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Quarter 1
1.Explain the mechanism on
LIVING how the respiratory and
THINGS circulatory systems work
AND THEIR 1 together to transport
ENVIRON- Respiratory nutrients, gases, and
MENT and Circulatory molecules to and from the
Systems different
parts of the body;
Working with a. Identify the key parts of the
Other Organ breathing system
Systems b. Describe the function of each
part of the breathing system
2. Infer how one’s lifestyle can
affect the functioning of
respiratory and
circulatory systems.
1.Explain the different patterns
of non-Mendelian inheritance
a. Identify characters whose
inheritance does not
conform with predicted
2 outcomes based on Mendel’s
Heredity: laws of inheritance;
Inheritance b. Solve genetic problems related
to incomplete
and Variation dominance, codominance
multiple alleles and
sex-linked traits.
c. Identify the law that was not
strictly followed in
the non-Mendelian
2.Describe the location of
genes in chromosomes.
a. Explain the chromosomal basis
of inheritance.
b. Identify the components of a
DNA molecule
1.Relate species extinction to
the failure of populations of
organisms to adapt to
abrupt changes in the
 Explain the importance of
biological diversity.
3  Find out how changes in the
environment can
Biodiversity affect species extinction.
and Evolution  Distinguish environmental
changes that may
result in the loss of the

2. Make a multimedia
presentation of a timeline of
extinction of representative
microorganisms, plants, and

1. Differentiate basic features

and importance of
photosynthesis and
a) Describe the parts of
organelles involved in
4 photosynthesis and cellular
ECOSYSTEM: respiration.
Life Energy b) Describe the process of food
making by plants.
c) Describe how stored energy
from food is changed to chemical
energy for cell
d) Identify the factors that affect
the rate of photosynthesis and
cellular respiration.
2. Design and conduct an
investigation to provide
evidence that plants can
manufacture their own food

Quarter 2
1.Describe how the Bohr Model
COUNTLES of the atom improved
S Rutherford’s Atomic Model.
OF MATTER Electronic
Structure of 2. Explain how the Quantum
Matter Mechanical Model of the atom
describes the energies and
positions of the electrons.

1.Explain the formation of ionic

and covalent bonds.
2.Recognize different types of
Module 2: compounds (ionic or covalent)
Chemical based on their
Bonding properties such as melting point,
hardness, polarity and electrical
and thermal
3.Explain properties of metals in
terms of their structure.
4.Explain how ions are formed.

1.Explain how the structure of

Module 3: carbon atom affects the types of
The Car bon bonds it forms
Compounds 2.Recognize the general classes
and uses of organic compounds.
1.Use the mole concept to
express mass of substances;
Module 4: and
What’s In A
2.Determine the percentage
Mole? composition of a compound
given its chemical formula and
Quarter 3
1.differentiate active and inactive
EARTH AND 2. Describe the different types of
SPACE Module 1: volcanoes;
Volcanoes 3. Explain what happens when
volcanoes erupt; and
4. Illustrate how energy from
volcanoes may be tapped for
human use.
1.Explain how different factors
affect the climate of an area

Module 2: 2. Describe certain climatic

Climate phenomena that occur on a
global level

3. Make a strategic plan to help

mitigate and adapt to the
effects of climate change

1. Infer some characteristics of

stars based on the characteristics of
the Sun
Module 3: 2.Infer that the arrangement of stars
Constellations in a group (constellation) does not
change for a very long period of
3.Observe how the
position of a constellation changes
in the course of a night and,
4. Use charts that show which
constellations may be observed at
different times of the year
Quarter 4
1.Describe the Uniformly
Accelerated Motion (UAM)
FORCE , qualitatively and quantitatively.
MOTION 2. Describe the horizontal and
AND vertical motions of a projectile.
ENERGY 3. Investigate the relationship
Module 1: between the projection angle and
Forces and the height and range
of the projectile.
4. Describe momentum and impulse
and relate it to collisions.
5. Observe that the total momentum
before and after collision is equal.

6.Relate the effects of collisions in

real-life situations.
1.Trace and explain the energy
transformations in various activities.
Module 2: 2. Perform activities to demonstrate
Work, Power conservation of mechanical energy.
and Energy 3. Ascertain that the total
mechanical energy remains the
same during any process.

1.Demonstrate that heat can be

Module 3: turned to work;
Heat, Work and 2. infer that doing work can
Energy release heat;
3. explain how heat transfer
1.Describe energy transformation in
electrical power plants.
Module 4: 2. Describe the energy transmission
Electricity and and distribution from a power
Magnetism station to the community.
3. Describe how electric power is
4. Calculate the electrical energy

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