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Question Bank for 3rd Internal Assessment

Module 4 (CO3)
1. What is of nature inspired materials ? Explain considering any 3 examples.
2. What is echolocation? What are the steps involved?
3. Explain the procedure of organ image capture using ultrasonography.
4. Explain the process of photosynthesis with illustration.
5. What is photovoltaic cell? Explain the working principle of photovoltaic cell.
6. Explain the lotus leaf effect.
7. Illustrate how Velcro works?
8. Write a note on shark skin and structure of shark skin.

Module 5 (CO4)
1. With a neat diagram explain the 3D bioprinting technique. What are the various
bioprinting techniques available?
2. Explain about the various types of bioprinting materials with a neat diagram.
3. With a diagram explain the procedure involved in 3D bioprinting of ear.
4. Explain about the 3D food printing techniques.
5. Explain the DNA origami. Discuss about applications of DNA Origami.
6. What is bioimaging? What are the various techniques of bioimaging?
7. Explain the use of artificial intelligence in diagnosis of disease.
8. Explain about the bioconcrete and the self healing property of bioconcrete.

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