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Running Gait Analysis Results

Here are the main findings we discovered during your running performance
and motor control analysis today:


RIGHT: You heel strike in front of your base of support.. Ideally we want
your foot to be landing more underneath the body. Your right foot is also
much more externally rotated (toes out) compared to the left.

LEFT: Improved landing under base of support. But your Left foot supinates
as you strike

Both knees (right more than left) is adducting excessively due to gluteus
medius insufficiency, and your torso folds down due to lack of intra-
abdominal pressure (poor breathing mechanics)

Your LEFT push-off demonstrates normal mechanics; your RIGHT push-

off indicates lack of glute max activation
In order to improve your performance and reduce your risk of injury you have received
several muscle release points and exercises intended to bring symmetry and improved
flexibility, strength, and motor control to your movement. The release points should be
addressed first, then follow with the exercises as instructed. These exercises
should be thought of as ACTIVATION exercises that improve your brain’s ability to
access the correct muscles in the right sequence prior to performing everyday functional
movements or participating in sports activities. Since we are attempting to change the
brain’s recruitment pattern of the right muscles, FREQUENCY and QUALITY OF
MOVEMENT are most important, more than quantity. Meaning...10 repetitions of the
exercise performed 3x to 5x a day is ideal as opposed to performing the exercises 1x a
day with a high number of repetitions where the quality of movement may suffer. The
more frequently we expose the brain to the correct movement pattern, the more quickly
it will learn the new pattern.

1. QL muscle - both sides using the ball on the wall

2. Right TFL - using ball against the wall

3. Soleus - using foam roller

Proper Breathing Mechanics

Running Man Exercise

Additional information discussed:

1.Running cadence apps: Weav Run- for iOS; RUNZI- for Android; Rock My Run
Your cadence was 170 steps per minute. Try to raise by 2 steps per minute
2. Electrolyte replacement: Nuun or LMNT
3. Shoes - Ultras, zero drop original shape

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