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Power System – II Lab (EE-16203)

Experiment No. – 3
Title: To study the differential relay modelling of transformer using Simulink.

Software Used: MATLAB R2021a

Objective: To be able perform analysis on Transformer with regard to Faults.


Transformer differential protection –

Differential relay protection scheme provides against phase to phase, phase to earth and inter-
turn faults. The differential protection scheme is based on Merz-price protection scheme of
circulating current principle. The differential protection is such that the CTs are placed on the
both side of each winding.

Differential protection is a unit type protection for a specified zone or piece of equipment. It is
based on the fact that it is only in the case of faults internal to the zone that the differential
current (difference between input and output currents) will be high. However, the differential
current can sometimes be substantial even without an internal fault.

With the exception of the inrush and overexcitation currents, most of the other problems can
be solved by means of the percent differential relay, which adds to by proper choice of the
resulting percent differential characteristics, and by proper connection of the current
transformer on each side of the power transformer.

Percentage restraint differential protective relays have been in service for many years. Figure
shows a typical differential relay connection diagram. Differential elements compare an
operating current with a restraining current.

The operating current (also called differential current), 𝐼 , can be obtained from the phasor sum
of the currents entering the protected element:

𝐼 is proportional to the fault current for internal faults and approaches zero for any other
operating (ideal) conditions.

There are different alternatives for obtaining the restraining current, 𝐼 . The most common
ones include the following:

𝐼 = 𝑘|𝐼 −𝐼 |

𝐼 = 𝑀𝑎𝑥(|𝐼 |. |𝐼 |)

Where k is a compensation factor, usually taken as 1 or 0.5.

The differential relay generates a tripping signal if the differential current is greater than a
percentage of the restraining current,𝐼 :

𝐼 > 𝑆𝐿𝑃. 𝐼

In a power or distribution transformer, there is usually a phase difference between the primary
and secondary currents of a 3-phase power transformer. This exact angle of phase shift is
mentioned in the transformer’s nameplate details. Even, if you use proper turn-ratio, a
differential current may flow though the relay under normal conditions and cause relay
operation. This phase shift can be overcome by connecting the CTs in the opposite
configurations. Typically, if the transformer winding is star connected then you should use CT
as delta connection, like that for delta connected winding you should use star connection of CT

Drawback of differential protection Scheme:

The differential scheme described suffers from the following drawbacks –

1. Unmatched characteristics of CTs

2. Ratio change as a result of Tapping
3. Magnetizing inrush current.

Problem Statement:

Question 1: A 3-phase transformer having a line-voltage ratio of 0.4 kV/11 kV is connected in

star-delta and protective transformer on the 400 V side have a current ratio of 500/5. What must
be the ratio of the protective transformer on the 11 kV side? Also draw the Simulink model for
this system.

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