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Casio fx-991ES PLUS for

High School Students

By David Getling

Text Copyright © 2016 David Getling
All Rights Reserved

I thought long and hard before deciding to write this book. I have already
written three books about using the TI‑Nspire graphics display calculator,
because I believe very strongly that this is the best choice for all high school
students. However, just as people ignore good advice on healthy living, many
students will not heed my advice: often this will be because of the cost of the
TI‑Nspire. So, this book is for those students who, for whatever reason, won't
listen to my first recommendation.

Even the poorest student should be able to afford the Casio fx‑991ES PLUS.
And, for its price, it really does offer outstanding functionality. However,
talking to my students, I was horrified to learn just how little of that
functionality they were aware of. It seems that, even for a calculator that
enjoys fairly widespread use, schools are unwilling, or unable, to offer
students instruction in how to get the best out of it.

It is my hope that, no matter what year of high school you are in, reading this
book will help you make much more effective use of this calculator.

David Getling

March 2016

Table of Contents

1. Introduction

1.1 Who is this book for?

1.2 Why this particular scientific calculator?

1.3 What this book is not

1.4 How to get the best out of this book

2. Some basics you might not know about

2.1 Memory Variables

2.2 Mixed Numbers

2.3 Scientific Constants

2.4 Conversions

2.5 Calc

2.6 Tables

3. Solving Equations
3.1 Eqn Mode

3.2 Using Solve

4. Percentages

5. Statistics

5.1 List of single variable data

5.2 Table of single variable data

5.3 The Normal Distribution

5.4 Linear Regression

5.5 Non Linear Regression

6. Using the Σ key

6.1 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences

6.2 Trapezium rule and Simpson's rule

6.3 Binomial Cdf

6.4 Poisson Cdf

7. Iteration

8. Differentiation and Integration

9. Vectors

9.1 Entering and editing vectors

9.2 Vector operations

10. Matrices

10.1 Entering and editing matrices

10.2 Matrix operations

11. Complex Numbers

1. Introduction
1.1 Who is this book for?
No matter what year of high school you are in, if you need to use a calculator
and have the one this book is written for, or haven't yet bought one, and aren't
prepared to splash out on a Graphics Display Calculator, then this book is
written for you.

Depending on what year you are in, and what maths topics you are studying,
you may not need everything in this book. However, I would be very
surprised if most students didn't find out something new that they could use.

I should also mention that students in non English speaking countries might
find that the same calculator is marketed under a slightly different name. To
check this out look at the picture on the front cover to see if all the keys on
your calculator are the same.

1.2 Why this particular scientific calculator?
These days there is no shortage of cheap scientific calculators to choose from.
So, what makes the fx‑991ES PLUS such a good choice? Well, for a start, it
offers textbook display, which means that you can more or less enter
expressions exactly as they appear in maths textbooks, or the way you would
be inclined to write them down on paper: and the screen is big enough to do
this comfortably, even with more complicated expressions. Not only is this
feature very convenient, it also reduces the chance of making mistakes: which
cost you marks in exams. You would have to be a masochist to buy a
calculator without this facility!

Of course the fx‑991ES PLUS is not the only calculator to offer textbook
display, and several other features that it has are also available on other
calculators. In fact, Casio do a very slightly cheaper model that apart from the
colour seems very similar. So why splash out that little bit extra cash? The
next two paragraphs explain why.

One feature that practically all students will find useful is the equation option.
This will solve simultaneous equations in two or three variables, quadratic
equations, and cubic equations. If you need to solve something else then the
solve facility may be just what you need.

For older students the fx‑991ES PLUS can help with calculus and vectors,
along with several other more advanced topics.

So, since the difference in cost between this calculator and the simpler model,
or many other scientific calculators, is probably less than a cup of coffee in
Starbucks, it makes a lot of sense to buy the fx‑991ES PLUS.

1.3 What this book is not
While you may pick up a few useful hints on how to tackle problems, this
book is not written to teach you mathematics. Another thing you won't find in
this book are explanations of how to do the most basic stuff. You probably
already know this or can easily work it out for yourself. My intention is to
make you aware of, and teach you how to use, the less obvious features that
the fx‑991ES PLUS offers. Also, keeping this book fairly short means that it
is both cheaper and more likely to be read. Unlike too many authors I'm not
going to pad it out in order to make more money.

1.4 How to get the best out of this book
The first thing to note is that, because of the wide audience that this book is
intended for, you may not need to know everything that's in it. With this in
mind I have tried to structure this book in such a way that the earlier a topic
appears, the more people are likely to need it.

The second thing I need to say is that you should try out the examples for
yourself. The keystrokes needed, and the screens produced, are shown. Try to
reproduce what I've shown you, then try to apply it to problems of your own.
Only practice will allow you to fully master your fx‑991ES PLUS. If you
simply skim through the pages of this book you will probably forget what
you've read very quickly. It's been said that mathematics is not a spectator
sport, and neither is learning to use a powerful calculator.

Finally, if you've only ever done very simple calculations before, a little
patience is sometimes required. The results of simple calculations appear
almost instantly, but more complicated ones can sometimes take quite a few
seconds. So, if after hitting =, or r, the screen goes blank it doesn't
mean that something has gone wrong. You just have to wait a few moments:
patience is a virtue.

2. Some basics you might not know
2.1 Memory Variables
While solving a problem we may often need to perform several calculations,
and the later ones typically need to use the results we got from the earlier
ones. Using memory variables makes solving these kind of problems a lot
easier, faster, and less error prone. Another possible use of memory variables
might be when a complex calculation requires the same number to be entered
several times, and that number contains a lot of digits. Assigning the number
to a memory variable and then using a single letter might be a lot easier than
repeatedly typing in the number.

The fx‑991ES provides the following memory variables: A, B, C, D, E, F, M,

X, Y. We can use any of these, but, as we shall soon see, M offers some extra
functionality. We also need to be just a little bit careful when using X or Y
because, as we will see in a later chapter, certain operations can change what
is in these variables.

Let's now see how to use these memory variables. I'm going to assign 2 to A,
3 to B, multiply A and B together, and assign the result to C. The keystrokes
and screens are given below.




Instead of using J we can also use Q. This is shown in the next screen,
where I've worked out C2‑ A × B.


Now, what about that extra functionality offered by M? First make sure it's
empty by entering 0qJm. Now take a look at the following:






As you can see M+ adds to whatever is already in M, and M‑ subtracts from

whatever is already in M.

To end this section, I need to tell you how to clear the memory variables. To
clear all memory enter q92=. The three screens for this are shown

If you just want to clear a particular memory location then you simply store 0

into it, as we did for M a few paragraphs back.

2.2 Mixed Numbers
This is a very short section, which I wouldn't have thought most students
needed, but it seems that quite a few are unaware of the mixed number
features offered by their calculator. One simple example should illustrate
these features.

Say we want to add 2¾ to 5⅓, and give the answer as a mixed number. The
A key allows us to enter these directly, without having to first convert
them to improper fractions. This is demonstrated below.


As you can see, the answer is given as an improper fraction. But by using
N we can convert this to a mixed number.


Each press of N toggles between the mixed number and improper

fraction representation.

2.3 Scientific Constants
Take a look at the inside of your calculator's cover. About a third of the way
down is a list of 40 constants. Depending on how much science you are
studying, these can save you a bit of time, and prevent you entering them

As an example of their use, suppose, in a physics exam, you were asked to

find the energy, in electron volts, of a photon whose wavelength was 200
nano meters. Here is what you would enter, and the screens that you would







The only slightly annoying thing to note is that co is used for the velocity of
light, instead of c. As constants take up a lot less screen space than the values
they represent, using them can be a good way of keeping all of your
calculation visible on the screen, so you can clearly see what you are doing.

2.4 Conversions
Thankfully, unless you are in the business of crashing space probes into
Mars, having to do conversions between imperial and metric units is a lot less
common these days. However, questions on this do sometimes come up, so
it's worth knowing how to handle them on your fx‑991ES. These conversions
are shown on the bottom third of the calculator's cover. The ones you are
most likely to use are those that convert between miles and kilometres, and
those that convert between centigrade and Fahrenheit.

As an example we will convert 80°F to centigrade.




2.5 Calc
At first glance the r button might seem to perform a pretty pointless task.
However, when you have a calculation that needs the same long number
more than once, or you need to repeat the same calculation again and again, it
can be really useful.

Here's an example of the first instance. Say we need to work out

x4 + x3 + x2 + x + 1 when x=1.758309. Do you really want to enter that
number 4 times, and have the calculation stretch beyond what you can see on
the screen? If your answer is no, then here's the alternative.



Now let's suppose that we need to work out the hypotenuse for a couple of
right-angled triangles. We could do it like this.




Just one word of warning. If you store the answer to a memory location you
will have to use the E key to get your calculation back, if you want to use it
again. Also, I hope it's obvious that if you were going to do the above
calculation again then saving your answer to A or B would not be a good

2.6 Tables
Most students will find the tables mode useful. For more junior students it
could be used to get a set of values with which to plot part of a simple
quadratic graph. More senior students might find it very useful when using
the trapezium rule, or Simpson's rule. To demonstrate its use we will imagine
that we have been asked to plot the graph of y = x2 ‑ 2x between ‑3 and 3.





We can move around the last screen shown above by using the arrow keys:
!E$R. This allows us to see each value to more significant figures
than might be shown in the table. Pressing C allows us to enter a new
equation, or reuse the old one, but with different start, stop and step values.
When you are finished with table mode press w1 to get back to the
normal calculation screen.

One thing you need to remember when using tables is that they can only

contain up to 30 rows. If your combination of start, end and step would
generate more than 30 rows then you will get an error message. To fix this
you must either make the step bigger or do your table in several pieces. You
should also be aware that start must be less than end, and step must be

3. Solving Equations
The fx‑991ES has two features that allow us to solve equations: EQN mode
and solve. The first of these is probably easier to use, but only solves four
types of equation. Solve is much more versatile, but can sometimes be more
complicated to use. We shall examine both these features.

3.1 Eqn Mode
It's very common for students to be asked to solve simultaneous equations in
two unknowns, or quadratic equations. EQN mode handles both of these, and
additionally it can solve simultaneous equations in three unknowns, and cubic

To start with we will solve 3x ‑ 2 = y and 2x = 5y ‑ 16. First we have to

rearrange these into the standard form: 3x ‑ y = 2 and 2x ‑ 5y = ‑16. Now we
can use EQN mode to solve them.



If you press = again you are returned to the fourth screen above, where you
can use !E$R to move around and enter new values, if you want to
solve another pair of equations. Otherwise you can use w1 to return to
the calculator screen.

Let's now solve the quadratic equation 2x2 + 7x ‑ 15 = 0. This is already in

the standard form that the calculator expects. I've omitted the first two
screens that I showed you in the last example as they are the same.




More advanced students might like to note that the fx‑991ES will give you
complex numbers for answers, when the discriminant is negative.

Some senior students will find that their syllabus includes 3D coordinate
maths, a typical example of which is finding the intersection of three planes.
They will find the facility for solving 3 simultaneous equations very useful,
as is demonstrated in the next example.

Find the intersection point of the planes

x ‑ 2y + z = ‑1
2x + 2y ‑ z = 10
5x + y + 3z = 10

Here's what we need to feed into the calculator to solve this.




Those who are studying this topic will know that there are various ways in
which three planes don't intersect in a point. If this is the case then you will
get an error message.

Although knowing the formula for solving a cubic equation is strictly for
connoisseurs of mathematics, senior students are sometimes asked to solve
such equations by finding one root by inspection:typically ±1 or ±2. One then
performs a polynomial division and solves the resulting quadratic equation.
Well, the fx‑991ES can save you all this hassle.

A cubic equation that's typical of what you might be asked to solve is

2x3 ‑ 3x2 ‑ 11x + 6 = 0. And this is how we do it on the calculator.



As for quadratic equations, complex roots are also shown. Also, if you only
get one root for a quadratic or cubic equation, or just two for a cubic
equation, that's because the equation has a double or triple root: e.g. (x ‑ 1)
(x + 2)2 is a cubic with one root of x = 1 and a double root of x = ‑2.

3.2 Using Solve
All students will find solve useful. So nobody should skip this section!

Depending on what you want to do solve can seem very easy to use, or quite
confusing. If you work diligently through this section you should come away
with a thorough understanding of this powerful feature. To kick off what is a
rather long section I'm going to start with the kind of problem that a younger
student might be given.

Solve 3x + 4 = 8x ‑ 16

Here's our first shot at this.



Pay particular attention to the way the = sign was entered into the equation as
Qr. You must do it this way. The second screen shows you the value
of x from which the calculator will start searching for a solution. You have

the opportunity to change this, but if you don't want to then simply press =,
as was done above. In the third screen the first line shows us the equation we
entered. The second line is a solution to the equation. The third line, in this
instance, is what the calculator got by substituting x = 4 into the equation and
subtracting the right hand side from the left hand side. This gives us an idea
of how close the calculator is to getting the right answer. If L ‑ R = 0 then it
solved the equation perfectly. If L ‑ R is negative or positive then what the
calculator worked out isn't exactly right, and the further L ‑ R is from 0, the
less reliable the solution is likely to be.

Now let's see how things can get a bit more complicated. Try replacing both
X's in the equation with Y's. You will find that you get an error message.
What we have to do is:



By default, solve expects the variable that it will find a solution for to be X. If
we want it to solve an equation for a different variable we need to tell it what
that variable is, by putting a comma, followed by the variable, at the end of
the equation.

Look at the following screens.




There is a X in the equation, so solve is happy with it, but it wants to know
what Y is. For this example I set Y to 7.

Now look at this.




The only difference between this and the previous example is that I told the
calculator that I wanted to solve for Y. So, this time it asked me for a value
for X, which I set to 20.

Perhaps you are still wondering why solve wants to know where to start from
in its search for a solution. Let's solve x3 ‑ 3x2 ‑ 13x + 15 = 0 and see why.






First notice that I left out the =0 at the end of the equation. If we don't set an
expression equal to some value, or another expression, then solve assumes
that it is equal to zero. The next thing to notice (you will actually have to do
this on your calculator to see it) is that when = is pressed, after an answer
screen, we get a chance to change where we start looking for an answer. For
equations that have more than one solution, this can make a difference to
which solution solve finds. This is clearly shown in the above example.

I'm going to finish this section with an advanced trig equation that is often
given to students.

Find all solutions for 3sin(x) + 4cos(x) = 2, where 0° ≤ x < 360°









As you can see, each time we press =, after getting an answer, we get the
chance to change A, B, C, and where we want to start searching for X.
Hopefully this last example demonstrates just how powerful solve is, if you
learn to use it well.

4. Percentages
I suspect that the majority of students will not need to read this chapter, but
as there are quite a lot of students who do struggle with percentages I have
written it to show them how the fx‑991ES might make things a bit easier.

One of the simplest questions is what a certain percentage is as a fraction or

decimal. This is a no‑brainer on the calculator. Here's how to get 15% as a
fraction, and then as a decimal.


It's also very easy to convert a fraction into a percentage. Let's do it for ⅜.


Another easy problem is working out a percentage of something. Let's do
60% of 40.


Just a little bit harder is increasing or decreasing an amount by a percentage.

The first screen below increases 80 by 25%, and the second screen decreases
80 by 25%.



Getting harder, a common problem is being asked to work out what

percentage something has increased or decreased by. First we will work out
the percentage increase when an amount changes from 200 to 240.


Now let's find the percentage reduction when 300 is decreased to 90.


The minus sign tells us that this is a percentage decrease, and you can write
your answer as 70%, without the minus sign.

Among the hardest questions on percentages that students get are those where
they are asked to work out the original amount. We will do one question that
involves something that has had tax added to it, and another question where
something has been discounted.

The cost of a bicycle after 15% tax has been added is £92.00. How
much was it before tax was added?



The cost of a jacket that has been reduced in a sale by 20% is £79.20.
What was its cost before the sale?



If you had trouble with the last two calculations then you need to go back and
read about solve, in section 3.2.

5. Statistics
Most students will need at least the first two sections in this chapter, and
majority of senior students who are studying statistics will almost certainly
need the first four sections. It's unlikely that UK students will need the last
section, but there are some countries, such as New Zealand, where students
do need to know about non linear regression.

5.1 List of single variable data
For this section we are going to use the heights, in cm, of 12 foxglove plants:

72, 83, 65, 77, 95, 97, 83, 100, 92, 70, 103, 67

The first thing we need to do is to get these values into our calculator. To do
this we need to be in STAT mode, and then choose the 1‑VAR option, as
shown below.

As you can see, we are now presented with a screen that allows us to enter
our data, which we now do


If you need to change any values you can use the R or E to get to that
value and then simply enter the new value. If, on the other hand, you need to
delete a value then simply press the o when you are in the row you want to
delete. Inserting a row, into the middle of a list, is a bit more involved. While
positioned at the row you want to place the data above press q131.
The next six screens show me inserting 666 above 65, and then deleting it.





Sometimes you might prefer the nuclear option, to clear out everything and
start again. Here's what you do.


Assuming all our foxglove data is still there (enter it again if you tried the last
example), we now want to do something with it. So press C, and the data
input screen disappears, but don't worry as all the data is still there. We can
get it back by pressing q12. Let's see what the calculator can do with
the data we entered.

Press q131 and we get the sum of the squares of each data value.



Press q132 and we get the sum of data.


As shown below, q14 gives us four choices.


1 gives the number of data items.

2 gives their mean.
3 gives their standard deviation.
4 gives what's known as the sample standard deviation. This is an
unbiased estimate of the standard deviation of a population, which our
data is assumed to be a random sample of.

Each of these options, for our data, is shown below.





Now might be a good place to point out that you can use all these values in
calculations, as is illustrated below.


Of course, as you can see, three screens above the last one, the calculator
already works this out for us. One thing you might notice, in the above
screen, is that when we are in STAT mode textbook display is not available.

Finally, for this section, take a look at the next few screens that show how to
get the minimum and maximum values of the data that we entered.





You might notice that I've neglected options 1, 2 and 5: available after
pressing q1. Option 1 takes us to the same screen that we where
presented with on entering STAT mode. Option 2 takes us back to the data
entry screen. Option 5 is the subject of section 5.3, which students studying
the normal distribution might like to look ahead to now, as one of its options
is demonstrated using the foxglove data.

5.2 Table of single variable data
The following table records the number of lies told in a particular week by
320 members of parliament.

Number of Lies Number of MPs

0 5
1 14
2 30
3 41
4 53
5 62
6 54
7 37
8 24

To enter this data we need to switch the frequency option on, from the set up
menu. How we do this is shown below.



The last screen view isn't wrong. We won't see anything until we enter STAT
mode and a data entry screen. We will do that now.


OK, let's enter the data.


Notice that when we enter a X value into an empty row the frequency is
initially set to 1.

Apart from having a frequency column, everything works exactly the same
way as it does when we just enter a list of values. So we can now use the
table that we entered by following the instructions given in the previous
section. The next four screens give examples of this.





One thing I should mention, which relates to this and the previous section, is
that there is a limit to how many rows of data you can enter. If you are just
entering a list of numbers the maximum number of rows is 80. If you are
entering a table then the maximum number of rows is 40. For student exams
these limits will almost certainly be more than enough.

5.3 The Normal Distribution
When working with a normal distribution we usually want to work out how
many standard deviations a value is from the mean. That is . Once you
have entered your data the fx‑991ES can do this calculation for you. Using
the foxglove data let's say we wanted to know how many standard deviations
a foxglove plant of 100cm was from the mean height. Here's how we do it,
assuming we are in STAT mode.



For convenience, let's enter qJz to store this result in memory

variable A. Now, for a population with the same normal distribution as our
foxgloves, we could find out the proportion of plants whose height is less
than 100cm, and the proportion of plants whose height is greater than 100cm.
The other options shown in the screen before last are: P(, Q( and R(. Let's
feed in the last result to each of these.


So, just under 90% of our population of foxgloves would be less than 100cm
tall. In fact, P gives you the same value you would get if you looked in a
standard normal distribution table, but with one big advantage, as illustrated



As you can see, unlike most printed tables, P allows you to directly look up
values for negative standard deviations.

Let's now see what R does.


This tells us that just over 10% of our population of foxgloves would be more
than 100cm tall. Using R is like having a standard normal distribution table
that allows us to look up the area to the right.

Now, for the sake of completeness, let's check out Q.


This tells us that the proportion of foxgloves between the mean height and
100cm is just under 40%. In all likelihood you probably won't need to use Q
that much.

Note that even if you don't want to enter any data you can still make use of P,
Q and R, rather than messing around with printed tables. Simply press C as
soon as you get to the data entry screen. It's well worth knowing how to use P
and R, because students often lose marks through simple mistakes that they
make when trying to calculate areas for negative standard deviation, or areas
to the right.

5.4 Linear Regression
For both this section and the next one we are going to use the data described
and tabulated below.

On a police shooting range 20 officers each took 10 shots with a hand

gun from 8 different distances. The total number of shots missing the
target, from each distance, is recorded in the table below.

Distance (x) in meters Target misses (y)

2 11
5 10
10 20
15 18
20 24
25 28
30 36
40 51

From this data we will first calculate SXX, SYY and SXY, as these are often
asked for in an exam, as a prelude to calculating the regression equation and
correlation coefficient. In fact, as we will see, the fx‑991ES gives us both of
these directly. We will then look at getting a couple of estimates for values
that are not in the table.

Of course, we first need to get the data into the calculator. If the frequency
option is on you might want to turn it off first, from the set up menu,
otherwise you can just leave all the frequencies set to 1. From STAT mode
we choose the 2nd option A+BX, to get the screen shown below.


Now we enter the data.


As in earlier sections, to start using the data we press C.

Here's the simplest way to work out SXX.


And here's SYY.


Now let's do SXY.


If you were just asked for the correlation coefficient and linear regression
equation you would not need to calculate SXX, SYY and SXY because the
calculator will give you what you need directly, as we will now see.

Here's how to get the correlation coefficient.


Now let's find the regression equation.



So our regression equation is y = 5.97 +1.02x.

Now let's get an estimate for the number of misses if the range was 35m.


For completeness, though questions don't often ask us to do this, I can also
estimate the distance that would give 30 misses.


5.5 Non Linear Regression
On entering STAT mode you will notice that the fx‑991ES offers other
models for fitting data to a curve.

3. y = A + Bx + Cx2
4. y = A + Bln(x)
5. y = AeBx
6. y = ABx
7. y = AxB
8. y = A + B/x

Except for the quadratic model, these all work in exactly the same way as
linear regression. The quadratic model will not give you a correlation
coefficient. Also, because a quadratic equation has two solutions, you can get
two estimated values for x if you supply a value for y, but it is extremely
unlikely that you will use this feature.

In fact, we are going to use the quadratic model to illustrate non linear
regression, as it does fit the data slightly better than a straight line. Actually,
if you think about it, a quadratic model must always do at least as well as a
straight line.

If your calculator is still in STAT mode, and holding the data from the last
section, then you need to enter q113. If it is not in STAT mode
then enter w33 and enter the data in the last section again. In the next
three screens we get the coefficients for our model.




So our model is y = 10.2 + 0.366x + 0.0162x2.

Now let's get an estimate for the number of misses at 35m.


The maths behind non linear regression (which I don't think any high school
students need to know) is more complicated than for linear regression, but
getting the results on the fx‑991ES requires exactly the same effort. Students
studying physics or chemistry might like to experiment with non linear

6. Using the Σ key
I expect that most students will at some time have to sum a set of numbers
where each one is generated by some kind of formula. A simple example of
this might be to sum the first 10 positive even numbers, as shown below.


Another simple example is summing the square numbers between 25 and

100, inclusive.


Both of these examples should give you a good idea of how to use the Σ key.
But for more advanced students I'm now going to show you a few more
things you can do with it.

6.1 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences
Most students will encounter both of these sequences, and will be required to
find the sum of their terms. While there are formulae for this, it can be
reassuring to have the calculator bash it out for you as a check.

Let's say that we want the sum of the first 20 terms of the arithmetic sequence
7, 13, 19, … . So, using standard notation, a = 7, d = 6, and the formula for
the nth term is a + (n ‑ 1)d. So, here's how we get our sum.


Let's now sum the 5th to 14th terms of the geometric sequence, where a = 3
and r = 2.


6.2 Trapezium rule and Simpson's rule
If you have ever had to use either of these numerical integration techniques
then you have probably discovered that they can be quite time consuming,
with plenty of opportunity to make mistakes. To illustrate how to implement
these rules efficiently on your fx‑991ES we will use them to approximate the
area under the curve y = sin(x2), between x = 0 and x = 1.6, using a width of
0.2. Your calculator should be in radians mode for this.

This is how we will tackle the trapezium rule:

1. Set memory variable M to 0.

2. Add the sum of all the calculated y values to M.
3. Add the sum of all the calculated y values, except for the first and the
last one, to M.
4. Multiply what's in M by half the x width between each y value.

This is illustrated in the next six screens.







This is how we will tackle the Simpson's rule:

1. Set memory variable M to 0.

2. Add the sum of all the calculated y values to M.
3. Add the sum of all the calculated y values, except for the first and the
last one, to M.
4. Add twice the sum of all the calculated y values, where X is odd (since
we started at X = 0), to M.
5. Multiply what's in M by one third of the x width between each y value.

The first 5 screens are identical to those for the trapezium rule. They are then
followed by the next three screens.




Although all this might look quite complicated, in fact, a lot of it is just
moving to the right place and performing some simple editing. With a bit of
practice you will find that this is a far quicker, and less error prone, method
of using the trapezium rule, or Simpson's rule, than working out each value

6.3 Binomial Cdf
In many statistics exams students are provided with tables of binomial cdf
values. This is all very well, except that only certain values of n and p are
provided. Also, if p > 0.5 you have to bugger around framing an opposite
question in order to use the tables. Similarly, if you want P(X ≥ a) or
P(a ≤ X ≤ b) then you have a bit more work to do. Well, if you learn to do this
with the Σ key you can put all this extra work behind you.

To illustrate this we will use the distribution X∼B(10, 0.4) so you can use
tables to compare the results. First let's emulate a simple look up by working
out P(X ≤ 5). Here's how we do it.


OK, you could simply look this up, so let's now say that I need to work out
P(3 ≤ X ≤ 7). Yes, it's simply two look ups and a subtraction, but all too often
students who are in a hurry do a wrong look up. All we have to do is change
the lower and upper bounds for our sum, as demonstrated below.


As previously mentioned using the Σ key in this way really comes into its
own when there isn't a table for what you want. Also, when you are asked
several questions about the same distribution it's often just a matter of
changing the bounds on the sum, which is very quick and easy.

6.4 Poisson Cdf
What I have to say here is more or less the same as what I said in the last
section. Once again, I'll use a value of λ = 5 so you can look up tables to

Since what's going on is very similar to what I showed you in the last section,
we will just do one calculation here. For X∼Po(5) we will work out P(X > 6).


One passing comment before I close this chapter. The last two sections
introduced functions you might not have used before. In 6.3 we made use of
the calculator's nCr function, and in this section we used x!. Of course, if you
need these sections both should be very familiar to you, even if you haven't
used them on the calculator. For those who have used them on their
calculator, unless you have had a very bad teacher you should know how to
work them out without a calculator!

7. Iteration
For older students, a fairly common problem is to rearrange an equation in x
into the form x = f(x). Then we keep feeding each value that f(x) gives us
back into f(x). Under exam conditions this invariably leads to a solution of
the original equation. Many students who are studying calculus will also
come across the Newton‑Raphson method, which also involves feeding a
result back into the expression that generated it. If you know how to set this
up in the right way, on your calculator, you can save quite a bit of time, and
reduce your chance of making a mistake. The following two problems will
show you what I'm talking about.

By setting up an iterative function, and starting at x = 1, find a solution

to 4 decimal places to the equation x5 ‑ x3 ‑ 2x + 1 = 0.

x 5 ‑ x3 + 1
The equation we want is x = . The following three screens show
how we get a solution.




So the answer the examiner is looking for is x = 0.4614.

Let's now do a problem using the Newton‑Raphson method.

Solve x3 = √x + 10, giving your answer to 3 decimal places.

First we rewrite this as f(x) = x3 ‑ √x ‑ 10. So f '(x) = 3x2 ‑ , and we will
start with x = 2.




Be aware that for both of the examples I have given many exam questions
might expect you to record the results of each iteration, in which case you
would need to write down what you got after each press of the = key. In
this case I hope it's obvious that you only need to copy a couple more decimal
places than you what you have been asked to give the answer to.

8. Differentiation and Integration
So, you have just done a tricky differentiation or integration. Wouldn't it be
nice to know if you got it right before you handed in your exam paper. The
following two examples will show you how to do this.

Suppose, in your exam, you are asked to differentiate sin((ln(x))2). You think
2cos((ln(x)) 2)ln(x)
the answer is , but how can you be sure. Well, using a
value of x = 42, this is what we get if we let the calculator do the
differentiation for us.


Now let's use our answer.



The probability of these two results being the same if we got the
differentiation wrong is minuscule, so we can be fairly sure that our answer is
correct. If you didn't get these results make sure that your calculator is in
radians mode and you typed all those right brackets in the correct position.

Let's now look at an integration. Say you were asked to integrate ∫ xln(x)

dx. You might think that your answer of ln(ln(x)) looks a bit strange, so let's
see if it's right. A look at the following screens should reassure you. Here's
what we get when we ask the calculator to do a numerical integration
between x = 2 and x = 8.


And this is what we get using our answer.


So, we can be pretty confident that we did the integration correctly.

In both of these examples there was nothing special about the values I used to
test the differentiation or integration. This was deliberate. It's a good idea not
to use values like 0, 1 or π. Of course, if you are asked to evaluate a
derivative at a particular value, or to do a definite integral, then you simply
use the values that you are told to use.

9. Vectors
While younger students often receive a very basic introduction to vectors, it
is most likely to be older students who need this chapter. It is questionable
how much time the vector facility is likely to save the most able students, but
as many students find vectors to be a difficult topic they might feel reassured
by being able to carry out vector calculations on their fx‑991ES.

9.1 Entering and editing vectors
Before one can do any vector calculations on the fx‑991ES one must first
enter the vectors. To do this you have to be in vector mode. What happens
when we enter vector mode is shown in the next three screens.


In the first of the above screens we are given a choice of which vector we
want to enter values into. As you can see, we can only enter values into three
vectors: VctA, VctB and VctC. There is in fact one more vector, VctAns, but
this is where the calculator saves the result of a calculation when it is a
vector. In the second screen we have the choice of entering either a 3
dimensional vector or a 2 dimensional vector. After making this choice we
get the input screen: the third one shown above. As you can see, all the
vector's components are initially set to zero. Once you have changed the
values for your vector to what you want press C.

So, we get to set up one vector when we enter vector mode, but what about

setting up the other two, or editing any one of them? When you press
q5, while in vector mode, you are presented with the following screen.


The second option, Data, allows you to either change the values in an existing
vector or set up any vector that you haven't already created.

To illustrate all this, starting from the normal COMP mode, that you will
probably have your calculator in most of the time, we will do the following:

1. Set VctA to (0,99)

2. Change the values in VctA to (1,2)
3. Set VctB to (3,4,5)





Now, what about that first option, Dim? This allows you to change the
dimension of a vector. So, after pressing C, if you have just done the last
example, we will change VctA from (1,2) to (6,7,8).



Incidentally, if you haven't yet created a vector then Dim and Data work in
exactly the same way. Also, if you try to use a vector that you haven't yet
created you will get an error message, as demonstrated below.



9.2 Vector operations
The fx‑991ES provides three operations that are specific to vectors:

Abs gives the length of a vector.

×, when placed between two vectors calculates the cross product.
The vector menu option Dot, allows the calculation of the dot product.

Let's find the lengths of VctA(6,7,8) and VctB(3,4,5), which we created




Unfortunately, as well as losing textbook display, in vector mode the

calculator doesn't display surds: the exact values are √149 and 5√2.

Let's now get the dot product of VctA and VctB.


And now we will get the cross product of VctA and VctB, and save the result

in VctC.



We can also use VctAns in much the same way as we are used to using the
M key for numbers. As an example let's calculate the length of
VctA + VctB.



To finish off this chapter we will do an exercise that students are often given.
We will find the angle, in degrees, between VctA and VctB.



10. Matrices
Years ago, before the dumbing down of exams in general, and mathematics
exams in particular, matrices were taught to many more students. Now, this
important topic, which enjoys widespread use in the sciences and
engineering, is often reserved for those students who are doing more than just
the basic senior maths exams. So, very regrettably, not all senior students will
need this chapter.

10.1 Entering and editing matrices
Since you need a matrix if you are going to do matrix calculations, on
selecting matrix mode you are given the choice of creating one of three
matrices: MatA, MatB, or MatC. On making this selection you are then
required to choose the shape of your matrix. Once you have chosen its shape
you are presented with a screen in which you can edit its default value, for
which all its elements are set to zero.

1 2
We illustrate this below by entering the matrix [ 3 4 ] into MatA.


When we have finished editing our matrix elements we press C. The matrix
menu is now available by pressing q4, as can be seen below.


For this section we are only going to look at the first two options: Dim and
Data. If you haven't yet assigned anything to a matrix then Dim and Data
work in exactly the same way. In fact it's just as if you had pressed w6
to enter matrix mode. For a matrix that has already been set up Dim allows
you to change it's shape. It's as if the matrix had never been set up. Data, on
the other hand, just allows you to change the values of the elements, if the
matrix already exists.

To illustrate the use of Dim and Data we will do the following

1. Use Data to set the matrix MatB to [4 2].

5 6
2. Use Dim to reset MatB to [ 7 8 ].





10.2 Matrix operations
Let's first do something very basic to demonstrate a few features. We will
work out 3MatA ‑ MatB, and store the result in MatC.



If the result of a calculation is a matrix then is is saved to MatAns, which can

then be stored in MatA, MatB or MatC, by pressing qJ and then z,
x or c respectively, depending on where we want to store to.

Just as we can use Ans in subsequent calculations, when the result is a

number, we can use MatAns when the result is a matrix. This is illustrated by
calculating MatBMatA6.



As well as demonstrating the use of MatAns, you might have noticed that I
used d and qd to get MatA6. This might have made you wonder
whether I couldn't just have used ^6 instead. The answer is no. In matrix
mode we can square or cube a (square) matrix, but we can't raise it to an
arbitrary power.

To finish this chapter I need to show you three more matrix operations that
the fx‑991ES provides:

Transposing a matrix
Getting the determinant of a (non singular) matrix
Getting the inverse of a (non singular) matrix

I'll demonstrate these by solving a typical exam question.

3 1 2

If A =
[ ]
1 0 1
0 1 0

a) Find AT
b) Find the determinant of A
c) If AX + AT = A, find X

First let's set up MatA.



Now for the transpose, which we will save in MatB.



Next, we will find the determinant.


For part c we need the inverse of A, which we will store in MatC.



Now we can work out X.



It's important to remember that while reading how to do all this might make it
seem a bit complicated, most of what is going on repeats the same steps over
and over again. So, once you have tried out a few matrix calculations on your
fx‑991ES you will probably find that doing them becomes fairly quick and

11. Complex Numbers
We now come to the last chapter of this book. Complex numbers are used in
science and engineering, as well as in mathematics, but in many countries
most senior maths students are unlikely to encounter them, hence their
position in this book.

If you use EQN mode to solve x2 ‑ 6x + 10 = 0 you will get solutions of

X1 = 3 + i and X2 = 3 ‑ i. These are examples of complex numbers. If you
enter qwR32 you will find that the solutions are now displayed
as X1 = √10∠18.45… and X2 = √10∠‑18.45…, if you are working in
degrees. These are the same complex numbers in modulus,argument format.
However, apart from getting solutions to quadratic and cubic equations, if
you want to do anything more with complex numbers then you need to be in
CMPLX mode. In your normal COMP mode, in contrast to what happens in
EQN mode, sz1 will give you an error.

So, to do calculations with complex numbers you must put the calculator into
CMPLX mode by entering w2, and unlike most other mode changes you
won't see any special screen, just the small letters CMPLX at the very top.

In many ways the calculator functions very similarly to the way it does in the
usual COMP mode, when it is in CMPLX mode. You have textbook display,
you can store answers that are complex numbers to memory variables, and
d, D and u work as expected. However, ^ and s only work with
real numbers, and HUL will, sadly, give you an error message, rather
than ‑1.

So, what's available in CMPLX mode is fairly rudimentary, but nevertheless

useful for tackling some of the problems that come up in high school exams.

Here's a typical easy problem.

For z1 = i and z2 = √3 ‑ i

a) Find the modulus and argument of z1z2
b) Find the modulus and argument of
Give exact values for your answers, with the angles in radians.

First make sure you set your calculator to work in radians. The next two
screens give us exactly what we want.



If you carry out the above two examples you will see that the complex
number options are accessed by pressing q2. Depending on what
display mode you are in, you will only need one of options 3 and 4. As I was
working in the default rectangular mode I used option 3 to display the answer
in polar form, which is what the question required.

Another of the easier exercises, often given, is to convert a complex number

in polar form to rectangular form. Here's a typical example:

Express √8(cos45° + isin45°) in the form a + bi.

First make sure that your calculator is set to work in degrees. Then, this is
what we enter.


Sometimes, rather than just displaying a complex number in polar
coordinates we might want to manipulate its modulus and argument. We get
the modulus by pressing qc, and the argument is option 1 in the
complex number menu. The next example shows the use of these to find the
three cube roots (only the second one has a pretty display) of 46 + 9i, using
de Moivre's theorem.









While we are on the topic of polar and rectangular coordinates I'll make a
very short digression. Put your calculator back into COMP mode and have a
look at the following screens.



As you can see, we don't need to be in CMPLX mode to convert between
rectangular and polar coordinates.

Now, back to CMPLX mode, for the last remaining facility that the fx‑991ES
offers. It will work out complex conjugates. This is the second menu option,
as demonstrated below.


OK, it's nothing to get excited about, but if you want the complex conjugate
of some memory variable, or a calculation that gave you a messy number,
like two of the cube roots we calculated earlier, then it can be very

As stated earlier in this chapter, the fx‑991ES doesn't offer that much, when it
comes to complex numbers, but for many students it may be enough to make
the questions they do easier and faster.

Table of Contents 5
Preface 4
1. Introduction 8
1.1 Who is this book for? 8
1.2 Why this particular scientific calculator? 9
1.3 What this book is not 10
1.4 How to get the best out of this book 11
2. Some basics you might not know about 12
2.1 Memory Variables 12
2.2 Mixed Numbers 16
2.3 Scientific Constants 17
2.4 Conversions 19
2.5 Calc 20
2.6 Tables 23
3. Solving Equations 26
3.1 Eqn Mode 27
3.2 Using Solve 32
4. Percentages 39
5. Statistics 43
5.1 List of single variable data 44
5.2 Table of single variable data 51
5.3 The Normal Distribution 54
5.4 Linear Regression 57
5.5 Non Linear Regression 61
6. Using the Σ key 63

6.1 Arithmetic and Geometric Sequences 64
6.2 Trapezium rule and Simpson's rule 65
6.3 Binomial Cdf 68
6.4 Poisson Cdf 69
7. Iteration 70
8. Differentiation and Integration 73
9. Vectors 76
9.1 Entering and editing vectors 77
9.2 Vector operations 81
10. Matrices 84
10.1 Entering and editing matrices 85
10.2 Matrix operations 88
11. Complex Numbers 92


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