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1. Name four goals that business writers have when they prepare oral presentations
and business messsages.
2. Explain the three steps in the writing process.
3. Does the wirting process always proceed from step 1 through step 3? Explain.
4. Which phrase off the writing process should receive the most time? Why?
5. Why are business people writing fewer interoffice memos and letters today?
6. Why is it important to profile the audience for a message?
7. List six factors that writers should consider when selecting an appropriate
communication channel. Name one additional factor that you might consider in your
business messages.
8. What special skills do customer-service representatives in chat sessions require?
9. Which phase of the writing process should receive the most time? Why?
10. Why are businesspeople writing fewer interoffice memos and letters today?
11. Why is it important to profile the audience for a message?
12. List six factors that writers should consider when selecting and appropriate
communication channel. Name one additional factor that you might consider in your
business messages.
13. What special skills do customer-service representatives in chat sessions require?
14. In messages to customers, what’s wrong with words such as complaint, criticism,
defective, failed, mistake and neglected?
15. What is bias-free language? Provide several examples of biased language and
bias-free alternatives.

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