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Republic of the Philippines

BiliRan Province State University

School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School


A paragraph is a series of sentences that are organized, What’s Inside?

coherent, and are all related to a single topic. I - Properties of a Well-Written Text
A. Organization
For a paragraph, or for any composition, to be effective, it B. Coherence and Cohesion
must always consider the Properties of a Well-Written Text. C. Unity
These properties are: Organization, Coherence and Cohesion, D. Language Use
Unity, Language Use, and Mechanics. E. Mechanics (with
The first line of a paragraph is usually indented. This
II - Implicit and Explicit Claims
indentation of a paragraph indicates where the paragraph begins.
A. Claim of Fact
Remember that you must capitalize the first word in each
B. Claim of Value
sentence and end each sentence with a punctuation mark, most
C. Claim of Policy
often a period (.).
III - Context of Text Development
Parts of Paragraph A. Intertext
B. Hypertext
The first section of a paragraph; it should include the topic sentence and any other sentences
at the beginning of the paragraph that give background information or provide a transition.

Follows the introduction; discusses the controlling idea, using facts, arguments, analysis,
examples, or other information.

The final section; summarizes the connections between the information discussed in the body
of the paragraphs and the paragraph's controlling idea.

Types of Sentence in a Paragraph

Topic Sentence
This states the main topic of the paragraph and the controlling idea
When writing the topic sentence, try to state the main point of the paragraph ad clearly and as
accurately as possible. Do not make the topic sentence too general or too specific.
Too general Studying overseas was deemed to be very difficult.
Too specific Studying overseas was deemed to be very difficult for 63% of the
people surveyed who cited a range of difficulties including
homesickness, loneliness, difficulty making foreign friends, changes
to diet, health problems, weight gain and difficulties with money and
Better Studying overseas was deemed to be very difficult for 63% of the
people surveyed due to the impacts of culture shock, financial
concerns and health concerns.

Supporting Sentences
These develop the topic sentence. Supporting details should be drawn from a variety of
sources and based on research, experiences, etc. plus the writer's own analysis.

Using a combination of different supports is the most common and effective way to strengthen
the paragraph.

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

Concluding Sentence
This signals the end of the paragraph and leaves the reader with important points to remember,
but is often unnecessary.

also known as arrangement, is achieved when ideas are logically and accurately arranged with focus on the
arrangement of ideas, incidents, evidence, or details in a definite order in a paragraph, essay, or speech.

It can be done with a recognizable plan that defines one sentence connection to the other sentence and
paragraph to the other paragraph.

Check the following paragraph arrangements and the words which are useful in securing in each of them:

1. Chronological Order - first, second, later, before, next, as soon as, after, then, finally,
meanwhile,following, last, during, in, on, until
2. Order of Importance - less, more, primary, next, last, most important, primarily, secondarily
3. Spatial Order - above, below, beside, next to, in front of, behind, inside, outside, opposite,
within, nearby
4. Definition Order - is, refers to, can be defined as, means, consists of, involves, is a term that, is
5. Classification - classified as, comprises, is composed of, several, varieties of, different stages
of,different groups that
6. Process - first, next, then, following, after that, last, finally
7. Cause and Effect - Causes: because, for, since, stems from, one cause is, one reason is, leads
to,causes, creates, yields, due to, breeds, for this reason // Effects: consequently, results in,
one result is, therefore, thus, as a result, hence
8. Comparison and Contrast - Similarities: both, also, similarly, like, likewise, too, as well as,
resembles,correspondingly, in the same way, to compare, in comparison, share// Differences:
unlike, differs from, in contrast, on the other hand, instead, despite, nevertheless, however, in
spite of, whereas, as opposed to
9. Listing - the following, several, for example, for instance, one, another, also, too, in other words,
first,second, numerals (1, 2, 3...), letters (a, b, c...)
10. Clarification - in fact, in other words, clearly
11. Summary - in summary, in conclusion, in brief, to summarize, to sum up, in short, on the
12. Example - for example, for instance, to illustrate
13. Addition - furthermore, additionally, also, besides, further, in addition, moreover, again

When ideas are organized well, a text can achieve Coherence, Cohesion, and Unity.
Coherence – occurs when ideas are connected at the conceptual level
Cohesion – connection of ideas at the sentence level
Unity – achieved when a composition contains one focused idea

refers to the overall sense of unity in a passage, including both the main point of sentences and the main
point of each paragraph.

A coherent passage focuses the reader’s attention on the main ideas and the specific people, things, and
events you are writing about.

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

is also a very important aspect of academic writing because it immediately affects the tone of your writing.
Cohesive writing does not mean just “grammatically correct” sentences; cohesive writing refers to the
connection of your ideas both at the sentence level and at the paragraph level.

Cohesion is important because it allows writers to make multiple references to people, things, and events
without reintroducing them at each turn. If we had to repeat these every time we wanted to refer to them,
the text would be very tedious to read.

Techniques to improve paragraph cohesion:

Use a conjunction or conjunctive adverb to link sentences with particular logical relationships.

To Specify Sequence
again, also, and, and then, besides, finally, first . . . second . . . third, furthermore, last,
moreover, next, still, too
To Specify Time after a few days, after a while, afterward, as long as, as soon as, at last, at
that time, before, earlier, immediately, in the meantime, in the past, lately, later, meanwhile,
now, presently,
since, so far, soon,
then, thereafter,
until, when
To Specify Comparison again,
also, in the
same way,
likewise, once more,
similarly To Specify
although, but, despite, even
though, however, in contrast, in
spite of, instead, nevertheless,
nonetheless, on the contrary,
on the one hand . . . on the
other hand, regardless, still,
though, yet To
after all, for example, for
instance, indeed, in fact, of course, specifically,
such as, the following example, to illustrate
To Specify Cause and Effect accordingly, as a result, because, consequently, for this reason, hence, if . . .
then, since, so, then, therefore, thereupon, thus, to this end
To Specify Place
above, adjacent to, below, beyond, closer to elsewhere, far, farther on, here, near, nearby,
opposite to, there, to the left, to the right To Specify Concession
although it is true that, granted that, I admit that, it may appear that, naturally, of
course To Specify Summary, Repetition, or Conclusion
as a result, as has been noted, as I have said, as mentioned earlier, as we have seen, in any
event, in conclusion, in other words, in short, on the whole, therefore, to summarize

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

In sentence B, repeat a word from sentence A.

If direct repetition is too obvious, use a synonym of the word you wish to repeat. This strategy is
'elegant variation.'

Using the 'opposite' word, an antonym, can also create sentence cohesion, since in language
antonyms actually share more elements of meaning than you might imagine.

Use a pronoun, pro-verb, or another pro-form to make explicit reference back to a form mentioned

Use a commonly paired or expected or highly probable word to connect one sentence to another.

Use overt markers of sequence to highlight the connection between ideas. This system has many
advantages: (a) it can link ideas that are otherwise completely unconnected, (b) it looks formal and
distinctive, and (c) it promotes a second method of sentence cohesion.

Repeat a sentence structure. This technique is the oldest, most overlooked, but probably the most
elegant method of creating cohesion.

Check these examples:

Learning check up! Use appropriate connectors to join the


1. I prefer folk music. My girlfriend adores heavy metal.

2. He’s received three threatening letters. He is
continuing toinvestigate the case.
3. The referee blew his whistle to start the game. It began
topour with rain.
4. Her boyfriend is very good-looking. He’s a damn good
5. She was absolutely exhausted. She’s just finished her
Coherent but not "My favorite color is blue. I'm calm and relaxed. In the summer I lie on the grass
cohesive and look up."
Cohesive but not “My favorite color is blue. Blue sports cars go very fast. Driving in this way is
coherent dangerous and can cause many car crashes. I had a car accident once and
broke my leg. I was very sad because I had to miss a holiday in Europe because
of the injury."
Coherent and "My favorite color is blue. I like it because it is calming and it relaxes me. I often
cohesive go outside in the summer and lie on the grass and look into the clear sky when I
am stressed. For this reason, I'd have to say my favorite color is blue."

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

is achieved when a composition is focused on one idea. In a unified text, all supporting
ideas are relevant to the main thought.
Without unity, text will be confusing.

Topic Sentence/ Thesis Statement/ Lead

Supporting Sentences
Cohesive Device

Organization is Coherence is the Cohesion is the Unity is oneness of

about the connection the ideas connection of ideas in ideas all pertaining to
arrangement of: in the concept level: the sentence level: the theme or the topic
Ideas Is the first topic Did it use
Incident related to the next? pronouns Things to check:
Details properly?
Evidence Is this sentence Lead
Order connected to the topic Did it use Topic Sentence
sentence? transitions? Thesis Statement

Did it do repetition of
the subject matter?
is one of the clearest indicators of a well written text. It enables writers to effectively communicate ideas
without confusing the reader.

An effective language is: Specific, Concise, Familiar, Correct, and Appropriate

Levels of in Language Use

1. Informal/ Personal - slang, local expressions, text messaging
Hey Bes Yow
Sup Pet (friend) Nigga
OTW GNyt Dude
2. Standard/Academic - widely accepted words and phrases found in books, magazines, and
Note to a professor:
I missed last night’s class and will e-mail my paper later.

The problem was on garbage management as it greatly affects the students who are
occupying the SJH Blg.

3. Business/Technical - scientific terms, jargons, and special expressions Psychiatrist’s report:

“Dissociative rage order is not indicated by the ER assessment.”

Principles in Language Use/ Diction

1. Use clear and concise sentences, usually about 18 words long.
2. Avoid redundancies, cliches wordiness, and highfalutin3. Although may be
used, avoid overusing “There” and “It”, drop it 4. Use precise vocabulary. Be
accurate. Condensed. 5. Be consistent in pronoun POV
6. Avoid sexist language.

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

7. Use appropriate level of formality.

Use clear and concise sentences, usually of 18 words long.

Image is a very important factor in politics Image is an important factor in politics. Once the
because once the reputation of a person is smeared reputation of a person is smeared by accusations,
by accusations, the people’s perception of the the people’s perception of the person is forever
person is forever tainted and it may cause him to tainted. The person may lose his credibility and trust,
lose credibility and trust even when the truth behind even when the allegations are not yet verified.
allegations is not yet verified.
Bullying is something that can be prevented by the Try making this concise and clear!
students and this has to be handled by parents and
school staff. Parents and teachers can help children
understand what bullying is and explain to the
children that bullying is bad while the teachers too
should get involved directly and educate children on
the harmful effects that might bullying can cause to
Avoid redundancies, cliches wordiness, and highfalutin
Although offsprings are taught not obtain free gifts Although children are told not to take gifts from
from strangers, at the present moment many still do. strangers, many still do.
Sample Cliches are

Time will tell, in a jiffy,

brave as a lion, opposites attract, all is well
that ends well, once upon a time, time and
time again

Sample highfalutin are

Hackslaver - to hesitate or stammer in speech

Hedley-medley - a confused jumble
Heimate - to spend the winter somewhere

Avoid excessive use of “there” and “it”

There's a book on the table. A book is on the table.
There's a coffee shop next to the station. It was John who cleaned the flat.
It seems as though we might need
some more money.
Out of the darkness, there rode a knight, mounted
on a fine horse.
Use precise vocabulary. Be accurate.
Shafts that control the brake during urgent situations Emergency levers are installed in every MRT train
are built inside MRT trains to keep the passengers for the safety of the passengers.
free from harm.
There is a requirement that all students have an The college requires that the admissions office
evaluation of their transcripts for placement evaluate all student transcripts for placement and
purposes or to meet a prerequisite. prerequisites.
We are endeavoring to construct a more inclusive We're going to make a country in which no one is left

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

society. out.
Be consistent on pronoun POV
We should simply accept the fate is simply an We should simply accept the fate is simply an
illusion; you must not leave our decisions something illusion; we must not leave our decisions something
that does not exist. that does not exist.
They might start out by joking, but calling someone
a name with the intent of hurting you is not okay. Be
sure your child understands calling someone a
name, even if he feel the person deserves it, is not
okay and is a form of bullying.
Avoid sexist Language
The teacher is the person who organises the class.
He is the one who controls timekeeping and the
sequence of events.
Each student makes up his own schedule.

When a student writes a paper, they must proofread

Appropriate level of Formality
Yes, diskette are like thing of the past, but they’re Diskette may be outdated, but they are still
still cool today. fascinating
If bullying problems occur, be sure to chat your
adviser about the problem and seek their assistance
immediately in resolving the matter.
I would like to thank you my boss, Principal Parker,
the staff, the people beind this award, and the young
fellas of BHS for selecting me for this honor.

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

focuses on the technicalities of the structure. It determines errors on subject-verb agreement, prepositions,
tenses, the grammar, spelling, capitalization, abbreviations and acronyms, the use of numbers as part of
the statement, and the punctuation marks.

 Spelling
 Capitalization
 Abbreviation and Acronyms
 Numbers
 Punctuation Marks
 Grammar

Punctuation Marks
1. PERIOD (.) used after sentences, in abbreviations, and as decimals
2. EXCLAMATION POINT (!) placed at the emphatic or forceful sentences
3. QUESTION MARK (?) placed at the end of a question and to note questionable items 4. QUOTATION
MARKS (“ ”) to indicate direct quotations
- for titles of poems, short stories, chapters, essays, songs, episodes of television shows
5. APOSTROPHE (’) to show possession (Angel’s bag), to show missing letters and number (you’re, ’95),
toshow plurals of letters (I got all A’s last semester.)
6. COLON (:) after independent clauses to introduce elements. “The coach demanded three things from
his players: loyalty, devotion, and teamwork.”/ to separate items in numerals, ratios, titles and subtitles,
time references, scripture references
7. PARENTHESES () to set off nonessential details and explanations, to enclose letters and numbers
usedwhen listing items, first-time use of acronym
8. BRACKETS [ ] to set off clarifications inserted in quotations, Eric observed, “I think [Rodrigo] Duterte
was the greatest president.”
9. HYPHEN ( - ) to separate or join words
We saw her on
television last
Never pay a higher-than-average price.
10. DASH ( -- ) to show sudden break of thought “Ted was angry after his car was stolen—who wouldn’t
be?”/ to set off an introduction to a series “They have everything needed to succeed—ideas, money,
and marketing.”
11. SLASH (/) to separate words or to show alternatives (he/she)
12. SEMICOLON (;) to join independent clauses when and, or, yet, but, or so are not present, to separate
items in a series that contains commas “The governor will meet with Rey Simon, the mayor of
Concepcion; Bert
Vesca, the vice mayor; and Peter Cayabyab.”
13. ELLIPSIS (. . . ) to indicate that words have been deleted from quoted material

Original text
The mayor said, “Our city, which is one of the country’s most progressive, deserves a high-tech
light-rail system.”

With Ellipsis
The mayor said, “Our city . . . deserves a high-tech light-rail system.”

14. COMMA (,) to signal pauses and shifts in sentences, used with and, or, so, but, yet to join
independentclauses “Chinatown is a popular tourist attraction, and it serves as an important cultural

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

General Principles
 Always use standard English
 Avoid Contraction (shouldn't, gonna)
 Avoid exclamation marks unless part of a quotation
 Mention full name in first mention. Thereafter, use abbreviations.
 Numbers zero to ten vs 11 and so on
 Citations are used in academic and formal texts but sparingly used in business texts

What is proofreading?
Proofreading a sentence means trying to find a mistake and correct it with focus on the mechanics such as
Punctuation, Capitalization, Grammar, and Run-On sentences. ***Download and save the proofreading
symbols provided

Using the proofreading symbols,

End marks – periods, question marks, and
correct these sentences.
exclamations marks
Commas – date, words in a series Abbreviations and 1. I see the deer in the distance
Titles 2. What a delicious pizza this is 3. My
birthday is November 20 1955
Quotation Marks 4. Dr Smith moved to Washington.
5. Stand over there, said the teacher.

Capitalization Using the proofreading symbols,

correct these sentences.
Beginning of sentence 1. he visited the Space Museum.
Proper Nouns 2. emily smith goes to maple ridge school.
Titles 3. Have you read did you
carry the flag today,Charlie?

Using the proofreading symbols,

Verb Tense correct these sentences.
Subject-Verb Agreement 1. He seen a rabbit in the yard.
Possessives Plurals 2. Boxes was in her bedroom.
3. Those boys toys disappeared.
4. Their desks were messy today.

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin

Republic of the Philippines
BiliRan Province State University
School of Teacher Education
Laboratory High School

Second Floor Administration Building, Main Campus, P. Inocentes St., P.I. Garcia, Naval, Biliran Province, Phillipines 6560
Tel. (053) 507-0076
SUC Level III-A (Per DBM-CHED Joint Circular #B dated June 21, 2007)
Website: ‫ ן‬Email: ‫ ן‬Facebook: School of Teacher Education – the Victorious Bulletin


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