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The group wished to express their deepest gratitude and warmest appreciation to the
following people, who, in any way gave us the possibility making this case study a success;

First of all, to the Almighty God, who never cease in loving us and for the continued
guidance and protection.

To the group’s clinical instructors, Mrs. Lourdes Abecia, RN, Ms. Shajanie Ganotice, RN
for their guidance and support in the duration of the study and during the psychiatric nursing
exposure, whose help, stimulating suggestions and encouragement helped us in all the time of
making this case study.

The group also wishes to acknowledge the invaluable assistance and cooperation of the
staff nurses of the SPMC-IPBM for allowing us to conduct this study, for essential assistance in
reviewing the patient’s files, and giving us the opportunity to care for the mentally ill patients.

Special appreciation is extended to the client subjected for this study and other
informants for their selfless cooperation, time and entrusting personal information needed for
this study.

And to our dearest parents, who unconditionally supported the researcher all the way by
providing their needs especially in financial, emotional and spiritual support.

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