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GSWA Paleontology Report 2020/33

Warroora-1, Carnarvon Basin, review of

existing palynology slides
J Backhouse*

Material and localities Notice to the reader

Warroora 1 petroleum well; This Paleontology Report reproduces a biostratigraphic
23.50968°S 113.88185°E; consultancy report commissioned by GSWA as part of
UWI: W000049 routine geological project work, with the aim of increasing
both accessibility and value of the raw biostratigraphic
data. The scientific content and drafting of this report is
F number GSWA no.* Depth (m) the responsibility of the report author; no editing has been
n/a n/a 317.3 undertaken by GSWA.
n/a n/a 335.0
Taxonomic, lithostratigraphic, chronostratigraphic or
n/a n/a 338.3 tectonic names, although correct at the time of the report’s
n/a n/a 416.4 writing, may no longer be current. GSWA advises care
n/a 185791 483.7 be taken when using these reports for interpretative
n/a n/a 542.5 purposes.
n/a n/a 546.2
n/a n/a 605.9
Recommended reference for this
n/a n/a 665.4
n/a n/a 766.6
n/a n/a 768.7 Backhouse, J 2020, Warroora-1, Carnarvon Basin, review of existing
n/a n/a 830.9 palynology slides; Paleontology Report 2020/33: Geological
Survey of Western Australia, 10p.
n/a 185792 831.8
n/a n/a 897.9
Report written: April 2018
n/a n/a 899.2
n/a n/a 1038.5 Publication date: 28 February 2020
n/a n/a 1111.0
n/a n/a 1156.0
n/a n/a 1158.5
n/a n/a 1214.9
n/a n/a 1375.9
n/a n/a 1475.8
n/a n/a 1545.0
n/a n/a 1545.3
n/a n/a 1603.6
n/a n/a 1662.1
n/a n/a 1693.5
n/a n/a 1729.1
n/a n/a 1742.5
n/a n/a 1777.9
n/a n/a 1824.0
n/a n/a 1826.4
NOTES: Slides stored in GSWA Petroleum relinquishment collection
Geographic coordinates in Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94)
* Most of these slides were prepared by WAPET when the well was drilled;
depths with GSWA numbers were sampled and slides prepared subsequently

Backhouse Biostrat Pty Ltd
Geological Survey of Western Australia
Department of Mines Industry Regulation and Safety


Warroora-1, Carnarvon Basin,

review of existing palynology slides
Backhouse Biostrat Pty Ltd
Report BB533

Warroora-1, Carnarvon Basin,

review of existing palynology slides


John Backhouse

Prepared for
Geological Survey of WA April 2018

BB533 Page 1
BB533. Warroora-1, Carnarvon Basin, review of existing palynology slides


Warroora 1 was drilled in the mid-1950s, but the main set of slides was prepared by WAPET in
1977. For this review, samples were supplied in GSWA boxes 1383, and 5268, Box 1383 contains
the original WAPET slides from Core 1 (1025-41 ft) to Core 27 (5985-92 ft). Four additional
samples processed for the GSWA in 2002 (Backhouse, 2002) were also re-examined and re-

All samples are from conventional cores. In the WAPET set of slides, there are often two
preparations from the same core: an original set with depths given as those for the entire cored
interval and a 2nd set with single depths within the cored interval. The first set of slides are mounted
from residues that have been extensively macerated and stained with safranin, the second set have
not been macerated and often contain more plant material and spore-pollen specimens that are more
intact. Most assemblages show low or extremely low yields and for this reason the presence or
absence of index species may be misleading (see Table 2).

Zonal schemes for the younger part of the section were presented by Backhouse (1991, 1998) and
Price (1983, 1987), and the original zonation for the older parts was presented by Kemp et al. (1976).
Recent taxonomic papers on Carboniferous spores relevant to the older samples in this report are by
Playford (2016) and Playford and Mory (2017).

Table 1. Warroora 1 summary palynology results.

Table 2. Warroora 1 Permo-Carboniferous palynology distribution chart.


Pseudoreticulatispora confluens Zone: ?335 m to 605.9 m

The sample from 335 m is problematic as deeper samples produced a Cretaceous age. It is suspected
that it may be from Core 4 rather than Core 3 and is possibly for the lowest part of that core. The
interval can be confidently placed in the P. confluens Zone. The nominate species and C. cymbatus
occur in the highest and lowest cores, though not in every sample. Other aspects of the assemblages,
such as the presence of common monosaccate pollen, consistent Microbaculispora tentula and
Verrucosisporites andersonii and the absence of index species for younger zones support this
conclusion. Punctatisporites spp. are the most common spores in all assemblages. This zone equates
with Stage 2 of earlier zonations.

Microbaculispora tentula Zone: 766.6 m to 1158.5 m

As in the interval above, Punctatisporites spp. are consistently the most common spore type in all
assemblages. This interval is characterised by the consistent presence, in relatively low numbers, of
M. tentula and the presence in greater numbers of the acritarch Deusilites tenuistriatus, which may
reach 5% or more of the total palynomorph count in some samples. The following species are present
in several samples:

BB533 Page 2
Anapiculatisporites concinnus
Brevitriletes parmatus
Cannanoropollis janakii
Dibolisporites disfacies
Dibolisporites sejunctus
Plicatipollenites spp.
Potonieisporites novicus
Verrucosisporites andersonii

P. confluens is not recorded. Cristatisporites type spores similar to spores included in Indotriradites
kuttungensis range through the interval. Some other similar specimens are included here in
Cristatisporites pseudozonatus. Ahrenisporites cristatus is a very rare species in a few samples and
two specimens of Velamisporites cortaderensis and one specimen of Vallatisporites arcuatus are
recorded. These occurrences are consistent with the assignment to the M. tentula Zone, or the
Vallatisporites arcuatus Zone. The presence of consistent, though not common, M. tentula down to
1156 m indicates the M. tentula Zone rather than the V. arcuatus Zone, by comparison with the
Canning Basin.

The distinctive acritarch Deusilites tenuistriatus is present in every sample in this interval,
sometimes up to 4 or 5% of the total assemblage and confirms the M. tentula Zone now occupies
almost the same biostratigraphic interval as the D. tenuistriatus Zone, as used by Apak and
Backhouse (1998).

Indeterminate interval: 1214.9 m to 1475.8 m

M. tentula is not recorded below 1156 m (Core 15), though the very low yields in the samples
immediately below this depth may influence the range of this index species in ths well. Monosaccate
pollen range down through this interval in very low numbers, and below 1214.9 m are only
represented by Plicatipollenites spp. However, Indotriradites daemonii and probable specimens of
Aratrisporites saharaensis are present at 1375.9 m (Core 17) and 1475.8 m (Core 19). Core 18 had
no recovery. Spores consistent with I. kuttungensis, as illustrated by Playford and Mory (2017), are
also present in the interval. Veryhachium spp. are consistently present in the underlying interval and
a single specimen has been observed in the 1475.8 m sample. The evidence suggests it is possible
that samples from 1375.9 m and 1475.8 m correlate with the Spelaeotriletes ybertii Zone, or the
Diatomonozontriletes birkheadensis Zone, of the Canning Basin. However, in the present material,
where many spores show evidence of increased thermal maturity and the palynomorph assemblages
are extremely sparse, this cannot be confirmed and the whole interval may be younger than the D.
birkheadensis Zone.

Grandispora maculosa Zone: 1545 m to 1826.4 m

The following spores range through most of this zone interval:

Anapiculatisporites concinnus
Apiculatisporites spiculatus
Aratrisporites saharaensis
Dibolisporites disfacies
Granulatisporites frustulentus

BB533 Page 3
Indotriradites daemonii
Indotriradites kuttungensis Playford and Mory (2017) morphotype
Punctatisporites spp.

Other spores are less commonly recorded:

Ahrenisporites cristatus
Anapiculatisporites amplus
Diatomozonotriletes daedalus
Dibolisporites sejunctus
Retusotriletes separatus
Verrucosisporites quasigobbettii

The absence of saccate pollen and the similarity of these assemblages to those assigned to the G.
maculosa miospore assemblage by Playford and Mory (2017) indicates that they also belonging the
G. maculosa Zone (see Table 2). In particular, the presence of D. daedalus in the two samples from
Core 27 suggest a possible close time correlation with assemblages recovered by these authors from
Jasper 1 on the Peedamullah Shelf and YCH2 in the Coolcalalaya Sub-basin. It is notewothy that in
the Carnarvon Basin A. saharaensis is quite common in the G. maculosa Zone, whereas the
structurally similar species Spelaeotriletes ybertii is often exceptionally abundant in the same zone in
the northern Canning Basin.

Veryhachium spp. range through the interval and are a common component in several assemblages.
Micrhystridium spp. are also recorded in some samples in fewer numbers. The entire interval appears
to be marine, and a scolecodont is present in the 1545 m sample.

APAK, S. N., and BACKHOUSE, J.,1998, Re-interpretation of the Permo-Carboniferous
Succession, Canning Basin, Western Australia, in The Sedimentary Basins of Western Australia 2
edited by P. G. and R. R. Purcell. Proceedings of Petroleum Exploration Society of Australia
Symposium, Perth, W.A., p. 683–694.
BACKHOUSE, J., 1991, Permian palynostratigraphy of the Collie Basin, Western Australia: Review
of Palaeobotany and Palynology, v.67, p. 237 - 314.
BACKHOUSE, J., 1998, Palynological correlation of western Australian Permian. Royal Society of
Victoria, Proceedings, 110, 107-114.
BACKHOUSE, J., 2002, Palynology report on samples from the onshore Carnarvon Basin.
Backhouse Biostrat Report BB43, GSWA WAPIMS Report G2909 (unpubl.)
KEMP, E. M., BALME, B. E., HELBY, R. J., KYLE, R. A., PLAYFORD, G. and PRICE, P. L.,
1977, Carboniferous and Permian palynostratigraphy in Australia and Antarctica: a review. BMR
Journal of Australian Geology & Geophysics, v. 2, p. 177–208.
PLAYFORD, G. and MORY, A.J., 2017. Composition and occurrence of the Grandispora maculosa
zonal assemblage (Mississippian) in the subsurface of the Carnarvon Basin and the Coolcalalaya
Sub-basin of Western Australia, and its Gondwanan distribution. Rivista Italiana di Paleontologia e
Stratigrafia, 123, 2, 275-318.
PLAYFORD, G., 2016. Mississippian palynoflora from the northern Perth Basin, Western Australia:
systematics and stratigraphical significance. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 14, 9, 731-770.

BB533 Page 4
PRICE, P. L., 1983, A Permian palynostratigraphy for Queensland, in Permian Geology of
Queensland. Symposium on Permian Geology of Queensland, Brisbane 1982, Proceedings Geol.
Soc. Australia, Queensland Division, p. 155–211.
PRICE, P. L., 1997, Permian to Jurassic palynostratigraphic nomenclature, in P. M. Green (ed) The
Surat and Bowen Basins, south-east Queensland. Queensland Minerals and Energy Review Series,
Queensland Department of Mines and Energy, p. 137–178.

BB533 Page 5













Depth (m)
Core No ? 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 13 14 15 15 16 17 19 20 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 27
Ahrenisporites cristatus X X X X X
Anapiculatisporites amplus X X X
Anapiculatisporites concinnus

Apiculatisporites spiculatus X X X X X X X X X X
Aratrisporites saharaensis ? ? X X X X X X X X X X
Auroraspora solisorta X X X X X
Brevitriletes cornutus X X
Brevitriletes leptoacaina X X X X X X
Brevitriletes parmatus X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Caheniasaccites ovatus X X X X X X
Cannanoropollis janakii X X X X X X X X
Cristatisporites pseudozonatus X X X X X X X X X X
Cycadopites cymbatus X X X X X
Cyclogranisporites firmus X X X
Densosporites infacetus X
Densosporites rotundidentatus X X X X ?
Diatomozonotriletes birkheadensis ? ?
Diatomozonotriletes daedalus X X
Dibolisporites disfacies X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Dibolisporites sejunctus X X X X X X
Didecitriletes sp. X
Florinites sp. SMALL X X
Foveosporites pellucidus X
Gondisporites wilsonii SMALL X X X X ?
Granulatisporites frustulentus X X X X X ? X X X X X X X
Horriditriletes tereteangulatus X X X X X X
Indotriradites daemonii X X X X X X X X X X X X
Indotriradites kuttungensis ? ? ? ? X X X X X X X X X X
Indotriradites sp. cf. I. kuttungensis X X X X X
Leiotriletes spp. X X X X X X
Microbaculispora tentula BX X X X X X X X X X X
Plicatipollenites spp. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Potonieisporites novicus X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Potonieisporites novicus STRIATE X X X X X
Pseudoreticulatispora confluens X X X
Punctatisporites spp. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X
Raistrickia radiosa X
Retusotriletes separatus X X X
Striatoabieitites multistriatus X X
Tricidarisporites guttii X
Vallatisporites arcuatus X
Vallatisporites spp. ? ?
Velamisporites cortaderensis X X
Verrucosisporites andersonii X X X X X X X X X X X X
Verrucosisporites quasigobbettii X X X X X X
Verrucosisporites sp. A Play & Mory X
Algae & acritarchs
Botryococcus spp. X X X
Micrhystridium spp. X X X
Tetraporina tetragona
Cymatiosphaera sp. X X X X X X
Deusilites tenuistriatus X X X X X X X X X X
Veryhachium spp. X X X X X X X
Quadrisporites horridus X
Scolecodont X
LAD I. daemonii, poss. A. saharaensis
FAD monosac. pollen, LAD Veryhachium
LAD common Veryhachium,
Increase in maturity down hole
FAD M. tentula

D. daedalus present
D. daedalus present
FAD P. confluens

FAD H. tereteangulatus

FAD D. tenuistriatus



317.3 Core 1 Low Good M. tetracantha‑D. davidii Windalia Radiolarite Marine Probably lower D. davidii Zone

335.0 Core 2 Mod Good M. australis lower Muderong Fm Marine S. attadalense

335.0** Core ? Low Good P. confluens Lyons Gp P. confluens, M. tentula, C. cymbatus.
Some contamination. Sample depth may
be inaccurate.
338.3 Core 3 Mod Good Indet. Indet. Mixed assemblage with Albian &
Barremian dinocysts
338.3* Core 3 Low Good M. australis lower Muderong Fm Marine C. hirtellum
416.4 Core 4 Mod Good P. confluens Lyons Gp P. confluens, C. cymbatus, H.
483.7 Core 5 Ex low Fair P. confluens Lyons Gp
542.5* Core 5 Ex low Fair P. confluens Lyons Gp
546.2 Core 6 Ex low Fair P. confluens Lyons Gp
605.9 Core 7 Ex low Fair P. confluens Lyons Gp FAD P. confluens
605.9* Core 7 Low Fair P. confluens Lyons Gp Several C. cymbatus
665.4 Core 8 Barren Fair Indet. Lyons Gp
766.6* Core 9 Ex low Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp D, disfacies, D. tenuistriatus
768.7 Core 9 Low Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp D, disfacies, D. tenuistriatus
830.9* Core 10 Low Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp
831.8 Core 10 Low Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp M. tentula, D. tenuistriatus
897.9* Core 11 Mod Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp D. disfacies (extended spines), M. tentula,
A. concinnus, D. tenuistriatus
899.2 Core 11 Mod Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp V. cortaderensis, A. concinnus, D.
disfacies (extended spines), M. tentula, D.
1038.5 Core 13 Ex low Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp Very low yield. Several D. tenuistriatus
1111.0 Core 14 Ex low Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp A. cristatus, ?M. tentula, D. disfacies
(extended spines). Several D. tenuistriatus
and Cymatiosphaera sp.
1156.0** Core 15 Ex low Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp M. tentula, ?D. birkheadensis, D. disfacies.
D. tenuistriatus.
1158.5 Core 15 Low Fair M. tentula Lyons Gp FAD common saccate pollen. A.
concinnus. Cymatiosphaera sp., FAD D.
1214.9 Core 16 Ex low Fair-poor Indet. Lyons Gp ? G. wilsonii (small), V. andersonii.
Monosaccate pollen rare
1375.9 Core 17 Ex low Fair-poor Indet. Harris Sst ? A. concinnus, A. saharaensis, V. vallatus,
I. damonii
1475.8 Core 19 Ex low Poor Indet. Harris Sst ? Marine? FAD rare monosaccate pollen. D.
disfacies, A. concinnus, I. daemonii.
Veryhachium, Cymatiosphaera. Some
specimens opaque - higher maturity.
1545.3 Core 20 Low Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine D. disfacies, A. concinnus, I. daemonii.
Several Veryhachium spp.
1545.0** Core 20 Mod Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine A. saharaensis, I. daemonii, I. cf.
kuttungensis. Veryhachium spp.
1603.6 Core 21 Ex low Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine I. daemonii, A. saharaensis. Very low yield

1662.1 Core 22 Ex low Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine I. daemonii, A. saharaensis. Very low yield

1693.5 Core 23 Ex low Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine A. saharaensis, I. daemonii, I. cf.
kuttungensis. Veryhachium spp.
1729.1 Core 24 Ex low Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine A. saharaensis, I. daemonii, I. cf.
kuttungensis, D. daedalus. Veryhachium
spp., Micrhystridium spp.
1742.5 Core 25 Ex low Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine A. saharaensis, I. daemonii, I. cf.
kuttungensis. Exceptionally low yield.
1777.9 Core 26 Ex low Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine A. saharaensis, I. daemonii, I. cf.
kuttungensis. Veryhachium spp.
1824** Core 27 Mod Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine A. saharaensis, I. daemonii, I. cf.
kuttungensis, D. daedalus. Veryhachium
spp., Micrhystridium spp.
1826.4 Core 27 Low Poor G. maculosa Quail Fm Marine A. saharaensis, I. daemonii, I. cf.
kuttungensis, D. daedalus. Veryhachium



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