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Good afternoon Everyone

First of all I congratulate my dear friend Immanuel Beni for successfully completing his
task in leading the sermon evaluation service.

 Here are some of my observations of the service.

 The leader and his team entered the chapel at 7:45am.
 The service was conducted according to CSI order of worship.
 The first bell was rung at 7:57am
 Right after the first bell, congregation song was sung which was good.
 The second bell was rung at 7:58am
 The service began at 7:59am
 The leader started the service with call to worship and opening prayer.
 The opening hymn was led by the choir and it was good.
 The choir was well practiced in liturgical part.
 The responsive reading was taken from psalm 22:11-21 led by the leader.
 The scripture passage from Luke 9:51-56 was enacted. As it was enacted right in the
center of congregation and combined with very good preparation, it felt so lively.
 A preparatory tamil keerthanai was sung by the choir right before the sermon
 The sermon began at 8:13 am and ended at 8:26 am.
 The sermon was entitled : The Spirit and mind of Jesus

The sub points were

1. Reach and restore the marginalized

2. Reveal an Inclusive mind

 The sermon delivery is very good in all aspects. He was confident and had good eye
contact with the congregation.
 Then it was followed by the closing prayer, benediction and finally the recessional
hymn which was good.
 The service concluded perfectly at 8:30am. Overall the time management, liturgy,
sermon, the choir, the scriptural drama and the whole of CSI order of service was
 These are my observations of the service. Now I will proceed with a few of my
doubts I want to be clarified.
 My first question, I noticed that the Choir members and cross bearer did not bow
before the altar, why is that so?
 My next question, why did the choir sit inside the altar, usually they sit outside the
altar. Please clarify this.
 I also noticed that the choir members held onto a song sheet which was colored blue,
black and red? To me, it felt like some kind of political resemblance. What is the
reason behind it?
 One more such question, right after you started your sermon, the congregation could
see a symbol in the power point presentation. The symbol consisted of a Bible,
Newspaper and a magnifying glass. Is there any reason behind this too?
 You played keyboard very professionally for many previous services, I appreciate
that you played the keyboard for your own service.
 Apart from questions, I had seen him preparing for his sermon multiple times at
midnight and sometimes even at 3 am. It was very clear that his hard work had paid
 Overall, the theological question implied in the sermon seems to be: How can
Christians better embody the spirit and mind of Christ Jesus to reach out to the
marginalized and foster an inclusive mindset that transcends religious and social

I once again congratulate our dear Friend Immanuel Beni who is really blessed in many
aspects. Its not only just his piano skills but also his good theological and spiritual strength
that has made him for who he is. He is a good friend to many, always ready to give his best
to help others. I pray that God will use him more and take him to greater heights.

Thank you

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