Le Morthe D' Arthur

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Le Morthe D’ Arthur

1. What qualities make Arthur a great King?
2. Describe the oath of the Knights of the Round Table, and explain
its significance to the overall epic.
3. Do you consider Sir Gawaine to be a noble knight?
4. Describe the influence of dreams and visions, using one major
character as example.


1. Arthus is considered a great king due to several qualities

that he possesses. Firstly, Arthur is known for his chivalry
and his loyalty. He is described as being brave, courteous,
and honorable, always putting the needs of his people before
his own.
Secondly, He is also seen as a leader, one who is fair in his
judgments and decisions. He is also known for his
leadership, he inspires loyalty and devotion on his knights
and followers, leading them to victory in battles against their
The third and final quality is that Arthur is known for his
wisdom and intelligence. He seeks counsel from his trusted
advisors and makes decisions based on what he believes to
be the best decision for his kingdom.
2. Arthur decided that the ones who shared the round table
should been the bravest knights. The requirements to be part
of the round table were:
-To make a genuine oath of fidelity to the kingdom, the
church, and to the noble customs.
-No knight that was a member of this order could commit
ilegal or dishonest actions, in other words, they couldn’t go
against the law.
-Every knight should vow loyalty to the king, spread
generosity, and give special importance to the protection of
-They shared the promise of no fight without any fair cause.
3. Sir Gawaine is popularly regarded as one of the noblest
knights in Arthurian legends. He is often recognised for his
courage, loyalty, and sense of justice. Gawaine is a central
figure in many Arthurian tales, like "Le Morte d'Arthur" by Sir
Thomas Malory.
Despite his many virtues, Gawaine is shown in some stories
to be hot-headed and impulsive, prone to acting before
thinking things through. However, even in these occasions,
he looks forward to do what is right and just.
4. Dreams and visions play a significant role in the narrative,
acting as a means of prophecy, foreshadowing, and
character development. The prominence of prophetic dreams
within the story demonstrates their importance to the culture
of the Middle Ages. In those days, kings were considered
representatives of God on earth, divine figures.
One of the most notable instances of dreams and visions in
the book is the prophetic dream that King Arthur has before
his final battle against Mordred. In this dream, Arthur sees a
number of ominous portents, including a dragon spewing
flames from its mouth and a bloody battle between a white-
horned bull and a black-horned bull. These images
foreshadow the events that will unfold in the battle between
Arthur and Mordred, ultimately leading to Arthur's death.

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