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Opurbo Kumar Das

ID: 21030119
Corporate Social Responsibility
What is CSR?

 Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a strategy undertaken by

companies to not just grow profits, but also to take an active and
positive social role in the world around them.
Types of CSR

 Environmental Responsibility
 Ethical Responsibility
 Philanthropic Responsibility
 Economic Responsibility
 Environmental Responsibility : Environmental responsibility
is our duty to protect and improve our environment.
 Ethical Responsibility: Ethical responsibility refers to a
company's commitment to operate their business in an ethical
manner that upholds human rights principles.
 Philanthropic Responsibility :Philanthropic responsibility refers
to a company's obligation to give back to communities through
charitable donations, volunteer work, and community
 Economic Responsibility: Economic responsibility refers to the
practice of making financial decisions based on a commitment to
doing good.
Seven Principles of Corporate Social Responsibility

1. Accountability
2. Transparency
3. Ethical behavior
4. Respect for stakeholder interests
5. Respect for the rule of law
6. Respect for the international norms of behavior
7. Respect for human rights
Why Company Engage in CSR?

 To increases customer retention and loyalty

 To increases employee engagement
 To improves brand imaging
 To attracts investment opportunities and top talent
 To makes a difference for bottom-line financials

 CSR plays a crucial role in how brands are perceived by

customers and their target audience. It may also help attract
employees and investors who prioritize the CSR goals a company
has identified.
References :


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