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1 abacus n.

算盤 (abacus:calculate=balance:weigh)
2 abandon v. 放棄, 沈溺 (abandon:inhibition=voluble:terse)
3 abase v. 降低 (abase:prestige=damp:ardor)
4 abash a. 害羞的 (unabashed:embarrassment=unheralded:announcement)
5 abate v. 減輕, 降低 (abate:tax=alleviate:distress)
6 abbreviate v. 縮寫, 縮短 (abridge:word=abbreviate:letter)
7 abdicate v. 讓位, 辭職, 放棄 (abdicate<>usurp)
8 aberrant a. 脫離常軌的 (aberrant:standard=digressive:topic) (aberrant<>normal)
9 abet v. 教唆, 幫助 (abet:assistance=counsel:guidance)
10 abeyance n. 中止 (abeyance<>continuance/fulfillment)
11 abhor v. 憎惡 (abhorrence:dislike=adoration:fondness)
BB abide v. 持續, 容忍 (ephemeral:abide=intransigent:yield)
12 abiding a. 永久的, 持久的, 不變的 (abinding<>evanescent/ephemeral)
13 abject a. 淒慘的, 怯懦的 (abject<>exultant/spirited/exciting)
14 abjure v. 發誓放棄 (abjure<>espouse/embrace/affirm)
SC ablution n. 洗澡, 淋浴 (His daily ablutions)
15 abnegate v. 放棄, 禁忌 (abnegate<>reaffirm)
16 abolish v. 廢止<法律等> (abolish<>establish)
17 abolitionism n. 廢奴主義者 (anarchist:government=abolitionist:slavery)
BB abominate v. 痛恨 (abominate<>esteem)
SC abortive a. 失敗的, 流產的 (abortive attempts)
18 aboveboard a. 光明正大的 (aboveboard<>surreptitious/chicanery)
19 abrasion n. 表面磨損 <v. abrade> (abrade<>augment) (scuff:abrasion=heat:vaporization)
SC abreast a. 並排的 (keeps abreast of the latest trends)
20 abridge v. 刪節, 縮短 (condensed<>unabridged)
21 abrogate v. 廢止, 廢除 (abrogate<>embrace/uphold/institude)
BB abscission n. 切斷 (abscission<>process of grafting)
22 abscond v. 潛逃 (abscond:depart=secrete:store=lurk:wait)
BB absolute a. 無條件的, 絕對的, 完全的 (absolute<>qualified)
23 absolve v. 赦免, 使無罪 (absolve<>inculpate/indict) (exculpatory:absolve=motivational:stir)
BB absorb v. 沈迷, 吸收 (narcissist:self absorbed=sycophant:obsequious)
24 abstain v. 主動戒絕, 自我抑制 (mandatory:comply=forbidden:abstain)
25 abstemious a. 有節制的, 節儉的 (abstemious:indulge=austere:decorate)
26 abstinent a. 有節制的, 禁欲的 (abstinent<>gluttonous)
27 abstract n. 摘要, 心不在焉 (abstract<>elaborate) (abstraction<>attention)
28 abstruse a. 深奧的 (abstruse<>accessible/patent)
29 abuse v. 辱罵, 濫用 (declamation:grandiloquence=diatribe:abuse)
BB abut v. 鄰接 (contiguous:abut=simultaneous:coincide)
30 abysmal a. 深不可測的 (stygian:dark=abysmal:low)
31 accede v. 同意 (accede<>demur)
32 accelerate v. 加速 (expedite:process=accelerate:pace)
CAT accentuate v. 強調, 加重音 (accentuate<>downplay)
33 accessible a. 可理解的, 明顯的 (abstruse<>accessible/patent)
34 accessory n. 附件 (accessory<>of primarily importance)
35 accidental a. 意外的, 偶然的 (inventiveness:accidental=effect:casual)
SC acclaim v. 喝彩, 歡呼
36 acclimate v. 使適應 (acclimate<>make unfamiliar with)
37 accolade n. 讚揚 (accolade<>peak ill/excoriate)
BB accommodate v. 提供食宿, 和解 (obliterate:remove=accommodate:supply)
38 accomplice n. 共犯, 同謀
39 accost v. 大膽靠近, 問候 (accost:approach=importune:request)
SC accountability n. 有責任, 有義務
40 accrete v. 逐漸增長 (accrete:growth=erode:destruction=inch:advance)
CAT accrue v. 自然增加, 成長
41 accumulate v. 積聚, 堆積 (dissipate<>accumulate)
42 accuse v. 責備, 控告
43 acerbity n. 酸, 刻薄 (acerbic<>sweet)
44 achromatic a. 非彩色的 (achromatic:hue=extraneous:essence=transitory:permanence)
SC acidulous a. 微酸的, 尖刻的 (sarcastic and acidulous remarks)
45 acme n. 頂點, 極點 (acme:mountain=crest:wave)
46 acquiesce v. 勉強同意, 默認 (intransigent:acquiesce=deferential:offend)
47 acquisition n. 獲得 (divestiture<>acquisition)
48 acquit v. 釋放, 完成
49 acre n. 英畝, 地產 (ream:paper=acre:land)
50 acrid a. 辛辣的 (acrid:odor=grating/piercing:sound)
51 acrimonious a. 辛辣的 (acrimonious<>harmonious)
SC actuate v. 激勵, 開動 (actuated you to give up something)
52 acumen n. 敏銳, 聰明 (alacrity:prompt=acumen:shrewd)
BB acute a. 敏銳的, 急性的 (perspicacity:acute=caprice:whimsical) (acute<>mild)
53 adamant a. 強硬的, 固執的 (adamant:flexibility=refractory:control)
54 adapt v. 使適應, 改編 (adapt<>remain unchanged)
BB addendum n. 附錄, 補遺 (addendum:document=postscript:letter)
55 addict v. 癡迷 (disabuse:error=rehabilitate:addiction) (inured:tolerance=addicted:dependen cy)
SC address v. 處理, 致詞 (He addressed himself to the problem.)
BB adhere v. 依附, 粘著 (adhere<>detach)
56 adherent n. 追隨者 (adherent<>forerunner)
57 adhesive n. 粘合劑
58 adjacent a. 鄰近的, 接近的
59 adjourn v. 延期, 休會 (convoke<>adjourn)
60 adjunct n. 附件, 修飾語 (adjunct<>essential element)
61 ad-lib v. 即興演唱 (ad-lib:impromptu=side:divergent)
62 admission n. 許可, 承認 (lottery:raffle=ticket:admission)
63 admonish v. 小小訓誡 (peccadillo:sin=admonishment:castigation)
CAT adobe n. 房屋, 泥磚 (nomadic:adobe=irresolute:opinion)
64 adore v. 愛慕 (adoration:affection=abhorrence:dislike=fascination:interest)
BB adorn v. 裝飾 (blazon:adorn=pillar:support)
65 adroit a. 熟練的, 靈巧的
66 adulate v. 諂媚 (fulminate:criticize=adulate:flatter=scorn:reject)
67 adulterate v. 摻雜 (adulterate:pure=bolster/brace:weak=dismantle:unity)
68 adumbrate v. 隱約預示 (revelation<>adumbration)
SC adventitious a. 偶然的 (this adventitious meeting)
69 adversary n. 對手 (supplicant:humility=adversary:resistance) (adversary<>confederation)
70 advert v. 注意, 留意 (advertent<>inattentive)
71 advertise v. 做廣告, 通知 (advertising:commercial=publishing:journal)
72 advocate v. 提倡, 主張 (exponent:advocate=pollster:canvass)
SC aegis n. 保護, 盾 (under the aegis of the courts)
73 aerate v. 充氣 (aerate:oxygen=hydrate:water)
74 aerial a. 航空的, 空想的
75 aesthetics n. 美學 (aesthetics:beauty=epistemology:knowledge)
76 affable a. 和藹的, 易於交談的 (affable<>rascible/testy)
77 affected a. 假裝的 (posturer:unaffected=bigot:tolerant)
78 affection n. 愛, 情感 (mercurial:mood=fickle:affection)
79 affidavit n. 宣誓書 (affidavit:statement=wedding:ceremony)
80 affiliation n. 入會, 加入 (affiliation<>dissociation)
81 affinity n. 密切關係, 喜好 (affinity<>aversion/repugnance/antipathy)
82 affliction n. 苦難 (We sympathize with people in affliction)
83 affluent a. 富裕的 n. 支流 (affluent<>needy/impecunious)
BB afloat a. 飄浮著的 (founder<>afloat/stay aloft/succeed)
84 agenda n. 議程
85 aggrandize v. 增加, 誇大 (aggrandize<>disparage/relegate/efface/undermine)
86 aggravate v. 使惡化, 使更嚴重加重 (console<>aggravate grief)
87 aggregate v. 聚集, 集合, 合計 (aggregate<>disperse)
88 aggressive a. 好鬥的, 侵略性的 (even-tempered<>aggressive)
89 aggrieve v. 使委屈, 使苦惱 (aggrieve<>gratify)
CAT aghast a. 恐慌的 (aghast<>undismayed)
BB agog a. 渴望的, 激動的 (interested:agog=careful:meticulous)
90 agonized a. 極痛苦的 (agonized:distress=obsessed:concern)
SC air n. 外觀, 神態 (an air of dignity)
91 airtight a. 不透氣的, 無懈可擊的 (foolproof:fail=airtight:leak)
92 alacrity n. 樂意, 敏捷 (alacrity<>reluctant)
SC albeit conj. 儘管 (it is effective, albeit expensive)
93 albino n. 白化病 (albino:pigment=prairie:tree)
94 alchemy n. 煉金術 (astrology:astronomy=alchemy:chemistry)
95 alibi n. 托辭, 藉口 (alibi:exculpate=warning:admonish)
BB alienate v. 疏遠, 轉移 (alienate<>unite)
96 align v. 排成一行, 調准 (aligned<>warped)
97 allay v. 緩解 (allay<>excite/arouse/foment)
98 allegiance n. 忠誠, 擁護 (renegade:allegiance=apostate:faith)
99 allegory n. 寓言
100 alleviate v. 緩和, 減輕 (alleviate:intensity=console:grief)
101 alliterate v. 押頭韻 (alliterate:remove=blazon:efface)
102 allowance n. 定量 (pittance:allowance=rivulet:stream)
103 allude v. 暗示, 間接提到 (intimate:communicate=allude:refer) (allude<>men tion explicitly)
CAT allure n. 誘惑力, 引誘
SC allusion n. 間接提及, 暗示 (criticized the national leaders by allusion)
BB ally n. 同盟 (ally<>adversary)
104 aloft ad. 在高處, 在上 (founder<>stay aloft)
105 aloof a. 疏遠的, 冷淡的 (politic:offend=aloof: associate)
106 alphabetical a. 字母的, ABC的 (dictionary:alphabetical=annals:chro nological)
107 altitude n. 高度, 海拔, 高處
108 altruism n. 利他主義 (altruist:selflessness=connoisseur:expertise)
109 amalgam/amalgamate v. 合併, 混合 (amalgamate<>separate/isolate)
110 amass v. 積聚
BB amateurish a. 外行的, 笨拙的 (consummate<>amateurish)
111 ambiguous a. 模棱兩可的 (ambiguous:clarity=mendacious:truth)
112 ambivalent a. 矛盾的, 好惡相克的 (ambivalent<>commitment)
113 amble v. 緩行, 溜蹄 (amble:walk=chat:talk=doodle:draw)
114 ambrosial a. 特別美味的 (mellifluous:music=ambrosial:food)
BB ambush n. 埋伏 (wary:gulled=vigilant:ambushed)
115 ameliorate v. 改善 (ameliorate:improve=admonish:caution)
116 amenable a. 服從的 (amenable<>intransigent/inimical)
BB amend v. 修訂, 改進 (The constitution was amended in 1920)
BB amends n. 賠償 (He made amends for his rude remarks)
117 amenity n. 適意, 溫和, 禮儀 (amenity:comfortable=honorarium:grateful)
118 amiable a. 和藹可親的 (amiable<>inimical)
119 amicable a. 友善的, 和平的 (asperity<>amicableness)
120 amiss a. 有毛病的, 出差錯的
CAT amity n. 和睦, 親善 (amity<>enmity)
121 amorphous a. 無定形的, 散漫的 (amorphous:shape=errant:course=wandering:course=equivocal:meaning)
122 amphibian n. 兩棲動物
BB ample a. 大量的, 豐富的 (There is ample reason to believe)
123 amplify v. 擴大, 詳述
124 amplitude n. 廣大, 充足, 振幅
125 amulet n. 護身符
126 anaerobic a. 厭氧的 (anaerobic<>living in oxygen)
127 analgesic n. 止痛藥 (tonic:invigorate=analgesic:deaden)
128 analogy n. 類似, 相似, 類比, 類推
130 anarchist n. 無政府主義者 (anarchist:rebel=apologist:defend)
131 anathema n. 神的詛咒 (anathema神的詛咒:curse詛咒=theocracy神權國家:state國家)
132 ancestor n. 祖先, 祖宗
BB anchor n. 錨 (preservative:decay=anchor:drifting=seal:leakage)
133 ancillary a. 補助的, 副的 (ancillary<>paramount)
134 anecdote n. 短故事, 軼事 (skit:play=anecdote:narrative)
135 anemic a. 貧血的 (anemic<>strong/hale)
136 anesthetic a. 麻醉的 (analgesic:pain=anesthetic:sensation)
CAT anew ad. 重新 (anew<>in an old fashion)
137 anhydrous a. 無水的 (anhydrous<>wet)
138 animation n. 活潑, 有生氣 (lassitude<>vim/animation)
139 animus n. 敵意 (animus<>friendliness)
140 annals n. 紀年表 (dictionary:alphabetical=annals:chronological)
141 annotate v. 作注釋 (gloss:definition=annotate:commentary)
142 annoy v. 使苦惱, 騷擾 (testy:annoy=tractable:control)
143 annul v. 宣告無效, 取消 (annul<>make legal/reaffirm)
144 anodyne n. 止痛藥
145 anomalous a. 不規則的, 反常的 (anomaly:paradigmatic=blemish:flawless)
146 anonymous a. 匿名的 (anonymous:identify=nonchalant:excite)
147 antagonize v. 使敵對 (cowardice:intimidate=choler:antagonize)
SC antedate v. 先於, 前於 (That event antedated World WarⅡ.)
148 antediluvian a. 上古的, 大洪水前的
149 anterior a. 前面的 (anterior<>ensuing)
150 anthology n. 詩集, 文選 (compendium:summary=anthology:collection)
151 antic a. 古怪的, 笨拙的 (facetious:speech=antic:behavior)
152 anticipate v. 預期
153 antidote n. 解毒劑, 解藥 (antidote:poisoning=balm:irritation)
154 antipathy n. 憎惡, 反感 (antipathy<>affection/affinity/proclivity)
155 antique a. 古老的, 過時的
156 antiseptic n. 殺菌劑, 防腐劑
BB antithetic a. 對立的, 對照的 (drenched:wet=antithetic:different)
157 anvil n. 鐵砧 (hammer:anvil=pestle:mortar)
BB anxiety n. 焦慮, 掛念
158 apathy n. 漠然, 冷淡 (ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic)
159 apex n. 頂點, 最高點
160 aphorism n. 格言 (brevity:aphorism=distortion:caricature)
161 apiary n. 蜂房 (apiary:bee=cage:pet)
162 apocalyptic a. 預示災禍的, 決定性的 (apocalyptic:prophetic=inconsequential:illogical) (apocalyptic<>auspicious/inconsequential)
163 apocryphal a. 虛假的 (apocryphal<>authentic)
164 apologist n. 辯護士 <尤指衛護基督教教義>
165 apophasis n. 故抑其詞以求婉達 (apophasis:claim=oxymoron:paradox)
166 apoplectic a. 非常生氣的 (apoplectic:calmness=callow:mature)
167 apostasy n. 背教, 脫黨 (apostasy:faith=recantation:heresy)
168 apostrophe n. 書寫中省略撇號(') (apostrophes:word=ellipsis:sentence)
169 apothecary n. 藥劑師 (apothecary:medicine=butcher:meat)
170 appall v. 使膽寒, 使驚駭 (astound:wonder=appall:horror)
171 apparel v. 使穿衣, 裝飾 (gaudy:apparel=grandiloquent:speak)
BB apparent a. 明顯的, 外表的 (ostensible<>inapparent)
BB apparition n. 特異景象
172 appeal v. 訴請, 要求 (remonstrator:dissuade=applicant:appeal)
173 appealing a. 引起興趣的, 動人的 (noisome<>appealing)
174 appease v. 安撫
175 appellation n. 名稱, 命名 (foreword:introductory=appellation:designate)
177 applause n. 鼓掌, 喝彩 (mirth:laughter=approval:applause)
178 applicant n. 申請者, 請求者
179 appoint v. 任命, 指定, 命令
180 apposite a. 適當的, 恰切的 (apposite<>extraneous)
181 appreciable a. 可感知的, 可評估的 (appreciable<>imperceptible)
182 apprehension n. 憂懼, 逮捕, 理解 (intrepid<>apprehensive)
183 apprentice n. 學徒, 生手
BB apprise v. 告知 (apprise:information=admonish:warning)
184 approbation n. 認可, 嘉許 (praise:approbation=demur:objection)
186 appropriate v. 盜用 (lurk:concealment=purloin:appropriation) (appropriate<>surrender)
BB apron n. 圍裙 (drop cloth:floor=apron:clothing)
189 apropos ad. 切題地, 適當地 (apropos<>irrelevant)
190 apt a. 易於的, 適當的 (apt<>extremely inappropriate/unlikely/unsuitability)
191 aquatic a. 水生的, 水中的 (aerial:air=aquatic:water=arboreal:tree)
192 aqueduct n. 導水管 (aqueduct:water=pipeline:gas=vessel:blood)
193 aquifer n. 含水土層 (shale:lode=well:aquifer)
194 arachnid n. 節肢動物 (spider:arachnid=orange:fruit)
SC arbitrary a. 武斷的, 專制的 (the arbitrary rule of a dictator)
BB arbor n. 樹枝交織成的涼亭 (arbor:shelter=hedgerow:fence)
195 arboreal a. 樹木的 (arboreal:trees=sidereal:stars)
CAT arcane a. 神祕的 (arcane:abstruse=??)
196 archaic a. 古老的 (harbinger:presage=archetype:exemplify)
197 archetype n. 原型 (harbinger:presage=archetype:exemplify)
198 archipelago n. 群島 (grove:trees=archipelago:islands=fish:school=people:crowd)
199 architect n. 建築師
200 archive n. 檔案室 (archive:manuscript=arsenal:weapon)
CAT archness n. 淘氣, 狡猾
201 arctic a. 北極的, 極寒的
BB ardent a. 熱心的, 熱烈的 (tepid<>ardent/ebullient/feverish)
202 ardor n. 熱心, 熱情 (assuage:sorrow=dampen:ardor)
203 arduous a. 費力的, 辛勤的 (arduous<>facile)
204 argot n. 暗號, 行話 (argot<>standard language/common verbalism)
BB aria n. 獨唱曲段 (opera:aria=play:monologue)
205 arid a. 乾旱的 (marsh:sodden=desert:arid)
SC aristocracy n. 貴族
206 armory n. 軍械庫, 兵工廠 (pantry:food=armory:weapons)
207 arrest v. 阻止 (arrest<>vitalize)
208 arresting a. 引人注意的 (blatant:arresting=odious:disgusting)
209 arrhythmic a. 無節奏的 (arrhythmic:regularity=apathetic:concern)
210 arrogance n. 傲慢, 自大 (mean:prodigality=meek:arrogance)
211 arroyo n. 小河, 峽谷 (grotto:cavern=arroyo:channel)
212 arsenal n. 兵工廠, 軍械庫 (archive:manuscript=arsenal:weapon)
BB artery n. 動脈, 要道 (artery:plaque=channel:silt)
SC artful a. 巧妙的
213 articulate v. 發音清晰的, 關結, 接合 (articulate:unclear=elaborate:sketchy)
BB artifacts n. 史前古器物 (archive:records=museum:artifacts)
214 artifice n. 詭計 (artifice<>candor)
215 artless a. 率直的 (blemish:impeccable=guile:artless)
216 ascendant n. 有影響力的, 佔優勢的 (ascendant<>nonentity)
217 ascent n. 上升, 上坡路
218 ascetic a. 禁欲的 (glutton:overindulgence=ascetic:self-denial)
219 aseptic a. 無菌的, 潔淨的 (aseptic:disinfections=anesthetic:numbs)
220 askew a. 歪斜的 (aligned<>askew)
221 aspect n. 樣子, 外表 (transfigure:aspect=transfer:location)
BB aspen n. 山楊樹 (finch:bird=aspen:tree=lizard:reptile=eagle:bird)
222 asperity n. 粗暴, 艱苦 (asperity<>amicableness)
BB aspersion n. 誹謗, 中傷 (aspersion<>glowing tribute/flattery)
223 aspirant n. 有抱負者, 有野心者 (aspirant:quarry=hunter:prey)
224 aspiration n. 渴望, 熱望
SC assassination n. 暗殺
BB assay v. 化驗, 檢驗 <不一定objective客觀的>
225 assert v. 主張, 聲明 (calumny:assertion=perjury:testimony) (assert:belabor=tend:fuss)
BB assertive a. 有進取心的, 過分自信的 (obsequious:servile=belligerent:assertive)
226 assess v. 估價, 評價 (assess:value=plumb:depth)
SC assessor n. 技術顧問, 估價者
227 asset n. 資產, 有用的東西
228 assiduous a. 勤勉的, 專心的 (rakish: restraint=slothful:assiduity)
229 assuage v. 緩和, 減輕 (gall/inflame/intensify/exacerbate/incite)
230 assume v. 接受, 承擔 (abdicate<>assume)
BB astonishment n. 驚訝
231 astounding a. 令人驚駭的 (indelible:forget=astounding:expect)
BB astringent a. 收斂的 (astringent:pucker=coagulant:congeal)
BB astrology n. 占星術 (astrology:astronomy=alchemy:chemistry)
232 astute a. 機敏的, 狡猾的 (fatuous<>astute)
BB asunder a. 分離地 (asunder/sunder<>combine/yoke/bond)
233 asylum n. 庇護, 收容所 (refugee:asylum=??)
234 asymmetrical a. 不對稱的 (circular:asymmetrical=protean:rigid)
235 atone v. 贖罪, 補償 (guilt:atonement=fatigue:repose)
236 atrocious a. 極兇惡的 (atrocious:bad=momentous:important)
BB atrophy a. 萎縮的 (to prevent the atrophy of limbs)
BB attendant n. 侍從, 伴隨的 (retinue:attendant=staff:officer)
237 attenuate v. 變薄, 變弱 (attenuate:force=simplify:complexity=debase:value=retrenchment:money)
238 attorney n. <美>律師, 代理人
239 audacious a. 大膽的, 愚勇的 (audacious:trepidation=laconic:volubility)
240 audition n. 試聽 (interview:applicant=audition:actor)
241 augur n. 預言家, 占卜 (intercessor:mediate=translator:interpret=augur:predict)
242 auspicious a. 吉兆的, 幸運的 (auspicious<>untoward)
243 austere a. 極為樸素的 (abstemious:indulge=austere:decorate)
244 authenticity n. 確實性, 真實性 (abstemious:indulge=austere:decorate)
245 authoritative a. 權威的 (contumacious:authority==conservative:novelty)
246 autocracy n. 獨裁政治 (pundit:knowledge=autocracy:power)
BB autonomy n. 自治 (autonomy<>dependence)
247 avarice n. 貪婪 (avarice:money=gluttony:food) (stoic:perturb=avaricious:satisfy)
BB aver v. 斷言, 證明 (aver<>deny)
248 aversion n. 嫌惡, 憎恨 (aversion:disinclination=adulation:admiration)
SC avert v. 防止, 轉移 (averted an accident by turning sharply)
249 avid a. 熱切的, 貪婪的 (reverence:respect=avidity:enthus iasm)
250 avulse v. 撕脫 (avulse<>link/suture)
251 awash a. 浸滿水的 (awash<>dry)
252 awe n. 敬畏 (redoubtable:regard/awe=despicable:scorn)
253 awkward a. 笨拙的 (craven:admirable=deft:awkward)
254 awl n. 錐子 (awl:pierce=pestle:hash)
255 awning n. 遮陽篷 (awning:sun=umbrella:rain)
256 awry a. 扭曲的, 走樣的 (awry<>orderly/aligned)
BB ax/axe n. 斧, v. 用斧劈
BB axiomatic a. 不證自明的, 公理的 (axiomatic<>controversial) (=truism)
257 babble v. 胡說八道 (babble:sense=parrot:originality)
BB backhanded a. 間接的 (backhanded<>forthright)
258 backset n. 倒退, 逆流, 渦流
259 badge n. 徽章, 標記 (chevron:badge=caisson:cart)
260 badger v. 糾纏 (badger:bother=belabor:mention)
261 badinage n. 打趣, 嘲弄 (badinage<>serious discourse)
262 baffle v. 困惑, 阻礙, 為難
263 bait n. 激怒, 折磨, 餌 (bait<>disarm/fortify)
264 baleful a. 極邪惡的, 極痛苦的 (bale<>mirth)
265 balk v. 阻止, 退縮 (balk<>move ahead willingly) (testy:ann oy=hesitate:balk)
266 balky a. 倔強的, 停蹄不前的 (balky<>tractable/acquiese) (testy:annoy=hesitate:balk)
267 ballad n. 民謠 (ballad:stanza=novel:chapter)
268 ballast n. 壓艙物, 沙囊 (ballast:stability=truss/girder:support=support)
269 ballet n. 芭蕾舞 (instrumentalist:symphony=dancer:ballet)
BB balloon v. 膨脹, 迅速增加 (balloon<>decrease slowly)
270 balm n. 香油, 安慰劑 (antidote:poisoning=balm:irritation)
271 bamboozle v. 欺騙, 隱瞞
272 ban n. 禁令
273 banal a. 陳腐的 (banal<>novel/arresting )
274 baneful a. 有害的, 致禍的 (bane<>blessing/benefit)
275 banish v. 驅逐, 消除 (evict:residence=banish:country)
276 banister n. 樓梯的扶欄 (staircase:banister=garden:fence)
BB banquet n. 盛宴 (writer/author:novel=chef:banquet)
BB banter v. 善意的玩笑 (playful:banter=exaggerated:hyperbole)
277 barb n. 嚴厲批評, 倒鉤 (barb:caustic=pan:harsh)
278 barbarous a. 野蠻的, 刺耳的 (barbarous<>quiescent/civilized)
279 bareface a. 公然的, 無恥的 (barefaced/aboveboard<>surreptitious)
280 bargain v. 討價還價, 交易 (debate:issue=bargain:price)
BB barge n. 靠拖動的駁船 (locomotive:flatcar=tugboat:barge)
281 baroque a. 過份雕琢的 (baroque<>austere)
BB barrage v. 槍彈齊發 (barrage:explosives=deluge:rain)
282 barren a. 不育的, 貧瘠的 (barren<>prolific)
BB barricade v. 阻礙 (barricade<>permit passage)
283 barter n. 以物易物 (jog:exercise=barter:trade)
284 base a. 卑鄙的, 低級的 (base<>virtuous/noble/sublime/patrician)
285 baseboard n. 護壁板, 腳板 (veneer:furniture=baseboard:wall)
286 bathetic a. 平凡的, 陳腐的 (offbeat<>bathetic/hackneyed)
BB bawdy a. 猥褻的 (bawdy<>decorous)
BB beacon n. 燈塔 (castle:turret=sea:beacon)
BB beat v. 跳動 (grow:burgeon=beat:palpitate)
287 bedeck v. 裝飾, 修飾 (bedeck<>strip)
288 bedlam n. 騷亂, 瘋人院 (tumultuous:bedlam=active:hive) (tumult/bedlam/riot<>serenity)
SC befuddlement n. 糊塗, 爛醉
BB begrudge v. 吝惜, 嫉妒 (taciturn:chatter=insufferable:tolerate=magnanimous:begrudge)
289 belabor v. 冗長的解釋, 痛打 (assert:belabor=tend:fuss)
SC belch v. 打嗝, 噴出
290 beleaguer v. 使困擾, 使煩惱 (beleaguer<>delight)
291 belie v. 掩飾, 證明為假 (belie<>affirm/confirm/show to be correct)
292 belittle v. 輕視, 使渺小
293 bellicose a. 好戰的, 好鬥的 (imperious:servile=bellicose:peaceable)
294 belligerence n. 交戰, 好戰性 (obsequious:servile=belligerent:assertive)
295 bellwether n. 領導者, 系鈴的公羊 (bellwether:leadership=advisor:consultant)
296 bemoan v. 惋惜, 遺憾
297 bend v. 彎曲, 屈服 (bend:rigid=submerge:buoyant)
298 benediction n. 祝福 (curse<>benediction)
SC benefactor n. 捐助人
299 beneficent a. 仁慈的, 有益的 (beneficent:harm=tenacious:yield)
300 benign a. 仁慈的, 良好的 (benignant<>vicious)
301 bent n. 傾向, 愛好, 彎曲 (bent<>straight/disinclination/rigid)
302 bequest n. 遺產, 遺贈 (heirloom:ancestor=bequest:testator)
303 berate v. 嚴責 (berate<>commend/praise)
304 beseech v. 懇求 (supplicant:beseeching=coquette:flirtatious)
305 besmirch v. 誹謗 (besmirch<>honor)
SC bespeak v. 顯示出, 證明, 預訂 (her performance bespeaks considerable practice)
306 betray v. 透露, 背叛
SC bewail v. 悲悼
SC bewildering a. 令人困惑的
307 bibliography n. 參考書目, 書目 (list:bibliography=painting:portrait)
308 bibliophile n. 愛書者, 藏書家 (bibliophile:books=gourmet:food)
BB bifurcate v. 使分叉, 使分離 (bifurcate<>validate/coalesce)
309 bigot n. 盲信者, 頑固者 (bigot:tolerant=provincial:cosmopolitan)
BB bigotry n. 固執, 盲從 (bigotry:dedication=rage:anger)
SC bilious a. 膽汁質的, 壞脾氣的
BB bill n. 議案, 鳥嘴, 岬角
SC birthright n. 生來就有的權利, 長子繼承權
310 bit n. 鑽頭 (bit:drill=blade:razor)
BB blade n. 刀片 (bit:drill=blade:razor)
BB blanch v. 變蒼白 (mottle<>blanch)
311 bland a. 溫和的, 乏味的 (tangy<>bland)
312 blandishment n. 奉承 (blandishment:coax=medal:honor=threat:intimidate)
313 blasé a. 厭倦享樂的 (miser:munificent=zealot:blasé)
CAT blasphemy n. 褻瀆 (blasphemy<>reverence)
314 blast n. 一陣大風, v. 爆破 (blast:whiff=gush:trickle)
315 blatant a. 極明顯的, 喧嘩的, 無恥的 (blatant<>inconspicuous)
316 blazon v. 刻紋章, 賣弄 (blazon:adorn=pillar:support) (diffidence<>blazonness)
317 bleach v. 漂白
CAT bleak a. 沒希望的, 陰暗的 (bleak<>promising)
318 blemish n. 損害, 缺點 (anomaly:paradigmatic=blemish:flawless)
BB blend v. 使混和,使混雜
319 blight a. 植物枯萎的 (blighted<>unblemished/hale/sound/robust)
320 bliss n. 極度快樂 (dislike:loathing=pleasure:bliss)
BB blithe a. 愉快的 (blithe<>grave)
SC bluff v. 欺騙, 虛張聲勢
321 blunder v. 犯大錯 (protocol:blunder=bumper:damage)
322 blunt a. 鈍的, 坦率的 (attenuation:strength=bluntness:sharpness) (hone<>blunt)
323 blur v. 使模糊 (blur:definition=subjugate:independence)
324 blurb n. 簡短公告, 大肆宣傳 (blurb:notice=gloss:explanation=cameo:appearance)
325 blurt v. 突然說出 (flit:move=blurt:utter)
BB blush n. 臉紅 (blush:embarrassment=smile:pleasure)
326 bluster v. 咆哮, 洶湧 (blustering:speak=swaggering:walk)
BB boast v. 自誇 (blowhard:boastful=toady:obsequious)
327 boding n. 兇兆 (auspicious<>boding ill)
328 boggle v. 驚嚇, 退縮 (boggle<>embolden)
SC bogus a. 假冒的, 偽造的
329 boisterous a. 喧鬧的 (boisterous<>quiet)
330 bolster v. 支持 (bolster:support=tackle:hoist)
331 bombast n. 誇大的言辭 (nonsensical:drivel=pompous:bombast)
332 bonhomie n. 溫和, 和藹 (genial:bonhomie=diplomatic:tact)
333 bonus n. 獎金, 紅利 (bonus:employee=decoration:soldier)
334 boo v. 轟趕, 喝倒采, 作噓聲 (snare<>boo)
CAT boom v. 激增 (slump<>surge/boom)
335 boon n. 恩惠 (boon<>misfortune)
336 boor n. 粗野的人 (insensitive:boor=mischievous:imp)
SC boost v. 推動, 提高, 增加 (boost our spirits)
337 bootless a. 無用的 (bootless:futility=effulgent:resplendence)
338 bore v. 使煩擾, 鑽孔 (die:shaping=drill:boring) (die:shaping=drill:boring)
339 bottleneck n. 瓶頸
340 bough n. 大樹枝
BB boulder n. 大石頭 (colossus:figurine=boulder:pebble)
BB bound n. 限制 (boundless:extensive=interminable:lengthy)
BB bouquet n. 花束 (bouquet:flowers=woodpile:logs)
BB boycott v. 聯合抵制 (boycott<>patronize)
342 bracing a. 令人振奮的, 支援 (bracing<>vapid) (denounce<>bracing)
343 bracket n. 支架 (buttress:wall=bracket:shelf)
344 brackish a. 討厭的, 有鹽味的 (brackish=repulse)
345 braggadocio n. 自誇, 吹牛大王
346 braided a. 編織成的 (grooved:striated=braided:stranded)
347 brake n. 剎車, 阻礙, 叢林 (divert:shunt=retard:brake)
348 brash a. 倉促的 (frivolous:gravity=brash:discretion/deliberate)
349 brassy a. 厚臉皮的, 似黃銅的 (brassy<>diffident/furtive/humble/unassertive)
350 brattish a. 淘氣的, 無禮的 (tightfisted:parsimonious=brattish:mischievous)
BB bravado n. 虛張聲勢 (courageous:bravado=complimentary:fulsomeness) (swagger:bravado=caress:affection)
351 bravura a. 出色的表演 (bravura:performance=resplendent:appearance)
352 bray n. 驢叫聲, 喇叭聲 (bray<>murmur)
353 brazen a. 厚顏無恥的, 黃銅制的 (impudence:brazen=deadpan:impassive)
354 breach v. 毀壞, 破裂 (breach:continuity=disturb:repose)
SC breakthrough n. 突破, 物價暴漲
355 breezeway n. 有屋頂的通路 (stairway:floor=breezeway:building)
356 brevity n. 簡短, 簡潔 (brevity:aphorism/epigram=distortion:caricature)
357 bribe v. 賄賂 (bribe:incorruptible=affect:insensible)
358 bridle v. 限制, 馬轡頭 (bridled<>without restraint)
CAT brim n. 容器邊緣 (hem:garment=brim:vessel)
359 brisk a. 活潑的 (brisk<>ponderous)
360 bristle v. 發怒 (bristle<>cower) (bristle:anger=vacillate:unresolution)
361 brittle a. 易碎的, 脆弱的 (manifest:perceive=brittle:break)
362 broach v. 開啟, 提出<問題> (broach<>close off)
BB broker n. 經紀人 (impresario:entertainment=broker:trade)
363 bromide n. 陳腐的意見, 溴化物 (equivocation:misleading=bromide:hackneyed)
BB brook n. 容忍, 小溪 (brook<>refuse to tolerate) (twig:limb=brook:river)
364 browbeat v. 威嚇 (instigator:incite=bully:browbeat)
365 bruit v. 散播 (bruit<>keep secret)
366 buck v. 反對, 吹牛 (buck<>assent to)
367 bucolic a. 鄉村的 (palatial:hovel=bucolic:metropolis)
BB budge v. 退讓, 移動 (palter:candor=diehard:budge) (obdurate:budge=lachrymose:cheer)
368 buffoon n. 丑角 (ludicrous:buffoon=dissolute:libertine=humorous:wag)
369 bulge n. 凸出部分 (bulge<>depressed region)
370 bully n. 欺淩弱小者, 土霸 (instigator:incite=bully:browbeat)
371 bumper n. 緩衝器, 豐收
372 bumptious a. 自誇的, 傲慢的 (impetuous:vacillation=dour:geniality=bumptious:humbleness)
373 bungle v. 失敗 (bungle<>bring off成功)
374 buoy v. 支撐, 使浮起 (buoyed<>unsupported)
375 buoyant a. 快樂的, 易浮的 (hangdog<>buoyant)
376 burgeon v. 迅速成長, 萌芽 (grow:burgeon=beat:palpitate) (burgeoning<>wasting away)
377 burial n. 安葬, 埋葬, 埋藏
378 burlesque n. 諷刺或滑稽的戲劇 (diatribe:abuse=burlesque:mockery)
379 burnish v. 擦亮, 磨光 (numb:insensible=burnish:lustrous)
380 burrow n. 小地洞 (ditch:canyon=burrow:cavern)
381 busybody n. 愛管閒事的人
382 butt v. 以頭抵撞, 比目魚 (butt:head=nudge:elbow)
383 buttress v. 支持, n. 扶牆, 拱壁 (contravene<>buttress)
384 bygone n. 過去的事
385 byline n. 標題下的署名 (article:byline=movie:credits演員署名)
CAT byzantine n. 詭計多端的 (byzantine<>straightforward)
386 cabal n. 陰謀小集團 (cast:actor=cabal:conspirator)
387 cache n. 隱藏處所 (cache:hoard=summit:inaccessible)
388 cacophony n. 刺耳的聲音 (cacophony:sound=malodor:scent)
389 cadet n. 軍官學校學生 (cadet:veteran=tadpole:frog)
390 cadge v. 乞求 (cadge<>earn)
391 caisson n. 彈藥車, 彈藥箱, 潛水箱 (chevron:badge=caisson:cart)
392 cajole v. 哄騙 (wheedle:cajolery=extort:coercion)
393 calamity n. 災難, 不幸事件
394 calcify v. 鈣化 (calcify<>make malleable/make pliant/make more flexible)
395 calibrate v. 校準, 測量<口徑> (calibrated<>unstandardized/unsubstantialized)
396 calligrapher n. 書法家
new calligraphy n. 書法 (calligraphy:scribble=sonnet:doggerel)
397 callous a. 無情的, 起老繭的 (callous:impassive=dupe:duplicity)
398 callow a. 不成熟的 (apoplectic:calmness=callow:mature)
399 callus n. 皮膚的老繭 (gully:erosion=callus:friction)
400 calumniate v. 誹謗 (corroborate:evidence=calumniate:falsehood)
401 camaraderie n. 同志之愛, 友情 (camaraderie<>enmity)
402 cameo n. 客串演出, 小雕塑 (blurb:notice=gloss:explanation=cameo:appearance) (peccadillo:offense=cameo:sculpture)
403 camouflage v. 欺瞞, 偽裝 (camouflage:deception=flattery:ingratiating)
new canard n. 謠言 (aspersion:discredit=canard:deceive)
405 candor n. 坦白, 直率 (palter:candor=diehard:budge)
406 cane n. 拐杖, 細長的莖, 藤條
SC cannibalism n. 同類相食
new canny a. 精明的, 節儉的
407 canon n. 教會法規, 準則 (canon:orthodoxy=??)
408 canonical a. 一般的, 規範的 (canonical<>qualified) (canonical<>heterodox/nontraditional/apocrypha)
409 canopy n. 蚊帳, 遮篷 (canopy:cover=tag:identify)
SC cant n. 隱語, 行話
410 cantankerous a. 脾氣壞的, 好爭吵的
411 canvas n. 畫布 (canvas:painter=marble:sculptor)
412 canvass v. 遊說, 徹底檢查 (exponent:advocate=pollster:canvass)
413 canyon n. 大峽谷 (ditch:canyon=burrow:cavern)
414 capitulate v. 投降 (capitulate<>resist/oppose)
new capitulation n. 要點, 條約, 投降協定
415 caprice n. 多變, 狂想曲 (caprice:whimsical=stealth:furtive=discontent:unsatisfied)
SC capsule n. 膠囊
417 captivate v. 迷住 (captivate<>repulse)
CAT caravan n. 車隊 (range:mountain=caravan:vehicle)
new cardinal a. 主要的, 紅色的, 紅衣主教 (cardinal<>minor)
new caret n. 插字元號^ (caret:insertion=comma:pause)
418 careworn a. 傷心的, 疲倦的 (careworn<>lighthearted)
419 caricature n. 諷刺畫, 滑稽模仿 (brevity:aphorism=distortion:caricature)
420 carnal a. 肉體的 (carnal<>spiritual)
421 carouse v. 暢飲, 狂歡作樂 (roisterer:carouse=recluse:withdraw)
422 carp v. 吹毛求疵 n. 鯉魚 (caviler:carping=libertine:licentious)
new carpentry n. 木工 (trade行業:carpentry=clothing:outfit)
423 cartographer n. 繪製地圖者 (cartographer:map=tailor:clothing=lexicographer:dictionary)
new carve v. 切 (carve:turkey=slice:cake)
424 cast n. 選派, 演員陣容 (appoint:official=cast:actor) (letter:signature=playbill:cast)
SC caste n. 等級制度
425 castigation n. 強烈反對, 申斥 (castigation:disapproval=crime:misbehave=blasphemy:irreverence)
426 catalyze v. 催化, 促進 (enzyme:catalyst=bacterium:microbe)
427 cataract n. 大瀑布, 洪水, 白內障
428 catastrophe n. 大災難, 大禍 (catastrophe:mishap=humiliation:embarrassmen)
429 categorical a. 無條件的, 絕對的 (categorical<>qualified/conditional)
430 cater v. 迎合, 投合
SC cathedral n. 大教堂
431 catholic a. 普遍的, 包容的, 天主教的 (catholic<>narrow)
432 caustic a. 腐蝕性的, 刻薄的 (barb:caustic=pan:harsh)
433 cavalier n. 武士
434 caveat n. 警告 (overture/preamble:introductory=caveat:warning/cautionary)
435 cavern n. 巨穴, 大洞 (grotto:cavern=arroyo:channel) (cavern:spelunker=ocean:diver)
436 cavil v. 吹毛求疵 (faultfinding:criticize=quibble:cavil)
437 cavort v. 歡躍, 騰躍 (dodder:unsteady=cavort:sprightly) (cavort<>trudge)
438 cede v. 放棄, 交出 (cede<>possess)
439 celebrity n. 名聲, 名人 (celebrity<>obscurity/opacity)
440 cement n. 鞏固, 水泥 (cement<>fracture)
441 censor v. 審查, 刪改 (vendor:purvey=censor:expurgate)
442 censorious a. 受批判的, 挑剔的 (censorious<>eulogistic)
443 censure v. 責難, 譴責 (lamentable:pity=reprehensible:censure)
444 census n. 戶口普查 (census:population=inventory:merchandise/stock)
445 centrifuge n. 離心分離機
446 ceramic n. 陶瓷製品
447 ceremony n. 典禮, 儀式
448 certitude n. 確實, 確信
449 cessation n. 中止, 暫停 (cessation<>commencement/start/continuation)
new chafe v. 擦傷, 惹怒 (assuage<>chafe)
450 chaff n. 穀殼 (chaff:wheat=shell果殼:pecan核桃) (dross:metal=chaff:grain)
451 chagrin n. 懊惱 (chagrin:mind=grimace:face)
452 chameleon n. 變色龍, 善變的人 (salmon:ichthyologist=chameleon:herpetologist)
453 champion v. 保衛, 擁護 (champion<>disparage/impugn/oppose)
454 chaotic a. 混亂的, 無秩序的 (chaos:predictability=pallor:color)
CAT chaplain n. 牧師 (chaplain:religious=??)
455 charade n. 看手勢猜字遊戲 (charade:word=mime:story) (charade:dissimulate=void:emptiness)
CAT charismatic a. 有吸引力的 (=appealing)
new charitable a. 仁慈的, 寬容的 (rancor<>goodwill/charitableness)
456 charlatan n. 騙子 (juggernaut:crush=charlatan:deceive)
457 chary a. 謹慎的 (chary:caution=imperturbable:composure) (chary<>rash)
new chase v. 雕鏤, 追捕 (embroider:cloth=chase:metal)
458 chasm n. 大差別, 深淵 (cleft:chasm=cut:gash)
new chaste a. 貞潔的, 簡樸的
SC chastise v. 懲戒
new chauvinistic a. 愛國主義的, 沙文主義的 (patriotic:chauvinistic=receptive:gullible)
459 check n. 阻止 (jolt:move=check:stop) (check<>propagate/goad/hasten)
460 chef n. 廚師 (author:novel=chef:banquet)
new cherubic a. 天使的, 純真的 (cherubic<>somber/theatric)
461 chevron n. V形臂章 (chevron:badge=caisson:cart)
462 chiaroscuro n. 明暗對照法 (chiaroscuro:contrast=filigree:delicacy)
463 chic a. 漂亮的, 時髦的
464 chicanery n. 欺騙 (gullible:chicanery=servile:domination)
465 chide v. 小責罵 (chide:pillory=humor:mollycoddle)
new chill v. 變冷 (debase:status=chill:temperature)
new chimera n. 妄想, 吐火獸 (melodrama:subtlety=chimera:authenticity)
466 chip n. 晶片, 碎片
new choir n. 唱詩班 (choir:singer=cast:actor=bouquet:flower)
467 choke v. 窒息, 阻塞, 抑制 (smother=choke)
468 choleric a. 易怒的, 暴躁的 (cowardice:intimidate=choler:antagonize)
469 chord n. 和弦 (constellation:star=chord:note音符=grove:tree)
new chore n. 雜事, 討厭的工作
471 choreography n. 舞蹈編排, 舞蹈 (choreographer編舞者:movement舞蹈動作=architect建築師:building)
472 chorus n. 合唱團 (troupe劇團:perform=chorus:sing)
new chromatic a. 彩色的 (chromatic<>colorless)
473 chronic a. 長期的, 慢性的 (chronic<>sporadic)
474 chronicle n. 編年史
475 chronological a. 按年月順序的
new chuckle n. 小聲竊笑 (chuckle:laughing=whisper:speaking)
CAT chunk n. 厚片, 大塊 (chunk<>morsel)
476 churlish a. 粗野的, 頑固的 (uncouth:churl=conspiratorial:conniver) (complaisance<>obstinacy/churlishness)
477 cinder n. 煤渣, 灰燼
new cineast n. 電影迷 (cineast:film=gourmand:food)
479 cipher n. 密碼
480 circuitous a. 迂回的 (immaterial:relevance=circuitous:directness)
481 circumference n. 圓周 (circumference:circle=perimeter:rectangle)
482 circumlocutory a. 說話迂回的 (circumlocution<>pithy utters/straightforword utter)
483 circumscribe v. 限制 (circumscribed<>unlimited)
484 circumspect a. 慎重的, 小心的 (rash:circumspective=imperious:servile)
485 circumvent v. 繞行, 智取 (circumvent<>confront/direct encounter)
486 cistern n. 貯水槽 (cistern:liquids=landfill:refuse)
487 citation n. 引用, 引證, 引用文, 傳票
488 civility n. 禮貌, 端莊 (civility<>rudeness)
489 clairvoyant a. 透視的, 有洞察力的
SC clamor v. 吵鬧, 喧嚷
490 clamp n. 夾鉗 (brake:decelerate=clamp:compression)
491 clandestine a. 秘密的 (clandestine:secretly=overt:openly)
SC clannish a. 部落的, 排外的
492 clarion a. 清澈響亮的 (clarion<>soft and undistinct)
493 clarity n. 清楚, 透明
494 clasp n. 扣子 (lathe:shape=clasp:fasten)
495 claustrophobia n. [醫]幽閉恐怖症
new claw n. 爪, 用力奪回 (talon:eagle=claw:panther)
SC cleave v. 劈開
496 cleft n. 小裂縫 (cleft:chasm=cut:gash)
497 clement a. 仁慈的, 溫和的 (clement<>pitiless/ruthlessness)
new cliché a. 陳腐的 (hodgepodge:uniformity=cliche:original/hackneyed)
new cling v. 纏著, 依靠 (relinquish<>cling to/procure/cooperate/reward)
499 clique n. 小團體 (clique:intimates=flock:sheep)
500 clog n. 阻塞 (clog:drainage=stalemate:negotiations)
501 closed-minded a. 頑固的
502 closet n. 壁櫥, 小室 a. 秘密的, 空論的
503 clot n. 凝塊 (clot:blood=freeze:water)
504 cloture n. 討論終結開始表決 (voting:roll call=termination:cloture)
SC cloud v. 以雲遮敝, 玷污
505 cloudburst n. 傾盆大雨 (gust:wind=cloudburst:rainfall)
506 clout n. 力量, 勢力 (clout<>impuissance/impotence)
507 cloying a. 甜得發膩的 (garrulous:talkative=cloying:sweet)
508 clumsy a. 笨拙的 (clumsy<>adept)
509 coagulant n. 凝結劑 (astringent:pucker=coagulant:congeal)
CAT coagulate v. 凝固, 濃縮 (coagulate<>thin)
510 coalesce v. 合併, 聯合 (coalesce<>disaggregate/polarize/break apart)
511 coarse a. 粗略的 (fastidious<>coarse/cursory/easygoing/indiscriminate/uncritical)
512 coax v. 用巧言誘哄 (blandishment:coax=medal:honor=prevarication:deceive)
513 coda n. 終結樂章 (dessert:meal=epilogue:play=coda:sonata) (coda<>overture/prelude)
CAT coddle v. 悉心照料, 用小火煮
new coercion n. 強迫 (wheedle:cajolery=extort:coercion)
514 coeval a. 同時代的 (congruent:dimension=coeval:age)
515 cogent a. 有說服力的 (cogent<>unconvincing) (cogent:convince=repugnant:repel)
new cogitate v. 仔細考慮 (iconoclast:attack=philosopher:cogitate)
516 cognizant a. 認知的 (cognizant<>oblivious/unaware)
517 colander n. 漏勺 (centrifuge:separate=colander:drain) (astrolabe:nautical=colander:culinary)
518 collapse v. 倒塌 (collapse:implode=divide:sunder)
CAT colloquial a. 口語的, 會話的 (grandiloquent<>colloquial)
519 collude v. 勾結 (collude:cooperate=smuggle:convey=stalk:follow=eavesdrop:listen)
520 colonnade n. 柱廊 (colonnade:pillar=queue:person)
new colony n. 群體, 僑居地 (bacterium:colony=citizen:nation)
SC color v. 渲染, 歪曲 (color the facts)
521 colossal a. 巨大的 (colossus:figurine=boulder:pebble)
new coltish a. 輕佻的 (coltish:discipline=loutish:grace)
522 coma n. 昏迷狀態 (coma:unconsciousness=delirium:confusion)
523 combustible a. 易燃的 (impervious:friable=nonflammable:combustible)
new comedian n. 喜劇演員
524 comely n. 美麗 (comeliness<>unattractiveness)
525 comity n. 禮讓 (comity<>enmity)
526 commencement n. 開始, 畢業典禮 (cessation<>commencement/start/continuation) (co mmencement<>matriculation)
528 commend v. 推薦, 嘉獎 (berate/deplore/execrable<>commend able/laudable)
529 commensurate a. 同樣大小的, 相稱的 (preponderant<>commensurate)
530 commercial n. 廣告節目 (advertising:commercial=publishing:journal)
531 commingle v. 混合 (commingle<>separate)
532 commitment n. 許諾, 義務 (crime:misdemeanor=commitment:decision)
533 committed a. 受約束的 (profligate:solvent=mercurial:committed)
534 commodious a. 寬敞的 (taut:commodious=extraordinary:purlieu)
535 commonsense a. 具有常識的 (preposterous<>commonsensical)
536 commotion n. 大騷動 (squall:commotion=flash:illumination)
SC compartmentalize v. 劃分
SC compatriot n. 同胞
SC compelling a. 強制的, 令人注目的
537 compendium n. 簡要, 概略 (compendium:summary=anthology:collection)
538 compensate v. 償還, 補償, 付報酬
new competent a. 能勝任的, 充分的
new complacency n. 滿足, 安心 (complacency<>anxiety)
539 complaisance n. 柔順, 彬彬有禮 (complaisance:intractable=adeptness:maladroit) (complaisance<>obstinacy)
540 compliant a. 順從的 (compliant:servile=trusting:gullible)
541 compliment v. 稱讚 (compliment:flattery=deference:subservience)
542 comply v. 順從, 答應 (mandatory:comply=forbidden:abstain)
543 composed a. 鎮靜的, 沈著的 (composed<>distraught/discombobulate)
new composure n. 沈著, 平靜 (chary:caution=imperturbable:composure)
new compound n. 混和, 混和物 (soldier:army=element:compound) (compound<>elemental)
544 compress v. 壓縮 (constrict:diameter=compress:size)
545 compromise n. 妥協 (mediation:compromise=prosecution:conviction)
547 compunction n. 後悔 (compunction<>absence of misgiving)
548 concatenate v. 連結, 連鎖 (concatenate<>separate)
new concave a. 凹的 (scoop:concave=spatula:flat)
new conceal v. 隱藏 (unearth<>conceal) (lurk:concealment=purloin:appropriation)
549 concede/concession v. 承認, 讓步 (concession<>aggress)
SC conceivable a. 想得到的, 可能的
550 concentrate v. 集中, 濃縮 (concentrate<>dilute solution/deploy)
new concerted a. 商議定的 (concerted<>meant to obstruct/individually devised)
551 concerto n. 協奏曲
552 conciliate v. 安撫, 調和 (sop:conciliatory=subsidy:supportive)
553 conciseness n. 簡明, 簡潔 (synopsis:conciseness=distillate:purity)
554 concomitant a. 伴隨的, 共存的
555 concord n. 和睦, 公約 (inconsonant:concord=scatter:overlap)
556 concur v. 意見相同 (concur<>naysay/dissent)
557 condemn v. 責備
new condensation n. 凝結, 濃縮 (dew:condensation=rust:corrosion) (rarefaction<>condensation)
558 condescending a. 叫人領情的, 謙遜的 (condescending:patronize=obsequious:fawn)
559 condign a. 適宜的 (condign<>undeserved/unmerited)
new condole v. 表達同情或悲傷 (condolence:sympathy/compassion=gibe:derision)
560 condone v. 寬恕 (condone<>denounce/exact)
561 conducive a. 有助於的 (conducive:foment=tonic:invigorate)
new conductor n. 指揮, 領導者 (conductor:instrumentalist=director:actor)
562 confess v. 承認, 懺悔
563 confidant n. 心腹朋友, 知己
564 confident a. 有信心的 (confidence:arrogant=inquiry:interrogatory)
565 confine v. 禁閉 (loose:confinement=disabuse:misconception)
566 confluence n. 匯合 (confluence:streams=junction:roads) (confluence<>divergence)
567 conform v. 使遵守 v. 一致
new confound v. 混淆, 挫敗 (confound<>discriminate between/set straight)
568 confront v. 面對, 對抗 (craven:confront=honest:deceive) (circumvent<>confront)
569 congeal v. 凝固 (congeal<>melt/disintegrate)
570 congenial a. 友善的, 同性質的 (dour<>congenial/genial)
571 congruent a. 全等的 (congruent:dimension=coeval:age)
new conifer n. 松柏科植物 (epidermis:mammal=bark:conifer)
572 conjecture v. 推測 (conjecture<>restrain from the speculation/fact)
SC conjure v. 祈求, 唸咒
573 connive v. 密謀, 縱容 (connive:cooperate=pry:watch)
574 connoisseur n. 鑒賞家 (selflessness:altruist=expertise:connoisseur)
575 conquest n. 征服 (inexorable:dissuasion=indomitable:conquest)
576 conscientious a. 有責任心的 (conscientious<>careless/remiss)
new conscript v. 強制入伍 (emigrate:exile=enlist:conscript)
577 consensus n. 一致同意 (consensus:factionalism=clarity:confusion)
new consent n. 同意
new consequence n. 結果, 重要
578 conservative a. 保守的, 保守的人 (hidebound:conservative=manic:excited)
579 conservatory n. 音樂學院, 溫室 (infirmary:treament=conservatory:instruction)
580 conserve v. 保存, 保全 (conserve<>waste/squander/exhaust)
581 considerable a. 相當的, 重要的 (consider<>table) (restive:calmness=piddling:considerable)
582 consign v. 委託, 托運 (to consign money in a bank)
583 console v. 安慰, 藉慰 (embarrass:shame=console:comfort)
584 consolidate v. 鞏固 (consolidation<>fragmentation/dissolve)
585 consonance n. 一致, 調和 (consonant<>discrepant)
586 conspicuous a. 顯著的 (hermitage:secluded=landmark:conspicuous)
587 conspiracy n. 陰謀 (infiltrate:enter=conspire:plan)
588 constellation n. 星座, 星群
SC consternation n. 驚恐
589 constitute v. 任命, 組成 (abdicate<>constitute)
590 constrained a. 束縛的, 節制 (constrain<>release/intemperate)
new constrict v. 壓縮 (constrict:diameter=compress:size)
591 constringe v. 壓縮 (commodious<>constringed)
592 consult v. 商量, 考慮
593 consummate a. 完美的 (consummate<>amateurish外行的)
594 contagious a. 傳染性的 (contagious<>incommunicable)
595 contaminate v. 感染 (hedge:loss=quarantine:contamination=safeguard:accident)
596 contemplate v. 注視, 沈思 (contemplative:insightful=??)
597 contempt n. 輕視 (pout:displeasure=wince:pain=smile:pleasure=sneer:contempt) (contemptable<>p opular)
598 content a. 滿足的 (disaffected:contentment=anxious:serenity)
599 contentious a. 喜爭吵的 (meddlesome:pry=contentious:argue)
new contiguous a. 連接的, 連續的 (contiguous:abut=simultaneous:coincide)
CAT continence n. 節制, 禁慾 (=self-denial)
600 contingent a. 暫時的, 可能發生的
601 contortion n. 扭彎, 曲解 (contortion:body=grimace:face)
602 contradictory a. 反駁的, 反對的, 抗辯的
603 contravene v. 違背, 反對 (contravene<>support/buttress)
CAT contretemps n. 意外的不幸 (contretemps<>an opportune occurrence)
605 contrite a. 後悔的, 痛悔的 (apologize:contrite=compliment:impressed)
SC contrive v. 發明
606 contrived a. 設計的, 不自然的 (contrived:design=??)
607 control n. 對照組 (control<>group experimented on)
new controversial a. 爭論的, 可疑的 (axiomatic<>controversial)
608 contumacious a. 違抗的, 不服從的 (contumacious:authority=hidebound:novelty)
609 conundrum n. 難題 (conundrum:solve=tangle:unrave)
610 convalesce v. 漸漸康復 (recidivism:relapse=rehabilitation:convalesce)
CAT convene v. 召集 (convene<>dismiss)
611 convenience n. 方便, 便利的事物, 無憂慮
612 convention n. 慣例, 大會 (ossify<>transcend conventions)
614 convergent a. 收斂的, 聚合的 (convergent<>moving apart)
615 conversant a. 親近的, 有交情的 (conversant<>ignorant)
616 convert v. 使改變信仰 (veer:direction=convert:belief) (hunter:quarry=proselytizer:convert)
617 convex a. 凸起的 (convex<>dent)
618 convey v. 傳達, 運輸 (duct:convey=splint:immobilize)
620 conviction n. 定罪, 確信 (mediation:compromise=prosecution:conviction) (skepticism<>conviction)
621 convivial a. 歡宴的, 歡樂的 (convival:sociability=??)
622 convoke v. 召集會議 (convoke<>adjourn)
623 convoluted a. 複雜的, 費解的 (convoluted:complexity=ephemeral:transience=transient:evanescence)
624 convulsion n. 痙攣, 騷動 (convulsion:contraction=frenzy:emotion)
new coo n. 輕柔低語 (snarler<>coo)
625 coop n. 雞籠, 小屋 (corral:horses=coop:chickens)
626 copious a. 豐富的 (copious<>sparse/dearth)
new coquette n. 風騷的女人 (supplicant:beseeching=coquette:flirtatious)
627 cord n. 木料計量單位, 繩索, 束縛 (cord:wood=ream:paper)
628 cordon n. 警戒線 (levee:river=cordon:crowd)
629 cornucopia n. 象徵豐收的羊角 (cornucopia:abundance=mace:authority)
new corona n. 日冕, 光環 (corona:sun=atmosphere:planet)
630 coronation n. 加冕 (coronation:reign=wedding:marriage)
631 corporeal a. 肉體的, 有形的 (corporeal<>intangible/disembodied無形的/spiritual/immaterial)
632 corral n. 畜欄, 佔有 (corral:horses=coop:chickens)
new correspond v. 通信, 相應 (correspond:letters=barter:commodities)
633 corroborate v. 證實, 使堅固 (corroborate:evidence=calumniate:falsehood)
634 corrosive a. 腐蝕的 (etch:corrosive=glue:adhesive)
new corrugated a. 滿是皺紋的 (corrugated<>smooth)
635 cosmopolitan n. 世界主義者 (provincial:cosmopolitan=bigot:tolerant)
636 cosset v. 溺愛 (cosset<>slight/unspoiled)
637 coterie n. 小團體, 小圈子
638 countenance v. 寬容, 表情 (countenance:toleration=demur:objection)
639 counterfeit n. 偽造品 (counterfeit:money=sophism:reasoning)
new countermand v. 取消, 撤銷 (countermand:order=revoke:license)
640 counterpart n. 副本, 相應物
SC counterpoise v. 平均, 平衡 (be in counterpoise)
SC coup n. 成功之舉 (make a great coup)
641 court v. 求愛 n. 法院 (court<>aversion/spum/repel intentionally/snub)
642 courtesy n. 禮貌, 謙恭, 允許
new couth a. 文雅的
643 coven n. 女巫的集會 (witch:coven=retainer:retinue)
new covert a. 隱蔽的 (covert<>open)
644 covetous a. 小小渴望的, 小小貪婪的 (covetous:rapacious=troubled:distraught=enthusiastic:mania)
645 cow v. 恐嚇, 威脅 (cow<>embolden/undaunted)
646 cowardice n. 懦弱 (cowardice:intimidate=choler:antagonize)
647 cower v. 畏縮, 退縮 (cower<>brazenly confront)
CAT coy a. 害羞的, 含糊其詞的 (coy<>audacious/brash/brazen/impudent)
648 cozen v. 欺騙 (credulous:cozen=tractable:control)
649 craft n. 詭計, 技藝
650 cramp a. 狹窄的 (cramp<>commodious)
651 crass a. 粗糙的 (crass<>refined)
652 craven a. 懦弱的, 畏縮的 (craven:heroic=volatile:constant)
653 craving n. 渴望, 懇求 (crave:longing=exult:satisfaction)
new crease v. 折, 弄皺 (crease:folding=hole:perforating)
654 credence n. 信任, 供桌, 憑證
656 credulous a. 輕信的 (skeptic:credulous=penitent:obdurate)
657 creek n. 小溪 (creek:river=hill:mountain=pebble:rock)
658 creep v. 慢慢前進, 爬 (creep<>move swiftly/quick movement)
659 crescendo n. <音樂>漸強 (crescendo:sound=acceleration:tempo)
660 crest n. 波峰, 雞冠, 頂飾 (crest:wave=acme/summit/peak:mountain)
661 crestfallen a. 挫敗的, 失望的 (crestfallen<>exultant)
new cringe n. 畏縮 (fidget:nervousness=cringe:dread)
662 criterion n. 標準, 規範
663 crockery n. 陶器, 瓦器 (=earthenware)
664 cronyism n. 任人唯親 (cronyism:friend=nepotism:relative)
new crook n. <牧羊人或主教的>曲柄杖 v. 使彎曲
665 croon v. 低聲歌唱, 低吟 (croon:sing=murmur:speak)
CAT crop n. 大量 (crop<>pittance)
666 crouch v. 蹲伏, 彎腰 (crouch:spring=hover:plunge)
667 crown v. 使成王, 加冕
668 crucial a. 極重要的 (relevant:crucial=perceptible:obvious)
669 crude a. 粗糙的, 不成熟的 (delicacy<>crudity)
CAT crumble v. 破碎, 摧毀 (friable:crumbed=luckd:comprehended)
new crumple v. 弄皺, 崩潰 (fold:crumple=defeat:overwhelm)
new crusade n. 十字軍聖戰, 參加某種運動
670 crutch n. 拐杖, 支撐 (crutch:walk=glasses:see)
671 crux n. 關鍵, 難題 (crux<>peripheral element)
672 cryptic a. 秘密的, 神秘的 (cipher:cryptic=précis:concise)
CAT cub n. 幼獸, 幼鯨, 幼鯊 (eaglet:bird=cub:bear)
673 cuisine n. 烹調 (gourmet:cuisine=connoisseur:art)
CAT culinary a. 烹飪用的 (astrolabe:nautical=colander:culinary)
674 culpable a. 該受譴責的 (confession:culpability=testimonial:appreciation)
new cult n. 狂熱崇拜
675 cultivated a. 耕種的 (cultivate<>cause to wither/feral)
676 cumbersome a. 笨拙的, 累贅的 (cumbersome<>easy to handle)
677 cunning a. 狡猾的 (cunning:gulled=watchful:waylaid)
678 curator n. 館長, 主持 (curator:art=archivist:documents) (ranger:forest=curator:museum)
CAT curb n. 束縛, 勒馬繩 (curb<>incite/abet/stir)
679 curmudgeon n. 脾氣壞的老人 (curmudgeon<>agreeable person)
680 curriculum n. 課程計劃 (curriculum:course=menu:dish=agenda:meeting)
681 cursory a. 粗略的, 草率的 (exam cursorily<>pinpoint)
682 curt a. 簡略草率的 (curt:words=parsimonious:resource)
683 curtail v. 截短, 縮短 (curtail:duration=abase:strength)
684 cyclone n. 颶風, 暴風
685 cynical a. 憤世嫉俗的 (ingenue:sophistication=cynic:trustfulness)
686 dabble v. 輕輕涉獵, 淺嘗即止 (dabbler:dedication=martinet:leniency)
687 daft a. 傻的, 愚蠢的 (daft<>judicious)
new dagger n. 短劍, 敵意 (dagger:scabbard=pistol:holster)
new daguerreotype n. 早期銀板照相法 (daguerreotype:photograph=musket:firearm)
new dais n. 講臺, 主席臺 (dais:honor=stadium:compete)
688 dally v. 閒逛, 虛度時光 (dally:times=quander:money)
689 damp v. 抑制, 打濕 (damper<>ameliorator)
CAT dander n. 生氣, 漫步
690 dandy n. 花花公子, 好打扮的人 (dandy:preen=miser:hoard)
691 dank a. 陰濕的 (dank:moisture=dappled:spot) (dank<>dry)
692 dapper a. 衣冠楚楚的, 乾淨的 (slovenly:dapper=indulgent:adherent)
693 dappled a. 斑紋的, 花的 (dappled:spot=striated:groove)
694 daredevil n. 大膽的人, 魯莽的人 (daredevil:audacity=malcontent:dissatisfaction)
695 dart n. 標槍 v. 疾走, 突進 (dart:missile=skiff:boat) (move:dart=descend:plummet)
new dash v. 猛衝 (waft:plummet=meander:dash)
CAT dastard n. 懦夫 (dastard:craven=rascal:mischievous)
696 daunt v. 嚇倒, 使畏縮 (dauntless:intimidate=irrepressible:restrain)
697 dawdle v. 遊手好閒 (hie<>dawdle)
new dazzle n. 燦爛, 耀眼 (glimmer:dazzle=murmur:resound)
698 deactivate v. 解除動員, 復員, 使無效, 使不活動
699 deadpan a. 無表情的臉 (deadpan:impassive=impudent:brazen=insightful:discerning)
new deafen v. 以極大聲音震聾 (heartrending:sad=earsplitting/deafening:loud)
700 dearth n. 缺乏, 糧食不足 (dearth<>plethora/spate/copiousness)
new debacle n. 崩潰, 潰敗 (debacle<>complete success/éclat)
701 debark v. 使登陸, 卸載, 使下船 (embark<>debark) (debark:ship=dismount:horse)
702 debase v. 貶低, 貶損 (debase:status=chill:temperature)
703 debilitate v. 使衰弱 (debilitate:strength=attenuate:thickness)
704 debonair a. 殷勤的, 快活的, 溫文爾雅的
CAT debrief v. 聽取報告 (debrief:information=??)
705 debris n. 碎片, 殘骸 (debris:destroy=ash:burn)
706 debunk v. 揭穿真相, 暴露 (debunk<>perpetuate to sham/unexposure)
707 debut n. 初次登臺 (debut:career=embark:journey)
708 decadence n. 衰落, 頹廢 (decadence<>wholesomeness)
709 decant v. 輕輕倒出 (decanter:pour=subterfuge:deceive)
710 decelerate v. 使減速
new decency n. 高雅, 得體, 寬容
CAT deception n. 欺騙, 受騙 (camouflage:deception=flattery:ingratiating)
711 decibel n. 分貝 (decibel:loudness=light-year:distance)
new decipher v. 破解, 解釋 (decipher:hieroglyph=separate:component=break:code)
new declamation n. 誇大的說 (declamation:grandiloquence=diatribe:abuse)
712 decode v. 解碼, 譯解 (encoded:decode=tacit:infer)
new decorate v. 裝飾 (labyrinth:tortuous=ornament:decorative)
CAT decorous a. 高雅的 (mangy/shabby<>decorous)
713 decorum n. 禮儀 (gaffe:decorum=miscalculation:judgment)
714 decrepit a. 衰老的, 破舊的 (decrepit<>vigorous/sturdy/sound/robust/hale)
715 dedication n. 奉獻, 致力, 獻辭
716 default v. 拖欠, 默認 (default:pay=yield:resist)
CAT defeatist n. 失敗主義者 (defeatist:resigned=stickler:exacting=martinet:disciplinary)
new defer v. 聽從, 延期 (arrogance:defer=lassitude:stir)
717 deference n. 敬意, 尊重 (deferential:sycophant=frugal:penurious)
718 deficiency n. 缺乏, 不足 (deficiency<>surfeit)
719 defile n. <山間>小道 v. 弄汙, 弄髒 (defile:narrowness=precipice:steepness)
720 definitive a. 限定的, 決定性的
CAT deflect v. 逃避, 使轉向 (parry:question=deflect:criticism)
721 defoliate v. 使落葉 (defoliants:leave=insecticide:insect)
new deforest v. 採伐森林 (deforestation:tree=insecticide:insect)
722 defraud v. 欺騙
723 deft a. 靈巧的, 熟練的 (maladroit:deft=voluble:terse)
724 defuse v. 撫慰, 減輕 (defuse<>foment)
725 defy v. 反抗, 使落空 (defy<>acquiesce/obey)
726 dehydrate v. 使脫水 (dehydration:moisture=descent:altitude=desertification:vegetation)
727 deify v. 神化 (debasement<>deification)
728 deject v. 使沮喪, 使灰心 (hearten:dejection=mollify:anger)
new delectable a. 令人愉快的 (loath<>eager/delectable)
729 deleterious a. 有害的, 有毒的 (deleterious<>beneficial/salutary/salubrious/wholesome)
730 deliberate a. 深思熟慮的, 審慎的 (brash:deliberation=candor:subterfuge)
731 delicacy n. 精致 (chiaroscuro:contrast=filigree:delicacy)
CAT delight v. 取悅 (beleaguer<>delight)
732 delinquent n. 行為不良的人, 流氓
733 deliquesce v. 溶解, 解除, 液化
734 delirium n. 精神錯亂, 發狂 (delirium:confusion=coma:unconsciousness)
735 delude v. 迷惑, 錯覺 (delusion:thought=hallucination:perception)
736 deluge n. 大洪水, 豪雨 (droplet:deluge=pebble:landslide)
737 delve v. 探究, 查考 (delve:skim=scrutinize:gloss=quaff:sip)
738 demagogue n. 煽動者 (demagogue:instruct=shirk:malinger)
739 demanding a. 苛求的 (demanding:satisfactory=adulterate:pristine)
740 demise n. 死亡, 贈與 (the demise of the dictator) (=death)
741 demography n. 人口統計學 (demography:population=meteorology:weather)
742 demolition n. 破壞 (rehabilitate:demolition=recycle:disposal)
743 demoralize v. 挫折銳氣, 使墮落 (demoralize<>invigorate/cheer)
744 demotic a. 通俗的 (demotic<>profound)
745 demur v. 因懷疑而反對 (demur:qualms=waver:irresoluteness)
new demystify v. 闡明, 去除神祕因素 (obfuscate<>demystify/elucidate/illuminate/clarify/explain clearly)
746 denigrate v. 詆毀, 使變黑 (denigrate<>honor)
CAT denim n. 粗斜紋棉布 (sonnet:poem=denim:fabric)
747 denouement n. 結尾, 結局 (joke:punch line=plot:denouement)
748 denounce v. 指責, 揭發 (admonish:denounce=punish:pillory)
749 dent n. 凹痕, 齒輪的齒 (dent<>convex)
new denture n. 假牙 (denture:teeth=toupee:hair)
750 denude v. 脫去, 剝奪 (denude<>cover)
751 depart v. 離開, 違反 (lurk:wait=abscond:depart=hoard:save)
752 depict v. 描述, 描寫
753 deplete v. 耗盡, 使衰竭 (enrich<>deplete)
754 deplore v. 強烈反對, 指責, 表遺憾 (deplore<>approve/commend)
755 deploy v. <軍> 展開, 調度 (deploy<>concentrate)
756 deportation n. 驅逐, 放逐 (deportation:country=eviction:dwelling=expel:school)
757 depose v. 作證, 免職 (perjure<>depose)
758 deposit v. 使淤積 (deposit<>process of eroding)
759 depravity n. 墮落, 邪惡 (doldrums:energy=depravity:virtue)
760 deprecate v. 不贊成, 貶低 (deprecate:value=restrict:diameter)
761 depreciate v. 貶低, 貶值 (self depreciate:swagger=fawn:hauteur/imperiousness)
762 depress v. 使沮喪 (despondent:depressed=expert:skilled)
763 deprivation n. 剝奪 (deprivation<>fecundity/surfeit)
new deputy n. 代理人 (understudy:star=deputy:sheriff)
764 deracinate v. 根除 (deracinate<>plant)
765 derelict a. 玩忽職守的, 被遺棄的 (stickler:derelict=poseur:unaffected) (derelict<>pillar of society)
766 deride v. 嘲弄 (scoff:derisive=pontificate:pompous=drawl:slow=bluster:loud=prate:aimless)
767 derivative a. 派生的, 無創意的 (derivative<>original/precursory/innovative)
768 derogate v. 貶損 (derogate<>accolade)
new desalination n. 去鹽作用 (purification:dross=desalinization:salt)
769 descendant n. 後代, 後裔 (descendants<>forbears)
770 descent n. 降低, 血統 (dehydration:moisture=descent:altitude=desertification:vegetation)
771 desecrate v. 褻瀆, 污辱 (desecrate<>sanctify/revere/hallow)
772 desert v. 放棄, 逃跑
773 desiccate v. 弄乾, 脫水 (desiccant:dry=caustic:eat away)
774 designate v. 命名, 任命 (appellation:designate=foreword:introductory)
775 despair v. 絕望
new desperate a. 極度渴望的, 絕望的
776 despicable a. 可鄙的, 卑劣的 (despicable:contempt=reprehensible:censure)
777 despise v. 鄙視 (despise<>venerate)
778 despondent a. 失望的, 意氣消沈的
new despotic a. 專制的, 暴虐的 (despotic:tyranny=generous:liberality)
779 dessert n. 甜點心 (dessert:meal=epilogue:play=coda:sonata)
780 desultory a. 散漫的, 不連貫的 (desultory:plan=languid:energy=facile:profundity)
781 detach v. 分離, 分遣 (tether<>detach)
new detached a. 超然的, 分離的 (rabid<>detached)
782 detain v. 拘留, 阻止 (detain<>manumit)
783 deter v. 制止, 威懾 (spur<>deter) (intrepid:deter=rapt:distract)
new deterioration n. 惡化, 墮落 (deterioration<>improvement/amelioration)
784 detestable a. 可憎的
new detour v. 繞路而行 (detour:route=digress:topic)
new detoxification n. 解毒 (detoxification:poison=neutralization:acid)
CAT detract v. 貶低, 減去 (detract<>extol)
786 detritus n. 廢品 (detritus<>valuable product)
CAT devastate v. 使荒蕪, 破壞 (reclaim<>devastate)
787 deviation n. 背離 (course:digress=subject/sopic/statement:deviate)
788 devise v. 設計, 圖謀, 遺贈給
789 devolve v. 轉移, 衰落
790 devoted a. 投入的, 深愛的 (devoted:zealous=careful:fastidious)
791 devout a. 虔誠的 (religion:devoutness=??)
new dew n. 露水 (dew:condensation=rust:corrosion)
new dexterous a. 心靈手巧的 (dexterous:manipulate=prescient:predict)
792 diabolize v. 變惡魔, 變殘暴 (diabolical<>seraphic/benefic)
793 diagnose v. 診斷
795 diaphanous a. 半透明的, 模糊的 (diaphanous<>opaque/substantial/impermeable of light)
796 diatribe n. 抨擊性演說 (diatribe:discourse=lullaby:song)
new dichotomy n. 二分法
797 didactic a. 教誨的 (didactic:teach=hortatory:urge=comic:amuse=fantastic:amaze)
new die n. 鋼模 (reel:winding=die:shaping)
798 diehard n. 頑固分子 (diehard:budge=vagary:predict)
799 diffident a. 無自信的, 羞怯的 (diffident<>brassy/brazen/nervy/bold/expansive)
800 diffuse a. 冗長的, 彌漫的 (aphorism:diffuse=euphemism:offensive)
801 digit n. 手指或腳趾 (finger:digit=fang:tooth)
802 dignity n. 尊嚴, 高貴
803 digress v. 離題 (digress:excursive=reiterate:redundant)
804 dilapidate v. 荒廢, 毀壞 (dilapidated<>restored/still in use)
805 dilate v. 使膨脹, 使擴大 (dilate<>contract/narrow)
806 dilatory a. 拖拉的, 不慌不忙的 (dilatory:procrastinate=malcontent:complain) (dilatory<>precipitate/alacrity)
new dilemma n. 困境,進退兩難
807 dilettante n. 業餘愛好者 (dilettante:superficiality=partisan:bias)
808 diligent a. 勤勉的, 用功的 (diligent:effort=malign:ill will)
809 dilute v. 沖淡, 稀釋 (dilute:concentration=slacken:tautness)
new dimension n. 尺寸, 維度 (congruent:dimension=coeval:age)
new diminish v. 減少 (diminish<>increase/escalate)
810 din n. 喧鬧聲, 嘈雜聲 (din:ear=stench:nose)
811 dingus n. 新玩意兒
812 dingy a. 黑暗的, 骯髒的 (dingy:glisten=slippery:adhere)
813 diocesan a. 主教管區的 (diocesan<>ecumenical)
new diplomatic a. 精明圓滑的, 外交的 (diplomat:tact=inventor:ingenuity)
814 dire a. 可怕的, 悲慘的 (dire<>pleasant)
815 dirge n. 哀歌 (dirge:music=elegy:poetry) (dirge:solemn=polemic:contentious)
816 disabuse v. 糾正, 使省悟 (loose:confinement=disabuse:misconception)
817 disaffected a. 不滿的, 叛離的 (disaffected:rebel=officious:meddle)
818 disagreeable a. 不愉快的, 厭惡的, 不為人喜的
819 disarm v. 緩和, 放下武器 (bait<>disarm) (disarm<>put on gard)
new disarray n. 混亂 (shipshape:disarray=squalid:cleanliness)
820 disavow v. 否認, 否定 (disavowal<>admission/acknowledgement)
821 discard v. 丟棄, 解雇
822 discernible a. 可辨別的 (perspicacious:discerning=ravishing:attractive)
823 discerning a. 有洞察力的, 眼力好的, 眼光敏銳的
824 discharge v. 解雇, 屨行, 放出 (discharge<>hire)
825 disciple n. 弟子, 門徒 (disciple:follow=apologist:defend)
new discipline n. 紀律 (coltish:discipline=loutish:grace)
826 disclaim v. 否認, 放棄 (disclaim:indebtedness=??)
SC disclose v. 揭露, 泄露
827 discography n. 音樂唱片分類目錄
new discombobulate v. 擾亂 (discombobulate<>compose) (discombobulated:order=erratic:consistency)
new discomfit v. 使窘迫, 使困惑 (discomfit:blush=contempt:sneer)
828 discommode v. 使不安, 打擾 (discommode<>convenience/pacificate/ease/mollify/oblige)
829 discompose v. 使不安, 使煩亂, 使煩惱 (discompose:pacific=fabricate:authentic=engage:tedious )
830 disconcert v. 使不安, 使困惑 (disconcert<>placate)
831 discord n. 不調和 (discordant:sound=anachronistic:time)
832 discourse n. 演講, 論文, 談話 (badinage<>serious discourse) (diatribe:discourse=lullaby:song)
new discredit v. 誹謗 (invective:discredit=exhortation:motivate)
833 discrepancy n. 不同, 矛盾 (converge/concord/consonant<>discrepant)
834 discretion n. 慎重, 辨別力 (indiscretion:convention=overdose:prescription)
835 discretionary a. 任意的, 無條件的
836 discriminate v. 區別, 差別待遇 (epicure:discriminating=spectator:watching=sentinel:watchful)
837 discursive a. 散漫的, 無層次的 (discursive<>keen on title)
838 disdain v. 輕視, 鄙視 (snub:disdain=double-cross:disloyalty)
CAT disembarrass v. 解放, 使放心 (disembarrass/extricate:entanglement=reassure:anxiety)
839 disengage v. 使自由, 解開 (disengage<>mesh)
840 disgorge v. 嘔出 (vomit:disgorge=??)
841 disgruntle v. 使不高興 (disgruntle<>refresh/contented)
842 disguise v. 隱瞞, 假裝 (disguise:recognition=padding:damage)
843 disgust n. 厭惡, 嫌惡
844 dishevel v. 使蓬亂, 使頭髮淩亂
845 disinclination n. 不感興趣 (disposed<>disinclined) (aversion:disinclination=adulation:admiration)
846 disinfect v. 消毒 (antiseptic:disinfect=oil:lubricate)
new disinter v. 掘出 (disinter<>bury) (waffle:enunciate=embed:disinter)
847 disinterested a. 無私欲的, 公平的 (disinterested:partisanship=venal:probity)
new disjointed a. 脫節的, 雜亂的 (disjointed:coherence=banal:originality) (disjointed<>orderly)
848 disjunctive a. 可分的, 分離的 (disjunctive:unity=nominal:significance)
new dislodge v. 逐出 (ensconce<>dislodge/displace/unsettle)
CAT dismal a. 憂鬱的, 陰沈的 (festal/festive/joyful/gay<>dismal)
849 dismantle v. 拆除, 分解 (dismantle:unity=adulterate:pristine)
new dismay n. 沮喪, 驚慌 (dismay<>hearten) (aghast<>undismayed)
850 disparage v. 貶抑, 輕蔑 (disparage:ignore=scorn:reject)
851 disparate a. 迥然不同的, 不相關的 (disparate<>analogous/like/similar/homogeneous)
852 dispassionate a. 冷靜的, 公正的 (dispassionate<>responsive)(dispassionate<>partial/biased)
853 dispatch n. 迅速, 派遣 (dispatch<>leisureliness)
854 disposal n. 處理, 傾向 (recycle:disposal=rehabilitate:demolition) (disposed<>disinclined)
new disproportion n. 不相稱 (symmetry<>disproportion)
new disprove v. 證明..是錯的 (remonstrance:offend=syllogism:disprove)
new disputatious a. 好爭論的 (polemic:disputatious=invective:abusive)
855 disquiet v. 擔心, 焦慮 (disquiet<>put at ease)
new disregard v. 不重視, 漠視 (flout:disregard=taunt:challenge)
856 disrupt v. 使分裂, 使瓦解 (saboteur:disrupt=apologist:defend)
857 dissect v. 解剖, 切細 (specimen:dissect=sentence:parse)
858 dissemble v. 隱藏, 掩飾 (ingenuous:dissemble=raffish:preen=polite:snub)
new disseminate v. 散播, 宣傳 (disseminate<>garner/nucleate)
859 dissension n. 意見不合, 糾紛 (concord<>dissension)
860 dissent v. 持異議, 不同意 (dissenter:orthodox=maverick:group)
861 dissertation n. 論文
new dissimulation n. 掩飾, 假裝 (charade:dissimulate=void:emptiness)
862 dissipate v. 浪費, 驅散 (dissipation:temperation=fecundity:sterility)
863 dissociate v. 分離, 游離, 分裂
864 dissolute a. 放蕩的, 無節制的 (libertine:dissolute=wag:humorous)
865 dissolve v. 溶解, 解散 (clot:dissolved=crowd:dispersed)
866 dissonance n. 不和諧音 (dissonance<>concord)
867 dissuade v. 勸阻 (protest:dissuade=supplicate:entreaty)
new distain v. 污辱 (contemptible:distain=hilarious:laugh)
new distal a. 遠離中心的, 神經末梢的 (distal<>proximal)
868 distention n. 膨脹 (distention<>compress/constrict)
869 distillation n. 蒸餾 (synopsis:conciseness=distillate:purity)
870 distinction n. 區別
871 distinguished a. 卓著的, 著名的
872 distort v. 扭曲, 歪曲 (distortion:caricature=brevity:aphorism)
873 distract v. 轉移, 分心, 使發狂 (rapt:distract=intrepid:deter)
874 distraught a. 心神狂亂的 (troubled:distraught=covetous:rapacious)
new distress n. 悲痛, 苦惱 (agonized:distress=obsessed:concern)
875 ditch n. 溝
new ditty n. 小調, 小曲 (fable:tale=ditty:song) (ditty:oratorio=anecdote:novel)
876 diurnal a. 白天的 (diurnal<>nocturnal/chiefly active at night)
877 diverge v. 分歧, 岔開 (diverge:apart=traverse:across)
878 divert v. 使轉向 v. 轉移 (diversity<>uniformity)
879 divestiture n. 剝奪, 脫衣 (divestiture<>acquisition/endow)
880 divulge v. 泄漏 (divulge<>keep secret)
new dizz ad. 暈眩地 (hemorrhage:bleeding=vertigo:dizziness)
new dobble-cross n. 叛變 (snub:disdain=double-cross:disloyalty)
881 doctrine n. 教義, 主義, 學說
882 dodder v. 搖擺, 蹣跚 (dodder:unsteady=cavort:sprightly)
new dodge v. 避開 (dodge:blow打擊=escape:capture)
883 doff v. 脫, 丟棄 (doff<>don)
884 dogged a. 頑固的, 頑強的 (dogged<>easily discouraged/yielded)
885 doggerel a. 歪詩的, 打油詩 (doggerel:verse=potboiler:article)
886 doggo ad. 隱藏著
887 dogma n. 教條 (dogma:iconoclast=convention:maverick)
888 doldrums n. 情緒低沈, 無風帶 (doldrums:energy=depravity:virtue)
889 dolorous a. 悲哀的, 憂愁的 (dolorous<>jubilant/happy/jovial)
new dolt n. 呆子 (dolt:stupid=wag:humorous)
890 domicile n. 住所, 住宅 (nomad:domicile=freelancer:employer)
891 domination n. 支配, 控制 (servile:domination=gullible:chicanery)
CAT domineering a. 專橫霸道的 (domineering<>open to challenge)
892 don v. 穿上 (doff<>don)
893 donor n. 捐贈人 (gift:donor=legacy:predecessor)
894 doodle v. 亂寫, 亂畫 (draw:doodle=travel:ramble)
new dossier n. 相關檔案 (portfolio:securities=dossier:reports)
new dote v. 溺愛 (upbraid:reproach=dote:like)
895 dour a. 嚴厲的, 沈寂的 (dour<>congenial/genial/jocund)
new douse v. 把...浸入水中, 弄熄 (a HEAVY drenching)
new dove n. 鴿, 溫和派 (dove<>warmonger)
CAT downplay v. 淡化, 貶低 (vaunt<>downplay)
896 downpour n. 暴雨 (downpour:flooding=wind:erosion)
897 doyen n. 老資格, 首席 (eccentric:conventional=doyen:uninitiated)
898 doze v. 打瞌睡 (doze:sleep=nudge:prod)
new drab a. 單調的, 無趣的 (drab<>jovial)
899 draconian a. 嚴峻的, 苛刻的 (draconian:inclemency=fretted:vexation)
new drainage n. 排泄, 下水道 (clog:drainage=stalemate:negotiations)
900 drawl v. 懶洋洋地說 (drawl:speak=inch:move=lope:run)
new dread n. 懼怕, 擔心 (fidget:nervousness=cringe:dread)
901 dreary a. 沈悶的 (dreary<>jocund)
902 drench v. 使濕透, 使充滿 (drenched:wet=antithetic:different)
new drift v. 漂流, 遊蕩 (preservative:decay=anchor:drifting=seal:leakage)
903 drivel v. 說傻話 (nonsensical:drivel=pompous:bombast)
904 drizzle v. 下毛毛雨 (drizzle<>deluge)
905 droll a. 好笑的 (droll:laugh=grisly:flinch)
906 drone v. 單調低沈地說 (drone:monotonous=stammer:halting=hiss:sibilant)
new droop v. 萎靡, 下垂 (effervesce<>droop)
new drop cloth n. <油漆時保護傢俱地板用的>罩單
907 droplet n. 小滴
new dross n. 渣滓 (dross:metal=chaff:grain) (purification:dross=desalinization:salt)
908 drudgery n. 苦差事 (drudgery<>rewarding work)
909 dubious a. 可疑的 (disaffected:contentment=dubious:commitment)
new ductile a. 有延展性的, 柔軟的 (ductility:malleable=toxicity:poisonous)
new duel n. 決鬥 (skirmish:insignificance=duel:formality)
910 dulcet a. 悅耳的, 美妙的 (dulcet<>cacophonous)
911 dull a. 鈍的, 陰暗的
912 dullard n. 笨蛋 (dullard<>wit)
913 dune n. 沙丘 (sand:dune=word:sentence)
914 dupe n. 欺騙, 易受騙的人 (callous:impassive=dupe:duplicity)
new duplicity n. 欺騙 (callous:impassive=dupe:duplicity)
new dutiful a. 盡本分的 (truant:dutiful=??)
915 dwelling n. 住處 (deportation:country=eviction:dwelling=expel:school)
new dwindle v. 逐漸縮小, 衰落 (dwindle:decrease=crawl:proceed) (proliferate<>dwindle)
new dye v. 染色 (mortar:grind=vat:dye)
new dynamo n. 發電機, 有活力的人 (emollient:soothe=dynamo:generate) (dynamo<>sluggard)
CAT dyslexia n. 閱讀障礙 (dyslexia:read=insomnia:sleep)
916 dyspeptic a. 脾氣壞的, 消化不良的 (dyspeptic<>genial)
917 eaglet n. 小鷹 (eaglet:bird=fawn:mammal)
918 earnest a. 認真的 (smarmy<>earnest/facetious)
919 earplug n. 耳栓 (earplug:noise=shield:impact)
920 earshot n. 聽力所及之範圍 (earshot:hear=ken:see)
921 earsplitting a. 震耳欲聾的 (earsplitting:loud=heartrending:sad)
CAT earthenware n. 陶器, 瓦器 (=crockery)
CAT earthshaking a. 極重大的, 影響深遠的
922 easel n. 畫架 (easel:canvas=tripod:camera)
923 eavesdrop v. 偷聽 (eavesdrop:conversation=trespass:property)
CAT ebb v. 衰退 (escalate<>ebb)
924 ebullience n. 熱情, 沸騰 (ebullient<>tepid/lifelessness/impassiveness/torpor)
925 eccentric a. 反常的, 古怪的 (eccentric:conventional=doyen:initiated)
926 echelon n. <軍> 梯隊, 組織系統中的等級
927 éclat n. 輝煌的成就 (fiasco/debacle<>complete succes s/éclat)
928 eclectic n. 折衷主義者, 折衷派的人
929 eclipse n. 使黯然失色, 日月蝕 (eclipse:prestige=enfeeble:vigor)
930 ecstatic a. 狂喜的 (pleasure:ecstasy=surprise:astonishment)
931 ecumenical a. 世界性的, 普遍性的 (diocesan<>ecumenical)
932 eddy n. 漩渦, 旋轉 (eddy:stream=anomaly:trend)
new edible a. 可食用的 (edible:eat=potable:drink)
933 edifice n. 大廈, 大建築物 (blueprint:edifice=syllabus:course)
934 efface v. 使自己不受注意, 抹去 (efface<>aggrandize/blazon/emboss/bring to preeminent)
new effect n. 必然結果, 效果 (inventiveness:accidental=effect:casual)
935 effervesce v. 興奮, 沸騰 (effervescent<>languid) (effervescence:feeling=fury:anger)
936 effete a. 衰老的, 精疲力盡的 (effete<>hale/sound)
937 effluvia n. 沒用的副產品, 臭氣 (effluvia<>desired products)
new effrontery n. 厚顔無恥, 冒犯膽大 (effrontery<>decorum/timidity)
938 effulgent a. 光輝的, 燦爛的 (effulgent:resplendence=bootless:futility)
939 effusive a. 感情橫溢的, 流出的 (gush:effusive=rage:irate) (effusive<>lack of emotion/reticent)
940 egalitarian n. 平等主義 (egalitarian:equity=meliorism:progress)
941 egocentric a. 自我中心的, 利己的 (altruism<>egocentric)
942 elaborate a. 詳盡的 (elaborate:sketch=fawn:imperiousness)
943 elastic a. 有彈性的 (elastic:expand=viable:live)
944 elated a. 興奮的 (elation<>wretchedness/dejection/despondent)
new eleemosynary n. 慈善的 (philanthropist:eleemosynary=??)
945 elegant a. 優雅的, 端莊的, 高雅的
946 elegy n. 哀歌 (elegy:sorrow=hymn:praise=satire:ridicule=eulogy:admiration)
947 elephantine a. 巨大的, 粗笨的, 象的 (elephantine<>microscopic)
948 elevate v. 舉起, 鼓舞 (elevation<>debasement)
949 elf n. 小精靈, 惡作劇的人
950 elicit v. 抽出, 引起 (evoke<>fail to elicit)
951 elitism n. 精英論, 優秀人士統治
952 ellipse n. 橢圓
953 ellipsis n. 省略 (apostrophes:word=ellipsis:sentence)
954 elliptical a. 朦朧含糊的, 省略的, 橢圓的 (elliptical<>palpable)
955 elongate v. 延長, 伸長
new eloquence n. 雄辯
956 elucidate v. 闡明 (garble/obfuscate/obscure<>elucidate) (elucidate:clarity=abet:encouragement)
new elusive a. 難以理解的, 逃避的 (elusive:define=skeptical:credulity)
957 emaciate v. 使消瘦, 使憔悴 (emaciated:thin=apoplectic:angry)
958 emanate v. 散發
959 emancipate v. 解放, 解除 (emancipate<>shackle/bondage)
960 embargo n. 禁運令 (embargo:commerce=quarantine:contact)
961 embark v. 開始, 上船 (debut:career=embark:journey) (conclude<>embark on)
962 embarrass v. 使困窘
new embassy n. 大使館
963 embed v. 埋 (embed<>extract)
new embellish n. 裝飾, 美化 (epitomize:brevity=embellish:ornamentation)
964 embezzle v. 盜用, 挪用 (embezzle:funds=usurp:power)
965 embolden v. 壯膽, 鼓勵 (embolden<>abash/appall/boggle/cow/daunt/faze/thwart)
new emboss v. 使凸出, 裝飾 (emboss<>efface/flatten out)
966 embrace n. 擁抱, 接受 (embrace<>abjure/abrogate/eschew/ostracize/renounce/spurn)
new embroider v. 刺繡 (embroider:cloth=chase:metal)
967 emigrate v. 移居外國 (repatriate:emigration=repeal:ratification)
968 eminence n. 卓越, 顯赫 (luminary:eminence=master/maven:experience)
new emollient n. 軟化劑 (emollient:soothe=dynamo:generate) (calcific<>emmolient)
969 emphasis n. 強調
970 emulate v. 效法 (emulation:exemplar=deference:authority)
971 enact v. 頒佈<法律> (enact<>repeal/rescind)
972 enamel n. 琺瑯, 瓷釉 (enamel:tooth=bark:tree)
973 enclosure n. 附件, 圍繞
new encomiast n. 讚美者
974 encomium n. 讚頌, 頌辭 (encomium:eulogize=discontent:complain/quibble:cavil)
975 encompass v. 包含 (encompass<>exclude)
976 encounter v. 相遇, 遭遇
977 encumber v. 阻礙 (encumber<>remove impediment)
978 encyclopedia n. 百科全書
979 endorse v. 簽署, 支援 (endorse:approval=endow:income)
new endowment n. 捐贈, 天資 (endow:income=endorse:approval) (divestiture<>acquisition/endow)
980 enduring a. 持久的, 忍耐的
981 enervate v. 使衰弱 (enervate:vitality=debase:value=hamstring:effectiveness)
982 enfeeble v. 使衰弱 (tonic<>enfeebling)
983 enfranchise v. 給予自治權, 解放 (enfranchise<>enfetter/resubject/subjugate)
new engage n. 吸引, 參加, 答應 (discompose:pacific=engage:tedious)
984 engender v. 產生, 引起 (engender<>quash/eradicate)
985 engross v. 全神貫注於 (engrossed:absorbed=intimate:close)
new enigma n. 謎語, 費解的事物 (enigma:impenetrable=juggernaut:unstoppable)
986 enlighten v. 啟發, 教導 (explanation:enlighten=equivocation:coax)
new enlist v. 徵募, 應募入伍 (emigrate:exile=enlist:conscript)
987 enmity n. 敵意, 憎恨 (enmity<>camaraderie/comity/concord/amity)
988 ennoble v. 授予爵位, 使高貴 (debase<>ennoble)
989 ennui n. 倦怠, 厭倦 (ennui:enthusiastic=fervor:apathetic=somnolence:alert)
990 enrapture v. 使狂喜
991 ensconce v. 隱藏, 安置 (ensconce<>dislodge/displace/unsettle)
new ensemble n. 合唱曲 (ensemble<>solo)
992 enslave v. 奴役
new ensnare v. 誘捕
993 ensue v. 跟著發生, 繼起 (anterior<>ensuing)
994 entangle v. 使糾纏, 捲入 (entangle:involve=grill:question)
995 enthusiasm n. 狂熱, 熱心 (enthusiasm:mania=covet:rapacity=suspicion:paranoia)
996 entice v. 誘騙 (goad:enticement=command:entreaty)
997 entrance v. 使入迷 (entrance<>bore/disappoint/disgust/repel/repulse/nprepossessing)
998 entrap v. 誘騙 (vigilant:entrapped=exacting:satisfied)
999 entreaty n. 懇求, 哀求 (protest:dissuade=supplicate:entreat)
1000 entry n. 登錄, 條目
1001 enumerate v. 列舉, 計算
1002 enunciate v. 清楚表達 (waffle:enunciate=embed:disinter)
1003 envision v. 想象, 展望
new epaulet n. 肩章, 肩飾 (epaulet:shoulder=ring:finger)
1004 ephemeral a. 生命短暫的 (ephemeral:abide=intransigent:yield)
1005 epic a. 史詩, 超出正常範圍的 (epic<>modest)
1006 epicure n. 美食家 (epicure:discriminating=spectator:watching)
new epidermis n. 表皮, 上皮 (epidermis:mammal=bark:conifer)
1007 epigram n. 機智短詩, 警語 (brevity:epigram=exaggeration:caricature)
1008 epilogue n. 收場白, 尾聲 (epilogue:play=coda:sonata=dessert:meal)
1009 episode n. 一段情節 (episode:series=issue:periodical)
1010 epistemology n. 認識論 (epistemology:knowledge=aesthetics:beauty)
CAT epistle n. 正式書信 (postscript:epistle=endorsement:policy)
new epitaph n. 墓誌銘; 碑文 (epitaph:tombstone=motto:shield)
new epithet n. 綽號, 髒話 (epithet:disparage=alias:mislead)
1011 epitomize v. 摘要, 概括 (epitomize:brevity=embellish:ornamentation)
1012 equable a. 穩定的, 溫和的 (equanimity<>agitation/excitability) (equable<>intemperate)
1013 equipoise n. 平衡, 均衡 (equipoise<>vacillate)
1014 equity a. 公平的, 公正的 (illiteracy:education=inequity:redistribution) (equitable<>unfair/biased)
1015 equivocal a. 意義含糊的, 不直率的 (equivocal:meaning=amorphous:shape)
1017 erect a. 直立的
1018 erode v. 腐蝕, 侵蝕 (gully:erosion=callus:friction)
1019 errant a. 周遊的, 錯誤的 (errant:course=amorphous:shape=heretical:doctrine)
1020 erratic a. 反復無常的, 古怪的 (erratic:permanent=heroic:craven)
1021 erudite a. 博學的, 飽學的 (erudite:fathom=oblivious:neglect)
1022 escalate v. 升級, 擴大 (escalate<>wane) (diminish<>increase/escalate)
1023 eschew v. 避開, 戒絕 (eschew<>embrace/greet/habitually indulge in/seek/w elcome)
1024 esoteric a. 秘傳的, 神秘的 (esoteric<>common accepted/generally known)
1025 espouse v. 贊成, 嫁娶 (espouse<>abjure/repudiate)
1026 esteem n. 尊敬, 尊重 (infuriate:rage=commend:esteem)
new estimable a. 可尊敬的, 可估計的 (estimable<>contemptible/infamous)
1027 estrange v. 疏遠, 離間 (estrangement<>reconciliation/rapprochement)
1028 etch n. 腐蝕劑 (etch:corrosive=glue:adhesive)
1029 eternal a. 永恒的 (eternal<>ephemeral)
1030 ethereal a. 輕的, 天上的 (ethereal<>material/ponderous)
1031 ethics n. 道德規範 (ethics:behavior=logic:reasoning)
SC etiquette n. 禮節
1032 eulogize v. 稱讚, 頌揚 (panegyric:eulogize=lampoon:satirize)
1033 euphemism n. 婉言, 委婉的說法 (euphemism:offense=aphorism:diffuseness=invulnerableness:injure)
1034 euphonious a. 悅耳的 (euphonious:sound=graceful:movement)
new euphoria n. 欣快症 (satisfaction:euphoria=??)
1035 evacuate v. 疏散, 撤出 (evacuate<>conquer/fill up/occupy)
1036 evade a. 逃避的, 托辭的 (inclemency:evasion=??)
1037 evanescent a. 短暫的, 瞬息的 (evanescent:permanent=archaic:current)
new evasive a. 逃避的, 託辭的
1038 everlasting a. 永恒的 (everlasting<>ephemeral)
1039 evict v. 逐出 (eviction:dwelling=deportation:country) (evict<>harbor)
new evince v. 表明, 表示 (evince<>conceal/keep hidden)
1040 evoke v. 喚起, 引起 (evoke<>fail to elicit)
new evolve v. 發展, 散出 (cease<>evolve)
1041 ewe n. 母羊 (sheep:ewe=swan:pen)
1042 exacerbate v. 激怒, 使加劇 (exacerbate<>allay/assuage/palliate)
1043 exacting a. 苛求的, 吃力的 (exacting:satisfied=indomitable:controlled=vigilant:entrapped=wary:gulled)
1044 exaggerate v. 誇大, 誇張
1045 exalt n. 提升, 讚揚 (exaltation<>condemnation/humble/lower in status)
1046 exasperate v. 激怒, 惡化 (exasperate<>mitigate/mollify)
new excavate v. 挖掘, 挖空 (excavate<>fill in)
1047 exceptional a. 例外的, 異常的 (exceptional<>commonplace/prosaic)
1048 excerpt n. 摘錄, 節錄 (summary:excerpt=aside:digression)
1049 exclamation n. 驚呼, 驚歎詞
1050 excoriate v. 嚴厲批評, 撕去皮 (excoriate<>accolade/extol/flatter/praise lavishly)
1051 excrete v. 排泄, 分泌 (excrete<>absorb/ingest)
1052 excruciate v. 施酷刑, 折磨 (excruciate<>exult) (gargantuan:large=excruciating:painful)
1053 exculpatory a. 辯解的, 辯明無罪的 (exculpatory:absolve=hortative:encourage=motivational:stir)
1054 excursive a. 離題的, 散漫的 (digress:excursive=reiterate:redundant)
1055 execrate v. 憎惡, 咒罵 (execrate<>laud/commendable/approbation)
1056 execute v. 執行, 處死
1057 exemplary a. 模範的, 可模仿的 (culpable:blame=exemplary:imitation)
1058 exempt a. 免除的 (exempt:liability=pardon:penalty)
1059 exert v. 發揮, 施以影響
1060 exhaust v. 耗盡, 使精疲力盡 (exhaustive:careful=mesmerized:interesting)
1061 exhilarate v. 使高興, 使愉快 (exhilarate<>sadden/soporific)
1062 exhortation n. 勸告, 規勸 (exhort:suggest=goad:direct)
new exile v. 放逐, 使離鄉背井 (emigrate:exile=enlist:conscript)
1063 exodus v. 大批離去 (exodus<>influx)
1064 exonerate v. 免除責任, 確定無罪 (exonerate<>censure/incriminate/inculpate/prove guilty)
new exorable a. 易說服的, 心腸軟的
1065 exorbitant a. 過份的, 過度的 (exorbitant:moderation=perfidious:loyalty)
1066 exotic a. 外來的, 異國的 (exotic<>indigenous)
1067 expansive a. 膨脹的, 健談的 (expansive<>limited/reserved/taciturn/withdrawn)
new expediency n. 權宜之計 (sell alaska)
1068 expedite v. 促進 a. 暢通的 (expedite:process=accelerate:pace)
1069 expedition n. 迅速, 遠征 (expedition:foot dragging=consensus:factionalism)
new expel v. 排出, 趕走 (ingest<>expel)
CAT expenditure n. 消費, 用光 (parsimony:expenditure=??)
new expiate v. 補償, 贖罪 (expiate:guilt=correct:error=repose:fatigue)
new expire v. 斷氣, 期滿, 終止 (expire<>come to life)
1070 explicit a. 結尾的, 清楚明確的 (explicit<>immanent/inchoate/obscure)
new exploit n. 英雄事迹 (exploit:heroic=gaffe:tactless)
1071 exponent n. 說明者, 支持者 (exponent:advocate=pollster:canvass)
1072 expurgate v. 淨化, 刪去 (inexpurgate<>obliterate)
1073 exquisite a. 高雅的, 精致的 (exquisite<>tawdry)
1074 extant a. 現存的, 傳世的 (extant<>destroyed/extinct/lost/missing)
1075 extemporize v. 即席演說 (extemporization:spontaneous=juggernaut:unstoppable)
1076 extenuate v. 減輕, 使人原諒 (extenuate:seriousness=moderate:intensity)
1077 exterminate a. 絕種的, 熄滅的 (extinct<>extant/resuscitated)
1078 extinct a. 絕種的, 熄滅了的
1079 extinguish v. 熄滅, 撲滅 (extinguish<>ignite/rekindle)
new extirpation n. 滅絕 (propagation<>extirpation)
1080 extol v. 讚美 (extol<>censure/deprecate/detract/excoriate/impugn/malign/rail/vilify)
1081 extort v. 勒索, 強要 (wheedle:cajolery=extort:coercion)
new extract v. 榨取, 摘錄 (extract<>embed)
1082 extraneous a. 外來的, 無關的 (extraneous<>apposite/essential/relevant/immanent/inherent/ingrained)
1083 extravagant a. 奢侈的 無節制的 (extravagance:expenditure=loquaciousness:talk)
1084 extricate v. 拯救, 救出 (extricate<>enmesh/entangle)
1085 extrinsic a. 外表的, 外來的
1086 extrovert n. 性格外向的人 (extrovert:outgoing=perfectionist:exacting)
1087 exuberant a. 高興的, 繁茂的 (exuberance<>ennui)
1088 exude v. 滲出 (exude<>take in)
1089 exultant a. 愉悅的 (exult:satisfaction=crave:longing)
new fable n. 寓言 (fable:tale=ditty:song)
1090 fabricate v. 製造, 捏造 (fabricate:ingenuous=discompose:placid)
1091 facetious a. 輕浮的, 好開玩笑的 (facetious<>earnest/ingenuous/lugubrious)
CAT facile a. 容易的, 熟練的 (desultory:plan=languid:energy=facile:profundity/depth)
1092 facilitate v. 幫助, 促進 (facilitate<>hamper/impeding/obstruct/thwart)
1093 faction/factious n. 內訌, 小派系 (consensus:factionalism=clarity:confusion) (factional<>disinterested/ecumenical)
1094 fail-safe n. 自動防故障裝置 (fail-safe:malfunction=??)
1095 faint a. 微弱的, 模糊的 (stentorian<>faint)
1096 fainthearted a. 懦弱的, 膽小的 (fainthearted<>stouthearted)
1097 fallacy n. 謬論 (fallacious<>sound/valid/veritable/verifiable/veracious)
new fallow a. 休耕的, 閒置的 (fallow<>in use)
1098 falsehood n. 謊言, 虛假 (falsehood:calumniate=evidence:corrobo rate)
1099 falter v. 蹣跚, 動搖 (falter:act=stammer:speak)
new famish n. 挨餓 (surfeit<>famish/starve)
new fanatic a. 狂熱的, 盲信的 (fanatical:belief=frenetic:movement)
new fang n. 犬牙, 毒牙 (fang:tooth=finger:digit)
1100 fantasy n. 幻想, 白日夢 (grotesque:fantasy=imperial:significance)
1101 farce n. 鬧劇, 胡鬧 (farce:performance=limerick:poem)
1102 fascinate v. 使著迷 (fascination:interest=adoration:fondness)
1103 fast n. 絕食, 齋戒, 穩固的, 緊的 (fast:eat=moratorium:act=respite:labor)
1105 fasten v. 使勞固 (secure<>unfasten)
1106 fastidious a. 難取悅的, 挑剔的 (fastidious:outshine=recalcitrant:resist)
new fateful a. 重大的, 致命性的, 命中注定的 (fateful<>inconsequential)
1107 fathom n. 理解, 測量 (erudite:fathom=oblivious:neglect) (measurable<>unfathomable)
1108 fatigue n. 疲乏, 勞累 (indefatigable<>soon tired)
1109 fatuous a. 愚昧的, 虛幻的 (fatuous<>astute/sagacious/sensible)
new faultfinder n. 喜歡挑剔的人 (faultfinder:criticize=arbitrator:mediate)
1110 fawn n. 小鹿 v. 巴結 (eaglet:bird=fawn:mammal) (fawn:hauteur=elaborate:sketchy=swagger:self depreciatory)
1111 faze v. 打擾, 折磨 (fazed<>undisturbed/embolden)
1112 feckless a. 不負責的, 無用的 (feckless<>responsible)
1113 fecund a. 豐饒的, 肥沃的 (deprivation<>fecundity/surfeit) (dissipation:temperation=fecundity:sterility)
1114 feeble a. 衰弱的, 無效的 (feeble:strength=disquiet:composure)
new feign v. 假裝 (genuine<>feigned)
1115 fender n. 擋泥板, 防禦物 (fender:collision=??)
1116 feral a. 野生的, 兇猛的 (cultivate<>cause to wither/feral)
new ferment v. 發酵, 騷動
new fern n. 蕨類植物
new ferocity n. 殘暴
new ferrous a. 鐵的, 含鐵的 (ferrous<>containing no iron)
1117 fertilize v. 施肥, 使豐饒, 使受精 (fertilize:grow=immunize:resist)
1118 fervid a. 熱的, 熱心的 (fervid<>restrained)
1119 fervor n. 熱誠, 熱心 (fervor:apathetic=ennui:enthusiastic)
CAT festal a. 歡樂的, 節慶的 (festal/festive/joyful/gay<>dismal)
new fester v. 潰爛, 煩惱 (rankle/fester<>heal)
1120 fetid a. 有惡臭的 (fetid:smell=cacophonous/grating:sound=ugly:appearance)
1121 fetter n. 束縛, 腳鐐 (enfetter<>enfranchise/liberate)
1122 fiasco n. 大失敗, 慘敗 (fiasco<>a notable success/eclat)
new fickle a. 易變的 (mercurial:mood=fickle:affection)
1123 fictitious a. 假的, 虛構的 (fictitious<>factual)
new fidelity n. 忠誠, 盡職 (apostasy<>fidelity)
new fidget n. 坐立不安, 煩躁 (fidget:nervousness=cringe:dread)
SC figment n. 虛構的事
1124 figurative a. 比喻的, 修飾豐富的 (figurative<>literal)
new figurehead n. 有名無實的領袖 (nominal:figurehead=absolute:autocrat)
new figurine n. 小雕像 (figurine:statue=twig:branch)
1125 filibuster v. 妨礙議事, 阻撓 (filibuster:legislation=blockade:commerce)
1126 filigree n. 金銀絲做的工藝品 (chiaroscuro:contrast=filigree:delicacy) (filigree:wire=lace:thread)
new filing n. 銼屑 (filing:metal=shaving:wood=sawdust:wood)
1127 filly n. 小雌馬, 小姑娘 (filly:horse=pullet:chicken)
1128 filter n. 過濾, 濾器 (mosquito:netting=impurity:filter)
new finale n. 終場, 結尾 (finale<>opening scene)
1129 finch n. 雀類鳴鳥 (finch:bird=aspen:tree=lizard:reptile=eagle:bird)
1130 finesse n. 技巧, 計謀 (finesse<>heavy-handedness/ineptitude)
1131 finicky a. 過分講究的 (=meticulous)
1132 flaccid n. 軟弱, 沒氣力 (flaccidity<>firmness)
1133 flag v. 衰弱 (flag:vigor=waver:resolution) (flag<>wax)
1134 flamboyant a. 浮誇的, 冒牌的 (flamboyant<>natural/subdued/understated) (uncouth:churl=flamboyant:quack)
1136 flange n. 邊緣, 凸緣
1137 flannel n. 法蘭絨
new flatcar n. 平板車 (locomotive:flatcar=tugboat:barge)
1138 flatter v. 過分誇讚, 奉承 (flattering:infatuation=sabbatical:leave)
1139 flaw n. 瑕疵, v. 生裂縫 (impeccable:flaw=ingenuous:guile)
1140 flax n. 亞麻, 亞麻織品 (flax:linen=clay:porcelain)
1141 fledge v. 長羽毛 (fledge<>molt)
new fleet a. 快速的, 消磨 (fleeting:pass=meteoric:rise) (lingering<>fleeting)
1142 flexible a. 柔軟的, 靈活的 (flexibility:spinelessness=courage:daredevilry=courage:foolhardiness)
1143 flinch v. 畏縮, 退縮 (grisly:flinch=droll:laugh)
1144 flint n. 打火石, 極硬的東西
1145 flippancy n. 輕浮, 言語尖刻 (flip:respect=nonchalant:concern)
1146 flirt n. 輕浮 (supplicant:beseeching=coquette:flirtatious) (flippancy<>dejected)
1147 flit n. 迅速飛過 (flit:move=blurt:utter) (flit<>plod)
1148 flock n. 羊群, 聚集 (clique:intimates=flock:sheep) (flock<>disperse)
new florid a. 過分華麗的 (florid<>inane)
new flounder v. 掙扎, 犯錯 (flounder<>act gracefully/slide)
1149 flourish v. 繁榮, 茂盛 (flourish<>waste away/wither/lack of embellishment)
1150 flout v. 蔑視 (flout:disregard=taunt:challenge) (flout<>venerate)
1151 fluctuate v. 變動, 動搖 (pristine:decay=stable:fluctuation) (fluctuate<>stabilize)
1152 fluent a. 流利的, 流暢的 (fluent:glib=humorous:wry)
new fluke n. 僥倖 (fluke<>expected occurrence)
1153 flush v. 沖洗, 臉紅 (galvanize:stimulate=irrigate:flush)
1154 fluster v. 慌亂 (flustered<>calm)
new fluvial a. 河流的 (fluvial:river=sidereal:star)
1155 foible n. 小缺點 (foible:failing=squabble:dispute) (forte<>foible)
1156 foil v. 挫敗, 金屬薄片 (foil<>implement) (foil:metal=veneer:wood)
new fold v. 摺疊, 失敗 n. 羊欄, 羊群
1157 foliage n. 樹葉 (foliage:bush=plumage:bird)
1158 folly n. 愚笨
1159 foment v. 煽動 (foment:discontentment=disseminate:information) (foment<>allay/defuse/impede/inhibit/placate/quash/quell/squelch/stifle/thwart)
1160 fondness n. 慈愛, 溺愛
1161 foolhardy a. 魯莽的, 有勇無謀的
new foolproof a. 連傻子都會的 (foolproof:fail=airtight:leak)
1162 footloose a. 自由自在的 (footloose:attachment=unversed:familiarity)
new forbearance n. 克制, 忍耐 (forbearance<>impatience)
1163 forbears n. 列祖列宗 (descendants<>forbears)
1164 ford n. 淺灘 v. 涉水 (ford:river=pass隘口:mountain)
new forestall v. 預先阻止 (forestall<>abet/precipitate)
1165 forestry n. 林產, 森林地
1166 foreword n. 前言, 序 (foreword:introductory=appellation:designate)
new forger n. 鐵匠, 偽造者 (forger:metal=miller:grain)
1167 forgery n. 偽造, 偽造品 (forgery:documents=plagiarism:ideas)
1168 forgo v. 作罷, 放棄
1169 formidable a. 可怕的, 困難的 (formidable<>comforting/enticing/genial/reassuring/simple)
CAT forte n. 特長, 優點, 強音 (forte<>foible)
1170 forthright a. 直接的, 立即的 (forthright:guile=acrid:gentleness) (forthright<>furtive)
1171 fortify v. 增強 (fortify<>enervate/vitiate/debilitate)
1172 foster v. 養育, 鼓勵 (foster<>stifle/thwart)
1173 founder n. 完全失敗, 沈沒, 創立者 (founder<>afloat/stay aloft/succeed)
new fracas n. 喧鬧的吵架 (fracas<>peaceful discussion)
1175 fracture n. 破碎, 骨折 (fracture<>cement)
1176 fragile a. 易碎的, 脆的 (fragile:break=porous:penetrate/flammable:burn)
new fragrance n. 芬芳, 香味
new frail a. 虛弱的 (limber:flexibility=spindly:frailty) (frailty<>hardness/stamina)
1177 fraudulent a. 欺詐的 (authenticity:fraudulent=sincerity:hypocritical)
1178 freelancer n. 自由作家 (freelancer:employer=nomad:domicile)
1179 freewheel v. 輕鬆地行動, 憑慣性前進
1180 frenzy n. 狂熱 (frenzy:calm=abandon:prohibit/inhibit)
new frequent v. 時常出現 (frequent<>visit rarely/rarity)
1181 fresco n. 壁畫 (fresco:wall=parquetry:floor)
1182 fret v. 極煩惱, 使磨損 (draconian:inclemency=fretted:vexation) (fretful<>keep equanimity)
1183 friable a. 易碎的 (friable:crumble=malleable:alter=lucid:comprehend)
1184 friction n. 摩擦, 不和 (abraded:friction=desiccated:dehydration=vaporized:heat)
1185 frieze n. 牆頂與天花板間的飾帶 (frieze:building=illumination:manuscript) (frieze:ornament=pillar:support)
1186 frigid a. 酷寒的, 冷淡的 (frigid:cool=soaking:damp) (sweltering<>frigid)
new fringe n. 邊緣 (fringe<>center)
1187 frivolous/frivolity a. 輕佻的, 瑣碎的 (frivolous:gravity=brash:discretion) (frivolous<>sober/grandeur/temperance)
new frond n. 蕨類葉子, 香蕉大葉子 (frond:fern=needle:pine) (frond:leaf=boulder:rock)
1188 frothy a. 淺薄的, 泡沫的 (frothy<>weighty)
1189 frowsy/frowzy a. 骯髒的, 難聞的 (frowsy<>dapper)
1190 frugal a. 節約的 (frugality:parsimony=pride:hubris)
new fruition n. 實現, 成就 (fruition<>initiation)
1191 frustrate v. 使沮喪, 挫敗 (frustrate<>abet)
new fulfill v. 執行, 服從, 實現 (abeyance<>fulfillment)
1192 full-bodied a. 味道濃郁的 (full-bodied:flavor=resonant:sound)
new fulminate v. 猛烈抨擊 (fulminate:criticize=adulate:flatter=scorn:reject)
new fulsome a. 過度不真誠的稱讚 (courageous:bravado=complimentary:fulsomeness)
new fumble v. 摸索, 亂摸 (fumble<>handle adroitly)
1193 fungi n. 菌類 (fungi:ecologist=motivation:psychologist)
new furnace n. 火爐 (furnace:heat=generator:electricity)
1195 furor n. 激怒, 狂熱 (furor<>serenity)
1196 furtive a. 秘密的 (furtive<>above board/brassy/candid/forthright/open/sublime/shamelessly bold)
1197 fury n. 狂怒, 復仇女神 (effervescence:feeling=fury:anger)
1198 fussy a. 愛挑剔的, 過分裝飾的 (tend:fuss過分體貼關心=assert:belabor)
CAT fustian a. 浮誇的 (fustian<>unpretentious)
1199 fusty a. 陳腐的, 發霉的 (fusty<>fresh)
1200 futility n. 無用, 無益 (bootless:futility=effulgent:resplendence=void:empty)
1201 gab v. 空談, 嘮叨
1202 gadfly n. 牛虻, 討厭的人 (gadfly:goad=humorist:amuse)
1203 gaffe n. 失言, 失態 (exploit:heroic=gaffe:tactless) (gaffe:social=malapropism:verbal)
1204 gainsay v. 否認 (gainsay<>affirm/concur/speak in support of)
1205 gait n. 步法 (gait:walk=parlance:speak=mnemonic:remember)
1206 galaxy n. 銀河 (galaxy:star=archipelago:island)
1207 gall n. 煩惱, 焦躁, 膽汁 (gall:lull=??) (gall<>assuage/calm)
1208 gallant a. 華麗的, 英勇的 (gallant<>craven)
new galley n. 船上廚房 (galley:ship=kitchen:house)
1209 galvanize v. 刺激, 通電, 電鍍 (galvanize:stimulate=irrigate:flush)
1210 gamble v. 孤注一擲, 賭博 (cautious:gamble=adamant:yield)
1211 gangly/gangling a. 瘦得難看的 (gangly<>stalwart/obese)
new gangway n. 過道, 通路, 跳板 (gangway:ship=drawbridge:castle)
1212 garble v. 曲解, 竄改 (ramshackle:soundness=garbled:clarity)
1213 gargantuan a. 巨大的 (gargantuan:large=excruciating:painful)
1214 garish a. 俗麗的, 過分裝飾的 (garish:colorful=fawn:attentive=prying:inquisitive)
1215 garment n. 衣服 (hem:garment=molding:cabinet=ruffle:shirt)
1216 garner n. 積蓄, 穀倉 (disseminate<>garner/nucleate)
1217 garrulous a. 嘮叨的, 多話的 (garrulous:talkative=cloying:sweet=fussy:careful)
1218 gash n. 很深的裂縫 (cleft:chasm=cut:gash)
1219 gasification n. 氣化 (gasification/vaporization<>solidification)
1220 gauche a. 笨拙的, 粗魯的 (gaucherie:skill=cacophony:voice)
1221 gaudy a. 俗麗的 (gaudy:apparel=grandiloquent:speak)
1222 gauge n. 量規 (gauge:pressure=scale:weight=yardstick:length)
new gavel n. 法官用小木槌 (referee:whistle=judge:gavel)
CAT gay a. 快樂的, 放盪的 (dour<>genial/gay)
1223 gear n. 齒輪, 工具 (gear:tooth=screw:thread)
1224 genealogy n. 系譜, 宗譜
1225 generality n. 概論, 大要
1226 genial a. 和藹的, 友善的 (genial:bonhomie=diplomatic:tact) (philanthropic:geniality=resourceful足智多謀的:inventiveness發明)
1227 genteel a. 有教養的, 文雅的 (genteel:vulgarity=intrepid:fear)
1228 genuine a. 真實的, 誠懇的
new germ n. 細菌, 萌芽 (impeccable:flaw=sterile:germ)
1229 germane a. 密切有關的 (germane<>irrelevant) (=pertinence)
new gerrymander v. 不公正劃分選區 (gerrymander:district=rig:contest)
1230 gesture n. 姿勢, 手勢, 姿態
new geyser n. 間歇泉 (geyser:water=volcano:lava)
new ghastly a. 可怕的, 驚人的, 慘白的
1231 gibe v. 嘲笑 (gibe:derision=apologize:regret=condolence:sympathy/compassion)
1232 giddy a. 輕率的, 眼花的 (giddy<>serious/grave)
1233 ginger n. 薑, 精力
new girder n. 大樑 (girder:support=ballast:stability)
new gist n. 要點, 要旨 (gist<>tangential point)
1234 glacier n. 冰河 (glacial:cold=profound:deep)
1235 glade n. 林間空地 (glade:wood=oasis:desert=archipelago:ocean)
new gladiator n. 角鬥士 (gladiator:arena=lawyer:courtroom)
1236 glance n. 一瞥, 閃光, 一滑
new glare n. 刺眼的強光 (cacophony:sound=glare:light)
1237 glaze n. 釉, 光滑 (glaze<>rumple) (glaze:porcelain=varnish:wood=veneer:furniture)
1238 glib a. 油腔滑調的, 善辯的 (glib:profundity=maladroit:skill)
1239 glimmer n. 微弱的光
1240 glisten v. 閃爍, 閃耀 (dingy:glisten=slippery:adhere)
1241 glitch n. 小故障 (glitch:flaw=peccadillo:error)
new glitter n. 光彩, 閃耀
1242 gloat v. 滿足的看, 幸災樂禍 (gloat:smug=primp:vain)
1243 gloomy a. 憂鬱的, 昏暗的 (saturnine:gloomy=despondent:depressed=masterful:skilled)
1244 glorify v. 讚美, 美化
1245 gloss n. 簡短解釋, 光彩, 假像 (blurb:notice=gloss:explanation=cameo:appearance)
1246 glossary n. 術語表 (glossary:text=legend:map)
1247 glossy a. 平滑的, 有光澤的 (varnish:glossy=sand:smooth)
new glut n. 大量, 充斥, 吃飽 (glut<>dearth)
1248 glutinous a. 粘的, 膠狀的 (glue:adhesive=etch:corrosive)
1249 glutton n. 貪吃者 (gluttony:food=avarice:money)
1250 goad v. 督促, 驅趕, 煽動 (command:entreaty=goad:enticement) (attack:vanquished=goad:provoked)
1251 gobble v. 狼吞虎咽 (gobble:nibble=quaff/swill:sip) (gobble:eat=guzzle:drink)
1252 goggle n. 護目鏡, 眼睛睜視 (goggles:eyes=earmuff:ears)
1253 goldbrick v. 偷懶, 欺詐 (goldbrick:work=evade:answer)
1254 gorge v. 狼吞虎咽, 峽谷 (abstemious:gorge=reticent:talk) (river:gorge=wind:dune)
1255 gossamer n. 輕薄東西, 蛛絲 (gossamer<>substance/ponderous)
new gouge v. 詐欺, 用力鑿 (usury:interest=gouging:price) (hack:carve=gouge:engrave)
new gourmand n. 嗜食者 (gourmand:appetite=skinflint:thrift)
1256 gourmet n. 美食家 (ourmet:food=cineast:film=bibliophile:books)
new graft n. 嫁接, 移植 (abscission<>process of grafting)
new grandeur n. 莊嚴, 宏偉 (frivolousness<>grandeur/temperance)
1257 grandiloquent a. <語言等> 誇張的 (declamation:grandiloquence=diatribe:abuse)
1258 grandiose a. 誇張的, 宏偉的 (grandiose:humility=ephemeral:longevity)
1259 grandstand v. 嘩眾取寵的表演 (equivocate:deceive=grandstand:impress=proselytize:convert)
1260 grant v. 承認, 授與
CAT grapevine n. 祕密來源, 消息來源
new grate v. 摩擦, 刺耳聲, 爐柵 (acrid:odor=grating/piercing:sound=fetid:smell)
1261 gratify v. 使滿足 (gratify:desire=slake:thirsty)
1263 gratis a. 免費的
1264 gratuitous a. 無緣無故的, 免費的 (gratuitous<>merited/warranted/justified)
1265 grave a. 莊嚴的, 重大的 (blithe<>grave)
new gravel n. 鵝卵石堆 (gravel:pebble=crowd:person)
new graze n. 擦傷 (graze:wound=??)
new green a. 無經驗的 (experience:green=pelf:impecunious) (inexperience:green=pertinacity:refractory)
1266 gregarious a. 群居的, 愛社交的 (recluse:gregariousness=poseur:sincerity)
1267 grievous a. 極嚴重的, 引起痛苦的 (grievous<>slight)
new grill v. 拷問, 燒烤 (entangle:involve=grill:question)
1268 grimace v. 扮鬼臉, 面部扭曲 (contortion:body=grimace:face)
1269 grin v. 咧著嘴笑 (grin<>pout)
1270 gripe v. 抱怨, 訴苦 (gripe:discontent=praise:admiration)
1271 grisly a. 恐怖的 (grisly:flinch=droll:laugh)
1272 groove a. 開槽的 (grooved:striation=braided:strand)
1273 grotesque a. 奇怪的, 可笑的 (grotesque:fantasy=imperial:significance)
1274 grotto n. 小洞穴 (grotto:cavern=arroyo:channel)
CAT groundless a. 無根據的, 無理由的 (groundless<>warranted)
1275 grove n. 樹林 (grove:trees=archipelago:islands)
1276 grovel v. 卑躬屈膝, 趴 (supercilious<>groveling) (groveler:petitioner=minion:dependent)
new grueling a. 筋疲力盡的 (grueling<>effortless不費力氣的)
1277 grumble n. 怨言, 滿腹牢騷
1278 guarantee v. 保證, 擔保 (vouch<>refuse to guarantee)
1279 guffaw v. 哄笑, 狂笑
1280 guile n. 狡猾, 狡計 (manipulate<>guileless)
new guillotine n. 斷頭臺, 終止辯論進行表決 (pillory:ridicule=guillotine:execute )
1281 guilt n. 罪行, 內疚 (guilt:blame=narcissism:love)
1282 gullible a. 易受騙的 (vigilant:entrapped=wary:gulled)
1283 gully n. 小峽谷 (gully:erosion=callus:friction)
new gum n. 橡膠, 牙床, 眼屎 (resin:tree=gum:rubber plant)
1284 gush n. 湧出, 滔滔不絕的講話 (gush:effusive=rage:irate)
1285 gust n. 一陣狂風 (gust:wind=cloudburst:rainfall)
new gustation n. 味覺 (olfaction:odor=gustation:flavor)
1286 guzzle v. 狂飲, 暴食 (gobble:eat=guzzle:drink)
1287 habitable a. 可居住的 (habitable:dwelling=potable:beverage)
1288 hack n. 雇傭文人 v. 砍 (hack:writer=mercenary:soldier) (hack:carve=gouge:engrave)
1290 hackneyed a. 平凡的, 陳腐的 (bromide:hackneyed=equivocation:misleading)
1291 hairbreadth n. 極小的距離
1292 halcyon a. 寧靜的, 翠鳥的 (halcyon<>tempestuous/stormy/miserable)
1293 hale a. 強壯的, 健壯的 (hale<>effete/infirm/blighted/anemic/wan)
1294 half-baked a. 不成熟的, 不完整的 (half-baked<>well thought of)
CAT halfhearted a. 不熱心的 (halfhearted<>enthusiastic)
new hallmark n. 典型的特徵 (hallmark<>uncharacteristic feature)
1295 hallow v. 視為神聖 (hallowe<>desecrate)
1296 hallucination n. 幻覺, 幻想 (delusion:thought=hallucination:perception)
1297 halting a. 蹣跚的, 猶豫的 (stammer:halting=drone:monotonous)
1298 ham-handed a. 笨手笨腳的 (ham-handed<>deft/adroit)
new hammer n. 鐵槌 (hammer:anvil=pestle:mortar)
1299 hamper n. 有蓋大籃子 v. 阻礙 (laundry:hamper=mail:mailbox) (hamper<>facilitate)
1300 hamstring v. 使殘廢 (hamstring:effectiveness=enervate:vitality)
1301 handle v. 觸摸, 處理, 買賣
1302 hangdog a. 悲哀的, 低賤的 (hangdog<>buoyant/elated/sprightly)
1303 hankering n. 渴望 (hankering<>odium/lack of desire)
1304 haphazard a. 隨意的, 偶然的 (haphazard<>methodical/systematic) (haphazard:order=amorphous:form)
1305 hapless a. 不幸的 (hapless<>fortunate)
1306 harangue n. 長篇演說 (harangue<>speak temperately)
1307 harass v. 煩擾 (harass:irritating=haunt:familiar)
1308 harbinger v. 預告 (harbinger:presage=archetype:exemplify)
1309 harbor n. 包庇, 避難所 (harbor<>evict)
1310 hard-bitten a. 頑強的 (hard-bitten<>tender)
1311 hardheaded a. 冷靜的, 腳踏實地的
CAT hardy a. 堅強的 (hardy<>feeble/infirm/whinsical)
1312 harebrained a. 輕率的, 粗心的
1313 harmonious a. 和睦的, 和諧的 (harmony:congruity=clandestine:secrecy)
1314 harness n. 利用, 馬具 (harness<>fail to utilize)
1315 harp n. 豎琴 (horn:blow=harp:pluck)
new harrow v. 折磨, 使苦惱 (harrow<>assuage)
1316 harry v. 掠奪, 騷擾 (harry<>comfort/untroubled/mollify)
1317 harsh a. 嚴厲的, 粗糙的 (pan:harsh=barb:caustic)
1318 hasten v. 催促, 趕緊 (check<>propagate/goad/hasten)
1319 hasty a. 輕率的, 急忙的 (hasty<>characterized by deliberation/well considered/deliberate)
new hatch n. 艙口蓋, 開口 (door:room=hatch艙口:hold貨艙)
1320 haunt n. 常到的地方 (haunt:familiar=harass:irritating) (haunt<>shun)
1321 hauteur n. 高傲 (fawn:hauteur=elaborate:sketchy=swagger:self depreciatory)
1322 haven n. 避難所, 港口 (haven<>unsafe place/dangerous place)
1323 havoc n. 大破壞, 大混亂 (havoc<>serenity)
CAT hazard v. 冒險 (hazard<>restrain from risking)
1324 headlong a. 莽撞的, 輕率的 (headlong<>deliberate)
new headstrong a. 固執的 (headstrong:willfulness=obfuscate:confusing)
new heal v. 治癒 (fester<>heal)
1325 hearken v. 傾聽 (hearken<>ignore)
1326 heart v. 鼓勵, 激勵 (hearten/heart:dejection=mollify:anger) (heart/hearten<>dismay/daunt)
1327 hearten v. 鼓勵, 激勵 (hearten/heart:dejection=mollify:anger) (heart/hearten<>dismay/daunt)
1328 heartrending a. 令人心碎的, 傷心的 (heartrending:sad=earsplitting/deafening:loud)
new hectic a. 興奮的, 忙亂的 (lull<>hectic period/revive/startle/galvanize)
1329 hedge n. 樹籬, 限制
new hedgerow n. 灌木籬牆 (arbor:shelter=hedgerow:fence)
1330 hedonic a. 享樂的 (hedonist:pleasure=recluse:privacy=narcissistic:self)
new hegemony n. 霸權, 統治權 (hegemony<>lack of authority)
1331 heinous a. 可憎的 (heinous<>commendable/admirable)
new heirloom n. 傳家寶 (heirloom:ancestor=bequest:testator)
1332 helmet n. 頭盔, 鋼盔 (helmet:injury=amulet:evil)
1333 hem n. <衣服>褶邊 (hem:garment=ruffle:shirt=molding:cabinet=brim:vessel)
new hemorrhage n. 出血 (hemorrhage:bleeding=vertigo:dizziness)
1334 herald v. 預報, 歡呼 (unheralded:announcement=unabashed:embarrassment)
1335 herbicide n. 除草劑 (plant:herbicide=insect:pesticide)
1336 hereditary a. 世襲的, 遺傳的
1337 heresy n. 異端邪說 (recantation:heresy=apostasy:faith) (heresy<>dogma)
1338 heretical a. 異教的, 異端的 (heretic:unconformity=apologist:defend=generous:liberality)
new hermetic a. 深奧的 (hermetic<>easily comprehended)
1339 hermit n. 隱士 (hermit:society=vegetarian:meat)
1340 herpetologist n. 爬蟲學家 (chameleon:herpetologist=salmon:ichthyologist)
1341 hesitance n. 躊躇, 猶豫 (impetuous:hesitate=irrepressible:servile)
new heterodox a. 非正統的, 異端的 (heterodox:nonconformity=authority:superiority)
new heuristic a. 啟發式的
new hibernation n. 冬眠 (interregnum:government=hibernation:activity)
1342 hidebound a. 頑固的, 量小的 (hidebound:conservative=peeved:annoyed)
1343 hideous a. 醜惡的, 可怕的 (hideous<>pulchritudinous) (affinity<>aversion/hideousness)
1344 hie v. 急忙, 催促 (hie<>dawdle)
1345 hierarchy n. 階級組織, 教士政治
1346 hieroglyph n. 象形文字 (decipher:hieroglyph=separate:component)
1347 hike v. 使高漲, 拉起 (hike<>backset)
1348 hilarity n. 歡鬧 (hilarious:funny=hoary:old)
new hinder v. 妨礙 (further/abet<>hinder)
CAT hindrance n. 障礙 (填空: hindrance..secrecy)
1349 hint n. 暗示, 提示
new hiss n. 發嘶嘶聲, 不滿 (drone:monotonous=stammer:halting=hiss:sibilant) (hiss<>approve)
1350 histrionic a. 戲劇的 (histrionic:actor=pedantic:scholar)
CAT hitch v. 蹣跚地走, 套住 (hitch/hobble:difficulty=??)
1351 hive n. 蜂房, 鬧市 (active:hive=tumultuous:bedlam)
1352 hoard v. 貯藏, 秘藏 (hoard:miser=shirk:malinger)
new hoary a. 極老的 (hilarious:funny=hoary:old)
1353 hoax v. 欺騙, 愚弄 (hoax:fraudulent=paragon:excellent)
1355 hodgepodge n. 混雜, 混淆 (hodgepodge:uniformity=cliche:original) (people:rabble=items:hodgepodge)
new hoist v. 升起, 吊起 (bolster:support=tackle:hoist)
new hold n. 貨艙 (door:room=hatch艙口:hold貨艙)
new holistic a. 全部的
1356 homage n. 尊崇, 效忠 (laud:homage=counsel:advice)
1357 homely a. 樸素的, 不漂亮的 (pulchritude<>homeliness)
1358 homily n. 佈道 (homiletics:sermon=logic:argument) (parable:story=homily:lecture演說)
1359 homogenize v. 使均勻 (homogenize:uniform=putrefaction:rotten)
CAT hone v. 用磨刀石磨 (hone<>blunt)
1360 honorarium n. 謝禮 (amenity:comfortable=honorarium:grateful)
new hoodwink v. 欺騙, 迷惑 (hoodwink<>disabuse)
1361 horn n. 角, 角質, 喇叭
1362 hortative a. 勸告的, 激勵的 (didactic:teach=hortatory:urge=comic:amuse=fantastic:amaze)
1363 horticulture n. 園藝學 (flower:horticulture=tree:forestry)
CAT hospitable a. 好客的 (hospitable:misanthrope=genteel:churl)
new hostile a. 懷敵意的 (propitiate<>arouse hostility)
1364 hovel n. 小屋 (palatial:hovel=bucolic:city=bucolic:metropolis)
new hover v. 在空中盤旋 (crouch:spring=hover:plunge)
1365 hub n. 車軸, 中心 (spoke:hub=radius:center)
1366 hubris n. 傲慢 (frugality:parsimony=pride:hubris)
new hue n. 色彩 (achromatic:hue=extraneous:essence=transitory:permanence)
new hull n. 種子外殼, 果皮 (cell:membrane=seed:hull)
new humane a. 仁慈的
1367 humanitarian n. 人道主義者, 博愛者
1368 humble a. 謙遜的, 卑下的 (bumptious:humbleness=dour:geniality)
new humiliation n. 羞辱 (catastrophe:mishap=humiliation:embarrassment)
1369 humor v. 迎合, 牽就 (chide:pillory=humor:mollycoddle)
1370 hurdle n. 障礙, 跳欄
new hurl v. 厲聲叫罵, 猛力投擲 (exhortation:encourage=hurl:insult)
1371 hurricane n. 颶風 (hurricane:cyclone=snow:precipitation)
1372 husbandry n. 節省, 耕種 (husbandry:dissipate=alacrity:procrastinate)
new husk n. 無用的東西, 穀物外殼 (husk<>vital part) (seed/corn:husk=orange:rind)
1373 husky a. 聲音沙啞的 (husky<>delicate)
1374 hybrid a. 混合的, 雜種的 (hybrid<>of unmixed extraction/purebred)
1375 hymn n. 讚美詩, 聖歌 (hymn:praise=elegy:sorrow=dirge:grief)
1376 hyperbole n. 誇張法 (exaggeration:hyperbole=anger:tirade=pithiness:aphorism=playfulness:banter)
1377 hypercritical a. 苛求的, 吹毛求疵的
1378 hypnotic a. 催眠的 (hypnotic<>conscious/stimulant)
new hypocritical a. 偽善的 (sincerity:hypocritical=authenticity:fraudulent)
1379 ichthyologist n. 魚類學者 (salmon:ichthyologist=chameleon:herpetologist)
new iconoclast n. 打破舊習者 (dogma:iconoclast=convention:maverick)
1380 idiosyncratic a. 特質的, 異質的, 特殊的
1381 idolatrize v. 奉為偶像, 盲目崇拜 (esteem:idolatrize=favor:bribe)
new idyll n. 田園生活, 田園詩 (idyll:carefree=ordeal:difficult)
1382 ignite v. 點燃, 使興奮 (ignite<>extinguish)
1383 ignominy n. 羞恥, 屈辱 (ignominy<>glory/honor/esteem/respect/lofty)
1384 ignorant a. 無知識的, 幼稚的
1385 illegible a. 難辨認的, 字跡模糊的
1386 illiteracy n. 文盲 (illiteracy:education=inequity:redistribution)
1387 illuminati n. 先覺者, 智者 (illuminati:instruct=interpreter:translate)
1388 illumination n. 照明, 闡明, 啓發 (lamp:illumination=apron:protect=stylus:mark)
1389 illusory a. 幻影的 (mirage:illusory=maelstrom:turbulent)
1391 imbibe v. 喝, 吸收 (thirsty:imbibe=exhausted:rest)
1392 imbroglio n. 紛亂 (imbroglio<>harmony)
CAT imbue v. 使充滿, 灌輸 (imbue:hue=??)
1393 imitation n. 模仿, 冒充 (exemplary:imitation=culpable:blame)
1394 immaculate a. 完美的 (squalor<>immaculate)
1395 immanent a. 普遍存在的, 內在的 (explicit<>immanent/inchoate/obscure)
1396 immaterial a. 不相關的 (immaterial:relevance=circuitous:directness)
1397 immemorial a. 極古老的 (immemorial<>recent)
1398 imminent a. 即將來臨的
1399 immune a. 免疫的, 不受影響的 (vaccination:immune=overexposure:jaded)
1400 immure v. 監禁, 禁閉 (immure<>release/liberate)
1401 immutable a. 不可變的 (vicissitudinous<>immutable)
1402 imp n. 頑童 (mischievous:imp=insensitive:boor)
1403 impair v. 損害, 減少
CAT impassioned a. 熱心的
1404 impassive a. 無感情的, 平靜的 (impassive:perturb=voracious:satisfy)
1405 impeccable a. 無瑕疵的 (restive:calmness=impeccable:flaw=sterile:germ)
1406 impecunious a. 貧困的 (pelf:impecunious=experience:green)
1407 impede v. 妨礙, 阻礙 (blandishment:cajole=obstacle:impede) (cultivate<>impede)
1408 impend v. 即將發生, 進行威脅 (remote<>impending)
1409 impenetrable a. 難以滲透的, 費解的 (pierce:impenetrable=change:immutable=pro fane:inviolable)
1410 impenitent a. 不悔悟的 (impenitent<>remorseful/rueful)
1411 imperative a. 命令式的, 強制的 (order:imperative=question:interrogative)
CAT imperial a. 極大的, 最高權力 (imperial:significant=spartan:austere)
1412 imperious a. 傲慢的, 專橫的 (imperious:fawn=swagger:self depreciate)
1413 impertinent a. 魯莽的, 無禮的 (impertinent:propriety=keen:obtuseness) (impertinence<>obeisant/respect/relevance)
1414 imperturbable a. 沈著的, 鎮靜的 (ticklish<>imperturbable)
1415 impervious a. 不受影響的, 不能滲透的 (impervious:friable=nonflammable:combustible)
1416 impetuosity n. 性急, 激烈 (impetuous:vacillation=dour:geniality=bumptious:humbleness)
1417 impiety n. 無信仰, 不虔誠 (impiety<>devoutness)
1418 implacable a. 難和解的 (implacable:compromise=honest:swindle)
new implausible a. 難以置信的 (verisimilar/believable<>implausible)
1419 implement v. 實現, 執行 (implement<>foil)
1420 implicate v. 暗示, 牽連
1421 implode v. 向內倒塌, 內爆 (collapse:implode=divide:sunder) (contract:implode=descend:plummet)
CAT importune v. 強求 (accost:approach=importune:request)
1422 imposing a. 壯麗的 (imposing<>modest)
new impostor n. 冒名頂替者 (impostor:identity=usurper:authorization)
1423 impotent a. 無力的, 虛弱的 (clout<>impotence)
new imprecise a. 不嚴密的, 不精確的 (nice<>imprecise)
new impresario n. 劇院經理人 (impresario:entertainment=broker:trade)
1424 impromptu a. 即席的, 即興的 (ad-lib:impromptu=aside:divergent)
1425 improvident a. 無遠見的, 浪費的
1426 improvised a. 即席而作的 (score:improvise=text:extemporize)
1427 imprudent a. 輕率的, 魯莽的 (imprudent<>judicious)
1428 impudent a. 無理的, 無恥的 (impudence:brazen=deadpan:impassive)
1429 impugn v. 指責 (impugn<>champion/endorse/extol/vindicate/uphold)
1430 impuissance n. 無能, 無力 (clout<>impuissance)
1431 impute a. 可歸罪的, 使負責的
CAT inadequate a. 不足的, 不適當的 (inadequately:suffice=??)
1432 inadvertent a. 不注意的, 疏忽的 (inadvertent<>intentional/careful attention)
1433 inalienable a. 不可分割的 (inalienable:surrendered=implacable:propitiated)
1434 inane a. 空虛的, 愚蠢的 (pregnant/expressive/florid<>inane)
1435 inanimate a. 無生命的 (inanimate:living=ephemeral:enduring)
1436 inaugurate v. 舉行就職典禮, 開創 (inauguration/install:official=matriculation:student)
1437 incandescent a. 白熾的 (incandescent<>dull)
new incantation n. 咒語 (incantation:utterance=talisman:object)
new incarcerate n. 監禁
1438 incarnate a. 肉體的, 具體的 (incarnate<>incorporeal)
1439 incendiary a. 煽動的, 放火的 (incendiary:agitate=insurgent:rebel)
1440 incense v. 使發怒 (propitiate<>incense)
1441 inception n. 開始 (inception:termination=matriculation:gradu ation)
1442 incessant a. 不斷的 (incessant<>interrupted)
1443 inch v. 慢慢前進 (inch:advance=accrete:grow)
1444 inchoate a. 剛開始的, 未發展的 (inchoate<>explicit/completely formed/enduring/fully formed/fully realized)
1445 incinerate v. 燒成灰燼 (singe:incinerate=erode:destruction)
CAT incipient a. 初期的 (incipient:realized=initial:realized=tangible:indefinite)
new incision n. 切開
1447 incisive a. 機敏的, 鋒利的
1448 incite v. 激發, 刺激 (persiflage:incite=exhortation:motivate)
1449 inclement a. 嚴厲的, <天氣>嚴酷的 (draconian:inclemency=fret:vexation)
CAT incline v. 傾斜 (incline:slope=??)
1450 incogitant a. 粗心的, 無思想的 (incogitant:thoughtful=restive:calm)
CAT incoherent a. 無條理的, 不一貫的 (pithiness<>incoherence)
1451 incongruent a. 不協調的, 不合適的 (incongruent:conform=recalcitrant:obey=scatter:overlap)
1452 inconsequential a. 不合理的, 不重要的 (inconsequential:illogical=apocalyptic:prophetic) (crucial<>inconsequential)
1453 incontrovertible a. 無可爭論的 (incontrovertible:disputed=untenable:defended)
1454 incorrigible a. 固執的 (incorrigible:amend=irradicable:remove)
1455 incriminate v. 使負罪 (exonerate<>censure/incriminate/inculpate/prove guilty)
new incubator n. 保溫箱 (incubator:infant=greenhouse:plant)
1456 inculcate v. 教誨, 教育
1457 inculpate v. 使負罪 (exonerate<>censure/incriminate/inculpate/prove guilty)
1458 incursion n. 入侵 (incursion<>retreat)
CAT indebtedness n. 負債, 受恩 (disclaim:indebtedness=??)
1459 indefatigable a. 不知疲倦的, 有耐性的
1460 indelible a. 擦不掉的 (indelible:forget=astounding:expect)
1461 indemnity n. 保護, 賠償 (mollification:soothe=indemnity:secure)
1462 indict v. 起訴, 控告 (absolve<>indict)
1463 indifferent a. 漠不關心的 (shrug:indifference=embrace:affection) (indifferent<>avid/fervor/enraptured)
1464 indigenous a. 本地的, 天生的 (indigenous<>exotic/foreign/nonnative) (indigenous<>acquired)
1465 indigent a. 貧乏的 (indigent<>affluent/wealth)
CAT indignant a. 憤怒的
1466 indispensability n. 不可缺少 (indigent:wealth=redundant:indispensability)
1467 indoctrinate v. 灌輸思想 (stickler:exacting=pedagogue:indoctrinate)
1468 indolent a. 懶惰的 (indolent:shirk=miserly:hoard)
new indubitable a. 不容置疑的 (indubitable:questioned=resolute:sway)
1469 inducement n. 引誘物 (inducement<>deterrent)
1470 indulgent a. 放縱的 (abstemious:indulge=austere:decorate)
1471 indurate v. 使堅固 (indurate<>soften)
new industriousness a. 勤勉的 (industriousness:activity=fastidiousness:selectivity)
1472 ineffable a. 不能說的 (ineffable:description=irradicable:obliterate)
1473 ineluctable a. 難免的 (ineluctable:chance=serendipitous:effort)
1474 ineptitude n. 不適當, 愚笨 (finesse<>ineptitude)
1475 inert a. 惰性的, 行動遲鈍的 (inertia:react=persistence:vacillate) (reactant<>inert material)
1476 inestimable a. 無價的, 無法估計的
1477 inevitable a. 不可避免的, 必然的 (ineluctable/inevitable:avoid=untenable:defend)
1478 inexorable a. 不屈不撓的, 無情的 (inexorable:dissuasion=indomitable:conquest)
1479 infamy n. 聲名狼藉 (infamy<>good repute)
1480 infatuate v. 使迷戀, 使糊塗 (flattering:infatuation=sabbatical:leave)
1481 infelicitous a. 不幸的, 不適當的 (infelicity<>happy/appropriateness) (misfortune<>felicity)
1483 inferno n. 火海, 地獄般的場所 (fire:inferno=storm:hurricane)
1484 infiltrate v. 滲透, 秘密潛入 (infiltrate:enter=conspire:plan=insinuate:say=stalk:follow)
1485 infinite a. 無窮的 (infinite:end=unique:precedent)
1486 infirm a. 虛弱的 (hale<>infirm)
new infirmary n. 醫務室 (infirmary:treament=conservatory:instruction)
1487 inflame v. 激怒, 使燃燒 (inflame<>assuage/subdue)
1488 influx n. 湧入 (exodus<>influx)
CAT infraction n. 違背, 違法
1489 infuriate v. 激怒 (infuriate:rage=commend:esteem)
1490 infuse v. 灌輸, 鼓舞 (infuse<>drain away/extract) (inspire:infuse=obliterate:remove)
1491 ingenious a. 聰明的, 有獨創性的 (diplomat:tact=inventor:ingenuity)
1492 ingenuous a. 純樸的, 單純的 (ingenuous:dissemble=raffish:preen=polite:snub)
new ingest v. 攝取, 吸收 (ingest<>expel)
1493 ingrained a. 根深蒂固的 (ingrained<>easily to change/extrinsic)
new ingrate a. 忘恩的 (ingrate<>thankful person)
1494 ingratiating a. 逢迎的, 迷人的 (ingratiating:win favor=disingenuous:deceive)
1495 inherent a. 內在的, 固有的 (extrinsic<>inherent)
1496 inimical a. 為敵的, 不友善的 (inimical<>friendly/amiable/amicable/amenable)
1497 inimitable a. 無法仿效的, 不可比擬的 (indubitable:question=inimitable:copy)
1498 iniquity n. 邪惡, 不公正 (iniquity<>rectitude/disinterestedness)
1499 initial v. 啟動, 傳授 (catalysis:initiate=supervisor:oversight)
CAT initiative n. 進取心, 創業精神 (initiative:entrepreneur=??)
1500 inkling n. 略知, 模糊概念, 暗示 (inkling:knowledge=modicum:quantity)
1501 innocent n. 天真的人, 笨蛋
1502 innocuous a. 無害的 (placebo:innocuous=salve:unctuous=venom:toxious)
1503 innovation n. 改革, 創新 (contumacious:authority=reactionary/hidebound/conservative:change/innovation/novelty)
CAT inoculation v. 預防接種 (soporific:sleep=inoculation:immunity)
1504 inquiry n. 質詢, 調查
new inquisitive a. 過分好奇的 (inquisitive:curious=painful:agonizing)
1505 insatiable a. 不知足的, 貪求無厭的
new insight n. 洞察力 (insight:discern=mettle:endure)
1506 insipid a. 平淡的, 清淡的 (insipid:invention=prosaic:imagination)
1507 insolent a. 傲慢的, 無禮的 (insolently:veneration=perfunctorily:inspiration)
1508 insouciant a. 無憂無慮的 (tenacious:yield=insouciant:worry)
1509 inspired a. 有創見的, 有靈感的
1510 instate v. 任命 (instate<>oust)
1511 instigate v. 教唆, 煽動 (instigator:incite=bully:browbeat)
1512 instill v. 滴注, 逐漸灌輸 (instill<>drain away)
1513 institute v. 創立, 制定, 任命 (institute<>abrogate/rescind/efface)
new instrumentalist n. 樂器演奏家 (instrumentalist:orchestra=actor:troupe)
1514 insubordinate a. 不服從的, 反抗的 (insubordinate:submissive=capricious:deliberate)
1515 insularity n. 心胸狹窄 (insularity<>cosmopolitanism)
1516 insulate v. 使絕緣, 使隔離 (insulate<>expose)
1517 insurgent a. 叛亂的 (insurgent:rebel=incendiary:agitate)
1518 intangible a. 難以明瞭的, 無形的 (impracticable:effected=intangible:known)
1519 integral a. 不可缺的, 完整的 (integral<>superfluous)
1520 integrity n. 完整, 正直 (entire:integrity=ecumenical:generality=genuine:authenticity)
1521 intelligible a. 可理解的 (garble:unintelligible=correct:accurate)
1522 intemperate a. 無節制的, 放縱的 (intemperate<>equable/constrained)
1523 intensify v. 強化 (intensify<>abate/assuage/attenuate/subside)
new intensity n. 強烈, 強度 (moderate:intensity=extenuate:seriousness)
new intentional a. 有意的, 故意的 (inadvertent<>intentional)
1524 inter v. 埋葬 (inter:burial=obliterate:removal)
1525 intercede v. 仲裁, 說情 (intercessor:mediate=translator:interpret=augur:prediction)
new interdict v. 阻斷, 禁止 (interdict<>authorize)
1526 interim n. 過渡時期, 暫時 (respite間歇:labor=interim中間間隔:concert) (respite:labor=interim:concert)
1527 interlock a. 聯鎖的 (interlocking<>independent)
1528 interlope v. 干涉他人之事, 闖入
1529 interminable a. 無盡頭的 (innumerable:number=interminable:duration)
1530 intermittent a. 間歇的 (intermittent<>continuous)
CAT internecine a. 互相殘殺的 (symbiotic<>internecine)
new interregnum n. 過渡期政府 (interregnum:government=hibernation:activity)
1531 interrogate v. 質問, 審問 (order:imperative=question:interrogative)
1532 intervene v. 插入, 調停, 干涉
1533 intimate a. 暗示, 親密的 (intimate:communicate=allude:refer) (intimate:communicate=allude:refer)
1535 intimidate v. 威脅, 恐嚇 (dauntless:intimidate=irrepressible:restrain)
CAT intoxicant n. 酒類, 麻醉品 (anesthetic:numbness=intoxicant:drunkenness)
1536 intransigent a. 不妥協的, 固執的 (intransigent:acquiesce=deferential:offend)
1537 intrepid a. 無畏的, 剛毅的 (genteel:vulgarity=intrepid:fear) (intrepid<>apprehensive)
1538 intricacy n. 紛亂, 複雜, 錯綜
1539 intrigue v. 引起興趣, 用詭計取得 (interesting:intriguing=bootless:futile)
1540 intrinsic a. 固有的, 內在的 (intrinsic<>extraneous)
1541 intuition n. 直覺 (extraneous<>intuitive)
new inundate v. 淹沒 (inundate<>drain)
1542 inure v. 使習慣 (inured:tolerance=addicted:dependency)
1543 invective n. 痛罵 (polemic:disputatious=invective:abusive)
1544 inveigh v. 痛罵 (inveigh<>verbally provide support)
1545 inveigle v. 誘騙, 誘使 (plot:plan=inveigle:interest)
1546 inventory n. 存貨清單 (census:population=inventory:stock)
1547 investigate v. 調查
1548 inveterate a. 根深的, 成癖的 (inveterate<>uninitiated/one-time/casual)
1549 invidious a. 有害的, 惹人反感的 (invidious<>beneficial)
1550 invigorate v. 鼓舞, 激勵 (tonic:invigorate=analgesic:deaden)
1551 invincible a. 不能征服的, 無敵的 (invincible:conquer=negligible:perceive)
1552 inviolate a. 未褻瀆的, 無污點的
1553 invoice n. 發票, 裝貨清單
new invoke v. 實施, 懇求 (invoke<>suspend)
1554 invulnerable a. 無法傷害的
1555 irascible a. 易發怒的 (irascible:placate=insensate:conscious)
1556 irate a. 發怒的, 生氣 (gush:effusive=rage:irate)
new ire n. 忿怒 (mollify<>ire)
1557 iridescence n. 彩虹色 (iridescent<>monochromatic)
1558 irk v. 使苦惱, 厭煩 (irk<>make someone pleased) (irk:enrage=suggest:urge)
1559 ironclad a. 堅固的, 裝鐵甲的 (ironclad:firm=jammed:full=brilliant:smart)
1560 irony n. 反話, 諷刺
1561 irradicable a. 不能根除的 (incorrigible:amend=irradicable:remove)
1562 irreducible a. 不可約的 (factorable<>irreducible)
1563 irrelevant a. 不恰當的, 無關係的
new irreproachable a. 無可指責的, 無過失的
1564 irresolute a. 優柔寡斷的 (pertinacious<>irresolute)
1565 irreverent a. 不敬的, 無禮的
new irrigate n. 沖洗傷口, 滋潤 (galvanize:stimulate=irrigate:flush)
1566 irritate n. 刺激 (irritant<>balm/salve/allay) (antidote:poisoning=balm:irritation)
1568 issue n. 問題, 發佈
1569 isthmus n. 地峽 (isthmus:land=strait:water)
1570 itinerant a. 巡迴的 (itinerary旅行計劃:trip=syllabus:course)
CAT itinerary n. 旅行計劃 (itinerary:trip=syllabus:course)
1571 jabber v. 快而不清楚地說 (jabber<>speak slowly)
1572 jaded a. 疲憊的, 厭倦的 (vaccination:immune=overexposure:jaded) (jaded<>keen)
1573 jam a. 擁塞
1574 jape v. 嘲弄 (revere<>jape at)
1575 jar v. 震驚, 發刺耳聲 (malodorous:smell=jarring:sound)
1576 jargon n. 行話 (vernacular:place=jargon:profession)
1577 jaundice n. 偏見, 乖僻 <黃疸> (jaundice<>dispose favorably)
1578 jaunty a. 活潑的, 快活的 (staid<>jaunty)
1580 jealousy n. 妒忌, 猜忌, 羡慕
1581 jejune a. 空洞的, 不成熟的 (labyrinthine:simplicity=jejune:interest) (jejune<>thought provoking)
new jeopardy n. 危難 (sequester:seclusion=endanger:jeopardy)
1582 jest v. 說笑, 玩笑 (jest<>solemn utterance)
1583 jettison n. 丟棄 (jettison<>retain)
1584 jibe v. 使一致, 嘲笑 (jibe<>conflict)
new jigsaw n. 七巧板 (mosaic:tile=image:pixel=jigsaw:piece)
1585 jingoist n. 軍國主義者 (nepotism:kinship=jingoist:nationality) (dove<>warmonger/jingoist)
1586 jitter v. 神經過敏, 戰戰兢兢 (jittery<>resolute)
new jocular a. 詼諧的 (jocular<>lachrymose/serious)
1587 jocund a. 快樂的, 高興的 (jocund<>dour/dreary/morose/serious)
1588 jog n. 慢跑, 輕推 (jog:exercise=barter:trade)
1590 jolt v. 猛力震搖 (jolt:move=check:stop)
1591 jot v. 略記, 摘要記載下來 (nip:eat=jot:write)
1592 jovial a. 快活的 (jovial<>drab/lachrymose/lugubrious/maudlin/morose/mournful/saturnine)
1593 jubilant a. 歡呼的 (dolorous<>jubilant)
1594 judicious a. 賢明的 (miser:stingy=sage:judicious)
new juggernaut n. 勢不可擋的力量 (siren:unresist=juggernaut:unstop)
1595 jumble v. 混雜
1596 justify v. 辯護, 證明
1597 juxtapose v. 並置, 並列
1598 kangaroo n. 袋鼠 (kangaroo:marsupial=squirrel:rodent)
1599 ken n. 視野範圍 (earshot:hear=ken:see)
new kidnap v. 綁架 (kidnap:detainment=extortion:retribution)
1600 kindle v. 點燃 (extinguish<>kindle/rekindle)
1601 kindred a. 同族的, 血緣的 (kindred<>dissimilar)
1602 kink n. 紐結, 頸
new kinship n. 親密關係, 親屬關係 (nepotism:kinship=jingoist:nationality)
1603 knack n. 訣竅 (knack<>foolish)
1604 knave n. 流氓 (sage:judgement=knave:deceive)
1605 knead v. 揉捏 (knead:malleable=penetrate:permeable)
new kneel v. 跪下 (kneel:submission=nod:assent)
1606 knit v. 編織, 結合 (ravel<>knit) (knit:yarn=plait:hair)
1607 knotty a. 棘手的, 有結的 (knotty<>easy/simple)
1608 kudos n. 名望 (kudos<>disparage)
1609 labile a. 易變的, 不穩定的 (labile<>stable)
1610 labored a. 表達困難的, 緩慢的, 困難的 (glib<>labored)
1611 labyrinth n. 迷宮, 難解的事物 (labyrinth:tortuous=ornament:decorative)
CAT lacerate v. 撕裂, 傷害 (lacerate<>mitigate)
new lackluster n. 無光澤, 暗淡 (lackluster<>radiant)
1612 laconic a. 簡潔的 (laconic<>garrulous/loquacious/voluble/verbose)
new lacrimal/lachrymose a. 悲哀的, 催淚的 (jocular<>lachrymose/serious)
CAT ladle n. 杓子 (soup:ladle=flour:scoop)
new lambaste v. 痛打, 嚴責 (lambaste<>extol)
1614 lamentable a. 憂鬱的, 不快的 (eulogy:praise=elegy:lament) (lamentable:pity=responsible:censure)
CAT laminate v. 切成薄片 (laminate:divide=??)
new lamp n. 燈 (stylus:mark=lamp:illumination)
1615 lampoon n. 諷刺文章 (panegyric:eulogize=lampoon:satirize)
1616 landfill n. 垃圾場 (cistern:liquids=landfill:refuse)
1617 landlord n. 房東, 地主
1618 landslide n. 山崩
1619 lane n. 小巷, 跑道
1620 languid a. 沒精打采的, 怠倦的 (desultory:plan=languid:energy)
1621 languish v. 衰弱, 變得消瘦 (languish<>thrive)
1622 languor n. 衰弱無力 (languor<>thriveness)
1623 lank a. 瘦削的, 稀疏的 (lank<>stalwart)
1624 lapse n. 小過失, 流逝 (lapse:error=misbehavior:criminality)
CAT larceny n. 竊盜罪 (larceny:theft=??)
1625 larder n. 食物貯藏室, 食品櫥 (larder:provisions=vault:valuables)
1626 largesse n. 慷慨援助, 施捨 (largesse<>parsimony/penury)
1627 lariat n. 套索 (lariat:wrangler=crook:shepherd)
1628 lash v. 綁緊, 責罵, 鞭打 (lash<>unbind/extol)
1629 lassitude n. 無力, 沒精打采 (arrogance:defer=lassitude:stir)
1630 latent a. 潛伏的, 潛在的 (latency:response=incubation:disease) (latent<>menifest)
1631 lathe n. 車床 (lathe:shape=clasp:fasten)
1632 latitude n. 自由, 緯度 (latitude<>strict limitation/constrained)
1633 laudatory a. 讚美的, 讚賞的 (consel:advice=laud:homage)
1634 lavish a. 浪費的, 過度的 (excoriate<>accolade/extol/flatter/praise lavishly) (pejorative<>laudatory)
new lax a. 鬆弛的, 腹瀉的 (stringent<>lax)
CAT leaden a. 悲傷的, 鉛的 (vivacious<>leaden)
CAT leaning n. 傾向, 嗜好 (leaning<>disinclination)
1635 leaven v. 使發酵, 影響 (distill:purity=leaven:volume)
1636 lectern n. 誦經台
1637 leer v. 斜視 (stare:leer=peruse:smatter)
1638 leery a. 懷疑的, 狡猾的 (leery<>showing no doubt)
1639 legacy n. 遺產 (legacy:predecessor=endowment:patron)
1640 legend n. 圖例, 傳奇 (glossary:text=legend:map) (legendary<>obscure)
1641 legible a. 清晰的, 易讀的
1642 legion n. 眾多, 古羅馬軍團 (legion<>lack in number)
1643 lenient a. 寬大的, 仁慈的 (dabbler:dedication=martinet:leniency)
1644 lethal a. 致命的 (disagreeable:hateful=harmful:lethal)
1645 lethargy a. 嗜眠性 (antidote:poison=tonic:lethargy)
1646 levee n. 大堤, 早朝 (levee:river=cordon:crowd)
new level n. 平坦表面 (precipitous<>level)
1647 levelheaded a. 頭腦冷靜的, 清醒的 (levelheaded<>foolish)
1648 leverage n. 優勢, 槓桿作用
1649 levity n. 輕率, 不穩定 (levity<>gravity/seriousness)
new levy v. 徵收 (rescind<>institute/levy)
1650 lexicographer n. 辭典編纂者 (cartographer:map=weaver:cloth=lexicographer:dictionary)
1651 liability n. 責任, 債務 (exempt:liability=pardon:penalty)
1652 liaison n. 聯絡
1653 liberal a. 心胸寬大的, 慷慨的
new liberalist n. 自由者 (liberalist<>enfetterist)
1654 libertine n. 浪蕩的人 (caviler:carping=libertine:licentious)
1655 liberty n. 自由, 特權, 隨意, 冒失
1656 libretto n. 劇本 (libretto:opera=lyrics:song)
1657 licentious a. 縱欲的, 放肆的 (voluble:verbosity=licentious:dissoluteness)
1658 lien n. 扣押權 (lien:claim=subpoena:command)
new lighthearted a. 輕鬆愉快的, 隨便的 (lighthearted<>careworn)
new ligneous a. 木質的 (ligneous:wood=osseous:bone)
1659 liken v. 比擬 (liken:similarity=discriminate:difference)
new limb n. 大樹枝, 肢幹, 肢解 (twig:limb=brook:river)
1660 limber a. 柔軟的 (limber:flexibility=spindly:frailty)
1661 limerick n. 五行打油詩 (limerick:poem=lampoon諷刺文:satire諷刺文學)
new limn v. 描繪 (enunciate:words=limn:lines)
1662 limousine n. 轎車 (mansion:residence=limousine:automobile)
1663 limp v. 跛行, 鬆軟 (limp:walk=stutter:talk) (limp<>firm)
1664 limpid a. 清澈的, 透明的 (limpid<>murky/unclear/turbid)
1665 linen n. 亞麻, 亞麻製品 (clay:porcelain=flax:linen)
1666 linger v. 慢步 (lingering<>fleeting)
1667 linoleum n. 油布, 油毯 (varnish:wood=wax:linoleum)
1668 lint n. 繃帶用麻布, 皮棉 (lint:covering=tarpaulin:garment)
new lionize v. 捧為名人, 參觀名勝 (lionize:admire=vituperate:despise)
1669 lip n. 唇, 唇狀構造
1670 lissome a. 柔軟的, 敏捷的 (lissome<>solid/ungainly)
1671 list a. 傾斜的
1672 listless a. 倦怠的, 冷漠的
1673 lithe a. 柔軟的, 易彎曲的 (lithe<>awkward/inelastic)
1674 livid a. 怒氣衝衝的, 鉛色的
new lizard n. 蜥蜴 (lizard:reptile=orange:fruit)
1675 loath a. 不喜歡的 (loath<>eager/delectable)
new loathe v. 厭惡 (loathe<>amusing)
new locomotive n. 火車頭 (locomotive:flatcar=tugboat:barge)
1676 lode n. 礦脈, 水道 (shale:lode=well:aquifer)
1677 lofty a. 高聳的, 高尚的 (lofty<>ignominious/mean)
new loll v. 懶洋洋的 (loll<>move vigorously)
new longevity n. 長期, 長壽 (longevity<>brief duration )
new longing a. 渴望的 (crave:longing=exult:satisfaction)
1678 loophole n. 小窗, 換氣孔
CAT lope v. 慢慢跑 (drawl:speak=lope:run)
1679 lopsided a. 傾向一方的, 不平衡的 (even-handed/fair<>lopsided)
1680 loquacious a. 多嘴的, 饒舌的 (loquacious:talkative=rash:adventurous)
1681 lottery n. 彩票 (lottery:raffle=ticket:admission)
1682 lounge v. 懶散地斜靠 n. 休息室
1683 loutish a. 粗魯的 (coltish:discipline=loutish:grace)
1684 loyal n. 忠貞, 忠誠, 忠實
1685 lubricate v. 潤滑 (lubricate:abrasion=seal:leakage)
1686 lucid a. 清澈的, 透明的 (lucid:perceive=transparent:understand=prominent:notice)
new lucubration n. 刻苦鑽研 (lucubration<>cursory consideration)
1687 ludicrous a. 可笑的, 荒唐的
1688 lug v. 拖, 拉 (lug:carry=trudge:walk)
1689 lugubrious a. 悲哀的 (facetious<>earnest/ingenuous/lugubrious)
1690 lull v. 麻痹, 使安靜 (lull<>hectic period/revive/startle/galvanize)
1691 lullaby n. 搖籃曲 (lullaby:song=diatribe:discourse)
new lumber v. 笨重地行動 (lumber<>glide/adept)
1692 lumen n. 流明 (lumen:light=decibel:sound=volt:electricity=watt:power)
1693 luminary n. 傑出人物 (master/maven:experience=luminary:eminence)
new lurch v. 笨重地行動 (lurch<>progress smoothly)
CAT lurk v. 潛藏, 埋伏 (lurk:wait=abscond:depart=hoard:save)
1695 lush a. 蒼翠繁茂的 (sere<>lush)
1696 lustrous a. 有光澤的, 光輝的 (numb:insensible=burnish:lustrous)
1697 luxurious a. 愛好奢侈的, 豪華的 (ascetic:luxury=teetotaler:alcohol)
1698 lyric n. 抒情詩, 歌詞 (pleasurable:paradisical=melodious:lyrical)
new macaber/macabre a. 可怕的, 關於死亡的 (macabre:shudder=hilarious:laugh)
new mace n. 權杖 (cornucopia:abundance=mace:authority)
new macerate v. 浸軟 (macerate<>harden by drying)
new maculate a. 有斑點的 (maculated<>unspotted)
1699 maelstrom n. 大漩渦, 災禍 (maelstrom:turbulent=mirage:illusory)
new magnanimous a. 寬大的 (taciturn:chatter=magnanimo us:begrudge嫉妒=insufferable:tolerate)
1700 magnificent a. 高尚的, 宏偉的 (magnificent<>base)
1701 maladroit n. 笨拙的 (complaisance:intractable=adeptness:maladroit)
1702 malaise n. 不舒服 (malaise<>cheerful feeling)
1703 malcontent a. 不滿的, 不服的 (dilatory:procrastinate=malcontent:complain)
1704 malicious a. 惡毒的 (malicious:ill will=diligent:effort=exaggerating:hyperbole)
1705 malign v. 誹謗, 有害的 (diligent:effort=malign:ill will)
1706 malinger v. 裝病以逃避工作 (malinger:ail=flatter:appreciate)
1707 malleable a. 可塑的, 易改變的 (dormant:inactivity=malleable:plasticity)
1708 malodor n. 惡臭 (malodorous:smell=jarring:sound)
1709 mandatory a. 強制的 (mandatory:comply=forbidden:abstain)
CAT maneuver n. 謀略, 演練
1710 mangle v. 破壞 (mangle<>to make unity)
1711 mangy a. 污穢的, 卑劣的 (mangy<>decorous)
1712 mania n. 狂熱 (enthusiasm:mania=suspicion:paranoia)
1714 manifest a. 顯然的, 載貨單, 旅客名單 (manifest:perceive=brittle:break) (manifest:cargo=agenda:meeting=inventory:merchandise)
1715 manipulate v. 巧妙操作 (dexterous:manipulate=prescient:predict)
1716 mansion n. 大廈, 大邸 (mansion:residence=limousine:automobile)
1717 manumit v. 解放 <奴隸> (manumission<>enslavement)
new manure n. 肥料, 施肥 (glue:seal=manure:fertilize)
1718 manuscript n. 手稿 (archive:manuscript=arsenal:weapon)
new mar v. 毀損 (burnish:dull=mar:flawless) (mar<>enhance)
new marble n. 大理石 (canvas:painter=marble:sculptor)
1719 marsh n. 沼澤, 濕地 (marsh:sodden=desert:arid)
1720 marsupial n. 有袋動物 (kangaroo:marsupial=squirrel:rodent)
new martial a. 戰爭的 (martial:military=runic:mysterious)
1721 martinet n. 嚴格要求紀律的人 (dabbler:dedication=martinet:leniency)
1722 marvel n. 奇跡 (marvel<>mean/pedestrian)
1723 masquerade n. 偽裝, 化裝舞會 (dissemble:information=masquerade:feeling)
1724 masticate v. 咀嚼 (lung:respire=tooth:masticate)
1725 mathematical a. 數學的, 精確的
1726 matriculate v. 准許入學 (commencement<>matriculation) (inauguration:official=matriculation:student)
1727 mattress n. 床墊 (tablecloth:table=sheet:mattress)
1728 maudlin a. 感情脆弱的, 愛哭的 (maudlin:sentimental=obsequious:deferential)
1729 maven n. 行家 (maven:experience=luminary:eminence=augu r:prediction)
1730 maverick n. 特立獨行的人 (dissenter:orthodox=maverick:group)
1731 mawkish a. 自作多情的, 令人作嘔的 (mawkish:sentimental=gullible:trust)
1732 meager a. 貧乏的,稀少的 (liberal/amplitude<>meagerness)
1733 mean a. 吝嗇的, 低劣的, 簡陋的
1734 meander v. 漫止, 蜿蜒而流 (=labyrinth) (meander<>move purposively)
1735 measly a. 低賤的 (measly:contemptibly=puny:weakly)
1736 measured a. 標準的 (measured<>inappropriate)
1737 mechanical a. 機械的, 呆板的
1738 meddle v. 干涉, 管閒事 (attentive:meddlesome=envious:jealous)
1739 media n. 培養基, 媒體 (plantation:tobacco=media:bacteria)
1740 mediate v. 調解, 調停 (intercessor:mediate=translator:interpret)
1741 mediocre a. 平凡的 (virtuosity<>mediocrity)
1742 meditate v. 沈思, 反省
1743 medley n. 混雜 (montage:images=medley:songs)
new meek a. 懦弱的, 溫柔的 (meek<>vaunt/ostentatious)
1744 meet a. 合適的 (meet<>inappropriate/unsuitable)
CAT melancholy a. 憂鬱的 (jocund<>melancholy)
1745 meliorism n. 世界改良論 (meliorism:progress=egalitarian:equity)
1746 mellifluous a. 曲調優美的 (mellifluous:music=ambrosial:food)
CAT mellow a. 柔和的, 成熟的 (mellow<>impetuous)
new melodrama n. 誇大的戲劇 (melodrama:subtlety=chimera:authenticity)
1747 melody n. 美的曲調 (cacophony:melody=genteel:churl)
1748 membrane n. 薄膜, 細胞膜 (pore:membrane=door:room) (cell:membrane=seed:hull)
1749 menace v. 威嚇, 脅迫 (odious:disgust=menacing:fear=blatant:arrest)
1750 mend v. 改進, 加快
1751 mendacious a. 不真的, 撒謊的 (ambiguous:clarity=mendacious:truth)
new mentor n. 賢明的顧問, 導師 (mentor:guidance=oracle:prophecy=prevaricator:deceive)
1752 mercenary a. 唯利是圖的, 傭兵 (mercenary:soldier=hack:writer)
1753 mercurial a. 善變的, 活潑的 (scurrilous:propriety=mercurial:constancy)
1754 merited a. 應得的, 理所當然的 (merited<>gratuitous/unsuitable)
CAT meritorious a. 令人敬佩的 (meritorious:honor=??)
1755 mesh v. 纏住, 嚙合 (disengage<>mesh)
1756 mesmeric/mesmerism n. 著迷, 催眠術 (exhaustive:careful=mesmerized:interesting)
1757 messy a. 混亂的, 骯髒的
new metamorphose v. 變形, 改變 (metamorphose<>remain unaltered)
1758 metaphor n. 隱喻, 暗喻 (metaphor:literal=melody:spoken前者修飾過) (insect:butterfly=philosophy:metaphysics形而上學)
1759 meteoric a. 迅速的, 流星的, 曇花一現的 (fleeting:pass=meteoric:rise) (meteoric<>plodding/gradual)
1760 meteorology n. 氣象學 (demography:population=meteorology:weather=pathology:disease)
1761 meticulous a. 挑惕的 (interested:agog=careful:meticulous)
1762 metrical a. 韻律的 (scan:metrical=parse:grammatical)
new metropolis n. 大都市 (palatial:hovel=bucolic:metropolis)
new mettle n. 毅力, 勇氣 (insight:discern=mettle:endure)
new micha n. 天神, 正義之士 (micha:lucifer=??)
1763 miff n. 小爭執, 微怒 (miff:quarrel=foible:flaw)
1764 migratory a. 遷移的, 流浪的 (migratory<>sedentary)
1765 mill n. 壓榨機, 磨坊
1766 mime n. 啞劇, 模仿手勢 (parody:style=mime:gesture)
new mimic/mimicking v. 假裝, 模仿 (mimicry:camouflage=mutation:variation)
new minaret n. 尖塔 (spire:church=minaret:mosque)
1767 minatory a. 威脅的, 恫嚇的 (minatory<>reassuring/unthreatening)
1768 mince v. 碎步走, 裝腔作勢 (stride:mince=quaff:sip)
new mindful a. 留心的 (mindful<>unaware)
1769 mingle v. 混合 (mingle<>separate)
1770 minion n. 奴才, 寵臣 (groveler:petitioner=minion:dependent)
1771 mint v. 巨額, 鑄造, 偽造 (mint<>modicum) (strike:medal=mint:coin)
1772 minuscule a. 極小的, 小寫字母 (small:minuscule=moist:saturated) (minuscule:letter=minnow:fish)
1773 minutia/minutiae n. 細節, 瑣事 (minutia:details=quibbles:objections) (minutia<>essential point/vital feature/lengthy account/gargantuan/crucial aspects)
1774 miracle n. 奇跡, 奇事 (ordinary<>miraculous)
1775 mirage n. 幻影, 海市蜃樓 (maelstrom:turbulent=mirage:illusory)
1776 mire v. 使陷入困境 (mire<>extricate)
1777 mirth n. 歡樂, 歡笑 (bale<>mirth) (mirth:laughter=approval:applause)
1778 misanthrope n. 厭惡人類者 (misanthrope:humane=ascetic:voluptuary)
1779 misbehave v. 行為不端 (castigation:disapproval=crime:misbehave)
1780 mischievous a. 淘氣的, 有害的 (tightfisted:parsimonious=brattish:mischievous)
new misconstrue v. 誤解, 曲解 (misjudge:assess=misconstrue:interpret)
new miscreant n. 惡棍, 墮落的 (miscreant:criminal=visionary:delusion)
1781 misdemeanor n. 不軌的行為, 輕罪 (misdemeanor:crime=lapse:error=decision:commitment)
1782 miser n. 守財奴, 吝嗇鬼 (miser:munificent=zealot:blasé)
1783 misfortune n. 不幸 (boon<>misfortune)
1784 misgiving n. 疑慮, 擔心 (misgiving<>certainty) (compunction<>absence of misgiving)
1785 mishap n. 不幸, 壞運氣 (catastrophe:mishap=humiliation:embarrassment)
1786 misnomer n. 用詞不當, 寫錯
1787 misrepresent v. 誤傳, 不稱職地代表 (tamper:adjust=misrepresent:communicate)
1788 mite n. 小蟲, 極小量 (mite:creature=speck:amount)
1789 mitigate v. 減輕, 緩和 (mitigate:severe=qualify:general)
new mitten n. 手套 (muffler:neck=mitten:hand)
1790 mnemonics n. 記憶術 (regimen:health=mnemonics:memory)
1791 mobility n. 可動性 (splint:mobility=ballast:instability=purchase:slippery)
1792 mockery n. 嘲弄, 歪曲 (diatribe:abuse=burlesque:mockery) (mock:imitate=taunt:challenge)
1793 moderate v. 節制, 緩和 (exorbitant:moderation=perfidious:loyalty)
new modest a. 適度的, 謙虛的 (imposing/epic<>modest)
1794 modicum n. 少量 (inkling:knowledge=modicum:quantity)
CAT modular a. 基準的 (pliant:indomitable=modular:differentiated)
1795 molar n. 臼齒 (rib:bone=molar:tooth)
new mold n. 黴菌, 沃土, 鑄模
1796 molding n. 嵌線 (hem:garment=molding:cabinet)
1797 mollify v. 安慰, 安撫 (mollify:anger=heart:dejection)
1798 mollycoddle v. 溺愛 (chide:pillory=humor:mollycoddle) (mollycoddle<>treat harshly)
1799 molt n. 換毛, 脫皮, 換毛期
1800 momentous a. 極重要的 (atrocious:bad=momentous:important)
1801 momentum n. 動量, 要素 (vacillate:swing=momentum:scutter)
new mongrel n. 雜種 (mongrel<>purebred)
1802 monochromatic a. 單色的 (iridescent<>monochromatic)
CAT monocle n. 單片眼鏡 (monocle:eye=??)
new monologue n. 獨白, 獨腳戲 (opera:aria=play:monologue)
1803 monopolize v. 獨佔, 壟斷
1804 monotone a. 單調的 (stammer:halting=drone:monotonous)
1805 montage n. 混成畫, 蒙太奇 (zigzag:turns=montage:images)
1806 morass n. 困境, 沼澤地
1807 moratorium n. 延期償付 (reprieve:punishment=moratorium:activity)
new morbid a. 疾病的, 病態的 (morbid<>hale/salubrious/wholesome/verdant)
1808 mordant a. 譏諷的, 尖酸的 (mordant<>genial)
1809 moribund a. 即將結束的, 垂死的 (moribund<>beginning/nascent/increasingly vital/current)
1810 morose a. 脾氣壞的, 不高興的 (morose<>cheerful/jovial/jocund/sanguine/lighthearted)
1811 morsel n. 少量, 一口 (chunk<>morsel)
1812 mortar n. 小臼, 乳缽 (hammer:anvil=pestle:mortar) (mortar:grind=vat:dye)
CAT mortificate n. 屈辱 (wheedle:cajolery=humiliate:mortification)
new mosaic n. 鑲嵌圖案 (mosaic:tile=image:pixel=jigsaw:piece)
new mosque n. 清真寺 (spire:church=minaret:mosque)
new moth-eaten a. 蟲蛀的, 過時的 (moth-eaten<>fresh and new)
1814 motile a. 能動的, 有自動力的 (motility<>stasis)
1815 motivate v. 促使, 激發 (exculpatory:absolve=motivational:stir)
1816 motley a. 雜色的 (motley<>colorless/unique/unvaried)
1817 mottle v. 使成雜色 (mottle<>blanch) (striated:groove=mottled:spot)
new motto n. 座右銘 (epitaph:tombstone=motto:shield)
1818 mournful a. 悲慟的, 令人惋惜的 (revelry/jovial<>mournful)
1819 movement n. 樂章 (stanza:poem=movement:orchestra)
new muddy a. 渾濁的, 多泥的 (muddy<>clarity)
1820 muffle v. 圍裹, 發低沈的聲音 (muffler:neck=mitten:hand) (muffle:sound=assuage:grief)
1821 mulish a. 頑固的, 雜種的 (despicable:value=mulish:flexible)
CAT mull v. 混雜, 仔細考慮 (mull<>separate)
1822 mumble v. 喃喃而語, 咕噥 (enunciate<>mumble)
1823 mundane a. 塵世的, 世俗的 (mundane<>extraordinary/exotic/unusual)
1824 municipality n. 自治區
1825 munificent a. 慷慨的, 大方的 (miser:munificent=zealot:blasé)
new munition n. 軍火 (larder:food=armory:munitions)
1826 mural n. 壁畫, 牆壁的 (petrography:rock=mural:wall)
1827 murky a. 黑暗的, 朦朧的 (murky<>clear/limpid/pellucid)
1828 murmur n. 低語, 低聲的怨言 (croon:sing=murmur:speak) (glimmer:dazzle=murmur:resound)
new muse n. 沈思 (museful:ruminative=lamentable:plaintive)
CAT mushroom n. 暴發戶, 蘑菇 (mushroom<>diminish)
new mutate v. 改變 (mutate<>remain the same)
1829 mute v. 減弱 (muted:color=muffled:sound)
new mutiny n. 反叛 (detect the mutiny in his eyes)
new mutter v. 含糊地說, 抱怨 (mutter<>speak distinctly)
1830 myopic a. 近視的 (myopic<>discerning/prescience)
1831 myriad a. 無數的 (myriad<>few/scarce/scanty)
1832 nadir n. 最低點, 無底 (nadir<>summit/acme)
1833 nag v. 不斷地嘮叨, 惱人
1834 naive a. 天真的, 樸素的 (guile:naif=tardy:prompt)
1835 narcissism n. 自戀 (guilt:blame=narcissism:love)
new narrative n. 敘述, 記敘文 (skit:play=anecdote:narrative)
1836 nascent a. 新生的 (moribund<>beginning/nascent)
1837 natty a. 整潔的, 漂亮的 (natty<>sloppy/slovenly)
1838 nauseate v. 作嘔, 厭惡 (vertigo:nauseate=treat:cure)
1839 naysayer n. 否定者, 懷疑主義者 (concur<>naysay)
1840 nebulous a. 模糊不清的, 雲狀的 (nebulous<>distinct/unambiguous/clear cut)
1841 needy a. 貧窮的 (affluent<>needy)
1842 nefarious a. 邪惡的 (nefarious<>exemplary) (nefarious:wickedness=generous:liberality)
new negation n. 否定, 拒絕 (negation<>affirmation)
new neglect v. 忽略 (erudite:fathom=oblivious:neglect) (negligence<>care)
1843 negotiate v. 談判, 交涉 (clog:drainage=stalemate:negotiations)
new neologism n. 新語 (neologism<>archaism/well-established expression)
1844 neophyte n. 初學者, 新手 (inexperience:neophyte=irresponsibility:wastrel)
1845 nepotism n. 裙帶關係 (nepotism:relative=cronyism:friend) (nepotism:kinship=jingoist:nationality)
1846 nerve v. 鼓起勇氣 (diffident/appall<>nerve)
1847 nettle v. 煩憂, 激怒 (nettle<>conciliate/mollify)
1848 neutralize v. 壓制
new nexus n. 連結, 核心 (nexus<>disconnected components/trivial point)
1849 nibble v. 小口咬 (quaff:sip=gobble:nibble)
1850 nip v. 一小口 n. 嚴寒 (nip:eat=jot:write)
1851 nitpicking a. 挑剔的 (fluent:glib=meticulous:nitpick/finicky)
1852 nocturnal a. 夜的 (nocturnal<>happen during daytime/diurnal)
1853 noisome a. 惡臭的, 有害的 (noisome<>appealing/pleasant/attractively fragrant/beneficial/healthy)
1854 nomad n. 流浪者, 遊牧民 (nomad:domicile=freelancer:employer)
1855 nominal a. 名義上的, 不重要的 (nominal:significance=disjunctive:unity) (nominal:figurehead=absolute:autocrat)
1856 nonchalant a. 冷漠的 (anonymous:identify=nonchalant:excite)
1857 nondescript a. 平凡的 (nondescript<>conspicuous/remarkable/striking)
1858 nonentity n. 不重要, 非實在 (dilettante:commitment=nonentity:consequence)
1859 nonflammable a. 不燃燒的
1860 nonplus n. 迷惑 (infuriate:rage=nonplus:perplexity)
1861 nonsense n. 胡言亂語 (nonsensical:drivel=pompous:bombast)
1862 notch v. 刻凹痕 (serrated<>without notches)
CAT notoriety n. 惡名昭彰 (notoriety<>??)
1863 notwithstanding prep. 儘管, 雖然
1864 novelty n. 新奇 (banal/threadbare/timeworn:novelty=labyrinthine:directness)
1865 noxious a. 有害的, 有毒的 (noxious<>beneficial/salubrious)
1866 nuance n. 細微的差異 (nuance<>patent difference/lack of subtlety/sharp distinction/patent)
new nucleate v. 集結, 有核的 (scatter/disseminate<>garner/nucleate)
1867 nudge v. 用肘輕推, 引起注意 (doze:sleep=nudge:prod)
new nugatory a. 無關緊要的 (nugatory<>consequential)
1868 nurture v. 養育 (nurture<>impede/stunt)
1869 oafish a. 呆子的, 白癡的
1870 oasis n. 綠洲 (glade:wood=oasis:desert)
new oath n. 誓言 (oath:promise=contract:agreement)
1871 obdurate a. 固執的, 頑固的 (energetic:frenetic=firm:obdurate=frugal:penurious)
1872 obedient a. 服從的, 孝順的 (obedient<>contumacious/imperial)
1873 obeisance n. 鞠躬, 敬禮 (obeisant<>impertinent/impudent/imperious )
CAT obese a. 肥胖的 (obese<>gangly)
1874 obfuscate v. 使困惑, 使迷惑 (equivocation:truth=euphemism:offense=obfuscation:clarity)
new obfusticate v. 使困惑, 使迷惑 (obfuscated/obfusticated<>lucid)
1875 obituary n. 訃告 (roster:staff=obituary:death)
new objective a. 客觀的 (encyclopedia:compendious=abstract:condensed)
1876 obligatory a. 強制性的, 義務的 (obligatory<>discretionary/selective/elective)
1877 oblige v. 施恩惠, 幫忙 (visionary:idealistic=officious:obliging) (oblige<>discommode)
1878 oblique a. 斜的, 不坦率的 (oblique<>direct)
1879 obliterate v. 全部刪掉, 全部抹去 (ineffable:description=irradicable:obliterate) (inexpurgate<>obliterate)
1880 oblivious a. 遺忘的 (cognizant<>oblivious/unaware) (erudite:fathom=oblivious:neglect)
1881 obloquy n. 漫罵, 譭謗 (adulation<>obloquy)
1882 obscure a. 暗的, 模糊的, 無名的 (explicit/manifest/celebrity<>obscurity)
1883 obsequious a. 諂媚的, 奉承的 (condescending:patronize=obsequious:fawn)
1884 observatory n. 天文臺 (conservatory:music=seminary:theology=observatory:astronomy)
1885 obsess v. 過份關心, 非常著迷 (agonized:distress=obsessed:concern)
1886 obsolete a. 荒廢的, 陳舊的
1887 obstacle n. 障礙
1888 obstinate a. 固執的 (complaisance<>obstinacy)
1889 obstreperous a. 吵鬧的, 難管束的 (resolute:dissuade=obstreperous:control)
1890 obstruct v. 阻塞, 截斷 (obstruct<>facilitate/unocclude/abet)
CAT obtrusive a. 顯眼的, 冒失的 (blatant<>unobtrusive)
1891 obtuse a. 愚笨的, 不銳利的 (impertinent:propriety=keen:obtuseness)
1892 obviate v. 除去, 排除 (emulate:exemplary=obviate:unnecessary)
1893 occlude v. 阻塞, 截斷 (occluded<>unobstructed)
1894 occult a. 神秘的, 不可思議的 (occult<>bare/manifest/patent/readily fathomable)
1895 occurrence n. 發生, 事件
1896 ode n. 頌詩, 賦 (ode:poetry=spoof:parody)
1897 odious a. 可憎的, 討厭的
new odium n. 憎惡 (esteem/hankering/infatuation<>odium/lack of desire)
1898 offbeat a. 不平常的, 弱拍 (offbeat<>bathetic/hackneyed/conventional)
1900 offend v. 冒犯, 得罪
1901 offhand a. 即席的 (offhand<>premeditated)
1902 officious a. 好管嫌事的 (attentive:officious=refined:snobbish)
1903 offish a. 冷淡的 (offish<>sociable)
new olfaction n. 嗅覺 (olfaction:odor=gustation:flavor)
new ominous a. 惡兆的, 預兆的 (auspicious<>ominous)
new omniscient a. 無所不知的 (vacuous<>omniscient)
new onerous a. 繁重的, 有償的 (onerous<>requiring little effort)
new opacity n. 不透明 (translucent<>opacity/opaque) (opacity:light=impermeability:fluid=non porous:liquid)
1904 opaque a. 不透明的, 難懂的
1905 opera n. 歌劇
1906 opine v. 表達觀點 (augur:predict=pundit:opine=recidivism:relapse)
1907 opportune a. 合適的, 適當的 (opportune<>inconvenient)
1908 oppose v. 反對, 反抗
1909 oppression n. 壓抑, 沈悶
new opprobrious a. 無禮的, 粗野的 (opprobrious<>irreproachable/good repute) (irreproachable<>opprobrious)
1910 optimization n. 最佳化
1911 opulent a. 富裕的, 充足的
new oracle n. 神諭 (mentor:guidance=oracle:prophecy)
1912 oration n. 演說, 致辭 (oration:heard=novel:read)
new oratorio n. 清唱劇 (ditty:oratorio=anecdote:novel)
1913 orchestra n. 管弦樂隊
new ordeal n. 苦難, 折磨 (idyll:carefree=ordeal:difficult)
1914 orient v. 確定方向, 使適應 (orient<>confuse)
1915 original a. 有創意的, 原始的 (babble:sense=parrot:originality)
new ornamentation n. 裝飾 (epitomize:brevity=embellish:ornamentation) (frieze:ornament=pillar:support)
1916 ornithology n. 鳥類學 (ornithology:eagle=astronomy:planet)
1917 orthodoxy n. 信奉正教 (religion:devoutness=canon:orthodoxy)
new oscillate v. 使動搖, 振盪 (oscillate<>remain static/absence of variation)
1918 ossify v. 硬化, 僵化 (ossify<>transcend conventions)
1919 ossilate v. 使骨化, 使硬化 (ligneous:wood=osseous:bone)
1920 ostentatious a. 誇示的, 華美的 (ostentatious<>meek/unassuming)
1921 ostracism n. 放逐, 排斥 (pariah:ostracize=prisoner:confine)
1922 oust v. 剝奪, 取代 (instate<>oust)
new outfit n. 大場合穿的套裝 (trade:carpentry=clothing:outfit)
1923 outgoing a. 外向的, 即將離去的 (extrovert:outgoing=perfectionist:exacting)
new outlandish a. 古怪的, 奇異的 (outlandish<>conventional)
1924 outmaneuver v. 以策略制勝, 智取 (outmaneuver<>yield)
new outset n. 開端, 開始 (outset<>termination)
new outshine v. 勝過, 強過 (fastidious:outshine=recalcitrant:resist)
1925 outwit v. 瞞騙, 智取 (taunt:provoke=plot:outwit)
new overbearing a. 傲慢的 (overbearing<>meek/unassuming)
1926 overdose n. 配藥量過多
1927 overexposure a. 過度暴露
1928 overlap v. 重疊, 重復 (inconsonant:concord=scatter:overlap)
new overlook n. 忽略, 俯瞰 (subtle:overlook=tractable:lead)
1929 oversee v. 俯瞰, 檢查
1930 overt a. 公開的 (clandestine:secretly=overt:openly)
1931 overture n. 前奏曲, 初步提案 (overture/preamble:introduction=caveat:warning/cautionary)
1932 overwhelm v. 淹沒, 受打擊, 制服, 壓倒
1933 overwrought a. 過度緊張[興奮]的
1934 oxymoron n. 矛盾修飾法 (apophasis:claim=oxymoron:paradox) (oxymoron:contradictory=mishap:catastrophic)
new pace n. 步伐 (expedite:process=accelerate:pace)
1935 pachyderm n. 厚皮動物, 遲鈍的人 (pachyderm:animal=ant:insect)
1936 pacify v. 使平靜, 安慰 (solace:grief=pacification:anger)
1937 pack n. 一群 (orchestra:musician=pack:wolf)
1938 pact n. 契約, 協定
1939 padding n. 墊充, 填料 (disguise:recognition=padding:damage=levee:flooding)
1940 paean n. 讚美歌 (paean<>harshly lampoon) (paean:song=elegy:poem)
1941 painstaking a. 辛苦的, 勤勉的 (slipshod<>painstaking)
1942 palatable a. 普通美味的, 愉快的 (palatable:savory=discernible:manifest)
1943 palatial a. 宮殿般的, 宏偉的 (hovel:palatial=metropolis:bucolic)
1944 palette n. 調色板, 顏料 (palette:color=repertoire:play)
1945 pall v. 失去興趣 (pall<>interest/intrigue)
1946 palliate v. 減輕, 掩飾 (pain:analgesic=symptom:palliative)
1947 pallid a. 蒼白的, 暗淡的 (pallid<>rubicund/piquant)
1948 pallor n. 蒼白 (chaos:predictability=pallor:color)
1949 palmy a. 繁榮的 (palmy:prosperity=draconian:severity)
1950 palpable a. 明顯的, 易覺察的 (palpable<>subtle) (impalpable<>clear)
new palpitate v. 持續急跳動 (grow:burgeon=beat:palpitate)
1951 palter v. 欺騙 (palter:candor=diehard:budge)
1952 paltry a. 無價值的 (paltry<>significant)
1953 pan v. 嚴厲批評 (pan:harsh=barb:caustic)
1954 panache n. 誇示, 炫耀 (panache<>humility/dullness/unremarkable behavior)
new pancreas n. 胰腺 (insulin:pancreas=bile:liver)
new pandemic a. 全國流行的 (pandemic<>limited)
1955 pandemonium n. 喧嘩, 混亂 (pandemonium<>serene)
CAT pander v. 迎合, 拉皮條
1957 panegyric n. 讚揚, 誇大的頌詞 (panegyric:eulogize=lampoon:satirize)
1958 panorama n. 全景, 概論 (panoramic<>narrow)
1959 pantechnicon n. 搬家用大卡車 (pantechnicon:furniture=??)
new panther n. 豹 (talon:eagle=claw:panther)
1960 pantry n. 食品櫃, 餐具室 (pantry:food=armory:weapons=closet/wardrobe:clothes)
1961 parable n. 寓言, 比喻 (parable:story=homily:lecture)
1962 paradigm n. 典範 (anomaly:paradigmatic=blemish:flawless)
1963 paradise n. 天堂 (pleasurable:paradisical=melodious:lyrical)
1964 paradox n. 似非而是的論點, 自相矛盾的話 (paradox:contradictory=epigram:wise) (paradoxical<>common)
1965 paragon n. 模範, 典型 (travesty<>paragon)
1966 parallel a. 平行的, 相似的
1967 paramount a. 最重要的, 最高權力的 (paramount<>ancillary)
1968 paranoia n. 偏執狂 (suspicious:paranoid=admiring:idolatrous)
1969 paraphrase v. 引申釋義 (paraphrase:verbatim=approximate:precise)
new parasite n. 寄生蟲 (host:parasite=medium:bacterium)
1970 parch v. 使乾透, 使冷乾皺縮 (steep<>parch)
new parenthesis n. 插入語, 圓括號 (enclose:parentheses=separate:comma)
1971 pariah n. 賤民, 被社會遺棄者 (pariah:ostracize=prisoner:confine)
1972 parity n. 同等 (parity<>inequality/incommensurateness)
1973 parlance n. 語法, 語調 (parlance:speak=gait:walk)
1974 parochial a. 教區的, 地方性的, 狹小的
1975 parody n. 模仿格式, 諷刺文章 (parody:style=mime:gesture)
1976 paroxysm n. 發作, 突發 (paroxysm:sudden=ruse:deceived)
1977 parquetry n. 鑲木地板 (fresco:wall=parquetry:floor)
1978 parrot n. 模仿, 鸚鵡 (parrot:originality=babble:sense)
1979 parry v. 擋開, 避開 (parry:question=shirk:duty)
1980 parse v. 從語法上分析 (parse:grammatical=scan:metrical)
1981 parsimony n. 過度節儉, 吝嗇 (parsimonious:profligacy=impetuous:hesitance)
1982 partiality n. 偏袒 (partial<>dispassionate)
1983 particularize v. 詳細說明 (particularize:details=illustrate:pictures)
1984 partisan n. 黨羽 (dilettante:superficiality=partisan:bias) (allegiance:partisans=authoritativeness:pundits)
1985 passionate a. 多情的, 熱烈的
1986 pastiche n. 模仿, 混成曲 (pastiche<>original work)
1987 patent a. 專利的, 顯著的, 新奇的 (patent<>abstruse/not evident/occult/recondite)
1988 pathology n. 病理學 (demography:population=meteorology:weather=pathology:disease)
1989 patina n. 外層部分, 銅綠鏽 (patina<>essential quality)
1990 patrician n. 貴族 (base<>patrician)
1991 patriot n. 愛國者 (patriot:country=partisan:course)
1992 patronize v. 叫人領情, 贊助 (patronizing:condescending=peeved:annoyed)
1993 paucity n. 少量, 缺乏 (paucity<>slew/plethora/profusion)
1994 paunchy a. 大肚子的 (paunchy and awkward<>svelte)
1995 pauper n. 貧民
1996 pebble n. 小圓石 (colossus:figurine=boulder:pebble)
1997 peccadillo n. 小過失 (peccadillo:sin=admonishment:castigation)
1998 peck n. 輕啄, <口語>大量 (peck:kiss=glance:look)
CAT peculiar a. 罕見的, 獨特的 (peculiar<>common)
1999 pedagogue n. 教師 (pedagogue:indoctrinate=stickler:exacting)
2000 pedant n. 學究式人物 (pedantic:learned=moralistic:principled)
new pedestal n. 底座, 基礎 (pedestal:statue=foundation:house)
2001 pedestrian a. 缺乏想像的, 呆板的, 行人 (pedestrian<>imaginative/marvelous/inspired)
new pediatrics n. 小兒科 (pediatrics:children=dermatology:skin)
new peel v. 剝落, 脫去 (topsoil:erode=paint:peel)
2002 peep v. 小吱吱聲, 偷看 (peck:kiss=peep:sound)
2003 peerless a. 出類拔萃的, 無可匹敵的 (peerlessness<>equality)
2004 peeve v. 氣惱, 怨恨 (peeved=annoyed 無程度不同) (peeved:annoyed=patronizing:condescending)
2005 pejorative a. 貶低的 (pejorative<>laudatory)
2006 pelf n. 錢財, 不義之財 (experience:green=pelf:impecunious)
2007 pellucid a. 清晰的 (venial:excuse=pellucid:understand) (murky<>clear/limpid/pellucid)
2008 pen n. 雌天鵝 (swan:pen=sheep:ewe)
2009 penalty n. 刑罰 (pardon:penalty=exempt:liability)
2010 penchant n. 偏好, 傾向 (penchant<>aversion/dislike)
2011 penetrate v. 穿透, 滲透, 看穿
2012 penitent a. 悔過的 (penitent:obdurate=skeptic:credulous) (impenitent<>contrite)
2013 pensive a. 沈思的, 憂傷的 (museful:ruminative=lamentable:pensive)
2014 penury n. 貧窮 (penurious<>lavish/largesse)
new perambulate v. 巡行 (foot:perambulate=eye:observe)
2015 perceptible a. 可察覺的, 能感覺到的 (appreciable<>imperceptible) (invincible:conquer=negligible:perceive)
2016 peremptory a. 專橫的, 不容反抗的 (peremptory:dispute=prohibitive:purchase)
CAT perennial a. 永久的, 反覆的 (perennial<>ephemeral)
2017 perfervid a. 非常熱心的 (perfervid<>impassive)
2018 perfidy n. 不誠實, 背信 (exorbitant:moderation=perfidious:loyalty)
2019 perforate v. 打孔 (perforate:hole=pleat:fold)
2020 perfunctory a. 無創意的, 敷衍的 (insolently:veneration=perfunctorily:inspiration)
CAT perilous a. 危險的, 冒險的 (perilous:danger=??)
2021 perimeter n. 周長, 周界 (circle:perimeter=country:border)
new periodical a. 周期的, 期刊 (magazine:periodical=mystery:fiction)
2022 peripatetic a. 巡遊的 (peripatetic<>rooted/sedentary/stationary)
2023 peripheral a. 邊緣的, 周邊的 (peripheral:center=immaterial:relevance)
new perish v. 毀滅, 死亡 (perish<>survive)
2024 perjury n. 偽誓, 偽證 (perjury<>truthful deposition)
2025 permanence n. 永久, 持久 (erratic:permanent=heroic:craven)
2026 permeable a. 能滲透過的 (penetrate:permeable=knead:malleable )
CAT permissiveness n. 放任, 放縱 (=tolerant)
2027 pernicious a. 有害的 (pernicious:injure=disingenuous:mislead)
new peroration n. 演講結束語 (peroration:speech=coda:sonata)
2028 perpetual a. 永存的, 不斷的 (extinction<>perpetuation) (constant:perpetuate=transient:vanish)
new perplex v. 費解, 困難 (infuriate:rage=nonplus:perplexity)
2029 persecute v. 虐待 (persecute:injure=haunt:remember)
2030 persevere v. 堅持不懈, 不屈不撓 (obstinate:preserve=tactless/insensitive:offend)
2031 persiflage n. 挖苦, 嘲弄 (persiflage:incite=exhortation:motivate=invective:discredit=obloquy:discredit)
new persistence n. 堅持, 持續 (persistence<>inconstancy)
2032 personable a. 優雅的, 貌美的 (personable<>unattractive)
2033 perspective n. 遠景, 看法, 透視
2034 perspicacious a. 獨具慧眼的 (perspicacious<>obtuse/undiscerned/dull)
2035 perspicuity n. 明晰, 簡明 (perspicuity<>opacity/dull)
new pertain v. 適合, 有關 (pertain<>be irrelevant)
2036 pertinacious a. 頑固的 (pliable<>pertinacious) (inexperience:green=pertinacity:refractory)
new pertinent a. 相關的, 中肯的 (immaterial<>pertinent/germane) (p ertinent:relevance=redundant:superfluity)
2037 perturb v. 使擔憂, 擾亂 (impassive:perturb=voracious:satisfy)
2038 peruse v. 細讀 (peruse:smattering=stare:leer) (peruse<>glance at)
2039 pervade v. 彌漫, 滲透 (pervasive<>limited distribution)
2040 pessimism n. 悲觀, 悲觀主義
new pest n. 討厭的東西, 害蟲 (pest:irksome=expert:proficient)
2041 pesticide n. 殺蟲劑 (insect:pesticide=plant:herbicide)
2042 pestle n. 杵, 乳缽槌 (pestle:grind=flint stone:sharpen)
2043 petition v. 請求, 懇求 (minion:dependent=groveler:petitioner)
new petrify v. 石化, 嚇呆 (petrify:stone=evaporate:vapor)
new petroglyph n. 岩石雕刻 (petroglyph:rock=mural:wall)
2044 petrography n. 岩石分類學
new petty a. 小的, 不重要的 (petty:notice=mysterious:explain)
2045 petulance n. 易怒, 暴躁
2046 phenomenal a. 非凡的, 顯著的 (phenomenal<>ordinary/unexceptional/commonplace)
2047 philanthropic a. 博愛的 (philanthropic:geniality=resourceful足智多謀:inventiveness善於創造)
new philatelist n. 集郵家 (philatelist:stamps=numismatist:coins)
2048 philistine n. 庸人, 市儈 (philistine<>aesthete)
2049 philosophical a. 哲學的, 冷靜的, 哲學上的
2050 phlegmatic a. 冷淡的, 多痰的 (phlegmatic<>vivacious) (phlegmatic:provoke=intractable:manage)
2051 photorespiration n. 光呼吸作用
2052 piddling a. 無用的, 瑣屑的 (restive:calmness=piddling:considerable)
new piebald a. 雜色的 (monotonous<>piebald/vociferous) (pied<>solid-colored)
new pierce v. 刺穿 (awl:pierce=pestle:hash)
2054 pigment n. 天然色素 (albino:pigment=prairie:tree)
2055 pilfer v. 偷竊 <小額慣竊> (pilfer:take=abscond:depart)
new pilgrim n. 朝聖者 (shrine:pilgrim=peak:climber)
2056 pillar n. 柱子, 棟梁 (derelict<>pillar of society)
2057 pillory n. 公開大指責 (chide:pillory=humor:mollycoddle) (pillory:ridicule=guillotine:execute)
2058 pilot n. 飛行員, 領航員 (pilot:ship=conductor:orchestra)
2059 pine v. 渴望, 憔悴, 松樹 (longing:pine=remorse:rue) (needle:pine=leaf:oak) (pine<>become invigorated)
2060 pinnacle n. 小尖塔, 高峰 (pinnacle<>low point)
2061 pinpoint a. 精確的, 極少量 (pinpoint<>exam cursorily/imprecise/profusion大量)
2062 piquant a. 辛辣的, 開胃的 (piquant<>vapid/flat/insipid/pallid)
new pique n. 不滿, 憤怒 (pique<>mollify)
new pirate n. 海盜, 盜版者 (pirate:take=forge:copy)
new pitch n. 音調, 程度 (pitch:sound=color:light)
2063 pithy a. 有內容的, 精簡的 (pithy<>prolix/verbose/diffuse/wordy/insubstantial/insignificance)
2064 pitiless a. 無情的, 冷酷的 (clement<>pitiless/ruthlessness)
2065 pittance n. 少量供應 (pittance<>crop/cornucopia)
CAT pivotal a. 中樞的, 重要的 (marginal:pivotal=??)
2066 pixel n. 圖素 (mosaic:tile=image:pixel) (pittance:allowance=rivulet:stream)
2067 placate v. 安撫, 和解 (irascible:placate=insensate:conscious=inalienable:surrendered)
2068 placebo n. 安慰劑, 人死晚頌 (placebo:painkiller=backdrop:vista) (placebo:innocuous=venom:toxious=salve:unctuous)
2069 plagiarize v. 剽竊, 抄襲 (plagiarism:ideas=rustling:cattle=forgery:documents)
CAT plain a. 容易的, 明白的 (plain:tough=??)
CAT plaintive a. 悲傷的 (museful:ruminative=lamentable:plaintive)
new plait v. 編織 (knit:yarn=plait:hair)
2070 plangent a. 轟鳴響的, 悲哀的 (plangent<>muffled)
2071 plantation n. 大農場, 殖民地 (plantation:tobacco=media:bacteria)
new plaque n. 血小板 (artery:plaque=channel:silt)
new plasticity n. 可塑性, 塑性 (plasticity<>rigidity)
2072 plateau n. 穩固, 高原 (plateau:change=respite:activity)
new platitude n. 平凡, 陳詞濫調 (platitude:banal=equivocation:ambiguous)
2073 platonic a. 柏拉圖主義的, 唯心的
CAT plaudit n. 讚美 (plaudit<>disapprobation)
2074 plausible a. 看似真實合理的 (rationalization:plausible=obfuscation:indiscernible)
2075 playoff n. 季後賽
2076 pleat v. 打褶 (perforate:hole=pleat:fold)
new pledge n. 保證, 典押 (renounce:pledge=rescind:order)
new plentitude n. 充分 (plentitude<>dearth)
2077 plethora n. 過量, 過剩 (plethora<>dearth/paucity/scarcity)
2078 pliable a. 柔軟的, 圓滑的 (pliable<>rigid/difficult to crumble/pertinacious) (static:moving=pliable:inflexible)
2079 pliant a. 易受影響的, 易彎的 (pliant<>mulish/intransigence/intractable/incorrigible/unbending)
2080 plight n. 困境, 誓約 (plight<>favorable condition/advantage)
2081 plodding a. 沈重緩慢的, 單調乏味的 (flit/meteoric<>plod)
2082 plot n. 密謀, 小塊土地 (taunt:provoke=plot:outwit)
2084 pluck n. 勇氣, 猛拉豎琴 (pluck:quit=pride:grovel) (harp:pluck=horn:blow)
2085 plumage n. 鳥類羽毛, 翅膀
2086 plumb v. 量測深度, 用鉛錘量測 (plumb:depth=assess:value=measure:dimensions=calibrate:diameter)
2087 plummet v. 急劇下落 (plummet:fall=swerve:turn)
2088 plump a. 豐滿的, 直率的, 突然掉下的 (svelte<>plump)
new plunge v. 俯衝 (crouch:spring=hover:plunge)
2090 plurality n. 複數, 多數
new plutocracy n. 富豪統治 (plutocracy:wealth=geroncracy:age)
new podiatrist n. 足病醫生 (podiatrist:feet=dermatologist:skin)
2091 polarize v. 兩極分化 (polarize<>coalesce/make compatible/unity)
2092 polemic a. 好爭論的 (polemic:disputatious=invective:abusive)
2093 polish a. 擦亮的, 優美的 (polished<>rustic/untutored/gauche)
2094 politic a. 圓滑的, 慎重的 (politic:offend=aloof:associate)
2095 pollster n. 民意測驗家 (pollster:canvass=exponent:advocate)
2096 pollyanna n. 盲目樂觀的人
2097 pompous a. 自大的, 誇大的 (pontificate:pompous=scoff:derisive=bluster:loud=prate:aimless)
CAT ponder v. 仔細考慮 (ponder:consider=scrutinize:observe)
2098 ponderable a. 有價值的, 有重量的 (ponderable<>inappreciable)
2099 ponderous a. 笨重的, 笨拙的 (ponderous<>ethereal/gossamer/lively/slight/vibrant/briskly)
2100 pontificate v. 自大傲慢地說 (pontificate:speak=strut:walk)
2101 porcelain n. 瓷, 瓷器 (glaze:porcelain=varnish:wood=veneer:furniture)
2102 pore n. 毛孔, 氣孔, 細孔 (pore:membrane=door:room)
2103 porous a. 可滲透的, 多孔的 (porous:penetrate=fragile:break)
2104 portentous a. 重要的, 驚奇的, 不祥的 (portentous<>inconsequential/insignificant/insipid/regular)
new portfolio n. 公事包, 部長職務 (portfolio:securities=dossier:reports)
2105 portrait n. 肖像, 人像, 半身像, 人物描寫
2106 poseur n. 裝模作樣的人 (recluse:gregariousness=poseur:sincerity)
2107 posit v. 假定, 認為 (posit<>deny as false)
new possess v. 佔有 (cede<>possess) (preempt:precedence=acquire:possession)
2108 posterity n. 後代
2109 postscript n. 附言, 後記
2110 postulate v. 假設是真的, 要求 (postulate<>deny as false)
2111 posture v. 裝腔作勢 (posturer:unaffected=bigot:tolerant)
2112 pot n. 捕魚簍捕捉鰻魚, 其他魚類或甲殼類動物用的捕具
2113 potable a. 適於飲用的 (potable:beverage=habitable:dwelling)
2114 potboiler n. 粗制文章 (doggerel:verse=potboiler:article)
2115 potentate n. 當權者 (potentate:power=virtuoso:skill)
2116 potentiate v. 加強, 賦與力量 (potentiate<>deactivate)
2117 pout v. 撅嘴生氣 (grin<>pout) (pout:displeasure=wince:pain=smile:pleasure=sneer:contempt)
new practitioner n. 從業者, 實踐者 (quack<>honest practitioner)
2118 prairie n. 大草原, 牧場 (prairie:tree=albino:pigment)
2119 prate v. 閒聊 (prate:speak=saunter:walk) (pontificate:pompous=scoff:derisive=bluster:loud=prate:aimless)
2120 preach v. 傳道, 說教 (preacher:sermon=nitpicker:criticize=quibbler:cavil)
CAT precarious a. 不安全的, 不穩定的 (precarious<>safe/stable) (precarious:stability=spent:efficacy)
2122 precedent a. 前面的, 有前例的, 典範 (unique:precedent=unexceptionable:oppose)
2123 precipice n. 懸崖, 災難邊緣 (precipitous<>level) (precipice:steepness=defile:narrowness)
new precipitant n. 沈澱劑, 急促的 (solvent<>precipitant)
2124 precipitate a. 促成, 匆忙的 (forestall<>abet/precipitate) (precipitate<>retard/dilatory/deliberate)
2125 precipitation n. 降水<雨及雪>, 急躁 (snow:precipitation=hurricane:cyclone)
2126 precipitous a. 陡峭的 (precipitous<>level/gradually sloping/slope slowly)
new précis n. 概要, 大意 (cipher:cryptic=précis:concise)
2127 preclude v. 預先排除, 阻止 (preclude<>to make possible/enclose)
2128 precursor n. 先驅者 (precursor<>sequela/derivative)
2129 predecessor n. 前輩, 以前的東西 (legacy:predecessor=gift:donor)
new predestine v. 預定, 注定 (predestine<>leave to chance)
new predilection n. 愛好, 偏袒 (predilection<>propensity to dislike)
new preeminent a. 卓越的, 顯著的 (preeminence:importance=preponderance:weight) (preeminent<>negligibility) (efface<>aggrandize/blazon/emboss/bring to preeminent)
2130 preempt v. 以先買權取得, 取代 (preempt:precedence=acquire:possession)
2131 preen v. 打扮修飾, 整理羽毛 (preen<>rumple) (ingenuous:dissemble=raffish:preen=polite:snub)
2132 preface n. 序文, 緒言, 前言 (preface<>epilogue/conclusive)
2133 pregnant a. 含有深意的, 含蓄的, 懷孕的 (inane<>expressive/meaningful/pregnant/significant/weighty)
2134 prejudice n. 偏見, 損害
2135 preliminary a. 初步的, 開始的, 預備的
2136 premeditated a. 預謀的 (premeditated<>offhand/spontaneous)
new preoccupation n. 關注的事物 (preoccupation<>unconcern)
2137 preponderant a. 有優勢的, 壓倒性的 (preponderant<>commensurate/subsidiary)
2138 prepossessing a. 討人歡喜的, 有魅力的 (unprepossessing<>entrancing/winsome)
2139 preposterous a. 荒謬的, 可笑的 (preposterous<>commonsensical)
2140 presage v. 預言 (harbinger:presage=archetype:exemplify)
2141 prescience n. 預知, 先見 (prescience:future=erudition:esoteric)
2142 prescription n. 處方, 命令, 指示 (overdose:prescription=indiscretion:convention)
2143 presentiment n. 預感, 預覺
2144 preservative n. 防腐劑 (preservative:decay=anchor:drifting=seal:leakage)
new press v. 極力勸說, 壓榨 (press<>withdrawal)
2145 prestige n. 威望, 威信 (eclipse:prestige=enfeeble:vigor)
2146 presumptuous a. 放肆的 (presumptuous:propriety=transgression:morality)
2147 pretense n. 假裝, 藉口 (pretense:deceive=admonition:reprove)
new pretentious a. 自負的, 狂妄的
new preternatural a. 超自然的 (preternatural<>ordinary/prosaic)
2148 prevail v. 戰勝, 流行 (prevail<>yielding)
2149 prevalent a. 流行的, 普遍的 (prevalent<>unusual/absent)
2150 prevaricate v. 撒謊, 搪塞 (equivocation:clarity=prevarication:truth) (philanthropist:endow=prevaricater:mislead)
CAT prickly a. 易動怒的, 刺痛的 (prickly<>good natured)
2151 primordial a. 原始的, 初發的 (primordial<>most recent)
new primp v. 打扮, 裝飾 (gloat:smug=primp:vain)
2152 principal a. 主要的, 首要的 (principal<>subordinate)
2153 prissy a. 神經質的, 為小事顧慮的 (prissy<>desultory)
2154 pristine a. 原始的, 純淨的 (pristine:decay=stable:fluctuation=still:movement)
2155 privation n. 缺乏, 剝奪 (privation<>repletion)
2156 privilege n. 特權, 優惠
2157 probe v. 仔細探測 (probe:investigate=cavil:criticize)
2158 probity n. 正直 (disinterested:partisanship=venal:probity) (probity<>unscrupulousness/shiftness)
new proclivity n. 傾向, 氣質 (proclivity<>aversion/antipathy/disinclination)
2159 procrastinate v. 耽擱, 拖延 (procrastination<>diligence) (equivocate:commitment=procrastinate:action)
new proctor n. 監考人 (proctor:supervise=prodigal:squander)
2160 procure v. 獲得, 促成 (procure<>relinquish)
2161 prod v. 戳, 刺激 (doze:sleep=nudge:prod)
CAT prodigal n. 浪子, 浪費的 (proctor:supervise=prodigal:squander)
2163 prodigy / prodigious n. 神童, 奇蹟 (prodigy:person=miracle:occurrence) (prodigious:amaze=disgusting:sicken)
2164 profane v. 褻瀆, 玷污 (profane<>treat relevantly/unviolated/inviolable)
2165 proffer v. 提供給人接受 (proffer<>retain/withhold)
2166 proficient a. 精通的, 熟練的 (proficient<>inept/incompetent)
2167 profligate a. 浪費的 (profligate:money=querulous:words)
new profound a. 深奧的, 深刻的 (demotic<>profound) (profundity<>superficiality)
2168 profusion n. 豐富, 慷慨 (profusion<>paucity/scanty)
new projection n. 凸出, 投射 (projection<>concavity)
2169 proliferate v. 擴散 (proliferate<>decrease in mount/dwindle/barren)
2170 prolix a. 囉嗦的, 冗長的 (prolix<>pithy)
new prologue n. 序言 (prologue:novel=preamble:statute) (prologue<>epilogue)
2171 prolong v. 延長 (prolong<>truncate)
2172 prominent a. 卓越的 (prominent<>inconspicuous)
2173 promote v. 促進, 創辦
new prompt v. 迅速的, 激起 (guile:naif=tardy:prompt)
new promulgate v. 發佈 (promulgate<>keep secret)
2174 propagate v. 散播, 繁殖 (check<>propagate/goad/hasten) (propagation<>extirpation)
2175 propensity n. 傾向, 習性 (propensity<>aversion)
2176 prophetic a. 預言的, 先知的 (mentor:guidance=oracle:prophecy)
2177 propitiate v. 安撫, 和解 (propitiate<>incense/antagonize/arouse hostility)
2178 propitious a. 吉祥的 (unfavorable/inauspicious/untoward<>propitious)
2179 proponent n. 建議者, 支持者 (proponent<>detractor)
new propriety n. 適當 (indecorous:propriety=boorish:sensitivity)
2180 prosaic a. 平凡的, 單調的 (preternatural/exceptional<>commonplace/prosaic)
2181 proscribe v. 禁止, 排斥 (proscribe<>sanction/permission)
CAT prose n. 散文 (epilogue:prose=finale:munic)
2182 prosecution n. 起訴, 經營 (mediation:compromise=prosecution:conviction)
new proselytize v. 改變信仰, 變節 (proselytizer:convert=salesperson:buy)
2183 prospect v. 勘探, 尋找 (prospect:mineral=investigate:information)
2184 prosperous a. 繁盛的, 順利的 (palmy:prosperity=draconian:severity)
2186 prostrate a. 伏地的, 沮喪的 (prostrate<>erect/upright)
2187 protean a. 千變萬化的 (circular:asymmetrical=protean:rigid)
2188 protest v. 反對, 抗議 (protest:dissuade=supplicate:entreat)
2189 protocol n. 外交禮節, 協議 (protocol:blunder=bumper:damage)
2190 protract v. 延長, 拖延 (protract:length=throng:number)
CAT protrude v. 使突出 (protrude/protuberant<>concave)
2191 protuberant a. 突起的, 顯著的 (protuberant<>depressed/concave)
2192 provident a. 節儉的, 深謀遠慮的 (provident<>profligate)
2193 providential a. 幸運的 (providential<>unfortunate/mishap)
2194 provincial a. 鄉下樸素的, 狹隘的 (provincial<>sophisticated) (provincial:cosmopolitan=bigot:tolerant)
2195 provisional a. 暫時的 (provisional<>definitive)
2196 provisory a. 有條件的, 暫時的 (provisory<>unconditional)
new provocative a. 刺激的, 挑撥的 (taunt:provoke=plot:outwit)
2197 provoke v. 激怒, 惹起 (attack:vanquished=goad:provoked)
new prowess n. 英勇 (prowess<>timid)
2198 prowl v. 為獵食徘徊, 潛行 (prowl:prey=reconnoiter:information)
new proximal a. 最接近的 (distal<>proximal)
2199 prude n. 過分正經的 (prude:proper=fanatic:devoted)
2200 prudent a. 慬慎的, 精明的, 節儉的 (prudence:daredevil=sagacity:simpleton) (fool<>prudent)
2201 prudish a. 過分規矩的 (prudish:propriety=finicky:quality)
2202 prune n. 梅子乾, 修剪 (prune:plum=raisin:grape) (prune:hedge=trim:hair)
2203 pry v. 刺探 (connive:cooperate=pry:watch) (prying:inquisitive=garish:colorful)
new pseudonym n. 假名, 筆名 (pseudonym:name=mask:face)
2204 psychology n. 心理學 (motivation:psychologist=fungi:ecologist)
2205 pucker v. 收縮, 噘嘴 (astringent:pucker=coagulant:congeal) (pucker:mouth=squint:eye)
2206 puckish a. 愛惡作劇的 (puckish<>sober/grave/staid)
2207 puerile a. 幼稚的 (puerile<>sagacious)
2208 puissance n. 權勢 (puissance<>powerlessness)
2209 pulchritude n. 美麗 (ugliness/homeliness/hideous<>pulchritudinous)
2210 pullet n. 小母雞, 小姑娘 (pullet:chicken=filly:horse)
2211 pulverize v. 破壞, 粉碎 (pulverize<>solidify)
2212 pun n. 俏皮雙關語 (pun:joke=supernova:star=termite白蟻:insect)
2213 punch line n. 妙語, 最有力的一句話 (joke:punch line=plot情節:denouement結局)
2214 punctilious a. 一絲不苟的 (punctilious<>remiss/slipshod)
2215 pundit n. 博學者, 權威人士 (authoritativeness:pundits=allegiance:partisans)
2216 pungent a. 刺激性的, 嚴厲的 (pungent:odor=caustic:comment) (pungency<>blandness)
2217 puny a. 微不足道的 (measly:contemptibly=puny:weakly)
new purchase n. 緊抓 (ballast:instability=purchase:slippery)
new purebred a. 純血統的 (mongrel<>purebred)
2218 purgatory n. 滌罪, 死後煉獄
2219 purity n. 純淨 (purification:dross=desalinization:salt)
2220 purlieu n. 常去的地方, 森林邊緣地 (taut:commodious=extraordinary:purlieu)
2221 purloin v. 偷竊 (lurk:wait=purloin:appropriate=abscond:depart)
2222 pursue v. 追趕
2223 purvey v. 供給 (vendor:purvey=censor:expurgate)
2224 pusillanimous a. 懦弱的 (pusillanimous<>stouthearted/dauntless/valiancy)
new quack n. 冒牌醫生, 騙子, 呷呷叫 (uncouth:churl=flamboyant:quack) (quack<>honest practitioner)
2225 quaff v. 大口喝 (quaff:sip=stride:mince)
2226 quail v. 畏縮, 膽怯 (quail<>become resolute/give bold)
2227 quaint a. 奇怪的
2228 qualified a. 受限制的, 合格的 (qualified<>unreserved/absolute/categorical) (qualify:general=mitigate:severe)
new qualm n. 疑慮, 擔心 (demur:qualms=waver:irresoluteness)
new quandary n. 困惑 (quandary<>state of complete certainty) (quandary:perplex=??)
2229 quarantine n. 隔離檢疫期 (quarantine:contact=embargo:commer ce)
2230 quarry n. 採石場, 獵物, 目標 (mine:ore=quarry:rock) (aspirant:quarry=hunter:prey)
new quartet n. 四重唱 (quartet:singer=triptych:panel)
2232 quash v. 鎮壓, 取消 (quash/quell<>engender/foment)
CAT quatrain n. 四行詩 (quatrain:stanza=??)
2233 quell v. 鎮壓, 取消 (quash/quell<>engender/foment) (irrepressible:quell=obdurate:move)
2234 quench v. 冷浸, 熄滅 (damp:quench=tint:suffuse)
2235 querulous a. 抱怨的, 多牢騷的 (querulous:words=profligate:money)
2236 queue v. 排長隊
2237 quibble n. 挑剔, 推託 (encomiast:eulogize=quibbler:cavil=faultfinding:criticize)
2238 quiescent a. 平靜的 (quiescent<>rambunctious/tumult/action/restless activity)
CAT quilt n. 補過的被子 (quilt:patch=??)
2239 quip n. 諷刺語, 名言
CAT quisling n. 背叛者 (jaggernaut:crush=quisling:betray)
new quixotic a. 狂想的, 唐吉訶德式的 (quixotic:idealistic=touchy:sensitive)
2241 quota n. 限額, 配額 (quota<>unlimited number)
2242 quotidian a. 平凡的, 每日的 (quotidian<>remarkable/striking/extraordinary/unusual)
2243 rabble n. 烏合之眾, 暴民 (people:rabble=items:hodgepodge)
2244 rabid a. 瘋狂的, 猛烈的 (rabid<>logical/detached)
2245 racketeer n. 敲詐者
2246 raconteur n. 健談者, 善長講故事者 (raconteur:storytelling=wordsmith:writing)
2247 racy a. 活潑生動的, 辛辣的 (tame<>racy)
new radiant a. 光芒四射的 (lackluster<>radiant)
2248 raffish a. 粗俗花俏的 (ingenuous:dissemble=raffish:preen)
2249 raffle n. 彩卷售貨 (lottery:raffle=ticket:admission)
2250 rafter n. 屋頂支柱 (roof:rafter=table:leg)
2251 rage n. 狂怒 (irk:enrage=suggest:urge) (rage:anger=bigotry:dedication)
2252 ragged a. 破爛的, 刺耳的 (cloth:ragged=furniture:rickety)
2253 ragtime n. 滑稽的, 拉格泰姆音樂
2254 rail v. 責罵, 欄杆 (rail:vehemence=entreat:urgency)
new raisin n. 葡萄乾 (prune:plum=raisin:grape)
2255 rakish a. 放蕩的 (rakish:restraint=slothful:assiduity)
2256 ramble v. 漫步 (travel:ramble=draw:doodle)
2257 rambunctious a. 騷亂的, 難控制的 (quiescent<>rambunctious/tumult/action/restless activity)
CAT ramify v. 使分歧 (converge<>spread out/ramify)
2258 rampart n. 壁壘, 城牆 (edifice:tower=barrier:rampart)
2259 ramshackle a. 搖搖欲墜的 (ramshackle:soundness=garbled:clarity)
2260 rancid a. 腐臭的 (=fetid, nidorous, noisome)
2261 rancor n. 仇恨 (rancor<>goodwill/charitableness)
2262 range n. 山脈, 射程, 行列
2263 ranger n. 守林人, 騎警 (ranger:forest=curator:museum)
2264 rank a. 惡臭的, 繁茂的
2265 rankle v. 使疼痛, 使怨恨 (rankle/fester<>pacify/calm/mollify)
2266 rant v. 咆哮 (fear:cower=anger:rant)
2267 rapacious a. 過度貪婪的, 強奪的 (mania:enthusiasm=rapacity:covetous=distraught:troubled)
2268 rapport n. 和睦, 意見一致 (rapport<>discord)
2269 rapprochement n. 恢復友誼 (rapprochement<>estrangement)
2270 rapscallion n. 流氓, 惡棍 (rapscallion:mischievous=sluggard:lazy)
2271 rapt a. 全神貫注的 (intrepid:deter=rapt:distract)
new rarefy v. 稀薄 (rarefy<>concentrate/condense/make denser) (rarefaction<>condensation)
CAT rascal n. 流氓 (dastard:craven=rascal:mischievous)
2272 rash a. 輕率的, 魯莽的 (rash:adventurous=obsessed:attracted) (rash:circumspective=imperious:servile)
2273 raspy a. 刺耳的 (mellifluous<>raspy)
2274 ratify v. 認可, 批准 (repeal:ratification=repatriate:emigration)
2275 ratiocination n. 推理, 推論 (ratiocination:thinking=articulation:talking)
2276 ration n. 配給, 定量 (ration:food=dose:medicine)
2277 rationalize v. 找理由使合理化 (rationalization:plausible=obfuscation:indiscernible)
2278 raucous a. 沙啞的, 刺耳的
2279 rave n. 極力讚揚, 咆哮 (rave<>pan)
2280 ravel v. 拆開, 解除, 使糾纏 (ravel<>knit)
2281 ravenous a. 貪婪的
new ravish v. 使銷魂, 搶奪 (perspicacious:discerning=ravishing:attractive)
2282 raze v. 摧毀 (raze<>build)
2283 reactant n. 反應物 (reactant<>inert material)
2284 reactionary a. 反動的 (contumacious:authority=reactionary:change)
new realized v. 實現 (incipient:realized=initial:realized=tangible:indefinite)
2285 ream n. 紙的單位, 大量的紙 (ream:paper=cord:wood)
2286 reap n. 收割 (scythe:reaper=axe:woodcutter) (reap<>plant)
2287 reassure v. 使安心, 安慰 (reassure:doubt=perturb:serenity)
2288 rebellow v. 巨大回響
2289 rebuff n. 斷然拒絕 (rebuff<>approve/welcome)
CAT rebuke v. 指責, 阻礙 (rebuke/reprimand/criticize sharply/reprove<>extol)
2290 rebus n. 謎, 畫謎 (rebus/charade:dissimulation=??)
2291 recalcitrant a. 固執的, 頑抗的 (fastidious:outshine=recalcitrant:resist) (recalcitrant<>amenable/submissive)
2292 recant v. 公開認錯, 放棄信仰 (recantation:error=confession:crime) (recantation:heresy=apostasy:faith)
2293 recapitulate v. 重述要點, 概括, 摘要
new receptive a. 易受騙的, 易接受的 (patriotic:chauvinistic=receptive:gullible)
2294 recessive a. 隱性的, 後退的 (dominant<>recessive)
2295 recidivism n. 累犯 (recidivism:relapse=rehabilitation:convalesce)
2296 reciprocate v. 往復運動, 禮尚往來 (reciprocating<>moving unidirectional)
new reck v. 顧慮 (=circumspect/measured)
2297 reckless a. 鹵莽的 (reckless<>circumspect/measured) (reckless:adventurous=??程度類比)
CAT reclaim v. 開墾, 感化, 收回 (reclaim<>devastate)
2298 recluse n. 隱遁者, 遁世者 (recluse:withdrawn=bigot:biased=roisterer:carouse)
2299 recoil v. 退縮 (recoil<>advance)
2300 reconcile v. 和解 (rift<>reconciliation)
2301 recondite a. 深奧的, 難解的 (recondite:fathom=tenacious:eradicate)
new reconnaissance n. 勘察, 事先考查
2302 reconnoiter v. 偵察, 勘查 (prowl:prey=reconnoiter:information)
2303 reconstitute v. 加水使恢復, 重新設立 (reconstitute<>dehydrate)
new reconvene v. 重新集合, 重新召集 (disperse:reconvene=dismiss:reinstate)
new recruit n. 新兵, 招摹 (professional:rookie=soldier:recruit)
2304 rectify v. 訂正, 調正 (rectify:treaty=confirm:hypothesis)
2305 rectitude n. 正直 (rectitude:transgress=keen:obtuse)
new recumbent a. 斜靠著的 (recumbent<>standing up)
2306 recuperate v. 復原 (recuperative<>debilitating)
2307 redolent a. 芬芳的 (redolent:smell=piquant:taste) (redolent<> unscented)
2308 redoubtable a. 可怕的, 著名的 (redoubtable<>not formidable/unimpressive)
2309 redress v. 改正, 賠償
2310 redundant a. 多餘的, 過長的 (redundant:indispensability=indigent:wealth)
2311 reedy a. 蘆葦狀的, 細長的, 脆弱的, 尖聲的
2312 reel n. 卷軸 (reel:winding=die:shaping)
new referee n. 裁判 (referee:field=judge:courtroom) (referee:whistle=judge:gavel)
2313 refinery n. 精煉廠, 提煉廠 (refine:purification=attenuate:rarefaction)
2314 reflective a. 反復思考的, 反射的 (ruminative<>unreflective) (reflect<>absorb)
2315 refractory a. 難駕馭的, 病難治的 (inexperience:green=pertinacity:refractory)
new refresh v. 使生氣蓬勃
2316 refugee n. 難民, 流亡者
2317 refulgent a. 輝煌的, 燦爛的 (refulgent<>lackluster)
new refuse n. 垃圾 (cistern:liquids=landfill:refuse)
2318 refute v. 反駁, 駁倒 (refute<>prove/verificate) (refutable<>indis putable)
2319 regard n. 尊敬, 關心, 注意
2320 regenerate a. 新生的, 再生的 (truculent:gentleness=unregenerate頑固不化:remorse)
2321 regime n. 政體, 政權, 政權制度
2322 regimen n. 養生法, 生活規則 (regimen:health=mnemonics:memory=budget:solvency)
2323 regression n. 逆行, 復原 (regressive<>forward)
2324 rehabilitation n. 復原 (rehabilitate:demolition=recycle:disposal)
2325 rehearsal n. 預演, 排演 (impromptu:rehearsal=caprice:deliberate)
2326 reign n. 君主統治 (coronation:reign=wedding:marriage)
2327 rein v. 制止, 統治, 韁繩 (rein<>prod)
2328 reiterate v. 重申, 反復地說 (reiterate:redundant=digress:excursive)
2329 rejoice v. 高興 (rejoice<>grouse/moroseness/sulky)
2330 relapse v. 再度犯罪, 舊病復發 (recidivism:relapse=rehabilitation:convalesce)
2331 release v. 放鬆, 釋放 (release<>constrain/immure/restrain)
CAT relegate v. 委託給, 貶低 (aggrandize<>disparage/relegate/efface/undermine)
2332 relent a. 憐惜的 (inexorable<>relenting)
2333 relevant a. 適當的, 中肯的, 有關的 (pertinent:relevance=redundant:superfluity)
2334 religion n. 宗教, 信仰 (religion:devoutness=??)
2335 relinquish v. 放棄, 讓與 (relinquish<>cling to/procure/cooperate/reward)
2336 relish n. 愛好, 美味 (relish<>despise)
new reluctant a. 不情願的 (hesitation:reluctance=hubris:pride) (loquacity<>reluctance to speak)
new remedy n. 治療 (remedy:disease=antidote:poisoning) (remiss<>scrupulous/wary/assiduous/punctilious/conscientious/painstaking)
2337 remiss a. 疏忽的 (conscientious<>remiss/careless)
2338 remnant n. 零頭布料, 殘餘物 (shred:remnant=??)
2339 remodel v. 改造 (construct:remodel=compose:edit)
2340 remonstrance n. 抗議, 抱怨 (remonstrance:offend=syllogism:disprove)
2341 remorse n. 懊悔, 悔恨 (remorse:rue=longing:pine)
2342 remunerate v. 給與報酬 (remuneration:service=retaliation:injury) (remunerative<>unrequited)
2343 rend v. 猛力撕裂 (rend:tear=rush:hurry) (rend<>unite/mend/repair/made whole)
new renegade n. 叛徒 (renegade:allegiance=apostate:faith)
2344 renounce v. 斷絕關係, 放棄權利 (renounce:pledge=rescind:order)
2345 renovate v. 更新, 修復 (renovate<>cause to decay)
2346 repartee n. 機靈的回嘴 (repartee:retort=conversation:language)
2347 repatriate v. 遣返 <自異國> (repatriate:emigration=repeal:ratification)
2348 repeal v. 廢除 (repeal:ratification=repatriate:emigration)
2349 repel v. 使厭惡, 逐退 (repellent:attract=ephemeral:endure)
2350 repertoire n. 全部劇目 (palette:color=repertoire:play)
new repine v. 抱怨, 表達不滿 (repine<>express joy)
CAT replenish v. 裝滿, 補充 (replenish:emptiness=??)
2351 replete a. 塞滿的 (repletion<>want/privation)
2352 reportage n. 報道文學 (reportage:journalist=ridicule:satirist)
2353 repose n. 休息, 睡眠, 靜止 (guilt:expiation=fatigue:repose)
2354 reprehensible a. 應受斥責的 (lamentable:pity=reprehensible:censure)
2355 repressed a. 被壓抑的 (impetuous:hesitate=irrepressible:servile)
2356 reprieve n. 緩刑, 暫緩 (reprieve:punishment=moratorium:activity)
2357 reprimand v. 大責罵 (reprove:reprimand=blame:censure)
2358 reprisal n. 報復
2359 reproach n. 責備, 恥辱 (irreproachable<>opprobrious)
2360 reprobate n. 無賴, 譴責 (reprobate:misbehave=sycophant:fawn)
2362 reproof n. 責罵 (castigation:reproof=denunciation:denial=loathing:dis like=soaking:damp)
2363 reprove v. 責罵 (reprove:reprimand=blame:censure)
2364 reptile n. 爬蟲動物, 卑鄙的人 (lizard:reptile=orange:fruit=finch:bird=aspen:tree=eagle:bird)
CAT repudiate v. 否定, 拒絕 (repudiate<>espouse/uphold)
2366 repugnant a. 令人厭惡的 (odious:repugnance=menacing:fear) (repugnance<>affinity)
2367 repulse v. 厭惡, 驅逐 (captivate<>repulse)
new repute n. 名聲, 名譽 (repute<>lack of distinction)
new requisite a. 需要的, 必備的 (requisite<>unnecessary)
new requite v. 酬勞, 報答 (requite<>leave unpaid)
2368 rescind v. 廢除, 取消 (rescission<>enactment) (renounce:pledge=rescind:order)
2369 resentment n. 怨恨
2370 reserved a. 保留的, 冷淡的 (gregarious:reserved=furtive:open=flamboyant:reserved)
new residue n. 剩餘物 (remainder:subtraction=residue:evaporation)
2371 resign v. 辭職, 放棄 (abdicate:throne=resign:office) (defeatist:resigned=stickler:exacting=martinet:disciplinary)
2372 resilience n. 恢復力, 有彈力 (resilience<>unable to adjust/unable to recover)
2373 resin n. 樹脂, 松脂 (resin:tree=gum:rubber plant)
2374 resolute a. 堅決的, 毅然的 (malleable:shape=irresolute:opinion)
CAT resolution n. 決心 (caprice<>resolution)
2375 resonant a. 洪亮的, 共鳴的 (resonant<>muffled)
2376 resourceful a. 機智的, 資源豐富的 (resourceful:inventiveness=philanthropic:geniality)
2377 respire v. 呼吸 (lung:respire=tooth:masticate)
2378 respite n. 休息, 暫緩行刑 (respite:labor=interim:concert) (plateau:change=respite:activity)
2379 resplendent a. 華麗的, 輝煌的 (bootless:futility=effulgent:resplendence)
2380 responsive a. 敏感的, 回答的 (responsive<>refractory)
2381 restive a. 不安寧的, 倔強 (restive:calmness=impeccable:flaw=impetuous:patience)
2382 restless a. 不安寧的 (restless:serenity=deferential:insolent)
2383 restore v. 修補, 回復 (dilapidated<>restored)
2384 restrain v. 抑制 (fervid<>restrained)
new restraint n. 抑制 (rakish:restraint=slothful:assiduity)
2385 resurgence n. 蘇醒, 復活 (resurgence<>waning vitally)
2386 resuscitate v. 蘇醒, 復活 (extinct<>extant/resuscitated)
2387 retainer n. 侍從 (retainer:retinue=witch:coven)
2388 retaliate v. 報復, 反擊 (remuneration:service=retaliation:injury)
2389 retard v. 妨礙, 遲緩 (retard<>catalyze/expedite/precipitate)
2390 reticent a. 無言的, 謹慎的 (reticent:talk=abstemious:gorge)
2392 retinue n. 侍從團隊 (retainer:retinue=witch:coven)
2393 retort v. 反駁, 反擊 (repartee:retort=debate:issue=conversation:language)
2394 retouch v. 潤飾, 修正 (revise:manuscript=retouch:picture)
2395 retract v. 取消, 縮回 (misunderstood:clarify=erroneous:retract)
2396 retreat n. 撤退, 隱居 (incursion<>retreat)
2397 retrench v. 節省, 削減 (retrench:expense=decelerate:speed)
new retribution n. 取得的報償, 懲罰 (kidnap:detainment=extortion:retribution)
2398 retrograde v. 倒退的, 退化的 (retrograde<>progressive)
2399 retrospective a. 回顧的 (retrospective<>anticipatory)
CAT revelry n. 狂歡 (revelry<>mournfulness)
2401 revenge n. 報復 (mercenary:money=vindictive:revenge)
2402 revere v. 尊敬 (reverence:respect=avidity:enthusiasm)
new revert v. 回復, 重提 (revert:prior=revive:conscious)
2403 revise v. 修訂 (revise:manuscript=retouch:picture)
2404 revive v. 蘇醒, 恢復 (revert:prior=revive:conscious)
2405 revoke v. 撤回, 廢除 (empower<>revoke the authority)
2406 revue n. 大型諷刺劇 (skit:revue=??)
CAT revulsion n. 厭惡, 收回
2407 rewarding a. 有報酬的, 有益的 (drudgery<>rewarding work)
2408 ribald a. 下流的 (ribald:seemly=labyrinthine:direct)
2409 rickety a. 老舊搖擺的 (cloth:ragged=furniture:rickety)
2410 rider n. 附件, 扶手, 騎士 (rider:bill=endorsement:policy)
2411 ridicule v. 諷刺, 嘲弄 (pillory:ridicule=guillotine:execute)
2412 rife a. 大量的, 流行的 (sparse<>rife)
2413 riffraff n. 烏合之眾, 群氓, 渣滓
2414 rift n. 裂縫, 不合 (rift<>reconciliation)
new rig v. 不正當操縱, 詭計 (gerrymander:district=rig:contest)
2415 rigid a. 嚴格的, 剛性的
2416 rigmarole n. 冗長的廢話, 胡言亂語
2417 rile v. 激怒, 使焦急, 攪渾濁 (rile<>placate)
new rind n. 外皮, 剝皮 (seed/corn:husk=orange:rind)
2418 riot n. 騷亂 (sedate<>riot)
new ripen v. 使成熟 (ripen:maturity=harden:solidity)
2419 risible a. 可笑的
2420 rite n. 宗教儀式 (rite<>improvised act)
CAT ritual n. 正式儀式 (informality<>rituality)
2421 rival n. 競爭者 , 對手
2422 rive v. 撕開, 使沮喪 (rive<>unite)
2423 riveting a. 極有吸引力的 (rivet:柳釘) (vapid<>riveting)
2424 rivulet n. 小溪 (pittance:allowance=rivulet:stream)
2425 robust a. 健壯的 (decrepit<>robust)
2426 rodent n. 齧齒類動物 (kangaroo:marsupial=squirrel:rodent)
2427 roil v. 激怒, 攪渾 (roil<>clarify/appease/settle)
2428 roister v. 喝酒喧囂, 擺架子 (roisterer:carouse=recluse:withdraw)
2429 roster n. 值勤表, 花名冊 (roster:staff=obituary:death)
2430 rostrum n. 演講壇 (rostrum:orator=bench:judge)
2431 rosy a. 美好的, 樂觀的, 玫瑰色的
2432 rouse v. 激起 (quell<>rouse)
new royalty n. 版稅, 王權 (royalty:payment=subpoena:writ)
2433 rubicund a. 紅潤的, 透紅的 (rubicund<>pale/pallid/wan)
2443 rude/rustic a. 粗俗的, 鄉下的 (polished<>rustic/untutored/gauche)
2434 rudimentary a. 基本的, 初步的 (rudimentary<>full developed/fully realized)
2435 rue n. 後悔, 遺憾 (longing:pine=remorse:rue)
2436 ruffian n. 歹徒, 殘暴的
2437 ruffle n. 皺褶, 弄亂, 生氣 (preen<>ruffle, hem:garment=ruffle:shirt=molding:cabinet)
2438 ruminate v. 沈思, 反芻 (museful:ruminative=lamentable:plaintive)
2439 rumple n. 皺褶 (preen/glaze<>rumple)
2440 run n. 連續演出 (journal:entries=run:performance)
new rune/runic n. 神祕 (martial:military=runic:mysterious)
2441 rupture n. 破裂, 決裂 (rupture<>remain unbreakable)
2442 ruse n. 詭計 (paroxysm:sudden=ruse:deceived)
new rust v. 生鐵鏽 (silver:tarnish=iron:rust)
2444 rustle v. 偷牛, 偷馬 (plagiarism:ideas=rustling:cattle)
2445 sabbatical a. 公休的 (sabbatical:leave=flattering:infatuation)
2446 sabotage v. 破壞, 妨害 (saboteur:disrupt=apologist:defend)
2447 saccharine n. 糖精, 和顏悅色的 (sugar:saccharine=butter:margarin)
2448 sacrifice n. 犧牲, 供俸, 祭品
2449 sacrilege n. 褻瀆 (sacrilege<>respect/reverent)
2450 saddle v. 使承受, 馬鞍 (saddle<>unload)
2451 safeguard n. 保護措施, 護照 (hedge:loss=quarantine:contamination=safeguard:accident)
2452 sagacious a. 聰明的 (prudence:daredevil=sagacity:simpleton=turncoat:constancy)
2453 salient a. 顯著的, 突出的 (salient:ignore=incomprehensible:understand)
2454 salmon n. 鮭魚 (salmon:ichthyologist=chameleon:herpetologist)
2455 salubrious a. 有益健康的 (instructive:comprehension=salubrious:health)
2456 salutary a. 有益的, 有益健康的 (salutary<>unhealthy/deleterious)
2457 salutation n. 歡迎, 招呼 (salutation<>deportation)
2458 salvage v. 救助 (salvage<>abandon)
2459 salve n. 藥膏, 緩和 (placebo:innocuous=salve:unctuous)
2460 salvo n. 一起發射, 保留條款 (shot:salvo=??)
2461 sanctify v. 使神聖 (desecrate<>sanctify)
2462 sanctimonious a. 假裝虔誠的
2463 sanction v. 認可 (dismiss<>sanction)
new sanctuary n. 避難所 (sanctuary:protection=utopia:perfection)
2464 sand v. 磨光 (varnish:glossy=sand:smooth)
2465 sanguine a. 樂觀的, 血紅色的 (sanguine<>despondent/hopeless)
2466 sanitation n. 衛生 (censorship:information=sanitation:disease)
2467 sap v. 使衰竭, 使排出體液 (sap<>bolster/fortify/invigorate)
2468 sapient a. 聰明的 (sapient<>foolish)
2469 sapling n. 樹苗, 小樹
2470 sarcastic a. 譏諷的, 辛辣的 (sarcasm<>praise)
2471 sartorial a. 裁縫的 (tonsorial:hair=sartorial:apparel)
new sate v. 使飽享, 使厭膩 (sate<>starve)
2472 satiated a. 飽享的, 厭膩的 (satiated:food=saturated:moisture)
2473 satire n. 諷剌作品 (diligence:effort=satire:lampoon)
2474 saturated a. 溼透的, 飽和的 (satiated:food=saturated:moisture)
2475 saturnine a. 憂鬱的 (saturnine<>jovial/genial)
2476 saunter v. 閒逛, 漫步 (prate:speak=saunter:walk)
2477 savanna n. 平坦大草原 (savanna<>slope)
new savant n. 學者 (savant<>unlearned person)
2478 savory a. 極美味的 (mellifluous:sound=savory:taste)
2479 savvy n. 機智 (savvy<>simplicity/tactlessness)
new scabbard n. 鞘, 插入鞘中 (dagger匕首:scabbard=pistol:holster)
new scads n. 許多, 大量 (scads<>paucity)
2480 scale n. 音階, 天平, 秤盤 (gauge:pressure=scale:weight=yardstick:length)
2481 scalpel n. 外科手術刀 (scalpel:surgeon=telescope:astronomer)
2482 scan v. 分析 (scan:metrical=parse:grammatical)
2483 scanty a. 缺乏的 (myriad/considerable相當多的<>few/scarce/scanty)
2484 scarce a. 缺乏的 (myriad<>few/scarce/scanty)
new scare n. 驚嚇
CAT scathe v. 損害
2485 scathing a. 嚴厲的, 傷害的 (scathing<>politely)
new scatter n. 分散 (inconsonant:concord=scatter:overlap)
new scent n. 香味, 聞到 (redolent<>unscented)
2486 schism n. 分裂 (schism:consensus=interruption:continuity)
new school n. 魚群, 學派 (school:fish=flock:birds)
2487 scintillating a. 才氣橫溢的, 閃爍的 (scintillating<>dull/foolly)
2488 scion n. 子孫, 幼芽 (scion<>ancestor)
2489 scission n. 分裂, 切斷 (scission<>unification)
2490 scissor n. 剪刀 (pestle:grinding=scissor:cutting)
2491 scoff v. 嘲笑, 狼吞虎咽 (pontificate:pompous=scoff:derisive=bluster:loud=prate:aimless)
CAT scold v. 責罵 (accolade/praise<>denounce/scold)
new scoop n. 勺子 (scoop:concave=spatula:flat)
2492 scooter n. 滑行車, 踏板車 (oscillation:swing=momentum:scooter)
2493 scorch v. 加熱烤乾 (dampen<>scorch) cf. Parch 冷乾
2494 score n. 樂譜 (notes:score=symbols:rebus) (director:script=conductor:score)
2495 scorn v. 輕蔑 (venerable:reverence=despicable:scorn)
new scotch v. 阻礙 (scotch<>encourage)
2496 scour v. 擦洗, 腹瀉, 急速穿過 (scour:wash=??)
new scourge v. 鞭打, 嚴懲
2497 scowl v. 皺眉頭 (scowl:displeasure=kiss:affection)
new scrap v. 拋棄 (scrap<>retrieve)
2498 scrappy a. 好鬥的 (scrappy<>timorous)
2499 scrawl v. 潦草地寫 (scrawl<>write carefully)
2500 screw n. 螺絲釘, 螺旋 (gear:tooth=screw:thread)
2501 scribble v. 潦草地寫 (tinker:adjust=scribble:write=mumble:talk)
2502 script n. 劇本, 手跡 (director:script=conductor:score)
new scripture n. 經文 (diary:biographer=scripture:theologian)
2503 scrupulous a. 正直的, 小心謹慎的 (probity<>unscrupulousness/shiftness)
2504 scrutable a. 可以理解的 (mysterious<>scrutable)
2505 scrutiny n. 仔細檢查 (scrutinize:gloss=delve:skim) (observe:scrutinize=question:grill)
2506 scuff v. 拖著腳走, 磨損 (scuff:abrasion=heat:vaporization)
2507 sculptor n. 雕刻家 (statue:sculpture=ode:poem)
2508 scurrilous a. 下流的 (scurrilous:propriety=mercurial:constancy)
2509 scurvy a. 下流的 (scurvy<>above reproach)
2510 scutter v. 疾走 (vacillate:swing=momentum:scutter)
2511 scythe n. 長柄的大鐮刀 (scythe:reaper=axe:woodcutter)
new seamy a. 墮落的, 污穢的 (seamy<>decent and respectable)
new sear n. 燒焦 (trickle:gush=warm:sear)
new seascape n. 海景畫, 海景 (portrait:person=seascape:ocean)
2512 secluded a. 隱退的, 隱蔽的 (hermitage:secluded=landmark:conspicuous)
2513 secrete v. 分泌, 隱秘 (secrete<>absorb) (secrete<>divulge)
2514 sedate a. 鎮靜的 (sedative:drowsiness=anesthetic:numbness)
2515 sedentary a. 固定不動的 (migratory<>sedentary)
CAT sedimentary a. 沈澱的
2516 seduce v. 引誘 (seduce<>discourage)
2517 sedulous a. 聚精會神的, 勤勉的 (sedulous<>careless/lack of industriousness)
2518 seemly a. 合適的, 好看的 (ribald:seemly=labyrinthine:direct)
new segment n. 片斷, 分割 (segment<>make whole)
CAT semblance n. 相似, 假裝 (semblance<>dissimilarity)
2519 seminal a. 有創意的, 生殖的 (seminal<>hampering further development/derivative)
2520 seminary n. 神學院, 女子學校, 發源地 (conservatory:music=seminary:theology)
2521 sensation n. 轟動的大事, 感覺 (sensation<>unnoticed event) (sensation<>anesthesia)
2522 sensitive a. 機伶的, 敏感的 (tactless/insensitive:offend=obstinate:preserve)
new sentient a. 意識到的 (sentient<>unconscious)
2523 sentinel n. 哨兵 (sentinel:watchful=epicure:discriminating)
new septic a. 腐敗的 (septic<>free of infection)
2524 sepulchral a. 陰沈的, 墳墓的 (sepulchral<>merry)
2525 sequela n. 後繼者, 後遺症 (precursor<>sequela)
2526 sequester v. 使隱退, 使隔絕 (sequester:seclusion=endanger:jeopardy) (sequester<>permit to mingle)
2527 seraph n. 六翼天使 (diabolical<>seraphic)
2528 sere a. 乾焦的, 凋萎的 (sere<>damp/lush)
2529 serendipity n. 善於發掘新奇事物的天賦 (serendipitous:effort=ineluctable:chance)
2530 serenity n. 寧靜, 晴朗 (restless:serenity=deferential:insolent)
2531 serfdom n. 農奴 (serfdom<>lord)
2532 sermon n. 說教 (homiletics:sermon=logic:argument)
2533 serpentine a. 彎曲的 (serpentine:directness=??)
2534 serrate a. 鋸齒狀的 (serrated<>without notches/smooth)
2535 serried a. 密集的 (serried<>widely separated)
2536 servile a. 奴性的 (compliant:servile=trusting:gullible)
2537 severe a. 激烈的 (mitigate:severe=qualify:general)
new sew v. 縫補 (weld:metal=sew:fabric/cloth)
2538 shackle v. 束縛, 加桎梏 (shackle<>loose/emancipate)
2539 shadow v. 尾隨, 遮蔽 (follow:shadow=leave:abscond)
2540 shaft n. 矛, 諷刺話 (shield:shaft/spear=earplug:noise)
2541 shale n. 葉岩 (shale:lode=well:aquifer)
new shallow a. 淺的,淺薄的 (shallow<>profound)
2542 sham n. 假品, 哄騙 (debunk<>perpetuate to sham/unexposure) (sham<>genuine)
2543 shard n. <陶瓷> 碎片, (shard:pottery=fragment:bone=crumb:bread=morsel:food)
new shed v. 脫落 (molt:feathers=shed:hair)
2544 shelter n. 隱蔽處
2545 shiftless a. 無能的, 懶惰的 (shiftless:ambition=ingenuous:guile) (probity<>shiftiness詭詐的)
new shipshape a. 整齊的 (shipshape:disarray=squalid:cleanliness)
2546 shirk v. 逃避 (shirk:duty=parry:question=recluse:crowd)
new shoal a. 淺的 (shoal<>deep)
2547 shopworn a. 陳舊的 (shopworm<>new)
new shortfall n. 不足, 差額 (surcharge<>shortfall)
2548 shrewd a. 精明的, 銳利的 (alacrity:prompt=acumen:shrewd)
new shrine n. 神殿, 聖地 (shrine:pilgrim=peak:climber)
2549 shrink n. 萎縮
2550 shrug v. 聳肩 (embrace:affection=shrug:indifference)
new shudder n. 發抖, 戰慄 (macabre:shudder=hilarious:laugh)
2551 shun v. 避開 (shun<>haunt/frequent)
2552 shunt v. 火車的轉向器, 轉向 (divert:shunt=retard:brake)
2553 shuttle v. 穿梭移動, 往返運送
new sibilent n. 嘶嘶聲 (drone:monotonous=stammer:halting=hiss:sibilant)
2554 sidereal a. 恒星的 (arboreal:trees=sidereal:stars)
new sidestep v. 回避, 躲避 (sidestep<>confront directly)
2555 signal a. 顯著的 (signal<>unremarkable)
new silt n. 淤泥 (artery:plaque=channel:silt)
new simper n. 假笑, 傻笑 (simper:smile=babble:talk)
2556 simpleton n. 笨蛋 (prudence:daredevil=sagacity:simpleton)
2557 simulate v. 模仿, 模擬 (simulation<>authentic article)
2558 sin n. 犯罪 (peccadillo:sin=admonishment:castigation)
2559 sincere a. 真誠的 (badinage<>sincere conversation)
new sinecure n. 閒差事 (sinecure<>arduous employment)
2560 sinew n. 肌腱, 精力 (sinew<>weakness) (=tendinous)
2561 singe v. 燒焦, 烤焦 (singe:incinerate=erode:destruction)
2562 singular a. 異常的, 單一的
2563 sinister a. 不吉祥的, 險惡的
2564 sinuous a. 彎彎曲曲的 (sinuous<>direct)
2565 sip v. 小口喝 (swill/quaff:sip=gobble:nibble=stride:mince)
2566 siren n. 汽笛, 迷人的海妖 (siren:sound=beacon:light) (siren:unresist=juggernaut:unstop)
new skeleton n. 骨架, 提綱 (skeleton:animal=framing:building)
2567 skeptic n. 懷疑者 (penitent:obdurate=skeptic:credulous) (skepticism<>conviction)
2568 sketchy a. 寫生的, 概略的
2569 skimpy a. 吝嗇的 (parsimonious:skimp=malingering:shirk)
new skinflint n. 吝嗇鬼 (gourmand:appetite=skinflint:thrift)
new skirmish n. 小衝突 (skirmish:insignificance=duel決鬥:formality正式的)
2570 skirt v. 回避, 位於邊緣 (skirt<>seek/face/pass the center directly)
2571 skit n. 滑稽短劇 (vignette:scene=skit:drama)
2572 skittish a. 易受驚嚇的, 多變的
new slab n. 厚片 (slab<>sliver)
new slack a. 鬆弛的, 緩慢的 (slacken:tension=blunt:sharpness)
new slake v. 解渴, 平息 (gratify:desire=slake:thirst=satiate:hunger)
2573 slant v. 偏袒, 歪斜 (slant<>assert without bias)
CAT slapdash a. 隨便的, 懶散的 (slapdash/haphazard/slipshod<>neat/fastidious)
2574 slate n. 候選人名單, 石板 (roster:personnel=slate:candidate)
2575 slew n. 大量, 旋轉 (slew<>paucity/limited quantity)
new slick a. 光滑的, 機伶的 (viscid<>slick)
2576 slight a. 輕微的, 怠慢 (slight<>grievous/prodigious/ponderous/massive) (cosset<>slight)
CAT sling n. 吊帶 (splint:immobilize=sling:support)
2578 slink v. 潛行, 溜走, 動物的早產
2579 slippery a. 光滑的 (dingy:glisten=slippery:adhere) (splint:mobility=ballast:instability=purchase:slippery)
2580 slipshod a. 懶散的 (slipshod<>painstaking/assiduous/punctilious)
new sliver n. 薄片 (slab<>sliver)
2581 sloppy a. 懶散的 (natty<>sloppy/slovenly)
2582 sloth n. 懶散 (rakish:restraint=slothful:assiduity)
2583 slouch a. 懶散的 (slouch<>stand erect)
new slough v. 脫皮 (molt:bird=slough:snake)
2584 sloven a. 懶散的 (indulged:adherent=slovenly:dapper) (natty<>sloppy/slovenly)
new sluggard n. 懶人
2585 sluggish a. 懶散的 (alacrity<>sluggish)
2586 slumber n. 睡眠 (slumber<>awake)
CAT slump v. 下跌 (slump<>surge/boom)
2587 slur n. 含糊的發音, 連音符, 誹謗 (slur:speech=smudge:writing) (slur<>pronounce clearly)
CAT slush n. 融雪, 泥濘 (soil:mud=snow:slush)
2588 sly a. 狡猾的 (sly<>artless/ingenuous)
2589 smarmy a. 虛情假意的 (smarmy<>earnest)
2590 smart v. 刺痛, 伶俐的, 整潔的 (smart:pain=grieve:sorrow) (smart<>soothe) (tatty<>smart)
2592 smattering n. 一知半解 (erudite<>smattering of knowledge)
2593 smirk v. 得意地笑 (smirk:smugness=sneer:derision)
2594 smother v. 窒息 (smother:choke=??)
2595 smug n. 自鳴得意的 (primp:vain=gloat:smug)
2596 smuggle v. 走私 (collude:cooperate=smuggle:convey)
CAT snail n. 動作遲緩的人, 蝸牛
2597 snare v. 誘捕 (snare<>boo)
2598 snarl v. 糾纏, 狂吠 (exoneration:blame=disentangle:snarl) (disentangle<>snarl) (snarler<>coo咕咕聲)
new snatch n. 搶奪, 片刻 (supplant:replace=snatch:take)
2599 sneer n. 冷笑, 輕蔑 (smirk:smugness=sneer:derision)
2600 snob n. 汲汲營營者 (attentive:officious=refined:snobbish)
2601 snub v. 無禮, 冷落 (dissemble:honesty=snub:politeness) (court<>snub)
2602 soak v. 浸泡, 溼透 (castigation:reproof=soaking:damp)
2603 sober a. 穩重的, 樸實的, 節制的 (sober<>trepidation/frivolous/flippancy/puckish)
new sobriety n. 節制, 冷靜 (flippancy/sumptuous<>sobriety)
2604 sodden a. 濕透的 (marsh:sodden=desert:arid) (moist:sodden=surprised:astonished)
new solace v. 安慰, 緩和 (solace:grief=pacification:anger)
2606 solder v. 焊接 (breach<>solder)
2607 solemn a. 莊嚴的 (jest<>solemnity) (dirge:solemn=polemic:contentious)
CAT solicit n. 乞求, 懇求 (Interrogate:information=solicit:donation)
2608 solicitous a. 熱切掛念的 (solicitous<>unconcerned)
2609 solidify v. 鞏固 (pulverize<>solidify)
new soliloquy n. 獨白 (soliloquy:play=aria:opera)
new solitude n. 獨處 (recluse:solitude=toady:favor)
2610 solvent n. 溶劑, 有償付能力的 (solvent<>precipitant) (profligate:solvent=mercurial:committed)
new somatic a. 肉體的 (somatic<>nonphysical)
2611 somber a. 憂鬱的 (droll/cherubic<>somber)
2612 somnolence n. 嗜睡 (ennui:enthusiastic=somnolence:alert)
2613 sonata n. 奏鳴曲 (dessert:meal=epilogue:play=coda:sonata)
2614 sonnet n. 十四行詩 (sonnet:verse monger=painting:daubster)
2615 soothe v. 撫慰 (smart/vex<>soothe)
2616 sop n. 巴結用物品 (sop:conciliatory=subsidy:supportive)
2617 sophism n. 詭辯 (sophism:reasoning=counterfeit:money)
2618 sophistication n. 精明 (ingenue:sophistication=cynic:trustfulness)
2619 sophomoric a. 大二學生的, 一知半解的, 傲慢的
2620 soporific a. 催眠的 (soporific:sleep=vaccinating:immunity) (soporific<>exhilarating/stimulant)
2621 sordid a. 骯髒的 (sordid<>wholesome/noble)
2622 sound a. 穩固的, 健康的 (ramshackle:soundness=garbled:clarity)
2623 sparse a. 稀疏的, 薄的 (sparse<>copious/rife)
2624 spartan a. 極簡樸的 (imperial:significant=spartan:austere)
2625 spat n. 小爭吵 (cabal:association=spat:quarrel)
2626 spate n. 大量, 泛濫 (spate<>dearth/trickling flow)
new spatula n. 抹刀 (scoop:concave=spatula:flat)
CAT spear n. 矛 (shield:shaft/spear=earplug:noise)
2627 specialize v. 專門研究
new speciman n. 標本, 樣品 (specimen:dissect=sentence:parse)
2628 specious a. 華而不實的, 似是而非的 (specious<>valid) (specious:genuineness=illusory:reality)
2629 speck n. 少量 (mite:creature=speck:amount)
2630 spectator n. 觀眾, 旁觀者 (epicure:discriminating=spectator:watching)
2631 spectrum n. 光譜 (color:spectrum=tone:scale)
2632 speculate v. 猜測, 思索 (conjecture<>restrain from the speculation)
SC spell n. 換班休息, 工作時間
CAT spelunker n. 探勘洞穴者 (cavern:spelunker=ocean:diver)
2633 spendthrift n. 浪費的人 (craven:hero=parsimonious:spendthrift)
2634 spent a. 失去效用的, 精疲力竭的 (precarious:stability=spent:efficacy)
new spindle a. 紡錘形的, 細長的
2635 spindly a. 纖弱的 (limber:flexibility=spindly:frailty)
2636 spine n. 有骨氣, 脊椎, 刺
new spiny a. 多刺的 (spiny<>smooth)
new spire a. 尖塔 (spire:church=minaret:mosque)
2637 spleen n. 怨恨, 脾氣 (spleen<>good will)
2638 splint n. 固定斷骨的夾板 (buttress:edifice=splint:limb) (splint:mobility=ballast:instability=purchase:slippery)
new splinter n. 碎片
2639 spoil v. 溺愛
2640 spoke n. 車輪上的幅條, 阻礙物 (spoke:hub=radius:center)
2641 spontaneous a. 一時衝動的, 自發的 (juggernaut:unstoppable=extemporization:spontaneous)
2642 spoof n. 小諷刺文章 (ode:poetry=nicety:distinction=spoof:parody)
2643 sporadic a. 零星不定發生的 (sporadic<>frequent/chronic/regular)
2644 sprain n. 扭傷 (sprain:injure=cold:contagion傳染病)
2645 sprightly a. 愉快的, 活潑的 (dodder:unsteady=cavort:sprightly)
new spring v. 跳起, 彈開 (crouch:spring=hover:plunge)
2646 spur v. 鼓勵, 刺激 (deter<>spur)
2647 spurious a. 假的 (spurious<>genuine)
2648 spurn v. 拒絕, 稟棄 (spurn<>court/crave/embrace)
2649 squabble n. 小爭吵 (tiff < squabble < quarrel)
2650 squalid/squalor a. 骯髒的 (squalor<>immaculate/salubrious/pristine/splendor)
2651 squall n. 小騷亂 (squall:commotion=flash:illumination)
2652 squander v. 浪費, 使分散 (proctor:supervise=prodigal浪費者:squander)
new squat a. 矮壯結實的 (squat<>tall and thin)
2653 squelch n. 壓制, 鎮壓 (foment/kindle<>squelch)
2654 squint v. 斜視 (squint:eye=pucker:mouth)
CAT staff n. 柺杖, 職員 (mnemonic:remember=staff:walk)
new stagger n. 猶豫, 畏縮
2655 stagnant a. 停滯的, 不景氣的 (stagnant<>flowing)
2656 staid a. 穩重的, 沈著的 (staid<>jaunty/puckish)
new stairway n. 樓梯 (stairway:floor=breezeway:building)
2657 stalemate n. 僵局, 和棋局面 (clog:drainage=stalemate:negotiations)
2658 stalk v. 暗中追蹤 (collude:cooperate=stalk:follow=infiltrate:enter)
2659 stalwart a. 健壯的, 堅定的 (constant:stalwart=judiciousness:sage) (lank/gangly<>stalwart)
2660 stamina n. 耐力, 毅力 (stamina<>frailty)
2661 stammer v. 口吃, 結巴 (falter:act=stammer:speak)
2662 stanza n. 詩節 (ballad:stanza=novel:chapter)
2663 stark a. 刻板的, 僵硬的 (stark<>decorated)
2664 startle n. 吃驚 (startle<>lull)
2665 static a. 靜態的, 靜電的 (static:move=pliable:inflexible) (motility<>stasis)
2666 stature n. 身高 (stature:tall=sound:loud)
2667 status n. 地位
new statute n. 法令 (overture:opera=preamble:statute=prologue:novel)
2668 steadfast a. 堅定的, 踏實的 (capricious<>steadfast)
2669 stealth n. 鬼祟, 祕密 (caprice:whimsical=stealth:furtive=discontent:unsatisfied)
2670 steep v. 浸溼, 陡峭的, 過高的 (steep<>parch) (defile:narrowness=precipice:steepness)
2671 stench n. 惡臭 (stench:nose=din:ear)
new stencil n. 模版, 刻寫 (stencil:lettering=pattern:sewing, 模版:刻出的字母=紙樣:縫紉物)
2672 stentorian a. 聲音極響亮的 (audible:stentorian=discernable:obvious/manifest) (stentorian<>faint微弱的)
2673 sterile a. 無菌的, 不毛的 (impeccable:flaw=sterile:germ) (dissipation:temperation=fecundity:sterility)
2674 stickler n. 堅持細節之人 (stickler:exacting=martinet:discipline)
2675 stiff a. 硬的, 僵直的 (numb:sensation=stiff:suppleness)
2676 stifle v. 抑制, 窒息 (stifle<>foment/foster)
CAT stigma n. 恥辱, 烙印 (stigma<>mark of esteem)
CAT still a. 靜止的 (pristine:decay=still:movement)
2678 stilted a. 誇大的, 高傲的
new stingy a. 有刺的, 小氣的
2679 stint v. 吝嗇, 節省 (lavish<>stint)
2680 stipple v. 點畫, 點描 (stipple:dot=striate:band)
2681 stipulation n. 契約, 規定 (stipulation<>tacit requirement) (request:command=propose:stipulate)
new stir v. 激起, 攪動 (stultify<>stir/excite) (exculpatory:absolve=motivational:stir)
new stitch n. 一針, 縫線 (tile:mosaic=stitch:sampler)
2682 stock a. 平凡的, 血統, 存貨, 原料 (stock<>unique)
2683 stockade n. 圍欄 (stockade:enclosure=pillar:support)
CAT stodgy a. 極為守舊的, 平庸的 (stodgy<>exciting) (stodgy:conservative=mad:excited=mawkish:sentimental)
2685 stoic a. 堅忍的, 禁欲的 (stoic<>flinch) (stoic:perturb=avaricious:satisfy)
new stoke v. 添加燃料, 激起 (stoke:fuel=irrigate:water)
2686 stolid a. 無動於衷的 (phlegmatic:stolid=peripatetic:itinerant) (stolid<>excitable)
new stomach v. 容忍, 吃得下 (stomach<>refuse to tolerate)
new stonewall v. 拒絕合作 (stonewall<>cooperate fully)
new storm v. 猛攻, 風暴
2687 stouthearted a. 大膽的, 剛毅的 (pusillanimous<>stouthearted)
2688 straggle v. 蔓延, 迷路
2689 strait n. 海峽, 困難 (isthmus:land=strait:water)
new strand v. 編織, 海灘 (grooved:striated=braided:stranded)
new stratagem n. 謀略, 策略 (stratagem:deceive=concession:placate)
2690 stratify v. 分層化 (stratify<>homogenize)
2691 stray a. 迷途的 (stray:group=digress:subject=random:pattern=aberrant:standard=circuitous:route)
2692 strength n. 濃度, 強度 (slacken:tautness=dilute:strength)
CAT stress v. 強調, 壓迫 (stress<>de-emphasize)
2693 striate v. 加條紋 (striated:groove/band=dappled:spot=braided:stranded)
2694 stricture n. 大罵, 狹窄部位 (eulogy<>stricture)
2695 stride v. 大步走 (quaff:sip=stride:mince)
2696 strident a. 刺耳的 (stridency:sound=acridity:odor)
2697 strike v. 沖製 (strike:medal=mint:coin)
new striking a. 顯著的, 打擊的 (nondescript/quotidian<>conspicuous/remarkable/striking)
2698 stringent a. 迫切的, 銀根緊的 (stringent<>lax)
2699 strip v. 剝去, 條帶 (bedeck<>strip)
2700 strut v. 大步走, 支柱 (pontificate:speak=strut:walk) (strut:wing=buttress:wall)
2702 stubborn a. 頑固的
2703 studio n. 畫室, 工作室 (studio:artist=laboratory:scientist)
2704 stultify v. 抑制, 使無效 (stultify<>stir/excite)
2705 stun v. 使嚇暈
2706 stunt v. 阻礙 (nurture<>stunt) (obstruct:progress=stunt:growth)
new stupor n. 遲鈍, 無知覺 (stupor:alert=despair:hopeful)
2707 sturdy a. 強健的 (decrepit<>sturdy)
2708 stygian a. 地獄的, 極陰暗的 (stygian:dark=abysmal:low)
2709 stylus n. 鐵筆, 尖筆, 唱針 (stylus:mark=lamp:illumination)
2710 stymie v. 阻礙 (stymie<>abet/foster/promote)
CAT suave a. 溫和的 (suave<>acerbic)
2711 subdue v. 征服, 柔和的 (impervious:damaged=indomitable:subdued) (flamboyant<>subdued)
2712 subject n. 受支配的人 (potentate<>subject)
2713 subjugate v. 征服 (blur:definition=subjugate:independence)
2714 sublime a. 崇高的, 莊嚴的 (sublime<>base/despicable/ridiculous/furtive)
new subliminal a. 下意識的 (subliminal<>at a perceptible level)
2715 submerge v. 潛入水中 (bend:rigid=submerge:buoyant=dissolve:insoluble)
2716 submissive a. 順從的 (insubordinate:submissive=capricious:deliberate)
2717 subordinate a. 順從的, 次要的 (principal<>subordinate)
2718 subpoena n. 傳票 (lien:claim=subpoena:command) (subpoena:witness=conscript:soldier)
new subservient a. 奉承的 (willfulness:headstrong=subservience:fawning)
2719 subside v. 下陷, 平息 (subside<>intensify/withhold pressure)
2720 subsidiary n. 次要的, 補充的 (preponderant<>subsidiary)
2721 subsidy n. 補助金 (sop:conciliatory=subsidy:supportive)
2722 substantial a. 重要的, 真實的 (substantial<>trivial/diaphanous/vaporous/tenuous)
2723 substantiate v. 證實, 實體化 (calibrated<>unsubstantialized) (inane<>substantiated)
new subterfuge n. 托辭, 狡計 (candor:subterfuge=brash:deliberate)
2725 subtle a. 難以理解的, 微妙的 (melodrama:subtlety=chimera:authenticity)
2726 subvert v. 推翻 (sabotage:subvertness=bull:intimidation) (subvert<>reinforce)
2727 succinct a. 簡明的, 簡潔的 (loquacious:succinct=adroit:ungainly)
2728 succor v. 救援 (succor<>deny aid) (succor:relief=caution:warning)
CAT suffice v. 滿足, 足夠 (inadequately:suffice=??)
new suffocate v. 使窒息 (suffocate:oxygen=starve:nutrients)
2729 suffuse v. 彌漫 (tint:suffuse=damp:quench)
2730 suite n. 隨員, 套房, 一組
2731 sulk v. 生氣 (sulk<>rejoice)
2732 sullen a. 陰沈的
2733 summary n. 摘要 (aside:digression=summary:excerpt)
2734 summit n. 頂點 (crest:wave=summit/peak:mountain)
2735 summon v. 召喚, 傳喚 (command:request=summon:invite) (summon<>dismiss)
2736 sumptuous a. 奢侈的 (sumptuous<>sobriety/ascetic/frugal/spartan)
2737 sunder v. 分裂 (=asunder) (collapse:implode=divide:sunder)
2738 supercilious a. 高傲的 (supercilious<>obsequious/groveling/humble)
2739 superficial a. 表面的, 膚淺的 (superficial<>central)
2740 superfluous a. 過剩的, 不必要的 (pertinent:relevance=redundant:superfluity) (integral<>superfluous)
new superimpose n. 置於他物之上, 添加 (superimpose:above=insert:between)
2741 supine a. 懶散的, 仰臥的 (supine<>vigilant)
new supplant v. 排擠, 取代 (supplant:replace=snatch:take)
2742 supple n. 柔軟 (numb:sensation=stiff:suppleness)
2743 supplement n. 補充, 增刊 (supplement:additional=placebo:innox ious)
2744 supplicate v. 懇求, 乞求 (protest:dissuade=supplicate:entreat) (supplicant:beseeching=coquette:flirtatious)
new supposition n. 猜想, 推測 (supposition<>certainty)
2745 suppress v. 抑制, 阻止 (suppress<>unrestrain/stimulate)
CAT supremacy n. 至高無上, 優勢
new surcharge n. 過高要價, 超載 (surcharge<>shortfall)
2746 surfeit n. 過剩 (deprivation<>surfeit/famish/starve)
CAT surge v. 激增 (slump<>surge/boom)
2747 surgeon n. 外科醫生
2748 surrender n. 交出, 放棄, 投降 (appropriate<>surrender)
2749 surreptitious a. 鬼鬼祟祟的, 保密的 (surreptitious<>barefaced/aboveboard)
2750 surrogate n. 代理, 代用品 (surrogate:indirect=??)
new susceptible n. 容許的, 易被感動的 (venal<>unsusceptible of bribery)
2751 suspend v. 懸浮, 中止 (suspend<>erect/let fall/invoke)
2752 suspicion n. 懷疑 (enthusiasm:mania=suspicion:paranoia)
new suture v. 縫合 (suture<>incision/avulse)
2753 svelte a. 苗條的 (svelte<>plump/paunchy and awkward)
2754 swagger v. 大搖大擺地走, 吹牛 (blustering:speak=swaggering:walk) (swagger:bravado=caress:affection)
2755 swamp v. 陷入困境, 淹沒 n. 沼澤
2756 sway v. 搖擺 (indubitable:questioned=resolute:sway)
2757 swear v. 詛咒, 發誓 (accolade<>swearword)
2758 sweltering a. 酷熱的 (sweltering<>frigid)
2759 swerve v. 突然轉向 (plummet:fall=swerve:turn) (swerve<>maintain direction)
new swift a. 快速的 (creep<>move swiftly)
2760 swill v. 痛飲 (swill:sip=gobble:nibble)
2761 swindle v. 騙取 (implacable:compromise=honest:swindle)
2762 swing n. 秋千 (oscillation:swing=momentum:scooter)
2763 sybarite n. 愛奢侈享樂者, 錫巴里斯的居民 (sybarite<>ascetic/spartan)
2764 sycophant n. 馬屁精 (sycophant:fawn=pundit:opine)
new syllabus n. 課程提綱 (syllabus:course=agenda:meeting)
2765 syllogism n. 三段推論法 (remonstrance:offend=syllogism:disprove)
2766 symbioses v. 共生 (symbioses<>unrelated growth)
new symmetry n. 對稱 (symmetry<>disproportion)
2767 sympathetic a. 有同情心的
2768 symphony n. 交響曲 (instrumentalist:symphony=dancer:ballet)
new synchronous a. 同時的, 同步的 (synchronous<>noncontemporaneous/out-of-phase)
2769 synergic a. 合作的 (synergic<>antagonistic)
new synonymous a. 同義的 (synonymous:meaning=interchangeable:function)
2770 synopsis n. 摘要 (synopsis:conciseness=distillate:purity) (synoptic<>roundabout/protracted)
2771 synthesis n. 合成, 綜合 (synthesis<>analysis/take apart)
new table v. 擱置 (consider<>table)
new tacit a. 隱藏意思的, 暗示的 (encoded:decode=tacit:infer) (stipulation<>tacit requirement)
2772 taciturn a. 沈默寡言的 (taciturn:chatter=insufferable:tolerate=magnanimous:begrudge)
2773 tackle n. 升降用滑車 (bolster:support=tackle:hoist)
2774 tactile a. 觸覺的 (tactile:touch=affective/sentient:emotion)
2775 tactless a. 不機智的, 不圓滑的 (chicanery:clever=tactlessness:truthful)
new tadpole n. 蝌蚪 (tadpole:frog=caterpillar:butterfly)
2776 tag n. 標簽 (canopy:cover=tag:identify)
2777 taint v. 污染, 腐敗 (taint<>integrity/wholesomeness)
new talisman n. 護身符 (incantation:utterance=talisman:object)
new talon n. 猛禽的銳爪 (talon:eagle=claw:panther)
2778 tame v. 乏味的, 馴服 (tame<>racy/intractable) (wh et:sharp=tame:tractable)
2779 tamper v. 亂搞, 竄改 (tamper:adjust=misrepresent:communicate)
2780 tangent a. 離題的 (tangent<>essential)
2781 tangible a. 明確的 (incipient:realized=initial:realized=tangible:indefinite)
2782 tangy a. 味道強烈的 (tangy<>bland)
2783 tantalize v. 挑惹 (tantalize<>comfort/console/solace/alleviate/assuage/relieve/satiate)
2784 tantamount a. 與…相等的 (tantamount<>incommensurate)
2785 tantrum n. 大怒 (tantrum<>pacify)
2786 taper v. 逐漸變小 (abate:intensity=taper:width)
2787 tapestry n. 多彩的掛毯
2788 tardy a. 遲緩的 (guile:naif=tardy:prompt)
new tarmac n. 柏油碎石路面
2789 tarnish n. 失去光澤, 晦暗 (silver:tarnish=iron:rust) (tarnish:dull=vitrify:smooth)
2790 tarpaulin n. 塗油防水布 (lint:covering=tarpaulin:garment)
2791 tasty a. 吸引人的 (tasty<>uninteresting)
2792 tatty a. 粗俗的, 不整齊的 (tatty<>smart)
2793 taunt v. 嘲笑, 譏笑 (lout:disregard=taunt:challenge)
2794 taut a. 繃緊的 (taut:commodious=extraordinary:purlieu) (taut<>lax/loose or unfirm/slack)
2795 tawdry a. 俗麗的 (tawdry<>exquisite)
2796 taxing a. 繁重的 (taxing<>light/easy)
new taxonomist n. 分類學家 (taxonomist:classify=carpenter:build)
2797 teal n. 水鴨
2798 tear v. 撕開, 狂奔, 流淚 (tear<>tether繫住/insert插入/stabilize)
2799 tease v. 挑逗
2800 tedious a. 單調的, 乏味的 (discompose:pacific=engage:tedious)
2802 teeter a. 搖擺不定 (teeter<>stabilize)
new teetotaler n. 禁酒主義者 (ascetic:luxury=teetotaler:alcohol)
2803 telling a. 有效的, 顯著的, 生動的 (telling<>not effective)
2804 temerity n. 魯莽, 大膽 (temerity<>pusillanimity/circumspection)
2805 temperate a. 有節制的, 溫和的, 適度的 (temperate<>extreme/frivolous) (harangue<>speak temperately)
2806 tempestuous a. 暴亂的 (tempestuous<>serene)
2807 temporize v. 見風轉舵, 拖延 (temporize<>unwilling to compromise/precipitate)
2808 tenable a. 站得住腳的, 無懈可擊的 (tenable<>specious/indefensible/fallacious) (ineluctable/inevitable:avoid=untenable:defend)
2809 tenacious a. 固執的 (beneficent:harm=tenacious:yield=insouciant:worry) (tenacious<>negotiable/vacillation)
new tend v. 照顧, 傾向 (tend:fuss=assert:belabor)
2810 tendentious a. 有傾向的 (tendentious<>unbiased/unprejudiced/objective)
new tender a. 正式提出, 柔軟的 (tender<>withdraw/retract)
new tendinous a. 肌腱的, 強壯的 (=sinewy)
new tentative a. 嘗試的, 暫時性的
new tenuous a. 無力的, 平淡的, 纖細的 (tenuous<>substantial)
2811 tepid a. 不太熱心的, 微溫的 (tepid<>ardent/ebullient/feverish)
new terminology n. 術語 (terminology:language=uniform:clothing)
2812 terminus n. 終點 (inception:termination=matriculation:gradu ation) (sustain/outset<>termination)
new termite n. 白蟻 (pun:joke=supernova:star=termite:insect) (sustain/outset<>termination)
2813 terror n. 恐怖 (apprehension:terror=affection:adoration)
new terse a. 簡潔的 (terse<>lengthy)
2814 testator n. 立遺囑之人 (heirloom:ancestor=bequest:testator)
CAT testimonial n. 感謝狀, 紀念品 (testimonial:appreciation=confession:culpability)
2815 testimony n. 證詞 (calumny:assertion=perjury:testimony)
2816 testy a. 性急的, 暴躁的 (testy:annoy=hesitate:balk)
2817 tether v. 束縛, 限制 (tether<>detach/tear)
2818 theatrical a. 誇張的, 戲劇性的 (theatrical<>natural/understated/reserved/restraint)
new theocracy n. 神權國家 (anathema神的詛咒:curse詛咒=theocracy神權國家:state國家)
2819 theology n. 神學, 宗教 (diary:biographer=scripture:theologian)
new therapeutic a. 治療的 (therapeutic:hospital=illuminating:school)
2820 thorny a. 多刺的 (thorny<>smooth)
2821 threadbare a. 陳腐的 (threadbare/timeworn:novelty=labyrinthine:directness)
new thrift n. 節儉, 繁茂 (gourmand:appetite=skinflint:thrift)
2822 thrive v. 繁榮, 茂盛 (thirve<>languish/wizened/languor/fail)
2823 throng v. 群集, 蜂擁 (protract:length=throng:number)
2824 thwart v. 阻撓 (oppose:thwart=treat:cure) (thwart<>abet/foment/foster/facilitate)
2825 ticklish a. 易怒的, 不安定的 (pliant:influence=ticklish:offend)
new tidy a. 整齊的
2826 tiff v. 小爭吵 (tiff:squabble=foible:failing) (offense:peccadillo=quarrel:tiff)
2827 tightfisted a. 吝嗇的 (tightfisted:parsimonious=brattish:mischievous)
2828 tile n. 瓦片 (mosaic:tile=image:pixel)
2829 timeworn a. 陳舊的 (threadbare/timeworn:novelty=labyrinthine:directness)
2830 timid a. 膽小的, 羞怯的 (self-confident:timid=open:shy) (timid<>stalwart)
2831 timorous a. 膽小的, 膽怯的 (timorous<>intrepid/scrappy/stalwart)
2832 tinge v. 輕輕染色, 有生息 (tinged<>colorless)
2833 tinker v. 做拙劣修補 (tinker:adjust=scribble:write)
2834 tint n. 淺淺染色, 色彩 (tint:suffuse=damp:quench)
2835 tirade n. 長篇的攻擊性演說 (anger:tirade=exaggeration:hyperbole)
2836 toady v. 拍馬屁 (recluse:solitude=toady:favor)
2837 tolerance n. 容忍
2838 tong n. 鉗子, 幫會 (tongs:grasping=reel:winding)
2839 tonic n. 滋補 (conducive:foment=tonic:invigorate/stimulate=anagelsic:deaden) (tonic<>enfeebling/draining)
2840 tonsorial a. 理髮師的, 理髮的 (tonsorial:hair=sartorial:apparel)
new topsoil n. 表層土 (topsoil:erode=paint:peel)
new topsy-turvy a. 亂七八糟地 (topsy-turvy<>tranquil)
new tornado n. 龍捲風 (tornado:air=whirlpool:water)
2841 torpid a. 死氣沈沈的, 遲鈍的 (torpid<>responsive/ardent/ebullient)
2842 torpor n. 麻木, 遲鈍 (torpor<>alertness/ardor/zeal)
new torque n. 力矩 (torque:rotation=tension:elongation)
2843 torrential a. 急流的, 猛烈的 (torrential<>trickling)
2844 torrid a. 酷熱的 (torrid<>arctic/frigidity)
2845 tortuous a. 彎曲的, 歪曲的 (tortuous<>direct/straightforward)
new toupee n. 假髮 (denture:teeth=toupee:hair)
2846 tourniquet n. 止血帶 (tourniquet:bleeding=moratorium:activity)
new tout v. 極力讚揚 (tout<>cast aspersions on/denounce)
new toy v. 草率不認真地對待 (toy<>think over seriously)
2847 tractable a. 溫順的 (subtle:overlook=tractable:lead) (tractable<>balky/pertinacious/headstrong/incorrigible)
new trade n. 行業 (trade:carpentry=clothing:outfit)
CAT trail v. 跟隨, 跟蹤 (trial<>lead)
2848 trait n. 顯著特點
new tranquility n. 寧靜 (tranquility<>ferment/pandemonium)
2849 transcend v. 超越 (ossify<>transcend conventions)
2850 transfigure v. 使變形, 美化 (transfigure:aspect=transfer:location)
2851 transgress v. 犯罪, 違反 (rectitude:transgress=keen:obtuse) (transgress<>obey)
2852 transient a. 短暫的, 瞬變的 (opportune:convenience=impermanent:transience)
2853 transitory a. 短暫的, 瞬變的 (transitory:endure=immutable:change)
2854 translucent a. 半透明的 (translucence<>opaque/opacity) (slack:tension=opaque:translucence)
2855 transparent a. 明顯的, 透明的 (conspicuous:see=transparent:understand) (transparent<>deceitful/delusive/opaque)
new travail v. 辛苦勞動 (laze<>travail)
2856 traverse v. 橫越 (diverge:apart=traverse:across)
2857 travesty n. 滑稽模仿 (travesty<>paragon)
2858 treacherous a. 背叛的 (treacherousness<>faithfulness)
2859 treasurer n. 財務員 (treasurer:funds=secretary:records)
new treaty n. 條約, 談判 (rectify:treaty=confirm:hypothesis)
2860 tremendous a. 驚人的, 巨大的
2861 tremulous a. 膽小的, 發抖的
2862 trenchant a. 清晰的, 分明的 (trenchant<>vague/dull)
2863 trepidation n. 恐懼, 惶恐 (dauntless:trepidation=footloose:attachment) (sober/dauntless<>trepid)
2864 trespass v. 非法侵入, 違反 (usurp:take=trespass:enter) (trespass<>obey)
CAT trial n. 審判, 試驗的 (experiment:laboratory=trial:courtroom)
2865 tribute n. 頌詞, 貢物 (tribute<>denunciation/reprobation)
2866 trickle v. 一滴滴地流 (trickle<>torrential/gush) (blast:whiff=gush:trickle=sear:warm)
CAT trim v. 修剪, 整理 (dishvel<>trim)
new triptych n. 三幅相連圖畫 (quartet:singer=triptych:panel)
2867 trite a. 陳腐的 (trite<>unbanal/fresh/original/unhackneyed)
2868 triumph n. 凱旋, 勝利, 歡欣
2869 trivial a. 瑣碎的 (trivial<>indispensable/substantive/grandiose/massive)
2870 trophy n. 獎品, 戰利品 (trophy:contestant=honors:student)
2871 troupe n. 劇團, 巡迴演出 (troupe:perform=chorus:sing)
2872 truant a. 逃避責任的, 逃學 (truant<>dutiful)
2873 truculent a. 殘暴的, 兇狠的 (truculent:gentleness=unregenerate:remorse)
2874 trudge v. 吃力地走 (lug:carry=trudge:walk)
CAT truism n. 自明之理 (truism<>unusual observation) (=axiom)
2875 truncate v. 截短 (truncate:extent=simplify:complexity)
2876 truss n. 托架 (ballast:stability=truss:support)
new tugboat n. 拖船 (locomotive:flatcar=tugboat:barge)
2877 tumult n. 騷動 (tumultuous:bedlam=active:hive)
2878 turbid a. 混濁的, 紊亂的 (turbid<>lucid)
2879 turbulent a. 騷亂的 (maelstrom:turbulent=mirage:illusory)
2880 turgid a. 浮誇的 (turgid<>simple)
2881 turmoil n. 騷動, 混亂 (turmoil<>tranquility)
2882 turncoat n. 變節者 (bigot:tolerance=turncoat:constancy=recluse:compassion simpleton:sagacity)
new turpitude n. 奸惡, 卑鄙 (turpitude<>probity/saintly behavior)
new turquoise n. 綠寶石 (gem:turquoise=flower:violet)
2883 turret n. 塔樓, 炮塔 (castle:turret=sea:beacon)
2884 tutor n. 教導
new twig n. 小樹枝 (figurine:statue=twig:branch) (twig:limb=brook:river)
2885 typo n. 打字排版錯誤 (typo:text=bug:software)
new tyrant n. 暴君似的人 (despotic:tyranny=generous:liberality)
new tyro n. 新手 (tyro<>expert)
new ubiquitous a. 普通的, 無所不在的 (ubiquitous<>unique)
2886 ugly a. 醜陋的 (pulchritude<>ugliness)
new unassailable a. 無可爭辯的 (unassailable:refute=impervious:damage)
2887 unavailing a. 無用的
2888 uncanny a. 離奇的 (uncanny<>ordinary)
2889 uncouth a. 粗俗的, 怪異的 (uncouth:churl=conspiratorial:conniver)
2890 unctuous a. 油滑的, 假殷勤的 (sanctimonious:devoted=unctuous:earnest) (placebo:innocuous=salve:unctuous)
2891 underdog n. 犧牲者, 輸家 (underdog<>bully)
new undergird v. 從底層支持 (undermine<>reinforce/undergird)
2892 undermine v. 破壞 (undermine<>aggrandize/reinforce/undergird)
new underscore n. 下劃線 (underscore:emphasis=brand:ownership) (underscore<>de-emphasize/downplay不予重視)
new understudy n. 預備演員 (understudy:star=deputy:sheriff)
2893 unexceptionable a. 無懈可擊的 (unexceptionable:oppose=unique:precedent)
2894 unexceptional a. 普通的, 平凡的
new unflappable a. 鎮定的 (unflappable:upset=obstinate:persuade)
2895 ungainly a. 笨拙的, 不雅的 (ungainly<>adroit/dexterous/lissome)
2896 unimpeachable a. 無可指摘的 (unimpeachable<>open to question)
2897 unkempt a. 不整潔的 (unkempt<>dapper)
2898 unlettered a. 文盲的 (erudite<>ignorant/smattering of knowledge/unlettered)
2899 unpalatable a. 難吃的, 討厭的
2900 unpretentious a. 謙虛的 (bombastic<>unpretentious)
new unproductive a. 徒然的, 無效的 (effectual<>unproductive)
new unrave v. 解開, 闡明 (conundrum:solve=tangle:unrave)
new unreflective a. 粗心大意的
2901 unrequited a. 無報答的 (remunerative<>unrequited)
2902 unruly a. 難控制的, 任性的 (unruly:authority=refractory:change) (disciplined/subdued<>unruly)
2903 untenable a. 站不住腳的 (untenable:defense=invulnerable:injury=inevitable:avoide=incontrovertible:disputed)
2904 untold a. 無數的 (countless/innumerable/myriad/untold:number=everlasting/interminable:duration)
2905 untoward a. 不幸的 (untoward<>auspicious/propitious/favorable and anticipated)
2906 untutored a. 未受教育的, 粗野的, 幼稚的
2907 unwitting a. 不知情的 (conscious<>unwitting)
2908 unwonted a. 不習慣的, 不尋常的 (habit<>unwonted behavior)
new upbraid v. 嚴厲譴責 (upbraid:reproach=dote:like)
2909 uphold v. 支撐, 贊成 (uphold<>abrogate/impugn)
2910 uproar n. 喧囂, 騷動
2911 upset a. 煩亂的, 不高興
2912 urbane a. 溫文爾雅的, 懂禮的 (urbane:gaucherie=guileless:chicanery) (urbane<>rude/rustic/oafishness)
2913 urge v. 激勵, 強烈要求
2914 usurp v. 霸佔 (impostor:identity=usurper:authorization)
new usury n. 高利貸 (usury:interest=gouging:price)
2915 utter v. 出聲, 完全的 (exclaim:utter=flare:shine) (utter<>partial)
2916 vaccinate v. 預防接種 (soporific:sleep=vaccinating:immunity)
2917 vacillate a. 猶豫不決的, 搖擺的 (bristle:anger=vacillate:unresolution)
2918 vacuous a. 空虛的, 愚蠢的 (vacuous<>omniscient/intelligent/plentitude)
2919 vagary n. 難以預測的變化, 奇想 (vagary:predict=impossibility:execute)
2920 vagrant n. 流浪漢
2921 vague a. 模糊的 (vague<>express/trenchant)
new vain a. 愛虛榮的, 無用的 (gloat:smug=primp:vain)
2922 valediction n. 告別演說 (panegyric:praise=valediction:farewell) (valediction<>greeting)
2923 valiant a. 英勇的 (pusillanimous<>stouthearted/dauntless/valiancy)
2924 valid a. 有效的, 正當的 (specious<>valid)
CAT valorize v. 抬高以平穩物價 (valorize<>erode?????)
CAT valorous a. 勇敢的 (craven<>valorous)
2925 vanquish v. 征服
2926 vapid a. 乏味的 (vapid<>inventive/piquant/riveting/zesty/bracing)
2927 vaporize v. 蒸發 (vaporization/gasification<>solidification)
new vaporous a. 空想的, 有霧的 (vaporous<>substantial)
2928 variance n. 分岐, 差異 (variance<>congruity/uniformity/quantity with a fixed value)
CAT variegated a. 雜色的 (variegated<>uniformly colored)
new variegation n. 變化多端的色彩 (variegation<>uniform coloration)
2929 varnish v. 上漆, 使有光澤 (varnish:glossy=sand:smooth)
new vat n. 染缸 (mortar:grind=vat:dye)
2930 vault n. 地窖 (larder:provisions糧食,供應=vault:valuables)
2931 vaunt v. 自誇 (vaunt<>meek/self-deprecate/downplay/humble/understate)
2932 veer v. 轉向, 改變話題 (veer:direction=convert:belief)
2933 vehement a. 猛烈的 (vehement<>languid/apathetic/lull/tepid) (rail:vehemence=entreat:urgency)
2934 venal a. 貪髒枉法的 (venal<>unsusceptible of bribery) (disinterested:partisanship=venal:probity)
2935 vendor n. 小販 (vendor:purvey=censor:expurgate)
2936 veneer n. 鑲面板 (foil:metal=veneer:wood) (glaze:porcelain=veneer:furniture=baseboard:wall)
2937 venerate v. 尊敬 (veneration<>derision/disdain/despise/scorn/contempt/dishonor)
2938 vengeful a. 報復的
2939 venial a. 可原諒的, 輕微的 (venial:excuse=pellucid:understand) (venial<>inexcusable)
2940 venom n. 毒液, 惡意 (venom:toxin=milk:nutrient)
2941 ventilate v. 公開, 通風
CAT veracious a. 誠實的, 說真話的 (fallacious/mendacity/prevarication<>veracity)
2943 verbatim a. 照字面的 (paraphrase:verbatim=approximate:precise)
2944 verbose a. 冗長累贅的 (verbosity:words=floridness:embellishments)
2945 verdant a. 青翠的, 不老練的 (verdant<>barren/sere/sterile/morbid)
2946 verdict n. 判決, 定論
2947 verify v. 證實 (refutation<>verification)
new verisimilar a. 好象真實的 (verisimilar<>implausible難以置信的)
new veritable a. 真正的, 名符其實的 (veritable<>specious/fallacious)
2948 vernacular a. 方言 (vernacular:place=jargon:profession)
2949 versatile a. 萬用的 (versatile<>having limited application)
2951 versed a. 精通的 (footloose:attachment=unversed:familiarity熟悉)
2950 versemonger n. 拙劣詩人
2952 vertigo n. 眩暈 (vertigo:nauseate=treat:cure) (hemorrhage:bleeding=vertigo:dizziness)
2953 verve n. 活力, 熱情 (verve<>listlessness/lassitude)
2954 vessel n. 血管, 容器 (aqueduct:water=pipeline:gas=vessel:blood) (hem:garment=brim:vessel)
2955 vestigial a. 退化的, 遺跡的 (vestigial<>fully developed) (vestige小痕跡:remainder=figurine:statue)
2956 veteran n. 老兵 (cadet:veteran=tadpole:frog)
2957 veto n. 否決 (veto<>consent)
2958 vex v. 使惱火 (vexation<>gratifying/pleasing) (draconian:inclemency=fret:vexation)
2959 viable a. 能存活的, 能生育的 (elastic:expand=viable:live)
2960 vibrant a. 生氣勃勃, 明快的, 振動的
2961 vicarious a. 代理的 (vicarious<>firsthand)
2962 vice/vicious a. 邪惡的 (benignant<>vicious) (vice<>virtue)
2963 vicissitude n. 變化 (vicissitudinous<>immutable/unchanging)
2964 victimize v. 犧牲, 使受騙上當 (victimize<>treat fairly)
2965 vigilant a. 機警的 (vigilant:entrapped=wary:gulled)
2966 vignette n. 劇中的小插話 (vignette:scene=skit:drama)
2967 vigor n. 精力, 活力 (adulterate:purity=enervate:vigor) (decrepit<>vigorous)
CAT vile a. 討厭的, 可鄙的 (deplore:vile=??)
CAT vilify v. 誹謗 (vilify<>honor/extol/beautification)
2968 vim n. 精力, 活力 (lassitude<>vim/animation)
2969 vindicate n. 為…辯白 (vindicate<>confirm guilt/calumniate/impugn)
2970 vindictive a. 報復性的 (mercenary:money=vindictive:revenge) (vindictive<>magnanimous)
2971 violate v. 妨礙, 侵犯
2972 virility n. 男子氣慨 (=MANHOOD, MASCULINITY)
2973 virtuoso n. 演藝精湛的人, 大師 (virtuoso:skill=potentate:power)
2974 virtuous a. 有品德的 (doldrums:energy=depravity:virtue)
2975 virulent a. 劇毒的, 惡毒的 (virulent/deleterious<>salubrious)
CAT visceral a. 出自內心深處的 (visceral response of his reader)
new viscid a. 粘滯的, 粘性的 (viscid<>slick)
2976 viscous a. 粘滯的, 粘性的 (glutinous<>non viscous)
new visionary a. 想像中的, 不切實際的 (visionary:idealistic=officious:obliging)
2977 vista n. 舞台遠景, 展望, 回想 (placebo:painkiller=backdrop:vista)
2978 vitality n. 活力 (dehydrate:water=wither:vitality)
CAT vitiate v. 損害, 使無效 (vitiate<>fortify/strengthen)
CAT vitiligo n. 白斑病
2980 vitrify v. 變成玻璃狀 (tarnish:dull=vitrify:smooth)
2981 vitriolic a. 刻薄的, 諷刺的 (vitriolic<>soothing)
2982 vituperative a. 辱罵的 (lionize:admire=vituperate:despise) (vituperative<>complimentary)
2983 vivacious a. 活潑的, 快活的 (vivacious<>languid/phlegmatic)
2984 vivid a. 鮮明的, 生動的
2985 vociferous a. 喧嘩的 (vociferous<>reticent/monotone/serenity)
2986 vogue n. 時尚, 流行
2987 volatile a. 脾氣易變的, 揮發性的 (volatile:temper脾氣=ready應變力易變的:wit應變力) (volatile:evaporate=soluble:dissolve)
2988 volition n. 自決, 自主 (volition<>inability to choose)
2989 voluble a. 流利的, 健談的 (voluble:verbosity=licentious:dissoluteness)
2990 voluminous a. 龐大的, 長篇的 (voluminous<>scanty/scarce)
2991 voluptuous a. 好酒色的 (voluptuous<>spartan/self constrained/self denying/ascetic) (misanthrope:humane=ascetic:voluptuary)
2992 vomit n. 嘔吐物, 催吐劑 (vomit:disgorge=??)
2993 voracious a. 貪婪的, 狼吞虎咽的 (impassive:perturb=voracious:satisfy) (voracity<>lack of appetite)
2994 votary n. 熱心支持者 (votary<>skeptic)
2995 vouch v. 擔保, 證明 (vouch<>refuse to guarantee)
2996 vulgar a. 粗俗的 (genteel/gentle:vulgarity=intrepid:fear)
2997 waffle v. 閒聊, 胡扯 (waffle:enunciate=embed:disinter)
new waft v. 吹送, 飄蕩 (waft:plummet=meander:dash)
2998 wag n. 小丑, 搖擺 (ludicrous:buffoon=dissolute:libertine=humorous:wag)
new wage n. 薪水
2999 wan a. 蒼白的, 病態的 (wan<>rubicund/hale)
new wanderlust n. 旅行癖, 流浪癖 (curiosity:know=wanderlust:travel)
3000 wane v. 衰退, 減少 (intensify/burgeon/escalate<>wane) (resurgence<>waning vitally)
3001 want n. 缺乏, 需要 (repletion<>want)
3002 wanton a. 荒唐的, 嬉鬧的
3003 wardrobe n. 衣櫥 (wardrobe:clothes=bookcase:books=larder:food)
3004 warmonger n. 好戰者, 戰爭販子 (warmonger/jingoist<>dove/pacifist)
3005 warp v. 歪曲, 有偏見 (aligned<>warped)
3006 warrant v. 有理由, 批准, 保證 (gratuitous<>warranted/merited)
new wary a. 機警的, 小心的 (wary:gulled=vigilant:ambushed)
3007 wastrel n. 不負責任者, 浪子 (nexperience:neophyte=irresponsibility:wastrel)
3009 watershed n. 重要關頭, 分水嶺 (watershed<>routine)
3011 wax v. 變大, 月亮漸滿, 上蠟於 (wax<>decrease/waste away/flag/waning)
3012 waylay v. 埋伏 (vigilant:waylaid=wary:duped)
3013 weld v. 焊接 (weld:metal=sew:fabric/cloth)
new welter n. 起伏, 雜亂 (welter<>orderly arrangement)
3014 wheedle v. 以甜言蜜語騙 (wheedle:cajolery=extort:coercion)
3015 whet v. 磨利, 刺激 (blunt/dull<>whet)
3016 whiff n. 輕吹, 小小一口 (blast:whiff=gush:trickle)
3017 whimsical a. 反覆無常的, 古怪的 (caprice:whimsical=insight:discerning) (mercurial:mood=whimsical:behavior)
new whirlpool n. 漩渦 (tornado:air=whirlpool:water)
3018 wholesome a. 有益健康的(wholesomeness<>decadence/taint/deleterious/insalubrious/noxious/morbid/sordid)
3019 wicked a. 邪惡的 (nefarious:wickedness=generous:liberality)
new willful a. 固執的 (headstrong:willfulness=obfuscate:confusing)
3020 wily a. 有詭計的, 狡猾的
3021 wince v. 畏縮, 避開 (wince:pain=smile:pleasure=pout:displeasure=sneer:contempt)
3023 windbag n. 好說話的人, 風囊 (windbag<>taciturnity)
new windy a. 空談的 (windy:concise=hackneyed:original)
3024 winnow v. 篩穀 (winnow:chaff/grain=filter:impurities)
3025 winsome a. 迷人的, 漂亮的 (winsome<>unprepossessing/repelling)
3026 wit n. 機敏的判斷力 (volatile:temper=ready:wit)
3027 witch n. 女巫 (witch:coven=retainer:retinue)
3028 withdraw v. 隱退, 退回 (roisterer:carouse=recluse:withdraw) (tender/press<>withdraw)
new withdrawn a. 內向的, 怕羞的 (expansive<>limited/reserved/taciturn/withdrawn)
3029 wither v. 凋謝 (dehydrate:water=wither:vitality) (wither<>revive/burgeon)
3030 withhold v. 扣留, 抑制 (withhold<>proffer/grant)
3031 wizen a. 凋謝的 (wizened<>thrive/blooming)
3032 wobble v. 搖晃 (wobble<>stabilze)
new wont a. 習慣的
3033 woo v. 求愛, 爭取支持 (adulate:fawn=woo:adore)
3034 wordsmith n. 擅長文字創作者 (raconteur:storytelling=wordsmith:writing)
3035 worldly a. 世俗的 (worldly<>singular/naive)
3036 worship n. 崇拜 (worship:sacrifice=prediction:augury)
new wound n. 傷害 (graze:wound=??)
3037 wrangler n. 牧馬者, 爭論者 (lariat:wrangler=crook:shepherd)
3038 wretched a. 可憐的, 惡劣的 (elation<>wretchedness)
3039 writ n. 書面命令 (royalty:payment=subpoena:writ)
3040 wry a. 諷刺的, 扭曲的 (fluent:glib=humorous:wry) (wry<>even/straight/true/directly/undeviating)
new xenophobe n. 仇外者 (misanthrope:people=xenophobe:strangers)
new yardstick n. 碼尺 (gauge:pressure=scale:weight=yardstick:length)
new yarn n. 紗線 (knit:yarn=plait:hair)
new yawn v. 打呵欠, 裂開 (yawn:sleepiness=blush:embarrassment)
CAT yearn v. 渴望 (yearn<>loathe)
new yeast n. 酵母
3041 yield v. 屈服 (meek<>unyielding)
3042 yoke v. 連接, 使成配偶 (asunder/sunder<>combine/yoke/bond)
new yokel n. 鄉下人 (yokel:sophistication=coward:courage)
3043 zeal n. 熱心, 狂熱 (fervor:zealot=improvidence:spendthrift) (zeal<>torpor/vapid)
new zenith n. 頂點, 天頂 (zenith<>lawest point/nadir)
3044 zest n. 強烈風味, 熱情 (bland/vapid<>zesty)
3045 zigzag a. Z 字形 (zigzag:turns=montage:images)
3046 zone v. 分割土地 (land:zoning=??)
oss/bring to preeminent)

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