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Version 2019

Demo & Tutorial Models

June 2019

© 2019 ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.

I STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

Table of Contents
Part I Disclaimer 1

Part II General 2
1 Defining
the Demo models 3
2 Defining
new models 4
3 Hints ................................................................................................................................... 5

Part III List of demo models 6

Part IV Demo models 8

1 Plane frame
-1 8
2 Plane ...................................................................................................................................
frame - 2 15
3 Plane ...................................................................................................................................
grid -1- mesh 23
4 Plane ...................................................................................................................................
grid -2- refined mesh 27
5 Space...................................................................................................................................
frame - 1 31
6 Space...................................................................................................................................
frame - 2 37
7 Space...................................................................................................................................
frame -3- walls 44
8 Space...................................................................................................................................
frame -4- dome shell 57
9 Submodel
-1 64
10 Submodel
-2 69
11 Chess...................................................................................................................................
Loads 85
12 Moving
loads 88
13 Results
- elements 93
14 Results
- combinations 95
15 Steel -...................................................................................................................................
hot rolled 98
16 Steel...................................................................................................................................
- light gauge 102
17 Steel...................................................................................................................................
- composite beam 108
18 Concrete
- beams & columns 115
19 Concrete
- slab detailing 119
20 Solid...................................................................................................................................
section - column 128
21 Concrete
slab - deflection 137
22 Dynamic
analysis - Wall elements 145
23 Dynamic
- seismic analysis 149
24 Dynamic
- Time-history 162
25 Steel...................................................................................................................................
- connections 176
26 Bridge
design - lanes 186
27 Bridge
design - results 189

© 2019 ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.

Contents II

- beams 195
- slabs 201

Index 209

© 2019 ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.

1 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

The STRAP programs have been written by a team of highly qualified engineers and programmers and
have been extensively tested. Nevertheless, the authors of the software do not assume responsibility for
the validity of the results obtained from the programs or for the accuracy of this documentation.

The following examples demonstrate the program options used to define

the geometry and loads for structural models, to display their results and to
design the model elements. These examples are designed as teaching
aids only and should not be considered as a guide for accurate modeling
and design of similar structures

The authors remind the user that the programs are to be used as a tool for structural analysis, and that
the engineering judgment of the user is the final arbiter in the development of a suitable model and the
interpretation of the results.

The user must verify his own results

Window s is a registered trademark of Microsoft Corp.

AutoCAD is a registered trademark of Autodesk Inc.
Acrobat is a registered trademark of Adobe Systems Inc.

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 2

The DEMO includes:
· detailed instructions for defining the geometry and loads, viewing the results, designing steel &
concrete elements and creating engineering drawings for the DEMO models.
· the files for several of the Demo models.
these DEMO models may be revised but revisions to the geometry and loading will not be saved.

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3 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

2.1 Defining the Demo models

To define one of the DEMO models.
· double click the STRAP icon in the Windows Program Manager screen; the program Main Menu and
model list is displayed.

· the DEMO models are found in the folder \STRAP1\DEMO. If this folder is not the one displayed, click

in the toolbar and select it.

· to select an existing model move the to the model name in the list and click the mouse to highlight
the line.
· follow the detailed instructions in each of the Demo examples.

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2.2 Defining new models

· select (new model) in the toolbar.

· Enter the model title:

· arrange the preliminary geometry menu:

Then select one of the following methods for defining the new model:
Select a model from the STRAP library of standard structures. Define the geometry, loads
and load combinations. The model created by the wizard may be revised later using any of
the STRAP geometry and load options.

Create the orthogonal grid lines as the basis for the new model. Nodes and elements are not
defined in this option.

The program displays a blank screen. Define the geometry and loads from scratch using
any of the STRAP geometry and loading definition options.

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5 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

2.3 Hints
STRAP provides the user with extensive on-line Help that may be displayed at any time. There are two
ways to display Help while running the program:
· press the key: Help for the current option will be displayed.
· click the Help option in the menu bar at the top of the screen and select Contents in the pull-down
menu: The Table of Contents of the Help for the entire program is then displayed on the left side of the
Help window; select any topic in the list.
Note the row of small icons below the menu bar at the top of the screen. Clicking an icon provides
access to many of the program options. Place the on an icon to display a ‘hint’ explaining its function.
If you made a mistake, simply click (Undo) in the toolbar; the program deletes the previous definition
Click in the tool bar or select Zoom in the menu bar.
Try the Number of Windows option. This option creates a ‘split screen’ showing different views of the
model. Each view can be rotated to a different angle, have a different zoom and display different
information. Any of the windows may be the ‘active’ one; move the into a window and double click the
mouse. When you define part of the geometry in the active window all of the other windows are updated
Click the Display option in the menu bar at the top of the screen to display various information about the
model - node, beam and property group numbers, support location and type, spring location, etc.
Verify node coordinates by selecting Define/revise dimension lines; the program displays the
distances between nodes that you select. The lines may be vertical, horizontal or parallel to any pair of
Print graphics
Select the Output option on the menu bar and click on Print drawing. The current display is printed to
the scale and with the title that you define.
File management
The program provides complete file management capabilities (backup, restore, delete, etc.); select the
Files option in the menu bar in the program’s initial screen - .

Create your own model - Wizards

To create a new model of your own, click on the tab bar, and click in the toolbar. Refer
to Define a new model 4 .
Try the Models wizard option - you only have to type in a few parameters to create standard structural
models. Note that the models available in the preprocessor are dependent on the Model type specified -
click the Wizard button and the program displays the models that may be defined.

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List of demo models

Plane frame - 1 8 Plane frame - 2 15

· Wizard · Nodes - line equal
· copy geometry · combinations

Plane grid - 1 23 Plane grid - 2 27

· Element mesh - floor slab Refine an element mesh

Space frame - 1 31 Space frame - 2 37

· Wizard · cylindrical coordinate system
· submodel · rotated local axes
· copy geometry · end releases

Space frame - 3 44 Space frame - 4 57

· define wall section · Nodes - equations
· add wall to model · Copy and rotate geometry
· define slab with dummy elements

Submodel - 1 64 Submodel - 2 69
· attach a submodel to the Main · create submodel
model · add several instances
· modify connection points
· define loads.

Chess loads 85 Moving loads 88

· chess loads · global loads
· moving loads

Results - elements 93 Results - combinations 95

· Results at element centres · load case groups
· Contour map · load case combinations
· Results along a line

Steel design - hot rolled Steel design - cold formed

sections 98 sections 102
· limit to section type · define new section
· identical beams · limit to section type
· intermediate supports · identical beams
· combined beams · intermediate supports
· combined beams

Steel design - composite Concrete - beams & columns 115

beam 108 · Define beams and columns
· Geometry: define composite · Create column table
· Steel:
‫ ת‬select beam for composite
‫ ת‬deflection parameters

Concrete - slab detailing 119 Solid section - column 128

· define 'spaces' · import DXF section into CROSEC
· add to drawing

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7 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· create bar schedule · define corner bar & group locations

in section
Concrete - slab deflections 137 Dynamic analysis - walls 145
· calculate cracked section · add weights
properties, immediate and long- · calculate mode shapes
term deflections. · seismic analysis
· transfer load cases to STRAP

Dynamic - seismic analysis 149 Dynamic - time-history 162

· Code seismic analysis · mode shape calculation
· transfer results to STRAP · define time-history function
· display results and transfer to
Connections - steel 176 Bridge design - lanes 186

· design beam-column connection · Create Lanes

· design column base plate

Bridge design - results 189 POSTTEN - beams 195

· display influence lines · define beam
· define Lane loads · define Stages
· define Load cases · specify cable trajectory
· transfer results to STRAP

POSTTEN - slabs 201

· define slab boundaries
· define Stages
· specify cable trajectory

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 8

Demo models

4.1 Plane frame - 1

Define the following plane frame using a Model wizard.

This model is a simple example that demonstrates the following:

· Definition of a simple plane frame, using STRAP’s model wizard library.
STRAP contains a library of standard structures that enables the user to easily and quickly define the
model geometry and loads by entering a small number of parameters. The library can be extended to
include additional model types.
· Utilization of STRAP’s “copy” feature for defining the diagonals in the upper stories.
STRAP’s “copy” commands are powerful and sophisticated. The program refrains from duplicating
existing beams. In our example, the program will duplicate only the diagonals and not the other
existing members (beams and columns).

Define the model:

Main Menu
Click new model in the toolbar.

Preliminary Menu
Arrange the menu as follows:

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9 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

Model wizard:
· Click

· Define the plane frame parameters:

type in the parameters as shown and click to continue

· Define the section type for beams:

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· Click UB in the section type list and 406x140x39 in the section list.

· For columns, click and select UC and 356x368x129.

· Define dead, live and wind loads and load factors for combinations.

The model wizard creates standard load cases from the basic load data. For the plane frame wizard,
nine cases are created - Press to display more details (more loads for this model are created in
the Chess loads 85 example).

· Define dead and live loads:

· Define Wind loads:

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11 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· Define combination factors:

· The program now creates the model according to the parameters and displays it on the screen with
the following Dialog Box at the bottom:

· click to revise the dimension of the third bay to 7.5 m.
· Move the to the horizontal dimension line so that the dimension of the third bay is highlighted with
the rectangular blip; click the mouse.

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· Press Esc (or right-click the mouse) to end the revision of dimensions.

· Click the button to leave the Model Wizard. The program now enters the regular geometry

· click in the menu bar to display the node numbers

· To define the bracing, click the icon in the bottom side menu

· Click the icon in the Beam options menu at the side of the screen

· move the into the Dialog box at the bottom of the screen and set Prop.= 3; click .
· move the adjacent to node 3 so that the node is highlighted with a ; click the mouse
· move the adjacent to node 9 so that the node is highlighted with a ; click the mouse
the program creates a beam linking nodes 3 and 9.
· In a similar manner, create a beam linking nodes 4 and 8.

Copy the bracing to all floors:

· Click the icon in the bottom side menu.

· Click the icon in the Copy options menu at the side of the screen

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13 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· move the adjacent to node 3 so that the node is highlighted with a ; click the mouse
· Similarly select nodes 4, 8 and 9

· after the node 9 has been selected, click the mouse again without moving the crosshair (or click
in the Dialog box at the bottom of the screen).
· Select the reference node: move the adjacent to node 3 so that the node is highlighted with a ;
click the mouse
· Select the new location of the reference node:

· select node 8.

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· the program creates and draws the new bracing

Define the section properties of the bracing:

· Click the icon.

· Click the icon.

· click the icon, select property type EQ.D.ANG and select 150x150x10

· Click the button to complete the property definition.

You have now completed the definition of the geometry and the loads. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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15 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

4.2 Plane frame - 2

Define the following plane frame:

Main Menu
Click new model in the toolbar.

Preliminary Menu


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Define the nodes with two "Line - equal" commands:

· click the icon in the bottom side menu

· click the icon

· define the start node of the left column:

· Define the end node of the left column:

· Define the number of intervals:

Nodes 1 to 6 are created.

· Repeat for the right column

Note: the nodes may also be defined with the option, where the base line consists of
one segment only.


· select in the bottom Side menu.

· select
· select the two bottom nodes (1 and 7):

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17 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

Repeat for Node 7, but double-click or click after highlighting the node.

Define all beams with a single command.

· select

· select
· select Node 1 as the start of the grid baseline:

· select Node 7 as the end of the base line and the top-right node (12) as the end of the height line.
The program draws a complete grid, including a beam between 1 and 7 ; to delete this beam -

· select
· select the beam to delete:

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· select

· Define the area and moment-of-inertia of the columns:

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19 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· Define the column properties:

· Similarly define property group 2 (beams) with values A=0.2 and I3=0.02.
Property 1 was automatically assigned to all of the members when they were defined. To assign the
beams to property 2:

· click

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· Select the “parallel” beam:

Property 2 is assigned to all of the horizontal beams.

· click


· click in the tab bar.

· select and define the vertical loads in Load Case 1:

· define the load case title:

· select

· select

· select all of the horizontal beams as explained in Properties - assign.

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21 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· select

· select and define the horizontal loads in Load Case 2

· define the load case title: "horizontal loads"

· select

· select

· Select node 2 as explained in “Restraints”.

The load is displayed graphically on the node.
· Repeat the process for the loads on nodes 3,4,5 and 6.

· select

· select


· Select in the side menu

· select combinations

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· Define the combinations as follows:

Graphic results:

· click the icon

· select the result type (moment, shear, etc) and the load case or combination; click . The
graphic results are superimposed on the geometry.

Tabular results:

· click the icon

· click the icon

· select the result type (moment, shear, etc) and the load case or combination; click .

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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23 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

4.3 Plane grid -1- mesh

Define the grid of finite elements shown in Figure (a).

This model demonstrates STRAP’s powerful features of automatically generating a mesh of elements.
The user can define an area of any shape (which may also include holes) and specify the preferred size
of the elements. The program identifies existing supports (e.g. columns) and includes them in the mesh

When defining a mesh area adjacent to an already defined mesh, the program will take care of a smooth
connection between the elements of the two areas.

Main Menu
Click new model in the toolbar.

Preliminary Menu
· set the default Units to meter and kN, the Display width range from -5 to 60 and the Display height
range from -5 to 40 (if necessary).
· set the Model type to Grid

· click the button

Define the grid of support nodes:

· click the icon in the bottom side menu

· click the icon

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· The base line starts at coordinates (0,0); type 0 (the cursor automatically enters the X1= box) and
press [Enter]. The cursor moves to the X2= box; type 0 and press [Enter]. Press [Enter] or click the
(Alternatively - move the on the screen so that the coordinates in the Dialog box are X1=0. and
X2=0.; click the mouse.)
· The base line ends at coordinates (50,0); type 50 and press [Enter]. The cursor moves to the X2=
box; type 0 and press [Enter]. Press [Enter] three times or click the button.

(Alternatively - move the on the screen so that the coordinate in the Dialog box at the bottom of the
screen are X1=50 and X2=0.; click the mouse)

· Specify 5 segments and click .

· Define the nodes on the grid height line as Equally spaced and click .
· The height line ends at coordinates (50,32.5); type 50 and press [Enter]. The cursor moves to the X2=
box; type 32.5 and press [Enter]. Press [Enter] three times or click the button.

(Alternatively - move the on the screen so that the coordinates in the Dialog box at the bottom of the
screen are X1=50 and X2=32.5 (or dX1=0 and dX2=32.5); click the mouse.)

· Specify 5 segments and click the button; the program creates a grid of nodes and displays
them on the screen.
Note that nodes that are not attached to beams or elements are ignored by the program.


· Click the icon.

· Click the icon in the Restraints option menu at the side of the screen.

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25 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

the program creates the pinned supports ; click in the tool bar at the top of the screen to draw
them on the nodes.

Define the mesh of elements:

· click the icon

· click the icon

· Define the contour line enclosing the floor area:

move the adjacent to node A1 (Figure b) so that the node is highlighted with a ; click the mouse.
Similarly select nodes A2 to A8 and A1 (again) to close the contour.

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· move the adjacent to node B1 so that the node is highlighted with a ; click the mouse. Similarly
select nodes B2, B3, B4 and B1 (again) to close the contour of the opening.

End contour definition

· Select
· Arrange the mesh parameters menu as follows:

· The program superimposes the preliminary mesh (6.0 x 4.0) on the area defined by the contour.

· Click the button.
The elements as displayed in Figure (b) are generated. Note that the existing elements in the contour
area are erased.

· Click the button when the program asks "Is the mesh OK"?

Define the element thickness:

· click the icon.

· double-click the 1 - Undefined line (all elements were assigned to Property Group no.1 by default)
· Set the Thickness = 25 (cm.)

· click the button

· Click the button to complete the property definition.

You have now completed the definition of the geometry. To select another Demo model -
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the pull-down menu).

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27 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

4.4 Plane grid -2- refined mesh

Define the following gradually refined mesh:

In the STRAP main menu:

· Click new model in the toolbar.
· select Grid

· select

Grid with elements

· select
· create the 8x8 grid shown below with 1 x 1 elements with any thickness:

· click twice to continue

· select

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· select

· Define the contour by selecting nodes A, B, C,D and A again to close the contour.

· Arrange the mesh parameters menu as follows:

· The program superimposes the preliminary mesh (0.5 x 0.5) on the area defined by the contour:

· the program generates the new elements:

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29 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· click when the program asks: Is the mesh OK?

· select

· Define the contour by selecting nodes E, F, G, H and E again to close the contour.

End contour definition

· Select
· Arrange the mesh parameters menu as follows:

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· The program superimposes the preliminary mesh (0.25 x 0.25) on the area defined by the contour:

· the program generates the new elements as shown in the Figure at the start of the example.

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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31 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

4.5 Space frame - 1

Define the following space structure:

In this Demo you will learn how to use STRAP’s more advanced features to quickly and easily define this
complex space frame.

Note: You are advised to run this DEMO after trying Plane frame - 1 8 .

The demo demonstrates the following features of STRAP:

· Definition of a single frame by using a Model Wizard.
· Duplication of the single frame to form the space model.
· Definition of the transverse truss as a ‘submodel’, also using a model wizard.
· The submodel feature enables to define part of the structure as a separate model and then add it to the
main model at specified locations. Similar to the Copy option, the program does not generate double
members. Note that we will simply add the submodel to the main; we will not save it as a separate
entity (instance).
· Working in two windows (split screen). The whole model is displayed in one window. In the other one,
the transverse truss is displayed and selected for duplication.
· The Mirror option for copying the transverse truss.

To define the model:

Main Menu
· Click new model in the toolbar.

Preliminary Menu
· Set the Model Type to Space frame

· Click the icon

Models wizard:

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· Click the Frame truss button

· Specify the parameters:

Skip all
· click twice as we will not define section properties and loads in the Wizard.

· The program displays the model, click to continue

Copy the frame truss:

· click in the toolbar to display the node numbers (it will be very convenient to switch the node
numbers on/off many times during the course of building this model; these instructions will not mention
it every time)

· Click the icon in the bottom side menu.

· Click the icon in the top side menu

Select all nodes

· Click the button
· Select a reference node: move the adjacent to node 1 so that the node is highlighted with a ; click
the mouse.

Define the new location of the reference node:

by coordinates
· Click the button
· Press [F6] and type the coordinates X1=0, X2=0, X3=8 in the box at the bottom of the screen.

· Click to continue

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· The program creates the new trusses. Click the button in the toolbar twice and the button
once to rotate the model to the isometric view (or use the Dynamic Rotate option).

Define the transverse truss (as a submodel):

· Click the icon.

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· Click the icon

· Define one bay only (4 panels):

Skip all
· click (we will not define the properties)
· the program displays the model, click to continue.
Copy the truss to create 3 bays:

· Click the icon in the side menu

· Click in the copy options menu

Select all nodes

· Click the button
· Select a reference node: move the adjacent to node 1 (lower left corner of the submodel) so that the
node is highlighted a ; click the mouse.

at an existing node
· Define the new location of the reference node: click the button

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· move the adjacent to node 5 (lower-right corner of the submodel) so that the node is highlighted with
a ; click the mouse.

· Set Number of copies = 2 and click the button; the program creates and draws the truss.

· Click the full drawing icon in the toolbar at the top of the screen.

Add the submodel to the main model:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

We select ‘Add + rotate’ because the horizontal axis of the truss is X2 in the submodel but it is parallel
to X3 in the Main model.
· Select reference nodes: move the adjacent to node 22 (at lower right end) so that the node is
highlighted with a ; click the mouse
· Select nodes 1 and 6
· Define the new location of the reference nodes in the Main model:

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· Select nodes 318 (the ridge of the bottom chord of the first frame), 18 (the ridge of the bottom chord of
the last frame) and 32 (the ridge of the top chord of the last frame) or type the node numbers in the
Dialog box at the bottom of the screen.
· Select node 316 as the second instance of the first reference node.
The program creates the four transverse trusses on the left, including the ridge.

Copy the transverse trusses to the right side:

Complete the definition of the secondary trusses by creating a mirror image of the entire model ! Note
that although we select the entire model, the program copies only the transverse trusses because it
automatically eliminates double members that are generated.

· Click the icon.

Select all nodes

· Click the button
· Select a reference node: select node 301 (the bottom left node of the left leg)
· Define the new location of the reference node:

at an existing node
· Click the button and select node 346 (the bottom right node of the right leg).

· Click the button to copy the trusses

To select another Demo model -

· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the pull-down menu).

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4.6 Space frame - 2

Define the following steel and concrete spaces frame. This model uses the following options:
· cylindrical coordinate system
· rotated local axes
· end releases

Main Menu
Click new model in the toolbar.

Preliminary Menu

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· click the icon in the bottom side menu

· select
· Define a cylindrical coordinate system:

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· select

· Move the crosshair to R = 3.5, Ang = 0, H = 0.0 and click the mouse (or press [F6] and type in
the values).
Move the crosshair to R = 3.5, Ang= 300, H = 0.0 and click the mouse.
Specify 5 segments.

The six nodes on the base are created.

· Define the nodes on the grid side as Equally spaced
· Move the crosshair to R = 3.5, Ang. = 300, H = 4.0 and click the mouse.
· Specify 2 segments.

Nodes 7 to 18 are created (rotate the model to view all of the nodes).

· select

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· Move the crosshair to R = 0.0, Ang. = 0, H = 6.0 and click the mouse (or press [F6] and type in the
Node 19 is created.

· click to end the node definition

· click to display the node numbers


· select

· select

Select by window
· specify
· Create a window enclosing nodes 1 to 6 (even though nodes 2 and 3 are hidden they will be included
in the window). A pinned restraint is assigned to the selected nodes.


· select
Define the columns:

· select
· Define beams 1-2 as a line:
‫ת‬ select Split at interm. node
‫ת‬ Select node 1 as the start node of the line and node 13 as the end node of the line; beams 1 and 2
are created.
· In a similar manner, define beams 3-4 (between nodes 2-14), 5-6 (between nodes 3-15), 7-8 (between
nodes 4-16), 9-10 (between nodes 5-17), 11-12 (between nodes 6-18).
Define the horizontal rings:

· select
· Define beams 13-17 as an arc:
‫ת‬ select Split at interm. node and Arc of beams
‫ת‬ Select node 7 as the start node of the arc, node 12 as the end node and any of nodes 8-12 as the
third node; beams 13-17 are created.

· select
· Define beam 18 between nodes 12 and 7.
· In a similar manner, define the upper ring with beams 19-24.
Define the roof beams:

· select
· Define beam 25 between nodes 13 and 19.
· In a similar manner, define beams 26-30.

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Define the section orientation:

Rotate the local x2 axes of the columns so that they point towards the center of the circle:

· select

· Move the crosshair until the rectangular blip highlights node 19; click the mouse.

and select any of beams 1 to 12 as the 'parallel' beam.

· Similarly rotate the local X2 axes of the top ring beams 19-24 so that they point towards the peak:

Define properties:

· select

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· select
· Click IPE in the section type list and 240 in the section list.

· Similarly, define Property group 2 as IPE 180 and Property group 3 as a 30x60 rectangular concrete
· Select property group 2 IPE 180 from the list .

· click
· Select ring beams 13-18.
· Similarly assign property group 2 to the vertical columns.

Define Releases:

· select

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· Select the lower ring beams 13 to 18.

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 44

4.7 Space frame -3- walls

Define the geometry of the following 10-storey building that includes four walls extending the full height of
the structure:

· this example explains how to define the geometry; for dynamic analysis and interpretation of the
results, refer to Dynamic analysis - walls 145 .
· the model is used for dynamic analysis only:
· the slabs thickness = 200 mm; rigid links provide in-plane rigidity.
· columns are not defined because their contribution to the lateral stiffness is negligible.

Main Menu
· Click new model in the toolbar.

Preliminary Menu
· Set the Model Type to Space frame

· click the button

Define the wall reference nodes 1, 2, 3, 4 at ground level (X3=0.0):

· click the icon

· click the icon

· Node 1: Move the crosshair to X1 = 0.0, X2 = 8.0, X3 = 0.0 and click the mouse or press [F6] and
type in the values:

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· Node 2: Move the crosshair to X1 = 24.0, X2 = 20.0, X3 = 0.0 and click the mouse.
· Node 3: Move the crosshair to X1 = 24.0, X2 = 0.0, X3 = 0.0 and click the mouse.
· Node 4: Move the crosshair to X1 = 9.15, X2 = 13.85, X3 = 0.0 and click the mouse.

· Click


· Click the icon.

· Click the icon.

Select all nodes

· Click the button

Copy the nodes to all 10 floors:

· Click the icon

· Click the icon

Select all nodes

· Click the button
· select any of the 4 nodes as the reference node

by coordinates
· Click the button
· Define the floor levels at 3.0 m intervals (X3): Press the left mouse button and do not release; move the
into the X3 edit box (note that the coordinates will not change) and type 3.0:

· set Number of copies: 10 and click .

· click the Isometric View icon in the toolbar to display the entire model.


· Click the icon

· Click the icon in the menu at the side of the screen

· Select the section:

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 46

· Define the properties and dimensions of Wall 1; the wall consists of one segment only and we will
define the segment end at DX=0, DY=400:

Define Wall section no.2 :

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· Click the icon in the menu at the side of the screen

Edit/add section
· Highlight section no . 2 and click
· The wall is composed of two segments; the first ends at DX=4000; DY=0. Set the Thickness = 300,
type in DX = 4000 and press [Enter]; the first segment is drawn in the center box:

· the second segment is offset DX=0, DY=3000 from the end of the first segment. The cursor is
already in the DY= box; type 3000 and press [Enter]; the second segment is added to the display:

Note the “reference point” at the first corner

denoted by the . This is the point where the
wall section will be attached to nodes in the
structural model. Referring to the floor plan at
the beginning of this example, it is apparent
that Walls 2a/2b will be attached at the corner
joining the two segments in the section.

To move the reference point, click

Reference corner
;move the to the new
location so that it is highlighted with the ;
click the mouse. The will now appear at
the correct location.

· Click

Define Wall section no. 3:

· Wall 3 is created by defining six segments in the following order:
· segment 6 bisects segment 5 and divides
it into two new segments.

· Click the icon in the menu at the side of the screen

Edit/add section
· Highlight section no . 3 and click
· Segment 1:

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The segment is drawn in the center box:

· Segment 2:

· Segment 3
Segment 3 is identical to
segment 2:
wnter the same values show

· Segment 4:
Uncheck Has opening and enter DY = 2000

· Segment 5:
This segment ends at the start of segment 1

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move the to the start of Segment 1 so that it is highlighted with the ; click the mouse.

· Segment 6:

This segment starts at the mid-point of segment 4 and ends at the mid-point of segment 8

move the adjacent to the end of segment 2 so that it is highlighted with the ; click the mouse

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Now define the end-point of the segment:

Move the adjacent to segment 5 so that it is highlighted with the ; click the mouse. Specify the
location of the end point at the mid-point of section 5:

· Section 3 is now complete; Click Close.

Now we will attach the three wall sections to the model:

· click the node number icon in the toolbar to add the

node numbers to the display:

· click
· select the wall section:

· attach section 1 to line 1-41:

move the adjacent to node 1 so that it is highlighted
with the ; click the mouse; move the adjacent to
node 41 so that it is highlighted with the ; click the
The program adds the wall section to the line 1-41.

· attach section 2 to line 2-42:

Specify Sect =2 and select nodes 2 and 42. Note that
the orientation of the wall is not correct. We will rotate it
after the other three walls have been attached.

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· attach section 2 to line 3-43:

Specify Sect =2 and select nodes 3 and 43
· attach section 3 to line 4-44:
Specify Sect =3 and select nodes 4 and 44

· click the node number icon , the Display X1-X2 plane icon
and the Restraints icon . The model is displayed on the X1-X2
without numbering or restraints:

All of the walls are oriented correctly except Wall2a (check the
coordinates of the wall corners by clicking on the Data icon)

· Rotate Wall 2a:

· click icon

· the wall may be flipped or rotated:

Select by window
· Click
· Create a window around Wall 2a; the program flips it into its correct position.

Floor slabs:
The floor slabs are modeled by dummy elements since the model will be solved only for dynamic loads.
The elements are necessary in order to define the masses, but the size of the elements is not important.
We will define the slab at X3=3.00 and copy it to the other 10 levels.

· click the Isometric View icon

· Click on Remove in the menu bar at the top of the screen
· Select Limit display to a plane
· Select any three nodes at X3 = +3.00
Define the nodes at the X1=0 corners of the slab

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· click the icon

· click the icon

· Type in the coordinates X1 = 0.0, X2 = 0.0, X3 = 3.0 in the dialog box at the bottom of the screen
· Type in the coordinates X1 = 0.0, X2 = 20.0, X3 = 3.0 in the dialog box

· Click

Define the element mesh:

· click the icon

· click the icon

· Select the four corner nodes and end the selection by clicking the first corner again.

· Select the four corner nodes of Wall Section no. 3 and end the selection by clicking the first corner

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· specify the grid parameters:

and click when the program asks Is the mesh OK ?

· click
· select Property group 1:

· click
· select the entire mesh:

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· select any two nodes in the mesh

· click when the model list is displayed again.
· Click on Remove in the menu bar at the top of the screen
· Select Limit display to a plane

· click the Isometric View icon

Copy the slab to the other nine levels:

· Click the icon in the main menu.

· Click the icon in the copy options menu

By levels
· Click the button

· Select level X3 as the height axis; select X3 = +3.00 and click .

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· Select a reference mode: move the adjacent to the node in the left corner so that the node is
highlighted with a ; click the mouse.
· Define the new location of the reference node:

by coordinates
· Click the button
· Click and hold the left mouse button and drag the cursor into the dialog box at the bottom of the
screen - the coordinate values in the box will not change as the cursor moves. Type the coordinates
· specify No. of copies = 9

· Click to continue

Rigid links:
Define Rigid links in the slab plane:

· Rotate the model so that it is displayed on the X1-X3 plane; select in the tool bar, click
X1-X3 plane End
and click .

· Click the icon in the main menu.

· Click the icon in the Restraints options menu

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Select by window
· Select the nodes in the entire model, except the support nodes at X3=0.0 (use ).

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).
· refer to Dynamic analysis - walls 145 for the dynamic analysis of this model.

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4.8 Space frame -4- dome shell

Define the dome shell shown in the Figure below using either of two options:
· Equations
· Copy and Rotate

Main Menu
Click new model in the toolbar.

Preliminary Menu
· Set the Model Type to Space frame

· Click the icon

Option 1 : Equations
· click the icon in the bottom side menu

· click the icon

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Refer to the program Help for a detailed explanation of the sphere parameters U,V and R.

Define the variable ranges:

· U from 0 to 1 represents a half circle; therefore define U from 0 to 2:

· V = 0 or 1 defines the full eight of a half-dome:

· Define the location of the center of the sphere:

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· the program generates the nodes; to create the elements -

· Two sets of nodes are generated along line 1-10 and 36 nodes are generated at the top of the dome.

To delete the superfluous nodes, select and Unify all nodes

Option 2 : Copy
This method makes extensive use of the Copy option using a cylindrical coordinate system..
To create the dome, define the wedge 1-10-12 (shaded in the Figure) and then copy it 35 times using the
Copy – rotate option.
Define the arc 1-10:
X2 is the height axis of this arc (the axis perpendicular to the plane
of the cylinder).

· select

· select

· Define a cylindrical coordinate system:

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· click to rotate the model so that the X2 height axis is perpendicular to the screen.

· select
· press [F6] and type in the cylindrical coordinates:
‫ת‬ define the line start (node 1) at: R = 5.0 Ang =0.0 H = 0.0
‫ת‬ define the line end (node 10) at: R = 5.0 Ang =90.0 H = 0.0
set the number of segment = 9 (10° each)

· select

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· define node 11 at: R = 0.0 Ang =0.0 H = 0.0, i.e. at the system origin. This node is required for
the following Copy + rotate command.

· click

Generate the arc 1-12 by copying and rotating arc 1-10.

· select

· select

· define a cylindrical system as explained above, but with Global X3 as the system height axis

· click to rotate the model so that the X3 height axis is perpendicular to the screen.

· select
· define node 12 at: R = 5.0 Ang =10.0 H = 0.0

· click
· to facilitate node selection, click Rotate in the menu bar and rotate the model to: X = -10 , Y = -10 , Z
= 0.-

· click in the toolbar to display the node numbers.

· select

· select

· define a polygon enclosing arc 1-10.

· select Create identical copies : Select 3 nodes

at an existing node
· select the nodes and specify their new location using :
node 10 to node 12

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node 1 to node 1
node 11 to node 11
· specify the copy parameters:

The program now generates arc 1-12.

Define the elements in wedge 1-10-12:

· select

· select and define all of the quad elements.

· select and define an element at nodes 1 - 2 - 13.

Generate the remaining wedges to complete the dome:

· select

· select

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· define a polygon enclosing the entire wedge.

· select Create identical copies : Select 3 nodes

at an existing node
· select the nodes and specify their new location using :
node 10 to node 12
node 2 to node 13
node 1 to node 1
· specify the copy parameters:

The program now generates the entire dome.

· select to display the entire model.

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 64

4.9 Submodel - 1
Define the following multi-story building using the submodel option.
· the vertical elements - columns and walls -
comprise the "Main model" part of the
· the beams and slabs are defined as a
submodel; six "instances" of this
submodel are attached to the Main model.

Main Menu
· Highlight Demo – Submodel in the model list.

· Click in the tab bar.

The model contains the following elements:

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· click the icon in the toolbar to rotate the model to the X2-X3 plane (floor slab perpendicular to the

· select

· click

Select by window
· click and create a box around the floor line (do not include the bottom nodes of the
columns and walls).

Define the "Connections points" where the submodel is connected to the Main model. The program
already identified the nodes where the slab is connected to the columns and walls and created fixed
connection points, but we will change them to pinned.

· select

· select

Copy the vertical elements five times to create the upper floors

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· display the main model

and click the icon to display an isometric view

· select

· select

Select all nodes

· click ; the program will copy only the vertical elements because only those are
displayed in "Main model".
· select one of the base nodes as the reference point and the top of its column as the new reference
point location:

· set Number of copies = 5 and click

· click in the toolbar to display the full model.

Create five more "instances" of the submodel:

· select

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· add the submodels to the structure:

Note that the floor slab is connected to the wall only at the "connection points" and not at all of the noes
along the segments. This can be rectified by defining rigid links connecting these nodes to the
connection points:

· select

· select

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 68

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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69 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

4.10 Submodel - 2
This example demonstrates how to define a submodel and add it to the main model.

Submodels are efficient when there is a portion of the structure that is repeated more than once in the
model, e.g. the typical floor in a high rise building. The advantages of the submodel are:
· each submodel may contain up to 32,000 nodes, i.e. the total model sizes - comprised of the "main
model" and all the submodels - is virtually unlimited.
· When a submodel is revised each "instance" (occurrence) of the submodel in the structure is
automatically revised.
· The solution time is much faster than that required for an identical structure without submodels.

We will define the following structure:

The structure consists of:
· the "Main model" - the columns.
· Three different submodels:
‫ ת‬the two lower floors
‫ ת‬the two upper floors (with the
‫ ת‬the roof

Each of the first two submodels has two

"instances"; the roof submodel has one

Each submodel instance is joined to the

Main model at "connection points".

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Main model
· click the new model icon

· select Space Frame and click

· click in the side menu and define the following nodes:

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Copy the nodes to the other levels and create the columns:

· select in the bottom side menu and then click on

· select all of the nodes.
· select Node 1 as the reference node.
· specify the new location of the reference node by coordinates;

and enter the new coordinate value:

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· click in the icon bar to display an isometric view of the model.

Erase the four intermediate columns at the top floor:

· click and then select in the side menu.

· select the four columns.

Define the floor slab at level +3.00:

· display only the level at +3.00:

· select "+3.00" in the list and click .
· click in the icon bar to cancel the isometric view.

· click and then select in the side menu.

· click in the following menu.
· select the four corner nodes to define the floor contour and close by selecting the first node again.

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End contour definition

· select .
· click in the following menu to accept the default mesh parameters (check that Property 3 is
specified ); the program creates and displays the floor slab.

Define the perimeter beams:

· click and then select in the side menu.

· Define the beams along the perimeter.
· Again select Remove and Display selected levels in the menu bar, but this time remove +3.00 from
the list.
· click in the icon bar to display the isometric view of the model:

Define the beam and column sections:

· click and then select in the side menu.

· click and highlight Property 1 in the table (the columns); click , select and

and define the section dimensions:

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· repeat for Property 2 (the beams) - 30 x 60 cm.

· click and then select in the side menu.

· click and highlight Property 3 in the table (the floor slab); click :

Define the supports:

· click and then select in the side menu.

· select all nodes at level +0.00.

Create the first submodel from the floor slab at +3.00:
X1-X3 plane End
· display the X1-X3 plane on the screen: click in the icon bar, click on and
· click in the side menu:

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· Select the all the nodes at the floor level (use the Select by window option):

The program now opens a small window that lists all of the submodel instances in the structure:
window is displayed in a program modules (geometry, loads, results, etc) and is used to go from one
submodel to another.

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· select the first submodel from the list; the program displays it on the screen:

Create the second instance of the submodel:

· select the main model in the submodel window:

· and click in the icon bar to restore the isometric view of the model.
· click in the side menu:

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· Select the lower-left corner of the submodel as the "reference point"

· Select the location of the reference point in the Main model:

Create the submodel at +9.00:

The second submodel is identical to the first one with the addition of the balconies. We will create it by
copying and modifying the first submodel.
· click in the side menu:
· click (submodel) in the following menu and -
· select Use a copy of an existing submodel and define the submodel name as "Slab +9.00".
· select Slab +3.00 from the list of existing submodels.
· the program displays the submodel; add the balcony elements as shown:

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Add both instances of the second submodel:

· click in the side menu:
· Select 2 Slab +9.00 in the submodel list and click (instance).

· select the lower left corner of the submodel as the "reference point"
· the program then displays the Main model; select the two reference points defining the location of the
two instances of the submodel:

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Define the third submodel at +15.00:

The roof slab is identical to the first submodel but with different slab and beam dimensions.
· click in the side menu:
· click (submodel) in the following menu and -
· select Use a copy of an existing submodel and define the submodel name as "Slab +15.00".
· select Slab +3.00 from the list of existing submodels.
· the program creates and displays the submodel.

Revise the geometry as follows:

· click and then select in the side menu.

· click and highlight Property 4 in the table; click , select and and define
the section dimensions: 30 x 100
· assign this property to all beams in the submodel.

· click and then select in the side menu.

· click and highlight Property 5 in the table 5; click and define the slab thickness: 30 cm.
· assign this property to all elements in the submodel.
Remove the unnecessary connection points (note that connection points without an exact corresponding
Main model node are automatically connected by Rigid links to the closest Main model node).

· select in the side menu and click on

· select the four intermediate connection points.

The program assumes by default rigid connections between the submodel and the main model. Assume
that the roof beams are pinned to the columns, i.e. release the rotational degrees-of-freedom at the
connection points:

· select in the side menu and click on

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· select the four corner connection points.

Add the third submodel to the structure:

· click in the side menu:
· Select 3 Slab +15.00 in the submodel list and click (instance).
· Specify 1 copy and define the instance name.
· select the lower left corner of the submodel as the "reference point"
· the program then displays the Main model; select the top of the lower-left column as the location of the
reference point in the Main model.

Connection points - additional options:

There is an option to automatically define the connection point for a submodel to the main model. The
program searches for Main model nodes that are within a "tolerance" distance of the selected submodel

· this option does not revise existing connection points
· connection points without an exact corresponding Main model node are automatically connected by
Rigid links to the closest Main model node.

For example, use this option to redefine the connection points for the submodel Slab +3.00:
· select the submodel in the small window:

Delete the existing connection points because the program will not revise them.

· select in the side menu and click on

· select the four connection points.

· click on

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· return to the Main model

Submodels - tables

Display a table with the submodel data:

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Submodels - display options

Selected submodels may be displayed/removed from the main model display. This option is useful when
creating the geometry or displaying the results.

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Loads applied to a submodel may be applied to all instances or different loads may be defined for each
instance of the submodel:
· click the tab.

· select in the side menu and enter a name for the load case.
· select the Slab +3.00 in the small window.

· select in the side menu.

· select and and define the loads:

· select the submodel instance:

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· apply the load to selected elements.

Continue to define loads, solve the model and display the results.

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4.11 Chess Loads

In this Demo we will create the following load cases for the frame defined in Plane frame - 1 8 :

This Demo demonstrates STRAP’s unique “Chess load” option that automatically generates the critical
loading cases from basic Dead load and Live load cases (a & b in the drawings).

The program by itself identifies the continuous beams and applies the dead load and live load to the
appropriate spans and with the correct load factors. The program is smart enough to identify intermediate
nodes if defined and ignore them when applying the load.
· define the dead loads shown in Figure (a) in load case 1
· define all live loads shown in Figure (b) in load case 2
· use the program Chess loads option to automatically create load cases (c), (d) and (e).

Main Menu
· highlight Demo - Chess loads in the model list

· Click the tab.

Load case 1 - dead loads:

· Click the icon.

· enter the load case tile; type Dead loads and click the button

· click in the bottom side menu.

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· Click in the top side menu.

· Click the icon.

Select all beams

· Specify Select only beams parallel to a beam and click the button
· Select the “parallel” beam (the load will be applied only to beams parallel to this one); move the
adjacent to any horizontal beam so that the beam is highlighted with a ; click the

· Type in the uniform load =-21 (check that Direction: FX2) and click to continue.

· The program creates the loads and draws them on the screen. Click the icon.

Load case 2 - live loads:

· Click the icon.

· enter the load case tile; type Live loads and click the button
· proceed as described for Load case 1, except enter a uniform load = -13

· to define the point loads, click

· Click the icon.

Individual beams
· Click the button
· Select the two exterior roof beams; move the adjacent to one of the exterior roof beams so that it is
highlighted with a ; click the mouse. Repeat for the other exterior roof beam.

· Click the button (or click on the second roof beam again).
· Type in the point load =-24 (check that Direction: FX2 and that Fraction = 0.5) and click to

· The program creates the loads and draws them on the screen. Click .

Chess loads:

· Click the icon in the main menu.

· The program correctly assumes that load case 1 contains all of the dead loads and that load case 2
contains all of the live loads. Correct the maximum/minimum load factors if necessary; click to

· The program displays the series of generated load cases; click to continue after
each case.

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Check the loads in the generated load cases:

· Click the icon in the main menu and select the load case to be displayed, or
· select Output in the top menu bar, then Display load commands and select the load case to be

You have now completed the definition of the loads. To select another Demo model -
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the pull-down menu).

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4.12 Moving loads

Use the Moving Load option to generate a series of load cases where the live load in each case is offset
by a constant increment relative to the previous case.

Note that the Moving Load option applies only to loads defined as Global Loads.

The Figure below shows an arbitrary element grid for which three load cases must be defined. In all three
cases the loads are identical, but the live load in each case is offset 2.0 m from the live loads in the
previous case.

Two types of Global Loads are defined:

· a pressure on a rectangular area defined by the user.
· a pressure on a rectangular area retrieved from the "Pattern' file.

Two methods for generating the loads will be illustrated:

· Option 1:
Define the dead and live loads in load case 1. Generate the two additional load cases using the
moving loads option. Note that the dead loads will be copied automatically to load cases 2 and 3.
· Option 2:
‫ת‬ Define the dead loads in load case 1 and the live loads in load case 2.
‫ת‬ Generate the two additional load cases using the moving loads option. Note that the dead load will
be not be included in any of these three load cases.
‫ת‬ After solving the model, combine the dead load with each of the three live load cases using the
Group" option in the "Combination" module.

Main Menu
Click new model in the toolbar.

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Preliminary Menu

· Set the Model Type to Grid and click the icon

Models wizard:
· Click the "Grid with elements" button and define a 3m x 7m (minimum) plane grid of elements

Option 1


· click the tab

· select and enter the load case title

· select

· select
· define the load parameters:

· select:

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· define the lower-left corner of the rectangle:

· similarly, define corners at (2.0, 1.0), (2.0,2.5) and (1.0,2.5).

· move the cursor to the first corner (0.,0.) and click the mouse to close the rectangle; the program
displays the load:

Define the "Pattern" load:

· select
· define the load parameters:

· select the pattern:

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· locate the pattern on the drawing:

· repeat for the second wheel load.

· select

· select
· select the load case just defined
· define the moving load parameters:

· click in the load case list.

To check that the cases were generated:

· select ; the load case list displayed is:

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Note that all three load cases contain the dead loads.

Option 2
· Define the dead loads in load case 1.
· Define the global loads in load case 2.
· Generate the moving loads as load cases 3 and 4, as outlined above.
· Solve the model.

· select

· select

Add/revise a group
· select
· click on the first -UNDEFINED- line and enter the group name

Generate a combination for each load in the group

· select

· click

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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4.13 Results - elements

For the plane grid defined in Plane grid - mesh 23 , display graphic results for finite elements.

The graphic results for elements can be displayed in any one of three ways:
· Results at element centres
display the model geometry with the numerical value of the result written at the centre of each
· Contour map
display the model geometry with a contour map of the results superimposed. Each line of the contour
map gives the location of a specified value of the result.
· Results along a line
display the results plotted along a section through the model.

For example:

Main Menu
· highlight Demo - Results - elements in the model list

· click in the tab bar at the top of the screen

Results at element centres:

· click the icon in the top side menu.

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· Specify:

· click the button; the program displays the results as shown in Figure (a).

· Click in the toolbar to zoom in on any part of the model (Figure (a) shows the lower-left corner).

Contour map:

· Click the icon.

· Specify:

and Fill contour regions with colour

· click the button; the program displays the results as shown in Figure (b).

Results along a line:

Define the horizontal section line shown in Figure (c).

· Click the icon.

· Specify:

Define a section line

· click the button.

Parallel to X1
· click the button
· Move the to any point on the first interior horizontal line, i.e. so that X2=7 is displayed in the bottom
dialog box. Click the mouse.

· Define additional section lines or click the button

· click the button; the program draws moment diagrams along the sections as shown in Figure

To select another Demo model -

· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the pull-down menu).

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4.14 Results - combinations

Display beam results for the plane frame defined in Plane frame - 1 8 and Chess loads 31 .

The example will demonstrate the use of the Combinations options to create a series of combinations
1.2D+1.2W+1.2L (BS8110), each combining the wind load case with one of the staggered load cases.

Please note the following:

· In STRAP you do not have to define the combinations along with the basic loading cases. You can
define them after the solution and revise them without solving the model again.
· STRAP also has an option to define a “group” of load cases. If a group is added to a combination
definition, the program will either:
‫ ת‬automatically generate a different combination for each load in the group.
‫ ת‬add the sum of the load cases in the group to the combination.
‫ ת‬generate n combinations if there are n load cases in the group; all of the load cases are included in
the all of the combinations. One of the loads in each combination is increased by f2 while all the
other loads are increased by f1.
Using this feature when applicable can reduce the work required to create large numbers of loading

Main Menu
Define the group:
· highlight Demo - Results - combinations in the model list

· click in the tab bar


· click in the bottom side menu

· click in the top side menu

Add/revise a group
· click the button

· Click the first -UNDEFINED- group in the list, type in a group name and click the button

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· Specify: a different combination for each load in the group

· click the button

Define the combinations:

· click in the pull-down menu

· in the following menu: move the to column "9:wind" for combination no.1 (first row), click the mouse
and type 1.2. Press [Enter]; the crosshair moves into the adjacent column "group 1"; type 1.2.

· click anywhere else in the menu; the program creates the title "9*1.2+g1 *1.2" in the title column.

· click the button. The program generates ‘n’ load combinations, where ‘n’ = the number of
staggered load cases defined.

Tabular results:

· click the icon

· click the icon

· Specify: Sort results by elements/nodes

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Beam results: End and max. in span

· click the button; the program displays a table showing the moment, shear and axial force at
both beam ends as well as the maximum span result.
· Click Exit in the menu bar of the table window to return to the main menu

Graphic results:

· click the icon

· Specify:

and Combination; select any combination from the pull-down list box

· click the button; the program superimposes the result diagram on the model geometry.

Graphic results - Single beam:

· Display all envelope results for the beams on the first floor:

· click the icon

· move the adjacent to beam 5 (start of line) so that it is highlighted with a ; click the
mouse. Similarly select beam 8 (end of line); the program draws envelope diagrams for all result types
for the selected line of beam.

To select another Demo model -

· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the pull-down menu).

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4.15 Steel - hot rolled

The model geometry as defined in STRAP does not provide sufficient information for the steel module to
carry out an accurate design.
For example, Figure (b) shows a typical steel frame elevation. Figure (a) shows the same frame as
analyzed in STRAP. It is obvious that the program is unable to determine which STRAP members form
continuous beams (chains of members must be designed as a single unit), the location of intermediate
supports for lateral-torsional buckling and axial buckling as well as design constraints.

Define the following design data:

Sections Limit selection to:
beams : UB shapes
columns : UC shapes
bracing : double angles

Identical beams:
Column 11-12-13specified as an identical group

Column 15-16-17-specified as an identical group

Column 19-20-22 specified as an identical group
Bracing 23 and 24 specified as an identical group
Intermediate supports:
Members 4,7,8: "Continuous" support for +z major axis bending, major and minor axis buckling. The
support is provided by the floor slab.
Combined beams:
Members 11,12: Beam 3 provides buckling support only for the major axis of this column, i.e. members
11 and 12 act as a single unit for minor axis buckling. Define major axis buckling and
-z bending supports at the common node.

Main Menu
· highlight Demo - Steel - hot rolled in the model list

· click in the tab bar at the top of the screen

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Steel Design
· select the British section table and click (the first time that the steel design module is run for
the model).
· Note the default parameters listed at the bottom of the screen. They automatically apply to all
members in the model.

‫ת‬ To change the default parameters, click the icon.

‫ת‬ To define different parameters for a specific member, click the icon.

Section types:
The program can select the lightest section from a list (type or group) or check a specified section.

· Click the icon in the side menu

· Specify Limit selection to section type and select UB; click the button

Select all beams

· Click
· Select Draw in the menu bar and Section type/group/check in the pulldown menu; UB is displayed
adjacent to every beam.

· Click the icon in the side menu

· Specify Limit selection to section type and select UC; click the button

Select all beams

· Set Select only beams parallel to a beam, click and select any column

· Click the icon and select EQ.D.ANG in the listbox; Click .

Individual beams
· Click the button
· Select the two diagonal bracing members.


· Click the icon in the side menu

Define lines of identical beams

· Click the button.
· Specify One node in the window/polygon and click the
Select by window
· Create a window about the lower end of all the columns. Note that
each column forms a separate “identical” group.

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· Click the icon.

Select a series of identical beams

· Click the button

Individual beams
· Click the button and select the two diagonal members.


· Click the icon in the side menu

· Specify the following supports:

Continuous support
· Click the button.

Individual beams
· Click the button and select beams 4, 7, and 8.

· Click the button.

Combined beams:
· Combine members 11 and 12 to form a single design unit and specify the major axis support provided
by beam 3.

· Click the icon in the side menu

· Select beams 11 and 12: click on beam 11, click on beam 12 and then click on beam 12 again to end
the selection.


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· click the icon and click the button; the program now selects the lightest
section according to the user defined parameters. All load combination are checked for axial, bending,
shear, LTB and combined stress capacity and for slenderness and deflection limitations.
· The program displays a table showing for each member the section selected, the critical combination,
the slenderness, deflection and the capacity ratios (actual/capacity) for each of the design checks.
· click Exit in the menu bar.

Graphic results:
· click Results in the menu bar.
· click Display selected sections in the menu bar. The program superimposes the names of the
selected sections on the model geometry.
· click Results in the menu bar.
· click Display capacity in the menu bar.

· specify Colour by capacity and Display % of capacity

· click the Result type box and select Axial force+moment from the list displayed (or any other

· click the button; the program superimposes the capacity percentage on the model geometry.
Note the colour coding of the members and the text.

To select another Demo model -

· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the pull-down menu).

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4.16 Steel - light gauge

This demo demonstrates the definition and design of a structure fabricated from Cold-formed (light gauge)
steel sections.

The program designs cold formed sections according to one of the following codes:
· AISI Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel Structural Members:
2012 Edition of the AISI Standard “North American Specification for the Design of Cold-Formed Steel
Structural Members” and Supplement 2004 to the 2001 Edition.
· CSA S136-1994
· Eurocode 3- Part 1.3 - 2009
· BS5950 - Part 5 - 1998 - "Code of practice for design of cold-formed thin gauge sections"

· the user may use the standard section tables included in the program or define his own sections.
· structures with both cold-formed and hot-rolled sections may be designed by the program.

The following design data is defined in the demo:

· truss members : limit sections to C+Lips
· columns : limit sections to CDEE

Identical beams:
· members 23-24 specified as an identical group.
· members 7-8-9-10-11-12-21-22 specified as an identical group.
· members 1-2-3-4-5-6 specified as identical group.

Intermediate supports:
Members 7-8-9-10-11-12: support for +Z major axis bending ,
minor axis buckling.
Members 23-24: support for +Z major axis bending.
minor axis buckling.

Combined beams:
Members 1-2-3; 4-5-6: Define major axis buckling at the common nodes.

Main Menu

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Create cold formed sections:

· Select Utilities in the menu bar.
· Select Create/Edit a steel section table.

Steel Table
· Select File in the menu at the top of the screen.
· Select Edit cold form table file.
· Select Edit in the menu bar at the top of the screen.
· Select Add section type in the pull down menu.

· Click the button to open the section shape pull-down-menu

· Select: 2C sections with lips front to front
· Type the Section type name as - DCEE (notice that DCEE in the section type menu is highlighted).

· Click the button
· Select Edit in the menu bar and Select Add section to current type.

· Click in the section data table
· Click File in the menu bar
· Click Exit in the file menu.

Main Menu
· Highlight Demo - Light gauge in the model list.

· Click in the menu bar at the top of the screen.

Steel design

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Default parameters:
Note the current default parameters listed at the bottom of the screen. To change a parameter, click the

icon in the side menu.

· specify the cold-formed design Code:

· specify a new value for Fy:

· Click


· Click the icon in the side menu

· Specify Limit section to section type and select C+Lips; click the button
· Specify both nodes in the Window/polygon and click
· Create a window about the truss.

· Click the icon

· Specify Limit section to section type and select DCEE ; Click

Individual beams
· Click the button and select the two column members.

To display and check the last definition:

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· Click Draw in the menu bar at the top of the screen

· Click Section Type/Group/Check in the pull-down menu
· (To Delete the section type from the display use the same option again)


· Click the icon in the side menu

Select a series of identical beams

· Click the button

Individual beams
· Click the button and select the two columns (members 23,24)

· Click the icon

Define lines of identical beams

· Click the button

Individual beams
· Click the button and select the beam members 21,22 and 1.

Note that each beam forms a separate identical group. (use the “Draw” option)


· Click the icon in the side menu

· Specify the following supports:

Intermediate supports
· Click the button

Individual beams
· Click the button and select the beams 7-8-9-10-11-12.
· Specify Distance from beam start = 4.5

· Click the button

· Click the icon

· Specify the following supports:

Intermediate supports
· Click the button

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Individual beams
· Click the button and select the columns 23, 24.
· Specify Distance from beam start = 3.0

Next support
· Click the button
· Specify Distance from beam start = 6.0

Next support
· Click the button
· Specify Distance from beam start = 9.0

Next support
· Click the button

· Click the button
· Use the “Draw” option to check the supports.

Combined beams:
Combine members 1-2-3 and 4-5-6 to form a single design unit:

· Click the icon in the side menu

· Specify the following supports at the common nodes:

· Select beams 1 and 3

· Click the icon in the side menu

· Repeat for beams 4 - 6.
· Use the “Draw” option to check.


· Click the icon in the side menu

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· Click the button; the program now selects the lightest section according to the user defined
parameters and slenderness and deflection limitations.
· The program displays a table showing for each member the section selected, the critical combination,
the slenderness, deflection and the capacity ratios (actual/capacity) for each of the design checks.
· Click Exit in the table menu bar.

· Select Results in the menu bar
· Select Display detailed results in the pull-down menu.

· Move the adjacent to column 23 so that the column is highlighted with a ; click the

· Specify Design combination only and click the button
· The program displays the detailed results for the column. Scroll through them.
· click Exit in the menu bar.

To select another Demo model -

· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the pull-down menu).

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4.17 Steel - composite beam

Design the following steel beam with profiled steel deck and concrete slab:

· The beam and slab are unpropped during construction.
· Bay width = 3.0 m
· Effective flange width = 2(L/8) =2.25 m < 3.00 m
· IPE steel grade = S355
· Studs connectors: design shear resistance Prd x Kt = 50 kN
2 3
· Concrete: C25/30; fck =25 N/mm , Ecm = 31000 N/mm2, density = 25 kN/m

· Construction stage:
Permanent: slab self-weight = 2.58 kN/m2
deck self-weight = 0.08 kN/m2
beam self-weight - applied by program
Imposed: Construction load = 0.75 kN/m2
· Composite stage:
Permanent: slab/deck/beam self-weight
Partitions, ceiling, etc = 1.25 kN/m2
Imposed: 2.50 kN/m2 , comprised of :
- short-term = 1.75 kN/m2
- long- term = 0.75 kN/m2

Load factors:
Dead - γG = 1.35
Imposed - γQ = 1.50

Main Menu
Click new model in the toolbar.

Preliminary Menu

· select Plane frame

· select

Continuous beam
· select
· select Continuous beam; specify 1 span with L = 9.0 m

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· Click the icon (Select the European section table)

· Click IPE in the section type list and 400 in the section list.

· Skip the load definition

· click twice and proceed to Geometry

· select in the tab bar.

Define 5 load cases:
Construction stage:
1. load case SW1: self-weight of beam (applied by program)
Self-weight of deck and slab = (2.58+0.08)*3 = 7.98 kN/m
2. load case IL1: construction load = 0.75 * 3 = 2.25 kN/m
Composite stage:
3. load case SW2: Self-weight of partitions, ceilings, etc = 1.25*3 = 3.75 kN/m
4. load case IL2: long-term imposed load = 0.75 * 3 = 2.25 kN/m
5. load case IL3: short-term imposed load = 1.75 *3 = 5.25 kN/m

Define the loads in load case SW1:

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· Click the icon.

· Enter the load case title - SW1

· select

· select

· select

Select all beams

· click
· define the load:

· select

· select and define the uniform load

· click
· Repeat for the remaining four load cases.

· Click to solve the model.


· Select in the side menu

· select combinations
· Define the combinations as follows:

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· click in the tab bar

Steel design:

· select the European steel table and click

· click
‫ת‬ General tab:

‫ת‬ Design code tab:

Select Eurocode 3
‫ת‬ Steel grade tab
select Fe510 (fy = 355)

‫ת‬ Composite tab

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· Select Loads in the top Menu bar and Load types for composite sections in the menu.
Loads on composite beam may be applied at two different stages:
‫ ת‬to the non-composite steel beam
‫ ת‬to the composite steel and topping beam, either as a short-term load or as a long term load
· Arrange the menu as follows, assigning each load case to a different stage:

· click and click to continue.

The program displays the Results summary table; close it.

· Select Results in the Menu bar and Display detailed results in the menu to verify the calculations:

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You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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4.18 Concrete - beams & columns

Design the beams and columns of the frame shown in Figure below and create a column schedule.

Beams and columns are designed separately; each has its own default parameters. The continuous
beams and columns must be defined by the user

Main Menu
· highlight Demo - Concrete - beams & columns in the model list
· click in the tab bar at the top of the screen

Concrete design
· Note the Height axis = X2 parameter. The program assumes by default that all members parallel to
this axis are columns and that all members perpendicular to this axis are beams.
· beam default parameters are listed at the bottom of the screen. They automatically apply to all beams
in the model. Different parameters will be displayed if you select in the bottom side

· To change the default parameters, click

· To define different parameters for a specific member, click .


· select in the side menu


· click and the tab

· Specify Shear reinforcement as:
Links only
Diameter: Min=8 Max=12
Shear reduction

· click the button


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Define the continuous beams in the model. The program assumes that beams are perpendicular to the
“Height axis” and can create them automatically.

· Click the icon

Automatic definition of all beams

· click the button.

Display/revise beams
· click the button.
· move the adjacent to any beam so that the beam is highlighted with a ; click the
mouse. The program displays the continuous beam schematically.

· click the button.

· display more beams or click the button.


· Click the icon

· Specify For all defined beams and click the button. The program calculates moment and
shear reinforcement for all of the beams and displays a summary table listing the results.
· click Exit in the table menu bar

· select Results in the menu bar at the top of the screen and select Display detailed results in the

pull-down menu (or click in the toolbar)

· move the adjacent to any beam so that the beam is highlighted with a ; click the mouse.

· Specify Display envelope only and click the button.
· The program displays the detailed results for the beam. Scroll though them.
· click Exit in the table menu bar


· Select in the side menu

Default parameters:

· Click the icon

· Specify

· Click the tab

· Specify the column lap and link details

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· click the button.

Define the continuous columns in the model. The program assumes that columns are parallel to the
“Height axis” and can create them automatically.

· Click the icon

Automatic definition of all columns

· click the button.

Display/revise columns
· click the button.
· move the adjacent to any column so that the column is highlighted with a ; click the mouse. The
program displays the continuous column schematically.

· click the button.

· display more columns or click the button.


· Click the icon

· Specify For all defined columns and click the button. The program calculates
reinforcement for all of the columns and displays a summary table listing the results.
· click Exit in the table menu bar

· select Results in the menu bar at the top of the screen and select Display detailed results in the

pull-down menu (or click in the toolbar).

· move the adjacent to any column so that the beam is highlighted with a ; click the mouse.

· Specify Design combination only and click the button.
· The program displays the detailed results for the column. Scroll though them.
· click Exit in the table menu bar

Column table:

· Click the icon

New table
· click the button.
· type in the table name, select the table size and orientation.

· Click

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Select all beams

· click to include all columns in the table
· specify the table format parameters:

and -

· click the button to display the table.

The table is displayed with diamond-shaped additional links. Let’s revise the links to rectangular ones.

· Click the icon.

· Click the icon.

Link types
· Click the button and select Use rectangular links where possible

Select all beams

· click to revise all the columns in the model

· click the button and click the icon

· Highlight Table 1 and click to display the revised schedule.

To select another Demo model -

· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the pull-down menu).

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4.19 Concrete - slab detailing

Design the reinforcement in a typical concrete floor slab:


Dead: Beams and slab - self weight
Slab - 4.0 kN/m2
Live: Slab - 1.5 kN/m2

1.35*Dead + 1.50 * Live
1.00*Dead + 0.20 * Live

Main Menu
· Highlight Demo - Concrete - slab detailing.

· Click in the tab bar

Concrete design
Define the slab “spaces”:
The slab can be divided into several subspaces by 'dividing lines'. Each dividing line represents a
boundary for slab reinforcement:
· different dividing lines may be defined for top and bottom reinforcement
· different parameters may be defined for each space
· reinforcement terminates at a dividing line (with optional overlap length)
· dividing lines may be defined along element boundaries or at beam locations

· Select in the bottom side menu

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The slab is divided into two subspaces for top and bottom reinforcement by specifying the start and end
nodes of the dividing line:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

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· select Nodes 2 and 6 (twice)

· To verify, select Data display in the menu bar and then Space numbers - top reinf. and Space
numbers - bot. reinf. in the menu; the space numbers are superimposed on the display.

Specify the default type for the slab reinforcement. There are two main types:
· Bars: the program details the diameter and spacing required in both directions in a series of
overlapping rectangles that cover the slab surface
· Meshes: prefabricated fabric; the program calculates the number of bars required in either direction.

Specify Bars for the both top and bottom reinforcement:

· Click in the side menu

· Click
The reinforcement is aligned by default parallel with the X1 and X2 axes. In the right space in our model
the bars should be placed parallel to the contour.

· Click in the side menu.

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· Click
· Select any two nodes parallel to the long dimension of the
space to define the direction of the reinforcement and
select any element in the space using the
Individual elements
option to identify the space.

· Compute the required area:

· Click in the side menu; the program

displays a list of the required reinforcement area.

Draw the reinforcement:

· Click in the side menu

New drawing
· Click and revise the drawing title in the drawing list.

· Click

· Click in the side menu

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· click on any element in the slab (this option allows you to select a particular level in larger models).
· move the to the correct location on the drawing and click the mouse. The program draws the
reinforcement drawing (zoomed portion shown here for clarity):

Check that the reinforcement provided is adequate:

· Click

· Click

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· the program shows that the cover is adequate (refer to the color code in the menu):

Create the second drawing:

· Click in the side menu

New drawing
· Click to create “Drawing no. 2"

· Click and follow instructions above, but select Bottom reinforcement

Bar schedule:

· Click in the side menu

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· move the to the correct location on the drawing and click the mouse. The program draws the bar
schedule (zoomed portion shown here for clarity):

You may now revise any of the parameters and check the drawing; note that you do not have to erase
the drawing and add it again - the program calculates new detailing according to the parameter change
and automatically updates the drawing.

For example, revise the top reinforcement (Drawing no.1) to “Mesh” reinforcement.

· Click the icon.

· Click in the side menu

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· click

· Click in the side menu

· Click and highlight the second row in the table - Drawing no. 2 - and click ; the drawing is now
displayed with meshes instead of regular reinforcement:

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Finally, display a summary of the reinforcement and parameters for each space and the for the model:
· click Data tables in the menu bar and Display data table in the menu

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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4.20 Solid section - column

This example demonstrates how how to design a column with an arbitrary cross-section defined by the

The model is a simple one member column, loaded with an axial load and moment; the
column has the following cross-section:

The example shows how to -

· create the section in the CROSEC section generator
· copy the section to STRAP
· arrange the column reinforcement temple (corner bars and groups) in the concrete
design module.

The section will be imported into the program from a DXF file. Please download the file
from (note the upper-case "W")

Geometry - general
· click the new model icon

· select Space Frame and click

· rotate the model to the X1-X3 plane:

‫ת‬ click the Dynamic rotate icon

X1-X3 plane
‫ת‬ click the button
‫ת‬ click
· click in the side menu and define the following two nodes:
‫ת‬ X1=0 ; X2=0 ; X3=0
‫ת‬ X1=0 ; X2=0 ; X3=5
· click and define a beam connecting the two nodes.
· click and define the following supports at the two nodes:

‫ת‬ Bottom node:

‫ת‬ Top node: restrain the node against horizontal movement and allow

vertical deflection: select and -

The defined geometry is displayed as:

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Geometry - section

The section is defined in the CROSEC section generator

· select File in the menu bar and "Section generator"
in the menu:

There are three ways to define a section in CROSEC:

· define the lines
· select a standard section from the library
· import a DXF format file
We will use the third option.

If you have not downloaded the DXF file as explained at

the beginning of this example, please do so now.

· select File in the menu bar and "Import DXF file" in

the menu (or click in the icon bar):

· select the file (in the folder where you saved the file)
and click .

· Select the layers to import:

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· the program displays the section. Select -

to display the section properties:

· copy the section to the computer's

"clipboard"; select -

· select File in the menu bar and "Exit" in the


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Geometry - continued ...

· click and then select in the side menu.

· click and highlight the first row in the table ("- Not used -") and click .

· check the section orientation and material:

· click to display the rendered drawing:

· click in the tab bar.

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Define joint loads at the top of the column:

· click in the side menu and enter a title.

· click in the side menu and define the following axial load and moment:

· click and
· click the tab

Concrete design module

· click

· click
Automatic definition of all columns End
· click and click .

· click and specify various design parameters - design code, concrete type,
reinforcement grade, cover, etc.

To arrange the reinforcement template for the solid section:

· click
Edit STRAP solid section
· click
· The program displays the default reinforcement arrangement:
‫ת‬ a "corner bar" and every perimeter corner
‫ת‬ a reinforcement line between every pair of adjacent corner bars:

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The following changes will be made:

‫ ת‬lines 8 to 15 will be deleted as the corner bars along the arc are sufficient.
‫ ת‬the following symmetric line pairs will be specified as identical: 7-16, 3-5 and 2-6.

Delete lines
· click : highlight line 8 and click the mouse. Repeat for line 9 to 15

Assign lines to group

· click :click on line 7 and then on line 16; line 16 is renumbered "7". Repeat for
lines 3-5 and 2-6.

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When completed the section should appear as:

· click
· click

· click in the side menu; the column result

summary is displayed.

· to display the detailed results, right-click on the column:

and select Design combination only

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· Finally, you may modify the diameter of quantity of bars in any reinforcement group:

and select the column. The program displays the following screen:

The "solid section"option can also be used to calculate a beam with any section by defining it as a
"column". However it is the user's responsibility to ensure that all Code requirements for beams are

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4.21 Concrete slab - deflection

STRAP calculates the linear elastic deflection of a concrete slab based on the gross cross-section
moment-of-inertia. However the actual slab deflections are much greater due to several important
· cracking
· reinforcement ratio
· time-dependent non-linear factors, such as creep and shrinkage.

The STRAP results module has an option to calculate the deflection using a method which takes into
account these factors. The method is an empirical one based on an "effective" moment-of-inertia
approach and it important to understand that this method is not an exact one.

The method calculates an "effective" (reduced) moment-of-inertia that is a function of the ratio of the
actual moment to the cracking moment of the element.
Eurocode 2:

ACI 318:

where the fourth power is used as suggested by Branson for continuous integration.
for both codes:
Ie = effective moment-of-inertia
Ig = gross moment-of-inertia, including reinforcement
Icr = cracked moment-of-inertia
M = service moment
Mcr = cracking moment

STRAP calculates the effective moment-of-inertia and for each element in both direction and then solves
the model again using the reduced stiffness values.

The total deflection at is the sum of the immediate deflection ai from all service loads and the long-term
deflection at from the sustained service loads, therefore different stiffness values are used for immediate
and long-term deflection calculations based on the value of M derived from the loads applied; the user
must define different load combinations for immediate and long-term loads.

· click the new model icon

· select and click

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· define the eleven corner nodes that form the slab


· click and then select

in the side menu.

· click in the following menu.
· select the eleven corner nodes (in the order they are
numbered) to define the floor contour and close by
selecting the first node again.
End contour definition
· select .
· click in the following menu to accept the default
mesh parameters; the program creates and displays
the floor slab.

· click in the side menu and click and

highlight Property 1 in the table.
· Define thickness = 200 mm and E = 30,000 mPa (30 x
106 kN/m2)

Define pinned supports at the nodes as shown in the
following drawing:


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Define dead and live service loads in separate

load cases:

· click at the top of the screen.

· click and type in "Dead"

as the load case title.
· select in the side menu.

· select and and

define a loads = 10 kN/m2:

Select all elements

· select
· select

· repeat for a second load case titled "Live" with a uniform load = -3 kn/m2 applied to all elements.

· click to solve the model.

The slab deflections will be calculated according to Eurocode 2.
First we will check the STRAP uncracked elastic deflection:

Three combinations are required
· ultimate loads - total - to calculate the reinforcement
· service loads - total - to calculate the immediate deflection ai
· service loads - sustained - to calculate the long-term deflections at ; assume that 30% of the live load
is sustained.

To define the combinations:

· select in the side menu and

· define the following combinations:

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Elastic deflections:

· click in the side menu and

· arrange the menu as follows, click ; the program displays the deflection contour map:

The maximum elastic deflection is 5.97 mm.

Deflections - cracked section:

· click in the side menu and

· specify the deflection parameters:

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1. The "creep factor" is used to calculate the total long-term deflection. The deflections calculated
from the long-term combination using the effective moment-of inertia are multiplied by this factor.
The factor corresponds to:
· Eurocode 2: Equation (7.20)
· ACI 318: Equation (9-11)
2. The reinforcement values used to calculated the effective moments-of-inertia are determined as
Reinf. required for moments/forces
The program calculates the area required and then selects actual reinforcement according to
the specified range of diameters and spacings. This actual area is used to calculate the
effective moments-of-inertia.
User defined reinforcement
The program uses the spacing and diameter specified in the reinforcement option in this dialog
box for all elements, top and bottom, both directions. However, different reinforcement area
may be defined for selected elements, as follows:
· select in the side menu

· select

· click to calculate the reinforcement, the effective moments-of-inertia and to to solve the model
again with the reduced stiffnesses.

· click

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The maximum deflection is 19.8 mm, (19.8/5.97) = 3.3 times greater than the elastic deflection.

Estimate the deflection at node 93 in terms of L/x, relative to support nodes 289 and 4:

· click
· select Draw deflected shape and click ; the program superimposes the deflected shape
and deflection values:

· click at the bottom of the display.
· click on nodes 93, 289 and 4 (in that order). The program displays the relative deflection:

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Display a table of the cracked section properties:

· click
· select Cracked sections table and click ; the program displays the following table:

Elem - element number
Comb - comination used for deflection calculation
Dir - direction; properties are calculated in both reinforcement directions
Mcr - the cracking moment
M - the moment at the element center
F - the axial force in the element
As - the tension reinforcement (calculated, minimum or user-defined)
As' - the compression reinforcement (calculated, minimum or user-defined)
x - height of the compression block in the section
Ir/Ig - ratio between the cracked and uncracked moments-of-inertia.
Ie/Ig - ratio between the effective and uncracked moments-of-inertia.

For example, in element 90

· the moment in the X-direction = 32.3 kN-m is greater than the cracking moment = 20.23 kN-m
· the section is cracked, hence the effective moment-of-inertia is 33.2% of the uncracked moment-of-

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· in the Y-direction, the moment = 18.47 is less than the cracking moment, hence the program uses
the uncracked section (Ie/Ig = 1.000)

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4.22 Dynamic analysis - Wall elements

This example is a continuation of the "Space frame - walls 44 " example. The files for this model contain
the geometry as defined as well as the following static loads applied to all floor slabs on all levels:
· Dead = 8.0 kN/m
· Live = 1.5 kN/m
The mass used for the dynamic analysis will be based on the dead load and 20% of the live load.

Main Menu
· highlight Demo - Dynamic analysis - walls in the model list

· click on in the tab bar.


· click the icon

· click the icon

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· click the icon

· Click the icon

· Select Seismic analysis in the menu bar and Method for combining modes in the pulldown menu

· Select in the side menu.

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· click the icon.

The results for all wall segments are displayed on the screen.

Add the dynamic results to the static results file:

· Click the icon.

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Display the results in STRAP:

· Select in the tab bar.

· click the icon.

The moments in the walls are displayed.

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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4.23 Dynamic - seismic analysis

The aim of seismic analysis is to calculate the reaction of the model to earthquakes. This example
describes the method to analyse the building using Modal Analysis. Modal Analysis is the accepted
method and is recommended by mode design codes. The reaction of the model for each mode shape is
calculated according to the response spectrum given by the seismic code.

Geometry definition
Because the aim of this example is to describe the method to do Modal Analysis, we will use a simple
six-story structure, with a storey height of 3 meters. The seismic load carrying system consists of four
shear walls.

We will define the model geometry and part of the loads using the AutoSTRAP program.

The DXF file can be downloaded from:



· click the AutoSTRAP icon on the

· click the "New" icon
· select the DXF file that you downloaded
and click
· the program displays the following menu. The lines representing the contours are found in Layer #4
and the lines forming the walls are in Layer #43 and these layers must be identified and assigned:

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· the elements identified by the program are displayed on the screen. To display the slab element grid

click on the icon.

Add level
· click on in the side menu and at the bottom of the dialog box:

The program adds the list of levels to the Dialog box; click to continue

· Click in the lower side menu, then select in the upper side
Select all spaces
· click and define the loads:

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· Create the STRAP model: click in the bottom side menu.

· Click in the top side menu and check Create rigid links in plane. This
options create infinite rigidity in the plane of the floor slab.

· Click in the top side menu

· click the STRAP icon on your desktop and double-click on the line with the "Modal analysis" model.

· click in the icon bar to display an isometric view.

· select the submodel to display from the list in the side menu:

· click in the icon bar to display the walls.

· define "dummy beams" on the slab perimeter (for applying line loads to the slab): click

in the lower side menu, then click in the upper side menu.

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· Set the following two parameters:

‫ת‬ Prop. = 0 in the bottom dialog box (indicates that the beams are 'dummy')
‫ת‬ Chain with previous beam in the options at the top of the side menu
· Select the four corner nodes in sequence, then select the first node again to end the beam definition..

· display the Main model:

Add the walls self-weight and the masonry line loads along the slab perimeter (the slab self-weight was
defined as part of the slab dead load):
· click the tab.

· select in the side menu, select the "Dead" load case and click .

· select in the lower side menu and select in the upper side menu.

· click on , select the local x3 direction and define a factor = -1.0.

Select all elements
· click on ; the load is applied to all elements (the walls) in the main model.
· select the first instance of the submodel:

· select in the lower side menu and select in the upper side menu.

Select all beams

· click on , then and define the loads:

· return to the Main model:

· click

· click to solve the model for static loads

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Dynamic analysis
· click the tab. The masses are defined from the static loads.

· select the option:

· select the option again:

· select in the side menu:

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· click to calculate the mode shapes.

Start animation End animation

· display the results graphically: select a mode shape and then click /
at the bottom of the screen to start/stop animation; repeat for other mode shapes.

Seismic analysis
· Select the method for combining the modes: select "Seismic analysis" in the menu bar and "Method
for combining modes" in the pulldown menu:
· SRSS :square root of sum of squares
The estimated response R (force, displacement,
etc) at a specified coordinate is expressed as:

where Ri is the corresponding maximum

response of the ith mode at the coordinate.
· CQC : complete quadratic combination
The estimated response is expressed as:

where r = the cross-modal damping coefficient

‫ ת‬When some of the modes are closely spaced, the SRSS method may grossly underestimate or
overestimate the maximum response. Large errors have been found in particular in space models
in which the torsional effects are significant. The term "closely spaced" may be arbitrarily defined

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as the case where the difference between two natural frequencies is less than 10% of the smaller
‫ת‬ The CQC method is a more precise method of combining the maximum values of modal response.
‫ת‬ the two methods are identical for undamped models (x = 0).

The seismic analysis for this is done according to the ASCE/SEI 7-05 Code; you may select other
Codes, e.g. Eurocode 8, NBC-Canada, etc.

· select in the side menu :

1. Specify the direction that the
earthquake is applied. Select
one of the global directions or
define a vector as a
combination of the three global
directions. All mode shapes
are used no matter in which
direction the earthquake is
applied. However the modes
which have deflections in the
applied direction will dominate.
2. Specify the soil type as per
Table 20.3.1.
3. Define the Importance factor as
per Table 11.5.1.
4. Define the "Response
modification coefficient" as per
Table 12.2-1.
5. Specify a value of TL,
calculated according to
Section 11.4.5 and the Figures
in Chapter 22.
6. Specify the mapped maximum
considered earthquake
spectral response acceleration
at short periods (Ss ) and at 1s
(S1) as detailed in Section 11.4
and the Maps in Section 20.
7. Referring to Section 12.9.4,
when the base shear
calculated from the modal
shape analysis is different than
the base shear calculated
according to the Equivalent
lateral force procedure of
Section 12.8, all corresponding
responses, including moments
and forces are adjusted

· to display the modal results, click and select .

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1. period (seconds)
2. Participation factor: a factor reflecting the relative influence of the mode shape. The sum should be
greater than 90%.
3. sum of external forces in all global directions.
4. the root of the sum of the squares of the horizontal forces.

· click to display results at each level:

Drift calculations
· , select in the following menu.

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Stiffness and mass centers

· click on the button in the above table:

Story shear forces/moments

· click on the button in the previous menu to display the shear force,
cumulative shear force and story moments at each level:

Create static load cases from the modal results and append them to the the regular load cases:

· click in the side menu:

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The program creates a fictitious load case representing an earthquake acting in the X1 direction ,
created by combining the mode shapes according to the code. The step should be repeated for the
X2 direction, but the following steps assume that only this one case was created. In addition, we have
not considered the minimum eccentricity required by the code.

· click the tab.
· display only the main model: select Display, Submodel instances and Remove all; click .

· click and select the options in the following menu:

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· create combinations: select in the lower side menu, in the upper

side menu and create the following combinations:

Concrete postprocessor
· click the tab.

· click in the lower side menu and in the upper side menu.
· specify the following parameters in the three menu tabs:

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· click in the side menu. The program calculates the reinforcement for each wall
segment according to the code provisions and displays the result summary:

· right-click on any wall segment and select Display detailed results for wall. For example

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4.24 Dynamic - Time-history

This module calculates the transient (history) response of a model subject to dynamic loads in which
viscous damping is present. It enables the dynamic analysis of models subject to impact, impulse or
cyclic loads or any other type of load that varies with time.

The stages in solving a model for this type of dynamic loading are:
· geometry definition
· definition of masses
· calculation of natural frequency
· definition of the time-history function and associated loads
· display of results and transfer to STRAP

Geometry definition
Because the aim of this example is to describe the method to do Time-History Analysis, we will use a
simple frame structure with a height of 3 meters. A ZIP file containing model files may be downloaded by
clicking on this link:

In the STRAP main menu:

· click on Files and select Unzip a model; select the downloaded file.
· click and highlight the model and click

Mode shape analysis

· click the tab

· select the option in the side menu

· define a weight = 50 kN on node 5:

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· select node 5

· select in the side menu and specify the following options:

· select in the side menu to calculate the mode shapes.

Time-History Analysis
Load suddenly released:
Calculate the cycles of vibration if a horizontal load is applied to the top of the frame and then suddenly
released. Assume 4% damping.
· click on in the menu bar.

· click on in the side menu

· type in the name of the load case, e.g. "Load suddenly removed"

· click on in the side menu

· Define a horizontal load of 100 kN:

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To display the load, set Joint loads" in the
Display option:

There are several ways to apply the load. We will apply it gradually and linearly so that the load is
applied fully at t=30 sec, then reduce it to a zero load at t =30.01 sec.

· click on in the side menu

· define the first segment of the load - 0 to 30 sec - as follows:

· define the second segment of load - 30. to 30.01 sec - similar to above:

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· click to continue.

Define the damping:

· click on in the side menu

Display the results:

1. Natural frequency and period:

· click on in the side menu.

· select in the menu
· the following table is displayed:

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2. Displacements (graphic):
A time span must be defined before displaying the displacements. For example, display the deflections
from 0 to 35 sec:

· click on in the side menu.

· specify the result type, direction and time span:

and select node 2. The program displays the time-deflection diagram:

Zoom in on the 30 to 35 sec range:

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The rate at which the displacements decrease is a function of the damping value.

3. Displacements (tables):
A time span must be defined before displaying the displacements. For example, display the deflections
from 0 to 35 sec at node 2:
· select "Time tables" in the menu bar:

Repeat to add t = 35 sec, then delete t = 0 sec:

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· click in the side menu.

· select the result type, etc:

· The program displays the table:

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Periodic forcing function:

The following motor is located at node 5:
· weight = 40 kN
· horizontal period force = 8.5 kN at a frequency = 1.75 Hz.
· damping ratio = 4%

Similar to the previous example:

· select the option in the side menu and define an additional weight = 40 kN on
node 5.

· select in the side menu to calculate the mode shapes.

· click on in the menu bar.

· click on in the side menu

· type in the name of the load case, e.g. "Periodic force"
· Define a horizontal load of 8.5 kN at node 2.

· click on in the side menu

· Enter the following history function (1.75 Hz = 0.5714 sec)

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· click and display the results as described in the previous example, e.g. X1
deflections (graphic):

The deflections
become stable after 7

and the natural frequency:

· click on in the side menu

· click on in the side menu and revise the "Period T" to 0.454 sec (the natural
· The X1 deflections are:

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· The steady-state deflection is 59.4 mm.

· The horizontal deflection for a model with a
horizontal static load = 8.5 kn is 4.83 mm.
· The Dynamic Load Factor (DLF) = 59.4/4.83 =

Blast load:
Calculate the deflections for a blast load of 30 kN that is applied at t =0 and decreases linearly to 0 kN
ant t = 0.16 sec.

Similar to the previous example:

· click on in the side menu

· type in the name of the load case, e.g. "Blast load"
· Define a horizontal load of 30 kN at node 2.

· click on in the side menu

· Enter the following history function (as described in the first example) by defining two points:
t=0., f(t)=1.0 and t=0.16, f(t)=0.

· click

· click on in the side menu and define 5% damping.

· display the results as described in the previous examples, e.g. X1 deflections (graphic):

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Ground motion:
Calculate the deflections for a horizontal ground acceleration that increases linearly from 0 to 1.962
m/sec 2 at 0.04 sec, then subsides linearly to 0 m/sec 2 at 0.08 sec.

Similar to the previous example:

· click on in the side menu

· type in the name of the load case, e.g. "Ground motion"

· click on in the side menu and define a magnitude = 0.2g (= 0.2x9.981 = 1.962
m/sec 2)

· click on in the side menu

· Enter the following history function (as described in the first example):

· click and display the results as described in the previous examples, e.g. X1
deflections (graphic):

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Display the forces and the moments at the top end of the left column as they vary in time:

· click on in the side menu and select the following options:

the program displays the results:

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These results can be transferred to STRAP and added as load case results:

· click on in the main side menu

· select the following options:

· select the "Ground motion" load case.

Return to the STRAP results module and display the graphic results for this load case. For example =

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4.25 Steel - connections

The steel connection design module is part of the STRAP package and cannot run as a stand-alone
Prior to designing the connections:
· define the model geometry and loads in STRAP; solve the model
· complete the design of the structural steel beams and columns in the STRAP Steel design module; a
connection cannot be designed if the connected members have not been 'Computed'.

To start the connection design module:

· Steel design : select File and Design connections. - or -
· STRAP main menu : Utilities and Connection design.

Select or in the bottom side menu.

Define general parameters:

· Define the height axis and the axis of the main beams
(girders). This is required by the program to identify the
"supporting" member and the "supported" member at
each connection:

To define the "supporting" and "supported"

members for individual connections, select

in the side menu.

Define the connection default parameters:

· click to define default parameters for all connections in the model:

‫ת‬ in the tab, specify the default connection type for the three connections

‫ת‬ in the tab, specify the design code and steel, bolt and weld types.

· click to define different parameters for specific connections in the model.

Design the connections and display the results:

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· click in the side menu.

· select the two connected members.
· the program displays the connection and the design

· click to display a rendered view of the


Refine default parameters or specify individual connection parameters:

· click or to refine parameters for the entire model or for specific


· to specify exact plate dimensions, number of bolts, etc., click and select the


This example will design the following connections for a steel portal frame:
· beam to column
· beam to beam at apex
· column base plate
Note that the beam-beam and the beam-column connections will be designed with haunches.

This example is a guide for the design of the connections only; the geometry and the load cases have
been simplified and are not an example of a proper design for this type of structure.

Create the following model:

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· click the new model icon and enter a title.

· select Space Frame, click and select

· define the dimensions:

Dimensions H2, H3, W2 and W3 define

the haunch dimensions.
· the haunches may be added in
CONNECT even if they are not
defined here.
· If haunches are defined here, STRAP
will modify the beam stiffnesses

· select IPE500 an IPE600 for the beams and columns, respectively.

Continuing in the Wizard, define three load cases - Dead, Live and Wind - by entering the following
values :

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179 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· click to exit the wizard.
· click in the tab bar.

· click to solve the model.


· click on the icon and define the following two combinations:

· click on the icons and display the M3 moment results. You should see the following moment
diagrams for the two combinations:

· click in the tab bar.

Steel Postprocessor
Check that the assumed sections are adequate:

· click and select Check section from geometry

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· click
· select Design connections in the File menu.


· connections cannot be designed unless is selected.

· the results summary table will show that the sections are not adequate. This is because lateral
supports have not been defined for the beams, however this will not affect the connection design which
is dependent only on the reactions.

Connection design
Height/main axes:
The first step is to define the "height axis" and "main axis" directions:
· Height axis:
The program assumes that the columns are parallel to the height axis and that all other members are
beams supported by the columns.
· Main axis:
The program assumes that the members parallel to the main axis are the supporting (primary) beams
and the members not parallel to this axis are the supported (secondary) beams.

In this model the height axis = X2 and the main axis = X1.

To define the axis directions:

Default parameters:
Select the default deflection type for beam-column connections and beam-beam connections:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· Select the type as follows:

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181 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

Design & display:

· to design the connection and display the detailed drawing, click

· select the connection:

· the program displays the results:

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 182

Base plate design:

Base plate design works on the same principle as beam-column and beam-beam connection design:
· the program retrieves and uses the STRAP reaction results
· the footings should be designed before the base plate design (footing dimensions, concrete type, etc,
are required to design the base plate.
· specify default parameters for all supports
· specify different parameters for selected supports
· compute and display the baseplate

Design the right support:

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183 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· click the icon at the bottom of the side menu.

· specify default parameters for all supports:

· design the base plate and display the detailed drawing, click
· select the connection:

· the program displays the results:

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4.26 Bridge design - lanes

The bridge module automatically calculates the critical loading pattern that generates the max/min
results for any result type at any point on the bridge.

· Divide the bridge into lanes and then divide each lane into strips perpendicular to the axis of the lane.
· Solve the model: the program automatically applies a unit load to each strip in a separate load case
(no. of load cases = no. of strips). The program uses the results of those cases to calculate worst
case effects by means of superposition.
· Define lane loads: specify the vehicle loads and the distributed loads required by the codes on each of
the lanes.
· Create load cases: tell the program how to arrange the various lane loads to create the design load
· Transfer results to STRAP: append a load case to the STRAP results files that contains an envelope
of the maximum results for vehicle load.
· Create combinations of the vehicle results and the self-weight and temperature loads.

Main Menu
· Highlight Demo – Bridge design - loads in the model list.

· Click in the tab bar.

The bridge consists of 2 parallel lanes, each 9 feet wide. They are defined by specifying the center line
axis and width.

· select

· select

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187 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· Click Node 5 to specify the start of lane.

· Click Node 8 to specify the end of lane.
· Define the lane parameters:

· Similarly define lane 2 between nodes 13 and 16.

Load distribution:
The generated loads may be applied to nodes, elements or selected beams.
· Select Options in the menu bar.
· Select Load direction to specify the Global direction of applied loads.

· Select Options in the menu bar.

· Select Loads distribution in the pull down menu.

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 188

Solve the model:

STRAP creates one case for each strip in the model (a unit load is applied to the strip), i.e. 240 load
cases are solved in this model.

You have now completed this phase of the design. To continue, select File in the menu bar and Solve
in the pulldown menu and then continue according to the instructions in Bridge design - results 189 .

To run a another demo:

· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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189 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

4.27 Bridge design - results

Main Menu
· Highlight Demo – Bridge design – results.

· Click in the tab bar.

Display influence lines:
Display influence lines for any STRAP beam ,element or node for any result type. For example, display
the influence line for M2 moment at the center of beam 111.

· Select Results in the menu bar:

· To select beam 111, highlight it with the and click the left button of the mouse.
· The program displays the following influence line:

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Define lane loads:

Specify the vehicle loads applied to the lanes. The following lane loads may be defined: uniform, vehicle,
knife-edge loads.

· select

· select

Define load cases:

Assign a lane load to each lane to define a load case. The program applies the load to each of the strips
along the length of the lanes; only those loads that contribute to the requested maximum/minimum result
are used.
Define three load cases:
· 1 - apply lane load A to lane 1 only.
· 2 - apply lane load A to lane 2 only.
· 3 - apply lane load A to both lane 1 and lane 2.
Define load case 1 and 2:
Create the load cases by specifying all possible permutations of the lane loads on the selected lanes.
The program creates load cases by interchanging the lane loads.

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191 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· select

· select

Define load case no. 3.

· select

· Display selected results

The program displays the loads applied to the various strips that are required to generate the
maximum/minimum result. For example, display the maximum absolute value for Mx result in the
center of element 58.

· Select Results in the menu bar.

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· To select element 58 click the mouse.

· The program displays the location of the loads applied to achieve the max results.

· Transfer results to STRAP

Create a single STRAP load case consisting of a maximum result envelope for all results types
(moment, shear, etc.). Note that you can create separate load cases for each result type.
The program will search for the critical load pattern for each result type for each node, element and
beam (1/10th of span). The results will be transferred to the STRAP results file.
· Select Results in the menu bar.
· select Update STRAP result file.

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193 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

The program runs about one million comparisons for each beam in this model for computing the
envelope and takes a few minutes to complete the calculation.


· Select in the tab bar.

· Combinations
The model also contains other load types e.g. self-weight and temperature (already defined). Let's now
define factored loading combinations of these loads with the vehicle loads envelope.

· Select in the side menu.

· Select in the side menu.

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· select

· click the icon

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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195 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

4.28 POSTTEN - beams

Design the following post-tensioned bridge:

· The structure is defined as a space model; note that the program calculates cable losses according to
the curvature in both directions
· The bridge deck section is created in the STRAP section generator program (CROSEC). The section
is found in file DEMO13.SEC
· Live loads are generated by the STRAP Bridge design module based on standard vehicle loads
arranged on two lanes.

The model files as installed include the complete geometry, regular static loads, bridge loads and


Three load cases are defined:
1 = Dead load
2 = Asphalt
3 = Temperature


Load cases transferred to STRAP:

· Maximum M2 envelope

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· Minimum M2 envelope
· Maximum V3 envelope
· Minimum V3 envelope
· Maximum axial force envelope
· Minimum axial force envelope

Group “GR1" : ‘Includes’ all six Bridge load cases (Generate a combination for each load in the group).
Combinations: 1 = 1*1.00
2 = 1*1.20
3 = 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + + 1.2*GR1
4 = 1*1.20 + 2*1.20 + + 1.5*GR1
5 = 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 + 0.8*3 + 1.0*GR1
6 = 1*1.00 + 2*1.00 - 0.8*3 + 1.0*GR1
7 = 1*1.20 + 2*1.20 + 1.0*3 + 1.25*GR1
8 = 1*1.20 + 2*1.20 - 1.0*3 + 1.25*GR1

Main Menu
· Highlight Demo – POSTTEN - beams.

· Click in the tab bar

Define the beam:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· Select Beam 1 as the start beam of the

post-tensioned beam and Beam 53 as the
end beam:

· Define the default parameters for all beams in the model, including parameters for cables,
reinforcement, losses, time steps, etc. Note that different loss parameters may be assigned to
specific beams using the Design - losses option.

· Click the icon in the side menu.

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197 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

· Set the parameters in the following menus by clicking on the tabs:

· Click to continue

Create a "stage table" when all cables are not prestressed at the same time or all loads are not applied
at the same time. Each stage is defined by the number of days from the start of construction.

· Click the icon and arrange the menu as follows:

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· Click the icon in the side menu.

Define cables and their trajectory in the beam.

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· select the beam

· The option is automatically displayed for new beams.

The dialog box displays the ‘Magnel diagram’ at three locations along the span; these diagrams show
the possible combinations of prestress force and cable eccentricity that generate acceptable stresses
throughout the beam at all stages. The diagrams below are based on an estimated loss since the
cables have not yet been defined and do not include the effect of secondary moments because the
model has not yet been solved for the added prestressing loads.

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The program displays upper and lower boundaries of eccentricity in which the centre-of-gravity of the
cables must lie. Note that the boundaries are calculated based on the estimated losses.

To define the cable trajectories:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· Double-click cable 1
First define the five parabolic segments shown in the drawing:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

Move the to the three points defining the parabola as shown above; repeat for the other parabolas

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· Click the icon in the side menu.

· Select two adjacent parabolas; the program connects them with a new segment and smooths the
· Repeat until one single cable is formed.

· click the icon

· Click

The program has still not added the effects of the prestressing to the model (secondary moments)or
calculated the exact losses:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

Solve the model for the cable force loads, including losses, at each of the stages; secondary moments
are calculated (new STRAP load cases are generated).

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· select the beam

The program recalculates the upper and lower eccentricity boundaries. The cable path may not lie within
the boundary. To correct the trajectory:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· Double-click cable 1

· Click the icon in the side menu and use any of the options to move a segment.

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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201 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

4.29 POSTTEN - slabs

Design the following post-tensioned flat slab:

Load cases:
1. Dead load: 0.3 t/m2 + self-weight
2. Live load : 0.4 t/m2


Moment Reduction:
600x600 mm rectangles have been defined around all of the slab support columns

Main Menu
· Highlight Demo – POSTTEN - Slabs.

· Click in the tab bar


· Select in the bottom side menu.

· Define the slab area:

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· Click the icon in the side menu.

· select Nodes 80 and 297 to define the base line.

· offset the top boundary 4.4 meters from the base line.

Define the default parameters for all beams and slabs in the model, including parameters for cables,
reinforcement, losses, time steps, etc. Note that different loss parameters may be assigned to specific
beams/slabs using the Design - losses option.

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· Set the parameters in the following menus:

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STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models 204

· click to continue

· Stages
Create a "stage table" when all cables are not prestressed at the same time or all loads are not
applied at the same time. Each stage is defined by the number of days from the start of construction.

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· Click the icon in the side menu.

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· Design
Define cables and their trajectory in the beam.

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· select the slab

· The option starts automatically for new slabs:

The dialog box displays the ‘Magnel diagram’ at three locations along the span; these diagrams show
the possible combinations of prestress force and cable eccentricity that generate acceptable stresses
throughout the beam at all stages. The diagrams below are based on an estimated loss since the
cables have not yet been defined and do not include the effect of secondary moments because the
model has not yet been solved for the added prestressing loads.

· The program displays upper and lower boundaries of eccentricity in which the centre-of-gravity of the
cables must lie. Note that the boundaries are calculated based on the estimated losses.

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Specify the loss parameters for individual cables:

· click the icon in the main side menu and click the tab.

Define the cable trajectories:

· Click the icon in the side menu.

· Double-click cable 1

There are several options:

· by list :
specify the straight segments and the program automatically connects them with parabolic segments:

‫ת‬ click

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The cable location is superimposed on the Magnel diagram:

· define individual segments:

We will define the cable on one-half of the beam and then copy and flip it to the second half.
The half-cable is initially defined by 5 straight segments that are then joined by parabolic segments
(the 5th segment is at the middle support).

‫ת‬ Click the icon in the side menu.

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‫ת‬ Move the to the two points defining "Segment no 1" in the table above; repeat for the other lines.
Now connect the straight segments:

‫ת‬ Click the icon in the side menu.

‫ת‬ Select two adjacent lines; the program connects them with a new segment and smooths the curve.
‫ת‬ Repeat until one single cable is formed.

Copy the cable to the other half of the slab:

‫ת‬ Click the icon in the side menu.

‫ת‬ Click the icon in the side menu.

‫ת‬ select the first straight segment (at the left support) and the last parabolic segment (to the left of the
center support).

by coordinate
‫ת‬ Specify the mid-point of the cable as the reference coordinate; click at the bottom
of the screen and move the to the following coordinates (or type in the coordinates directly):

The program copies all of the segments to the right half of the beam.

You have now completed this Demo. To select another Demo model:
· click in the Tab bar (or File in the menu bar and STRAP model list in the menu).

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209 STRAP - Demo & Tutorial Models

Index -R-
Results 93, 95

-B- Results along a line 93

Bridge analysis 186, 189

-C- Space frame
Steel design
31, 37, 44, 57
98, 102
Chess load 85 Submodel 31, 64
Combination groups 95
Composite beam
Concrete design
115 -W-
Contour map 93 Walls 44
Copy geometry 8, 31 Wizard 8, 31

Dynamic 145

Element mesh 23

Light gauge steel 102
Load combinations 95

Mesh 27
Moving loads 88

Node grid 23

Plane frame 8, 15
Plane grid 23
Post-tensionning 195, 201

© 2019 ATIR Engineering Software Ltd.

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