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Rebuild One’s Intellectual Well being

Intellectual well-being

Scene one

(while slowly walking) - Kateleen

College, a second chapter in our education, yet the beginning chapter of our adulthood.
Perceived as an exciting experience for young adults, it does, however, come with a

(sitting) - Harv

Many are struggling with their intellectual health as anxiety, mental block, and academic
pressure takes over.

This in turn makes them think that they are not capable of doing several feats, which
leaves a bad impact on their academic performances.

Scene 2


Like physical health, your intellectual well-being also matters. Our brain is a muscle that
also experiences fatigue. Stress and overwork are the common factors that causes it.

Migil (walking then approaches Carla being stressful)

But, fret not there are things you can do to improve your overall intellectual health.

When facing mental block, don’t overwork your mind, remember our brain is not a
machine that can work nonstop, so better choose rest over excessive stress. You’re not
lazing off, you’re just simply giving your mind a time to reboot. Believe me, creative
ideas will begin to storm your brain

(carla will act out)

Scene 3

With your mind full of ideas, it’s time for you to make full use of it. As I have said earlier,
our brain is a muscle, this implies that we can train it to do something, or to improve.

When having trouble with anxiety or overthinking, and self-doubt, choose curiosity,
learning breeds endless opportunities that leads to self discovery.


read more books, less scrolling in social media, solve mini puzzles, be open to
suggestions, and find innovative ways to study that suits you. don’t be afraid of trying
things out, take small risks, improve what you’re good at, and learn what you don’t
have. Because with learning and mastery, confidence will follow thee


And remember master your mind, and the body will follow

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