MInutes SLAC Sessions

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Date: September 22, 2022

SLAC Topics :
1. Evaluation of Learner Achievement in literacy & Numeracy
2.Teacher and Learner Feedback to enrich teaching practice

The meeting started at 5:00 p.m. in ABM-11 Vargas room. The short prayer was led by Ms.
Marijun Perjes. It was facilitated by Mam Vargas and she highlighted that the focus of the discussion
are the strategies that will promote students’ achievement in literacy and numeracy and teacher and
learner feedback to enrich teaching practice. The task is for everyone to suggest how can these be
achieved and how it will be monitored and evaluated.

Topics discussed… The highlights of the discussion…

a. Integration of Literacy in lesson Jams suggested that there should be a short reading material that would
delivery serve as jump-off point for discussion. Students should be asked to read
aloud and alternately to give opportunity for others to participate actively.
Marijun also added that short video clips can be incorporated to check
students’ capacity to comprehend what they watch by asking questions.

Simplicio explained that there are some lessons that numeracy skills cannot
b. integrated of numeracy in be integrated in the lesson, however, Marjonel said that it can be included
lesson delivery in the discussion by giving some practical examples within the experiences
of students. She said that basic mathematical calculations can be made by
students or percentages depending on the topic. She gave an example like
for the topic of poverty, students can make an estimate of the population of
the city and assume a number of percentage of people who belong to
poverty line.

Ma.Theresa suggested that in order to monitor the literacy and numeracy

progress of the students, the daily lesson log every end of the discussion of
c. Mode of evaluating literacy and the topic has to be updated in terms of the number of students who got 80%
numeracy skills of learners in the evaluation or below. The group agreed to update the DLL on the
reflection part every end of the topic.

In planning how to give feedback on the progress of learners, Jams

suggested that students who got very low scores should be given additional
d. Teacher and learner feedback exercises to cope with the lesson. Ma.Theresa and Marijun also suggested
that parents and guardians of these learners should be called to inform
them of the academic performance of their students every quarter. The
group agreed to have a PTC every quarter and it should be documented.
The meeting ended at 5:30 pm.

In- Attendance :






Date: October 7, 2022

SLAC Topic : Selection, Organization, Development and Use of appropriate teaching and learning
resources including ICT to address specific learning goals

The meeting started at 4:00 p.m. in ABM-11 Vargas room and was facilitated by Mam Vargas.
A short prayer was led by Sir Martin to start the meeting. The meeting was called to plan for teaching
and learning resources to be used in lesson delivery and in preparation for future classroom

Mam Vargas said that in selecting teaching and learning resources, it should always be apt for
the topic at hand. It can be used as motivation, as an activity or application. HOTS questions should
be prepared for video presentations to allow students to engage in critical and creative thinking.Video
presentations should not be very long and should capture only the parts relevant to the lesson to
maximize class time. Mam Varga showed samples of short video clips she used in her ABM classes
in specific lessons. She also presented sample exercises in some of her subjects handled. Sir Martin
commented that sometimes it is not safe to download videos because it carries virus that’s why he
used powerpoint in most of his lesson. He also agree that pictures should be appropriate to the
lesson at hand. Mam Jams also commented that pictures and texts in the powerpoint should be large
enough to be seen by students at the back. Mam Perjes also asked where to post the HOTS
questions, before the video or after the video presentations. Mam Vargas answered to post the
questions before playing the video so that students know which part of the video to focus or to give
them idea to what extent they have to watch and listen.

The meeting ended at 4:30 pm.

In- Attendance :





Documenter : Marijun Perjes

Date: December 9, 2022

SLAC Topics :
1.Design, Selection, Organization and Use of a range of effective diagnostic, formative
and summative assessment strategies
2. Collaborative interpretation, monitoring and evaluation strategies to support learner
progress and achievement

The meeting started at 4:30 p.m. in ABM-11 Vargas room. A short prayer was offered before
the start of the meeting. Mam Vargas explained that in designing lessons, the objective/s should not
be very long such that it cannot be done in one meeting. Preferably, one objective per session.
Diagnostic assessments can be made when a teacher thinks that some concepts were already
learned previously. It can be done before the start of the lesson. Items that almost all students got
correct should be omitted in the discussion. It maybe discussed as review. Formative assessments
can be given at anytime during the conduct of the lesson. This is to determine whether students
already learned the concepts and the teacher can already proceed to the next part of the lesson.
Summative assessments should be planned ahead and should be given after the end of the topic. It
may cover many competencies for one topic or lesson. In preparing for tests, competencies of each
topic should be considered. Preferably, multiple choice questions but it can be other type of test as
the teacher deem it fit.
Mam Vargas showed samples of assessments she conducted in her lessons. She said that our
quarterly examinations should have items analysis and index of mastery to design better
examinations in the future in assessing students’ learning. The group agreed to submit quarterly test
questions and index of mastery analysis to mam Vargas.
The meeting ended at 5:00 p.m.

In- Attendance :





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