Science and English Cross Curricular Learning

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Content Subject: Science

Lesson Outline:

Grade 5 Human health and body systems

Overall Expectations - Science

B2. Exploring and Understanding Concepts
demonstrate an understanding of the structure and function of human body systems
and interactions within and between systems

Specific Expectations - Science

B2.1 identify systems of the human body, and describe their basic function

B2.2 describe the basic structure and function of vital organs in various systems
in the human body

Specific Expectations - Language

A3.1 explain how the knowledge and skills developed in this grade support learning
in various subject areas and in everyday life, and describe how they enhance
understanding and communication

C1.4 explain how images, graphics, and visual design create, communicate, and
contribute to meaning in a variety of texts

D1.3 gather and record information and content relevant to a topic, using multiple
textual sources; verify the reliability of sources, using simple criteria; and
record the creator and source of all content created by others

Lesson Objectives:

Students should grasp that the human body is composed of significant organ systems,
including the Respiratory, Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive, and Excretory systems.
Each of these systems is made up of essential organs like the lungs, heart, brain,
stomach, and kidneys. These organs perform various functions crucial for the body's
survival and well-being.


Visual aids (images, diagrams of organ systems)

Whiteboard and markers
Classroom projector for power point presentations or playing videos

Lesson Outline:


Start with a fun fact or a simple quiz question related to the human body.
Discuss the importance of learning about the human body's organ systems and how
they work together.
State the lesson objectives.

Overview of Organ Systems:

Introduce the concept of organ systems and briefly list them: Respiratory,
Circulatory, Nervous, Digestive, and Excretory.
Show a diagram or image representing the major organ systems to give students a
visual reference.

Show a clear diagram of each organ system, and start by asking students what they
already know about each one. Then, explain each system in detail as mentioned

1. Respiratory System:

Explain the function of the respiratory system in breathing and obtaining oxygen.
Highlight the key organ: lungs.
Discuss how the lungs work and their role in respiration.

2. Circulatory System:

Describe the circulatory system's role in transporting blood and nutrients

throughout the body.
Highlight the key organ: heart.
Discuss the heart's functions and how it pumps blood.

3. Nervous System:

Explain the nervous system's role in transmitting signals and controlling body
Highlight the key organ: brain.
Discuss the brain's functions and its importance in processing information.

4. Digestive System:

Describe the digestive system's function in breaking down food and absorbing
Highlight the key organ: stomach.
Discuss how the stomach works in digestion.

5. Excretory System:

Explain the excretory system's role in removing waste and maintaining balance.
Highlight the key organ: kidneys.
Discuss the kidneys' functions and their role in filtering waste.


Break students into small groups.

Provide each group with a handout describing one of the organ systems.
Ask each group to discuss and present their assigned organ system to the class.
Encourage them to research library or online materials for their presentation
Encourage questions and discussion after each presentation.


Evaluate students' understanding through their participation in group activities

and their ability to answer questions during the lesson. Ask if students have any
questions or if there's anything they found particularly interesting.

On the next day, we can schedule activities and assessments, allowing students time
to prepare their presentations and absorb what they've learned.

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