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Lesson Plan in Introduction to Philosophy of the Human Person

I. Learning Objectives:

After the end of the session, the students will be able to:
a. Identify and perform existing traditional beliefs and superstitious in the
home and community;
b. Explain how these beliefs transform human beings in the society; and
c. Appreciate Filipino traditional beliefs and superstitions

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: The Human Person in the Society
B. References: Demetrio, Francisco R. Myths and Symbols, Philippines,
Manila: National Bookstore, Inc, 1990
C. Materials: LCD Projector, bond paper, marker and laptop, pictures.
D. Value Focus: Appreciation

III. Learning Procedure:


Review: What are the different forms of societies?

Teacher’s Activities Student’s Activities

A. Engage

1. The teacher will present the following pictures. Students will study
the pictures and share
their ideas of each
picture presented.

After the presentation,

students will answer

Teachers will present a video clip

(Common Filipino superstitious beliefs and practices) the questions:

2. Teacher will ask the following questions:

 What do we call the beliefs that you
mentioned based on the pictures Superstitious beliefs
 Which of those beliefs do you believe or
practice? Answers may vary
 Why do you think these beliefs exist
and still believed by Filipinos?
 Do you think these beliefs/ practices
can affect our daily lives? How?

B. Explore

Teacher will divide the class into six (6). Each Students discuss with
group will present a Filipino superstitious their group and prepare
belief. Students may present it through: for their task.

A. Skit
B. Story board
After 10 minutes,
students will present
Rubrics for Performance (Skit): their task within 3
Content- 50 minutes.
Creativity- 20
Discipline/ Coopertaion-10
Overall presentation-20
Total- 100

Rubrics for Storyboard:

Content- 40
Creativity- 20
Visual impact-20
Overall presentation-20
Total- 100

The students will

C. Explain participate in the class
The teacher will correct misconceptions discussion and take
from the previous activity and explains down notes.
vague concepts.
Students may also
share additional ideas
to the class.
“Superstition”- pamahiin is any belief or practice that
is considered irrational or supernatural.

 Philippines has seen many settler and
visitors from other places even before the
advent of written history.

 These different peoples would also carry

with them their peculiar beliefs and
customs pertaining to phenomena that
they could not explain at the time.

 These beliefs would then be

transmitted to their descendants via
oral or written tradition.

 Historians generally agree that aside

from the original main settlers (the
Negritos, Indonesians, and Malays).

 The biggest influences of Filipino

superstitions would be the Indians,
Chinese, Spanish, and the Arabs to a
lesser extent.

Traditional beliefs, practices and superstitions are

part of Filipino culture and they have been passed
on through generations.
 It promotes fatalism. Fatalism means
leaving everything to chance of fate.
 It may prove dangerous or fatal.
 The individual becomes narrow-
 It hinders the development of the

(Discussion leads to integration in different areas

of learning)

D. Elaborate Students put

Supposing these situations happened to themselves in the given
you. What will you do? situations and answer
the question honestly.
1. Anna who is about to get married wants to find
out if her wedding gown fits. Her mother told her
that if she tried it on, her wedding would not push
through. Not sure what to do, Anna comes to you
for advice. What would you tell her?

2. One night, your cousin asks if she could borrow

three cups of rice grains because they have
nothing to eat. Then your mother tells you that
lending rice grains at night would bring bad
luck. What will you do?

E. Evaluate Using the activity

notebook, the students
Formative Test: Essay will write an essay
How do superstitious beliefs affect and transform from the given
individuals in the society question.

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