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Lessons 17

Surname: ________ESPINOZA VIDAL_____________ First name: __DIEGO __________________

1. A la mayoría se agrega –S para formar el plural

Pen Pens Student Students

2. Si el sustantivo termina en: -X, -O, -S, -SS -SH, -CH se agrega –ES

fox foxes Potato potatoes

Bus Buses Brush Brushes

Church Churches

3. Si termina en consonante + “y”cambia la “y” a “i” y agrega –es, pero si termina en vocal + y, solo se agrega –s

Factory Factories boy boys

4. Si termina en consonante –F, o –FE cambiar a –VES

Leaf Leaves Knife Knives


Man Men Foot Feet Louse Lice

Write the plurals. 8 points

1. Party : ___Parties__ fiesta (3)

2. Watch : ___watches_ ___reloj __(2)

Woman Women Tooth Teeth
3. Sweater: _ sweaters__________

4. Dress : _bresses__________

5. Wife : __wives_________ _____

Mouse Mice
Child Children 6. Kiss : _____kisses_______ __________

7. Toy : _____toys_______

8. Shelf : ___shelves_________
Person People Goose Geese
Write the plural of the following countable nouns.

one butterfly one witch one key

Two butterflyes 3 two witches two keys

one frog one glass one woman

Two frogs two glasses two women

one mouse one cherry One wolf

two mouses two charries

Two wolves

one foot one box one torch

Two feet two boxes two torches

one man one tomato one umbrella

Two men two tomatoes

Two umbrellas

one tooth one pencil one knife

two teeth Two pencils two knives

one calf one person An ox A one ox

two calves two people two oxen

one child one fly one book

Two kids
two flies Two books

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