Nptanc Assignment 5a

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Find out noun phrases in the following sentences, analyze their constituents and functions:
1/The striped cat jumped out of the window.

2/The planets circling the sun form the solar system.

3/The book kept on the table belongs to my sister.

4/The engine of the car died down midway

5/A university education is a must in our modern world.

6/She bought a fur coat.

7/A recent government report revealed an increase in crime rates in urban areas.

8/The post-war economy grew dramatically.

9/Two silver cups were presented to the local teams

10/Four metal cylinders were attached to the machine.

11/A rise in inflation is likely in the coming months.

12/The idea that schools should control their own finances is not a new one.

13/The fact that the planet is getting warmer is no longer disputed.

14/The tall woman in the red skirt talking to Paula is a colleague of mine.

15We all felt a sense of despair.

2. Find out noun phrases in the following sentences, analyze their constituents and functions:
1/Refrigeration is a process of cooling an area or a substance below the environmental
2/People used to find various ways to preserve their food.
3/The research on culture’s effect on cognitive processing still goes on today
4/People’s demand for ice became strong.
5/Consumers’ soaring requirement for fresh food resulted in reform in people’s dieting habits.
6/Many inventors with creative ideas made a lot of money.
7/Managers are organisational members who are responsible for the work performance of other
organisational members.
8/Managers have formal authority to use organisational resources and to make decisions.
9/Earl Miller, an expert at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, studied the prefrontal
cortex, which controls the brain while a person is multitasking.
10/Informational roles are those in which managers obtain and transmit information.
11/The two criticisms against Mintzberg’s research method raised some questions about whether
or not the research was useful to how we understand “managers” in today’s world
12/Another important aspect of modern research is the ethical impact of the research.
13/Thomas Lehman, a researcher in Psychology, believes people never really do multiple things
14/Different critics have different opinions towards Robert Louis Stevenson’s works.
15/The author of the recently published “Information design for patient safety,” Thea Swayne,
tracked the journey of a medicine from manufacturing plant, through distribution warehouses,
pharmacies and hospital wards, to patients’ homes.
16/Child protection is another area that gives designers opportunities to improve safety.
17/In an increasingly globalised job economy, generalisations made about nationalities can be
harmful to prospective employees
3. Identify the constituent which realises Subject function in each of the following sentences.
1. The use of caves for smuggling is as old as the hills.
2. The light of a torch flickered.
3. What the critics failed to understand is that his art was not sacrificed to popularity.
4. The list of people who she says helped her is long.
5. The wind coming down form the snowfields above woke us every night as we lay in our tent.
6. There’s no way of knowing what goes on in their minds.
7. It’s 5 km away from here.
4. Write sentences as guided
1. S [V-ing P] makes us relaxed after a hard-working day.
2. S [ preparatory] seems to be a great challenge [real S].
3. S [finite clause] disappointed his parents.
4. S [non-finite clause] is my hobby.
5. S [complex noun phrase] surprised all of us.
5. Identify the constituent which functions as Direct Object in each of the following sentences,
and the class of unit which realises this function.
1. Shoppers are flouting the no-sales-on-Sunday trading laws.
2. He banged the door as he went out.
3. He pointed out that foreign doctors were not permitted to practise in that country.
4. The negotiations have achieved very little.
5. A team of divers have discovered what they believe to be sunken treasure.
6. One doubts that many will survive the long trek over the mountains.
7. You might ask what is the use of all this.
8. He shoveled a ton of gravel into the back garden.
9. Do you mind waiting a few minutes?
6. Identify subject complements, object complements in the following sentences
1. Spying on firms has become a multimillion - pound industry.
2. What will they call the baby?
3. Archie’s bar is where it’s at.
4. Life is a series of accidents. That’s what he thinks.
5. He makes his films accessible to a wide public.
6. He kept us laughing all evening with his jokes.
7. The weather has turned unexpectedly cold lately.
8. Make the coffee a bit stronger, would you?
9. I am an animal lover working in a department dedicated to cancer research.
10. I think you have mistaken the gentlemen’s lavatory for the stage door.
11. They found Winston’s sense of humour rather disconcerting.
12. What colour is she going to dye her hair?
13. Any attempt to re-establish control over the liberated areas would prove self-defeating.
14. They must prove themselves fit for the task.
7. Indicate, by Od, Oi, Cs or Co whether the parts underlined in the sentences below are the
direct object (Od), the indirect object (Oi), the subject complement (Cs) or the object
complement (Co).
1. Will someone get a doctor, quickly!
2. George and Paul both became famous doctors.
3. Do you call yourself a doctor?
4. May I call you Jenny?
5. May I call you a taxi or something?
6. It is so cold. I can’t get warm.
7. I can’t get my hands warm.
8. Keep quiet! Keep those children quiet.
9. The young man was slowly going mad.
10. His mother-in-law was driving him mad.
11. The driver turned the corner too quickly.
12. The weather is turning warmer.
13. The hot weather turned all the milk sour.
14. The young man grew very depressed.
15. He grew his hair long.
16. He had made a great mistake.
17. His in-laws had simply made him their servant.
18. His wife sometimes made him a curry.

8. Divide each of the sentences below into its constituent parts and then label
each part S,O, C, or A
1. Full scale computers have a large number of programs.
2. We must change all the programs tomorrow.
3. Tomorrow will be a holiday here.
4. These bookshelves are becoming very popular in Sweden.
5. We recently added an extra unit to them.
6. Will you give it a try?
7. In July, DDT was sprayed on the marsh from a helicopter.
8. We all read too many books too quickly.
9. The young man grew restless in his mother-in-law’s house.
10. They had made him their son-in-law despite his objection.
11. He found his mother-in-law greedy.
12. They had found him a very young wife.
13. Thinking about this led us to an interesting conclusion.
14. Then the sleeper sees dreams as a jumbled sequence of important detail.

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