Romeo and Juliet - Guion

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Scene 1: The Capulet’s and the Montague’s family

Chapter 1:
NARRATOR: One day, in Verona, Italy, there were two families, they are The
Capulet’s and The Montague’s.

MRS CAPULET: We never want to see them

MR MONTAGUE: I hate you!

MR CAPULET: We don’t need your help; we are the Capulets!

MRS MONTAGUE: We are the Montagues and we are the best family!

Scene 2: At the party and Romeo and Juliet fall in love.

Chapter 1:
NARRATOR: One night, at the party. Romeo and Juliet meet and they fall in love.
Romeo invites Juliet to dance and she accepts

ROMEO: Would you like to dance with me?

JULIET: Yess! I love it.

ROMEO: What’s your name?

JULIET: My name is Juliet and you?

ROMEO: I’m Romeo, your name is beautiful and your face is cute.

JULIET: Thanks you, you are pleasant person.

Chapter 2:
NARRATOR: After the party, Romeo and Juliet talk and decide to get married.
Romeo asks Friar Lawrence for help with the marriage.

FRIAR LAWRENCE: Romeo, Do you want to marry Juliet forever and in secret?
ROMEO: Yes, I will love you forever Juliet.

FRIAR LAWRENCE: Juliet, Do you want to marry Juliet forever and in secret?

JULIETA: Yes, me too, I love you Romeo.

ROMEO: It will be just the two of us

JULIETA: Yes, just the two of us.

Scene 3: The fight

Chapter 1:
NARRATOR: Romeo and Mercutio were talking in the city, when Tybalt sees
Romeo and confronts him.

ROMEO: How are you Mercutio?

MERCUTIO: I’m good, I am working in the school

TYBALT: You! I kill you Romeo

ROMEO: No! I don’t fight

MERCUTIO: I will defend you

… Tybalt kills Mercutio

ROMEO: NO! MECUTIO! I will kill you.

TYBALT: Now I will kill you

Scene 4: The justice

Chapter 1:
NARRATOR: The Prince of Verona is very angry and sends Romeo runs away.
Juliet is desperate but her friend calms her down.

PRINCE OF VERONA: He's bad, so he's fired from Verona.

JULIET: Oh no! Romeo!

JULIET'S FRIEND: Don't worry, Juliet, everything will be fine, Romeo is not a bad

JULIET'S FRIEND: Why don't you ask for help from someone? What do you think
of Friar Lawrence? He will help you, I'm sure.

Chapter 2:
NARRATOR: After this, Paris meets Juliet to tell her that he is her new fiancé.
Paris is a young boy; Mr. Capulet is in favor of him.

PARIS: Hello Juliet, I am Paris, it is an honor to introduce myself to you.

JULIET: Hi Paris, but why? Why Do you introduce to me?

PARIS: Because I am your new fiancé, I promise love and protect you all my life
until the destiny allows it.

JULIET: No! This is not real because I love Romeo

Scene 5: Juliet goes to Friar Lawrence

Chapter 1:
NARRATOR: Juliet is sad and asks Friar Lawrence for help. Friar Lawrence gives
Juliet a sleeping position

JULIET: Oh father! Help me please! I need be with Romeo

FRIAR LAWRENCE: Juliet here is a special drink you will sleep for two days

FRIAR LAWRENCE: Your family will think you are dead. Then you and Romeo
can be free together.

JULIET: Thanks so much father

Chapter 2:
NARRATOR: Friar sends Romeo a message explaining the plan. Romeo doesn't
receive the message because he thinks it's not important

MESSENGER: Message for Romeo!

ROMEO: This message is not important I will not open the door.

MESSENGER: Romeo opens the door! there is a message for you

ROMEO: I'm not interested, go away!

Scene 6: Juliet and Romeo dead

Chapter 1:
NARRATOR: Romeo finds out that Juliet has died and decides to go see her.
Romeo and Juliet are both dead. Friar Lawrence tells the Capulets
and Montagues what happened and They are so sad they agree not
to fight any more.

ROMEO: oh no! My Juliet! Now I will stay with you forever

…Too late, juliet sees what happened (accion)

JULIET: Romeo? Romeo! What happen to you? Oh! You are dead! Wait for me,
my beloved, and I will be with you forever

FRIAR LAWRENCE: What? I need help please!

THE CAPULETS: What happened? Oh no! Juliet!

THE MONTAGUE: Romeo! he can't be dead!

FRIAR LAWRENCE: All this happened because of their enmity, it would be better
if they were at peace.

THE CAPULETS: You're right, I want to make peace in the name of Romeo and

THE MONTAGUE: Me too, we have to be at peace, for them.


1. Rosa Vega NARRADORA

2. Ariana Hencke JULIETA
3. Dina Gonzales MRS CAPULET
4. Maria Alvarado MENSAJERA
5. Noemi Garcia MR MONTAGUE
6. Aracely Diaz MERCUTIO
7. Cielo Campujo AMIGA DE JULIETA
8. Orangel Brito ROMEO
9. Felix Valdivia TYBALT
10. Ronny Sanca FRIAR LAWRENCE
12. Alvaro Leocadio PARIS
13. Adrian Tirado MR CAPULET
14. Angela Matos MRS MONTAGUE

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