
c) it doubles
d) it is quadrupled

19. Two balloons (with 2 bars left, right with 4 bar pressure) are interconnected through a tube connected. What

a) it comes to the cross-section of the pipe to connect

b) at 3 bar pressure
c) nothing happens
d) because the more right-balloon is inflated, the air pressure with a lot left in the balloon down and this then has the
greater pressure.

20. Two cars with the same mass encounter with 50km / h together. How quickly must each of them against a wall ride,
so the same damage? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ko3qy9vgLQ About elastic and inelastic collision

a) 25 km / h.
b) 50 km / h.
c) 75 km / h.
d) 100 km / h.

21 A gauge is 1m from a radioactive source. The gap is magnified to 2m. How big is now the radioactive rays? I1*D12 =

a) 1 / 2
b) 1 / 3
c) 1 / 4
d) the same size

22. One person, Peter (100kg) stands on a block of ice to a block of ice also on a person, Paul (50kg). If Peter, left, pulls
on a rope, Friction will be zero on the ice and not depend on masses on it.

a) moves Peter to Paul

b) moves Paul to Peter
c) meet Paul and Peter in the middle
d) both are moving closer together and meet with Peter than Paul

23. Why has a parachute above a hole? Becase we need a certain amount of air pass throug the canope to keep us
stable. Otherwise, like a flag is flapping in the wind, parachute would swing back and forth

a) so he quickly falls
b) so he can be better folded
c) so that the jumper then better able to climb out
d) so that air does not arise
24. Which is correct?

a) a collection lens always produces virtual images, a scattering lens only under certain conditions
b) a scattering lens always produces virtual images, a single lens only real images .
c) collection and scattering lens create virtual images Missed info. Concave lens creates only virtual images.
Convex lens creates real images except if an object stands between F and mirror
d) collection and scattering lens produce only real images

25. Give melting and freezing point of water.

a) 0 ° C / 4 ° C
b) 4 ° C / 0 ° C
c) 0 ° C / 0 ° C
d) 100 ° C / 0 ° C

26. Why farmers spray frost danger in their blossoming fruit trees with water?

a) because the water warms the flowers

b) because the trees during the flowering need much water, especially in spring
c) because the thin ice on the bud before it even colder air isolation
d) because the flowers will stay fresh longer

27. If someone is short-sighted ...

a) the eyeball is too long and the correction is done with a scattering lens
b) the eyeball is too short and the correction is done with a single lens
c) the eyeball is too short and the correction is carried out with a scattering lens
d) the eyeball is too long and the correction is done with a single lens

28. If someone is far-sighted ...

a) the eyeball is too long and the correction is done with a scattering lens
b) the eyeball is too short and the correction is done with a single lens
c) the eyeball is too short and the correction is carried out with a scattering lens
d) the eyeball is too long and the correction is done with a single lens

29. Why it takes later longer for water to boil when the weather is good?

a) because the good weather means high pressure situation

b) because the good weather situation means rotogravure
c) because it evaporates more
d) because the humidity is lower

30. Why rises when a champagne bottle opens, the bottleneck briefly fog on?

a) because of the saturated vapor cools and condenses

b) because the champagne was chilled bottle
c) because the champagne-air vapor and slowly mix
d) because the carbon dioxide escapes

31. Under a glass bell is a wire, the current flow through almost glows. What happens if the air is sucked?

a) the wire cools

b) the wire begins to glow
c) the wire is so hot that it starts to carbonize
d) the wire burns

32. Where the attraction ends of the earth between the earth and moon?

a) in the middle between the earth and moon

b) briefly on the surface
c) in the center of the moon
d) just above the moon's surface
33. A small and a large candle stand under an airtight glass final bell. Both candles burn. What happened?

a) Both slowly extinguished candles and

b) The first small candle extinguished
c) The first large candle extinguished Because lots of CO2 is accumulated over the long candle that makes it burn
out. Short candle has little bit more time for that.
d) None candle extinguished

34. What does not fit into the following list?

a) Explorer
b) Linux
c) Windows
d) OS / 2

35. Which of the following gases has the highest density?

a) Cold, dry air

b) Warm, moist air >> has lowest density.
c) Cold, moist air
d) Warm, dry air

36. On an aluminum manufactured inclined plane a magnet and a Bleistab, both equally difficult. Which comes first at the

a) The Bleistab
b) The magnet
c) both same time
d) Let's see

37. A truck has worn tires. How might this affect the display of the speedometer from?

a) The speedometer shows too much on

b) The speedometer shows too little to
c) The dashboard displays more correctly
d) The speed is correct, but the distance wrong displayed

38. Which substance has the largest specific weight?

a) water
b) salt
c) Diamond

39. Which of these substances has the lowest boiling point?

a) oxygen B.P = -1830C, M.P = -218.80C

b) Nitrogen B.P = -195.80C, M.P = -2100C IF Necessary (hydrogen B.P = -252.90C, M.P = -259.20C)
c) carbon dioxie B.P = -78.80C, M.P = -56.60C

40. What does the term “glide ratio” describe?

a) The ratio of distance traveled and height loss

b) The product of sink rates and flight speed
c) The ratio of flight speed and sink rates
d) The ratio of altitude loss and covered distance over ground

41. How is the performance in the electrical circuit defined? P=I2*R

a) The product of the square of the resistance and amperage

b) The product of the square of the current and resistance
c) The product of the square of the voltage and resistance
d) The product of voltage and resistance
42. The efficiency of a machine is ...

a) The product of energy supply and arrested

b) The ratio of energy supply and arrested
c) The product of energy supply and deducted
d) The ratio of energy supply and deducted

43. How big is the weight of the air column on a square meter area?

a) 10 kg
b) 100 kg
c) 1000 kg
d) 10000kg

44. Gear R is counter clockwise. What turns gear G?

a) The two gears rotate always in the same direction

b) G is always in a clockwise
c) Only turn it contradictory, then in the same direction
d) The two gears to block

45. In the hammer, the rotating cam N H the hammer on the anvil A drop. This requires the cam ...

a) be rotated around the left

b) turned right around
c) deducted reversed, and then later affixed around the left turn
d), inverted, and then later affixed to turn right around


46. What will happen in the following picture?

IF umbra of the moon obscure the sun, solar eclipse happens.

a) Solar Eclipse IF umbra of the earth obscure the moon, lunar eclipse happens
b) lunar eclipse
c) full moon
d) Neumondd) deducted reversed, and then later affixed to turn right around
47. Which boat is least likely that storm when its anchor tear itself away?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

48. In the figure moves the pole x back and forth. Then move the gears y and z ..

a) simultaneously and in opposite direction

b) not simultaneously and in opposite direction
d) simultaneously in the same direction
d) not at the same time and in the same direction

49. What is the right solution for the affixing of the weight at the clock below?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
50. Which combination, the cyclists expend the least force?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D

51. What pressure is there?

a) A b)B c) C d) D

52. How must the adjuster Y be rotated so that the pendulum is on the mark?

a) counterclockwise
b) clockwise
c) the shuttle can not reach the mark
d) The other screw must be rotated
53. A green laser beam is directed by 3 balloons. In a white Balon is initially a green balloon and, in that a red balloon.
Which balloon bursts while increasing the intensity of the light beam first? Red light absorbs green light. So, if
green light beams to red balloon, it will explode.

a) the white balloon

b) the red balloon
c) the green balloon
d) all simultaneously burst balloons

54. How much ampere flow through a 100 W light bulb in Germany?

a) 0,2 A
b) 1,2 A
c) 0,8 A
d) 0,4 A

55. A collection of L2 lens focal length f2 is behind a collection lens focal length L1 with the f1 asked. Which statement is
the focal length of the overall fg right?

a) fg is larger than f1 and f2 greater than

b) fg is larger than f1 + f2
c) fg is smaller than f1 but larger than f2
d) fg is smaller than smaller than f1 and f2

56. Behave as if time T and S each case route?

a) T is proportional to the square root of S S=(1/2)a*t2

b) T is proportional to S
c) T is inversely proportional to the square root of S
d) T is inversely proportional to S

57. A ship should sink in as little deep(immerse least). Which combination is best suited to?

a) salt water at 5 ° C
b) fresh water at 5 ° C
c) salt water at 20 ° C
d) of fresh water at 20 ° C

58. The weight G will be with the gear design Taper would be raised. When A is the right cone gear smaller than B. With
the construction of G can most easily be lifted and in which direction the crank must be moved?

a) A construction and the crank must be turned in a clockwise

b) Construction B and the crank must be turned in a clockwise
c) A and the construction must crank counterclockwise rotation Cogwheel in figure A is bigger than B. That means,
one turn causes two turn for cogwheel in A
d) b and the construction must crank counterclockwise rotation
59. With which of these wheelbarrows a weight I can most easily move?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) all equal

60. With which of these facilities rowing a boat can most easily be moved?

a) A
b) B
c) C
d) all equal

61. Which lamp is lit first, when the switch S is closed?

Current prefers easy way. Capasitor is above, Resistant is below.

a) L1
b) L2
c) both same time
d) Depends on the weather

62. When you condense is a substance

a) Energy fed Plasma to gas >> deionisation, ionisation<< gas to plasma

b) Energy companies Gas to liquid >> condense, evoparate << liquid to gas
c) Its conductivity increases liquid to solid >> freze, melt << solid to liquid
d) His conductivity decreases Direct changes from solid to gas is >> sublimination, deposition << gas to solid

63. For water applies:

a) When will vaporize and condense heat delivered

b) The evaporation and condensing heat is needed
c) When evaporation heat is required, while condensing heat is released
d) When condensing heat is needed, when evaporation is heat-free

64. 1kg lead and 1 liter of water from 10 ° C to 15 ° C heats. Which is correct?

a) For both the same amount of energy is needed

b) for water slightly more energy is needed
c) for water much more energy is needed
d) For Lead more energy is needed
65. On wich item the tensile strenght is gretater than the compressive strenght?

a) glass tube
b) log
c) chimney
d) straw

66. At what angle the pencil starts to roll?

a) greater than 25 °
b) greater than 30 °
c) greater than 45 °
d) greater than 60 °

67. An airplane flies with supersonic speed away. Which is correct?

a) First, you hear the sonic boom, then the plane deeper than the original
b) First you hear the sonic boom, then the plane as the original
c) You hear the plane higher than the original, then the sonic boom
d) You hear the sonic boom, but no longer the plane

68. A wooden board floating in the water, the water is heated. Which is correct?

a) The wooden board sinks deeper into the water

b) The wooden board falls less deeply
c) The wooden board drops as deep as previously
d) The change depends on the temperature

69. How much weight should be left?

a) 50 kg
b) 25 kg
c) 33.33 kg
d) 200 kg

70. In the boxes will be distributed a total of 25 balls. How many balls are in Box A and B together (total)?

a) 15
b) 20
c) 25
d) 30
71. Where the pendulum has its greatest speed?

a) A
b) B
c) When C
d) D

72. 1 meter is Kupferstab A long and 4 ° C warm, Kupferstab B is 1 meter long and 50 ° C warm. Which is heavier rod?

a) A
b) B
c) Both equally difficult
d) Depends on the air

73. How does the attraction between two electrically charged particles with their distance?

a) If linearly from
b) halved
c) If the root of the distance from
d) If starting from square


1. What are the 3 basic colors of a PAL TV?

a) Red, Blue, Green

b) Red, Yellow, Blue
c) purple, green, yellow
d) Green, Yellow, Red

2. Why there is a spinning gyroscope is not?

a) Because he is exactly perpendicular

b) Because its angular momentum increases
c) Because of its inertia
d) Because of the effect of the Coriolis force

3. In what unit attaches an electric meter?

a) kilowatt (kW)
b) joules (J)
c) ampere (A)
d) kilowatt hour (kWh)

4. Which is total resistance with 3 ohm resistors, a 6 not reach?

a) 2 ohms
b) 4 ohm
c) 12 ohms
d) 18 ohms
5. Joerg throws his bag from the window. The case is currently the bag ...

a) proportional to the distance and speed

b) proportional to the root of the route and proportional to the speed
c) Inversely proportional to the root of the distance and speed
d) proportional to the root of the trail and inversely proportional to the speed

6. A damped harmonic vibration ...

a) retains its frequency decreasing in amplitude at

b) continuously reduced their frequency
c) continuously reduced their amplitude
d) reduced frequency and amplitude

7. Three lenses with focal length f, 2f and 3f are running behind each other. What was the total focal length is possible?

a) small f
b) equal to f
c) equal 6f
d) greater 6f

8. A ball is 40 m / s upward thrown. What he achieved a maximum altitude?

a) 40 m
b) 80 m X=Vf2-Vi2/2a (a=9.8 m/s2) >> 0-402 (m/s) / 2*9,8 m/s2 >>> 81.6 m
c) 160 m
d) 400 m

9. The model of a house on a scale of 1:2 is manufactured. How big is the pressure of the model house to the ground in
relation to the original?

a) quarter of the original pressure

b) half of the original pressure
c) equal to the original print
d) twice the original pressure

10. In which direction to run the lines of a magnetic coil?

a) To rotate the wire

b) Through the coil along the long axis
c) cross to the coil along the transverse
d) tapered from minus after Plus

11. What are radar waves?

a) light
b) ultrasonic waves
c) centimeter waves
d) Warpwellen

12. Which statement is true for radioactive rays? A common source of ionizing radiation is radioactive material consist of
helium nuclei, electrons, positrons and photons.

a) the votes particles are helium nuclei

b) the votes particles are also radioactively
c) delivering the particles consist of 2 electrons
d) the particles are made of hydrogen atoms

13. A train with 12 V is on a transformer at home to the outlet closed. How should the Turn Ratio of the transformer be?

a) 1:20
b) 1:40
c) 1:100
d) 1:220
14. In 2 parallel lines flowing stream in the same direction. What happened?
a) They come from
b) You are kringeln
c) nothing
d) they prefer to

15. How the forces of attraction between two electrically charged objects? Coloumb's Law >> F=k*Q1*Q2 / d2

a) take exponentially with the distance from

b) take twice exponentially with the distance from
c) take twice square of the distance from
d) take square of the distance from

16. Which shows the voltmeter on? (Serial connection) V=I*R >> 9=I*6 >> I=9/6 V=4*9/6 >> V=6V

a) 2 V
b) 3 V
c) 4 V
d) 6 V

17. Which boat comes directly opposite shore on the other side?

a) a b) b c) c d) d

18. Where is the greatest pressure?

a) a
b) b
c) c
d) d

P=h*d*g. The more h, the more pressure.

19. Which axis spins faster?

a) a
b) b
c) both equally fast
d) they can not rotate

20. Which is correct?

a) The weight moves upward

b) The weight moves downward
c) The weight retains his position at
d) The roles can not rotate

21. A cyclist accelerates with 2 m/s2 .How long does it for 100 meters?

a) 5 seconds
b) 10 seconds X=(Vxt)+a*t2/2 >> 100m=(0xt)+2*t2/2 >> 100=ts2 >> t=10s
c) 15 seconds
d) 50 seconds

22. Which is correct?

a) The balls have different mass and charge the same

b) The balls have different mass and different cargo
c) The balls have the same mass and charge the same If charge the same, they push theirself
d) The balls have the same mass and different cargo

23. Which is correct?

a) The balls have different mass and charge the same If charge the same, they push theirself
b) The balls have different mass and different cargo
c) The balls have the same mass and charge the same
d) The balls have the same mass and different cargo
24. Air is from 0 ° C to 276 K at constant pressure heats. How to change the volume?
Wrong UNITS!
a) The volume is halved
b) The volume remains unchanged
c) The volume doubles
d) The volume quadrupled to

25. Full of a bus goes over a bump and swings with 1 Hz On the way back he weighs only half. With how much he Hz
swinging now?

a) 1 Hz
b) 1.4 Hz
c) 2 Hz
d) 3.1 Hz

26. Which unit have the potential and kinetic energy?

27. Which unit has the electrical power? V(P)=I*R >> Watt=Volt*amps

a) watts x seconds
b) volts x seconds
c) volts x amps
d) volts / amps

28. What response is the highest temperature?

a) 50 ° F >>> F=(9/5*C)+32 >>> 100C

b) 360 K >>> K=273+0C >>> 870C
c) 100 ° C
d) all equal

29. What is the longest stretch?

a) 1 inch >> 0.0254 m

b) 0.5 ft >> 1ft=0.3 m >> 0.5ft=0.15m
c) 50 mm >> 1000mm=1m >> 50mm=0.05 m
d) 0.001 NM >> 1nautical mile =1852m >> 0.001NM=1.852m

30. Which unit is equivalent to joules?

a) Ns >> unit of impulse and momentum >> kgm/s

b) Watt x s >> 1 joule=Nm
c) W >> joule/second >> j/s
d) N / m

31. Why can not you have a detonation on the moon on the Earth not hear?

a) Because of the vacuum between the earth and moon Sound needs air, but light
b) Because the shielding of the Earth's atmosphere
c) Due to the attenuation by the cosmic radiation levels
d) Because of the low gravity of the moon

32. Two waves over the same period deposited. What happened?

a) Destructive Interference
b) Constructive Interference
c) Constructive Reflection
d) Destructive reflection
33. A ball falls from height H on the ground and has a maximum speed of 4 m / s. How does the max. Speed after
doubling the amount?

a) 1.4 times as fast >>> mgh= ½ mv2 >>> (v=4, m=the same), 2gh=16 >> gh=8
b) 2 times as fast (h=2H, v=?, m=the same), 2g2h=v2 >>> 32=v2 >>> v=5.6 which means
1.4 times 4.
c) 2.8 times as fast
d) 9.81 times as fast

34. A ball rolling from the mountain into the valley and has a speed v. How fast is the ball in the valley, even if they will be
sent with v?

a) 1.5 v
b) 1.4 v looks like question 33.
c) 2 v
d) 4 v

35. Which graph shows the relationship between the case and fall time t s correct route again?


a) a
b) b
c) c
d) d

36. Which combination spins x slowest?

a) 1 and 5
b) 1 and 8
c) 4 and 5
d) 4 and 8
37. moves, when handle H moves up and down is?

a) clockwise
b) counterclockwise
c) back and forth
d) depends on the spring constants

38. How many wheels rotate in the same direction as wheel A?

a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4

39. How big is the resistance R?

a) 18 ohms
b) 9 ohms
c) 3 ohms
d) 2 ohms
40. Which of the above pumps is most appropriate?

a) a
b) b
c) c
d) d

41. On a metal ball, electrons are transferred. Sitting where the excess electrons?

a) on the surface
b) in the core
c) evenly distributed in the ball
d) in the lower hemisphere

42. How to start an airplane? Take off loser?

a) with the wind, so it's quicker

b) against the wind, so that the buoyancy is greater
c) with the wind, so that the buoyancy is greater
d) against the wind, so that the resistance is smaller

43. Both screws are in the same direction. What happened?

a) they are approaching

b) they block
c) they are removed
d) they remain at the same location

44. A crude and a boiled egg role that an inclined plane of 1m longer here. Which egg comes in below quicker?

a) the raw egg IF speed was asked, answer would have been boiled egg.
b) the boiled egg (Boiled egg rolls slower than raw egg because it has higher momentum of inertia)
c) both come at the same time
d) too little information

45. A submarine is located in 100m water depth. It fell by another 200 m. How does the pressure? Pressure increases by
1 bar for every 10 meters in water. However, propotional is asked at this question. IF 1 bar at 100 m, 3 bar at 300 m.

a) doubles
b) tripled
c) is tenfold
d) is verhundertfacht

46. An electron in a homogeneous electric field shot. How does his trajectory from?
a) spirals
b) parabolic
c) circular
d) elliptic
47. A raw and cooked eggs are placed in rotation. Which egg rotates longer?

a) the raw egg

b) the boiled egg
c) both of equal length
d) too little information

48. A raw egg is in rotation and by tapping with the fingers short brought to a halt. What happened immediately

a) the egg turns back a little further

b) the egg remains motionless lie
c) the egg turns a bit in the other direction of rotation
d) too little information

49. Two roles are the same weight evenly accelerated. What first reached the maximum speed?

a) both same time

b) A
c) B
d) is not predictable

50. Which statement is false? Sound ....

a) Transverse and need a medium such as air Sound needs a medium but propagates longitudinal way. Not
b) wave
c) are pressure waves
d) propagate in fixed media from the fastest

51. A woman looks on a distant hill the firing of a cannon ball. Which is correct?

a) The ball is faster than the speed of light

b) The blast at the launch reached them first
c) The flash when shooting reached them first
d) flash and they simultaneously reach bang

52. A wall is made of stones the size of 3cm x 5cm x 8cm. In the middle of the wall is a four stones big hole. How big is
the volume of the hole in the wall in liters?

a) 0.48 liter Height of hole is 10, width is 16, depth is 3 >>> 480cm3>> 0.48 L (1cm3=0.001 liter)
b) 4.8 liter
c) 48 liters
d) 480 liters

53. Two iron blocks are on a very sensitive balance. A is around 20 ° C heats. What happened?

a) A growing with increased temperature, volume of iron A is increased. The more volume an object has, the more
buoyancy force it experiences.
b) A decline
c) The balance does not move
d) it depends on the temperature

54. An iron plate, a wooden plate and a plastic plate in a 20 ° C warm room. What feels at the plate to coldest?
English version of this question! Which one makes us feel cold?
a) all same
b) the plastic plate
c) the wood panel
d) the iron plate

55. Which statement is true regarding the optical density of the material?

a) q> p <r
b) q = r <p
c) q = r> p
d) q <p> r

56. Which statement is true for tensile forces in the rope, when the weights X and Y are the same size and the proper
role of free storage is?

a) Fx <Fy
b) Fx = Fy
c) Fx> Fy
d) Fx= Fy = 0

57. Why fly a hot air balloon?

a) him because of pressure of the fire is built

b) because the cold air has a higher pressure
c) because hot air always rises
d) because cold air has a higher density

58. An electron in a homogeneous magnetic field shot. How does his trajectory from?
a) spirals
b) parabolic
c) straight
d) elliptic

59. How does the surface bulge in the glass of water is from?

a) depends on the ambient pressure

b) a
c) b
d) c
60. What is the surface curvature of the mercury in the glass being made?

a) depends on the ambient pressure

b) a
c) b
d) c

61. How big is about the memory of a new computer?

a) 2 MB
b) 200MB
c) 2000 MB
d) 200000 MB

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